Recap And Reviews Kdrama Mirror Of The Witch: Episode 7

Recap And Reviews Korean Drama Mirror Of The Witch: Episode 7 -

mirror witch continues to provide a perfect soundtrack scored and a written history firmly in this episode with a stunning graphics. We get heart-warming moments with our two lines, and while many of our questions remain unanswered, sets the action to develop, and the drama is as riveting as ever.


Yo gwang returns to the temple and panics when he realizes Seo-ri does not exist, especially if he finds that the talismans burn guarding the temple limits.

Seo-ri kneels by an unconscious June when it met that recalls the first time. She reaches out to him, but pulls back as they take remembers June on the arrow in place. Relieved that he survived, she turns to let. June shaking for a moment, hardly make Seo-ri's profile before again fainted.

Seo-ri turns back and takes the bag had clasped June when he fell. Inside there is a well-known bell whose twin Poong-yeon had five years ago gave her. You ring it gently.

The effect of the bell is immediate. In the forest, the shaman suddenly stop in their tracks while back in Hong-joo cave, the glass of the Prince begins to shake from alcohol. Hong-joo falls into the vessel, with relish to realize that the Princess has emerged from its hiding place. Behind her starts Hyun-seo to slowly move a finger.

Yo-gwang hears the bell and approaches Seo-ri to find. Alerting to the approaching danger, Seo-ri tries to raise June when a hand clutching her shoulder. The shamans are approaching the place had fallen on June, but only his bag remains.

addressing the shaking glass, Hong-joo asks the prince to wait a little longer. A shaman informed Hong-joo that they were unable to conquer the princess, but Hong-joo jobs that they continue the search. The princess must be immediately caught alive.

Yo-gwang dumps June, still unconscious, in the temple cave. Seo-ri asks if June is fine, but Yo-gwang lectures them. The protection of talismans for leaving If she is caught, their efforts would have been in vain. Yo-gwang insists that Seo-ri never to leave again into the temple.

Then he asks the Jun is, and if she knows him. Seo-ri denies knowing Jun, but Yo-gwang ask why they were together. Seo-ri deflected the question, saying that it is something she wanted was to ask June and that she would send him away as soon as it is satisfied their curiosity.

Remembering the burning talismans, Yo-gwang runs to check the protection. He is confused to find it completely intact.

At the bottom of the cliff, Ok monitors the search for June, while Poong-yeon also looks for clues. Reminds he see June's face while her horse hunting, and as of June had Seo-ri protected at night that she left five years ago, is missing.

Ok saunters toward Poong-yeon and asks him if he is sure that June had here, on the border like his tone on war. Quiet, Poong-yeon asks only if June is really red coat. Ok mocks this and smacks Pong-yeon with his sheathed sword, knowing that demand Poong-yeon is. This time his tone is definitely offensively as he takes issue with Poong-yeon interference in his case.

Sol-gae tried to intervene, but Poong-yeon information Keep Calm and Ok be Authentication provides, Ok, that he is the captain of the royal guard. Ok has a double-take, has suddenly placed reverently and nervously at his foot in his mouth.

Poong-yeon finds that he and asks Ok to confirm whether Jun is the criminals also hunts red coat. Ok stutters defensively that all evidence of the youngest victims of points in June, although Poong-yeon does not seem quite believe Ok statement.

their own search for the section Performing isolated, place Sol-gae the bag that had been left behind. Poong-yeon discovered to his horror that the bell is missing.

Still unconscious June relived, accompanied the memory of the horse chase through the ringing of the bell. Just as he experienced falling off the cliff, he startled awake.

Looking around begins in June to explore its surroundings and finds Seo-ri station, where she prepares her potions. June comes in a glass "Memory Potion" and reads the corresponding entry in the Mauigeumseo: Once seen, never forgotten. June mocks, laughing, that the creators of the potion are worse than him, assuming that the Mauigeumseo part of the bill.

His curiosity overcomes him as he studied the memory potion, sniff it once and then take two large swallows. He grimaces ... and lows then the whole bottle. June starts to run away, when suddenly his ears ring. He shakes his head as if to clear it, then noticed golden letters of the Mauigeumseo rise. June grabs the book fascinated, and the letters light up in a golden haze, as he reads feverishly.

Meanwhile, Seo-ri ties a white haze visible around her face so that only her eyes.

June comes the end of Mauigeumseo and reads aloud that before the North Star disappears, all the candles of the curse will have to be set on fire, and banned. He notes that it seems as if it should be more, his fingers the edge of the page the feeling that had been uprooted.


In his fascination with the book, in June to close unwittingly moved to a candle. His sleeve gets out, and in its warning, accidentally falls in June the Mauigeumseo on top of the candle. Drawn by Jun's crying, Yo-gwang running in order to try to put out the flames to help and grabs a bucket of water to fill. June takes only Mauigeumseo and throws it into the stream itself.

Yo-gwang frozen in shock, during June apologizes relieved that the fire was not greater and grateful that a stream available. June fish from the Mauigeumseo while Yo-gwang gapes in horror. His hand reaches out slowly for his sword.

June continue to check the book, such as Yo-gwang stands and brings his sword June neck. Yo-gwang told June through clenched teeth that itself can not compensate for the sin he has committed his life. Just then, a disguised Seo-ri enters.

There is a funny moment attempts in the Yo-gwang to prevent from out Seo-ri, what happened with the Mauigeumseo, pushing June behind him and to play down the situation. Seo-ri smell burning, and Jun pops from behind Yo-gwang from Seo-ri to show his burned sleeve.

Not convinced Seo-ri pushes Yo-gwang aside and progress in June to wonder what he's hiding behind him. Yo-gwang signaled wild not to answer him. June tried to divert her attention, but then the Mauigeumseo falls to pieces by Jun hands and Seo-ri takes in the eyes.

section on June tied with a rope around his neck, fighting on a barrel to compensate. June asking for a chance to talk this out, but an angry Seo-ri gives him the favor of the repayment of saving his life by a very important point to destroy. June sobbing in fear, but Yo-gwang growls that him because someone is at risk of dying.

Jun starts to lash out, to crawling the neck to the rope. Yo-gwang angry the barrel emerges at June feet, and start both he and Seo-ri to go - but then, as he gasps for breath, begins in June the instructions on recites how to brew a potion for invisibility, then see ghosts, and then a love potion.

Seo-ri and Yo-gwang stop surprise. June gasps when he dies, the contents of Mauigeumseo will disappear with him. The barrel is covered under June's feet and he explains that he has learned the entire contents of the book by heart. Yo-gwang is suspicious, but in June to explain appeals, as he drank a potion of Seo-ri workstation and then somehow the contents of the book only entered his brain. June, she begs for a chance to correct his mistake.

Yo-gwang seems ready to run to get away again, but Seo-ri stops him. June recited the last line of Mauigeumseo: "Before the North Star disappears, all the candles of the curse will have to be set on fire, and banned."

Seo-ri tells June that she would give him one day to reconstruct the book. If he is not able to complete the task within this time, they will make sure that he returned from the cliff drops. ,

Ok reports to his superior that they were unable to find in June The manager puts a table in anger after King Seonjo already informed that Red Cloak trapped was - their lives will be in danger if it is not true. It requires that deliver Ok June to the end of the day.

At home, Ok prostrates before his mother, worried about what to do. His mother informed him quietly, there is a simple solution, spelling it for him: If there is nothing there, then something instead be made.

In Cheongbing Temple, Yo-gwang June leads to a niche where he will live, and do not take kindly to all aspects of jun is over Seo-ri names and how they seem to be familiar. Yo-gwang replies that there is no way, in June ever could have met Seo-ri. June asks whether the contents of the book are real. Yo-gwang warns him about anything that does not, if he wants to live in the cave temples to be curious.

Seo-ri hands in June to write a blank book, which he read the Mauigeumseo. to see her veiled face, June flashes back to when they first met, and had as Yeon-hee peering eyes over the rim of the pot lid.

Seo-ri June snaps out of his trance, and when he takes the book from her, their hands brush. Seo-ri moves first away, but before she can leave, Jun asks why she covers her face. He asks her to lower her veil for just a moment to explain that he wanted to see her face while his gratitude to rescue expression of his life. He smiles at her winning, but Seo-ri remains unmoved.

Instead, Seo-ri takes from the bell, wondering June, when it is his. He has never seen it, and she asks why he is then he had no answer has. She tells him that Mauigeumseo document quickly, eager to get rid of him.

Acting on the suggestion of his mother, Ok presents a corpse to Poong-yeon, it explains to his red coat. Half of the face of the body was driven in, so that the man is no longer recognizable, and Ok said that the man's face hit a rock fall on the cliff. He is sure that this is the man, regardless. As Poong-yeon controls the body, he did not find evidence of the shoulder wound he inflicted with the red cape in his encounter. It goes without saying, however, and Ok sighs of relief.

Poong-yeon tells King Seonjo to inform him with certainty that the body does not belong to red coat. There is no evidence for the sword wound and the build of man is no match for red coat. The king sighs with regret; he was happy to hear the news of Red Cloak Capture.

But in court, the king promotes Ok captain of the royal guard (Poong-yeon original position) as a reward for the capture of red coat. Poong-yeon remains stoic.

King Seonjo also jobs that are dismembered the criminals and displayed in the city, so that citizens can be sure that the murderer was caught and punished. Soon-deuk happening on the sight shocked to discover what has happened June allegedly.

had known in a private meeting, Poong-yeon questions of the king's decision, as it was not really the body. The king replied that if the body was real or fake, the important thing was to stabilize the public morals. Given the current political situation, the people's support would decrease for his rule, even if the people knew red cloak remained at liberty. Poong-yeon argues that this is cheating the people, while the king replied that the people just want a scapegoat, something to appease their fear of red coat.

Poong-yeon asks what happens if there is another victim, but the King will only deal with the matter, when the time comes. Poong-yeon says he always respected the king, but he can not follow its decision in this case. He asks the king to reveal the truth.

Then take the king in pain and blood starts from his hand to drop. He falls to his place and Poong-yeon runs to support him. Poong-yeon calls for urgent help, but the king reassured him.

Suddenly the entrance of Dowager Queen is announced. With no other recourse Poong-yeon blood kneels on the ground to cover and positioned his body of the king to hide bloody hand out of sight. The Queen Mother is surprised by Poong-yeon close taken to the king and demands to know how dare Poong-yeon approach the king.

The King forcing a laugh and trying to divert their concerns by saying that he and Poong-yeon are just close friends have a conversation. The tension is palpable as the king to conceal his pain, struggles and the Queen Mother looks suspicious.

The Dowager Queen orders Poong-yeon to move away, but the king intervenes Poong-yeon arm to prevent him that moving. The royal widow approaches the king, and he tried to stop their action by smiled and said that it really is not, but it is not breastfed. The king tells her that he asks only a quiet conversation to rest from the burden of political affairs and offhandedly wanted when he soon take a withdrawal.

The tension rises when the queen keeps his words. She finally agrees, she said for a while in his face concerned about the color. The King smiles and puts Poong-yeon for the security charge during the retreat.

Hong-joo black ashes sprinkled over a brazier. Tendrils of black smoke make their way to Hyun-seo body, are still vulnerable to a talisman on his breast, and his nose. A shaman reported that the king again. In pain Hong-joo noted that the illness of the king is getting worse and he needs to get better soon.

Jun writes the last line of Mauigeumseo and leans back satisfied. He goes looking for Seo-ri, to make his way through the temple cave.

Wandering through the city, Soon-deuk Muses that June did not seem like he was red coat. Ok Ask them only and orders his men to capture them, as it would be the last time double crossed him. They tried to run, but is Ok and his officers.

Ok Questions Soon-deuk with his brother driven about their relationship cornered. It denies any knowledge and raises the questions on Ok: Is not it too much to quarter and hang your own brother, even if he is a murderer? Ok is offended that Soon-deuk dare the two brothers, compare and accused conspiring with June and urged his men to arrest them. Soon-deuk fights it off and jumps over the wall easy to make her escape.

The Queen Mother with her eunuch said that the court lady is trustworthy confirmed. The Dowager Queen assigns closely monitor the court ladies to the king during the retreat, and to observe his body in detail and with him Report his whereabouts at all times. After the participants are dismissed, she says to herself, that the throne of her son's, and that they need to protect it.

King Seonjo leaves for his retreat, where he soaks in a tub under a tent, pain evident on his face. The spy Dowager Queen prepares a tray of tea to bring to the king, but is prevented from entering the tent of Poong-yeon who blocked their way. He looks suspiciously before he moves again, blocking out the view of the King.

June, Seo-ri at work and he smiles prepared her a new drink at the sight. They commented that it adapts well to situations and he replies that he has to live out of his wits and observational skills for a while. June followed her around as she works, and Seo-ri wonders if he has done with his work. Instead it admit, June jokingly says that he can not quite seem to remember a few pages.

Seo-ri says that it is impossible, because he drank the memory potion, but in June it lists only a herbal potion to boost memory helps. He insists that it is a good thing that he was wise to begin with, otherwise the contents of the book will be gone forever. Seo-ri replied that it that the book had landed to begin in this state his fault. June says leadingly that he might better remember if he ate something, she claimed with puppy eyes above.

Seo-ri casts a packaged bundle of June and he opens it to find rice balls. She asks if he will be able to remember a bit more now, and Jun commented teasingly that the rice ball is salty. Ignoring their outrage, he says brazenly that he could remember better with meat, and added that he can live right here until he remembers everything.

In a huff, Seo-ri gets up and stares at him. Unimpressed June you say only that it needs to treat him like an important guest. Seo-ri of the eye falls on June burned sleeves.

Yo-gwang is outraged, Seo-ri than making him run errands, asked in June to feed through to him what to do, ask June wants until it the Mauigeumseo is finished.

past refuge of June Walking, Yo-gwang spots June still happily chewing on his rice balls. Caught mid-bite, June lowers guiltily the ball and again opens the book to continue working on the Mauigeumseo to make a face to Yo-gwang in the butt when he walks.

Seo-ri flashes to their conversation again with Yo-gwang who had asked what would happen to June when he finished Mauigeumseo writing. June would still remember the entire contents of the book, as well as his time in Cheongbing Temple.

So now asks in the present, Seo-ri in June for his help, need the instructions for Oblivion potion. June begins the instructions to recite, but comes at a point to a halt, as he sees it thoughtfully, and Seo-ri asks if he can not remember again. June paused, asked wistfully: "Why can not [I] remember?" Although he does not specify what he thinks it is more likely he seems to ask why Seo-ri can not remember him.

June looks a moment Seo-ri tenderly down so she calls impatiently for Yo-gwang and June the rest of the instructions in a hurry spilling out. Seo-ri heads over to collect the rest of the ingredients, but it is not capable of an item and stretches on tiptoe to reach with difficulty. June ranges from behind easily get it for them, frightened them with his presence. He sees them gently and quickly repels her eyes return to work.

Potion completely, Seo-ri flashes to get back with Yo-gwang who had advised her in June to dose their conversation with the Oblivion potion. He had sharpened her the importance to break the curse, so that everyone can live. In the present, says Seo-ri to himself that Yo-gwang is correct, and Jun have to forget everything.

On Seo-ri command, Yo-gwang Meat Jun and feeding him by hand brings. He's also brought clothes Juns burned to replace. June asks why the Mauigeumseo is the last page is missing, the Yo-gwang think excitedly June, writing already done. June backtracking and replies that the book originally missing the last page. Yo-gwang looks disappointed to hear that June has not happened yet, but in June rages that he will tell them immediately when he is ready.

Jun asked to change for privacy, and Yo-gwang turns to leave when he noticed the scar on Jun breast. Yo-gwang recognizes the shape of the scar but remember can not from where. June enthusiastic after he was curious himself for the past five years. It's a funny moment of Yo-gwang squeezing and usually June breast manhandling a better look at the scar to get at what point June acknowledges the awkwardness of the situation and gobbles Yo-gwang hand away. Offended June draws his tip to cover over, and Yo-gwang realized belatedly, what he thinks, and insists that he likes women.

The retreat, Poong-yeon stands guard in front of the tent of the king. Sneaking from behind, Hong-joo approach the shaman and place a brazier in the grass, and black smoke begins to seep. When the smoke Poong-yeon reaches the nose, a mark flashes behind the ear (in a similar situation where the curse tattoo once published). Poong-yeon eyes roll back and he stumbles. Sol-gae is.

Suddenly Poong-yeon Seo-ri looks (as it was when she was Yeon-hee) and follows her into the darkness. When he gets to her, he turns them to embrace it - but the voice that is sol-GAE responding. The mark on the neck flashes again, and he comes back to his senses to find himself holding sol-gae.

Shamans of entering king tent, and he wakes up with a jolt. Poong-yeon and Sol-gae rush back to the tent, only to find the guards out of action and the tent empty.

In the forest, the shaman, bring the king of Hong-joo. He wants to know who sent them, suspecting his father-in-law and the Queen Mother. Hong-joo tells him that they save his life here. She knows that the cause of his illness, and she knows that all his flesh ripping through his body and thorns appear. She tells him that they will free him from his illness, but the king laughs incredulously, asking what they really came.

Hong-joo asks his arm, and after a while, he exposed it, show the bloody mass of thorns and scars. You are her hand over the brazier and black smoke comes out to swirl the arm of the king. As evaporates the smoke, as well as the open wound and the thorns. They told the king that, although his arm is now healed, the symptoms again when the cause of the disease is not eliminated. She asks again be allowed to heal, and he asks again what they claimed.

Poong-yeon looks for the king and for him eventually find in the forest. The king tells him that he only went for a walk, but Poong-yeon is not convinced.

The Spy Queen Dowager in shades watches but is captured by the shamans. Deceives ignorance, but the shaman threaten with knives and outputs them to work to the Queen Mother.

Hong-joo gives the order to kill the spy, which is being carried out as it gets in the report that Choi Hyun-seo is gone. Return to their headquarters, Hong-joo finds an empty bench and a burnt Talisman. It assigns the shaman immediately for Hyun-seo search.

Seo-ri wearing the finished Oblivion potion and places them on the altar next to the candles. Return, she sees June asleep in his hut and makes her way down to him, beside him on his knees, as he sleeps.

She reaches slowly touching face in June, only to have him or her wrist, grab and drag near him. June opens his eyes and says: "It is you, it is not Persimmon?."


There are to love so much about this episode. I especially loved all the interactions between Yo-gwang and June and between Seo-ri and June. The main props Kim Sae-ron for almost all episode affects only her eyes and her voice. June also voices finally, what I was thinking all this time, that is, "All these candles and nobody worries about a fire?"

Everything is so well made this drama, from the detailed construction of mythology to the stunning appearance and perfect setting. The instrumental background music is really just so to the point. The review of the scene, as Yo-gwang and Jun attempt to save really helped to outline the fast tempo shifts between the comedic and dramatic beats the burning Mauigeumseo that were otherwise confusing could. The same applies together for just about any scene with Yo-gwang and June, as well as in Seo-ri and Jun together

It is interesting to see how despite the name changes that Seo-ri has undergone -. June it identified as persimmons, burdening the girl against her confinement and longing for the sweet taste of something as simple as a Persimmon - From Princess to Yeon-hee, now to Seo-ri. He sees them simply as someone who longing for something we all of course: freedom.

In this sense, I am so glad that June can be seen side by finally Seo-ri. It is a very simple relationship between the two of them and the chemistry is clear: His gaze is always so tender, when he sees it. Unlike the all-too-short scenes seem divided between June and his bestie Dong-rae June do not have many opportunities to make the façade down, he has to wear when he. To his brother However, it is anything but obscure or guarded when he along with Seo-ri; in those moments, we get wonderful still rare moments from June to be light-hearted and emotionally transparent.

During the action many steps forward in some areas, particularly with regard to bringing Jun and Seo-ri together, made it still so many questions that remain. We still do not know who's red coat, or whether the king's disease is caused by the curse or by Hong-joo. I am also curious as to why Hong-joo is the prince has preserved the soul - it is his soul as a kind of spiritual compass for the presence of his twin sister recognition? There is so much complexity in this drama exploring links, I am glad that we still have many more episodes together!

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