Recap And Reviews Kdrama The Three Musketeers: Episode 4

Recap and reviews korean drama The Three Musketeers: Episode 4 -

Talk about your worst first day on the job at all. Something tells me that Dal-hyang who have a lot of "firsts worst ever" to face, though, it may also apply to this feeling of constant disorientation get used. It is good for him to serve on the remainder of his term of Prince serves, which is finally almost called a nutjob. And by his best friend, no less. Hey, we were all wondering, but now we have got the word from a reliable source firsthand. Fine, reliable ish


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EPISODE 4: "The neck of the enemy's skirmishers general Ingguldai"

Prince Sohyeon says Dal-hyang the history of his almost- wife, Mi-ryung, which he ordered to kill herself years ago. there must be there on this story to be more than what we have seen, but based on the recounting Sohyeon now, it's shocking enough Dal-hyang to have gaping, not quite sure that he was not kidding.

Sohyeon wraps up the story and are to capture the sequence Mi-ryung. Dal-hyang has enough concerns to call the Prince to ask if he necessarily those must fulfill instructions -The purpose of the order is not clear to him, and it is not explicitly in the interests of the nation, either.

Sohyeon says that as a soldier of the state the only order that is its trump the king-Dal-hyang no place to argue with motive has, methods or personal risk. chastened, Dal-hyang this accepted quietly.

The Prince explained that while Seung-po and Min-seo consider Dal-hyang her boyfriend (aw), he still does not trust him, he is not able to anybody easy to trust. "I'm not you entrusted with this mission, because I trust you," says Sohyeon. "I confirm this mission, whether I can or not trust."

In Yoon-seo Palace is visited by her mother, who is hiding in the bedchamber of the prince gives her a talisman to support their procreation. Yoon-seo demurs, saying that the nation is experiencing a turbulent time, but her mother says it all the more reason to secure the succession and give people hope.

So if Sohyeon later comes home that night, Yoon-seo is announce a few seconds, she throws in a panic, because it is about be red-handed with a fertility talisman caught in plain sight. She rushes out of the room only to come face to face with the prince, and since it is a terrible liar and Sohyeon is a quick mind, he is not about to let it go easily.

He sees the paper in his hand, which she stuffs into her sleeve and bluntly denies everything. When he stepped on, she backs away, so of course he stops them step up to the back she's nervous shuffling. She stumbles and falls backwards, and he ends up, well, directly to them.

The ladies it thusly, knowing trading, smiling entangled to see and quietly close the doors. A monarchy gotta have heirs, after all.

Sohyeon clocks covering their position, then closer and closer leans to Yoon-seo closes his eyes and twists his lips. But instead of kissing, he takes the opportunity to seize the talisman out of his hand, and Yoon-seo may cringe just in mortification. They are for the purpose of Talisman and asks to burn back to it.

That's when he remembered that they to him, who had committed an interest in her, and adds: "Frankly, I order to be no interest in women specifically, I do not like. . Women as a whole "Yoon-seo connecting points, albeit wrong"?! ... Then you tell her men like "

Sohyeon laughs about her crooked interpretation says then more sincere, that he means that it is not their fault, and therefore not something that they feel excited about. Then he adds that he can see why Dal-hyang so long appreciated her letter because Dal-hyang a keen eye for good women. That's cute to say-and the least he could say, really, because, as he amused usually at their fears picking instead to appease them. must

Sohyeon the talisman returns, and then he says it will think about seriously, "if I really like men." Heh. Well, we can not expect him to think seriously of entire to be this week, we could? But he is considerate of her embarrassment and suggests that they stay here for a while so as not to disappoint the courtiers outside.

So if Yoon-seo Hof lady assumes that the talisman his magic she did not work does not correct them. She opens her drawer to stow the Talisman away, but struck with panic about the view there is something missing.

Our two Musketeers sleep the effects of a long night, and sent Min-seo to ogle the maids to clean break pretty face. When he asks about bathing, only the girls do not perk up in excitement, they carry the message to the other women spread servants who drop their tasks then and there to steal a glance. Which means that Seung-po absolutely nobody wakes up to find to honor its requirements, as they are all in a race to experience bathing.

Seung-po sneaks behind the looky-loos and offerings, "Should I take off his pants, too?" The women scream and scatter (though one turns back to touch Min-seo bare abs, LOL) and Min-seo covers in all haste.

Eager-to-please Pan-swe comes to serve his Master Seung-po, and believe still that Seung-po was serious him to Dal-hyang in sending. Now realize that he really had the intention to transfer his property, Freaks Pan-swe and begs Seung-po not to send him away. It's not just loyalty, but also proud: "! His room is smaller than servants here also servants have levels"

So Seung-po Pan supplies -swe personally to his new master, and shall work for a nice chat in. Hearing that Dal-hyang has in the envoys residence place in education, as per custom, Seung-po wonders if anyone has any threads stationed drawn. Dal-hyang recalls the warning of the prince that his mission is a secret between the two of them, and plays dumb. Then he asks you what type of person who is Prince, saying that he can not find him.

Seung-po near leans and admits: ". He is a weirdo" To say that Sohyeon is a crazy person got kind of charm, he tells him not to try to understand it, because it will give him a headache. He sighs that it is a pity for the princess to get stuck with a madman, and slyly noted Dal-hyang consternation reaction thereto.

News of Dal-hyang the passage of the civil service examination finally reached his parents, who are so excited that they are reduced to sob. The government messenger delivering them a gift of rice and inform them of a village festival in Dal-hyang thrown honor.

When they are happy, tells Dal-hyang voice again a letter that he wrote to them, to let them know what happened, as we see it at work for his big day before. He dresses in his fresh uniform as an apprentice officer (he has not yet received an appointment) and derives from, that is, if we had seen us on the scene we jump previously volatile: Manchu General Ingguldai leads his envoys towards the town [1945009gezeichnetvoneinerLiniederJoseon-MinisterundOffiziere]

is your approach welcomed, but it is a look at preliminary welcome and tensions mounted quickly as both sides each other with weapons. That's when Dal-hyang, the woman in the car sitting Spots: Mi-ryung.

The Minister Joseon welcome Ingguldai, and now the situation remains peaceful. However, the foreigners, the Court of arrival divided, and the ministers are also urging King Injo obtain non-they the enemy, to fight against the oppressive foreigners again, to break free from under her thumb. Especially in light of the recent demand of the Manchu emperors, the Joseon change its status from a "sister state" to an entity that would be subordinate to them.

(This drama takes place between the first and second Manchu invasion, with Joseon between the warring Ming and Manchu captured forces (soon to be) Qing. Had Injo previously with the Ming -sided, the power lost by this point, and the Manchus has not take it lightly. the two political groups in this timeline were of (1) those together who argue that Joseon must ally with Ming, and ( 2) those who claim not to break relations with Qing. Our future-oriented good guys, also known as Prince Sohyeon and his teacher, Minister Choi Myung-gil, belong to this group. But you can not tell the other group, all wrong is the need to eliminate the argument Ingguldai because the general a leading figure in the second Manchu would be invasion.)

so, now as Prime Injo begging slay Ingguldai, Injo sweats and trembles from afraid to take action. disturbed Sohyeon trades looks with Minister Choi, as this is not the price they want. Minister Choi speaks to convince, to not the envoys out of hand reject without hearing what they have-they say they can not accept the terms to contradict, after speaking of the King. You must be careful if they want to prevent the war.

secure reluctantly Minister Choi Headed Prince, other ministers. Finally, the king admits agree with their side, that it is too early to beat. He obtained Ingguldai.

And so that you can imagine, it is a scandal to hear that Ingguldai to travel to the palace refused to see the King-the King, have come here to the residence 'ambassador to meet with Ingguldai. It is an aggressive demand but Ingguldai warns that the refusal is in his immediate departure comply Result: ". And what happens next, I can not be for responsible"

This raises the court in another tizzy and Sohyeon is dismayed that his plan did not go as intended. The opposite Minister go into a round of I told you so and ask the king from after changing all natural and strike. Full indecision Injo calls for a break and asks the prince to speak, and he breaks out in tears, it also calls hell to endure.

Then his tone is always angry and he begins to sound paranoid, say that this minister just toying with him, and that they can replace him plan. They would put Injo on the throne in a coup (overthrow Gwanghaegun), so who is to say that they do not have another plan would overthrow him too?

Sohyeon tells him that this is not a fight with his officials: ". This is a matter of deciding" He urges his father to think realistically, with a cool head. But he admits, not able to push him because he aware of how much suffering the King in the episode.

Injo called foolish for less assured than his son and cried. "If you were in my place, the country would be at the end better than now" Hey, he read my mind. Then the king composed himself, wiping his tears, and grows determined. He will go to Ingguldai.

Sohyeon warns him not to act too quickly, but the king would rather get this over with. Sohyeon looks uneasy, that's reason enough to be uneasy for me.

The decision comes so fast that even Ingguldai is cautious, he knew that it expected an intrusive demand and therefore more resistance. He puzzles it can be heard behind the screen on, without knowing that he was an eavesdropper: Dal-hyang.

If Ingguldai leaves the room, Dal-hyang rifles through the papers on his desk and reads through the journal General. In it he details what we have seen: in Joseon arrive, addressed by messengers sent by Kim Ja-jeom and to be careful when the woman who is fluent in both Manchu and Joseon languages. She had turned out to be Hyang-sun-name the prince is also known. Based on Mi-ryung behavior Ingguldai so far is suspicious enough to keep a watchful eye on them.

Ingguldai magazine also tips from Dal-hyang as Mi-ryung was smuggled in court, as a soldier concubine dressed in the official receipt roster. So Dal-hyang makes its way here in her room and decides that, since it is already recognized him, he can also take the direct route.

He knocks, and invites them to him. She also takes the direct way to say that they would ask when he would come to see them. Dal-hyang noticed the burn scar on her bare shoulder, although he his eyes only half-dressed as she holds averted, uncomfortable to dress to ask before they speak.

She laughs (it is nice of him), but that does, and he sees the letter out on her desk. When reading the words are disturbingly familiar and ring an alarm bell in his head: It is the love letter Yoon-seo wrote him that they had said they are burned, which is now missing from her desk. In fact, Yoon-seo is this minute tear her room she to this letter were looking for, was not sorry after all to have burned.

Dal-hyang reads the letter with trembling hands and Mi-ryung joins him gently inserting a needle into the throat before he can react. Gack, he was poisoned!

Woozy and in pain, Dal-hyang staggers, tries to fight, but fade quickly. Mi-ryung says she, the princess would be investigated and was surprised to see that such a proper young lady would have promised secretly. When I "They experienced the same thing I did, you must have thought, Yoon-seo feelings would be eternally:

you saw in Dal-hyang the background, and TSKS-TSKS in mock sympathy.. did. "

Dal-hyang collapses. Mi-ryung says that knowing they have suffered the same heartache she has like, why not dispense him enough to kill him. They removed the needle and leaves him with some advice: ".. There is no need to be the prince, so loyal he is not someone worth putting up for your life"

Mi-ryung adds the statement just to remember what it feels like to have this poison to its moving body-he can tell the prince, who feel its effects next. She takes a tablet, now dressed as a maid and joins the preparations for the reception of the King.

a short time later, the effect of the poison wears off and Dal-hyang movement wins ... just jerk back in horror a corpse lying near with a needle in her to see cervical ah, this is the real must be court lady Mi-ryung imitated. Dal-hyang takes the needle and wraps it, tucking them away like a knock on the door sounded. Uh-oh.

Think fast, Dal-hyang jumps out the window to avoid seen when the Manchu officer noticed the open window. But he is distracted in the discovery of the dead body of the woman.

Ingguldai monitors preparations for the visit of the king, and receives the report of the poisoned woman. For now, they suspect that it was the disguised court lady who escaped through the window.

King Injo procession makes its way from the palace to the foreign ambassadors residence, and he looks ill from all the way. Commoners arc in the streets down as they pass, but they wonder aloud why the king would do such a thing. to preserve

An old man even ventured into the king to kneel direct way to speak and honor and to ask: "Are not you the sky scared?" The man is dragged away, but weeping and wailing remaining people start.

Sohyeon sends Seung-po on his father's condition through this ordeal to check, and the procession pauses, as the king asked if he stop with the prince and to speak. But King Injo applies, its determination and assigns them to continue, albeit with marked his litter the shadows. So there he is, alone in the dark, while his subjects sobbing about him. He begins to hear the old man's finger pointing, but they distorted and become accusatory, and suddenly blood splatters on it and douses his face. He hallucinates ghost in the dark, attack him with words and threats, slowly driving him mad.

Then there is the scene of his nightmare: Shoot Ingguldai an arrow straight at him, the lands directly in the chest. He is relieved when he arrives safe and sound, although now he also unsettled thoroughly.

Ingguldai is court lady called to the dead area. She is a Joseon woman and the king will arrive soon, it is making potentially problematic, so he orders the bodies are arranged quietly. Ingguldai looking out the window, but his officer stated that it is too high to have for a woman jumped out. Let us hope that their chauvinism keeps Dal-hyang for sure now.

Admittedly, it is a long, hard case and Dal-hyang lies. Unconscious far down in the ground Must have been painful, but he stirred awake and usually looks fine, just achy.

The king is welcomed by Manchu officials, but he did not in the mood for peaceful talks-bursting with impatience and anger, it makes a U-turn. He stated that he sit back any longer, while her brother nation now their promise comes in trying to declare themselves sovereign state of Joseon. He will protect Ingguldai life here, in this place, and Joseon.

To this end, he arranges all his soldiers to go further and to detect Ingguldai. (There is a hilarious pause while the Manchu officials asked his translator, what has just been said, ha.) In the meantime, the Joseon Minister be surprised and wonder at what he means, and Sohyeon looks bewildered as fight breaks.

Ingguldai has about a ten-second heads-up view of his officers before Joseon soldiers to his party. Ingguldai heads inside, gathers his things, and grabs his sword. He easily knocks those in its way down, then passes out.

The battle outside is a very brief affair, and when the messengers are rapidly damped. Injo orders Ingguldai captured the palace and brought, then beat in his litter a hasty retreat. Sohyeon holds him to warn that this will backfire on them in a major way to the back, pleading to cancel him his order.

A tremor King says that what is done is done, and he wanted to say has these words for the last nine years. He cries that Ingguldai is their enemy, lives responsible for so many Joseon, and that his death is correct.

"But it is war", Sohyeon suppressed. The King can consider him only tears in his eyes, and his entourage leave at this point. Sohyeon, on the other hand remains to deal behind it.

Inside the residence, Ingguldai dodging screaming the Joseon soldiers for the neck, then it goes back to this one room. He throws to open the window and jumps out and lands almost right on top of Dal-hyang.

Both men draw their swords, but when voices from the open window float downward, Dart Ingguldai in the bamboo forest of. Dal-hyang overheard the soldiers Ingguldai to declare an enemy of the state and give the king to catch him dead or alive. He takes after him running.

Dal-hyang manages to cut off his line of retreat and keeps Ingguldai at swordpoint, and they both growl and mutter to each other, although neither to understand each other's language. Perhaps it is not so important as it usually Dal-hyang grumbling to be a mess on his first day of duty.

But one thing he knows the order of the king all trumps, so he is willing to fight him now. Bring it on.

Ingguldai draws his sword, and their struggle begins.

Meanwhile there Sohyeon his instructions to Seung-po and Min-seo: You must get the general before the others do. You must protect Ingguldai life.


I first got out the quibble, before I talk the stuff everything I thoroughly enjoyed , and that is: WTF with this title, man? You can not call your sequence flashing the title in the first ten minutes, and then build the whole episode, in contrast to the title, so we fully expect the Prince reversal literally at the last minute! I was confused enough about the title when shown for the first time that it stuck with me when I saw, and as Injo Ingguldai Public Enemy No. 1 explained that I was surprised that there be some way it would twist to back. Boo. It could be a nice twist was also when the drama its punch was not running away.

Okay, that aside, I had a lot of fun in this episode, which was a pretty eventful hour. This is something I appreciate about this show-it dither not much, and is only on the action because you do not dawdle around, when you have so much ground to cover. That's the beauty of (well-written) shorter run dramas that I missed-you have honestly really less runtime, allowing you to be efficient with your story, forced. And as it turns out, a lot of the time you can cover a whole range of narrative ground if you are economical about your options. And most of the time, your story is better off for it. (Yes, sometimes once a week format is less crack-plane addicting, because we are so used to the two-a-week cycle of construction and payment, and do not benefit all the dramas of this kind. But this is the work with him well.)

you know, it feels like I'm watching just a lot of dramas about the weak kings in those days, but while I'll admit that someone able to have such a power, such a spineless puppet, I like how it works frustrating for our stories. In this drama Injo can be indecisive and plagued with fear, but he has dealt wondrously with nuance, and that father-son bond between the players can feel what makes him a sympathetic character in my opinion. You do not want him to be so dominated by his fears, but on the other hand, it makes for such a rich history with Sohyeon which is how Injo own admission, much more King material than the king.

that in the whole hammering "what if" premise Three Musketeers , which, apart from a fun romp to be us, adaptation of a classic adventure story what the country to see, allowed under a stronger, progressive leaders could have been like. We know how his story within the story to the end, but there is no reason why we can not color present in a part of his life that ends with a little creative freedom, is not it?

Just as the tension ratchet and the country still teeters on the brink of war closer, it is always important to be thoughtful and clever as Sohyeon is, and not susceptible to your emotions. Of course, there is the question of whether Sohyeon has all human emotions ... I mean, apart from enigmatically teasing and punking his new best friend at every opportunity.

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Tags: featured, Jung Yong-hwa, Lee Jin-wook, The Three Musketeers, Yang Dong-Geun

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