Recap And Reviews Kdrama Beautiful Gong Shim: Episode 17 media seem

Recap And Reviews Korean Drama Beautiful Gong Shim: Episode 17

media seem - fall into place for Gong Shim, but the same can not be said for Dan-tae. Misunderstandings make the gap continues to grow, but if the evidence of a person has in particular, it is hard to fathom that someone else be the real culprit. Tensions are high and the pressure on as Dan-tae much more evidence seeks the truth to get that all his life he had to escape.


While waiting for Gong Shim front of their new work, Dan-tae decides hoping to give "Dad army friend", also known as Butterfly Tattoo uncle, a call that someone pick up this time. When the phone rings, Jun-su and Gong Shim together go outside for lunch.

Gong Shim noted that Jun-sus's phone rings, but he keeps his silent phone to indicate that it is not. The ringing continued, however, and Gong Shim thinks that it is out of his pocket origin. He grabs her and takes an additional telephone is still ringing; he is confused by his presence.

Meanwhile Gong Shim sees and remembers Dan-tae. She greets him and Jun-su looks up to see Dan-tae daggers stared. Dan-tae finally depends on who the phone in the June sus hand stops ringing.

Gong Shim arise staff for lunch and encourage them and Jun-su to join them. You can not by their first employee lunch back out, so that they have the mouth, an apology to Dan-tae on such short notice to cancel before they connect new employees.

Dan-tae answers and snaps Jun-su collar wants to know why the phone is someone else in his possession. not respond Jun-sus able; He is not sure what he did wrong to justify such aggression. Dan-tae revealed that he saw Jun-su in the hospital, and vows to do everything in his power to find out what Jun-su hiding and bring them to light.

That night, Dan-tae sitting sullenly at home. Gong Shim brings his lunch to make a box of fried chicken for their canceled and expresses her love for the new job. It adds that Jun-sus a new company is formed with her design company, but that he was not involved in any part of their rent.

Gong Mi gets her yoga on at home with a cool PPL Phone Watch that they used to respond to text to Jun-su, and assured him that they'll work hard in his company. The idea of ​​working with him, brings a smile to her face.

Gong Shim comes home and shares with her parents how much she is her new job to like. Jun-su affiliation with Gong Shim the design firm is not desirable and unexpected news for Gong Mi, because that means that she and her sister is working for the same company; Gong Mi do not want one bit.

A late-night text pleased Gong Shim father, but he is not respond in a position to his curious woman fast asleep. Jun-su's father also receives a late-night text, and his wife tried to open it, but his phone is locked. She asks him why his phone is suddenly blocked, but he is so offended by her prying, he leaves the house for some "fresh air."

Tae-hee / Jun-su mother finds her husband by a tracking app on their phone and heads outside to find him. Meanwhile wakes Jae Blessings / Gong Shim mother from her nap on and realizes that her husband is missing. She muses that he has been acting strange lately, hum and furtively answering calls and runs out to find him.

Jae Blessing and Tae-hee on the way down the street. Their enmity remains unchanged as they pass each slide to their respective husbands, to find at random, the same music café. You can not believe it when they conduct their men on stage spot, a duet together, like old heart and soul of their eyes. Love. Them.

The Women pulling their reluctant men out of the cafe, but unfortunately the bromance bonds are unbreakable. Cue melo Romantic music (usually reserved for Dan-tae and Gong Shim) as Jun-su's father and Gong Shim father hyphen together and meet halfway in the middle of the road. They hold each other's hands and wish each other well until the day they will be able to meet again. AWW prohibited bromance.

The next day, Dan-tae calls the Arboretum in the gardener to seek out the work with his father and Jun-su mother handed the note of them to prompted flight. Dan-tae is not given a lot of information to work with, but he looks through his father's belongings and finds a planner. inside is the address used on a small market Scrawled by the son of a gardener.

Dan-tae find the gardener outside the market sitting with his grandson. He approaches with a photo of Jun-su and asks if the man forced in the photo the gardeners quit his job in the Arboretum. Ices The gardener and denies that he forced to quit; he directs Dan-tae questioning and crashes into it.

Dan-tae and Jun-su cross paths in the Star Group lobby, and it's a miracle they in fisticuffs not engaged. Dan-tae asks pointedly, when Jun-su dabbled in bribing people to hide, but once again, Jun-su has no idea what Dan-tae is insinuating.

uncle watches her tense encounter from above, grinning; His plan worked exactly as planned. Jun-su and Dan-tae are now pitted against each other, and their hostility is growing. A flashback shows that uncle had planted his phone in Jun-su pocket while Jun-su his office was packed. Uncle concludes that, because the two men are now enemies, Jun-su either Dan-tae come out of the company or at least, this way govern on its own.

Jun-su falls from the unknown phone with a data retrieval service, but he has said that the chances of information from one phone reset recovers more slender are. He then stops by Gong Mi The new office and greeted them on their first day on the job. She eyes a gift bag in his hand, but it did not end up going to her.

She catches Jun-su, the gift bag to Gong Shim gift. Gong Shim tried to decline the gift, but Jun-su she insists accept it because it is just a congratulatory gift for her new job. Gong Shim accepted graciously and Jun-su looks pleased as she walks away. Meanwhile got Gong Mi disappointment and jealousy over her face written.

Dan-tae updated his grandmother in search of the perpetrators; there is zero progress. She warns him to be careful, but it's something else, it is more interested in: the girl that Dan-tae has struck. Grandmother she wants to call at this moment and orders Dan-tae to meet them.

He does what he is told, but admits that he is not sure to what to say Gong Shim. He rings her ... and has no problem, an elaborate lie spinning while his grandmother watched with delight, heh.

says He Gong Shim because he the chairman to schedule messed up, they canceled all speak their afternoon events him to go on his roof. Dan-tae adds that it is very cross and asks Gong Shim to do him a favor: they appease until he comes, because he Gong Shim is freaky, unsure of how they will be able "in traffic stuck." to defuse this situation, but there seems to be no other way to help them, agrees.

grandmother arrived the roof at Dan-tae. Gong Shim welcomes and is well on the behavior that ends up coming across as rather stiff and awkward. She takes off her biggest smile and compliments grandmother on her beauty, but grandmother barely reacts as she Gong Shim to sizes.

Gong Shim escorted grandmother inside Dan-tae of the humble abode and offers her a drink, only to open the mini-fridge and find it empty. Grandmother not impressed by Dan-tae of frugal living and wonders how he survived so, but Gong Shim she quickly calmed down, that his refrigerator is not in use because that is "refrigerator below" the one he actually uses.

Gong Shim calls Gu-nam and asks him out of the store to get two cold drinks, heh. Grandmother asks Gong Shim about the origin of her surname, her family and her zodiac sign, and so far, so good; they like what they hear, and asks what Gong Shim like about Dan-tae.

The random question takes Gong Shim surprised and grandmother pulls up quickly and makes it clear that she meant to ask what the hold-up with Dan-tae is. Gong Shim asks right, musing that it's not like he is dumb.

grandmother takes offense at the "dumb" little but Gong Shim assures her that Dan-tae is getting the job done in spite of its slowness. Gong Shim suggests that the grandmother of Dan-tae wait at her house, so that they will be more convenient, but grandmother did not intend to budge; she plans to him here in person scolding that makes Gong Shim worries.

But a light bulb goes out and Gong Shim heads down to whip up a meal for grandmother. Grandmother sips Gong Shim delicious spicy noodles and is impressed with their culinary skills. It is interesting to see if Dan-tae is attractive to women, even if he lives in such a small house, and Gong Shim says that he is in fact, because he handsome and confident, despite not being rich.

She continues by the money can always be earned stating and that she has never met anyone as Dan-tae, the not for rich people inferior feels. Your answers seem to like grandmother, who then asks what qualities she does not like about Dan-tae.

Gong Shim says she hates when Dan-tae receives food from the floor and eats it. This discourages grandmother spirit and Gong Shim suspects that he may have been a beggar in a previous life.

Gong Shim has lying grandmother so she her a relaxing massage. You do not Dan-tae begs too hard to complain because he is a softhearted soul. Grandmother asks if the purpose of the massage to convince them it was easy to go to Dan-tae, before they fall into a deep sleep and snoring softly.

Some time later, Dan-tae arrived and grandmother refreshed post-nap feels. She tells him how hard trying to impress Gong Shim and get her him not to complain that she was barely able to contain her laughter. Dan-tae grins, pleased to hear that his grandmother liked Gong Shim and found it nice to be sharp and handy.

grandmother takes one last time to Dan-tae place and pushes him in his family to move home soon. Nor does it warns him food to eat off the floor, but Dan-tae denies doing that.

About drinks, Gong Mi Lies (surprise!) To her sister and mentioned that rumors swirling about them possibly nepotistic rentals around the company. Gong Shim frowns to argue that even know her staff that she was without Jun-su and influence that Jun-su was not even adjusted aware that they. For a job, applied to later

Gong Mi calls naive and advises her to be so kind as to participate in the work Jun-su. She added that when her older sister, she is easy for Gong Shim views. Mhmm.

Back on the roof, Dan-tae thanks gong Shim for their efforts because the chairman forgives him ended for his negligence. Does not warn him to get back on their bad side, but offers to help, should he make the same mistake.

Gong Shim noted that the chairman asked her a lot of strange questions and it felt like she was questioned, and Dan-tae explained hastily that the Chairman of very curious, heh. He asks how she slept the Chairman falling out, and Gong Shim says that she massages her.

offers Dan-tae as well to massage, but he is hesitant about the idea. Gong Shim ignored his protests and massages his shoulders for a hot second before he writhes and chuckles maniacally. It turned out that he was very ticklish so Gong Shim's doing tickling everywhere, and thereby, it falls on him. It is a short, charged moment between the two before they get up and act like nothing happened.

The next day, Jun-su from the Arboretum back and informed his uncle that he was not to be found in the location the gardener who helped his mother to flee before Dan-tae arrived. He asks if Uncle hid it somewhere, but Uncle denies to do something.

uncle suggests mischievously that Jun-su of Dan-tae rid ease his nerves; after all, Jun-su brought Dan-tae to Star Group, it should solve the Dan-tae problem on his own. When Jun-su leaves the room, musing uncle that the gardener his insurance should he be nervous about the case Jun-su or anyone else.

Dan-tae scribbles down Jun-su Plate and heads to his father's hospital. He collects some details from the parking attendant and a monitoring officer, and derive the timeframe able during the June su was in the hospital the day of his father's near-death experience. CCTV footage of another corridor caught Jun-su walking towards Dan-tae father's room.

The retrieval team was able to win an outgoing call from the mysterious phone that was pocket in Jun-su. Jun-su calls the number and alerted when Dan-tae aunt takes. She is pale and want to know who the caller is, and if this was yet another attempt of murder of Dan-tae's father.

Dan-tae the phone from his aunt takes and talking angrily to silent caller for his name: "Seok Jun-su, why did you call back WHY Do you intend to kill my father again.? "

Jun-su says nothing and hangs up immediately, struggling to process the fact that his uncle tried to kill Dan-tae's father.

Jun-su confronts his uncle and demands to know why:

Jun-su: "after confirming that Dan-tae was not Jun-pyo, I wanted to end my search for him and everything hush mother to hide crimes. that was my intention, but now I think my reasoning was wrong. you tried murder someone. I'm not going to forgive you now able to. I can not do more. "

Uncle remains undaunted and asks what Jun-su is planning next to do. Jun-su said that he would reveal everything. Just as he is leaving, uncle stops him and recommended that he listen to something.

Using the speakerphone feature, select uncle and his sister brings Dan-tae's father. Asks you how wild, drawn to it like, so he will not be able, she was treated to blame.

heard Jun-su knee buckle on his mother's words and to learn that she was involved in the attempted murder of Dan-tae's father.

uncle hangs up and asks Jun-su again what he wants to do on now that he knows the truth about his mother. He notes that Jun-Pyo kidnapping and lengthy disappearance of all his mother doing were and that he simply followed instructions to his sister because he needed the money. Jun-sus visibly upset and shaken. And the worst uncle / brother winner is ...

Dan-tae marched to Jun-su office but found the door locked; Jun-Su not not answering his phone. Jun-su decides somewhere to take a short trip and be out of the net.

That night, Dan-tae and Gong Shim keeping hands on her date. They commented that Jun-su takes a vacation, but finds the timing odd since he just started his new company and there is so much work to do.

Dan-tae turns to her and urges her to quit her new job because he hates that it operates at Jun-su of the company. Gong Shim is made aback by his request and wants to know why he feels so, he fully realized how much she likes her job. He does not justify his statement, and Gong Shim calls him selfish storm front from. Later, Dan-tae takes Gong Shim standing on the roof, and she gives it to him straight

Gong Shim .: "Ahn Dan-tae, why are you so dense? I'm close, too, so I can not two things at once. I am not able to see, two men because I'm stupid at once. I have to stop feelings for you no one else, so misunderstandings. "

Dan-tae hugs her and then gives her a quick kiss on the lips before deep kiss go as he pulls away in., the two are adorably shy and giddy about it. Dan-tae gives her another smooch fast and Gong Shim covers her face with her hands, heh.

The next day, Uncle Dan-tae captures the way the hospital to his father to worry. He expresses sympathy and interest for Dan-tae, since it after someone is difficult look in the ICU and urges him to go quickly. Dan-tae appreciates his concern, but knowledge is true, and he wonders how Jun-su knew uncle that his father was in the ICU.

At the hospital Dan-tae scans through old surveillance footage and immediately discovered Jun-su uncle from the ICU walk the day his father almost died. The possibility Jun-su uncle as the culprit finally comes to Dan-tae, and he wonders if his father and Jun-su uncle personally knew each other.

Dan-tae learns that Jun-su uncle the same train was like his father, as they served in the army. He visits his father army friend in the restaurant he works to find out more. The restaurant owner informed Dan-tae that he knows Jun-su uncle, Yeom Tae-Cheol, very good, as they were in the same train with Dan-tae's father.

He mentions that Tae-Cheol came looking for Dan-tae's father a few months ago, to ask for his contact information. Tae-Cheol and Dan-tae's father were close, he says, and he brings an old, black and white picture to prove it. Recorded while men serve in the army, Tae-Cheol smiles for the camera with his arms around Dan-tae's father.

started The points and the disjointed notes appear useful in rapid succession to make, as Dan-tae drives to Star Group. He bursts into Uncle office, grabs his arm and his sleeves pushed upward, a butterfly tattoo unveiled.

"Yeom Tae-Cheol. They were there," Dan-tae says with conviction.


Seventeen episodes. It took seventeen episodes for Dan-tae and Gong Shim finally kissing and recognized for Dan-tae that Butterfly Tattoo is uncle the culprit. While I am relieved that we have finally reached this turning point, the birth secret story drew immense and made for a rather anticlimactic confrontation between Dan-tae and uncle; We spectators knew early on who the villain, and we held our watches review wondering if Dan-tae would find out. Well, it was time. The kisse (s), albeit delayed, came at the right moment. Gong Shim felt vulnerable, expressing how much she likes Dan-tae and only Dan-tae, but his kiss confirmed basically, that the feelings of are mutual, so there is no need to feel embarrassed or ashamed. And if she had any lingering doubt that additional smooch at the end probably they scattered.

I'm a little confused by Jun-su's spur-of-the-moment trip. I understand that he has to feel overwhelmed and beyond by his mother and uncle orchestrated upset of the crime, but where did he go? Is that to give his style and dedication to Uncle guilt tripping? He tried off (temporarily) from his problems in typical chaebol Escape Mode to run? If that is the case, which is very unusual for him; the chaebol conventions have largely been undermined in this drama, and it's been a nice change. I miss the Jun-su, who was so determined to find the truth about Dan-tae and Jun Pyo. When the boys their resentment aside for a moment, I'm pretty sure they could have cleared the air and maybe even work together towards the truth. That would be fun to see. Perhaps there is still a chance for the future now that Dan-tae uncle knows is the real culprit.

There Gong Shim, and then there is everyone else at the Jun-Pyo case bound. Two separate units. Still. I am frustrated by the fact that Gong Shim has not looking the slightest idea of ​​Dan-tae kidnappers because Dan-tae has not said a glance with her. I think it's safe to say that they are now officially, so why not spill boyfriend and girlfriend Dan-tae? He is able to tell her that he does not like to explain work for Jun-su, but stops briefly why. Of course, he met as selfish, as he said this. You guessed wrong that Dan-tae her feelings had would fear for him to change from working with Jun-su, if it is really, I think Dan-tae was more concerned about their safety, working with the man who tried , his father can kill. I've noticed that Gong Shim almost always does most of the talking, and Dan-tae hear just quietly, without much to respond. Sure, he had a lot on his mind, but I also think that it is doing more for him, and that their relationship is rather unbalanced. Gong Shim is very much a donor, but I want to open Dan-tae see above step and be a better friend to her to find out more.

The nice shaded always the birth a secret, but in this episode and the nice seemed quite boring, except for a golden moment Gong Shim father and Jun-su father involved. Two friends, united by their love of music, singing together on stage. Their bromance through the heart symbolizes lovingly with their vaulted palms formed, are drawn only by their disapproving women apart, can not put aside their differences ... I would not even more bromance of the goofy dads because Dan-tae and Jun spirit are -su with a dry period, and it will take a while to Rainbow bow ~~ POS = HEADCOMP and sunshine appear the stormy clouds to clear over their heads.

to go three more episodes, and for me, that seems like a whole lot of real estate on a plot that is about its course. But throw in some more Papa duets, and I'll stay for the ride. Have Dan-tae and Jun-su hug and go back to his friends and I am satisfied. All I ask is for Dan-tae / Jun-su / Gong Shim Friendship Trio to remain intact!

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tags: Beautiful Gong Shim, Episode 17, in Minah, namgoong min, Ohn Joo-wan

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