Recap And Reviews Kdrama Age of Youth: Episode 3

Recap And Reviews Korean Drama Age of Youth: Episode 3 -

For as much time as our heroines think (or actively intervenes) romantic interests / members of the opposite sex to spend, it turns out that female friendships - or more specifically, love-hate relationships with the other residents - are just as frustrating and difficult to navigate. It's easy to brush off your roommate as strangers you happen to share a space; it is to admit a different story, that these "strangers" actually play a larger role in your life, challenging and changing in more ways than one.

EPISODE 3: "I have never once loved me roots #rotten"

Yi-na in a beauty salon is spoiled. Instead of paying with their own credit card, they exchanged it out for a man's name on it.

In a voiceover, Yi-na says they live a simple life, living thanks to their youth and good looks. As she walks the street struts down, she continues: "People who look with a simple life down I do not understand ... is a bad thing, to lead a simple life Just because you live a hard life.? , it means that you are living right, "she says, if you live twice, there is no way to know what is really right - that's just how life is


Yi-na in a cafe sits where a waiter delivers her a coffee and slips her his number. But Yi-na is there to meet someone: a short, thick, middle-aged man she calls with enthusiasm

Evidently this man is her boyfriend - he took her in a hotel six months ago "Honey" , Bar, and she liked his confidence. To see this guy addition, Yi-nas two other men. Number Two wooed her with flowers. She liked number three (the married dentist) because he totally up-front - he pushed her his credit card when they met, and they put it happily in her purse.

firmly It provides that the young guy she had lunch with in an earlier episode is just a friend, and he has the same kind of "work" that Yi-na is doing.

Yi-na says that all their friends know that they are with her in a false relationship. In other words, it is to play a role for each guy while getting an allowance in return.

We return to a scene from the Belle Epoque house when Yi-na in only goes as Ye-eun calls a prostitute. In her room, to Yi-na leaning against her closed door and says the word "prostitute" loud. She thinks of itself that it is true, but it really hits home when someone else says the word

Yi-na heads to the bar out again -. That's where she takes her friends. She says that three friends is to have a good number, but she is troubled by a friend number two, the money keeps bringing up and tell her, spend less money. It might be time to turn it.

They scanned the bar for the outlook, with the men that they show three criteria, sees that she uses to screen its men. First, it can not be too old. The second man she sees, seems to have potential - he got on expensive clothes and accessories is - but then he is disqualified to lick its lips on her. Gross. Yi-na thinks back to the time when they ran out of a hotel room of a man like Sailor Moon, dressed to get away and says that the money that they should get from these guys hazard pay be considered.

Yi-na turns her attention to a third man, but he is also disqualified, this time because of its favorable outfit. This is her third and the most important criterion: money, and lots of it. Yi-na says the woman who owns this hotel bar is a good example of what happens when you a man without money Date: Her husband bought her expensive gifts to woo her, but it turned out that he by his work was embezzlement and went to jail for it. Now he works as a bartender at their bar.

As said bartender serves the third man who checked Yi-na, they noticed a cut on the hand of man. She leaves to have not found seducing anyone suitable.

Back at the house, Ji-won, Ye-eun and Eun-jae discuss the latest disclosure relating to Yi-na: It is not really a college student. The three all marvel Yi-nas undercover life - Ye-eun does not understand why they live the way they would do it if they do not even have to worry about tuition, and Ji-won is more understanding and said that to live it a simple life, and many others do it.

Jin-myung comes home and pretty much has zero response to the news that Yi-na is not a student. Eun-jae, now is again deflected by the ghostly Cabinet, and asks Ji-won, when souls have colors - after Ji-won, she said Yi-na by the color of their aura was able to tell.

at the cabinet on View, Ji-won nod. She says that the mind is gray in question, and it emits a sad, depressed feeling. When Jin-myung comes into the kitchen, Ye-eun asks her if there had been any incidents in their home - a death, or perhaps a murder? But Jin-myung says no

Ye-eun to Eun-jae turns around and says the mind must have pursued here - .. It only appeared after it inconvenient in moving views, Eun-jae evades Ye -Eun question about whether or not that she knows who has died. But Jin-myung Recalls that the mind could be someone who is not yet dead, like someone in a vegetative state.

The conversation comes to a standstill when Yi-na returns home, and it moves past without a word her roommate. In her room, she smells something funny and looking around, wondering where the smell is coming from.

Ye-eun can not sleep and asks Ji-won, if not uncomfortable feels a little what bring Yi-na may home diseases from all the guys she's been with. A sleepy Ji-won murmurs, the Ye-eun has a point.

The next morning, Eun-jae enters the bathroom only after Yi-na. Yi-na noticed that Eun-jae flush the toilet again; what they do not see is Eun-jae wiping the seat with toilet paper down. Ye-eun gathers her clothes to dry left hanging, but winces as she takes down accidentally Yi-na-underwear, it far away from her with two fingers. Yi-na-watches from across the room, looked as if they were not sure whether to laugh or cry.

Yi-na returns to the bar and catches a man looks to steal it - it is the same type of the other night ( Choi Duk-moon ), of which she is not disqualified for having enough money.

She ends her courage to spill him complain about how her roommate treat her like she has AIDS. He wonders why she tells him everything, but they do not see the problem, since it is not, as it today going. His face falls a little, but he denies that he is interested in her.

It moves the conversation to her roommate back and asks if she is going to move out. She says she does not think they should have, even if they lie on as a student. He wonders why she is so intent on living in the house on it, going so far as to lie. Yi-na looks excitedly at the question, but shall quickly on a false smile a call from one of her friends to answer.

to the hotel take

Boyfriend Number Two and Yi-na a detour on the way to stop at a restaurant - and it happens where Jin- be myung is working. Fortunately, Jin-myung's not their waitress, but Yi-na they overlooking while Jin-myung carefully avoids her gaze again.

in their food pick, Yi-na thinks back to the night when she Jin-myung first met: Two women beat Yi-na for a sleep from their men, just before the convenience store where Jin -myung worked. In her usual stoic manner Jin-myung intervenes by threatening to call the police and terrified the women away. Yi-na lingered outside the window for a while watching Jin-myung study at the bar.

It looks like Yi-na and Jin-myung ended roommate by chance - Yi-na came the empty room in the house, where Jin-myung was already live, and they were both surprised to see to meet again. Jin-myung from the fact that they came from a rich family, as Yi-na, she said the room by himself, and when Jin-myung said Yi-na wanted to use if she was a student, she said yes. Yi-na says this moment the beginning of her lie.

The chef Jin-myung Restaurant PARK JAE-WAN, stops a bus just before it takes off. He confirmed with the driver where the bus is passed, then the door for a beat stops in front of Jin-myung runs out of breath. Aw, he held the bus for them?

Jin-myung gets to just bother even to wave back Jae-wan from her window seat. She looks at him again as soon as the bus is moved while, then smiling the smallest smile. Yay, you're not made of stone!

Jin-myung goes home and looks Yi-na in a taxi, past her through. In the cabin, Yi-na revolves around Jin-myung to see, but keeps the car in motion.

Yi-na her makeup picks up speed when she smells something again in her room. It examines and finds the roots of their plants lazy, crawling with maggots around the pot. That's disgusting. And nature is not necessary.

She has the plant cleaning when Jin-myung finally comes home. Yi-na brings to Jin-myung restaurant job, then offers Jin-myung to a man imagine that they do not have to work so hard. But Jin-myung is not interested, and Yi-na watches her walk away.

Yi-na back at the bar, extra dressed and looked like they were waiting for someone. She brightens when she sees the man she shared her concerns with the last time, and start in another one-sided conversation with him. He looks disinterested in what she says, but then you say, it seems as if they are really a lot about what Jin-myung thinks interested. Yi-na she vehemently denies and goes away; the man glances over at her as she sneaks next to another man, and he has to give me the creeps.

Poor Jin-myung works its way to the bone, as usual. She takes the night shift at the convenience store, where they tried to study at the bar. A shifty-looking man in a baseball cap catches their attention, and Jin-myung has his finger on the button panic alarm when he approaches her ... but it turns out that only he can buy a condom and try his embarrassment to hide. Relieved, they will ring on him, and in the morning it makes it barely in time for lessons.

In the cafeteria, Eun-jae sunbae Jong-yeol slides next to her and totally wigs with his attention to her. She is able to escape him when they eat Jin-myung lunch solo spots, and asked apologetically if they can join.

Eun-jae asks Jin-myung, when people get bullied at school, you say, by Jong-yeol you disturb. Eun-jae she says in high school was bullied - or rather, they did not have many friends - and hoped that they could make in school things. Jin-myung is not very sensitive and said she wished she how could that be paid instead of more serious issues such as rent and take care of taxes on things.

Maybe turning into the spirit of things, Eun-jae makes it from one department at a club meeting. But she's not very social, alone drinking beer sitting. Jong-yeol joins her and thought she nice, and in a very short time, he pulls down to the dance floor. With nowhere to go, Eun-jae forced somewhat awkward, cringe-worthy to do dance, clapped his hands and looked like she might die of embarrassment every second.

She slips away and tried to go back up, but they found someone it out on the dance floor to the whoops and cheers of the other game of skill - it's Ji-won! Eun-jae again joins the group to get a better look at and breaks into a big smile, cheering Ji-won and finally having some fun.

It turns out that Eun-jae's got a bit of a girl crush on Ji-won, who is to take Eun-jae took under her wing. When Eun-jae got a bad perm, Ji-won, she took back to the salon and demanded that they fix it, which they did. Ji-won chewed in a shop a seller from the sale of Eun-jae, a T-shirt with a hole in it. And if Eun-jae a hair in the bowl of noodles found for lunch, Ji-won called to complain about the waitress, they free food scoring. Each time, Ji-won was for Eun-jae, Eun-jae she saw as a guardian angel, always bigger than life before their eyes.

Back at the club, Ji-won finished their dance with a flourish surrounded by cheering fans. These include Eun-jae, who as an adoring puppy looks excitedly clapping.

Eun-jae looks for some dance lessons at home Ji-won, but it is a lost cause - they painfully awkward and conscious stiffly moved copies Ji-won , search. Ji-won gives up, when she gets a lot more interesting text from a friend, she has a husband to found. Ji-won reacts with their characteristic enthusiasm, super psyched to see that the man is handsome.

hits you in a cafe with the man and after the date, Ji-won jumps home on cloud nine. She raves about her roommate about the man, confident that it really went well. It also functions as her goodbye at the bus stop, double hand wave and all, then sings and dances her way to her room.

Ye-eun her phone checks if her boyfriend is Doo-young replied to her text, but the message remains unread. She heads to find emptied her room Ji-won, sitting on the floor with his head down. Sad, get them already rejected? The answer is yes: your matchmaker friend had to tell her, texted the guy just wants to be friends.

Ye-eun sighs and asks if Ji-won pulled out dance moves on the day of its incarnations and signature. Ji-won burglaries just down and her date says they found funny, and they had a great conversation. But when Ye-eun pushes Ji-won admits that she did most of the talking -. About 75 percent of them in fact, their fear of awkward silence, citing

A phone dings, and Ye-eun checked her in the hope that it Doo-young - it is not. She complains to his lack of communication and Ji-won asks if they complain about such things, get even.

Doo-young eventually responds to Ye-Eun text, invited her to come and meet him. She is attracted excited and is from the head when she gets another text from him to tell her not to come yet. Womp womp. Ye-Eun react with not even know how she really feels, to swallow their anger and get back the SMS that she is tired anyway.

Just then, Yi-na is bursting out of her room, crying on the phone to one of her friends. It sounds like it to make her a hard time for not coming out to give him, but Yi-nas that none of it - she tells him that she does not go, and he should not call them.

When Yi-na hangs up, she asks Ye-eun, if they did not leave. This comment sends Ye-eun over the edge, and she stamps to Yi-na to the cup to wrest it was, say it is their. Yi-na apologizes, but Ye-eun pushes it further, the cup in the sink to scrub and calls Yi-na dirty.

The dispute between the two escalated, and both Eun-jae and Ji-won peek out of their rooms. Just as Jin-myung get home, Ye-Eun, the latest barb at Yi-na throws to tell her that she has to be dirty, walk around and take on all sorts of things her lips.

Thereafter, Yi-na marched over to Ye-eun and laid a kiss right on her lips plants. That. Is. Hilarious. Like the other three roommates stare in shock, Ye-eun starts screaming and crying. Yi-na roars that Ye-eun watch should hold on the lips, to see when they turn rotten.

Ye-eun the incident told the next day Doo-young (and of course, the first thing he wants to know is, when Ye-eun used tongue.) He does offer Yi-na to go rebuke but Ye-eun, she says care'll take it.

Meanwhile complains Yi-na about Ye-eun to their pseudo-therapists guy at the bar. He listens for a while to go, then points out that it has a scratch on her neck.

Yi-na have to think out of the house on moving, as a friend number three (the dentist) you show a little Officetel, you can say to get them directly and renovate if she wants. Yi-na thinks back to what she said Jin-myung through a simple life live from a friend, then tells her friend that she's hungry.

She clearly has an agenda, as she leads right back to Jin-myung Restaurant and calls of Jin-myung tables. When Jin-myung wine poured for them, trying to Yi-na you bait to spend her boyfriend talking about money, then say hello to her directly, but Jin-myung simply ignores them. To her friend, Yi-na refers to Jin-myung than her roommate, not a friend, and asks him to leave a tip.

When Jin-myung tidying her desk, she finds a hefty tip - won 100,000 - what she, after a pause bags. It goes back into the kitchen, lost in thought on Yi-na when Chef Jae-wan her asking for help. You load the head from the back his car, but instead of having her do any work, he she sits in front of a dessert plate down. He tells her that she looks already worn out, and that the consumption of sweets help.

Reaching for a pie, Jin-myung asks Jae-wan, as he knew she had a hard time. He's just with her, saying that if you like someone, it's easy to say. Then Jin-myung pauses, then smiles a little smile and takes a bite. Kids it even with him, to tell him that the dessert is not very good before they break out into a bigger smile. Cute.

The exhausted Jin-myung go home after their shift, and again, Yi-na House is moving in behind her. But this time, Yi-na stops and offers Jin-Myung a ride. She refuses, so Yi-na instead rises from

When they go, Yi-na asks Jin-myung, if it is worth -. So work hard, as is now the case, as mere company at the end of an employee at the end. Yi-na she says Jin-myung's financial situation to her friend mentioned, and he offered for their tuition fees paid. She says Jin-myung to think of it as a grant that does ... not make sense.

Of course Jin-myung does not want to take the money. Annoyed Yi-na asks Jin-myung if she hates her. Then Jin-myung looks quite on Yi-na and raises the question back - why Yi-na hate they ? And it is they Jin-myung hates, or the fact that they are poor

When Jin-myung goes away, Yi-na thinks: "I hate you, because I am of you jealous. I hate you because you anything, but you make me feel bad ... i want to be like you, but I can not, so the only thing I can do is that you hate. Therefore, it smells -. is there a rotten smell of my jealousy comes "

Back at home, Ye-eun tries Ji-won and Eun-jae to convince them to step out of the house Yi-na. Da Ji-won and Eun-jae are not terrible people refuse to take both a position. Ye-Eun stunned and asked them to think about what it would mean to live with a woman who sells her body. Brings Jin-myung in the conversation as soon as she comes home, and threatened to leave the house when Yi-nas to remain allowed.

Yi-na calls that they do not need to do that - they will go out instead. In her room, she stares at a fluorescent bracelet, turned on and off to glow seen before tucking away the light.

ambitious Elsewhere a picture of the house Belle Epoque to a wall, along with maps, post-its, and pictures of Yi-na, taken from afar. A man enters the room and Pooh, it's the man from the bar she has been with the chat. He is sitting on the bed and looks at his stalker wall, on a shot by Yi-na concentrated marked with an indication of "place she visits." He is SO CREEPY.

In an epilogue, Yi-na sits for an interview; when asked about their fluorescent bracelet, she says it is a talisman.


First we had Stalker Boy, and now we have Creepy Stalker Man. I'm afraid of what will come for Yi-na - how close it is getting to Stalker man before she learns the truth about him?

I like Yi-na character - I think they in the house a refreshing dynamically updated, especially as a foil to Ye-eun (I find the least sympathetic roommate by a long shot to be) , and the way it is some of our roommates' button pushes fun to watch. But, this episode felt a little draggy me, especially during their scenes at the bar and their interactions with their various friends. I understand the need of the show to catch up to us, how it works, but I wish we could get something, anything, to why Yi-na is the way she is. What is your background story? Why is she so stubbornly to live a life in luxury (when it comes to material goods, that is), but not on the work towards it as Jin-myung?

Yi-na relationship with Jin-myung is actually really interesting to be with the two women so careful of one another and the two with regard to the circumstances of each other quite similar. I feel like we've only scratched the surface of its history with this episode - we only have to hear how Yi-na feels about Jin-myung at the very end, and we still do not know exactly what Jin-myung thoughts are on Yi-na. There's more to mine here, and I look forward to (hopefully) to dig deeper into their conflict

The show goes on quite uneven as a whole to be -. There are some jumping around deadlines and sequences, which I think is confusing; it is too clumsy with the "theme" of each episode; and I'm finding most of its visual effects, unnecessary. But still, I like the characters and where are their stories, individually and collectively. I am particularly glad to see that the roommate fight a different in ways, large and small, forces them to evaluate their thoughts and actions re. It has not necessarily led to growth for all our characters just yet, but at least the potential is there. The spirit subplot is still hanging in the background around, but I have so long to come, in order, as it is used as a setup keeps giving us heroines stories more information.

Finally, I'm loving the work that Han Ye-ri and Park Eun-bin do here - they play completely different characters in Jin-myung and Ji-won, but you have made me both from fans , They make you want to anchor only for them, not only for their overall growth and ultimately happiness, but also for them to find love with guys who deserve both. This is particular to Ji-won, which is amazing and funny and honest about their inability to find out guys. I am on your side! Struggle!

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Tags: age of youth, in Han Seung-yeon, Han Ye-ri, Park Eun-bin, Park Hye-soo, Ryu Hwa-young

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