Recap And Reviews Kdrama Jackpot: Episode 12

Recap And Reviews Korean Drama Jackpot: Episode 12 -

There are still a lot of juggling going on when it comes to politics and gambling, although this episode takes some focus much needed in the character of Prince Yeoning. He is the bond that binds the two storylines together, and the only free agents that can move almost seamlessly in and out of both worlds. Watching his growing friendship with Dae-gil proves to be one of Jackpot 's more assets to be (no one proposes Choi Min-soo , of course), so bring on the teamwork ,


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While Dae-gil struggling with the shock former slave to see in Yook Gwishin Casino Seol-in, it does not seem hard as fazed. it is here on behalf of their new masters, the angsty player Kejakdu, and tells the scarred swindlers that, while he may lose everything, their master doesn 't want him to lose his life.

she's here to make sure that does not happen, and will be pulled through the wrist not allow when Dae-gil tries to speak in private. "no longer knew you Seol-in once, there," she tells him flatly. "I now Kejakdu belong."

Injwa and his cronies come to see the game, and long for ~ ~ POS = TRUNC in as Dae-gil and Yook Gwishin sitting at a new console, now without human baduk pieces. For its part, Dae-gil, the deeds of the twelve casinos he bets took of Injwa which are worth a total of about ten thousand Nyang. On top of that, he will set his life, because you just can not play in this show without a.

In return Yook Gwishin his own arcade agrees to bet, and his life. Injwa decides to join on the fun, so he is not just a spectator, and opens the floor itself and allow others to bet on who they think will win. Injwa even bet two boxes of gold worth at least five thousand Nyang on Dae-gil.

Since the two players to start their game, it goes back to Prince Yeoning facing off against the Warriors Jin-ki for the slave papers he studied , Yeoning clearly applies a nerve when he calls Jin-ki to be a former military officer, only to be nothing more than Injwa dog.

Knowing that he can not win against Jin-ki in the battle, he offers him to pay for his help. If that fails, Yeoning throws in two jars of oil, and throws in a flare, Block Jin-ki in the now burning room. Of course Jin-ki breaks straight, but to leave Yeoning no choice but to run his life.

Back in the game, Yook Gwishin has only two sixes to roll to win. But if he, a broken comes tips about the cup that contains cubes, not letting him win be able.

It turned out, Dae-gil cracked had the wooden cube in his hand, before they, to ensure provide that this would happen, but it did him not much good. They are the round again have to play with a new set of dice to determine the winner, but only if they bring a set of dice that are not rigged to roll double sixes. Whether it is a sleight of hand on Dae-gil part or a ton of rigged dice on Yook Gwishin is the part that all rolls disclose double sixes.

To Dae-gil appease Yook Gwishin asks if anyone else has a pair of dice and a raggedy child from the human baduk group comes forward to give a pair. Either way, this role of the winner of the game will decide, but Dae-gil changes the rules: If Gwishin rolls something but double threes, he will win.

But if he rolls exactly double threes, Dae-gil wins, and he will take with him all disenfranchised human baduk pieces. Injwa warns Yook Gwishin agree to a race, but Gwishin is sure he'll win, to be with the rate as high in his favor.

Of course, he reveals double threes, meaning that won Dae-gil. It was not by pure luck, because the child who did provided the dice available because Dae-gil she gave it to him, but Yook Gwishin do not know that. He only grows more enraged when Dae-gil tells him that spit all the money he has taken from the poor, but when Dae-gil told him once before: "I'm just so lucky."

Yook Gwishin of minions Dae-gil attack, which they easily fends off. He draws his sword when Gwishin coming for him, and delivers a slash at the chest of the bear man who really seems to scare Gwishin. "Have you ever killed anyone?" Asks the player as if he hopes Dae-gil not have the courage. "Do not pretend to be simple, hard and try. Try to kill me, you bastard!"

But Dae-gil his sword sheathed instead to tell him that it would be easier that the to give pleased with all the people he is being exploited. It is not the human baduk pieces that tear him to pieces, though, it's just Seol-in which to kill him in the ribs, as revenge for him stabs her parents.

of enormous player plucks the dagger from his side like a needle before Seol-in in a stranglehold grabbed the bloody knife threat. As if to make tells her suffering greater Yook Gwishin her that he poisoned her father drink before he died.

"And how do you feel?" Seol-in asks before his hand bite to break free. Ah, so that's why we saw refilling his drink she uses her the same poison against Gwishin that he. Against her father

as if by magic to take to limit the impact just then, leading to falling Yook Gwishin knees. Seol-in takes the dagger and stabs him in the gut, to cry when she crunches through her teeth that she stayed with Kejakdu and just went through hell to stay near Gwishin, waiting for a chance to get their revenge.

those which he then exploited descend on all Yook Gwishin. Meanwhile goes the battle with Jin-ki and Yeoning although Jin-ki will have to outnumber if Yeoning finally calls all his guards forward. Injwa makes its presence known then Yeoning and claimed that he the fate Gwishin care could not care less

But it can, without speaking in vague metaphors Yeoning not leave before they get to the real point. He'll pay him for this slap in the face three times back. "You might even have to give up everything you have," he adds.

Prince Yeoning tried to put a stop to the beating in the gambling going on, even if they claim it causes from that Yook Gwishin deserves. Which, clearly, he does.

There is no other way to stop it, sinks Prince Yeoning on his knees. "Will ask I for forgiveness," he says, whereby the space covered in a hushed silence as his guards kneel behind him. "Set for the sin of the people of this nation through this indignity, because it should be noted that human tears, and that people fall into such depths, I ask forgiveness. So please, stop."

After his guards to bring him commandment, he begins to go into how the slave papers have all been reduced to ashes (which means that people are free), only someone shouting in a hurry, "fire!" Forget Yeoning that fire spreads?

Each evacuate for Yook Gwishin who go his intention with his gambling ship, store explained. It comes this wish with two arrows on the back, by a female assassin in black. Is that you, Dam-seo?

Prince Yeoning runs to look for them, and they will be thrown into a flashback of their night together, when she observed him from afar. But when he turns to her, she's gone.

Dae-gil, Seol-in and all mistreated Civil watch as the gambling den burns, had with the man who once burning inside. Dae-gil and Seol-in cheering much leave without saying anything to Yeoning as they happen with much more sober expressions.

Although Yeoning confirmed his end of the bargain by Merchant Baek and freeing his people from Yook Gwishin, the dealer does not, he has promised, having already sold to the player Golsa the general ledger. (One of the three ... uh, well two Gamblers.)

Dae-gil brings Seol-in home grandpa, who jokes that her name sounds as seol lim or "flutter." Grandpa asks any questions that might be the father, as what is their relationship, who her parents were, how old she is, etc. It's adorable.

Opa fuss over Seol-in, as if they were already part of the family, it is clear to make Dae-gil, that it should only happen they hurry up and make. But Dae-gil, who was only too willing to take before a random stranger for his wife, now claims that it is simply not like the Seol-with.

The revenue from betting on Dae-gil, Injwa bribes that Minister Yeoning trying to get him back on his side to give up. On top of that, he asked them to exert some influence with the Crown Prince, what they have already done.

Cut Prince Yeoning from the news that cocoons to remove his hyung, Yoon Crown Prince, he is of his position in the Office of Inspector General. Knowing that Yeoning before men to their knees got to apologize his name annoys the Crown Prince, who tells his brother that he could not even excuse his shameful actions, if he had a hundred mouths.

Now that Yeoning had clipped his wings, so he will not be able to enforce this lift on the ban on trade, which is exactly what Injwa and his cohorts wanted. But Injwa know that it will not be enough, something that Central State Councilor Kim Chang-Jip also know he advises the young prince of the only person to go, which can help him now. His father

kneeling before King Sukjong, says the Prince, he came to seek his advice, the sounds of the king ears ironic, since he used the last piece of advice he gave himself to the foot shoot. Nevertheless, the ailing King turns his son, by whether he considers himself powerless really without his position at the end of the day, only one title was.

He compares the current of public opinion, to the water in his royal bowl Whatever the bowl is tilted in any direction flows. "Are you the water or the bowl?" He asks his son to take his voice on a hard edge.

It is up to Yeoning to decide where the water is poured, or if he'll just break down as the water in the bowl to be influenced, warns the king. "Whether you live or die, act as if you hold the bowl." That his Council, and Yeoning vows to take it.

Meanwhile Seol-in tells Dae-gil about what happened to her after she recently separated, what we see in flashback. Once determined to die if it meant revenge on Yook Gwishin get to kill their parents, had made an attempt on his life while he was meeting with the brooding player Kejakdu Seol-in.

their attempt was foiled and Yook Gwishin was willing to chop off her hand for it but was stopped by Kejakdu. He got an ax on his forearm for his efforts, but had just as easily plucked it out and warned Yook Gwishin against a hand on the girl lay. (It is to be a fine in show reason for his arm in a sling, though poor Kim Sung-oh it actually hurt.)

since that day at all, as Seol-in explains Dae-gil in the present, it would be dedicated Kejakdu until she could get Yook Gwishin a chance to kill. She plans to tell him that she would leave him now that her revenge is complete.

Yeoning the two of them will drink together and crashes their party, only to find disappointment, albeit Seol-in doesn 't treat him with respect, just like someone he knows , "I'm older than you," Dae-gil explains only reply for Yeoning: "What does that matter? We're friends?". Awwwwwwwww.

It is unclear whether Dae-gil with this assessment is true of their relationship, but if Yeoning really wants to commit it, he would have Dae-gil "hyungnim" call, out of respect. Seol-in do not see what Yeoning is the problem with this idea, it is not so, he is a prince or something ...


Once Seol-in truth, it has the rest of the conversation with her arms spending in the air as a punishment. Hah. It's even funnier that keep Yeoning she reminded to keep their arms there when they cut next to the player taking Golsa on their conversation in trying, as they seem to know some useful information.

Since Golsa is Dae-gil next target anyway, Yeoning asks to be included in his plan. In order to achieve its objective to abolish the ban on small traders, he has the ledger, which was sold Golsa. Plus rid of Golsa would help him to achieve his primary goal of cutting off Injwa the source of income.

Finally Yeoning allowed to rest their arms and talk Seol-in. Just as she is, to tell them what she knows about Golsa, Grandpa comes in the name of barging in, yelling "GOLSAAA!" The way you could "KHAAAN!" Screaming, so we know that they have a past together.

he says, the three teenagers who Golsa is the one who took his eye, when he was caught cheating, and again, Seol-in is interrupted before they tell them what they know. Instead Grandpa says it from power Golsa about Mapo Harbour holds, like a king king was there throughout the trade.

Once a week a lull there, finally Seol-in, gets to tell them that Golsa had a child, and the child is still hostage Injwa. It would explain why Injwa gets such a large proportion of Golsa result, which means that they find this hostage if they want power over Injwa Golsa and Mapo Harbour.

to take

Opa acts as a distraction so Yeoning to sneak in Golsa the arcade, the Hong Mae also has a hand in running (?). Meanwhile Seol-in doing their part by pretending to be a wannabe gisaeng to be taken by the gibang woman / part-time shamans in purchase, enough for Dae-gil deflects inward to sneak the woman.

The woman thinks Seol-in a fine enough face has a become gisaeng, but their physiognomy says she is a harbinger of great misfortune. She is kind to others, but does not have any friends, and everyone who have a hard time to avoid death you will be affected. Judging by the look on Seol-face, this capability can also be true.

not get the job, and can be so discouraged as Dae-gil, who did not find what he was looking for on

Seol-in. But the woman pursued Seol-in, claiming to be able to teach them how to free themselves from their terrible power, so maybe everything but not lost.

But a female voice lurks Dae-gil, because they feel, the location is that he has great skill in martial arts. She tells him that there is nothing to steal that enough Dae-gil piques interest to open the door ...

Opa doing pretty well on his own in the gambling den, although Hong Mae guesses something is by the way he's acting. She is also seen Yeoning about their casino game.

The owner of the female voice is a young nobleman surrounded by books and Dae-gil suggested that it could be Golsa daughter and thus Injwa hostage. She hides Dae-gil in her room when the woman comes to deliver, to occupy their time, even though the woman something seems suspect in order to more books.

Once they are alone again corrected the girl Dae-gil on his assumption that she is a hostage as they escape Injwa its own gave her father. (So ​​... she's a hostage.)

She claims that she can leave whenever she wants, Dae-gil wants to leave it with him, and counterintuitively declares its intention their father to kill. You must now heard about Yook Gwishin, right? Now, he is the one who put an end to him.

Cut to Dae-gil her father greeting, the swindler Golsa which recognizes him as Man-geum son. Golsa daughter is left waiting anxiously in her prison room, uncertain fate of her father.


There was in this episode a few highlights, and overall, the story is a little easier to follow now that it is appropriate to focus more achievable goals for our characters. Nevertheless, we can not seem to escape some really strange editing decisions that exactly the opposite to do from what tend to do director, what is the story in the clearest way possible to say simply.

Instead, we were given a number of scenes throughout the divide-and-conquer plan that done very little to us a sense of time and place against each other, leaving me scratching over my head, what it our good guys had had to reach out, and how exactly they planned to go about it on. After her talk with Grandpa, it sounded as Golsa the arcade, but after that, the details get a little fuzzier.

wanted to infiltrate First, it seemed like the plan was to take Golsa daughter off Injwa, so he did not have that to use the pledge against Golsa. But that would assume that they would use Golsa against Injwa which now does not sound like the plan. Maybe they just wanted to use her against Golsa, but again, that does not make a whole lot of sense when Dae-gil plan is just to kill him. (And even if it is, why would you say the guy's daughter that?)

bring The introduction of her character fresh blood in the mix, so I'm interested to see where they take their history will. Likewise, I'm really pleased with the integration of Seol-in as a member of the team, and every ham-handedness with their reintroduction can be awarded out of consideration, what she brings to the table. Not only did some serious, heartfelt drama with the completion of their vengeance, but it also brought some much-needed lightness, which is probably the greatest gift anyone could give this show today.

There has not ask me to leave, what role Dam seo in all but should be, especially since they do not explain even try why she was in Yook Gwishin casino or why they kill him, thought. Also, why was it not a thing ever discussed among the three who were there to see it? Are the people of Jackpot 's universe so used to flying random arrows indicate that they do not make stop in question they and why more shooting?

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tags: Choi min-soo, episode 12, in the Ji-yeon, jackpot, Jang Geun-seok, Yeo Jin-gu, Yoon Jin -seo

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