Recap And Reviews Kdrama Discovery of Romance: Episode 15

Recap and reviews korean drama Discovery of Romance: Episode 15 -

all the secrets out in the open and everyone has to get real with themselves, and give their own responsibility, as things have all to shambles. It can be seen a hard episode, because to remember that (at least partially) are to blame, never an easy thing to do. But hopefully Tae-ha, Yeo-Reum and Ha-jin can learn from their mistakes and get stronger and smarter next time, even if things are not quite as they wanted this time.

EPISODE 15: "Will they be able to love again"

Joon- ho has a beer after witnessing Yeo-Reum cancel her engagement to Ha-jin, and Sol pumping him for more information. Joon-ho goes on and on about how dating should not be so complicated - just the person they come and leave a go of you do not like. Sol indicates that for this reason, Joon-ho has never dated as a few months, because he never cared enough to cry over someone.

A deaf Yeo-Reum passes them by, and Joon-ho does not waste time with the fact that he does not speak to her straight. He grumbles immediately with her for the production of two boys in the police station at the end to make a pat of Sol. Yeo-Reum only tells him that Ha-jin is still out and goes to her room.

Joon-ho finds Ha-jin at Yeo-Reum ring outside stares, and even after all the mean things they said to him, he is particularly concerned whether it fine. He says Joon-ho, as he saw her crying with Tae-ha office, and as he and Tae-ha about it later fought, but Yeo-Reum would not tell him why she was crying. He knows the answer will be painful, because he knows that Yeo-Reum Tae-ha like.

At the same time, Tae-ha bleakly reminded about his claim director Yoon, that in time that special woman will be only one other person in the world. He says that is not true, because for him there is only one woman, no matter how much time passes. He weeps and says that now that he knows how Yeo-Reum feels about him, he can not just give up. Yoon asks what he would do, but Tae-ha has no plan.

it around in her room, Yeo-Reum mementos of their time trying again in the box to look with Tae-ha, but you still can not bring their own to open. She takes the box to Joon-ho and asks him to burn them, and he says, but he just wants to, if it means things are and that they'll get back together with Ha-jin over with Tae-ha.

Sol asks Yeo-Reum to sleep, and tells her that bluntly if she wants Tae-ha, she should go to him and they will not care what support. Awww. She says that since Yeo-Reum told her, they fall back on him, she wondered, if it only seems complicated because they fought it.

Yeo-Reum says no, it's over with both Tae-ha and Ha-jin - when she saw them in the police station, she realized it was time to end this. She believes that if Tae-ha had not found her camera with the pictures of him, he would have never asked to come to him, and it would not have led to his fight with Ha-jin.

Sol says that it will not be easy to end it, because it has Tae-ha at work to see, but Yeo-Reum thinks that he understood and that it is Ha-jin, who can not let go. Sol asks if Yeo-Reum will be fine if it ends there with two men, and Yeo-Reum jokes that because it is such a bitch, they have a harder time earned. I love how Sol is everything, "At least you know."

Ha-jin makes it home and lying in bed, thinking about Tae-ha assertion never be Yeo-Reum pleased with him, and that he has no idea what they are to be with him, are , The next morning, Ah-edge is the motorcycle that he bought her, she goes abroad soon to study, and he takes shopping for things that they will need on their protests, knowing that they do not spend money for themselves ,

Producer Bae strolls in while Yeo-Reum Mom works as a stamp of satisfaction with the few phones to present it to them bought. Mom tried to feign innocence, but her assistant has not let him off.

Yeo-Reum tried to work on the furniture designs, think about Tae-ha exhortations that they were repeated from its earlier work in turned around and they can do better. They told Sol that they want to design something that is their best work, but you can not figure out how to balance the set. Later Yoon Tae-ha says that the girls make some improvement work, and Tae-ha grins knowing that Yeo-Reum took to heart his words.

meet to go over the latest designs to do everything as normal, while not careful at each other. Yeo-Reum briefly takes her farewell, and Yoon complained that the two of them are the same, nothing that is wrong between them.

Tae-ha goes Yeo-Reum return their camera, and he asks why she will not look at him. She is silent, so he takes her face gently in his hands, to tilt it to his, and he tells her that he knows before the answer to his question of the night.

Tae-ha says she can live it wants. He wants to wish his birthday (to be her, so he knows what she thinks) and he wants to be with her, and he hopes that she feels the same. He increased a little when she still does not respond, but adds bold, that they should not worry about his feelings, because that is what he wants. He is satisfied with his choice, and he hopes that they will be pleased with her.

Yoon and Tae-ha look at some furniture design competitions, which could give Yeo-Reum, and Yoon asks if that makes Tae-ha feel better. Later Tae-ha takes the information about the competitions to Sol and asks her to discuss it with Yeo-Reum.

Yeo-Reum find Ha-jin in her studio, has bought a book on furniture design and claims to be suddenly interested in woodworking. He is proud of himself that he can identify all the tools, but he tried so hard there is so pathetic only throughout. He invites Yeo-Reum to dinner, and Tae-ha pulls up, as it feels in Ha-jin car. He does not hear them, not yet aware that they broke their engagement off.

At dinner Yeo-Reum noted that Ha-jin still be couple ring wears, and tells him that that is silent on that, has for them is difficult happens. Ha-jin says he only tried to understand them, and he honestly admits that he's crazy, but he still misses her. They sit in a miserable silence, and Yeo-Reum thinks that it lasted 3 minutes to fall in love, but wonders how long it takes to break them take.

Under Tae-ha words to heart, that he does not know Yeo-Reum dreams, Ha-jin asks if she always wanted to design furniture. He admits he does not know much about it, but he wants to change that. Yeo-Reum says that her problems are not his fault, but refuses not to say it, because it would be cruel. Ha-jin tells her that she can be on the floor, she said, but he is not afraid of the ground, and if this is the worst, then he can bear it.

He says that he wants to get through this together, and his words sound positive, but his face looks so desperate and hopeless, it's heartbreaking. After dinner, Ha-jin Yeo-Reum takes to her mother, and he holds her hand, but none of them has a single thing to say.

Eun-Gyu visited Sol to wonder if they gave worrying about his request to give him a chance, but Joon-ho skips in with shopping bags before they can answer. The amplified awkwardness when director Yoon shows up and the four of them sitting around the table to talk.

Sol asks Joon-ho, why he also - Because I like you too , thinks he, although he says that he will than you make a good decision oppa her help (and I'm "out, idiot" in the three sets of die sparkles from all over the table). Sol, she says both men will answer questions evening today because things carryover is cumbersome, and starts with Eun-Gyu.

She tells him that she liked him for a long time, and became a better person because of his influence. We can pounded his heart to hear how he smiles, but she says their timing is off and she has someone else in mind, and he Flatlines. HAHA.

Sol addressed a next bright Yoon, to say what a good man he is, and we heard his heart beating beginning with happiness. But she says not to flutter enough for her heart, and asks him if his heart can not flutter for someone else. Flatline. Awww , poor, sweet Yoon.

Joon-ho heart begins a mile up for a minute, when he realizes that he is the only man on the left table. But as the other two men Sol hands take their undying devotion and declare the willingness to wait for her, he beats off their hands and tell them to withdraw. Yes, "Oppa" my ass.

Yeo-Reum visits with her mother and asks her if she understood her father. Mama says you never understand others, you can only accept it, which is actually pretty dang example. Yeo-Reum told her mother that she in Tae-ha ran and recently everything a mess there, is asking already what do her mother and worried that her mother thinks she is like her father ,

Mom says that what they didn 't understand about Yeo-Reum father was this - why not leave it? Maybe if he had, he and the other woman had lived, and even Mom would have had a happy life. She says Yeo-Reum not have to worry about her father when she has to make her own life decisions. Mom says Yeo-Reum does not always have to be right, or to please others, and she tells her daughter more, thinking about what they want without considering what others might think.

After the other guys leave, Joon-ho presents excited Sol with a gift of new sneakers. He makes a great show to tell her that she can go in these shoes everywhere she likes - to Eun-Gyu Yoon or, or someone even better.

With a flourish he shows her a matching set of men's sneakers and says that they can come to him even if she wants. OMG, they are pair of sneakers, he's so adorkable. Sol (probably) pretends to miss his broad hints and asks where he is going. Joon-ho loses air, but says that he goes jogging in the morning, and she agrees to go with him. At this point, I'm sure more than 98% that they head straight brass for the fun of it.

There is Yeo-Reum brooding turn over the pictures of Tae-ha in her camera, and she slowly extinguished one by one. Sol brings Yeo-Reum the information on the design competitions and tells her she had idea Tae-ha. Yeo-Reum remembers a time when they were dating, when he encouraged them to give even a contest, her work borrowed from his company to present in order to make it a place that would have.

Morning Joon-ho wriggles in the park while waiting to show on Sol, and she screams to be too late, if it does. He takes to jog her hand, but she pulls him back, and they end up nose to nose when she pulls it a little too hard. Okay, she did it on purpose.

Joon-ho secures gallant, so Sol asks him bluntly why he likes to enumerate to ask him three reasons and teased him that he does not just stop with shoes. Joon-ho says that first, it is to have more courage and charisma than most guys and that he fell head over heels for it. Second, their feelings not too cold or too hot, but just perfect warm. And third, that she knows these things about himself, and he likes that.

enchanted thoroughly Sol Joon-ho is a kiss on the cheek, chirps "Leave Leave You us!" And starts to run away, but Joon-ho grabs. He goes into the depth for a truly kiss right there in the park, make Sol giggle, go weak in the knees, and runs off. He follows her, jumping and whooping cough - and that was pretty much the sweetest confession I have ever seen in my life.

Yeo-Reum and Tae-ha, monitor the delivery of the furniture for the wine and Yeo-Reum says she is the town house furniture completed the design and Sol will take over the production. You will not have any reason to see each other again after today. She thanked Tae-ha for information about the competition, but says it is too large a scale for what they can do, and she does not want to ask again for his help to have.

Sad but resigned, Tae-ha says it say their goodbyes here going, and they shake hands one last time. Yeo-Reum thinks she finally hold his hand, she wanted to keep as bad, and Tae-ha thinks he probably never hold back this hand. Both say they were happy to see each other again, as have shared their heads remembering the emotional moments that they undergo.

Yeo-Reum thinks she the scar she got to see her father because of Tae-ha, was able to dream again. Tae-ha thinks that he is so far away, as a woman in his heart, by love, and he has not looked back, because he everything he could. You want good, and Tae-ha watches go away as Yeo-Reum.

Ha-jin sees Ah-edge on the bus to the airport, where he makes her promise to use the money he gave her, so they can spend their time with the study takes part ~~ POS to work = TRUNC. She gives him an envelope and asked him to open it after she's gone. It is on the bus, thinking to himself that some people are born, to go it alone, and if that is her life, then she has no choice.

After she leaves, Ha-jin the envelope opens their copy of their childhood photo and a letter to you to "Jin-soo oppa." He says that she has left him always at his right, call without ever mentioned, and she believes that she is so they go to the person who will get missed one day to see, with a smile. She asks him to not feel guilty about more - her only disappointment was that he leave without saying goodbye, when he was adopted.

She goes on to say that, while they do not know why he send away now, without saying the reason he did not in around him wants, she hopes that if they ever meet again and to separate them, that they get to say a proper goodbye. Finally, realize that he has to leave again basically, and that she knows it, Ha-jin legs collapse under him and he sat on the curb, sobbing with grief.

That night he sits outside Studio Yeo-Reum in his car, and told that he knew then why Yeo-Reum her engagement broke off. He knows why she said, signify those things, and why he foolishly made his own feelings back: He now understands that he does not know how to properly goodbye to "Because I do not know how to say goodbye." someone to say so but he has a headache and can not sleep, and that Yeo-Reum knew that about him, and said the harsh words for him, and waited to catch him.

Yeo-Reum goes outside Ha-jin wait and he wordlessly approaches and hugs her to find. He finally said the words: "Let us leave" He tells her that the moment when he opened the box in her room, he hated them, and that they both have changed, he says with a smile and a sob that.. she had him really bad, and that it is time to break, and he hugs her one last time, as they cry both.

Tae-ha takes the rings he to himself and Yeo-Reum all who bought years, and throws them into a well, finally letting go of

Some time later, an unidentified writer-types:.

Among the many loves in this world. ..
Two of the night ended,
And not told that night among the three of them that he / she could sleep.

Will they be able to love again?


Wow, that was definitely to see a difficult episode, because every so rather has had to give up on their hopes and dreams of love and their future. But I have to give them all kudos to finally be honest for, with themselves and with each other, despite the pain and sadness she had to fight. And I must say how impressed I am, because these characters were so full and rich writing in this show, and I worry about them so much, what for me is a rare thing. I usually find a way to watch the dramas I on some level, to enjoy, but to be so emotionally invested for me is unusual, and I loved every minute of this show loved so emotional for me instead. And for me it was all about the characters and what they have gone through, to learn about yourself and about what love really is.

Ha-jin trip, I think, was the hardest for me to watch. I think he kept always as happy, successful, easygoing person who happened to have just a secret past, but that he thought he had gone from him. being exposed to Ah-rim meetings and that guilt and fear again, I think, was it unexpected. I do not think it was always his conscious intention to conceal his identity from her and send her, but he let this guilt and persuade fear him, that he do for their benefit. The last letter from her, reminded him gently that in their view it is looked as if he is ashamed her and wanted to be away from her, was a hard blow. I think that he really knew at that moment that his life, he justified his actions with positive motives that were not necessarily true. I'm impressed that he did not, that the realization to use tried to get back Yeo-Reum ... he finally understood that it was too late, and he had lost it.

It is interesting to see how my feelings about Yeo-Reum have changed in the course of the show, because in the beginning I thought she was spoiled and selfish and so, frankly, a bitch. But I've realized that it does not really, she's just a woman who knows what she wants and is not afraid to say it out loud. You do not want to, or try to injure others in the process, but neither has this ability can you stop doing what she thinks is right. And it is really a very caring person, under the hard outer ... also Ha-jin admitted that their mean words to him when she broke her engagement from a kindness in disguise were. They knew he would, or could, never say the words themselves, even though he knew it to do the right thing. So she fell on the sword and she told herself to save him, the worry about it. It is clear that they have had rather not do, because they said to him many times: "I do not want to have to be cruel", but when it was needed, it was prepared to the hard thing to do, to the right to do. At the end I think not of it would as someone with whom I want to be friends, but I admire them for their belief and willpower.

Tae-ha, and can be a different person than the one we met only at the beginning of the show. He was so arrogant and confident to think that all he had to do was say the word, and he could Yeo-Reum have again. As soon as he knows it now, I think he just thought he knew them at the time, but he never really listened to her until he does not, they might have understood and was forced to try. It changed him so much for the better mostly. Although he is now even more sad and resigned, he has really learned what it means to truly love someone. Love is not about owning or just to be with this person - it is about caring about them more than themselves, and to be ready to help them, what makes them happy, even if that means that you out of her life , Tae-ha learned this lesson the hard way, but he learned it well, and he sent Yeo-Reum off without him really want their luck. I do not know what keeps the final, but I hope that he will be a reward for the love Yeo-Reum enough they will go.

I will these characters much to miss if they're gone, and I hope that they will find all the happiness of the one or the other.

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tags: discovery of romance, Eric, in Jung Yumi, Sung Joon

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