Recap And Reviews Kdrama Mirror Of The Witch: Episode 17

Recap And Reviews Korean Drama Mirror Of The Witch: Episode 17 -

Just here to fill, and it is a job that I do not, because mirrors the witch not mind is, and has always been an intriguing, exciting and satisfying show to see on a regular basis. I do not want to say that I have never been frustrated, but it's always a disappointment in the names of the characters have been, and not a frustration with the show itself.

We go to the highlight of the show, and the way and forth between our good and bad guys is still strong-every time the pendulum swings in one direction, you can feel the inevitability his return. It is so satisfying one day when he next is frustrating, but that is what our villain makes such a genius, right? On the other hand, it is also what makes our hero, well, our hero.


soldiers broke into Hong-joo of the inner chamber, but found it empty. In the hearth, they recover the ashes black-magic sword of Hong-joo.

The king explained Hong-joo crime: to abuse their position in the palace, with red cape conspired to kill citizens, and the royal family threatening with their actions. He assaulted her quarters, and bring them before his throne as imprisoned criminals. Yesss.

Hong-joo bends her head in front of the king, who nudges to speak. Is it to reflect on their sins?

"Yes", Hong-joo replies flatly. "I regret deeply."

The king explained that their crimes are too strict to be awarded, and sets it to burn at the stake. He will do it in public in full view reclaim the citizens and the royal authority they clouded with her black magic.

Without a drop of emotion in her voice, Hong-joo replies, "Thank you for having me so great to die." Oh, burn. (Not literally.)

June accompanied Yeon-hee in her room, and she asks if her father will be fine. He replies that Hyun-seo want to make for them only about themselves now worries, and reminds them that there is no longer much time until the Northern Star disappears.

Yo-gwang in bursts, when panicked messages from death sentence Hong-joo. June says it's a good thing, but Yo-gwang informed him that the curse to Hong-joo to return must be freed for Yeon-hee thereof. Hong-joo not to die from it.

Alarmed June bursting into the inner chamber of the king, passing the eunuchs shop and fell to the ground for a stay of execution to ask. He explains that Hong-joo must take on Yeon-hee curse of dying; otherwise Yeon-hee will die with him.

The king expresses frustration with the criminal has in his grasp and not to mete out punishment still able. June swears him to allow, only to do that, and reminded the king that he freed him from his own curse. He also swears free Yeon-hee, and asks for the execution to be stayed.

And smiling in her prison cell, Hong-joo. Stop doing that!

Yeon-hee sleeping restlessly, and a voice calling to her in her dreams. It is her birth mother sitting on her bed and speaks a warning:

Yeon-hee awakens, the "Child, you are in danger." Eye blinks blue. It is the Queen Mother on her bed now, to ask in custody if she is sick. Yeon-hee told her finally that she no longer has much time; in the ten days until the Northern Star disappears, they need to break their curse. If they can not ...

depends the rest of the sentence in the air. The royal widow says she can not lose Yeon-hee to curse, which began with her. Yeon-hee asks for the Dowager Queen to allow her to spend her remaining time with June and says they break the curse.

The Dowager Queen gives her approval, and urges them to success.

The morning finds in Cheongbing temple in his cave in June to sleep, and he smiles in his sleep as Yeon-hee called his name, pushing him awake. She hovers him with a smile hovering, and he pulls it slept beside him, opening his eyes briefly, touching her face, before they close to sleep again. Yeon-hee closes his eyes to sleep with him.

Some time later, in June wakes and nestles again ... and takes a long time to register that it Yo-gwang lay beside him. HA. He screws with a roar, and Yo-gwang teases him about his sweet dreams, asking if disappointed to find Juns the wrong person, lay beside him.

June grumbling in anger and Yo-gwang nudges "Who have you expected? Seo-ri? Yeon-hee? Persimmon? The princess?" Cheeky bastard.

Yo-gwang informed June that the Dowager Queen wants to see him, and Jun heads to court. The royal widow presses at Redemption June assistance with harsh words regret, but while all is gratefully did for it for Yeon-hee, she is not happy in their vicinity.

Jun says he still much to do, but the Dowager Queen asks what happens after the curse lifted-then that's what? All but orders him to leave Yeon-hee, and Jun can not say anything in response.

Poong-yeon takes in the palace of his father old position as head Taoist masters and warns the King, who did not even stop Hong-joo plotting after their forces to lose.

If Poong-yeon, he says to protect the royal family, work, the king wonders if this is true, and told Poong-yeon that now that he Hong-joo scheme Poong- yeon must stop, she knows: ". you must tell me not a second time"

The king and his queen (we meet for the first time) to announce good news: the queen is pregnant. The Queen Mother is overjoyed at the news, and calls on the queen with her condition to take extreme caution. The king, curious, not so happy, as the queens do.

Yeon-hee joins them, and the king and queen apologize. The royal widow shares the good news, and Yeon-hee pleased to hear it-up that she remembers her dream suddenly with her birth mother warning of danger.

The Yeon-hee keeps so busy that they last June noticing walks without it. She holds her concern for herself, but told him of the impending birth. June smiles, replies that everything is left is to illuminate the rest of their candles for Yeon-hee.

He suggests in the immediate vicinity for their next desire looking that takes the crew to Soon-deuk. But their main desire is to be rich and comfortable, and drain it. Yo-gwang sighs that he knew that it would be pointless to ask them.

Jun and Yeon-hee seem a conversation with her eyes to have, and then asks June Yo-gwang if he has a wish. Yo-gwang says generously that his only wish is that things work well and be any happy, but his eyes flitting a few times to Soon-deuk, and its behavior is a little fidgety. Then a panel is supplied from beef, Yo-gwang and Soon-deuk squabbling over the meat, it made each other's attacks gasping. Jun and Yeon-hee note sharing with curiosity.

That night, a masked figure in black and Hyun-seo-slips chamber in sleeping queen. He sets down a metal urn beside her bed, and a black mist seeps out, ready to strike ...

But Yeon-hee storms in and orders him to stop. Marshalling their energy, their eyes flash blue and with a squeal, the black fog is forced back into the urn.

Hyun-seo rises, meets Yeon-hee eye and expires. She hunts, to catch him in the yard. But then he turns and begins to deliver on them, blinking his eyes. Yeon-hee sends him flying backwards, and he gets from his fall and darts at.

near, a maid in shock staring at the scene just experienced it.

Yeon-hee to confront heads to prisons Hong joo menacingly held out her hand, as if ready to beat magically. But it falls the hand and asks instead what Hong-joo is on with Hyun-seo; she knows behind his attempt to Hong-joo on the Queen's life is.

Hong-joo feigns innocence to ask how she could do something when their forces have lost. "It seems as if you want to kill me," Hong-joo noted. "Then do it."

Yeon-hee presupposes that Hong-joo is acting, knowing that they can not be killed, but warns that needn 't strangled or be stabbed be killed ". As you can see I'm going to break this curse and lock in a more terrible curse"

Hong-joo tells her to try: "see .. time who it is, dies, this curse bears "

Hong-joo of the shamans go to Notes in the city publish the cursed princess for Pest blame that kills people, warning that a terrible misfortune will befall them, if it is not stopped.

The rumors spread quickly, and the queen widow pleaded with the king a stop, to put them immediately. But the court, the Minister said that the speech has already spread too far, and the King declared that the princess have to endure the conversation.

The queen widow argued that Yeon-hee has nothing to do with the plague, but the King recalled that he had been warned that this would happen if Yeon-hee to the specified palace they have not seen quiet day since, and damaging their presence in the government.

, the widowed queen smoke, but the king says, the only way to manage the rumors is to wait until it down to die. And when the queen widow anyway while trying to persistent, well, that's up to her. But he warns it will have to bear the consequences.

The Queen goes to demand to Poong-yeon next, that he hold a prayer ceremony in the village to pray for deliverance from the plague. It intends to share Yeon-hee, to show the people that their princess pray on their behalf.

Poong-yeon maybe not seem vaguely reluctant to end the task feeling, but it agreement. The Queen is grateful.

That night, Poong-yeon finds Yeon-hee in the yard, pulling them over her worried face, then assured her not worry too. "I'll protect you," he promises.

But then he suddenly increased, and Yeon-hee rushes to his side. It turns out he was harboring an injury induced-Hong-joo black sword and Yeon-hee brought to tears at the sight of the blackened wound on his chest, dark mist leaked. Exhausted and not convincing, Poong-yeon assures her that it is always better, and he will recover.

June is done by and watches from the door as Yeon-hee dabbed on ugly wound. Poong-yeon says regretfully that he take long regrets on that day in front of their house Yeon-hee; He is also sad to protect for them promised, and not to be able. Yeon-hee replies that it thanks Poong-yeon that she could see the world for the first time, and that it was the happiest day of her life.

Poong-yeon admits that he had almost killed, trying to win her heart, even though he knew he could not do by magic there. He advises her to break her curse and show that he had been stupid ". Then one day, I'll be able to let you go", he asks her not to tell him to let go immediately ; will take time.

If Poong-yeon back to his room June waiting to ask how his condition is. Poong-yeon asks if he watched to see whether he would turn into an evil spirit, and wonders what June means to do after the curse is lifted. If June intends to stay as lovers with Yeon-hee, Poong-yeon warns that both are injured. He also informs June rites tomorrow he will perform, and advises him to be with Yeon-hee through them because they probably fear is.

Masked Hyun-seo kills robotically prison guards and makes its way to Hong-joo cell. She says that they are not going only to stop, because it has lost its power, and without the people's wickedness, her black magic would have had no effect. It is because they are not willing to do their part to that they blame black magic: "Now that the black magic is gone, see what will hold them accountable."

The preparations for the ceremony made, and the Dowager Queen impressed on Yeon-hee, the need to go beyond a doubt to behave sublime. Then the royal family is in the town square, where the rites will be held, with Jun in the Princess entourage.

As Yeon-hee their place next to the king and the queen dowager takes villagers are surprised that it looks quite normal, not some wild mystical thing.

Soon-deuk one hears of the participation of the Princess in the prayer ceremony and smelling a chance to make money. But when she arrives, her jaw drops Yeon-hee in the Princess to see fit. And there are Yo-gwang also support Poong-yeon, who begins the ceremony.

Meanwhile, Hyun-seo leads Hong-joo of the shaman army through the woods and into the city. An arrow flies through the air toward the ritual table and mayhem ensues as invite shamans. June darts before Yeon-hee protective, but a shaman is to get the king manages, holds a sword to his throat. The king ordered his soldiers to withdraw.

Suddenly the shaman twirl and show their bows and arrows in the direction of the villagers. Yeon-hee steps forward, as if to intervene, but her mother is holding her back in warning.

Hyun-seo steps forward and announces that a movement that scene will turn into a sea of ​​blood. "Do not worry", Hyun-seo says among the gasps of horror. "I am here today to see the Heo of June." Swirl the shamans and their weapons train back towards the Royals.

June warns Yeon-hee, that this is a scheme and does not do anything for them. But her panic grows as Hyun-seo a hand raises his shamans to signal to aim.

"Shoot!" Hyun-seo commands.

Immediately Yeon-hee jumps into action, sending a powerful force blows over them. The shamans recover and reach for their weapons again, and it blows back.

Utter chaos erupts among the villagers who shout that the rumors were true. Upload up to her, and soldiers form a line to block the people from the royal party.

June takes Yeon-hee hand and they slip away from the scene. He leads them through the woods, but it holds and pulls her hand free to tell him, without going further. If Jun has again reached for her, she sends him flying into a tree, then running.

During a riot in the village erupts, Poong-yeon charges in the prison and grabs Hong-joo through the throat, growling that they should have killed them. He wants to know what she has done to his father.

She replies that Hyun-seo has spent his life in the service of the great work, abandoned and advises Poong-yeon to think, what to do for the good of the royal family. He refuses to let him swing, as a wave of pain hits him. She says that the royal family would only minute they throw it have no use for him. is dedicated to making him miserable, she says.

Poong-yeon goes away clutching his chest, and Hong-joo says is "the end, you will have no other choice but to do what I want."

Yeon-hee goes to Cheongbing temple and despite their warning June it follows her.

with an increased wave of Beset protests against the Princess visited the King Hong-joo in prison and asks what their intentions are. "I have nothing to lose", Hong-joo replies. "It is a very different situation Majesty, which has much to lose."

She says that since the royal family always people throwing away, if they are of no use to them, that the answer to his current dilemma :. Take them away and the princess sleep peacefully

The king asks suspiciously if that is their real motive. Hong-joo reminds him of his desire to be a good king, and told him to think of his unborn child. People need someone to blame and to swear, she argues. All have to do the king, one eye is blind and to give the princess: "The only one to kill the princess me I'll take care of everything.."

sounds The dark hiss of temptation (literally) in his ear. The king looks insecure and turns away, but not her words immune. "Think carefully," Hong-joo advises. "Do you want to give up the princess? Or will you give up the throne?"

Concerned about Yeon-hee state Poong-yeon Yo-gwang she asks to see June.

The Dowager Queen bows to the king to Yeon-hee job offers to dethroned, if only he will not give up the princess.

Poong-yeon is to ask next to the king who just answers: ". I want nothing to lose"

The king returns to prison, made his spirit. "Detect and run it The Princess," he says Hong-joo, smiling.

Yo-gwang comes to Cheongbing Temple June of bad news to say: The palace Yeon-hee gave up. Jun is stunned.

He finds Yeon-hee from her altar candles, and she says in a defeated voice, "I want to run away, where no one has." June replied firmly, "Yeon-hee-ya. Let's run away." He holds out a hand, and after a moment, she takes it.

Hong-joo performs their shamans to Yeon-hee temple, looking surprised no one to be found there. She takes in the burning candles, and her brow furrows five to see that not even light up.

Hong-joo called on the help of the king's soldiers in Yeon-hee to control who is on the run in June. The King bristles, her dark informed that this does not mean he trusts you or agrees with their will.

So Hong-joo goes after his Achilles heel, to tell him that people turn against him when on the turn can not Princess because he no proper king from the direct royal line, he is unable to govern properly, and the people suffer for it. It adds that the drought, famine and pestilence are evidence of the sky to leave the king.

Provoked, the king orders to keep her mouth shut. Hong-joo tells him are the words of the people before the princess return are. But none of these wags finger pointed to the King; they accuse the cursed princess for the effort. "Why do you hesitate?" She presses. "If you get rid of the princess, which is the cause of the plague and famine, the people you worship as a good king be."

the magic words. The king agrees to provide his soldiers, and tells Hong-joo, the Princess at all costs to capture. Hong-joo adds that, if it captures the princess, she wants Poong-yeon order to execute the king.

And the king orders Poong-yeon his spiritual fire on Yeon-hee to use, and Poong-yeon asks him to withdraw the order. The king kneels his old friend in the eye to see, assuming that it will make Poong-yeon hate him forever.

Nevertheless, it is something that he can not help the king says, and he asks for Poong-yeon up in the scorn to escape that will take him all his life, this opportunity to be recognized as true King has doggedly.

Poong-yeon asks: "If you turn all those who despise the princess, you will really be the king, you hope to be?"

The king acknowledges the point, but does not take the job back if Hong-joo captures the princess, the king will order Poong-yeon to burn them , and he will obey. If Poong-yeon refusing, the king will kill him with his own hand. The king says this with a beaten face and Poong-yeon sheds a tear.

Hong-joo scrolls through the Mauigeumseo, and know that some of it is missing. Asks Hyun-seo, what he's hiding, and leans in close to whisper in his ear: ".. You can me no longer refuse I do not want to show his back to you, not even"

His eyes flashed, and he asks robotically what she wants. It demands the end to the Mauigeumseo and forward it to bring to what he is hiding. Obediently Hyun-seo turns around and walks away.


You got it, Hong-joo know her to hand as take you where it hurts does-or, on the flip side, how to seduce a person's heart just as . She is a master of manipulation, and that is one of the aspects of her character I had found most fascinating, especially in the earlier parts of the drama was over all, as to their true nature.

In fact, I hadn 't realized how much I had enjoyed and missed this trick for emotional manipulation until today came out in full force; deprived of their power, that's all she has left. But, as it turns out, with Hong-joo that silver tongue is almost a superpower in itself. If they whisper in their ears and playing Iago, I find the scenes more full of excitement as if it's evil spells-it makes the fight emotional (rather than magic) and human and therefore more grip.

I wonder if we will see more exploration of Hong-joo backstory, because I still want a kind of more of her; I know we have seen where their resentment of the kingdom comes and understand why they want to rule over them, but I find it interesting when they desperately to save themselves is scrabbling or turn the tables. I suppose everyone is more interesting when they are the underdog, and she is no exception, even if I do not want to enforce. But I like them brought low to see and fight dirty; it is like a cockroach in this way again fascinating, almost indestructible and repulsive.

But I suppose that the focus would shift even more on Hong-joo, an extremely effective villain that I do not want to that much more time to spend. I do not begrudge the time that we have spent on them, but their dominance is Yeon-hee constantly in the victim's address and Jun in the just protector, and I would rather Yeon-hee and Jun are active in their own destinies. I find myself thirsty for scenes with them; I am constantly make on the edge of my seat progress with candles and meaningful time together, instead of all this angst fully together, but separated to spend business.

not to say I do not think it is a valid conflict; it makes a lot of sense, and I do not even hate the queen widow, wanting to separate them, because in their worldview, which is a relationship, what is happening does not belong. It is ungrateful and she knows it, but she is a mother to raise a princess, and I their perspective. It is similar to the king, whose flip-flop could be frustrating, but its argument, I totally understand. It's a character I find realistic and weak, and therefore an unpredictable wild card; I do not like for pages to change it all the time, but I think he's acted wonderfully and his reasons are presented credible what I feel for him, even if I want to beat sense into him KO ,

But for the sake of the story I am glad that we have taken again Jun and Yeon-hee from the Palace, be ruled back to a world in which interaction only by themselves, where they will get real and Just another. It also arises in order underdogs again and can break a race against time-and Hong-joo to the curse. I want to see it again resourceful and resilient in order, even sweet and cuddly. You can be all of these things! They are not mutually exclusive!

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tags: Episode 17, in Kim Sae-ron, Lee Sung-jae, mirror witch, Yeom Jung-ah, Yoon Shi-Yoon

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