Recap And Reviews Kdrama Uncontrollable Fond: Episode 2

Recap And Reviews Korean Drama Uncontrollable Fond: Episode 2 -

The high school versions, these characters are much more lovable than their adult counterparts, but I think this is really show the point to how much they have changed, and they us what on earth to them what has happened in the intervening years, our today's characters make wonder so prickly. Love? Loss? Lobotomies? Or just good old fashioned loss of innocence, with one side of the parental luggage? to Oh, grow up.


in 06, a young Noh Eul runs in winter in the school and stop when they the neighborhood grandma pull a wagon a hill looks. You are the grandma her gloves, scarf and hat, and offers the car to take the rest of the way.

Eul apparently this kind to everyone in the neighborhood, much to the anger of her father, who has been released and is now running a street food stand. If Eul told a little boy eating his heart's content and not to pay the trouble, Dad calls her Jesus sarcastic and screams that he has not made of money.

Eul classmates running to announce that another friend to get out of school bully beaten and Eul is running to save her. Dad calls out for her that she is not the police and they should take care of their own affairs, but she ignored him deliberately. Dad mutters to herself that she should slip on a patch of ice and fall, and immediately she slips and falls.

Go to the same time, Joon-young and his friends wrote to a bulletin in the hallway, his impending transfer as punishment for the violence at school announces , (Some things never change.) Joon-Young's womb in the principal's office with a girl in tow, insisted that Joon-young this girl to be prevented from being attacked by some other boys, and they are the ones who should be punished.

But the girl hangs upside down and does not say one thing in Joon-young defense, and Mama is horrified to learn that the girl told Joon-young, lying, that he started a fight without provocation. Mama asks the girl if her parents taught with the rich boy aside instead of a poor, and suggests the girl across the face angry.

Mom comes to his senses and gets on his knees, to ask the principal for another chance. She cries that Joon-young will be an attorney one day, and he can not have something like this on his record.

Joon-young only makes matters worse, by seeking the rich children who feel quite superior right now. Joon-young Recalls as lame for roughing it is to get transferred to a little, and suggests that he could beat even one of them to a pulp, and just go for an expulsion.

The next thing we know, Joon-young is abused in the police station by a policeman, wearing fresh bruises on his face to show. The policeman says he felt sorry for Joon-young, because he was raised by a single mother, but that only stokes from Joon-young and anger he mouth the.

fortunately shows ajusshi him to defend (the restaurant ajusshi that mom calls oppa held). Ajusshi policeman warns because retire when he brought Joon-young father here, no one would be able to say to him one word. Joon-young asks Ajusshi it to stop talking to the Father and finally bursts into a shout: "As a dead man can come here" "Stop it"

Joon-young looks as he ached stutters Does he mean that, or he say it's only because he knows, Dad will not come?

If we had not picked up on the clues we just cut to Assemblyman Choi, the 06 is lawyer Choi. Joon-young and Ajusshi watch him on TV to give a press conference to a murder case, and Ajusshi asks what Joon-young to do when prosecutor Choi is really his father.

Joon-young mocks the idea, but if Ajusshi suppressed, he replies: "I'll kill him, he threw me and Mama. away and eat well and all our lives by himself. "Ajusshi argued that his father never told about Joon-young existence because Mom cut and ran, while she was pregnant ...

This is a message to Joon-young, of what speaks on earth asks Ajusshi. Oops. Ajusshi realizes what he just let slip, and has Joon-young to stop there running the mother to inquire about it, for fear of her anger.

Ajusshi tells him that his parents met while Dad a part-time job worked as a waiter in a bar, while the fact hiding that he was in law school. Mama worked in the kitchen of the bar, and they fell for each other. But one day Dad's older brother showed and told Mom that his brother was destined to be a prosecutor, and that someone like she was not fit to be with him.

Joon-young trudges home with all this on him, weighing, not to let Ajusshi plea Reminder know Mom, he said his father Joon-young, insisted that Mama was really soft-hearted and fragile under her gruff facade. Ajusshi said she would probably have died for his father when he had asked her.

Joon-young finds Mom sitting stoop outside on the front side when he comes home, and he smiles sweetly for their benefit. She frowns in return, and wonders why the police let a criminal go so easily. Joon-young jokes that the prison was too full, and he was told to make some extra trouble and come back next time.

Mom is not amused and refusing to feed him, so Joon-young only carries in his casual way to eat out of their shell and explain that he no longer has to tuition not go , He does not see the point of just live in a basement apartment to pay for an expensive teacher.

you scramble over the rice bowl and Mom hits him a few times unsuccessfully, frustrated that he went to rescue a girl, if that is not really to do in his character. He do not contradict that he normally the type to go past a dying, but he says he has mad only on that day become, because he found out that Mom drinks in a bar to pay for his teacher is. Oh.

He says Mom on her dream to give up because he takes her claim and too stupid to be a prosecutor. Mom him but screaming he wants to live then, because they care done, if he goes to prison or not.

Mama cries in the night to sleep, but Joon-young rolls up his sleeves and cracks his books, determined to make Mom dream come true to his own. It remains to study all night (or many days?) And read flash cards on the bus to school when a talent agent sneaks him and gives him a card. Joon-young it crumples on simple and goes back to its Flash cards.

Everywhere he goes, fall girl about to get a better view or passed him notes, but he ignored all the attention and buries his head in books day and night. A night in the library, Eul keeps him on his way out of the bathroom and asks why he has ignored all seven of the notes they will hand him over.

He watches her and says that she is not his type, and she screams that he is not her type is either, she's here because her boyfriend is lovesick, literally not eating in a hospital bed and, want because Joon- to die young, they unloaded.

Joon-young, she says simply die, Eul, threatening to kill him if their friend dies because of him. He wonders if she has paid for it, and suddenly goes up to her and puts his hand on her forehead. Eul scares but shakes it off and he explains that Eul is not in their minds.

Eul goes with tissue and snacks her friend in the hospital, armed to visit. But her friend refuses to eat, no matter how much Eul tried to comfort her and remember that Joon-young is not the only boy in the world. shouts your friend that Eul is fortunate that Joon-young is not her type if to judge on Eul face by the look that could not be the whole truth.

as Eul that night goes home, encounters a girl in her as she passes by. The girl looks back on Eul, and it turns out, her past self to be in a flashback, in great haste to the hair salon run, thrilled finally confess their feelings to her crush.

Eul in the looks salon window, see in flashback, giddy about their best looking for the big day, and calls her best friend to borrow a dress. She went would, while her big speech to practice in the house of her friend.

"Shin Joon-young, I'm Noh Eul, and I have you liked for a long time I know you totally are popular, but your destiny is me. you can not ... away from me ...? you are not going to confess in this way, are you, Eul? "Yes, there want to rethink your strategy.

she laughs at himself and rounds the corner, where it comes to draw on Joon-young her best friend in a hug. Oh no. Today (he, since 06) Eul watches her past even with a wistful smile, and continue on their way.

Eul calls Dad and cutely calls him by name, and he wonders if she is drunk. He is suspicious of her aegyo and suspected to save money, yet another friend of hers, and Eul mouths along to Papas singing and dancing as they are not needed chaebols, and have nothing but debt.

Eul asks Dad her a drink, and he calls her crazy and sends it to buy. But when they meet heads down Dad on his way home, he is holding a bag with two bottles of soju to have given his daughter, as always.


Eul that and happily tells her little brother over the phone because they do not wait with Papa until it is at a time going on. While she's turned her brother to say this comes, racing a car down the road, and then there is a loud crash. Gack.

If Eul turns around, they lie Dad in the street sees his food cart overturned and a red sports car stopped earlier. A young woman gets out of the car, horrified at what she has done, but if she sees blood from head Papas spill, she panics and gets back in her car.

What the driver is unaware that Eul saw everything, and when she hears Eul crying: "Papa!" To the driver peels away from the scene. Eul race after her screaming on the car to stop walking. It is useless, of course, and Eul will be left on the road, watching the hit-and-run driver removed just received.

In the middle of the night, gets Prosecutor Choi a call from someone he as Assemblyman Yoon addresses, who says that his daughter got into an accident and he needs help prosecutor Choi.

Joon-young stays in the library until closing and packing his things at the end of the night, staring a break in the magazine article featuring his father.

Eul father is in critical condition and it runs out of the hospital as soon as she gets a call from the police. They say that the hit-and-run driver has been, but if Eul goes to confront the driver to the police station, it's a man, not the young woman who saw her last night.

she says that they have the wrong offender that the driver was a woman, she only cries with their own two eyes, the man saw and forgiveness asked and insisted that he was the driver.

lawyer Choi leads one to work every morning and pauses at the subway exit, when it starts to rain. It is made of a step and get it wet, when suddenly someone steps and holding an umbrella overhead behind him.

It's Joon-Young, acting as prosecutor Choi knows from television. When he his father goes to work, Joon-Young says that his dream has become a prosecutor, and he plans on the same university to go, visited the prosecutor Choi.

To think that Joon-young is only one prosecutor Choi cute random child muses that unlike other children these days who have no ambition and motivation it. He calls Joon-young smart and driven, and says that he is jealous of Joon-young parents.

Joon-young tries to keep his feelings under wraps, but but he can not help to this comment smile. Prosecutor Choi thanked him for the way to work, and holds out his hand for a shake, as he says he is looking forward to seeing Joon-young in the prosecutor's office one day. Prosecutor Choi turns again ask Joon-young, here wait 10 minutes

Joon-young shaking his father's hand with a timid smile, and then, because he wants to repay the favor.

But prosecutor Choi is waylaid when Eul on court Parking is throwing his car up to a stone. It is picked up by the security, and if prosecutor Choi comes to ask what his car has ever done to her, she says she has tried to see him twenty times, but he must avoid any attempt avoided, so is they resorted to this.

Eul says that her father hit-and-run case at all according to a detective since got prosecutor Choi are involved, anything, to change from the offender began to witness testimonies to the prosecutor assigned to the case. The detective told her that this was not a battle she could win, and suggested that they agree on their terms only.

prosecutor Choi their theory pure fiction calls and says that they have come for nothing all the way, although Eul picks up on the fact that she never told him who she was or where she was, but he already seems to know. She suspects he has to avoid all the time, and that makes him drop the beautiful act, and he tells her he cold patience.

Eul is surprised Joon-young standing there to see in the hallway when she comes, and she's upset that he so happy seems her boyfriend because he is still in the hospital. She takes another fight, muttering that she does not know what her boyfriend sees in him, and that if her daughter had been, she would have her legs broken. Joon-young sticks his foot out their trigger in retalitation.

points out, the absurdity of Joon-young, because it interferes with his studies when he is not even her friend dumping in the 0th place in the school. She says that someone with rocks for brains as he wanted to be a prosecutor, that's what this country wrong, not realizing that prosecutor Choi has overheard humiliating Joon-young in the process.

Eul has no idea and just kept saying Joon-young is not always date or marry, and certainly by age eighty, he should the prosecutor exam. Attorney Choi pretends not to have heard and provides a book for Joon-young to sign and asks for his name. Feeling embarrassed, Joon-young, he says pass the test and then come claiming the book.

Eul hobbles on the bus with her bloody knee, and she crawls when Joon-young claims the same bus just before it starts. He goes straight up to her and asks the girl sitting next to her so moved, he can sit with his friend, and despite Eul protests that they are not friends, are the girl in her seat and Joon-young climbs upwards.

Every time Eul tries to get up and move, he drags her back down, and he asks them then to seduce him. He points out how ridiculous it is that a man, a girl to throw it immortal in she's in love and would die, only to study-it is only because he was not crazy in love with Eul friend that he dumped her, he explains.

Joon-young:... "So try and seduce me so I you so crazy that I can not study that, I can not even dream of a prosecutor, if you can not deceive me, will I seduce you. "Understandably trying Eul away from him to move as he is a crazy person. He would not let her though, and it on the seat beside him holding back tug.

After that day Eul asks every evening handing out flyers spends for witnesses to come forward of her father in terms of hit-and-run. You ligaments that flyer on lampposts and shop windows every night, and shows at school exhausted in the morning.

She thinks of picking all have a part-time job on top of it, because stack of her father to hospital bills. your friend asks why Eul just disagree to let the hit-and-run driver off the hook for a payout, but Eul she does not want to leave out, get with the drivers on their exchange.

Her whole school is aflutter this morning, and Eul see why, when holding a giant teddy bear Joon-young standing the target spots. They assume he's here to get his ex back, but when Eul goes from him, he pushes his arm out and grabs her and surprised everyone in the process.

He gives her a cheeky look and says he class in honor of their 100th day skipped (dating) and Eul have no chance what to work on earth he speaks before he pushes the teddy bear at her and says: "Happy 100th day I love you, Eul-ah." Pwahahaha. He's crazy.

Eul looking around her, horrified, because at the moment it looks like it behind to sneak been with Joon-young the best friend back, and everyone at her school experiences there. To make matters worse, Joon-young waits until Eul of lovesick best friend shows up, and he playfully Pets Eul upside down, as he says that he did not study, because he can not stop thinking about her.

he throws to his arm and says that they should not hide, because he is the villain, and it must be made not responsible. She ate. Eul called him a crazy bastard, but before she can argue with him, he clamped a hand over her mouth and smiles, to make them look awfully chummy and free, effectively the clingy ex, all in one go.

Then Joon-young cackles like a madman, amused thoroughly by the stunt he pulled. Ajusshi wonders what about him has come, and Joon-young wheezing laughs between, "Ajusshi why I'm such a horrible person?" He practically falls over laughing.

Eul complains about Joon-young to be a son of a bitch to her comatose father, and little brother Jik blames them for swearing. Eul asks wake Papa and get revenge for their sullied honor, while precocious little Jik her need for revenge calls childish.

They are arguing when Dad Flatlines and its monitor is ringing an alarm. Eul and her brother standing helplessly as nurses and doctors in a hurry. Do not revive Dad again, and Jik breaks into sobs wailing down and demanded that they return to bring his father. Eul just throws a tear quietly and whispers that she is sad.

At school, Joon-young boy overheard other than Eul father speak, and how he died after his hit-and-run accident. They say that Eul and her brother could not even stay for Papas funeral to, because he left in the mountains of debt from Mamas old hospital bills and loan sharks came to collect. They ran away in the middle of the night, and the boys ask why Joon-young do not know any of this when he's dating her.

Joon- boy goes directly to the funeral, where he witnesses a stalemate between Eul neighbors and loan sharks. The neighbors try Eul and Jik to protect, but the loan sharks say that the children ran with their money, and they should to sell their bodies to pay it back if they need to. Joon-young pay softly his relationship with Eul father.

lawyer Choi dined with Assemblyman Yoon, who is happy to hear that his daughter has caused accidents. He says he sent his daughter, YOON JUNG-EUN ( In Joo Eun ) shattered shortly after the incident, because the poor thing was abroad. Assemblyman Yoon calls it "a small mistake", in the way of them will not should get in-law, and prosecutor Choi agrees.

Joon-young is found from Eul the flyer in the street and tried calling number to get a hold of her, but there is no answer. Winter goes and spring comes, and Joon-Young manages a hundred places in its class ranking to jump with his latest test.

Joon-young mother and Ajusshi are hard at work somewhere a bunch of food hauling and Ajusshi scolds his son Gook-young for a lazy butt to be, and Gook-young sister to think Man-ok not very much of it either seem. (In today's timeline, Gook-young's Joon-Young Manager and Man-ok is his stylist.)

It turns out that the food for the teacher is at Joon-Young School, and Mama makes a great embarrassment-do about Joon-young recent jump in class rank and thanks effusively the main.

Joon-young, meanwhile posts Eul to ask again the evidence of witnesses her father's hit-and-run. He tries her phone again and is hopeful, if a girl answers, but it is not Eul and annoyed that this guy keeps call and ask for Noh Eul.

He decides Eul old phone number of the sign to cross and begins to write down his number, but then it stops and asks why he can be so drawn. He rips the sign down and is about to walk away when he suddenly received a call from Eul is. She says her father's image she heard about Joon-young in the funeral procession carrying (what would have been their duty), and thanked him warmly.

Then we fast forward, with Eul tried on a snowy road at the present time, Joon-young to convince them to do the documentary. Joon-young cuts the crap and screams ". Noh Eul Do you not know me?" She replies, "I know you, you son of a bitch if I say, I know you are, you shoot the documentation you are.? it does not. If I say, I know you are, you also rougher and meaner as you were then. "

They thanked him for the money he threw at her feet and goes past him with a bow. He turns around and sees her street hobble down, and when she winces in pain and collapses, he thinks to himself: "There is no way, that's Eul-ie This can not be Eul-ie There is no way.. that this is my Eul-IE. "

He starts to their marching past, and breaks into a run.


Well, so far to know at the end of each episode, I die, what in the next few years continue, that these two characters were apart, so they have a good job done make me curious where their relationship (Heck, all Joon-young relationships) went wrong, and invested in the story and its characters. I prefer the high school versions at this point, but that's probably given because it around before they are both jaded and hardened.

Noh Eul is the one that drastically most changes because how glad and give she was when her father was still alive, and it struck a chord when Joon-young was so insistent that this could not be the girl he remembered from his youth. I expect more of the past timeline some light to shed on their compound, because so far their only real interaction they amounted have had, which made for an amusing beginning of their relationship, but does not really explain to a few unfortunate run-ins and a Punking the depth of his disappointment in today Eul.

The background story has insight into Joon-young character, especially in relation to his parents, who after this introduction was needed urgently to his strained relationship with mom. I am glad that we did not draw his birth secret if they were his father anvils on identity from the start dropping, although I believe that he would keep a secret of his identity Dad continues. It is obvious that the device, to be sure, but I could not help but feel for teen Joon-young, when he saw in so hopefully to go his father's footsteps as he somehow earn the right was, to be his son.

I wish to do the past timeline to follow have been a little easier, because we much-as if Joon-young were allowed to actually transferred schools to close (he didn 't), or how many days or weeks elapse between run-ins with Eul (who knows). Are they trying to be deliberately slanted, or is that the show too much credit to give? At the moment there are puzzles constructed the story is told in the way, but I wonder whether I'm starting to drive you crazy.

Anyway, I guess Eul feelings were made clear from the beginning, although I would have preferred if they to be hated by the bat Joon-young honest. But I wonder, left over Joon-young, he has feelings-start only after he heard about their care about her father accident and debt? Or he was previously really interested in her, and to take his idea of ​​a girl braids is their reputation and friendships to ruin? Because that's some serious ASSHATTERY right here.

It makes me a big reversal of today want, unless I know that is not the case, he has gone from neighborhood celebrity to global star, and we have already in their adult Eul cave seen principles for money. But maybe if he hunts and she thinks he refuses, I will draw some satisfaction from it, especially if he is the one who has been longing for them all these years. Yes, I think I do it.

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