Recap And Reviews Kdrama Mirror Of The Witch: Episode 3

Recap And Reviews Korean Drama Mirror Of The Witch: Episode 3 -

Our Joseon Rapunzel dreams, a look at the outside world, it has got so much to read about in their books. But as we all know, the reality is so different from what we imagine, especially when reality involves lethal curses and dark magic. It's hard not to root for growing up their charge of their lives and take, but you can the consequences of the coming years loom?


in their camp, dark Shaman Hong-joo thinks back to the fears of the Queen of the mysterious girl dreams appear in Crown Prince Sunhoe which she knows to be his twin sister Yeon-hee must. She casts a spell and sends another shadow monsters. The shadow creeps through the Black Forest, until it reaches Yeon-hee at home.

Yeon-hee rushed to the house, securing the hectic lock on the door. then shuffles under her blanket and covering his ears. It looks like it is already used to this shadow out. In a cool, motherly voice, the shadow cries out "child. Come out, my child." She shakes as she sings to himself that it did not scary.

Meanwhile their older "brother" Poong-yeon home to a very angry father comes. Dad Hyun-seo scolds Poong-yeon for re gone Yeon-hee. But Poong-yeon does not understand why I can not go to her he? Finally, they are not really sisters. I do not think we are talking about more visit. He pushes further his father. Why is he not allowed to see them? Why he keeps it locked? Hyun-seo sighs heavily, his eyes softening as if he so wants only his son to tell the truth. He says that he can not lose both. However Poong-yeon can not be with Yeon-hee. Poong-yeon can not accept that. He has gone too far, and he can not stop now.

we cut a woman who washed from their servants to get their feet. This woman is Lady son, Heo Ok mother and Jun stepmother. It makes some small talk with her servants to tell her about her trip to a fortuneteller. The fortune teller had told her that June had a destiny that would consume her own son, even though she tried to laugh it off.

your servant happens to be Jun's biological mother. Assured Lady son that June is not in a position that; they need not worry about the words of the soothsayer. Lady son face grows serious. Nevertheless, she still wonders "what if." After June, going to do strange for money things. You may not have to bring him the surname Heo embarrassed.

Jun's mother promises to give a warning, but that's not good enough for Lady son. She not only wants them to warn him; she wants to give up to make it. She fears that he might get the idea that the civil service examination to take or obtain a position in the government, as he dreamed of when he was young. She says firmly that he can not do what does Ok. Because he was the son of a servant. Jun's mother tense at that, but she agrees to keep him under control.

Jun's mother is waiting with the goal for June to come home. She jumps up when the door opens. Instead of her son, she is greeted by the very drunk Ok. She asks him where Jun is, but he babbles only that June should be back soon, and stumbles in on.

It turns out in June from the fall unconscious was fetches after Yeon-hee of the kite. Ouch, he looks pretty beaten up. Meanwhile, Yeon-hee is huddled still under her blanket to sing when she a loud thud heard outside.

She goes into the night to investigate cautious steps to take. She approaches slowly to find the source of the noise ... April And aw he brought the dragon. It's so sweet that he wanted to crawl all the way back to hurt yourself when to return to her.

Instead of thanking him, Yeon-hee scolds him for foolishly risking his life for a measly dragon. He scoffs and asks if the kite should not be important to her. Yeon-hee agrees, although she still thinks it was stupid. Moreover, even bring, if he did, she argues, it should completely intact brought it did! He gives up this argument, as it tends to his wounds.

How she does it, so he can not help in a few sneak peeks and smiles-her face. When she looks up, he turns away awkwardly. When she ends up, says June, he has to come back home because his mother was sick worried. Yeon-hee advised him to wait until morning, because it would be dangerous so late to brave the Black Forest at night.

He gasps for air it is to tell him to spend the night here? She tells him nonchalantly then go, if that's what he wants. Then they have this nice little back and forth. ". I go" "Then go," "I am" But you at inky Waldblick has shuffle him right back to her side. He uses the excuse that it would not be very elegant to leave him a girl in such a dangerous place alone. Ha, sure, great guy.

Yeon-hee has still, despite its limits, and makes them in June outside sleep. He wallows, perhaps to know a little, her presence to fall asleep. He asks, through the door, if she is still awake. They have their eyes closed, but confirms that it is. He has been more talk itching, so he wonders aloud why her father keeps quiet here out. Jun: "Were you born in a household where one should not be born?"

The Yeon-hee gets the attention. June clarifies that he thinks that if she was born to a place where their own existence is a burden. He asks them about it, but she replies, as if to comfort him. She shares what her brother has always said it-that there is no one in this world who have not been born. No matter who it is, every birth is a blessing that will benefit the world. And can be found for this reason, what life is for.

says she does not to be sad, because it is also a reason why he was born, must have. June half smiles. It was not what he had expected, but he is clearly affected. As if she can see his smile, he wipes them immediately from his face and replies that he has never been sad, and they are going to fight back. Nevertheless, once the call is finished, they are both smiling to finally sleep able.

Later that night, the shadow monster returns on schedule. This time we see two spirit wolves from the air materializing protect Yeon-hee house. You growl menacingly at the shadows, easy to keep them at bay.

At dawn, Hyun-seo and his team towards Cheongbing temple looking for the Mauigeumseo to begin the book that will break helping Yeon-hee curse. They are in a hurry, as today's Yeon-hee 17th birthday. And if you curse activated today, the Killing Curse will also start. Determined to prevent this, they venture deeper into the mountains.

Heo Ok off is always ice cold drinking again in broad daylight, no less with his entourage. She wandered all freezing with shock at the sight of a dirty, battered June to go to them, Yeon-hee Kite in hand. (Yeon-hee had insisted he take it because it so far, it was to get. They were not him, she said. She was there to lend him just leave. So he must definitely return.)

Now that he has kept his side of the promise proposes June Ok keep his own promise of 500 Nyang. Ok true, and even showers June with a round of applause. But he's a little short on money. He throws the small amount of coins, which he left in June, urged to go and they all pick it up. He does his brother taunts while ignoring. Ok eggs him on: "That's right, they pick up ... this way you can rid your mother."

Jun stops cold. Ok on to say that he knew the whole time that Jun's money systems were crazy because he saved to solve his mother from her slave contract. He recognizes June worked for so hard, and offers him a drink.

Ok pushes his buttons even further by asking if he slept with this pretty spirit in the forest to fetch the dragon, his body exactly to his mother did to have him. Ok begins his arms like a madman to undress and waving, laughing.

Ok sound drops out to dead serious joking when he tightly engages Jun's hand over the drinking glass. He is near and seething that he never give Juns mother slave contract. He must lick his feet until she has to go to her grave. That tears it.

June, a vise grip on the glass at this point has, and he throws it on the floor so that he can make a fist and beat the living daylights out Ok. Some men try Ok June to hold back, but he is far away in his rage and breaks easily free. He gives Ok last good punch that lands at the bottom of a pond Ok, screaming for his mama.

Jun's mother was waiting for him and freaks out when she sees him in trudging, disheveled. She wants to know what happened, but we can already hear Ok answering her question as he stumbles through the door, also hurt. Jun's mother puts two and two together, in disbelief that this was all because of her son.

Lady son comes running, outraged harming the face of her precious son with June. She moves to beat in him, but Jun's surprise, his own mother slams it shut. They are furious when she scolds him for hitting the young master. Her eyes are more pleading as she demanded he give an apology Ok, desperate to avoid further damage.

But it's just too much for June and an intense wave of emotion pools out of it. He looks directly at his mother with tears in her eyes and refuses to apologize. "I did nothing wrong, so I have nothing to ask for forgiveness," he says as his voice breaks. I get the feeling that he is not just talking about punching Ok now. Nevertheless, he did. It goes without even giving his brother and a sidelong glance stepmother.

Lady Son shall tender medicine her son's face just right to hit him where it hurts, ha. She's tired of running from him to drunk when he should concentrate on his studies. In this way he would not look so incompetent as compared to June. Ok throwing a little tantrum and screamed that he hates of June. It shows that June to rescues to free his mother and finally they hide away. Lady son is shocked by it, but recomposed quickly. She tells him that she would take care of it.

Later Jun's mother sincerely apologizes to Lady and Son Ok instead of her son. Lady Son accepts the apology, but that is not enough-she'll punishment for their offenses have received. Jun's mother asks to be spared, but Lady Son has the servants wrap her in a straw mat on the floor and hit them over and over again. Lady son watching them writhe in pain, while still giving a final warning that they should know their place and June.

prepared for the market, everyone is busy for the flying lantern festival. June finally finds his mate Dong-rae and, apparently still upset June right past him going. Dong-rae moves sadly, and Jun keeps asking why he did not follow. You need to get back to work. Overwhelmed with joy that in June still talking to him, Dong-rae breaks and his buddy is a good hug. After he is assured is fine, is Dong-rae his usual cheerfulness and gets back in June in the shortest time smiling.

Hyun-seo and his team Cheongbing reach Temple and look for an access via an underground tunnel. Hyun-seo lights a nearby candle, which seems to trigger something. Only a moment later, they are enveloped in the dark, followed by a sharp, high-pitched noise. One after another, all Taoist masters exclaim, sudden rashes develop, ward stumbling over snakes and insects.

Hyun-seo tries everyone to calm down, to shout that this is a place that creates the illusions, but they are unable to break out of it. He faces a snake in particular, and the closer the hand gets to it, the snake dematerialized back to the candle so that the rest of the illusions disappear.

Once out of the free tunnel, they all dispersed for the book search. Hyun-seo finally found entangled in some tree branches. It reads out the rest of the group, that the curse can be lifted if a true soul lit 108 candles on this altar and pray.

But when the prayer begins, they must break the curse before the North Star disappears, otherwise the person who tries it will break will die. Yo-gwang sees no problem because they disappears five years before the North Star. He promises that they will be safe to protect Yeon-hee before the time comes. Now they just need to take them there.

Poong-yeon checks of the market, where the festival has gone into full swing. But he is not particularly amused. He stops suddenly Yeon-hee written request-ack to open, that's bad luck! -to Discover once to see the outside world, only wanted.

to hear

Yeon-hee, the festival music from their home, but it only strengthens their desire to see everything personally. She sighs and says the kite in June designed to have you, what for them to see everything. Poong-yeon will appear in, take them inexorably to the festival for her birthday. This seems like a golden opportunity, but Yeon-hee takes care of short-term orders disobeyed.

Poong-yeon assumes the shoulders and promises that he will take care of everything-he would accept to be with her, so there is nothing to fear. He says in effect, "What's the worst that can happen?" She still looks uneasy, so he has to half-drag from there. Your feet stop right on the cord of talismans, the safety net has left on so strong all these years. It begins back away, feeling like it may not be worth as Poong-yeon her flashing a reassuring smile and offers her his hand. Hope that this manual may be their temporary safety net, she grabs hold, and build the courage to finally step on line. The moment it does, the red writing begins on the talismans flashing silver.

He accompanied the festival it where it can be found away from the crowd shying. After a while, Poong-yeon gets them to relax and it safely finally finds it enough to smile and start something fun to.

It's adorable how she finds every little thing from a juggler into a puppet always be the most spectacular thing. And the bigger her smile will get the larger Poong-yeon's as if it makes it all the more spectacular for him.

Night falls, and soon the sky is filled with released lanterns, like fireflies glow. As they fly away the lanterns, Yeon-hee asks Poong-yeon what he wanted watch. He scolds playfully that he can not tell her.

Yeon-hee scoffs and looks again at the sky when Poong-yeon is keeping his eye on them. "I wish you, only on a rose-petaled way on foot," he says. "Step, not on a dirty or painful way."

Yeon-hee breaks his train of thought of the question whether it is really a child who was born in a place, they should not be, and if that's why Hyun-seo is hiding it. Poong-yeon is certainly not itself, but it must be good for their own. His answer does not seem to be comforted by them.

Yeon-hee then blurts out that to be here with him and watch the beautiful lanterns her heart feels kind of weird. But it beckons just starting as jitters from the fact that for the first time.

are you as someone they can help in much brighter light spirits Yeon-hee lantern. But as they lift it, Yeon-hee's face goes blank and her eyes turn silver. By the time the fingers of the Lantern Leaves Poong-yeon is, it's gone.

Back in the palace, the celebration for Prince Sunhoe Birthday breaks out, with shamans Hong-joo performs traditional dance. Jun and Dong-rae sneak right past the party, dressed in their women's clothes with concoctions in hand. June directs the piece of this magic shield back to find that he dropped. And we see it in the distance. That Yeon-hee migrated all the way She bursts whatever trance she is in, no idea where she is. She remembers Poong-yeon and starts for him called.

They reached the palace walls and sprinkled at once, the talismans in their house back with cigarette burns. The energy is then incident on Hong-joo full and breaks them together at the center of their power, hemoptysis. Her head snapped up as it hits them the Princess must be alive. In a panic, she rushes to the side of the prince to confirm and sure enough, it's there: the red mark behind his ear. The curse has snapped back at him.

lightning strikes ominous, deepening fears only Hong-joo is. Behind the relevant royal family to leave darts from there. It starts to pour, but she has only one thing on her mind. You can feel the presence of the princess. And it is always very close to it, ...

Closer. And closer. Yeon-hee and Hong-joo now go in the same direction, only separated by a wall. Hong-joo rushes to the doors, but once they, Yeon-hee is out already gone.

June, managed to get to her first, and it is hidden behind a wall. He asks what Yeon-hee doing here, but they seem disoriented, mistaking him for Poong-yeon. Dormouse it for her brother, before he made. And June looks up suddenly when someone approaches them.

Oh, phew, it's just Poong-yeon. He takes them out of the palace and waits until they regained consciousness. He's always taking his eyes off her and losing her, so he gives her a small bell, which they can call it is ever lost again. He keeps his own bell suitable to assure her that she can listen for its sound every time she has to find him. Yeon-hee promises to do just that.

Soon she is on her feet again and Poong-yeon you go back through the Black Forest to her house. But something keeps them halfway and she says to her brother, she would rather go the rest of the way alone.

Poong-yeon pauses, something Sensing is false, and they bring a few yellow flowers to cheer her up. Instead, making the gesture her cry. She wipes away tears quickly, apologetically. Come out into the world is overwhelming, and it is not sure how to handle it.

Poong-yeon understood. He promises to make her a new kite that even fly even higher than their old, but she has to be in time to stay beautiful and healthy. This brings out a small smile from her. He suggests he anyway take her all the way home and this time, she did not protest.

Hyun-seo and the other masters are going crazy trying Yeon-hee and Poong-yeon to find. They worry what might happen if Yeon-hee Pirates were capitalized, while she was in a crowded room. You are about to go back to search when Poong-yeon eventually comes through the gate.

He's just confused about how excited everyone, especially his mother. His father looks like he has to scold him, but exhales: "Are you okay?" Aw.

Poong-yeon confirmed that Yeon-hee returned home safely. He begins his father to ask you something, if he spits blood, all surprising. He breaks on his mother's lap and we see that Yeon-hee curse has now also marks the rear of Poong-yeon ear.

The shadow monster flying towards Yeon-hee at home again, this time with a little more force. Yeon-hee may his screams from her room and she clings to tiny bell Poong-yeon was hear. Outside of spirit wolves without fail seems, but whatever happened to these talismans as Yeon-hee crossed the line they must have weakened; Shadow Monster is now too strong for them. It wipes out a fatal blow, and just like that, the chain of talismans catch all the fire, so that the shadow entries.

It seeps easily through the door and shows its full form to Yeon-hee, the so searching is incredibly small and helpless in the corner. The shadow attacks her, took her body with a force so strong that it is lifted into the air. She scratches frantically at her throat and gasping for breath, as keeping the shadow grab their heart. Whatever it does to her heart makes her hair suddenly to change to white.

at the exact same time, another shadow has already taken the crown prince and his hair white. The Queen, Queen Mother and Hong-joo watch in utter horror as the shadow stopped him away and leaves his limp body on the ground.


Ah, Poong-yeon, why? Why did you bring them? To be fair, it's not quite Poong-yeon guilt because he had no clue of Yeon-hee curse. I really wish Hyun-seo had put a little faith in his son and given him all the information before it had to come this far.

The consequences will certainly messy, but even so, I really enjoyed watching Yeon-hee in a little freedom to take, even if it was only for a few hours. She has proven to us that they can be fearless and confident, but it's mostly just her up a brave front to hide the little girl, the fear is all to be in their house alone. I especially appreciated Kim Sae-ron spectacle when Yeon-hee before Poong-yeon broke. I think that they tried very hard not to be selfish and just follow whatever Hyun-seo and his wife tell. So it was obviously hesitant to disobey their orders and they leave the house, so she could indulge in a little of their own happiness. Her tears before Poong-yeon made me realize that they do not even realize how much being outside would suggest. How exciting it would be for them. And with his back to her lonely house trudge to made for her break my heart to come to this realization. No doubt, Poong-yeon's heart for years to break her, but it does not look like it will be repaired in the foreseeable future. I know to see Yeon-hee in danger, was the last thing he ever wanted, but it's pretty inevitable now.

However, when it comes to break the heart, it is June that really takes the cake for me. He seems like such a sweet and incredibly bright boy, but the company considers pushing down. trivialized intermediate feeling against his half-brother and stepmother and feels burdened before his birth mother, he must be, as he is caught in his own life. And no matter how much he tried to dig his way out of his misery, whether with his hard work and his intelligence, he is afraid that he would always fall down, because, as he was born.

Therefore I have his romance with Yeon-hee believe might actually work. Not only are they super adorable together, but they also keep this strong connection. They are both isolated-Jun in society and Yeon-hee of society and only the longing for a way out. June killed me practically with that smile when Yeon-hee comforted him, saying it did not matter who he was and how he was born. It is as important as any other and it is up to him to find out what is its specific meaning. He needed to hear from her, and I think he took it to heart. And now that it looks like Yeon-hee may be need his help, I am sure he will do anything to her takes to repay.

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tags: Episode 3, in Jang Hee-jin Kim Sae-ron, Kwak Shi Yang, Lee Sung-jae, mirror witch, Yeom Jung-ah Yoon Shi-Yoon

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