Recap And Reviews Kdrama Cantabile Tomorrow: Episode 7

Recap and reviews korean drama Cantabile Tomorrow: Episode 7 -

The playing field is a shake -up and dynamics all get upside-down turned and around in a playful way that makes for some significant character movement. I love the orchestra in the foreground and, instead of seeing an albatross around the neck, which drag you down, something shiny and exciting on its own merits. There is a reason something special! In addition, if you are the hero who always got everything, it's a little flashy with not to be more confronted to the point with all-or to get, what you just that maybe wanted to see, it's not, what you wanted after all.


Leonard Bernstein - "Mambo" from West Side Story [ Download ]

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to see Yoo-jin bristles of the new man, Yoon-hoo to that attention to Nae-il, who brings his inner caveman as he dressed. Yoon-hoo stated that he here is of Juilliard auditing classes during the break and watches Yoo-jin displaying jealousy amused. the rating for this moment especially. apropos, with Prokofiev's famous Montagues versus the Capulets piece the voltage marking, all bombast and machismo Although we be honest here, it's mostly a one-sided thing, even if Yoo-jin will not admit

Nae-il wonder that this is the first time, Yoo-jin embraced has it's offset in protest Yoo-jin in the awkward position that it was absolutely not a hug not quite-as want to back away, knowing you, he was proving a point to New Guy. But New Guy has his number, the situation estimate exactly-he suspects that they are not dated, although he recognizes that things still harder for himself (and his interest in Nae-il). do

teacher directs Yoon-hoo towards the A-orchestra came, frowning, as Yoon-hoo interest in the special orchestra of Maestro pushes instead. He has heard that Maestro Streseman and Yoo-jin will be performing for the upcoming Classic night concert, and assumes that the S-band are accompanied elected. do teachers implies otherwise.

Yoo-jin announces to its members that they'll accompany his concert-aw, so he did the S Orchestra pick after all? I was afraid he had waffle, when it came to put his own game on the line, but he tells them only a real job to do it and takes it to the idea squee performed at a televised event.

Nae-il has the whole night spent on Yoo-jin to think hug and came to the conclusion that he was jealous of Yoon-hoo their attention , Yoo-jin argued, of course, but it is quite true, so there really is no way he is convincing.

Streseman are Yoo-jin shock by declaring that it would with the A-orchestra instead perform, and that the message already gone to the press. Yoo-jin, the S Orchestra argued to use, but Streseman Recalls that it is different if you are a musician performing, who are qualified. Aw, sorry. Not that he's wrong about, is the safer bet, but I hope that this is another lesson test, otherwise Streseman only is to speak from both sides of his mouth. Not that I the high standards of basic keep him anyway.

Not with this knowledge, our central S Orchestra Crew celebrates Papas Restaurant. Nae-il wonders what Yoo-jin so long to connect among them, not to see that it fits out the window to carry on a long face. Ah, now that is positively Dickensian. Heaving a sigh, he moves on, without making his presence known.

Yoo-jin mother can not hold to get Yoo-jin on the phone, so that it falls by its place directly, allegedly to drop some health drinks, but really to be just a typical nosy mother. She notes with interest a memo on his refrigerator, listing Nae-il requested menu items for the week. Cute.

Mom asks knowingly if he has a girlfriend, and says that it is good to introduce him to his colleagues and friends to see and to pursue conducting. She asks if he still finds its S Orchestra Friends annoying, and he smiles: ". A little ' Thinking about how they invited in and gnawed off his ear the last time he changed: ". Well, they are not so annoying"

she says, she can be as good people who really care about him, and he agrees that they are all righteous people, will be able to show their truth on the outside. Mama says that not everyone lives all filling on the inside upward as he. He explains: "It's because, if you get this sincerity, you have it in the way back I thought that it would not be the time to bring them back because I would leave abroad I did not know this trauma.. would be so durable. so I did not accept it. But this time I have to accept it at the end, without knowing it. "

Yoo-jin speaks again Streseman over to the S Orchestra Turn, adding that no one of them, the orchestra could only dissolve. Streseman is unconcerned at the prospect and told him of rational thought, whether the S-band for the task is really top. Yoo-jin does not hesitate for a second when he makes his decision. If he can not run with the S Orchestra, he will retire from the concert

Streseman take this decision lightly, do teacher is alert. This merits a further call to the faculty chairman, and they are more than ever convinced that they get rid Streseman must be.


teachers can not Yoo-jin persuaded to change his mind, so he takes a more effective if dirty approach: blackmail. When Yoo-jin refuses to execute the A-orchestra, teachers will make sure to do that his S friends suffer accordingly. With weak performance in the recent music festival as ammunition, he threatened to push for the resolution of the orchestra ... unless Yoo-jin met, of course, in which case he will generously give up these plans. Oh you dick.

Il-lac, Mini Min-hee, and Su-min are still bouncing up enthusiasm at the prospect of the implementation and the Vicious A Orchestra members rather enjoy telling the truth. * Pop * goes the bursting bubble.

Nae-il is surprised she came for the class, Yoon-hoo to see and do wonders to the coincidences together. He only asks: "Are they really accidents?" Nae-il a call from Il-lac you get from the A-orchestra to inform situation, and she is so she alerted directly from the room is racing as a class is to begin. Yoon-hoo, only unique in this class for her, apologizes too.

Nae-il race straight into the rehearsal room, where Yoo-jin she ponders his dilemma after it closes in the afternoon. The members wait hopefully for a refusal, but Yoo-jin confirmed the rumors as true and called the earlier announcement his mistake. I wish so that he would defend himself anymore, but he does the cool / noble cause through the blame for the misunderstanding in the home take most blanket way (and thus without any further explanation for all designs). He says that the A-orchestra is the obvious choice and allows them to think the worst of him.

He recalls that he is not even the official head, and is just a student. The consternation members to reconsider noise for Yoo-jin and not let you down, but Il-lac surprised by any of them yell cut. Perhaps it is the most hurt by what he sees as Yoo-jin betrayal, and he has not to cling to someone they do not want the orchestra, ask Yoo-jin to leave. Yoo-jin tells him to that they acquired on the way, the applause at the end of the term under performance entirely on their own merits.

Nae-il chases him with him to plead to stay, and the half threatens to become his enemy, because it goes to keep as a mascot with the S Orchestra. It is sweet and a little heart-pinching when Nae-il as that its importance overestimated (he would only remain because they asked), although I know that to appreciate about them and childlike simplicity.

The S band members begin their stuff pack to go home, but Il-lac tries to prevent departure, by insisting that they are not done for. He reminds them that they have him as a leader, but that does not mean much to the members who scoff that they only bottom-rung students really are now.

This evening, Il-lac waiting outside Yoo-jin apartment intercept him and pleading to change with him his opinion. It's so sad, trying all kinds of different angles to watch him, to beg of negotiations to threaten, and to see that Yoo-jin feels terribly hurting for his friends. But because he is the guy who. Bottle things inside on, he clings only to its rugged exterior and said that the decision is made

A movement does cross Yoo-jin's face as Il-lac describes himself as a bottom rate as not that the Il- believes lac but he has a strict facade got to keep. Il-lac appeals says the best friend, and Yoo-jin to him that the BFF status is only one way, because Il-lac is not be bestie. Aw, sorry. He keeps his composure, while Il-lac threatens him from his phone to delete while Il-lac regrets delete almost immediately hit. Boy, just say I love you and make-up!

Yoo-jin pauses before Nae-il's door, though he their bell ringing decides against. He passes in his apartment ... and found Nae-il already there waiting for him to cook their dinner. I love that it is much easier, even if he does not know how to show it, and she explains that, even if they are outside enemy, they are inside in "love mode", as they are still spouses, who have had a spat. And then he makes her a steak dinner, so I think that he may not know how to show it, even if it is totally roundabout and indirectly.

Yoo-jin is rehearsing for his Piano Concerto with Streseman who criticized his performance as dull. He suspects that Yoo-jin never someone he worked seduced probably never used. Streseman staged a bizarre Waist meander to show his point that did not come not quite so Yoo-jin to ask if he imitating a snake.

Streseman distinguishes the difference between a CD recording and a live performance of which address the latter to the audience with more than just the sound of music. He has Yoo-jin to more passion in his performance shown and to work to attract the attention of the audience and to steal their hearts.

as Yoo-jin leaves his practice, he finds himself in the wrong direction of the samples A-orchestra on foot, as concertmaster noticed fought Shi. He realizes his mistake and says that the way to the S Orchestra Hall had become a habit.

The S orchestra members are getting a blow, looking for that her rehearsal room has a "Do Not Enter" sign was closed do teachers who sniffs at its forthcoming resolution. He told the students that they have no talent and should look their future, the wind from the sails already slowing increasing.

break the members before the closed doors, want to ignore the signs, but out of fear that disobedience would only accelerate their resolution. Nae-il sighs disappointed because it a costume orchestra performance, an idea others respond to enthusiastically ... if not wanted to do for the problem, no money, no leader, and no place.

What if new man Yoon-hoo comes and pulls the characters themselves, here join the S Orchestra. In a flashback, we see it, these intentions do teacher explains and strongly discouraged, but have not stopped it coming anyway.

The members of Yoon-hoo arrival are simultaneously excited and suspicious that he would really want to join them, with his reputation and talent. It's nice that they are trying to act cool on his face, while among themselves squeeing because Yoon-hoo totally can see the squeeing from his seat a few feet away. Il-lac asks for an entrance examination which almost want to go far not the other members, to play hard to get , but Yoon-hoo is to meet happy, smashing his Cello wow them with a beautiful stream -Solo.

members enthusiastically accept Yoon-hoo into the fold to notice not know how he rattled looks as he left a shaking clenches his fist his instrument. Oh, something is wrong with his hand, which explains why it is taken a detour from the fast track to glory. Adorably, Il-lac will fling his arm around Yoon-hoo in a very short time, a friend always call him.

now needs the orchestra conductor, and she sighs wistfully that she would fall a request from heaven. Which is perfect timing for input Seung-oh, the recently from the A-orchestra, who explains that he got some time on his hands and all volunteers his services. Well, it can be petty and pompous, but he is a talented conductor-heck, he is a conductors periods making them happy to accept it. Seung-oh, are now the S Orchestra credit a long way from its bottom-rate reputation for coming.

Streseman and Mina about his plans for the interview students, and wait not tune out! I know that their scenes hole to see a smashing, but the glass as half full, the whole exhibition helps in their scenes, the other scenes on exposure light always, and more loaded with fun. It seems that Streseman is perhaps in fact a twisted genius (as opposed to just twisted) because it mentions the children to learn things for themselves. So there is a method to his madness, even if the long time does not mean that he is not crazy.

Streseman asks Mina to its power to hear, not as a teacher, but as himself, because he is imbued with the power all the emotions he could not bring to their expression. The loaded words have confused Mina and she quickly excuses. "I can not push more of it," Streseman notes.

Nae-il has a part-time gig playing piano Mom Café picked -Although I suppose it might be more accurate to say that Mom curious nevus il finagled in a job, it has to keep her in her orbit. While Nae-il passes, Do-Kyung falls by another chat with Mama. You know, Mom enough to guess that they used Nae-il for other reasons, and Mama confesses that she was curious about her. She finds Nae-il nice, and Do-Kyung smile fades as Mom adds that Yoo-jin seems to think so.

Min-hee noted Do-Kyung is taking to arrival this proof again that Do-Kyung is dating the boss's son. Because they do not know who this son, Nae-il find this news a relief, since they make it a little anxiety-provoking have Yoo-jin Ex is hanging.

At school, Yoon-hoo begins Nae-il lurking suspiciously, and she admits that she teacher Ahn should be avoided. Although their love to play the piano, is not cooled, it is not up to class now. My mind flashes back to the frightening master class experience, all kinds of old, painful feelings dredged.

Yoon-hoo read her mood correctly and provides that it was a time hated even the cello. She says he is now playing well, and he says it's because he met someone pianist he wants to play. He says, encouragingly, that if they be ready to return to class when someone who fulfills that does for them.

While Yoo-jin practices reported at the A-orchestra, the members of the S-band to go with their samples. Yoon-hoo is particularly attentive to his teammates to give them encouragement and advice.

Streseman is finally ready to do teacher, the identity of the piano students to reveal it since-the one is looking, he had heard a rendition of "Eroica". Beethoven plays the teacher to do is both shocked and dismayed to learn that it sounds Nae-il and even wounded when he asks: "Did you hate me so much" Ha. To burst your bubble like this?

On his way home, armed with dinner ingredients for Nae-il, Yoo-jin meets the S Orchestra crew, still angry for his job with him are . add insult to injury is the fact that Nae-il goes to Yoon-hoo, even if it is ready to go immediately to run for Yoo-jin. Il-lac detain them and says he is the man to leave, because he does not want, and leads the Department miffed over Yoo-jin.

Poor Yoo-jin which contempt takes his food quietly and then throws it away. Nae-il knock at his door later no response, and puzzles over his absence. You will work on a new sewing project, all night long wondering where it has disappeared. It turned out that he is in school, angry practicing his concert, trapped look in the fierce emotions.

The Autumn Festival of school rolls around, and my, my, do not look for the S Orchestra spiffy. They are dressed in period costumes, all smart suits and Swing's flair dressed. But things do not look good for manager Seung-oh, who throw his lunch in the bathroom ashen.

Yoon-hoo finds him and believed that he has to deal with an attack of stage fright. Seung-oh insists that he does not like the last time suffocate, but he shook like a leaf and then moans that he can not. Yoon-hoo please tell him that it asks okay, but Seung-oh, what will happen with their performance.

The S Orchestra is in a festive mood until they receive the last minute announcement that Seung-oh ill and had to go to the hospital. Nae-il decides to help Yoo-jin to shoot a last minute plea, in the hope that he will be conducting the tasks pinch-hit. But Yoo-jin gets the message, while he busily prepared in a rehearsal room for its own performance, and sighs: "What shall I do?"

Nae-il expected waiting anxiously before his arrival, while the clock winds down on Showtime. And despite the circumstances Yoo-jin not fully emergencies S Orchestra put out of his head, worrying about him until he rushes from his own trial with the A-orchestra to join his friends.

He is the rehearsal room is empty, to find though, and asks incredulously, if it means to go without a conductor. He heads for the next concert hall.

Yoo-jin in the auditorium comes as the music starts, with Nae-il are illuminated on the darkened stage by a single spotlight, as it plays a melodica. It is an unexpectedly funny sight, and the audience laughs as she plays a jazzy solo rendition of Bernstein's "Mambo" from West Side Story.

she wraps her introduction, and then turn off the lights on ... Yoon-hoo to reveal on the conductor's stand? Omo, which is a turn I did not expect, but one that excites me. It is also good that the S Orchestra sent, with an attitude of competence with extreme mixed Fun oh, that's great. The players get into the mambo mood, waving their bows to the tune and spiders in between beats while Nae-il dances her Celli front of the stage. The musicians also rising in unison "Mambo" screaming line, and the audience catches the contagious mood.

Yoo-jin watches attentively and realized. "You 'You're good, it is not just that these guys play well, they are in perfect sync, you can not have time. have to practice. is that even possible? "

the performance is a resounding success, a standing ovation and earning a round of" Bravo "s Maestro Streseman itself. Yoo-jin asks in shock what Streseman here doing right before their concert, the one question that will be back to pointing at him. The Maestro adds that Yoon-hoo know how, perhaps to captivate the heart of a man with a pointed reminder of Yoo-jin's own task.

He suggests that she made her own concert head. Watch Yoon-hoo at the front of the stage shaking Nae-il's hand, Yoo-jin notes: ".. It was great, but only up to this point today Sterns I am"


Ha, someone has a problem with sharing? I did not really interpret Yoo-jin last line in the most obvious way to give such a miserly way sounds of praise. On the contrary, one of my favorite things about Yoo-jin character is the way he is able to give credit where it due; Do you see this cold 'perfect' sign and expect that they are so sophisticated that they can not have any way the things, but the one way they want it. Many heroes, the original form is fitting that way, which is not always a negative thing because it can be fun in its own right. But Yoo-jin travel is learning to open, both emotionally and musically, and to learn how the people in order to utilize the talents of their best effect, even if it means to put aside his own ideas of perfection. What I hope Yoo-jin, the lesson is Streseman takes (most likely) to hand out that it is to apply the passion in the S-band looks in his technically perfect Grieg concert.

I had no idea they were building Yoon-hoo Yoo-jin rival in this to be way-I, he thought only unrequited love triangle guy, but would be about two seconds after turned on the lights and showed him in the conductor place I had that moment of excited realizing when things clicked. It makes perfect sense in retrospect but I have not telegraphed miles in advance, so I am very satisfied with the handling of it. You Yoon-hoo shown that the members of the orchestra to perform with a warm, supportive way, and we know that his cello career has a limited lifespan, so it feels like a natural progression for him by. I take is to what his bucket list is for him that gave to play cello his life, and that life was given a terminal diagnosis.

So here's a way for him, a new way to discover the interesting hundred times just makes it in its own right as a character, and not just the guy who is brought to his rival in the required K-Drama. I'd honestly be perfectly happy if he is not a love rival ever landed, but just another member of the gang is growing, and bond with the rest of them.

I really enjoyed the swapping of places in this episode with Yoo-jin to make something of a "return" to what people might consider his rightful place in perfect control of his game, with the technically gifted elite implementation. But Streseman not have him on there's work over the past six episodes to be undone, and it is sent to see how much Yoo-jin has clearly changed in such a short time that it now fails with the A-orchestra of place seems to be. I guess Yoo-jin with the most students to show his talent in the best light him support, but now it is his burden feel to find out themselves rather than to pull them from other. It is a different skill, but just as important to learn.

This musical action point coincides with his knowledge of his personal failure, as we see in his conversation with his mother. I love that when he talks about his S Orchestra friends, despite significantly to find her heart-on-the-sleeves attitude strange and befuddling, it is not considered weak or wrong is dismissed; he sees the value in it. Now if only he could actually have a bit more of this expression (suffer in silence: aggggghhhh!), But maybe will that be his next task.

Best of all is the way that the S-band is from this dead weight load something whose value has always clearly developed for outsiders. Nae-il grumps that is not their true competitor for Yoo-jin attention another woman, but the master; there is a similar dynamic flip with Yoo-jin and the orchestra. The orchestra has not hunt Yoo-jin in a unilateral stimulus more; now he's cut off one longing to work with them and feeling. I really enjoyed watching it, as the balance shifted slowly, and while it is not always obvious at the beginning, where the episode thematically precedes, by the end I usually find myself satisfied with the effect.

This is actually one of the great assets is the show that, when viewed on the flip side, is perhaps also one of its weaknesses. I find Cantabile Tomorrow usually a bit meandering, not only comfortable to be slice-of-life, but lacking in ways that focus actually. I have zero problems with Cantabile to be a story with Wi-plotting, and I find the breezy sensibility refreshing. This is different from the feeling like it is not quite sure where it will go for a few stretches of time, the fidgeting caused me in my seat and makes my brain threatens to migrate before the action snaps back into focus and to the point ,

But what has me sucked back consistently in anyway the overall effect-the drama sense that the plot builds towards genuine moments of growth and reflection, and even if the small movements, sometimes losing their way , there is an overall trajectory taking us somewhere. And that somewhere is a place I like to go with the show. So there are lapses in any case, to maintain the overall flow of the show do Mar, and I do not want that they do not exist. It's just that when I consistently form after each episode a step back, feeling the warmth and good will my antsiness outpaces, and for the messy bits. Show the way in which the S-band in this way-sloppy but lovable. An unintentional synchronicity, perhaps, but one that works in their favor

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