Recap And Reviews Kdrama W-Two Worlds: Episode 8

Recap And Reviews Korean Drama W-Two Worlds: Episode 8 -

I .. . was going to write to word, and they went to make sense, and it would be over W . Maybe they would words about the love story have been or about the fantasy in fantasy wish fulfillment in the world increased, or about my feelings, because I have a lot of them, during the show to watch. But then I saw this episode, and then exploded my brain.

The end.

Or is it just the beginning?


terror sets in Kang Chul of No-Face killer is threatened, which has somehow gotten the real world and to Chul about Chyron talks appear out of thin air. No-Face want to know how Chul came back in the manhwa world, and notes that threatening Chul now a new family.

Yeon-joo awake stirred as No-Face on Chul hangs up, and she can tell that something is wrong. But Chul put away his gun and asks her, like the last image of Papas manhwa of "The End" on "To be continued." Yeon-joo says they do not know how or why, it changed only for a day, and they assume that it was a reason the story could not end.

They are interrupted by the housekeeper, who lined a number of party dresses for Yeon-joo has to choose. Chul tells her that he heard her let go Romantic Option One Cinderella had a hard time party and thought he would give them easy both. (Ahem, what option Four?)

He invited the Blue House to a party and tells her to pick up a dress, helping added: "I FYI that it shows more skin, the more as. "Am I blushing? Stop it, the face! Participants point out the dress with the lowest segment and Yeon-joo laughs nervously and says that they are not to be taken seriously Chul.

Do-Yoon calls for an attempt to trace the phone calls from No-Face, but he gets nothing. Chul tells him to keep trying, and sits down at his desk a new case report for his crime show to start W . He writes that he is going to throw it all away before filing and to formulate a new hypothesis from here. It is a real culprit

Chul thinks of the moment back, No-Face killed when his family and disposed of the gun in the alley, and as we Papas hand look draw the frame, tells Chul that God him do not give no physical matter, so that the killer has not-he has no face and no identity. He writes: ".... He was born to kill only my family so he feels no guilt about killing he feels no sorrow, and of course no joy Because he has no character"

Chul writes that the killer was just a tool to make his life dedicated to fight crime, and is displayed whenever it is needed in the story, and disappear when it is not. Chul concludes: ". Need In every room, in any form, without any context, according to God's whims ... it can occur at any time and kill" Well, shit

Yeon-joo chooses the pink dress lacy and creeps out into the living room, wondering if this was appropriate for will be such a fancy event. She worries that it will be, dances and whirls through space by itself, so the bodyguard something to giggle about.

It shows Chul dress and asks if it looks ok, but when she is with a dumb look satisfied, because he is still so lost in thought about No-Face and his threat to kill them she assumes that it looks funny and shuffles to go change out again.

Chul finally says, "they go back," and she points out that they are already heading back to the dressing room. But he meant home to her world back, because it is dangerous here, and asks if there is not a way for them is to go home. You do not know how-it's not like she can control the comings and goings and asks what's gotten into him.

Without warning, a bullet suddenly flies past through the window Chul. He whipped his head around to see where the shot came, and when he looks at Yeon-joo, she has been shot in the forehead, as well as his family.

She falls to the ground in slow motion as Chul watches, horrified. He looks over his desk to see her body on the ground, except when he does, she is not there. He draws in a breath. Did they return to their world?

But he is shocked when Yeon-joo asks what's going on. Oh, I imagine he bother? Gah, stop it! He just rushes to her and wraps his arms around her in a hug, relieved that she is okay. He kisses her tenderly on the forehead, and holds it for a good long time.

take a limo to the party and Chul recalls Yeon-joo for cameras like this smile from. She is so nervous that she swallows champagne down and decide that maybe they can not do, after all, but he takes her hand and says only follow his lead.

So renders it a nervous smile on her face as they walk down the red carpet, but once they are inside, they will be lost in the real Cinderella moment when he kisses her hand and leads her to the dance floor , Wait a minute, this is also a fantasy? Because for someone who was so worried about dancing, she suddenly seems to know what to do.

you glide across the dance floor, gazes lovingly into each others eyes as he round and round flourishes. Oh, but I spoke too soon-the final dip, Yeon-joo foot slips and she falls to the ground crashes ...

... And it falls out of bed when she wakes up from her dream. Ha, she was awkward in her own fantasy? (But seriously, now I'm confused about what has happened and did not happen, because that's too much imagination was.)

of bodyguards comes running in and clumsy it offers from the bottom to help high, and Chul crashes with pistol in hand. He wonders how she fell out of bed, and Yeon-joo says sheepishly, that she had a very sweet dream.

asks if all bodyguards are necessary, and points out that no-face can you not care hurt what he threatened, because it is invincible in the world. Chul says that there is no rule in the universe that has no variables, so until they can find non-Facebook, they are housebound.

Yeon-joo starts to pout that she now of prison only held prisoner here, at the end, and a number of complaints from rattling, like the fact that he at the party canceled they wanted, and he told her the sweet romantic things that she wanted to do in his book mark, and promised to do ten per day ...

Chul takes only pouting adorable and has everything to do in this book, which can be done inside the house. I can think of a few. He leads them by the hand in the kitchen, with two huge bodyguards on his heels the whole way clipping.

Once they get there though, Chul grimaces and admits that he only knows how to cook one thing: Ramyun. Yes, we know you have heard that in high school. he seeks Watch by Ramyun packets in the oven, Yeon-joo realizes that Chul do not know his way around the kitchen at all and accepts. She tells him to learn how to cook something for real and her form then.

He seems happy to be relieved of cooking duties to be the time and chitchats while Yeon-joo cooks to ask about something, he can not understand why, as her father is. Uh, you're going to specific-Dad got a lot of things have to be wrong with him.

Chul assumes that no -Face acts according Papas orders, and he did not get why Dad would give the command, No-Face kill his own daughter. Yeon-joo says that Dad would not do that, and he also announced for a good drawing.

When she speaks, her as she cut slices accidentally the tip of her finger green onions, and the bodyguard overreact and do the nurse on Chul instruction fetch. Yeon-joo not see the need for as much medical attention, and Chul just smiles and tends to mean.

It can be seen the first, that something is wrong, however, and he looks at her bleeding finger back in alarm. "Why do you bleed? They are not intended to bleed ..." he says, eyes wide. She looks at her finger down, and a new terror begins to dawn Chul Face: Craaaap "This means ... that you die if you are shot with a gun.".

As soon as he says it, Yeon-joo looks at the corner of the screen down to where the "To be continued" Chyron is written. She did not even get a chance to say anything before it disappears, and Chul slumps down, anxiously.

Yeon-Joo again appears in her old bedroom in Papa's house, bleeding her finger still. You around the wound and is the latest issue of webtoon to read, and sees for himself that no-Face a bullet in the forehead threatened to set, and that Chul thought it happened. Bandages They tried calling Dad, but there is no answer.

Back in Chul of the world, he asked back and forth steps why the rules have changed and -dad Yeon-joo were once invincible in his world, but now everything is different, and he has no idea why. He does not wait in the kitchen back all night, but Yeon-joo.

So-hee called him the next morning, drunk and crying. She wonders whether Yeon-Joo is sleeping beside him now and asks if he really married because it has not really hit her that this really is. She knows that it is her own fault for waiting and thinking that it would be leading them together at the end, but she cries that everyone else thought so too. Lol, a whole fandom in fact

So-hee. "What am I? What was I to you?" She noticed sips a glass of wine, if they flicker in and suddenly her hand. Oh no, they disappear! Chul recalls Do-Yoon these to describe the other night, and on the phone, he overheard her glass So-hee scream and fall when she looks in the mirror and sees her reflection flickering in a manhwa drawing.

Chul goes to her, his brain all the way racking, trying to make sense of what happened. He remembers the manhwa back to open in the real world and to see the cast of main characters on the cover-Kang Chul, Sun-hee, Do-Yoon, No-Face Killer Assemblyman Han and Ajusshi-all created for a purpose in the history.

In a flashback we see Ajusshi hand start to fade after Kang Chul told him that he would get rid of the crime show and stop chasing the killer. And in the present, starts So-hee whole body look translucent. realized Chul: "If the [character’s] purpose disappears, they stop ... in this world to exist forever"

And then it occurs to him that the opposite will be true: "If the purpose of a ? character is sure they are fixed as main characters ... by force "He thinks of Yeon-joo, of course, and back to their world, it is the same conclusion more or less come:" Did I become an actual character manhwa ? Because I married the hero? "Really, they have the same train of thought at the exact same time? The exposure in this scene is so unnatural.

Chul wonders why no-Face time not disappear, and that's when he realizes that the killer might look a purpose to find it on their own to exist. "Did he be confident? How do I?" He asks himself.

And to confirm it, we see no-face into Chul of the world on foot, after he went and time had stopped by the portal. No-Face marched past the frozen man and jumped to land through the portal on the same roof where Chul was first arrived in Yeon-joo world. Chul asks in horror: "The perpetrators ... in the outside world?"

This is exactly where he is, of course, and we see no-face when he arrived for the first time in the real world, as if pushed in a drunken man in the street. The really freaky part? Whenever No-Face said, appeared Chyron on the screen, in the real world. WTF. As? Why? Is this world really?

No-Face asked where it was and where Kang Chul was, and then he would come in a magazine in a shop window, the end of Kang Chul of manhwa plaintively, without revealing the identity of the killer. No-Face to broken the window and grabbed the magazine, and Chul said that he was enraged: [1945009"BecausetheonlyonewhowantedtoknowtheidentityofmorethanIwastheperpetratorsthemselvestheperpetrators"]

no-Face stood on the bridge, where Chul had jumped, and angry, as Kang Chul could die so without finding him as he waited interviewed 10 years. I think if you say so, yours is the saddest existence of all was.

Chul told that No-Face was the one who stopped the manhwa of the end, because he could not bear to finish for them that way. The worst thing is that now no-face stuck where Yeon-Joo is not knowing how to get the manhwa world.

Yeon-joo worried that Chul about them is worrying and it is surprised when someone calls the workshop in the morning. First, no one is talking, but then asks No-Face scary voice as the words before they appear: "You came back ... You're Oh Sung-moo daughter, are not you You're Oh Yeon-joo, the woman? that Kang Chul married, right? "Ack!

I do not know why, but the image of No-Face a mobile phone as a real person using creeps me out straight. He is in the publisher's office when he makes the call from an assistant of the phone, and he notes address Dad before they disappear into thin air. More and more people in the office to arrive, not realizing that the wizard was strangled to death at her desk.

Think fast, Yeon- joo grabs a drawing tablet and laptop and pulls out of bed Su-bong. It has its sleepy donkeys to pull the car and screaming for him to simply drive away from the house he fiiinally doing just in time for No-Face in Papas workshop to appear. Okay, I hate official that he can teleport. How should one of the to run away?

Su-bong sighs that he is tired of things around it happens, and says that he had no longer surprised by anything. Yeon-joo still wriggling and tells him not to answer all calls because the killer is looking for them, and the second she says it, she rounded the corner and see No-Face in their way stand.

she's trying to say, reverse Su-bong, but he is not registered really what happens to them just a few meters have stopped. No-Face lifts his weapon and Su-bong stammers: "This ... this is a g-gun A gun A gun is a weapon The Noona, that a gun'S...!"

Yeon- joo border to secure it, it shall engage reverse gear and guns, it ... only to hit a lamppost and bring it to a halt. The killer did not even move, and pulls the shutter button.

The ball moves in slow motion, headed straight for Yeon-joo forehead. It flies through the windshield and comes directly to their ...

... But before they make contact, Yeon-joo disappears and pierced the ball seat headrest. Oh puh.

It will reappear in the passenger seat of Chul of the car, and he is so busy seeing vocation whether Yeon-joo came home, he does not sit with him not noticed she's next, until she speaks , He asks if she's okay, and in between gasping breath, she says that No-Face just tried to kill them.

He kisses her on the forehead and pulls her into a hug, and once it has calmed down a bit, Yeon-joo makes to worry about leaving have Su-bong back there with the killer.

said back in the car, Su-bong pleads for her life to live, promising friendly, if he is spared. He's scared to be so busy that he did not no-face comes closer not noticed and disappears when he sees that Yeon-Joo's gone. Well, at least he is a murderer with a single purpose. How's that for a silver lining?

Chul so much speculation and thinks Su-bong be fine, but Yeon-joo fears that the killer is out to look for them in mama's house. Back in their world, Su-bong flees the car as soon as he sees that Yeon-Joo has disappeared, and it runs to her mother, who has just arrived in the neighborhood to look for Yeon-joo. Su-bong gets in the car and asks her to drive in the other direction, away from Papa.

No-Face returns to Papas workshop and finds a receipt for Papas flight to New Zealand. Yikes, he will not teleport he is? On the flight, one of Papa's fans approaching him an autograph and asks for the sequel, but Dad does not respond to his questions.

to the bathroom goes Shortly before landing, Dad at the level where no-Face voice and matching Chyron appear suddenly to ask: "Who am I? Where is Kang Chul? Who am I? Why will not you say who I am? "The villain has an existential crisis?

Dad reaches for the door handle, but then no-Face flashing hand suddenly launched and grabs first Papas hand. Dad looks over his shoulder in terror ...

The exterior is a flight attendant a violent brawl in the toilet listening, but no one answers when she knocks. The noise goes for a while, and then everything goes quiet, and the door clicked open. Ohmygod, he has to take Dad?

The manhwa world Yeon-joo realizes that she already outside arrived So-hee apartment. Chul tried the door but there is no answer, and he does not know their lock code. He asks if maybe Yeon-joo has seen it in the manhwa, and Yeon-joo thinks back to a conversation in which she and the other girls teased at Papas workshop Su-bong for with So-hee, to be in love. In order, he will try to get a paper cut to feed So-hee doll?

Su-bong had boasted as their apartment his birthday and her lock code his phone number, and voila-that code still works and gets them inward. Chul asks Yeon-joo near the door and heads of him to stay itself, where he the floor with broken glass and So-hee curled up and crying, looking almost completely translucent now littered place.

So-hee asks what happened to her and shouting that she dies, and Yeon-joo she overheard and puts two and two together, the what they saw disappear in webtoon about Do-Yoon So-hee hands to see.

Chul attempts delicate as anything to act, happens, and he says that she has too much to drink and just had is good. She calmed down for a second, but when he takes his arm, she sees the wedding ring on his finger and begins to flicker. She cries that she thought that she would marry him one day and asked again: "What am I?"

The more she asks that, the faster it disappears, so Chul you look in the eye and says that his marriage is all fake, and it means nothing. Agh, I know you do it So-hee save, but the hurt.

Chul assured her that it says not a real marriage and: "You are important to me You are the person closest I need you to me.. . for the rest of my life "so-hee in a small voice asks:" You need me "And so it shall be again?.

Chul wipes his tears and hugged her, and promises that after she gets some sleep, everything will be fine. Then he looks over at Yeon-joo, who all the time is standing there.

While So-hee sleeping, Yeon-joo patch their scratches, and Chul thinks back to a worldly memory in high school and say so-hee, that he was going to change majors, and brags how he was a genius, so it would be good at anything. Oh, they were so sweet

Yeon-joo says that she had forgotten for a moment that was So-hee, the heroine of this manhwa: "This. for me, it is not "Chul answered honestly:". it is your father created because of the miserable fate of the character of the given setup, its reason for existing, it is cruel, it is not how can it only one reason.? enter were born and exist? We are only human. "

Yeon-joo on the way back crying, grumbling loudly that it's all a mess, and that's not the sequel they ever wanted. Chul sees them cry and decides to write a letter to Yeon-joo father, he begins in his phone to write.

When they take the elevator in his suite, Chul noticed Yeon-joo untied shoelaces and bends down to retie it, remember that there is a the romantic things in her book was. You now ask you if really the time to do their homework, and he takes her hand and decides to climb onto the roof.

Yeon-joo, remembers for the first time to meet, and it turns the hair and calls him happy, such a good doctor met to have in its time of need. He agrees that he lucky and then he pulls his hand before he asked them something to pull for him, when she returns to her world.

He asks her to pull awakened from a dream to make it there so that everything hit her on the roof that night until now everything is a long dream. As? No! He says that it is the only solution he can imagine to return to the time before he ever thought in his life by Yeon-joo as key to, before he discovered that he was a manhwa character before the killer followed him out the real world, and his friends began to disappear.

is the most important, Chul says, is that Yeon-joo can not die because he can not bear to see. He says that if they can return before he knew it, he will not think of them and keep them to draw back to this world. But! You will remember! This is so cruel

Chul says he did not know how to live it before to go, but now he knows: "I just want to live according to my fate, and if my reason for existing is forever chasing a suspect, who can never be caught, then, that I have to do. "Noooo!

He asks what Yeon-joo thinks and whether she understands him. She nods slowly and finally raises her head, her eyes full of tears. He asks her awakened from the dream to pull him and not remember any of it, and gives it a flash drive in his letter to her father on it.

He makes her promise to pull it immediately, because they do not know when No-Face reappears. She promises a shaky voice, and Chul starts from her to step away and said that the only thing he regrets is that she got to do only four things on their sweet romance list if he had at least a hundred things he wanted to do it for them.

He kicks off on and on, while saying: ". I you again want to keep, but I can not do because I am reluctant to let go" she asks where he is going, and he gets to the edge of the roof and says that they have no time, and that is the only way to ensure that she returns home.

He tells her, "Forget me now. I'm just a character in a manhwa. If you miss me, you can go to the bookstore and me there to see. be good. "He gives her a small smile, and then leans back and dropped only the bar. Yeon-joo gasps, and then we fade black.

tears face Kang Chul of spilling down when he wakes up in hospital, all the way back until the morning after his stabbing attack. So-hee is to say that it has something not found in the CCTV recordings, and asks if he cried.

Chul wipes his eyes and looks curiously tears on his fingers, and says it feels like he dreamed something, but what can not remember ,

and back to their world, sitting Yeon-joo in the passenger seat of Su-bong car, still with the bullet hole in the windshield, drawing a hurry the webtoon as Chul asked. They completed the framework it needs to make it all a dream, and then bursts into tears as she looked at the wedding ring on her finger down.

Chul looks curiously at his hand down after Yeon-joo forgotten.


Excuse me while I dig me go a dark hole for the next 12 to go hours, call in. I can not believe that we Kang Chul is to zero all over the world back. He will never know that he loved her! And it has to bear all their happy memories all by herself! You guys, if they did this to Buffy and Angel, I cried for days. Is this writer is trying to kill me with my own feelings? Because it seems like that's what they tried to do. It is clearly also trying to break my brain, because now we have a new time element to add to the story, where we have declined in Kang Chul timeline, but forward in Yeon-joo, and we have absolutely no idea what the rules are messed up for the time in the world manhwa. Is it like amnesia? Could trigger something a past-future memory? And what Kang Chul to avoid doing the same thing again when it comes to questions already in his nature all these questions and confidently?

Now I see why it felt like we had increased by a whole drama in the first six episodes, and episodes 7 and 8 proved to be an interlude in his fantasy because now we have to start all over again , Although the purpose for which it is only conjecture. I feel like we are on a behavioral experiment aboard to see if our characters to make the same decisions again. And if so, is that predestination or free will? []; _taboola.push ({mode: "Thumbnails-a 'container' taboola Down Item Thumbnails" placement "Below Article Thumbnails" target_type, "Mix"});

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