Recap And Reviews Kdrama Neighborhood Lawyer Jo Deul-ho: Episode 11

Recap And Reviews Korean Drama Neighborhood Lawyer Jo Deul-ho: Episode 11 -

media this week are always personal as we explore how far Dae Hwa really widespread corruption and the people it is hurting on the way. Our favorite lawyer has again jumped in his fight against President Jung, but this time he has a client who needs more from his lawyer as a legal expertise. Deul-ho is to show him have that even if we feel like giving up, there is always at least one person that reminds us we are not alone.


Deul-ho perched precariously on the roof of Dae Hwa building and tried Eun-jo stepfather to speak up, Mr. Hong as he pull up in front of the building Chairman Jung spies car.

With a twinkle in his eyes, he says Mr. Hong that he knows the quickest way for him to speak to the chairman, then marched forward and snatches the edge of the building.

Since the two plummet, had tried to show a series of flashbacks in recent months that Mr. Hong Jung Chairman to speak on numerous occasions to be dismissed harder and harder each time. Mr. Hong finally ambushed the Chairman in the bathroom while he stood at the urinal.

When he pulled away again, Chairman Jung calls him back. He shoves his foot in the direction of the poor man and pulls move, to tell him to lick the urine that splattered on his shoe a disgustingly twisted version of Gu Jun-Pyo famous. Shaking and desperate, Mr. Hong kneeling observed. end leg flailing to land their right in the middle of the police crash pad

returning to the present, Deul-ho and Mr. Hong dive. The amount (Chairman Jung included) gasping with shock to see, wait, if they are violated when Deul-ho appears his head happily.

With a broad grin on his face he shouts: "Aigoo They were worried, is not it?" Laughing, he confirmed they are doing well and asks each glad to welcome President Hong. He pulls Eun-jo stunned stepfather welcome to all, but all Mr. Hong, a roll is manage stumbling out of the inflatable cushion. I think jumping from tall buildings is really best left Superman.

Deul-ho waived Mr. Hong to the police, then beelines. Just for the Chairman Jung, parting the crowd of reporters like a Moses of media The reporters all Deul-ho follow as he promises them that the Chairman of Hwa Dae, who cares so much about its employees will now say a few words.

with a bevy of reporters Faced questions shouted at him, Chairman Jung mutters to Deul-ho privately held with him to take, ushered him into his car.

you move to a Han River and Deul-ho demanded explanation for Dae Hwa mistreatment of their subcontractors. Chairman Jung is a PC answer that manage with such a large company, he knew nothing about the problems an individual person. Sure, and the shoes have that on a spit shine all on your own.

He. About the miracle of the Han River poetic waxes and conglomerate construction companies that have made it possible, but Deul-ho is not for sale He walks with a parting query asks Chairman Jung as his SOB son to Korea returns. He tells him to bring Michael back soon so he arrest him, then slams the door on the fuming chairman.

Eun-jo with her mother and stepfather to the police station where the detective shouting at Mr. Hong to make such a fuss about when only one complaint submitted, should not receive the payment.

Mr. Hong shouts back that he tried, but the courts, she said could not do anything without a civil action. He asks the detective as he to win a lawsuit against a company like Dae Hwa with their teams of lawyers.

In a softer voice, Detective Kim asks how much he owed. Mr. Hong admits he ₩ 00000000 in debt (nearly 2 million US dollars). Eun-jo wheezing in height, while also shocked mother stutters that this must be why he had drunk started and had asked for a divorce.

Just as the detective Dae Hwa concludes that Mr. Hong must have meant to force him to jump the payment by threatening Deul-ho comes "Who said about a threat something?": border in, challenging He chastises Mr. Hong for leaving without his lawyer. Oh, he just take the case without being even asked

Deul-ho dives right in and explained that his client had never a thought of jumping out of the building: Mr. Hong simply greeted Deul-ho on the roof, but then the wind blew, and she slipped.

Deul-ho is fully mimic his history when he asks: "What do we have to do, we can not hang [to the building], that's impossible!"

Attorney Jang comes to the Chairperson for a Mitigation meeting to bring together Attorney Kim. He proposes a settlement, was worried about a backlash in public opinion towards the company. Chairman Jung scoffs at this, asking if Attorney Jang expects him do what Deul-ho says simply of the public in fear.

Sensing opportunity, lawyer Kim jumps this week agreed that the Chairman properly and they can not simply obey blindly. Looks like the chairman has just found to promote a new lawyer protégé.

Deul-ho and his "legal team" gather back at the office and hear how Mr. Hong describes the common practice that have large construction companies, leeching off subcontractors.

He tells how Dae Hwa had cut their contract fees, drawn work of incorrect code violations, citing and changed building materials by the project halfway. One of their employees was injured on the spot, but they could not afford worker's compensation.

The banks denied Mr. Hong more loans so he was forced to turn to loan sharks, but he could not pay them back so they stormed the shop where Eun-jo mother works

, the is not even the worst, because it he has to pay a discount. For each job, he returns what he does not always given the further work with the company under threat in about 20 to 30 percent. In addition, the food and drink he must do for its customers, as well as the gifts and donations he gives them. He reached the point where more work would take only lead more debt.

Mr. Hong hangs his head in defeat and the Group looks forward to her lawyer leader. Deul-ho asks who receive the discount. Mr. Hong is the name of Lee Myung-joon, Dae Hwa coordination director.

Looks like Chairman Jung is also known for its idiosyncratic director looked as his secretary comes back to say that they still have not found Lee Myung-joon yet.

The meeting of the group is interrupted when three men barging come into the office, demanding the money that Mr. Hong owes them. They saw him in the news and screaming that he was going to kill himself, then he should life insurance bought first, so they can get paid. Raue.

You decide if they can not get money from the father they will collect from the daughter, and the office running grab something, which is not bound.

Dae-soo and his loyal minions nearly approach the men and try to keep your belongings. As everyone in Mini Tug-of-War battles engages Deul-ho climbs on a chair and cries to stop, so loud screaming he throws almost off his makeshift podium at the top of his lungs for everyone.

Deul-ho says that he will get all the money that Mr. Hong owe and pay it back. Ask suspicious if he can take responsibility for what he has just said. Deul-ho fires back that it is the neighborhood lawyer and he will get their money, the agreement to take responsibility for Mr Hong debt.

The men left and things begin to calm until Mr. Hong a receives phone call and roars: "?!? What" is performed prior to the start.

The Bank has sent people to her house to take their stuff again in possession, and they are currently marking all with the dreaded red sticker. home Eun-jo mother come desperately clinging to the family treasures to find Mr. Hong and Eun-jo, passed down from her mother.

All three hold each other, crying, while the coarse nature through their belongings and men. Deul-ho can only observe from outside, such as the family suffers.

Eun-jo walks, the many money-related difficulties they remember is confronted over the years. It ends on the Han River where Deul-ho accedes brings soju. Eun-jo can only cry when she wonders if this is her life, always kicked because of money worries from somewhere.

Deul-ho quietly says this is exactly what life is: There is always overcome waves. He tells her, in times like these that it is best to sing a song at the top of their lungs. He then goes on to show her how a nonsense song blaring and to bring a smile to Eun-jo face.

Deul-ho and Dae-soo to discuss how the coordination director to bring Lee Myung-joon when Ae-ra comes with the message back that the man went to the ground, and no one can him find. The boys suggest that he probably ran somewhere on an island, but Deul-ho wants his house to try stakeout.

Hae-Kyung comes with speaking Deul-ho, whereupon Dae-soo each usher in the two some privacy to give. Asks Deul-ho when it is so addictive to be in the news or to be Soo-bin Superman that he now to do these crazy stunts. Deul-ho argues that he did not, but Mr. Hong is Eun-jo father and their opponents is Dae Hwa group. How could he not defend himself?

Hae-Kyung sighs that she knows that she can not ask him to stop, but tells him to think about what is best for Soo-bin.

Chairman and Chief Prosecutor Jung Shin together to discuss dinner during the forthcoming elections to the Attorney General. The Chairman assured the prosecutor that he do his part to secure the position for him, and muses that, could they just take care of the pesky Deul-ho he would feel comfortable. Lawyer Shin assures him that Deul-ho not be able to escape it.

Ji-wook is the packaging for the night when his father a visit is worthwhile to upgrade it to Deul-ho recent escapades. Ji-wook asks if he plans to go after him, but his father, musing that even if Deul-ho did not stop his crusade against Dae Hwa, his efforts are a rock with an egg like attack. Ji-wook indicates that even if an egg can not break the rocks, it is still capable of staining.

turns to leave as chief prosecutor Shin, Ji-wook asks his father: "Do I have to be the rock or the egg?" He pretends to be confused more and more.

His father poses a question: "Why have blinders wear racehorses?" Ji-wook thinks it is so that they focus forward to run, but his father corrected him:


Neighborhood lawyer and Co. stake Lee Myung-joon house when a beautiful woman in front of him pulling up, enters the house and is then terminated, a package with her.

Deul-ho has Dae-soo and Dae-soo met eagerly states to follow that he never loses sight of a pretty woman. Heh.

follow her to an apartment complex, where they are stopped in an automated security gate. Deul-ho and rookie loan shark Yoo-shin made it bounce to follow on foot, while Dae-so and Ae-ra distract the security system.

Deul ho and Yoo-shin, follow the woman into a car park and then some pretty impressive teamwork utilize their way into the building to cheat. Follow her into the elevator and heard as she takes a call from her "oppa" to tell him that she would be there soon.

The woman leaves the elevator and the guys look to suspect around the corner, who she is meeting. Both rigid shocked when they see that there is nothing other than Chairman Jung. Well, I think, which has a mistress!

Hae-Kyung Kim and lawyer take Lawyer Jang, who informed that Deul-ho today filed a complaint against Dae Hwa morning. Hae-Kyung jumps to say that they will take the case, but her father reveals that lawyer Kim has already started to work on it.

After Lawyer Kim leaves, hemodialysis Kyung asks her father if he does not trust her. He admits that it is his daughter familiar in everything involved unless Deul-ho.

In her office, Hae-Kyung has lawyer Kim to report the progress of the case to her, and while her that he is assured about the additional smarm in his smile makes you wonder whether it will something is, do not know. Lawyer Kim asks right back: "What could it possibly be that Attorney Jang Hae-Kyung not already know about this?"

Deul-ho and collect his cohorts to the interesting twist to discuss they have discovered: The woman who has followed Lee Myung-joon sister. Break it up, concludes Deul-ho, Lee Myung-joon collected all discounts from Dae Hwa subcontractors and channeled it into a slush fund for his sister lovers: Chairman Jung.

Dae-soo suggested that this means that they must follow the nurse will find the brother immediately his services to the offer of pretty lady around. But Deul-ho sets Yoo-shin in service tailing and brings Dae-soo come to him with the other suppliers.

Unfortunately lawyer Kim reported Chairman Jung that he already warn about the subcontractor's gone not help Deul-ho in any way, or they will never get work from Dae Hwa.

The office has penetrated again come when Mr. Hong employees Deul-ho informed that they plan to sue Mr. Hong does not pay for their wages. Deul-ho do not ask them to go this route, but they argue that they have no choice, because they have nothing to live.

When Dae-soo comes Deul-ho brings him as a personal credit expert with a lot of money, promised that if he Mr. Hong case against Dae Hwa, Dae-soo pays loses all back (Dae-soo "Tell her what?" look is priceless).

Unfortunately there is not enough. The workers can not wait that long and Deul-ho say Mr. Hong get ready to make an investigation.

Speaking of Mr. Hong, Eun-jo leaves him alone to her underground job to go, thinking that he sleeps. It turned out that he faked and soon derives from not seeing Dae-soo huge favorite, the Deul-ho had set on the clock.

Ji-wook visits his father with the news, was allowed the investigation to Dae Hwa fall on his connections with respect. Chief Prosecutor Shin just smiles and asks if he was still worried about it. Ji-wook finds that everything is so that his father thought it would be.

When he hits home that night, Ji-wook takes only a glance to the right in the window of the subway, where Eun-jo works, and keeps order. She sits down with him and talk about her new job with the neighborhood lawyer and Eun-jo's face lights up when she told all she has learned. Ji-wook listen while describing the vortex of energy which Deul-ho's. He also warns not attached obtain, but their honest admiration seems to beat him a chord.

Just then, a group of men coming into the subway if Eun-jo is to ask the daughter of Hong Mr. Hong. These are the loan sharks that her stepfather borrowed from and they came to collect their money from her.

Eun-jo, it is a loss, but Ji-wook draws its own white knight armor and warned the men to leave quietly. The leader mocks, but Ji-wook produced insignia of his prosecutor, citing the laws that they are in danger of breaking, and suddenly they can not get enough of there quickly.

Mr. Hong late-night walk brings him to the hospital, where he visited the injured man from his team. We find out that, if the worker's remuneration was denied to Mr. Hong pay for people hospital bills from his own pocket.

Deul-ho, having been alerted by Dae-soo favorite, came to the hospital and overheard Mr. Hong said his staff to be strong and a good life. It sounds suspiciously like farewell.

Later Deul-ho Trails silent after Mr. Hong as he wanders a bridge down. He gets a call from Eun-jo, who is with her frantic mother at home, both trying to find her father. Deul-ho assures her that Mr. Hong is with him, and they will be home soon.

Earlier, Mr. Hong pauses on the bridge and overlooks the water. He slowly takes his shoes, climb on the railing ... but then Deul-ho comes running and screaming that there is no air mattress at the end of the jump.

Mr. Hong breaking sobbing his heart out while Deul-ho hovers near.

The two men sit to find a place and Mr. Hong admits that living day by day, for him was simply too heavy. Deul Ho stocks that Eun-jo formerly called, in search of Mr. Hong. He says they only asked held, in which she was "Appa", it is called Dad for the first time.

Mr. Hong complains that he has never done for them as a father everything, but Deul-ho points out, you do not do something to his family, you get to be together only by force. He told him of his own daughter and how she calls him Superman. In the time that he wanted to give up, he found the strength thought of his daughter's face.

Deul-ho: "is, although it seems like today forever not end, it will end soon And tomorrow will come I saw you pay your injured employee's medical bills secretly.. . you are also Superman, are not you? Superman is not Superman when he is weak. your problem will be terminated and will end today. "

Thereafter Deul-ho's home by on foot when he gets a call. A man's voice introduces himself as Lee Myung-joon, so Deul-ho to stop in his tracks. He asks to meet him construction to come face-to-face, and Deul-ho agrees.

After they hang up, the choice repeated Deul-ho the number, but the call goes directly to voicemail.

Deul-ho arrives at the creepily empty construction site and tried to call the number back, but no luck. Something is making a sound and a moving shadow leads Deul-ho on the stairs. It calls for Lee Myung-joon, but gets no answer.

Deul-ho slowly begins to climb the stairs, when suddenly a large pile of construction supplies coming collapse right on top of the head and threw him down the stairs and pinning him to the ground. He can only blurry figure of a man making up the stairs to him descending ... and falls unconscious.


Ok, we should remember to breathe. It's not that, it was a two-ton anvil fell on him. Admittedly, there were a few stones in this pile, but I believe he will have a few bumps and bruises -. Hopefully nothing to life challenging

One of my favorite aspects of the show the depth that gives it its character. Even the side characters now get become more active in the team Deul-ho their own stories as Dae-soo minions. I never really had the attention they paid before, but after this Super Sneaky park scene I'm rooting completely take over for Deul-ho Yoo-shin, as his protégé or something.

Ji-wook character is also more complicated for this background story we got from the last week. Ji-wook has rather lost now because watching Deul-ho combat what he believes in, while his own father continued with his shady dealings. He tried so hard to believe that he is fighting for the right side, but as more and more is revealed of the truth, he will have to start doubts if he should be the rock or the egg. The scene between Ji-wook and Eun-jo at the subway was quite poignant, because you could almost feel his nostalgia. Eun-jo excited about the Deul-ho brought back memories for him of what he was when he began to work for the first time with him.

I have to say, I was really disappointed with Eun-jo this week. I had lowered my expectations of them since the beginning of the show, but they have now hit rock bottom. I had hoped that because their own family was now directly involved with the Chairman of the corruption, they finally move would help protect her father. Instead, they will shrink again even more so Deul-ho or Ji-wook, to defend it. I can be a little leeway give for reoccurring trauma as this all goes back to when she was younger and thrown her mother from their family restaurant, but really, after the beautiful river they cry with Deul-ho had, I expected to get it together and actively begin to fight back. At this point I agree with hanshimi that their main purpose in the story is to highlight the awesomeness of Deul-ho.

Another small issue I have with the show is the black and white manner in which it representation of different social classes. I know that the story itself is said to be a lawyer to protect the poor from the rich rises up, but it seems a little in terms of all the rich give hard to abuse their power, and all the poor creatures in constant pain, because of it. The show has too much of an emphasis on good character be helpless, and the evil to be powerful. Also Deul-ho was back corrupt before the show began, evidence buried his friend and chairman Jung save son. He had to lose everything to be back to be a decent man.

That being said, I can easily overlook any mistakes the show, if only it is Soo-bin return! I feel like I'm going through a cuteness retreat to, without a whole episode watched to see a single father-daughter moment!

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tags: Episode 11 in , Kang So-ra, neighborhood lawyer Jo Deul-ho, Park Shin-yang

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