Recap And Reviews Kdrama Beautiful Gong Shim: Episode 8

Recap And Reviews Korean Drama Beautiful Gong Shim: Episode 8 -

Nothing seems to go law for dear Gong Shim, who feels like a defective seeds that never blooms no matter how hard it tries. Love can not in the air, when the self-love ceases to exist, and it is about ready for change, but what about the people who it just the way she is? Meanwhile, a crucial detail has been excavated in the kidnapping case, but it might unravel some unpleasant truths.


Gong Shim to the plant shows Dan-tae it, because there is something wrong was with the seeds and reckons there is nothing germinated yet.

Gong Shim: "No matter how hard I try, it is intended to be buried in the dirt to stay without getting the chance to bloom, not true. .. it is just like me! no matter how hard I try, there is no use. it's too much like me. "

She bursts into tears, and Dan-tae puts a soothing hand on her shoulder before embracing his eyes with tears of his own gloss. Jun-su arrives, but leaves without a word after spotting Dan-tae her comfortingly.

The next morning, Dan-tae wearing Gong Shim plant to a new pot and muses that once it blooms, it will start for them upwards , He hears the door below him and rushes down, it's Gong Shim think, but it turns out to be her father, to take out the trash. Dan-tae asks why he does not have Gong Shim do it, and Dad points out that she went to work. Knowing she was fired yesterday, Dan-tae wonder where she is. He calls them, but her phone was switched off.

Gong Shim's hike early one morning. Meanwhile, Dan-tae of concern in his office eating lunch, if they continue not to answer her phone. An idea is true, and he decides to send her an unflattering selfie.

Gong Shim reached the summit and seen the view. It reflects how small and discouraged she felt down there, and a tear runs down her cheek.

On the bus ride back Gong Shim opens Dan-tae text that says call him when his selfie made her laugh. He does, though for a moment her smile.

Dan-tae stands around Gong Shim usual wait way to work, to appear for them, but it goes right past him, without his noting. She expected so much, since she wears a long wig and turns back to him.

She wanted to try a new look to raise their spirits and says it worked. When she goes to change her usual wig back, Dan-tae expresses relief that she is better off than expected.

Gong Shim finds it strange, he never asked why she called last night and Dan-tae simply states that it is up to the person to spread whether or not. He knows she did not cry because something good happened, so why negative ask about something obvious? He figures she would have said something if they want to talk about.

She says it sounds like an adult when it is so, and Dan-tae deceptive offense and provides its identification as proof of his maturity to show and informed her that he so contemplative, his nickname is Mr. thoughts. She reminds him that he is now to act again childish, heh.

You know that he is aware of their unemployment, and suggests that he did not not ask for details because they do not put any open. Dan-tae says that he does not and promotes to stay her mother.

When they get up to go home, Gong Shim him mockingly they told never responded to his text, because the selfie was not funny. Dan-tae of the infidel, as she with a big smile on her face goes away from him.

At home, she apologizes quit for their work to their parents confused and notes that it was not the right fit for them. Gong Mi overheard this and concludes that it is a good thing since their employment with Star Group disturbed her. Pooh.

Gong Mi her sister goes to pry more information, but they do not get any. Gong Shim wonders about the patch on her arm unni (rescue Jun-su in the fire), but Gong Mi is that they hurt themselves while exercising. It adds also that was to leave the right step, and that it would help her to find a new job, and Gong Shim is surprised by its sister concern.

Jun-su-texts Gong Shim take to ask and apologized repeatedly for his mother, who to fire her wrong. Gong Shim assures him that she is doing well; the job was not right for them in the first place, and it promises to treat him when she gets her first paycheck from a more suitable job. Dan-tae happens at their meeting and quietly watching them behind a wall.

Gong Shim back of heads, as her college they sunbae notified of a job opening and bumps in Dan-tae. He finds it strange that she is going to an interview for a "Distributor" in the evening and bring a large duffel bag with her. He wonders if it is a pyramid scheme ...

and behold, a greasy-haired individual addresses a room full of people, including Gong Shim, and assures them that their pyramid scheme accusations are false; He points to their huge logo as evidence and stressed that they stellate, ha

Everything the man says, cries fraud -. "No matter what happens, you are a monthly income of $ 10,000 Guaranteed!" - And even Gong Shim not buy his ridiculous exaggerations. A fast thinking young man manages to escape from the room, but when Gong Shim tried their sunbae blocked to flee the door. Each phones will be confiscated, so that they are stuck in all, which is clearly a pyramid scheme with no way out.

Dan-tae happened to catch the young man who escaped. He confirmed that he will leave only a pyramid scheme and almost died because of sunbae who kept a fool of him, that's all to hear Dan-tae, must know that Gong Shim is in a large cucumber.

The greasy man to invest all to be hired encouraged and Gong Shim tells him that she in an attempt has no money excuse. Unfortunately it does not work, because it reminds them that they get a loan, lol.

Just then, Dan-tae enters the room and announces that he's here because of an illegal pyramid scheme report. Gong Shim face is a cry for help when he leave all orders quickly. The sunbae and greasy man trying Dan-tae to stop, but they are no match for its fast strokes. Dan-tae takes Gong Shim by the hand and leads them out, and follow the rest of the victims.

Dan-tae blame for them so gullible to a very obvious fraud to be, and Gong Shim replies that it like that is when jobs offered. It is embarrassing her incompetent self, and thanks him for saving her before walking away. Dan-tae calls them out, that he was once cheated in buying ten Jade mats. Aw.

Dan-tae meets with Jun-su grandmother and shares his findings. Grandmother is certain that the same man they called twice, and Dan-tae concludes that the caller must've traveled from the Philippines to Korea between calls. Dan-tae, the call of Korea from a telephone booth nearby says arisen; there is blurred CCTV images of the environment that need to be cleaned up in order to identify the man who called her.

Jun-sus mother and brother (Uncle Butterfly Tattoo) run in Dan-tae, as he walks from the grandmother office. He greets her friendly, but they are of the work, he do immediately suspicious of them.

You listen to the recording, which was captured on uncle of the phone, and troubled by Dan-tae investigation in Jun-Pyo disappearance. Uncle tried to appease his sister, and figures that if Jun-Pyo he had come sooner for them still alive. He also mentions that Jun-Pyo his memory and ability lost after his mother die witnesses to speak. If he has not been found after all these years, then he must be dead. Jun-su mother claims that he may never be found or alive, otherwise they will have on the way back were things.

uncle visited Dan-tae office for more Intel. While Dan-tae aunt on the phone, he discovered a photo of Dan-tae alongside his father standing, it recognizes as Sergeant Ahn.

We check on the day of Jun-Pyo disappearance. Uncle Jun-Pyo snapped and made Sergeant Ahn him worry for a day to leave him with a wad of cash.

The next day, Sergeant Ahn had heard uncle his sister over the phone reassuring that he would kill Jun-Pyo or disposed of him somewhere. This forced Sergeant Ahn to lie on Jun-Pyo losing him.

Back to the present, uncle notice stunned that Dan-tae Sergeant Ahn's son, and he leaves abruptly, visibly shaken.

Gong Shim mom and Jun-sus meet mother (Jae Blessing and Tae-hee), and Tae-hee agrees to buy a few skin care kits. Jae-blessing is excited that Tae-hee rich man will visit pageant Assembly is any on tonight, but Tae-hee, he does not say to be able to, because he has to hire a new secretary treatment after his youngest fired.

Gong Shim Mom is alarmed to hear that and almost loses her cool after they learned that Gong Shim had left, no, but in fact was fired. When asked why, Tae-hee replies that she get with her son friendly tried and did not know their place. Mom is clearly heard this, devastated, but she manages to put a face and thank Tae-hee profusely when she decides to buy fifty more skin care kits for the Charity Bazaar of her.

But at home, Jae Blessing tearfully updated her husband on Gong Shim unfair firing and regrets not for her daughter while standing, while Tae-hee, she was bashing.

The next day, Tae-hee comes to looking chic gathering. Jae-blessing comes next, wearing ordinary clothes and looked like a ajumma, pallid. She stares daggers at Tae-hee, who strikes soften its luster if it wants to continue in sales work. But in response, Mama Gong Shim of grabs and throws them on the concrete floor. Impressive.


Jae-blessing that this. Only deserts on her daughter, Gong Shim down Tae-hee is to learn scared that Jae Blessing Gong Shim mother and told her friends to call the police, but reconsiders when Jae Blessing threatens the media to say how Gong Shim was wrongfully dismissed. Jae Blessings orders Tae-hee All Skin Care Sets bought back her because she denied her something to sell.

Gong Mi save gratitude for her son, Jun-su parents offer her a job at Star Group, and Gong Mi happily accepts. Meanwhile waitressing Gong Shim is at a barbecue restaurant where Jun-su comes to see her and orders takeout.

Tae-hee calls for a ceasefire after setting Gong mi Star Group and orders Jun-su invite them opening in his restaurant. He should do as he says, and Gong Mi is to be excited, invited.

She dresses for the restaurant opening impress, but her outfit is defiled when it collides with corn-dog-clutching Dan-tae. She accuses him shrill of her outfit deliberately ruined while he said quietly that they should both were more cautious. Gong Mi takes the corn dog Dan-tae dropped and used it ketchup on his shirt to lubricate before storming out. Real mature.

Jun-su family dined at the new restaurant and admired the beautiful interior. Jun-su Thanks grandmother to show, but it speaks, that it is only here for business.

Gong Mi comes too late to change an outfit need and strives to enter the restaurant when she sees it Dan-tae inside with Jun-su chatting on. She has thrown his presence and their close friendship.

Dan-tae welcomed Jun-su grandmother, and she is very pleased to see him. Tae-hee eyes him suspiciously from afar and is not satisfied with Gong Mi no-show.

Dan-tae and his aunt to lunch had left his father in an ancient common and the server passes Dan-tae an envelope. Inside is pass his father; this makes his aunt worried because it Dan-tae's father does not mean in the Philippines, as he said he would. Dan-tae, but his father takes one was reissued for his trip to leave.

After finishing in the restaurant, Gong Shim sitting with Jun-su, to eat. She do most of the talking and eating the awkward silence to fill, when out of nowhere, Jun-su blurts out to ask if he likes it, can. He is serious in his confession, but Gong Shim is speechless.

Later Gong Shim standing on the roof of the times reflect Jun-su compliment her and fixed her chair. She has a lot have noticed on her head and Dan-tae. He encourages them to vent, but she says she's fine.

Dan-tae realizes that his room has flooded again, but he did not upset in the least appear, because he will bring to the Gong whereabouts crash. Gong Shim says that they want to call a plumber this time, and Dan-tae mutters quietly that another flood on the other hand did not, ha.

He winks good night Gong Shim, but it causes to shake them and ask if his eyes hurt. Later she gets a glass of water to get up and noted Dan-tae crossed on the couch with his arms and his sleeping blanket on the floor. She goes to cover him with the blanket when he makes them with a fear "Boo!" You will not find it funny, but he pushes from the ceiling so that they can stow it again. He turns on the aegyo but Gong Shim collects only the ceiling and chucks it at his face.

Later that night, Dan-tae smiles as he pulls someone recognizes the blanket over him. He pulls the "Boo!" Stunt again - only in the face of Gong Shim father get pounded! HAHA.

The next morning, Dan-tae has to use the washing machine, and Gong Mi is amazing civil when she adds his clothes in with the rest of the family. It is cumbersome between the two, but they apologized for their behavior in the past and hopes they will get along because they are neighbors. It kills them to do so, and he is surprised by her unexpected courtesy.

Gong Shim and the rest of her family are amazed by Dan-tae like a fish at the breakfast table with his bare hands boning. He has it like the family and smacks his oily fingers. Everyone is grossed by him, but he does not seem to notice as he lovingly a fisheye lens provides (as a culinary delight in Korea) on top of the rice bowl Gong Shim.

Dan-tae is happy that his schedule to see, has sprouted, but Gong Shim does not share its joy. She reveals that she is offered a job, but it requires to Jeju move to a horticultural farm. After she spends there for two years, they will be able to work at its headquarters in Seoul. She took the job because it is relevant to her head and thought it would be a good opportunity. hands, overwhelmed fly Responding Dan-tae through the message to the head.

Jun-su remembers how his dinner with Gong Shim ended, post-confession. Gong Shim had replied that she needed time to learn how to love themselves; because it is so insufficient, even if someone she likes, suppose it is because they feel sorry for her. Despite Jun-su attempts to convince them otherwise, says Gong Shim that she is grateful for her friendship, but will have to work to believe it's worth of someone to be loved.

Back on the roof, Dan-tae finally stammers that Jeju is too far, but her flight was booked, and it is set after flying next day. He insists they should not leave so, but Gong Shim admits that she is ashamed of himself and wants to do once on your own.

to keep memories of Gong Shim him that night, and he calls them to the roof gently to explain why they should not leave.

Dan-tae: "I understand why you go to Jeju, but now I'm going to be selfish and only speak for myself. Do not go to Jeju. if you are here, I see you when I open every time the door. While I eat breakfast, I can see you go to work. if I'm lucky, my rooms floods, and I can go to you and see your face there. I liked it, but when you go to Jeju, I can not. So do not go to Jeju. if you really want to go, I do not I can handle it "

Gong Shim in a loss for words, and Dan-tae she urges him tomorrow to say that it is. not leave.

The next day, Dan-tae examined the CCTV footage and sees to his shock that his father has to leave the phone booth. He checks the stamp in his father's passport and discovered that the dates and venues of the timing of the two calls match, which means the man he was chasing after near the tree was in fact his father.

His aunt lyrics Dan-tae's father, to let him know that the tree in Yangpyeong will be removed, so that he should act accordingly tomorrow. Informs Dan-tae of the distance as well.

Dan-tae is sure his father Jun-Pyo took, but the persistent question is: Where is now Jun-Pyo? He knows that his father is the hat uprooted from the tree, wondering what lies beneath.

The next day, Dan-tae watch from afar as his father digs ground at the base of the tree. It assumes the worst, traversed as a look of pure horror his face. He walks away from the scene, uncertain.

Back at home, Gong Shim is on the roof, when she suddenly turned her eyes, surprised by what she sees.


What did you see, Gong Shim? Why this face? knowing props for the show as the anticipation should be increased to the next episode. Now we have to wait patiently (in).

Some important events took place in this episode, drifting inevitably both the love story and the birth secret story. Starting with the former, I really did not expect, confession June sus happen so soon. It literally came out of nowhere really prompted by anything. I believe it was sincere, if somewhat random because it was spur-of-the-moment. But on her taste his line because he only really likes it was quite weak, especially when compared to Dan-tae confession.

Dan-tae confession was personal, heartfelt, and the specific, basically the opposite of Jun-sus, and he did not even say explicitly that he liked her because he did not have to. He conveyed that he does not know what I'd do without them, he would miss her very much, and that says a lot more than just a "I like you, because I like you," because the deeper meaning is such that he needs they. His confession was, as he said, "selfish", but I think he interprets they want a chance to run away from it all, which reminds them how it is missing, and he wanted to make it clear that she did not need because he likes the way it is.

I praise Jun-su admit his feelings to Gong Shim because all his life, I am sure that he was raised by his mother and her crooked ideology stifled. He had probably never have the luxury openly about the way the feeling he feels and act without restraint because of the luxury he was born. We have to see him say what wants to hear his mother, but do the exact opposite / what is right when. From the perspective He is a grown adult, but his mother tries him at every opportunity she gets to Puppeteer, reminded him in vain because he is above the rest when all he wants to be on the same level as everyone else. Although it can sometimes come across as pretty vanilla, I like that he is a nice chaebol for a change. Goodness is not always boring.

Regarding the birth secret story, Dan-tae now knows his father Jun-Pyo took, but is obviously a big part of the story, with Jun-su mother missing and uncle, as well as the fact that he is Jun-pyo. I think he reacted the way he did when he saw his father shovel near the tree because he automatically assumed the worst, probably dead would Jun-Pyo in this case. Everything he knew to be true about his life, now looking as if it is not. The truth is a devastating blow to our Dan-tae be, which until now has been nothing but happy-go-lucky, and for this reason I'm kinda dreading his impending collapse.

Last week there are about the extent of Tae-hee involvement in Jun-Pyo kidnapping many questions were open, and from the looks of this episode, it seems equally, if not more guilty, as an uncle. The sibling duo is on the same side; they prefer Jun-Pyo missing forever or, even better, dead; As things stand now, they get first dibs on the heritage and Star Group shares. That's pretty malicious if you think about it. The death of Jun-Pyo mother may have been an unplanned accident, but her family member abduction is downright cruel. Sergeant Ahn stored Jun-Pyo, even if it meant growing up with a new identity.

The heartbreaking moments this episode centered around Gong Shim. You can not really give themselves enough credit, and it hurt her claim to see that she is ashamed of who she is and unworthy of someone else's love, because they do not love yourself. Part of me feels like she said that Jun-su knowing his mother would never approve of their relationship, but I think she meant every word she said. She just does not do it yourself the way Dan-tae and Jun-su, unfortunately, and her last episode of mishaps - that is, gas station attack, Star Group burning, pyramid scheme - they do not do any favors. I can see why the job opportunity in Jeju would responsive; they will leave with a new page in their lives turn would all that is known. And frankly, that has not confided all been so great. The feminist loves in me that she is ready to take the leap to a big change in your life, but the drama junkie thinks in me, they probably will not leave for Jeju at the end, for one reason or another, because they and Dan-tae can 't be separated, per verse drama decree.

The biggest surprise came from Jae-blessing Gong Shim Mom. Where did she learn judo? The Judo Flip was amazing! Your fiery defense of Gong Shim was long in coming, but it came when it mattered. It is not the inferiority complex undone after years in her daughter deeply rooted her in Gong Mi put shadow, but I'm glad that they stood up for Gong Shim and realized that her daughter will not be so badly treated only, does not deserve, because they are not part of the wealthy elite.

Gong Mi continues its stripes Gong Meanie. She was relieved when Gong Shim leave their job because they then would not have to worry about Jun-su's family find out about her relationship with Gong Shim. It also meant Gong Shim no longer in the way of Gong Mi pursuit Jun-su would get. How very selfish. She may have been nice if Dan-tae crashed at her house, but I think she did, after learning how close he is with Jun-su; they would probably want to be on his good side. Her parents were to be so mean near to their overnight guest would not be the best idea. Your eye-to-eye approach with Dan-tae of the corn dog was so petty; actually took the time out of the ground in order to bend the corn dog, grab, and it rub against his shirt like a crayon. Had she been a kindergarten teacher who did not know better, I might have sympathized, but she is an adult and a lawyer to do so. Surely they should know how to control their emotions now.

While this episode was very sad, the funny moments evoked more laughter. The "star-like" scheme was hilarious, shady swindlers and all. I jumped in fact, as Dan-tae Gong Shim startled when she covered him with a blanket, and I loved when his second attempt Gong Shim scare backfired and resulted in an impact of Gong Shim of scared father. I forced myself to the Gong family together when he got to the fish touchy, but I have to hand it to Dan-tae for unashamedly being his odd self and carry on his baggy sleeves of his love for Gong Shim.

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tags: Beautiful Gong Shim, episode 8, in Minah, namgoong min, Ohn Joo-wan

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