Recap And Reviews Kdrama Beautiful Gong Shim: Episode 6

Recap And Reviews Korean Drama Beautiful Gong Shim: Episode 6 -

Dan-tae is hard for our adorable Gong Shim fall, and although it's ability to dodge blows does, then he is not able to read minds, which means that it is bound for some missteps when he is quick to draw conclusions and solely based on the assumption. Jealousy is on full display in this episode, but so is the desire to return well and talk to recognize things, which is a solid step towards reconciliation.


Gong Shim is with his arm in a cast, looking to find oppressed alarmed Dan-tae. They did not know that he had been injured, from yesterday's fall and is full of guilt. Dan-tae approaches her slowly until it is backed up against the wall and wriggled out of his presence.

In a dead serious tone, he says that he does not with other guys proximity want. As his face inches closer to her, Gong Shim manages to escape to disturb the charged moment and wondering what the hell he thinks.

Dan-tae snorts that his broken arm is the result of her date with another man, followed by their anger when he refused bought the dumplings by eating itself, said Guy to push him forced what should it fall and break your arm, ergo they remain of other guys away, heh.

Dan-tae somehow manages his twisted logic almost seem reasonable and make excuses Gong Shim. She pointed out that she had bought the dumplings only for him, the Dan-tae of the hardened face caused a smile to crack. He has turned his back on her and absolutely loves the sympathy.

Once inside, Dan-tae, musing that if he knew that she had bought earlier for him dumplings, he would have not so far gone ... with his Ruse! He slips his arm perfectly healthy from the cast, and even has a few bicep curls with a giant dumbbell.

Shortly afterwards Gong Shim brings him a homemade dish of spicy noodles, because it is still regretfully. Dan-tae continue to act with his fake pity party and said he would dust off only yesterday, dumplings and eat them. On the question of whether there is something they can help with him, he looks at his wet hair.

Gong Shim blow dries his hair and buttoned his shirt, much to his delight. When he is almost caught her head with his hand cupping, he gives his arm to him pain and tells her to be careful to make their additional apologetically. She leaves him so that he eat and said she voted noodles because it is something that he can eat with the left hand, should be able to. Dan-tae considering the rods with a pensive look.

So if Gong Shim are moments later, he's got sauce all over her mouth looking, deliberately so poignant as possible. "It's okay, I can eat alone," he tells her, while clearly struggling with the chopsticks. The messy sight is too much for them, so they go to feed him. He likes to make sure.

He even guilt-trips her as his study of four-year old boy (chaebol grandson Jun-Pyo), the entrance was above 26 kidnapped years. Gong Shim takes photos of the station for him, and he makes sure that he also in a few of them.

He attended the birthday party place where young Jun-Pyo was last, and see how it takes a long time to see her child for a mother missing. Gong Shim plays the stranger who removed the child performs in a simulated scenario.

He also times how long it takes to leave the place, a total of only about 32 seconds. This means that by the time a mother recognizes her child is missing and begins her search, would the kidnappers had already left with their child.

Dan-tae want to hear an old shoeshiner account of the car accident that happened 26 years ago in front of him, but the man complains that he is too busy to talk, , Gong Shim volunteers to polish shoes for him, so that he can open.

The shoeshiner explained that he worked at the same place for 30 years, and remembers that car accident, the mother involved. Dan-tae examines what he experienced: A mother was hit by a car, and with her last breath, she said Jun-Pyo name followed by the word According to the Act, the word "butterfly" was attributed to the "Butterfly." bowtie (butterfly tie) Jun-pyo was wearing at the time.

The shoeshiner praises Gong Shim on their polishing skills, and it shines as she. A strip of black polish on her lips, like a mustache unknowingly leaves Dan-tae can not stop staring, but did not say anything to her.

Dan-tae plays on Gong Shim guilt to get her a drink to buy for him, and it runs on the road. Just then a boy is kidnapped from his video game of his mother, and Dan-tae can not resist finishing off the game.

He tears from his actors to play fast and gets so into it, he did not even realize Gong Shim tapping his shoulder with his cast. When he finally turns around, grabs his hair furiously to make her all the time for stupidities and their concerns. He exclaims that his arm felt as it was broken, but they did not buy his apology. Naturally.

Gong Shim Mom, Jae-blessing, and Jun-su's mother, Tae-hee, meet for coffee, now that they have joined of their Miss Korea reunification again. Jae Blessing admits that she is worried about her Gong Mi marriage prospects, but Tae-hee, she says a man in the head and one son, the set of his father's company, the music Jae Blessing ears is to inherit.

Dan-tae visited Jun-su at work and asks him to treat him in the cafeteria for lunch. You encounter Gong Shim there, and while happy to see Jun-su to, she's still upset about Dan-tae for the fake injury stunt. Dan-tae seething with jealousy, while Gong Shim and Jun-su share laughs and inside jokes.

feel left out, it is a matter of pride is for Dan-tae to offer to buy coffee, but Jun-su resists, and to pay court to the basketball at the end of the decision: buy Winners , The guys are hilarious competitive as they alternately points. Gong Shim cheers when Jun-su scores, and frowns when Dan-tae rubs his victory in her face. The score is tied 9-9, when the teenager is owner of basketball to finish the game that ajusshis say to finish before they die, heh.

The trio sipping her coffee, when a black van pulls up to them and snatches Dan-tae right before their eyes. make Gong Shim and Jun-su panic and a nearby police attention.

describe wild as the kidnappers saw, but the officer takes his sweet time to write down their observations, rather than in the act of jumping. But as she urged the black van returns to hurrying, and Dan-tae arises, safe and healthy.

Dan-tae thanked the men in the van and the police officers for their cooperation in his experiment as Gong Shim and Jun-su incredulous scoff. He muses that during his disappearance only the kidnappers were described in detail, not victims-so to "Butterfly" can with the boy's kidnappers, who instead of doing the boy. His observations go unheard since Gong Shim and Jun-su him in trouble digging, heh.

Mom wants Gong Mi happiness on her blind date, which was arranged by Jun-su's mother. Dad reminds them that they do not have to go on those days when she does not want, but Mom shushes him, and Gong Mi says she does not mind; the plan is to marry rich, so she can have her own law firm. Yet it seems pretty uninterested.

Your boss Gong Shim sends a packet to Jun-su at the site of his new restaurant to deliver. He is busy trying to learn how to cook, he's not the boss, but he has to try for everyone on opening night to cook and he asks her to his food. Gong Shim takes a bite and says it is delicious ... and then can not bring himself to swallow and apologized and said that there is always less palatable is in his mouth forever, HA. With food is still in the mouth, she tells him that it has potential, if he tries really hard.

Dan-tae visited Jun-su grandmother and gives her a pair of glasses that can look their TV lying down. He used it to illustrate a point: A view of the person can affect his / her circumstances change based. Jun-su mother really was referring to her son's kidnappers, as they have the word "butterfly", pushed her son does not like everyone assumed. He assured grandmother he get this case on the underside.

Gong Shim gifts Jun-su with a box of their homemade cookies, know that he will be working late for the opening in the preparation. Jun-su cooks alone in kitche until late at night when he suddenly begins to sway, sick looking, and is to the ground unconscious. Flames start to devour the counter while he lies motionless.

Dan-tae mocks the "ugly" homemade cookies Gong Shim gives him, but she makes it clear that they quality of the ingredients used as organic flour and eggs from green-tea-leaf-fed chickens ... Uh-oh. Did she say egg?

Dan-tae replies that he could have died, he ate her cookies because he is severely allergic eggs. Gong Shim thinks he fibbing, but he tells her to confirm with Jun-su order, which is even more allergic to eggs, as Dan-tae. Gong Shim fears the worst, and calls Jun-su to ensure that he does not eat their biscuits, but he did not pick up. He's still on the floor, unconscious, penetrating as flames and smoke in the kitchen.

It is to go through it, but Gong Mi, the car has. Fortunately happens Gong Mi to be near the restaurant, so Gong Shim told to check them immediately on Jun-su in his restaurant. Gong Mi comes in the restaurant and draws Jun-su from the fiery cuisine.

Jun-su family rushes to the hospital, overcome with relief that Jun-su is alive and unharmed. The doctor reported that Jun-su was very happy and could have perished if he was much longer in the kitchen. His family wonders who saved him and took him to the hospital, but he does not remember anything after passing out.

Gong Shim calls her sister for an update, and Gong Mi is that they did not see Jun-su in his restaurant and that all the doors were locked. Gong Shim is relieved to hear that nothing went wrong.

Gong Shim is forced to return the night late in the office because a confidential document has been inserted in one of the many sealed invitations to the restaurant of the Grand Opening. You just did what she was told, the addresses of the recipients and the invitations verified closed, but the other two secretaries hector in going through all the invitations and locate the document.

Dan-tae looking through the notes Gong Shim during its investigation took and noticed a set of how the case is a triangle. He calls her to ask her what she meant, but it depends in great haste to him, when the secretaries give the stink-eye.

They finally found the confidential document, but overheard mention that Jun-su is in hospital secretaries. Guessing that it made him sick cookies, she runs out of the office.

Dan-tae comes outside Jun-su hospital room and stains within Gong Shim. Jun-su breastfeeding Gong Shim concern that their cookies caused him to faint. He tells her that he completely avoids cookies for his egg allergy, and that he actually fainted from dizziness. Dan-tae finally comes to check on his friend. Jun-sus embarrassed, but grateful for all their concern.

Gong Shim concern for Jun-su makes Dan-tae feel down. She has to stay and help Jun-su with what he needs, but he assures her he is fine and pushes them at home with Dan-tae go.

wait for the bus to stop together, and Gong Shim noted that she left her sweater in Jun-sus rooms. She wants to retrieve it, but Dan-tae gives her flack for her, and throws her dishonesty.

He believes Gong Shim in hospital with Jun-su was when he called earlier, and asks: "If you wanted to visit someone in the hospital, you should have just said so. Why lie and say that you are busy? "

Gong Shim on its assumptions and offended disbelief that he call her a liar, without having the whole picture. She asks: "Why should I have to tell you where I am, at what time, what I do in detail?"

The bus arrives, and they. Boards without him

The next morning Gong Shim rejections Gu-nam's greetings at the sight of Dan-tae near. Gu-nam has a clue that what has happened at work with her yesterday something must've, and Dan-tae ears perk up.

Gu-nam confirmed that Gong Shim in work went due to an emergency, and it dawns Dan-tae that he wrongly Gong Shim accused him of lying. He crouches, his hasty conjectures hurt their feelings.

Jun-su is released from the hospital, but he still does not know who rescued him. A nurse is only able to tell him that a woman accompanied him, so he decides to check the CCTV recordings at his restaurant. He sees Gong Mi rushing in and drag his limp body out of the kitchen.

Jun-su invites Gong Mi coffee in his restaurant and thanks her for saving his life. He asks how they knew he was there, and she replies that she spotted his handmade chair in front of the restaurant and recalled his mentioning that the new restaurant near the wood workshop was. He thanked again, and she says, modestly, that someone would have otherwise done the same. Hmm.

Dan-tae waiting Gong Shim in the lobby, hoping to talk to her, but it is not to do in the mood. She pushes accidentally in Jun-su's uncle, one of the directors, causing him to spill his coffee. He warns them that if they met again in Him, He will make them be secretary.

uncle even cleans the sink in the bathroom, and his sleeves rolled up, a butterfly tattoo unveiled. Aha, that's the man who abducted 26 years ago Jun-Pyo.

Uncle spots Dan-tae in the lobby, and almost looks like he might have a vague sense of recognition. But he is only keeping attention stared at Dan-tae, who politely greeted him and does not seem to recognize the man.

Gong Shim emerges, and she still has no desire to talk Dan-tae, nor did it have something to tell him. But he grabs her wrist and bring them in a stairwell and insisted that he her much to say.


Dan-tae screwed up, he knows it, and he wants to clean the air! It's funny and interesting to see even such a dichotomy in his personality. He's like a mischievous child, if he is jealous, in high spirits, or brass with Gong Shim and Jun-su, but he is very much a mature adult when he realizes that his misconceptions hurt the woman he cares how it should be. It is this side of Dan-tae, who is not in Gong Shim that his interest confirmed laugh; it is the real thing. He really loves it and takes care of them, and his jealousy is strange characteristic for it.

Gong Shim has proved once again that, although they may be absent in the physical appearance, it really has the friendliest heart. Your sincerity is probably one of its most attractive features. The way they took care of Dan-tae, as "broken" his arm was and how they rushed to Jun-sus side, when she found out, he was revealed at the hospital to have a caring and care of your friend, who friendships values. Even if it was driven by guilt in both scenarios, I hope she realizes that everything is not always their fault. It is not a few misfortunes even though they may look ridiculous parents, sister and colleagues and to treat them in this way. We found it through chauvinist men get up, and I hope to see even more up for themselves.

Oh, Gong Meanie. I mean, Gong Mi. I never primarily its a preference had never even a degree of sympathy for them, and that sentiment still remains. It is a pathological liar and opportunist. They lied about Gong Shim not find Jun-su in his restaurant, and she lied Jun-su When asked how she knew where he was. I'm relieved, Jun-su has not immediately fall for them (as far as I can tell), when she saved him, but I'm wary of her this opportunity to try and woo him. We all know that it has attracted to his wealth his looks are an added bonus and their parents, especially her mother, are somehow okay with her open admission to marry rich, so they can have their own firm. I think they "gold digger" to add to her resume, right after "sneaky sister" and "fraudulent attorney."

The investigation Jun-Pyo missing has officially begun and I was not all that impressed with the first two results with Dan-tae and Gong Shim: how long for mother took her child to recognize missing and the account of the shoeshiner of what has happened (which is exactly the same as what Dan was -Tae in the file read). However, I find Dan-tae to the conclusion that people do not describe the kidnapped victims in general, but to be the kidnappers, quite fascinating. It seemed obvious, but at the same time, not so obvious that one would know immediately. The findings were strong enough for me to believe that it all Dan-tae to determine required that "Butterfly" had to do with the kidnappers.

There is something sinister about the fact that Jun-Pyo / Dan-tae was kidnapped by his own uncle. From the beginning, Uncle Jun-Pyo was portrayed as shady character, so we knew antagonistic feeling towards him. I feel a slight chill when he was introduced to Dan-tae and shook his hand, without knowing it face-to-face with adult Jun-Pyo. Other than that, there is not much to go off, and there is no real sense of danger that emanates from him only. Frankly, the tattoo of a butterfly does not help his case. I do not say it had to be like a skull and crossbones obvious, but a butterfly seems kind of random. Perhaps there is a sinister meaning behind the butterfly, or perhaps this happens baddie a butterfly to be lovers. Maybe we'll find out.

Anyway, what engrosses me most about this drama goes on the quirky and lovable characters of Gong Shim and Dan-tae be. They fail never to bring me with their slapstick comedy laugh. It is a testament to their acting ability that I / laughing with them, when I. In a position to their heights are high, and feel for them when their lows are low The story may be missing, but they raise them, or perhaps they are just enjoyable distracting me from like a colorful butterfly.

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Tags: Beautiful Gong Shim, Episode 6, characterized , Minah, namgoong min, Ohn Joo-wan

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