Recap And Reviews Kdrama Trot Lovers: Episode 6

Recap and reviews korean drama Trot Lovers: Episode 6 -

Chun-hee begins her rise as a popular and beloved trot singer while Soo-in looks in the face of what may be their future: namely always as devious as her mother, in order to survive. Everyone seems some mom to have problems, even - to bring the memories of her mother cause Chun-hee hope and healing to another while Joon-hyun is recalled that sometimes blood relatives are not as reliable as the outsider adopted family he has found himself a part of. And Geon-woo, well, we'll just assume his mother that he is part of the reason so completely adorable and quirky remains.


by Joon-hyun into hospital hurries on Chun-hee to check, he tends at the sight of Geon-woo stops briefly, her. Soo-in follows him in, and is not happy Geon-woo to see. She leaves quietly (and without notice) in a huff, but Joon-hyun quickly takes its place alongside Byul, who reminds him that the only reason Geon-woo took Chun-hee hospital was because he did not his phone answer both Joon-hee and Geon-woo.

When the nurse for Chun-hee guardian asks jump. But it's Geon-woo the nurse wants and Byul pulls down the sputtering Joon-hyun ( "But I am Choi Chun-hee Manager, I mean, Producer!"), Him to remember that Geon-woo of President of the company. The difference between the men is further emphasized when Geon-woo his relief expresses that doctors nothing wrong with Chun-hee found while Joon-hyun it blames for the production of worry about nothing.

Geon-woo are the two Choi sisters a ride home (an invitation that was Joon-hyun specifically excluded from, ha!), But because Byul fast asleep, Geon-woo volunteers to carry them into the house , From cheeky little smile on Byul face as she looks (before pretending quickly back to sleep) with her sister, it looks like we have a youth-sized matchmaker on our hands have.

begging him for a few minutes to wait ", because they have to clean up a mess," Chun-hee rushed past him into the house. The "Chaos", they need to clean up, is Joon-hyun and his stuff, and they ignored his protests, when she pushes it in a closet. From his hidden vantage point he watched (and pouts) as Geon-woo Byul jammed into bed.

When a glass of water (where Geon-woo Joon-hyun specially selected cup used), he calmed Chun- hee, that no matter what was the result in the singing contest, it really well done. The audience fell for her while she was on stage - and he did it well. Swoon.

attempts to further discussion by the constant interruption of text messages by Joon-hyun are stopped, the spying on them from the bedroom. Geon-woo is amused, how popular it is, but Chun-hee dismisses the message than just spam. Although at least seriously Joon-hyun Board accepts the Geon-woo used his cup, and she is going to get to the cabinet a new glass.

How to reach them for that closet door starts to fall, and Geon-woo leans in as her omnipresent Savior, so he would not fall on her (and he gets his own epic sweeping music of heroism).

Joon-hyun is willing to go and ship and break the moment between them, but a very-much awake Byul pulls him back into the bedroom and locked the door. She thinks Geon-woo and her sister look cute together, and when he sees Joon-hyun there, he might get the wrong idea. He stopped short when she says that, since it is family now, would he play together with Byul the matchmaking program.

After Chun-hee Geon-woo looks (and his father quickly does a 180 back in his own house when he realizes his son in front of door), she returns Joon-hyun try to find noisily to repair the broken cabinet (which he seems to only make it worse). She thinks its petty complaints about Geon-woo are really disappointed because of him that they have not won the competition.

He seems to be really surprised that she would think so (even if you consider how he is treated before you can not blame her really). Reassuring her that he is not disappointed her, he adds that he is convinced that the director and PD of the program, it must somehow rigged, because should have by rights won it

your expense winning is not affected -. She's just grateful that they got to appear on television and send a message to her father a chance. Who got a chance to see it, as he is tied up in front of a small restaurant television, hearing his daughter and tearing her message to him.

When Soo-in and her mother out for a celebratory dinner with the director and PD primp Survivor Immortal Classics , Yang Joo-hee recalls her daughter take care to take over and make sure that they heal quickly her vocal cords. After all, that would "novice upstart" won when she and director Wang had not intervened.

Soo-in already heard reeling after the news that the songwriter Chun-hee version preferred stunned will discover that their victory was not legitimate. Angrily, she says to her mother that she had on her own talent to win without interference. Yang Joo-hee just sighs and says that it does not matter, because they're supposed to win anyway, so Soo-in is worked always nothing.

But Soo-in decides to rebel, and not go to the banquet. Instead, she plays hooky at Lotte World, because she was allowed to go to the amusement park ever, when she was a child. You is not ready for people to recognize it, however, and when she tucked on a trip out to avoid all camera phones, it calls Geon-woo for help.

of course he comes to save dramatically, because he is our knight in shining armor. Or in a nice headband when Soo-in convinced him to stay with her and playing. Despite how cool he is, has he soon just as much as when the game is to eat at all rides and junk food. (And maybe some of these junk food to lose on a particularly prickly ride. URP.)

When they leave the amusement park, Soo-in asks if he knew that her mother brought the victory in order. But he says that this is the first he has heard of it. To cover her embarrassment, he assures her that everyone said their performance was impeccable - her mother and director Wang just overreacted. You wonder how even difficult problems seem easy when he's there.

When he drives her home later, they offered him dinner to him for his kindness to thank during the interview, when he said he honest answers would like. It was the first time in her life she had ever been praised for something that was not singing. He continues to praise for them as well to grow in spite of their strict mother. Latching on, she wonders how he thinks they faded "as a woman", but their joy at his response when he speaks in generalities realized.

you in the restaurant for dinner and surprise, surprise - Chun-hee and Joon-hyun are also there, bickering (of course) as Chun-hee hungrily with noodles stuffs her face. Geon-woo is pleased to see them. Soo-in and Joon-hyun, not so much, but neither protest as Geon-woo decides the two couples should eat together.

Geon-woo devotes most of his attention to Chun-hee and Joon-hyun is a well-deserved kick under the table he blurt is simply that he the set cabinet because he lives with Chun-hee. Soo-in just looks miserable.

Thereafter Geon-woo hands bought over the headband Soo-in him at the amusement park, Chun-hee to say, to give it to Byul. Soo-in looks really hurt that he so easily her gift (and the memory of their "date") would give, away. But Chun-hee thinks it's pretty, and submit it to annoy only Joon-hyun. The naughty little head bobble when she is going away from him just so perfect.

At home, Chun-hee and Joon-hyun continue their sibling-like squabbles, as it tends spilled noodle soup to a burning her. He points out how she went from gulping down mouthfuls to bite noodles discreetly suddenly, they sip as soon as Geon-woo arrived. "Did you perhaps ... like him?"

He Chun-hee talking nonsense thinking and Joon-hyun tried to convince them that Geon-woo looks like a psychopath, with his restless eyes. (Pfft - seems like someone must have Y observed ou Who of the stars came )

The next morning, Geon-woo she overheard Chun-hee commencement Fan Club meetings discuss (Thanks ahjussis to the efforts of our favorite credit Hai) and wonders why they did not tell him of anything. To be fair, they only found on the last night itself, but even so, Joon-hyun scoffs, because it's not like the company would pay for it. But Geon-woo is like: "Of course we are, oh, and I can come?"

The loan shark ahjussis decorated Coach Bang restaurant with balloons and cheerful greeting everyone who arrives. Oh, it looks like Tae-song is a fan! He speaks from walking in, but fear that Joon-hyun would be there and as "traitors" former manager would be seen to react again.

But Lee Chul-man discovered him and accompanied him in - (! Called him a "young," ha) and it looks remain uncertain until Coach Bang him happily welcomed. He is thrilled immediately.

guitar chords sounded suddenly and Joon-hyun marched to surprise everyone only if Chun-hee pops out from where she hid behind him. Located merry their newly formed fan club (consisting mainly of ahjussis and ahsjummas) and Tae-song looks like a nervous chicken, as he tries to keep him from spotting Joon-hyun.

as Geon-woo's about to head out for the fan club meeting, he gets a call from Soo-in, saying that someone has broken into her house thinking. He rushes over to find them huddled in a corner of their room, their belongings scattered across space.

Relieved to see him, she throws her arms around him and tells him she does not know what happened, but people online their frightening messages were abandoned because they think was rigged the singing contest. She cries and tells him she is so scared she can not even sing. But when he made his phone draws to call the police, the look on her face seems to imply that was not the answer they wanted. She made it to completely, right?

Chun-hee says merry farewell to her new official fans and Joon-hyun can not help but tease her about the fact Geon-woo never showed up. He sees Tae-song (because it is pretty much the last person in the restaurant, and pretty hard to miss), and when Tae-song asks for forgiveness, Joon-hyun knocks him and asked angrily "traitorous bastard" out his eyes ,

as Geon-woo, exhausted Soo-in put to bed, he looks at his watch, how late it is Chun- hee's Fan Club To meet. But Soo-in grips his wrist, weak to ask if he would stay just a little longer. Just then her mother is with her always perfect timing on, shocked at the disorder and the fact that anti-fans came into the house.

Geon-woo leaves her with her mother, and rushes to the restaurant. Chun-hee and Joon-hyun are busy, the Fan Club banner decreases when he shows up, apologized for being so late. Annoyed Joon-hyun throws his side of the flag down, Geon-woo begins with a majestic sweep of his arm, so that it does not end up in her face. Because he intended to save her, no matter what, it seems.

offers to make him a cup of coffee, but before he goes inside, Joon- hyun rants so late in arriving him. Geon-woo asks if Joon-hyun like Chun-hee, which leads him only to the fact that sputtering Geon-woo is mad also think. Geon-woo: "If you do not then it is better for me." What is a response that makes Joon-hyun still sputtery

Chun-hee super sweet when she makes you happy Geon-woo his cup. Coffee, also stop at her reflection in the microwave to check glass. Coach Bang seems to approve of Geon-woo's good looks, as it hastens an introduction to get through.

Later Geon-woo with his father meets (to tell him, refuses to where he lives, ha!), And says that it is time for Chun-hee to delete an album. His son recalls that they need to hire any new employees because Joon-hyun has no trotting experience. But President Jo has already someone in mind to help. Composer Go Eun-tae

If Geon-woo tells them the good news, Chun-hee and Joon-hyun are amazed that they make green light, an album had been remade with trot songs. Joon-hyun looks longingly at his guitar case from Geon-woo is office in the corner, and he promises Joon-hyun that they be returned to when the album is successful.

This is all news to Chun hee, of course. She is surprised that Joon-hyun his prize possession as security, so that they could sign their contract, but he shrugs it straight away, confident that he'll get it back soon. You only need to Go Eun-tae to convince to work with them.

When they meet with him, he asks Chun-hee, why she sings trot. She admits that it was originally intended only for her family, but when she learned that it made other people happy, it made her happy. He wonders if she can make his wife happy - they there to take dementia, unsmiling started

When Chun-hee can his wife smile. to sing the next twenty-four hours by a trot, then he will agree to compose the songs for her album. She jumps immediately to the right in the trot Jukebox skills to train their highest ability - but Go Eun-tae woman remains expressionless

On the bus ride back home, Chun-hee worry that they do not might be able to make it. Go Eun-tae smiling tomorrow, because that is not songs mean and therefore no album. But the radio, reading a DJ in a story of a father for his two daughters sent, who wants to know that he lives, and not worry about him, and that he loves her.

Only "Hot Pepper" starts to play, and Chun-hee starts to cry when she realizes that this is her father must mean seen on TV and the song is with her and her mother in connection ,

this talk about all family makes Joon-hyun attempt to reach his mother, who lives in California. At first she does not respond as expected - but she calls him back and chatters merrily on about how much she enjoys life in the States, and that she thinks about a child with her American husband with (friend?). Aw, to his sad little puppy face that message is heard all the sadder when he watches Chun-hee sing happy "Hot Pepper" lulling to sleep Byul.

The next morning, Chun-hee has a renewed spirit when they return with Go Eun-tae meets woman. You told her about hearing from her father, which they feel was happiness and stronger. It begins a beautiful a cappella version of Na Hoon-ah's "ripe persimmon (My Mom)" to sing that it's all about how the singer misses, the mother, who did so much to care for their child. But still Eun-tae of Go woman remains impassive.

Chun-hee to go Eun-tae apologized that she could not make his wife smile, but she realizes that she might need to change her testimony. She thought she sang trot because they made other people happy, but she thinks now she sings trot to make you happy. People who want to hear their songs to be happy, even if she is happy.

When Joon-hyun mentioned that the album (is gone, but he says it with a smile on his face, so it's not hard feelings there) now, she smiles and says, there will be another Chance. But there is no need for another chance, because Go Eun-tae his wife discovered quiet "ripe persimmon" singing and overcome with joy to see again her smile.

Joon-hyun and Chun-hee recording to the hard work, an album, and Joon-hyun makes its statement well that he is her producer, when he corrected her vocal technique and pronunciation ruthlessly as they work to spend in the studio hour after hour. He notes that it eventually falls asleep on the sofa and gently covered with a blanket - and then you realize, all nasty comments about him that she journal wrote their texts that they could not tell while recording. Hahahaha!

But then he skips the Shine-star steps down Chun-hee with the finished album to surprise, and she freaks total excitement to keep their own CD in his hands.

Someone else the CD has remarked -. Soo-in, where it sits on Geon-woo Desk

Tae-Song colleagues awkwardly in Coach Bang Restaurant, until they finally steps out to invite him in. Him some advice on how to Joon-hyun gives him (basically "hold apologetically") to finally forgive. But he believes that it will be easier to have more opportunities to keep Joon-hyun apologetically when Coach Bang hires him to part-time. And that's not just because he had a crush on her, I'm sure.

Yang Joo-hee has managed to acquire Choi Myung-sik address, but hastens to hide when Chun-hee and Byul sees the departure home. She is confused at first, to director Wang calls them and lets them know that Chun-hee's "Myung-sik Oppa" and Oh Sung-joo daughter.

she returns home Soo-in to find in a glass of crying wine, and it takes the glass from her, mockingly telling her daughter, only ignore all abominable netizen comments. But it's Chun-hee, who has tears in Soo-in, and her mother tells her that she has seen dozens of talented newcomers in their time, but she survived alone against all.

Or maybe ran over them with your car, the most likely seems they tough love is a little more "hard" seems to scream "love" that Soo-in will survive never a singer to be, if it is now this weak. Yang Joo-hee meets a PD, and it is clear that they have another cunning plan up its sleeve is.

Chun-hee and Joon-hyun happy go to different companies to encourage handing out copies of her album, which stores them play. On a music and gift shops, Chun-hee is thrilled the dealer to discover selling copies of their CD.

He has seen from the picture on the front, and soon she is to perform for a small audience, eager to buy all of their album.

Later Chun-hee goes into the lion's den when she, grateful and happy Meets with Yang Joo-hee that she recommended it for a music show. As a rookie, she runs to the wardrobe distribute copies of their CD for all sunbaes waiting to execute.

Such sunbae is Shin Hyo-yeol, the how much we confirmed him hatred through specific spill coffee all over the CD she gave him. He orders her to clean it then. Joon-hyun takes the mop from her said they instead have to prepare for the stage.

But if Hyo-yeol smirkingly requires Joon-hyun clean the coffee out of his shoe, he grabs Hyo-yeol collar, as if to strike him. A word of Chun-hee (and the realization that it would be career suicide if he did), Joon-hyun cleans away quietly what was once his rival shoes.

The next act is Chun-hee and Joon hyun tried to help her calm nerves with encouragement:

You're a singer. You are here as a singer. Your song - no one can sing as well as you do. Let us go and knock 'em dead

One of the PDs called on him, and when he goes, Chun-hee will receive a message on her cell phone. It is a photo of her father, with the threat that if they do not come now, she might never see him again.

she looks anxiously at the exit sign, and then to sign the "On Air".


Oh nooooooooooo! What they will choose?!?! Dumm cliffhanger.

I am sure that this is "your father or the stage!" is part of Decision Yang Joo-hee cunning plan ... they sneakily from the kick to Chun-hee family to use against them to business? Make it a disappointment for all? Run them over with a car?

I do not understand why we have played against each other these women, except for the fact that they are registered under the same company, and they have "debuted" at the same time. It's not like it for the same market share are struggling: Chun-hee trot likely to lead a larger market with is ahjussi and ahjumma, the more likely to buy their CD and attend their concerts, compared with Soo-in pop ballad style would make for a younger audience.

But it is not so much about the music as it is the attention, really. Soo-in was to be expected from a young age, maintained that it is no matter to be successful as a singer, what, and so the upstart with no education or even a strong desire to see, has a pop star to be suddenly got a hit to rankle. Especially if this rookie also has the full attention of the beautiful president of the company. I have a feeling that Soo-in, together with what her mother wanted her to always do get away, but Geon-woo is one of the few things that ever just for himself has wanted, and no matter how hard she tries, she can 't have him. He is polite and caring and totally support them, but they of him "friend zoned" already and can not seem to escape it.

So there I can understand their jealousy because, seriously: how adorable is Geon-woo? I love the fact it rolls only with what strangeness Chun-hee throws its way (like the "cracked" cup). I'm always the first time finally feel that he's interested in her as a person, and not only as a project that his father assigned to him. Not to mention I like the fact that she gets a little silly about him (despite their protests that they do not "like" he does), and that their attraction is actually justified to him. Because he seems like a really good guy, and I'm perfectly all over the lines in love with these often abused, but ignored second results.

However, falling oddly enough, I have not a clue about the second lead syndrome. Also, for that matter, I'm everything with Joon-hyun a Love Line convinced (as much as I love him). Honestly, I think I'm mostly on team Chun-hee.

This drama less begins to feel like a rom-com to me and more like a workplace drama, because I care more about her to unite her family again as she works her way star to a trot on. The drama has made it clear that important, what is in Chun-hee is the life of their family, and then their music (hello, cliffhanger important signs decision) - is anything but a third place. These include romance.

That is, I adore the lines, and do not regret a second that we spend with them. In fact, I think I might even want more this bickering siblings-like interaction between Chun-hee and Joon-hyun. It was difficult to represent accurately in the recapitulation, because there were only so many little moments between them, how trusting in the ribs or compete against each other under the table, or "tattling" successive, or just the little faces she would at make each other. I also loved when he put on his producer (or manager?) Hat and seriously had to work hard to create their album and promote it. Not these words of encouragement at the end not to speak, and to let go a little of his pride to make sure she could walk away from this asshat Hyo-yeol and concentrate on preparing for their performance.

Maybe it sounds a little crazy, but I think Joon-hyun as an engraver for Choi sisters Lilo (Byul) and Nana (Chun-hee) maps. It is this destructive power wants no one who has been banished to the planet Trot, and initially use only the nurses for their own profit, until it begins its fiercest defenders and protectors to be, since it makes sure this small family are reunited can and stay together.

This small family that his family, also is.

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tags: featured, Ji Hyun-woo, Jung Eun-ji, Trot Lovers

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