Recap And Reviews Kdrama Police Unit 38: Episode 4

Recap And Reviews Korean Drama Police Unit 38: Episode 4 -

Between a fracturing Team and a marker that proves wiser than expected, Jung-do have to think and move quickly to prevent his plans to fall apart. An old friend is determined to put obstacles in the way and seems much less friendly than we originally perceived, and Sung-il finally gets a little of his nemesis to laugh, which is as a laxative, as it sounds.


Outside the real house of the agent, repeatedly Sung-il his lines under his breath like a nervous student, when he goes to the door. Sung-hee observed him out of her car and makes a call to the police a con to report in progress.

Ma Jin-seok of the real estate brokers, Mr. Noh, comes back to the stripped of all his bank accounts money, as well as directed, and Young-do sitting him some papers to sign down, vague guilt information leaks on this era of smartphones.

Sung-il knocks on the door and stands as a police officer to Mr. Noh. He asks Mr. Noh to the police station for an investigation into his voice phishing coming complaint. Mr. Noh denied any calls to the police, the Sung-il flusters. He gets nervous argumentative and grabs Mr. Noh arm and insisted that he was now the station come, without asking any questions.

antics Sung-il care, Jung-do suggests that maybe someone of Mr. Noh called the office, but Mr. Noh is already suspicious Sung il and refuses belligerently to go. Matters worsen when Sung-il Jung-do called "the type of the auditors", even if they have yet to be introduced.

Jung-do finally intervenes and says Mr. Noh, that it is a little formality and begins to lead from the door to him when Sung-hee in it. She says Sung-il leave immediately if he does not do his will, arrested by police and informed Mr. Noh that they are cheaters.

Jung-do takes his official looking ID tag, in order to know the game is up, but Sung-il refuses to leave her alone, if he was the one to start the con. As Sung-hee begins to understand how deep their boss involved here is, get the police out front.

ask all participants to come to the police station despite Mr. Noh protests that he, unguarded is a lot of money left in the house. they removed Mi-Joo watches car and makes a call.

Am Bahnhof, the cops ask Sung-hee and Mr. Noh to wait to have made their statements, and lead the two scammers away. When they down the hall, house, the scene cuts to Mr. NOH where someone, his pants changed, puts the money in a bag, and sits down on the couch to watch TV comes.

Back to the Jung-do Station asks Sung-il, why he did not run away, and Sung-il says that it would have been embarrassing to run away from you. Jung-do comments with a grin that he is a good person. In the waiting area, Sung-hee suddenly becomes clear that the police used their names and Mr. Noh name, although she had not told them what it was.

When Mr. Noh house, two new police officers in uniform come about someone signs asking to be greeted only by Brenner, that tells them they have been prank- a con has called. A while later, Mi-Joo takes burner outside of the house with the bag full of Mr. Noh Cash and looked mightily pleased with themselves.

At the police station, Sung-il and Jung-do escorted down a long hall, and they just keep walking and walking ... all the way through the other side of the station until it through the back door come out at the end. Jung-do smiles and says the "bulls" that he would buy them drinks. You clap him on the back and left, while a confused Sung-il Jung-do follows to a waiting car.

Sung-hee runs through the station for both search and missed it only in the parking lot, as a purse and her henchwoman drive them away. In the car, Jung-do says: ".? This is what we call a scam It's fun, it's not," Sung-il, still grinning from relief, can not completely deny his pleasure.

The gang meets later Mr. Noh and puts her down conditions. He gets his money back, but only if it helps with their con on Ma Jin-seok. Sung-hee pursued Sung-il down to the cave of the team and tells him to talk to them. It divides a loaded glance with Mi-joo before departure, and Wallet murmurs, keeping the underdogs in feet.

Sung-il says Sung-hee about Soju and pig skins, but everything she has to say is that he should not go with him. Sung-il, he says understands their position and agrees that an official should not seek to raise taxes deceive people. But Sung-hee says that this is not their point. She's afraid he might get hurt and Ma Jin-seok is not worth his life.

When they can not convince him, she tells him that will get the tax money from Jin-seok. Sung-il indicates that with Commissioner Ahn cover for Jin-seok, it would be impossible, but Sung-hee goes away determined to rescue Chef.

Jung-do waiting for Sung-hee outside and commented that she learned to drink now. He asks why they decide to an official when they studied art. She tells him that after her experience with him, a government job longed safety might give.

He laughs embarrassed and says she must be to Sung-il close. Sung-hee admits that she likes him because he is honest, unlike Jung-do. She walks away before he can say more, to tell him not to talk again with her.

The Office Sung-hee viewed Chef Kang approaches section and asks for his help. To join the two teams and Section Chief Kang reads the details of Ma Jin-seok case. Proceed determined to get to this day the tax money from him.

The teams attend all family members, have the property, they had to Jin-seok signed over, but despite their best intentions, they are kicked and abused everywhere you go. Finally, Sung-hee Jin-seok calls in frustration and threatened to report him to the prosecutor's office when he paid his taxes due.

Back in her bed, sets Jung-do its plan of Jin-seok to lure trap. He refers to an area on the map and tells the team that they 16 acres of land to be sold, is worth about $ 240,000 to Jin-seok. This country, he explains, has not decreased in value in more than 500 years. And this unicorn of the real estate world for sale, it must Wallet the word and curls in the brand spread.

Wallet looks less than impressed with the plan, but before she can say anything, she gets a call from her henchwoman. She comes into her office to detective Jae-sung sitting on her stool, which find their tea drinking. He tells her pleasant that he heard she is working with Jung-do, and asks what is the fraud.

Sung-hee is Jin-seok is called for harassing Ma relatives of Commissioner Ahn. She asks for his help in the prosecution of Jin-seok, but he just says they are sorry for their actions and promises something not again do. Sung-hee leaves without another word.

Wallet and Jung-do investigate a property meets the young Ge specifications. He is quite happy, but cuts his thanks Wallet briefly say that they take from the plan. She tells him that a detective came by and seemed to know that he had Mr. Noh cheated.

Jung-do try to appeal it, saying that no one else can throw the bait to Jin-seok in his plan, but Wallet tells him to use either Mr. Noh or give up the fraud. Jung-do not want Mr. Noh to trust with such an important part, but he says that he determined this through to the end.

Wallet looks at him curiously to ask what its real reasons are required for the prosecution. She finds it suspicious that Chairman Wang for Punk as he looks. She says things do not add up, and says Jung-do, that her ex-husband once told her that you could date a man who is already married, but you should not date an aging bachelor, because you never know, his insides. Wallet says, that's what Jung-do, because they can not to her his intentions to find out. Jung-do looks caught, but not does not answer them. It goes without saying that he can keep the country as a farewell gift from her.

Once Jung-do come home, someone knocks. It's detective Jae-sung, and he walks directly with a friendly smile. Jung-do watches Jae-sung to track shoes dirt in his living room. It bothers him clear, but he says nothing. admired

Jae-sung his imagination pad and asks Jung-do, whether he or bought it with money he rents cheated by people. He smiles and says, almost playfully, that he heard about the real estate fraud Jung-do the planning.

Jung-do affects innocent and Jae-sung pats his cheek repeatedly in a faux love way to get each hit sharply. When Jung-do eventually blocked his hand, Jae-sung asks if he wants his father at the end. A dirty cop and his son conman. He asks if it runs in the family.

When Jung-do state that is not as, Jae-sung hits him hard. He says Jung-do that if he is going to pull a con job to do a large, because he has now hardly do is get him no prison sentence. Jae-Sung tells him to pull a big task and then Jung-do is send to rot in jail there, just as he did to Jung-do father.

After he leaves, Jung-do someone calls and tells them that Wallet has dropped, so now they need to change their plan.

The next day, Jung-do starts the first step of their con on Ma Jin-seok. He asks torch across the screen golf Jin-seok visits often. Brenner confirmed that he visited three times a week, and Jung-do says Mi-Joo there to get a job. Mi-Joo turns in her serious, pretty-young-thing and figure caught the receptionist position.

Keyboard brings out some remotes Next. You take this to the golf course and test them behind the counter, where Mi-Joo is. With a little help from the burner, they hack into the system and Mi-Joo can remote control, the scores, which on the virtual golf screen.

Finally, they need a player. Jung-do looks around and his eyes rise to Sung-il studiously taking notes. He laughs at the absurdity of the idea while to find Sung-il upwards, sees him every observed.

At the golf course, exerts Sung-il a club and takes shots at the ball mistakes, repeated it to actually meet. As Ma Jin-seok in walks, Sung-il has not first trainer approach him. But Jung-do advice to be patient like a crocodile evaporates in the face of Sung-il nervousness.

When he finally manages to hit the ball, Mi-Joo ensures there is a albatros and Sung-il in his celebration is loud. This gets Jin-seok attention and Sung-il winks cheerfully at him, as if trying to remember who he is. Jin-seok greets him and asks what he's doing here. Sung-il says only that golf is a little hobby of important men.

Jin-seok scoffs at his claims and tried to act as if it belongs in a place visited by the rich. He taunts Sung-il Sung-il daughter educate, and to study how a poor child as his own wealthy daughter under the same teacher. He says it makes him sick.


When Sung-il worried that he was going to plan exactly like last time mess up, Jung-do had told him he had to be, why they did so. Well, Sung-il remembers his words. Someone who does not pay his taxes has no right, based on the people money to look down.

Sung-il, remembers the way Jin-seok had thrown their poverty in his daughter's face and his eyes harden. He puts down his club and called Jin-seok from. He tells him, mouthing off to stop and play a round of betting golf with him. Jin-seok laughs and says Sung-il has no money, so why should he?

Sung-il, he says can not bribe, because it is a government officer, but he needs to buy a new car. He says Jin-seok enough money for a car and bet again if he loses, Sung-il is pursuing to stop him.

From the look on Mi-Joo's face was not in the plan, and was not what Jung-do had meant when he said Sung-il, "you follow your instincts." They opt for a bet of about $ 1000 per hole to a total of $ 10,000. Sung-il exchanges a look with Mi-Joo and then the two players begin to take turns.

First, Jin-seok is a few good shots, but when Sung-il begins to play, he takes hole after hole, money from Jin-seok pull the reluctant grip. Jin-seok shots inversely deteriorated the longer they play.

Jin-seok keeps disbelief to see something fishy about him until he sits back and watches miserable footwork Sung-il. He looks back on a clue and thinks he sees Mi-Joo press something. He immediately goes to her to examine her counter, and quickly, Mi-Joo dunks the remote control in her glass of cola, sipping from it as Jin-seok looks through her desk thinking.

Sung-il calls him again to play back, but Jin-seok calls for an end of the bet. In the washroom, asks Sung-il, if the money burn to lose him. Jin-seok replies that he thinks the money as a donation. Sung-il laughs and invites him out to dinner, saying that he can keep any money won in a bet anyway, so it is Jin-seok to treat a meal and give back what he has won.

Wallet watched the news, as a further increase in the tax is announced. She calls her henchwoman "daughter" and asks why the corporate tax reduction to keep, while the taxes on the common people rise. Is it because the laws are set by the rich? Wallet says they rich, but that is not correct.

More out of curiosity than anything else, Jin-seok comes with Sung-il for this meal. But he can not eat do in Sung-il of the company and asks what Sung-il he really wants. Sung-il phone rings and he excuses to go down and talk "Section Chief Kim."

Sung-il loudly complained enough money, not in Hwaseong New Town Development to invest, which could make him enough money supposedly to buy several Mercedes-Benzes. At the other end, Jung-do tell him to stay the script and not go on a car-related tangent.

When Sung-il on the table comes back, Jin-seok is suddenly much more friendly. He asks Sung-il on the investment opportunity that he spoke, and after a little hesitation, Sung-il told him about this junior of its urban planning issues in Hwasung work. Sung-il, says this "section chief Kim", told him a plot of land in an area to buy, which plans to develop the city. Shortly before the government announced the plan, land prices are expected to go up dramatically.

Jin-seok asks what the profit is to be expected, and when Sung-il says five times, he laughs, that is not possible in these days. But he apologized to go to use the restroom and make a phone call to Mr. Noh that it receives under the eyes of Jung-do. Jin-seok asks for the Rural Development and Mr. Noh sold it hard advice to invest him everything he has.

returned to the table, Jin-seok suggests that he finance Sung-il investments. He is willing to give Sung-il five percent of the profit when Sung-il fixes a meeting with his Hwaseong junior up.

the next day at the office, Commissioner Ahn says Sung-il his rent and start to pay because it is unlikely to take the time to be out of it in the situation was to keep his job after the disciplinary procedure.

Sung-il asks if Commissioner Ahn was the one to warn Jin-seok on their raid on his house. Sung-il wonders how he is his child without embarrassment. Commissioner Ahn tells him that he would look deep into the bribery allegations and ensure that Sung-il can not occur in this building again.

Jin-seok comes for Sung-il in his office and insists be that they are going to see today Hwaseong junior, although the date it anchored off two days.

Sung-il trying to block, but Jin-seok tells him that he thought about it, and finds it suspicious that things aligned so perfectly. He says Sung-il, that people for the money to come all the time to come some to fraud and other get him into prison to him with him. It deals with such people, the change of the date of their meetings unexpectedly, as he is doing now.

None of Sung-il excuses work, now that Jin-seok thinks he smells a scam. They get in the car, and Sung-il as "Section Chief Kim" and tells him that he to Hwaseong with Jin-seok takes him to meet today.

Half asleep Jung-do not tell him to joke around. But when Sung-il repeatedly says that they come to him today to meet and arrive in Hwaseong in an hour and a half, Jung-do finally wakes up enough to register that it is serious.

Just then, detective Jae-sung gets a call from Mr. Noh told that Jung-do is about to pull a con on this day.

Jung-do is frantically in his car and drives for Hwaseong, in a desperate attempt to somehow get there before Sung-il and Jin-seok. He calls Keyboard and tells him to get in an hour on the site. He cuts Keyboard complaints shortly and tells him that if they can not pull this off today, then everything will go wrong, and they will all die ...

He is mid-sentence when a truck rammed Jung-do the car at full speed, turning it from the street. Through a haze of pain, Jung-do open your eyes and concentrate tried as blood trickles down his forehead.


I never expected to get so much for me to laugh a crime caper drama , While most of these humor is focused on Sung-il, we are never going to laugh to without also in perfect sympathy with made him him. One of my favorite moments in this episode had escaped right after Young-do and Sung-il from the police station in the wallet car when Jung-do had mentioned how much fun was scamming, and Sung-il could not deny how much fun he had. There is a real moment. Sung-il deserves a little fun, but more importantly, he gets to feel high, a system of stupidities that has worked consistently against him. Its core principles would never let him see the world in shades of gray, which does Jung-do, but in this case he only scored one point against the law, he has come to realize, is a tyrant to the weak and poor. Not to mention, he enjoys the biggest adrenaline rush of his life.

The other perfect scene was, of course, when he was on the virtual golf screen kept scoring while Jin-seok only curse his luck. I loved to see a laugh Sung-il. He obviously at this moment necessary because with this boost in confidence, his scamming talents began to dramatically improve. Later, when he "section chief Kim" cried let you know in the schedule change, I grinned try so hard on Sung-il, not to sound like he tipping his partner in crime. He is always good, and I feel that Jung-do could find it harder him. Of the final disbursement of con, as he had assumed

Jung-do Suave has become an art form that, why is his vulnerable moments taken down to us that much harder. No one who ever knew him to imagine that he would have someone beat with him away, let alone avoid eye contact and wince in her presence. Jae-sung, in this episode, is a completely different presence in Jung-do life. At first he appeared to be parental fashion. Now he seems almost obsessed with Jung-do tortures and to assert its power over him.

The scene in Jung-do apartment has been for so many reasons, chilling. I had the feeling that Jung-do passive acceptance of Jae-sung verbal and physical abuse was years in the making. It is quite possible that Jung-do had learned the hard way not to fight back. Which is why I find it interesting that his despair seems to end this con so deeply connected to his relationship with Jae-sung. Wallet was absolutely right when she suspected that he was playing a different game. And there are shadows players in this, that we have not yet met.

The other issues that I know really appreciate in this drama are those of confidence and courage. These are by Sung-hee in their doggedness illustrated save the friend she maintains. Just like Sung-il, it is deeply honest, though perhaps less gullible. Their struggle to protect Sung-il mimics the situation he was in years with the friend who had been accused of corruption. When this friend of Sung-il help in the fight against the system, Sung-il had refused had asked out of fear and distrust.

At this point, when Sung-il thinks back on this incident, he only sees that the laws that should protect them, both failed him and his friend. Of course, his trust in the legal system is shaken. But, Sung-hee has the fight yet abandoned. It is possible that their struggle is doomed to failure and disappointment as Sung-il until the end of May, but at least they tried to fight within the system, which is something that Sung-il had never done for his friend.

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tags: featured, Ma Dong-seok, police unit 38, Seo In-gook, Sooyoung

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