Recap And Reviews Kdrama Entertainer: Episode 13

Recap And Reviews Korean Drama Entertainer: Episode 13 -

What is more important ... do money and fame, or capable of doing what you love, regardless of whether it is ever recognized? It is a question that can be answered never, as some believe that the success of personal fulfillment shades, while many would choose their life, to live their dream. While fame and success may be good things, it's your dreams that make life worth living, and have deprived some, this dream of them is the worst thing that can happen.


Ha-neul relies on Geu-rin finger the couple ring, tells her he likes her, and asks her to date him. But HA, he has the idea it up, and Geu-rin asks him what he thinks.

He collects his nerves really do it, but a cry from below the balcony she directs. Jae-Hoon injured ankle, and Geu-rin runs on him to check, while Ha-neul slips the rings back into pocket.

Meanwhile Seok-ho heads to the police station, Ji-Young-copy of the incriminating video in his hand, and he calls CEO Lee to tell him where he is and what he does. CEO Lee slams the phone down, aware now and angry that Ji-Young decided by Seok-ho to Page. Seok-ho, the video shows a detective who explains that this is a big deal.

On the drive home, Geu-rin smiles Kyle and Jae-hoon sleeping in the back seat, the boys call all children. Ha-neul bristles and says he does not, but Geu-rin sees him still the case. He says that they will regret those words one day, when he shows up with a pretty girlfriend, but Geu-rin says someone with a pretty heart instead of finding.

Ha-neul the scenario is constantly changing and trying to get an avid increase of Geu-rin, but every time completely missed his point. He finally gives in disgust.

Back at the house, Yeon-soo says Seok-ho about his encounter with Chan-hee mother. Seok-ho is upset faithfully on Yeon-soo in order to give Yeon-soo smile. Seok-ho tells him waiting - he is going to be famous and have his choice of girls.

Geu-rin and the boys come home and Seok-ho tells them that Chan-hee mother married, and they all jump to her girlfriend defense. Yeon-soo looks happy that they take all of his side, and even rejoices singing up enough about the joke at the wedding.

Seok-ho pulls Geu-rin and Ha-neul aside and tells them that the police in case of Ji-young are reopening adopted attack. He gives a heads up, the Ha-neul can be called testify, and encouraging them to hang in there.

Later Seok-Ho calls Jinu also to update it, to tell him that the video belongs even talk Joo-han and Ji-Young about using him. Jinu takes the news stoically, and after he hangs up, says quietly: ".. Thank Seok-Ho-Hyung Thanks"

Soon after, Joo-han is arrested and his office searched. He asks, call CEO Lee before they take him away, but it ignored his call. It is taken from the building KTOP handcuffed and questioned at the station.

He sneakers he asked carries in the first video, which did not find in his office or at his home. Joo-han claimed that they are not his shoes, but he can not deny that it's him in the picture, and in Ji-young version of the video. He asked if he act alone or if someone made him, but he only repeated he wants to talk CEO Lee, but the detective laughed. "I did not plan" - CEO Lee know exactly where Joo-han is.

On the day of the experiment, Ji-young comes alone, and it goes down the gauntlet of paparrazzi high with her head. Even if she has pelted with rotten eggs by Jinu fangirls, they ignored all and more. But she is not alone - her father pushes suddenly, although the amount his little girl to protect, and Ji-young bursts into tears when she sees him.

Seok-ho, Geu-rin and Ha-neul particularly disturbed to the court in time to witness this, and Ha-neul seems. Inside asks Ji-young mother Ha-neul the judge for mercy for Ji-young to ask, what is ironic, because this is the woman who is not the same thing happened for Ha-neul when the sheet was turned.

Geu-rin angry you remember this fact and other nasty things that she said about Ha-neul, and the woman is the knees begging in Ernst. Geu-rin crying that it will never happen, and Seok-ho has physically dragging the woman.

Ji-young and Joo-han process progresses, and Joo-han looks like hell, while Ji-young remains stoic. When it comes time for Ha-neul testify, he tells his side of the story to be honest, but adds that he does not want Ji-young to be punished for false accusation.

Ji-young finally looks at him, and wants to know who he thinks he is if she is punished to decide. She is screaming, but Ha-neul continues, and says he does not Joo-han will be punished either.

Seok-ho fusses at Ha-neul later can easily go to Ji-young and Joo-han, although you, he is saying secretly proud , it ripe for its decision. Ha-neul knows it too and just grins. Seok-ho is a little upset that Joo-han free for the way he went dizzy, but Ha-neul simply calls him sweet.

He is not so brave before Geu-rin, hidden actually behind Seok-ho during Geu-rin yells at him. Seok-Ho Ha-neul throws at her, but she speaks from when she is ready to beat the crap out of the child - the pretty singer not damaged, you know. He then gives them something soft and tells her, just do not hit him in the face, ha.

But this is not over yet, and Seok- ho marched to KTOP down CEO Lee to face down. His former boss congratulates him sarcastically, but Seok-ho does not care. He points out that the adults were trying to hurt Ha-neul and Jinu, but the boys were awarded to capable and let Joo-han and Ji-young off with probation.

Seok-Ho suggests that KTOP and Mango Entertainment their own ways go from here, and fair play in dealing. CEO Lee scoffs at the idea of ​​fair play, say that the music industry does not work that way, but Seok-ho is welcome to do what he wants. CEO Lee keeps his business the way he runs has been. leaves

Seok-Ho and CEO Lee laughs behind his back what Seok-ho will not be possible. There is something even greater between them, will destroy the Seok-ho when he discovered it.

Now that Jinu is declared innocent and can leave the house, he Seok-ho to go and for Ramyun. Jinu asks if he can go to study music abroad now as he always wanted, and Seok-ho agrees to help him. Awww, Jinu seems more relaxed and happy than we've ever seen him.

Things are looking up for Ddanddara band as well, and they manage a Ramyun trade to land. Your song is climbing the charts, and life is good. The commercial is funny because they all eat sick as much Ramyun get (and I have no idea why they are dressed as cowboys, but it's cracking me up), all but Jae-hoon, a black hole abdomen when seems to have there is junk food.

gets too Ha-neul after ten shells whiny or so ( urgh ) complain if Geu-rin urges him on Buck and think of the money. Seok-ho it looks to be a supportive manager and shoots her a thumbs up, then everything goes shy when they returned with a finger-heart answers.

A man with the production team speaks up on Geu-rin, calling them stupid if they do not understand what he wants. She turns Seok-Ho was right behind her to see with a thunderous expression on his face, and he makes a point of her from her most formal title call and offers to take over the task.

He ambles over to the crew member and tells him to talk with a sinister smile not to women like that. He makes it clear that the mere manager someone is precious, and makes it clear that they treat bad will not be tolerated.

If the rotation is over, Seok-ho sends Geu-rin at home with the boys and stay in a meeting with the production manager. They are to give both happy in the present success and Seok-ho provisionally venture a little squeeze Geu-rin shoulders.

The production manager wants to offer the boys on a new show called "Legend Again" to sing the artists current music will have songs from the 190s and 00s. Seok-ho loves the idea, and wonders if she had to pull some strings to get Ddanddara band on the show, but they assured him they fair the cut to make room.

While at dinner, Mr. Byun heard a familiar old song - it's one of those songs that Ha-neul brother Sung-hyun wrote that was stolen from him. Apparently the artist who sang the song's release went into hiding after the hit album and has not been heard from since. The song makes Mr. Byun feel melancholy, and he remembers the day Seok-ho and Sung-hyun brought the song to KTOP.

Sung-hyun's nervous, but he hands over the marks to Mr. Byun, who warmly welcomed him. Seok-ho is practically giddy with excitement to know how good the song is. If standto leave, noted Mr. Byun that Sung-hyun goes with a pronounced limp on a twisted foot.

He later told Seok-Ho, CEO of Lee likes the song, and asked if he had to share more good songs. He asks Seok-ho not CEO Lee Sung-hyun to say Handicap, knowing that CEO Lee would be affected against him, and he wants to be judged the song on his merits alone.

Seok-ho agrees that Sung-hyun is shy about his leg. He says Mr. Byun that he Sung-hyun met three years ago in a record store, and he had heard him sing. Seok-Ho had often gone back to hear him sing, and they eventually became friends. He often urges his friend to try to do more with his music, but Sung-hyun is too nervous to try his disability itself.

So they take Sung-hyun Music CEO Lee first who is very impressed. KTOP does no good at this point in time, and he thinks that these new artists could be the one to produce a hit and drag them out of their slump. But his face changed when Mr. Byun told him about Sung-hyun twisted foot polio as a child have to.

CEO Lee saids, they should take some pictures and see how it goes, but you can practically see the wheels turning in his mind, a way of thinking to turn in his favor this. He plans Sung-hyun demo recordings for a time when Seok-ho is out of the country, but Mr. Byun promises to take care of him.

Sung-hyun Song is very nice, and despite his shy demeanor, his voice is beautiful and strong. Mr. Byun is banned, tears springing to her eyes as Sung-hyun meets his high notes, pure and safe. It's amazing how his song transforms Sung-hyun.

CEO Lee is equally moved by Sung-hyun demo, but another music producer pressured him Sung-hyun Song, to sell them for another artists. The money, CEO Lee stands to make, is enough that he caves, and he sells Sung-hyun song without his permission.

Mr. Byun is shocked at betrayal - what will they do when Seok-ho returns? CEO Lee argues that KTOP has to survive, and provides Mr. Byun to let go, if he wants, even if he asks him to stay.

Augh, face overlooking Sung-hyun when he realizes that his music was stolen, is staggering. He does not even care if he he releases an album his beloved song just want back. CEO Lee acts like it's no big deal because Sung-hyun can not sing with his disability before an audience, so that a top star to sing with him really is obviously a good thing.

Sung-hyun does not have everything he cares his song only want - they even the stars it credited to sing as a writer, so no one will know it to be. CEO Lee has to make sure that all his songs sold good singers and brought into the world, and it will be credited, but Sung-hyun screams that his parents and little brother are waiting to be released on his album.

But he does not need money, or an album, because what is important to him that his songs belong to him. CEO Lee spits that he can not even walk straight, his true disgust finally shows on his face. Sung-hyun holds finally knows what it is all about, but CEO Lee dares only him to try anything ... no one will believe that it is his song.

Without a word, Sung-hyun takes his guitar and music. He walks dejectedly into a bridge and sits to rest, to rub his painful leg. Crying, he finally pulls up and looks one last time at the family photo in his wallet. A look of peace crosses his face when he looks across the water, and then he's gone.

Back to the present, Seok-ho is given the song that Ddanddara band will sing on the show, and he crows that it is perfect for Ha-neul voice. He does not know, but it's the same song that was stolen in front of Sung-hyun in all these years.


Although we knew the basics of Sung-hyun died, I'm glad we got to see they play not only tells us how it all happened. It moved his love for his songs, to see his pride in them almost as if they were his children, and his grief of losing them. It makes sense why Ha-neul feels so passionate about music, Sung-hyun had has as a role model who loved his music more than anything else. But it was that not stolen his songs which Sung-hyun caused to end his life, as I had expected - it was said that because of his disability, he would never, never a successful singer be. It was not just a song about him, but all his dreams and the only thing he was taken alive. No wonder he felt life was not worth living.

It is interesting to see how the show looks at both sides of the music industry and how the high road may be harder, but in the end it is much more satisfying. Ji-young did not seem that all happy when she has become an idol, probably because she knew she did not really deserve. Yet the Ddanddara guys are just happy to be together and make music, and doing things right, even if it does not come success, as they hope. Of course, they want to be recognized as a musician, but in the end, to make in a way music they stronger than humans and closer as a family, which is important makes.

I am glad that the attack put the case to rest, to see, although there a bit anti-climactic was while an interesting plot line was, the show never really seemed to know where to go exactly with him. Although it was a difficult issue, it seemed really more of a way to move characters and get them in certain places at certain times, only to resurface when some forward movement was needed. Not that this is bad, but it's a little strange, such a heavy topic to practical use as a prop to see, so for this reason I'm glad we have it tied all nice and neat on. I wonder if this means Ji-young is gone for good - I have often felt they had made a great villian, but she was greatly neglected by the show, and only trotted when the plot requires a thrust forward ,

I when Ha-neul asked for leniency for Ji-young and Joo-han as the moment of personal growth. When he was in the same position was none of his innocence until (next Geu-rin) and Ji-young was happy it for her, that he did not knew that something can be punished only by their dream actualize be a pop idol. Although no one was willing to look for Ha-neul when he was in their shoes, it was good to let him see go of his anger and forgive them. He's definitely grown a lot.

But the truth is, I've always been more interested in the plotline regarding Ha-neul of Hyung, and as he was also trying to make it in the music business and driven to suicide. It hits much closer to home emotionally where both Seok-Ho and Ha-neul are affected, and my favorite moments are when they are together as a makeshift family bonding, with both a beloved brother lost, literally and figuratively. I'm getting excited about the part where Seok-Ho and Ha-neul CEO Lee part in all learn (and wow, what he is a despicable human being, by the way), and how they respond and rebound from it. Ha-neul his brother sing song on television has, will be emotional, and I think I see now why her first song not really make it an instant hit - there his brother is the song that they to fame in the height goes fast. A fitting bookend to Sung-hyun history, and the perfect excuse for a loss brother.

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tags: entertainer, episode 13, in Hyeri, Ji Sung Kang min Hyuk

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