Recap And Reviews Kdrama Police Unit 38: Episode 7

Recap And Reviews Korean Drama Police Unit 38: Episode 7 -

There is never more evident that Jung-do has its own private final, but it's also never been murkier what the end game is exactly and how all the pieces and player match. But I am aware that we the show could give (and young-do) too much credit, because the fine line is between complexity that is wise and complexity, which is confusing.

Nevertheless, all twists and turns, and second-guessing are pretty exciting, and you know how much I love her an unreliable narrator! And smirky, rascally Jung-do is nothing if not.


Sung il takes center meeting on hiding the fraud. He takes over immediately in the profiles that cover an entire wall and asks Jung-do, what's going on. Jung-do looks to the other, and Mi-Joo gives him a nod.

He turns back to Sung-il with a widening grin, and asked whether the tax of three hundred sinners would be enough to save his job. Touched by their team's support, Sung-il rumbles that he can not work with scammers. But collecting taxes is his job, and he has time on his hands ... "Let's do it together," he says Jung-do, eyes to smile crackle.

Sung-il colleagues surreptitiously on the back of a car. find the coast clear, he adds a series of posters on the rear window and runs away.

returns the owner of the car and noticed the posters can be just as they drive off. Leaping from angry, she tears it off and not notice stroll Jung-do. He gets in and drives away gently to leave their agog.

The tax office is buzzing, phones will pay the hook with calls from defaulting ringing off now. Mi-Joo contributes by her talent with rich men for pressing now to get their taxes (and is that a uncynical smile on her face?) While Mrs. Noh and Ji-yeon go to terrorize it in the time-honored tradition their victims in consistent.

Hak-joo is a master himself throw on cars as it lands on the windshield by the windshield, on the hilarious shock of the occupant. Oh God, this is too funny.

Yes-wang, now prints from fake parking tickets, the Young-do and Sung-il push in their goals' letterboxes while disguised as a postman. Hak-joo and Mi-Joo do the same, and they snorts when he gives a flirty wink. one by one, pay the defaulters.

Sung-il below the streets in the shade and a snappy suit. Ohhh look at you! it reaches a crossroads where Jung-do on the other side is. Oh, man. That's good. He is like a mirror of the younger man, and Jung-do laughs surprised while Sung-il looks like this is normal, a defensive mouthing "What? "it

Jung-do holds Sung-il on his new look teasing from the other side.

. the men waving Hak-joo in the middle of another"! connect accident "that he leaves her, limping and bleeding from the nose.

enter Mi-Joo, disguised as a police officer and shaft. She joins them and they find yes-wang next. He runs with them to catch up, although Jung-do ignore Laughing him. They make a triumphal procession on the street, in a cafe, raise a hand to Mrs Noh. They also occur in the cheerful parade.

The news of the sudden increase in the tax payment reached Mayor Chun, and the news announces a radical increase in the budget of the city for the children's education.

It is night when Jung-do woman Noh sees from. He thanked her for her help, and she tells him that she had fun. Jung-do almost giggles.

He will again. In the rest of the team in the small restaurant they too often to see where the news of the city budget is playing on the TV Jung-do asks the owner ajusshi why he looks so happy and ajusshi tells them that his little girl school books from next month will be free on -. His taxes were still good for something

Sung-il welcomed the message with a private, warm smile, and he is of the whole team warmth and camaraderie was raised. He asks Jung-do what he would do now. What else is a cheat to do, but con, Jung-do answers cheerfully.

But instead of telling him to stop now, Sung-il tells him not to be caught: Fired "If you do not get caught, and I do not want could meet we meet again sometime. "Oh, do not leave yet? (Of course not, it's just Episode 7!)

The next morning, a crumpled Sung-il sleeping place at its gate, where his wife and daughter discover him. He turns as he left the house early to go work, but his wife sees through him.

He tried to escape, but she grabs him by the ear and strikes him about for nothing. But it ends him just told to quit if there is too much with - it may be their breadwinner. Ji-eun goes Dad with a thumbs-up for encouragement.

He comes whizzing find City Hall, how much money is already pouring in tax arrears in the last few days, and come into his office with a big smile ... the faded when he meets Commissioner Ahn and his team.

Ahn noted that Sung-il team really well without him was doing, and turns back to them, to warn them, not "there" to do it again. Departing, he advises Sung-il tomorrow smart to dress for his hearing.

Sung-il his team wondering what this was all about, and Team maknae AHN CHANG-HO admits that she went to Bang-Pil Gyu. Alarmed Sung-il suddenly noted Sung-hee absence and asks where she is.

Sung-hee hangs upside down before Mayor Chun. It switches the broadcast of President Bang off (fake) excuse when their team tries to raise his taxes, and asks her if she did it for Sung-il's sake. it makes a little more than police officers.

Section Chief Kang tries to prevent, Sung-il bring Gang Sung-hee leaning back, he tells her that Government authority to abuse. Sung-il can not understand why they, after President Bang was all about. More and more distraught, he remembers Chef Kang, what happened to his brother-in-law (who has a name, KIM MIN-shik). President Bang out of their reach, and he asks why on earth Kang children are involved, too.

"I did it because [I was afraid] you like Min-Shik would end up, you ruffian" Chef Kang snapped, no less excited. The same then happened - Min-Shik nobody had on his side, and he ended up dead, Kang reminds him.

tears winking back, Sung-il says: "Hyung Do ending not worry about me, or you get hurt, you need to make your pension.. "tapped him on the shoulder, Sung-il leaves

Sung-hee apologizes to the mayor and he offers her a solution: .. cause if they never apologized to President Bang and promise to such an incident, he is Sung-il cancel disciplinary proceedings. She returns to her desk, quietly in thought. Sung-il also returns to throw her a worried look.

back with Mayor Chun to their meeting cutting, we hear their consent. Content makes Chun a call and breaks the hearing. It is now done, he says, and warns them to keep this meeting to himself. Sung-hee half smiling at the memory. Sung-il interrupts her thoughts and asks for a word, and invites them to him her hallway.

President Bang a drink from Commissioner Ahn accepted, the mayor gives Chun excuses for the possibility not to come. The Commissioner confirmed that the news of Ma Jin-seok pays taxes is true, although it does not does not know about any scamming.

Bang asks who ordered the attack on his house - the mayor? Or some upstart? Ahn laughs nervously that it was the latter, and swears it will not happen again. But President Bang has not mollified. Although she could not hurt him, his feelings were hurt, he says. Ahn bows in contrition. The President remarked cryptically that although it is six years, "I can not forget what happened just."

Ahn reports to the Mayor of President Bang repeated references to the past, but strangely, it looks like the news worries mayor Chun more than Commissioner Ahn. Ahn thinks President Bang thinks that they go after him intentionally. The Mayor tells him to schedule a meeting quickly between them.

Sung-il are Sung-hee sidelong glances when she drives, and finally says he understands why she did what she did. She cuts him off gently, his partnership with Jung-do education instead. She found that she deceived the defaulters into paying up, and Jung-do has to have said that his work would save, right? It discloses that Sung-il disciplinary procedure is now canceled.

He is shocked by the news and asks how it happened, but she just shrugs good-naturedly. She tells him that he stick it out to the end now, until they can the law without the help of a conman Champion. He is, as soon as they do not go after President Bang promises. Sung-hee agrees that he should always aim Commissioner on it. After all, Commissioner Ahn made it, and all he does all day is, say "no" - he is likely to say it now, she snorts

And he is. . Commissioner Ahn can not understand how Sung-il hearing was canceled, and spoke into his phone, he says he now about to meet his informant. He approaches a hooded figure, and asks for all information relating to the bribes / he reported Sung-il as to receive.

The figure pushes the hood back and whaaaaaaat?!?! WHAT DOES THAT MEAN? WHY IS IT JUNG-DO? A flashback shows First Division of Baek Sung-il the original report, the specially Baek Sung-il called the Third Division as recipients of bribes. Although Sung-il was believed Ma Jin-seok, who made the false claim, Ahn had never said it was.

Ahn for some solid evidence requires that bribery proves claim, but breaks to his dismay, Jung-do in helpless giggles. Barely containing his LOLs, he apologized: ". But what to do It was just a prank call" Lost for words, Ahn swallows like a fish. Jung-do smiles innocently and says that he came out of respect for an older today. Jung-do, you're a horrible person!

Before he leaves, Ahn confronted him him for a ride. For inclusion But Jung-do notes how quiet is their meeting point. His loud voice could do a lot of damage to the Commissioner, he believes, and asks if he wants to land as Sung-il. Ahn is let go quietly caught in it.

PARK SANG-HO, a useless guy who always hung around the tax office, calls for three Department Sung-hee, who is absent. He speaks instead of boss Kang. Apparently he now wants to be taken to pay his taxes, and Sung-hee has to be there.

Investigator Park Recalls that Sang-ho destitute, and Kang it's unexpected is. maknae He screams sleep Chang-ho awoke him to drive.

Sung-hee of Chef Kang hears while it is still with Sung-il, who also believes that it odd for Sang ho suddenly money. She invites him, but he has to be somewhere else, so he leaves first.

Jung-do visits Detective Jae-sung in prison and asks if he really believed kickbacks. But if he did not, he should be released soon, is not it? "I believe in you, ajusshi" he says fervently.

"That's the kind of thing you said to my father, is not it?" Jung-do asks tone is switched abruptly. He knows that the detective is innocent, but so is his father, so keep Jae-sung rot in jail, Jung-do says.

Jung-do brings up consultant property their deception Mr. Noh reporting, revealing gleefully, "I told him to do it." In the flashback now we see him against Mr. Noh, while he made the call to the detective. Jae-sung sitting on in shock and anger. That's one down and two to go, Jung-do tells him.

In a subway station, Chef Kang makes small talk with Chang-ho, while waiting for her husband. Chang-ho contract with the agency is almost, and after that he plans to be a policeman. Kang advises him not think it to nod off on the job: "Everything about you good, but your problem is that you sleep too much."

Chang-ho concedes that this is just a ploy to put everyone else at ease. internally as temporary, he is something of an outsider with them. In this way, it remains out of her hair, he smiles, and whenever they need it, they wake him up easy.

Chang-ho takes for off pee - he just happen a suspicious masked man? Someone approaches Chef Kang, also. Nooo this is not good! Sung-hee, now only comes above and makes her way inside.

Phew, it's Sang-ho, who approaches Chef Kang. But he sees done a bit crazy. Clutching a paper bag, Sang-ho deems Sung-hee to ask, because he has to give the bag to her. From a distance, someone is watching.

Chef Kang tried to help, but finally snatches the bag from him. He is shocked when he finds it full of large bills, while I on the hilarious incongruity of'm shocked mustache design on the pocket.

cheering away all, Chef Kang asks sternly, where he got the money. Did someone tell him to give it to Sung-hee? But like a broken record, Sang-ho holds only for them to ask, while still getting full.

Chang-ho finally comes back, a man who sneaky photographs over. He looks back, and it is the masked man. When Chang-ho he recognizes the detection of the scene between Sang-ho and Chief Kang, he calls it immediately to the boss, but the masked man breaks for them. Realizing the trap faced Chef Kang Sang-ho vigorously

Sung-hee finally achieved -. The masked man zips past her, Chang-ho in pursuit. Ahead, Chef Kang tussles with Sang-ho for the bag that splits quite suddenly, sending both men to the ground, while millions Won flying in the air.

Sung-hee colleagues through the crowd and noticed Sang-ho. He flees the moment he sees her, and downed Chef Kang urges them to go after him. It's funny how people are just casually take the money and walk on, ha.

Chang-ho finally chasing the masked man down, but gets a heavy blows. He gets free at last, as he gave the masked man with a stone knocks out and it secures the camera quickly. Nooo, you do not check it now !! As he does so, there is a second man from the back approaches, and delivers a vicious blow to the head with a metal pipe. Chang-ho collapses.

Meanwhile, Sang-ho are Sung-hee to slip so that it (while crying) on ​​a train before they can catch him.

Sung-il barrels in the hospital where the others were already surrounded Chang-ho bed. He's still unconscious and Sung-il asks what has happened. stalled, Chef Kang, says he thinks that there is someone behind him and Sung-hee.

Sung-il gets Sang-ho address and minds. Sang-ho entrenched at home, where his examination at the station plays on television. Distressed, he drinks and hugging his knees.

Sung-il flashes back brother-in-law Min-Shik conducted a raid on Bang Pil-Gyu at the time. Just like with Sung-hee Bang President had asked his name, and vowed to remember them. Sung-il, also remembers how he will Min-Shik doubted the bribery allegations.

Sang-ho woman calling him for food, but he does not answer. She opens the bathroom door and shouts: He lies on the ground, foaming at the mouth - dead

Sung-il detective friend Deok-bae questions a number of suspects? about (of all things) strip by Gangnam. But the arrival of a mystery person shocks to silence him. He called Sung-il, to tell him that the man who his lynched internally presented itself. "But ..." He breaks off, staring at the figure. Sung-il to his car turns around immediately

President Bang sitting across from a man whom he described as "Chairman" is aimed -. This must be Choi Chul-woo Woohyang. President Bang giggles him, which is great, is on their land, the populace struggling to stay busy today. It makes it easy to order.

Sung-il storms in the police station and is shocked to find Ma Jin-seok there. He is the perpetrator? Sung-il stares at him in disbelief.

you get a moment alone in the men's room, and Sung-il demands the truth from Ma Jin-seok. Did he do that to Chang-ho ( "our child") really? Jin-seok of the nonchalant response enrages Sung-il, who slams him against the wall

Jin-seok blames Sung-il -. He with ruin him should be satisfied, and not after President Bang money away. The rich hate that he says, set Bang the case, to get them back. But Chang-ho found Sung-il concludes - So who did it? A flashback now shows the real culprit. Vile Son Ho-seok Bang

Sung-il realizes that Jin-seok was ordered to be their scapegoat. With a cynical smile, Jin-seok tells him that President Bang he will be reinstated if he takes the case for. He will probably see him in a year or so, Jin-seok says -. Or not, because he was a tax-paying citizen thanks Sung-il

"Hey. Is money really all?", Sung-il Jin-seok asks the grins just in return.

Chef Kang Sung-il calls from the hospital. Once they get in this situation, is the only way he can think of to solve it by stepping down, and to take full responsibility. He has already settled with Commissioner Ahn. Sung-il protests, but Kang says, what do the higher-ups, they get. Instead, he has Sung-il, endure and his pension make

Sung-il gets yet another embarrassing call, which sends it to a funeral -. Sang-ho. The rest of his team is already there, as Sang-ho wife and young son. Injured, he pays his respects.

Sung-hee waiting at the police station on the subway incident be questioned, the observed Sung-il from afar. With him, Deok-bae sighs that police from the tax authorities are no different, and his hands are tied, also :. Right or wrong, the higher-ups to decide what goes

Sung-hee finally comes out, and Sung-il asks gently if she's okay. Trembling voice, she tells him that she was thinking about the last thing she keeps Sang-ho said - to go out and work. She is disgusted with herself that she would make the excuse that deserves instead to President Bang Sang-ho. "I wish it really all that much," she says, catching voice. Sung-il she lets go of itself.

Alone in a taxi, Sung-il turns to remember what President Bang told them six years ago. That the ants as they lived, ate and slept, thanks to the generosity of people like yourself "So I have no obligation for the country," he grumbles. "The country has an obligation me ." If you say that.

Sung-il arrives at its destination, where a door opens to reveal Jung-do. Oh. Haggard and sad eyes, Sung-il asks Jung-do: really meaning the money everything? Jung-do feel something wrong, and Sung-il tells him that his hoobae was injured, and Sang-ho ... he can not even get out the words.

"I have to destroy these monsters. Together, let us once more work", Sung-il asks.


Oh, keep hurting my teddybear ajusshiiii. And Baby Chang-ho! I should have known that they like him did so much to harm us only to him! But does anyone else get more Misaeng feels when Sung-il went to call him "our child?", I wonder at this point if it and an element of conscious homage to these small details aural similarities, even if it undermines, as on the first morning of Sung-il back at work, where the sun shines and life was good. It felt like an intentional movement in perspective, Sung-il as unreliable narrator offers up himself: He is not alone, his people support him, life does not have to be gloomy and mechanically when everything around him is good. We did not dwell on the moment for a long time, but I liked it.

So Jung-do. Right now, it looks like targeting was our Sung-il no errors, but part of an elaborate plan. Looking back, it all fits in, like how he showed himself aware of Sung-il after the car scam, as if the device will be recognized again. And it would not make sense that someone who would as meticulously as him (as we learn more) make such fundamental errors. So no, it was all by design. It is also much more it is characteristic of the kind of conman. As he said, is at its most skillful conning manipulated people feelings , and it requires a different degree of finesse follow the behavior of the people making a set course, when there are so many variables in play.

I his final at this stage assume had been to bring Ma Jin-seok to case. And while we have an inkling that Bang Pil Gyu-is also one of his remaining goals, I'm not sure if he meant more to pull the string. This was initiated by Sung-hee, and I do not think he any act is deliberately at this point - it is an element which remains a blind spot in his machinations.

I felt bad for them in this episode. If the last time a lesson when maneuvering was, this time it was lesson in consequences. Without the benefit of genre-savvy, she had no way of knowing what a label on the back actually meant putting, or that they put all be at risk. She's still too prudish to realize that they can not take the promises of the powerful people at face value - one thing that both she and Sung-il tend to do, even though they tried to change. The thing is, it has to grow, and the tragedy is best agents growth. I want also to avoid the logical error, (work) do blame her for trying, right, because it went wrong. This presupposes the crime was therefore inevitable that criminals (President Bang, his son, etc.) are not to blame for committing it, but to prevent the victims that it is not. And I just do not jive with this (hello, rape culture). The burden of debt has finally lie on the person committing the crime.

I would say that the growing relationship between Jung-do and Sung-il was the best part of this episode, but I feel compelled to reserve now, to be conclusively assessed that by Jung-do proves. I love what meant Sung-il smile at the beginning of the episode, but. What the last time differently - when Jung-do said he would catch Jin-seok - is that this time, Sung-il believes him. He is no longer an unknown quantity and it is not an abstract three hundred, but a concrete promise. I am beginning to see the pattern also in Jung-do of altruism. I think to help his offer was sincere, and his affection genuine to Sung-il, but he just can not help mixing his honest feelings with improper motives. It was entertaining, as well as in the manner reflected the team's mission accomplished. Although their purpose is now supposedly noble, their methods and principles remain substantially unchanged. I found that a very real and beautiful gesture because it says (strongly!) That they do not bad , even if they operate outside the law.

Nevertheless, by Sung-il is change Jung-do. The older man was his style and imitate after his dubious teachings, but Sung-il remains basically even while Jung-do is a deeper shift. We know that he fully intended Sung-il to reach to the shaft to its destination, but Sung-il himself is the reason why he did not. What the young man learns from Sung-il, but not because he is older, but because he not only friendly. And principles. And reliable. All grades Jung-do missing. Sung-il is the embodiment of papa bear, and it is clear that Jung-do, despite his keen intellect and deep insight into human behavior, wearing a hole in his heart for his own absent father. Let Papa Bear in Jung-do-ya. Also give him his money back

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tags: featured, Ma Dong-seok, police unit 38, Seo In-gook, Sooyoung

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