Recap And Reviews Kdrama Hyde, Jekyll, Me: Episode 8

Recap and reviews korean drama Hyde, Jekyll, Me: Episode 8 -

Okay, things were just much more interesting. The plot gets a fresh twist, the tension heats up actually, and everyone starts pushing past limits our hero, whether he wants to or not. Not, as the case may be, but fortunately there are people in his life who care to help more to him than to be liked.


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Seo-jin spends about 30 seconds left Hana embrace him, his guard fall for this brief moment as the panic attack seizes him. But when the moment happens, he turns away from her, so as not to make him cry and seeing stems from.

in the bathroom, Seo-jin stares at his reflection and shakes as the truth sinks in. his childhood friend Soo-hyun, the ones he left behind when he escaped from the kidnappers ... lives Oh, well, if you thought it was dead, then I'm pretty sure his with a vendetta against you grow up not entirely bad news. okay, so it is not good news ...

Secretary Kwon is sniffed when he makes a call to the chairman and Dad told him about Soo-hyun's Glasses Strangler. he was the son of the chauffeur, obviously, and the message makes mom and dad roles, and secretary Kwon is particularly emotional. Interestingly, he tamps his tears down and puts on a forced cheery demeanor second he sees Seo-jin, which breaks my heart a little.

Seo-jin is back to his cold, hard shell, and reveals nothing of his former nervous when he see again and, Soo-hyun refuses to go. He could be a friend in childhood were, but Seo-jin says he now nothing more than a suspect.

Hana is checking with Dr. Tae-joo if Seo-jin connects them back to his old. He apologizes when he scared earlier, and that he only in shock. That's all he has, and he barrel to go ahead to give a witness statement to Detective Na.

He can stand there and hear him everything Detective Na says he knows: Soo-hyun was the son of the family chauffeur, and they were friends. When they were abducted, President Dad refused to pay, and Seo-jin escaped on his own. He never knew, now, to what had happened to Soo-hyun.

Detective Na is still shocked over the part, do not pay in the Chairman Dad the ransom to his son again, but Seo-jin defended really his father, as if he is already this only say to cope for years. He says that the police advised not to do directly with the kidnappers Dad, and no one has to fight the heart with Seo-jin about.

Detective Na fills in some details from Soo-hyun statement and asks if it is true that Soo-hyun father burst into Chairman Dad sure to get the money for the ransom. After Soo-hyun, his father died in an attempt to deliver the ransom, though Seo-jin one can not confirm this-the theft is a message to him, and the version that he knows is that the driver on the wanted to hear police, rogue walked his son to recover, and lost in an accident.

Tae-joo interrupts Seo-jin about the specific way to ask where he escaped, because it might shed some light on the suspects psyche. But Seo-jin admits that he can not remember.

The only thing Detective Na no point to make is why Soo-hyun went to Dr. Kang when his vendetta against Seo-jin's. But Seo-jin knows exactly why, and answers vaguely that Dr. Kang has what he wants most, and if Soo-hyun knew, he had every reason to accept it.

When Hana through Wonderland is later that day, her mind wanders Declaration on-jin Seo that this place no happy childhood memories kept for him. She realizes now what he meant, and why he was so cold.

Seo-jin Chairman Dad goes to see who worried that Soo-hyun attack on Dr. Kang means that he knows all about Seo-jin condition. They would about to be worried. Dad says Dr. Kang is a lost cause, but Seo-jin says inexorably stop him to think that he can get rid of only by people sweep to confusion. He swears he'll find Dr. Kang, because he needs it, otherwise it is a lifetime of debt again. Yikes, I did not even think about that part. Please alive, Dr. Kang!

Seo-jin spends the rest of the day with a packed schedule, as if nothing is going on, and Hana is the one who can not seem to work all day to concentrate. She wonders why she can not concentrate when Seo-jin insisted that he was fine. She takes her phone to send a text to start Robin about his brother to ask, but decides against it.

At home, secretary Kwon about Seo-jin is still concerned and proposes gorgeous sleepover (yes please!), The Seo-jin shoots down flat. He orders him to go home, and secretary Kwon runs in Hana on the way in and asks her to keep an eye on Seo-jin.

knocks a few times on his door, but if there is no response, she peeks in and finds him under the covers trembling and looked spooky sick. She panics and grabs her phone Secretary Kwon call but Seo-jin grabs her by the arm and shakes her head, wanting no fuss.

So she runs instead for a little aspirin, and calls for an urgent care hotline to ask what they should do. We only her side of the conversation to hear, but it's funnier that way: "Take the blanket off, okay What you take off his clothes Embrace him Uh ... Are there any other symptoms I know it.??? no, he is not talking. No ... he's just a weird personality. "HA.

I love the fact that he opens his eyes to the stripping and hugging lines, as can be seen to check if they will. It does not, which means that it must be delirious. It's the only explanation.

he snaps at all the time like a petulant child, but Hana accustomed now and passes just in the kitchen, tea and juice making. She yawns, that it is not a single grain of rice to eat in his kitchen, but then remembers that she never really seen him only once to eat at home.

he scolds just leave the tea and go, but it tears again that he can pretend to be not strong all the time. You know that's stress-induced, and says that if he is to lay all the time is wound, it is obliged to make himself sick.

She holds her hands to pull him out of bed, but it only reminds him of the hope that he can only yesterday felt when he thought that he might make new memories of Wonderland and live like other people. He looks at her at her hands holding and thinks that everything is now meaningless.

He tells her to get out and climb out of the bed to her at this moment can make, say cryptically, that he never should have let it get that far, but it's too late to go back now. You can not make sense of what he says, and Seo-jin still that all of it is just because of her, "It's because of you that Robin came back, and because of you, I let me hope that I should not hope. But everything is in the same place. So do not hold out your hand to me. Give me no hope "

She's still confused but he barks when she was never published, would everything as it was: "but when I'm sick, but when I die Why did you appear Why did you do what you came..?!?!" she says that she was worried about him, the only defensive makes himself.

He accuses her to pity him and tells her that she is nothing to him. The stands, and Hana spits back that he her to live like a ghost here, but it is the spirit, not to see or hear anything. She tells him just to keep that way and storms live, and he reaches for the door handle to follow her out.

But he can not do it and will only drop down, leaning against the door. She is doing on the other side the same, both reeling. When she goes to her room, pool their eyes with tears, and she is angry with herself to make her scream for Seo-jin rental.

cousin Seung-yeon to continue to Detective Na, plying him with lunch and friendly chatter, always as Seo-jin caring relative in his best interest at heart buzz. Seung-yeon wants to speak directly to Soo-hyun, suggesting that get a friendly face was to speak to him more freely.

is He left to see in him, but Soo-hyun does not seem to recognize Seung-yeon at all, and even when he hears how close they were as children all, he looks confused. Huh. Are you not the real Soo-hyun, or cousin Seung-yeon full of shit? Either certainly seems possible.

Soo-hyun tells him figured out, but Seung-yeon insists that he was better friends with Soo-hyun as Seo-jin ever was, and tried to convince him that they on the same page. He takes a journey into the past and reminds him of the time they accidentally broke a fire and was burned, and laughs as he jerks to see Soo-hyun collar back on the burn scar ... but it's not there.

Seung-yeon's going on out there and crashes Detective Na to say that the suspect they have is not the real Lee Soo-hyun. Cousin Seung-yeon, you only make yourself useful ?? Well I'll be damned.

Detective Na takes a team back to the apartment of the suspect for clues to his identity search, whatever it may be. It is not conclusive, but they found an old album from an orphanage dated before the abduction, with all the removed images.

Woo-jung and all her female fans fan meeting are gathered at night for a Robin, and Eun- chang has just a second job at her father Café took to be near her. The blue-eyed way that he is looks too cute.

Robin wakes up and sees all sick inventories around him, but when he feels his forehead, he is fine. He smiles with Hana thinking of his kiss, and uploads it to the event to Woo-jung.

Robin is faster and instantly mobbed by screaming fangirls, and I find it really weird that the girls are so young, and he's just sitting there, as they perform a dance routine for him. But then shows Hana and they leave together, much to Woo-jung ire.

After hearing about the Hana failed attempts to nurse Seo-jin back to health, Robin blames get the last word for Seo-jin rental, a comeback of his inability suggesting to obtain comfort.

She agrees and Robin says Seo-jin is incapable convenient to accept because it has never existed, it is calling a family trait. She asks if her parents are also so, and Robin jokes that also chairman Papas eyebrows are unable anger management. Ha.

Robin tells her that Seo-jin was an outsider at school and one day he showed Seo-jin pretending to be up, and excited all the kids with cool skateboard tricks. He boasts that a Seo-jin fan clubs sprang the very next day, although the actual Seo-jin quickly that momentary fame crushed.

He describes Seo-jin fundamental mode as always scratching, screaming, pushing away, so eventually decided to be Robin things to leave and he would live his own life, and to be Seo-jin left. Hana wonders why Seo-jin is not upset with her father, and Robin explains that Seo-jin is his father as a wall and sees nothing-there is no reason for him to knock on the wall, and resenting Robin the next best thing.

Robin realizes that she is quite worried about Seo-jin, and she admits that she is. She feels bad about the things that he suffered as a child, and then jokes that friendliness is a disease she suffers. She asks if Robin can not get along with him, as he used to.

After the date, Robin sneaks into the house to Hana, turned in Seo-jin room immediately. It's a good thing that he is doing well, because they later tea and knocks on the door a few minutes makes. She leaves the thermos at the door and Robin mumbles that he would drink it, do so Seo-jin to be.

When she, Robin says each head to bed at night that he is sad to tell about not to be able her everything. "But if you find out anything and can handle it if you do not throw me away, I will not always go first."

Seo-jin wakes up in the morning and finds a note from Robin to see the latest video batcave. He heads down and finds a bottle of soju laid out for him, and in the news, Robin throws to ask a glass of soju, that they share a drink.

We watch the rest of the scene, as if Robin on the other side of the table is sitting there, and it's pretty weird that Robin that Seo-jin drink can not predict, even if it indicates that he heard about Seo-jin with a higher tolerance than he.

Robin is serious when he talks about the reason he has come to Dr. Kang cited at first clinical diagnosis, but in the end, to reduce it to a simple answer: "Because you wanted to live. "Robin says that's really all it boils down to:" so let us live Let us try to live Why is it that you made me, so you can live to spend every day in hell..? Why I'm happy every day? Are not you a little annoying that? "

Robin says he never for his own life so happy and desire have been is when he admit lately, but no matter how much he hates it, it exists because of Seo-jin. He adds: "And you could not admit, but because I live, you live."

He says that Seo-jin him the person he wants to be, which does not seem created so far, not that Seo-jin this would ever acknowledge. Robin says he's here to help: "Help me, that's all you have to say I'll wait.." Seo-jin goes away without a word, and sighs on the monitor, Robin, almost as if he can see what happens.

Detective Na feels glasses Strangler of adoption records and finds that his real name is after all Ahn Sung-Geun, and the timing makes it impossible for him to be Soo-hyun. Innnteresting. Detective Na confronted him back at the station, but Sung-Geun sticks to his story insisted that he is Lee Soo-hyun.

Hana wakes up an upwardly text from Robin to tell her that he is going to try and make up with Seo-jin, because he no longer wants to care. She shines, and soon afterwards, Seo-jin finds to set the table with warm dishes. She tells him to eat breakfast and promises, to say a word, and he looks curiously on the table.

But before he can decide whether or not to eat, secretary Kwon in running, worried about Soo rippling hyun is Soo-hyun. When they get to the police station, cousin Seung-yeon, it is with its large Sherlock moment amicably all, and Seo-jin calls Soo-hyun at this moment to see.

Seo-jin grabs the collar of the suspect and confirmed what we already seen-not have burn scar that he does not mean Soo-hyun. He wants to know who he is, but Sung-Geun holds the same thing to repeat swear he Lee Soo-hyun.

to see the other guys from the observation room, and Detective Na says that this whack job, passed the polygraph test if he does not, how does , Seung-yeon begins wild theories about Genie throw killer who convince themselves that the lie truth, and that sparks Dr. Tae-joo of the brain. He realizes that it is possible, when Sung-Geun really thinks he ... if he were hypnotized Lee Soo-hyun to believe it.

Non-Soo-hyun says Seo-jin that he knows the truth of what happened that day, and that they are the only two people on earth who know it: "You do not escape alone. you ... "But Seo-jin not let you stop him and grabs him by the collar, wanted to know who he is.

Detective Na in rushes and drags Seo-jin away, and gather for a moment himself, he says the group that this type of real Soo-hyun-he knows details that only Soo-hyun would know need to know.

Again Tae-joo asks about the circumstances surrounding the escape, and if anything else happened. (Sure seem to this one thing fixed, like a dog with a bone.) But Seo-jin recalls the same version that he told them before: He was trying to save Soo-hyun, but was not strong enough to do this, and that is all.

The other question Tae-joo these so-called mental hacking, and he says that he only read about them and never a specific case, but it is considered possible to treat seen a patient with a severe trauma by implanting new memories.

Detective Na wonders how many people of such specialized work would be capable of, and then the room falls silent. They all look back and forth, no one wanted to be the first to suggest it-the Dr. Kang is the only one who knows all about Seo-jin past, and has to hypnotize the skills and to plant new memories. Yes ... but ... so does Tae-joo, is not it? I mean, when we talk capabilities, he is top notch ... * whimper *

Secretary Kwon tries Seo-jin that Dr. Kang would soothe never do such a thing, and has no reason to. Detective Na Hana fills in on the latest development, and asks whether it is positive that Ahn Sung-Geun is the man seen her at the scene.

It is positive that he attacked in Wonderland, but it is not certain that he was the same strangler on the roof of the hospital. This man's face is still locked in her memory, although it is certain that it was a man or woman. Detective Na for their continued help asking, because this case just got weird, and she agrees Dr. Tae-joo as soon as possible to see.

She calls Tae-joo and asks come later tonight with a friend and he agrees to see them. He advises in another case, how do we get watching him home, and the longer we dwell on it, the more anxiety I feel. He is attacked either get over or reveal something terrible ...

He grabs a cup of coffee and casually heads into his bedroom, where behind a false door he opens his bookshelf. Ack, no, Dr. Tae-joo! Say it is not so! But there is no doubt that evil glint in his eyes.

He opens another door past the false wall and enters a dark room, in which he says that they are running out of time because Hana says she is close to remember. He speaks casually as he laughs: "But do you think that will happen?" We are cut to his point of view ... and there's Dr. Kang, bound and gagged. Holy hell.

We rewind to the day of the attack, when Tae-joo came Dr. Kang to see, and she confronts him about his real name:. Lee Soo-hyun He panicked and attacked her, then hypnotize Hana and returned Dr. Kang and go directly from the building.

then he hypnotized Sung-Geun into believing that he Soo-hyun, and looked at his face with the smallest little smirk shocked reaction Seo-jin. Damn, that's scary.

Back to the present, Tae-joo says Dr. Kang that their "foolproof treatment" concept has failed. After she discovers his true identity, she had the idea come that suddenly Seo-jin and Tae-joo treatment would cure them both (if Tae-joo could Seo-jin awarded, they would both be free, as it were). But obviously they underestimated Tae-joo lack of marbles.

He tells her experiment failed, and that he gave Seo-jin a fair chance. He stood and nudged Seo-jin, to admit the truth about what happened that day, during the flight, and the way his father died trying to save them. But he scoffs that Seo-jin lied directly in front of him and seemed cool to boot as a cucumber. Dude, OR he does not remember the truth?

But Tae-joo is practically triumphantly to prove that Dr. Kang Seo-jin was wrong. She said that Seo-jin would be relieved to know that he was still alive, and that Seo-jin had so much pain suffered as Tae-joo had, and would seriously ask for forgiveness.

Tae-joo says that Seo-jin is not able to ". Because he never felt the pain I felt" He tells her that it is time his way, and do things to make "equal", so that Seo-jin, the same amount feels pain and anxiety that he did what in his twisted mind, the chances of them throwing form.

he says that Hana comes through and he has not yet decided what to do with her. He does not worry about her face recall on the hospital roof, since it is the hypnotist, after all, but something tells me that he does not, it is left to chance.

He heads out the door to answer when it arrives, and she opens her with this warm, inviting smile welcomed that now I just crawling out. But then the door swings open wide and Robin shows behind her, smiling forgetful. OH CRAP.

Tae-joo freezes at the sight of him, and Hana says only pleasant this friend she mentioned over the phone. Both are smiling at him, and Tae-joo face twitches when he tries to contain his shock.

Closing Caption :. If misfortune never even meet just one person, then we need not own misfortune faced


Now I see why Sung Joon was cast in this role. But have we really need to take four weeks to get the reveal? I feel like everything is ass backwards when it comes to this show plotting, because I know that it was an attempt to lull us into a false sense of security and wow us with a great twist when really had the best been used things in advance, it could just be a bigger audience. Last week, as the romance found their footing, and this week the mystery came in a big way to the top, and only now it finally feels like there is a lot going on, and all of our themes have come together in an appealing way Wise.

I'm really relieved that Tae-joo real Soo-hyun is because it makes for a much better villain, not to mention the fact that Sung Joon will not be wasted. His brand of crazy is delightfully creepy because it atrophies as Seo-jin, but he turns it into a sick game, where they will be well, point for point, scar scar. The best (worst?) Part is that he is manipulating everyone in the perfect position and has full confidence. Once he discovers the truth about Robin, there's not say what kind of twisted revenge he would come up with, is not it? And frankly, a smart, unhinged psychiatrist with the ability to hypnotize people is almost as dangerous as it gets on the scale serial killer. On the other hand he has to kill anyone yet. On the other hand, I'm pretty sure that's just luck.

point aside, I liked the way his character was treated because I found his hypnosis skills in equal parts terrifying and cool, and every time I thought he might be a bad guy, he did something which regain my confidence and to keep the investigation on track. So we thought, before realizing that he brainwashed a scapegoat to take the case. And the constant turtlenecks were a nice touch, although I never thought of something. The scariest part is that he is Dr. Kang in his own home to keep as from hiding to get a thrill it directly under each tab. * Shudder *

I found it fascinating when he insisted that he gave Seo-jin every opportunity to tell him what he was doing, as if Seo-jin would break out in tears in front of everyone and ask for forgiveness. I'm not sure that he would do that, even if he's recovered memories, but also, Tae-joo does not seem to be interested in him a real opportunity to give in hell. It sounded like a justification, as all efforts it made Dr. Kang to do way, and now he has to do things his reasons manner. He seems fiercely cling to moral superiority, as it is what gives him the right to do so. I can not wait to dig into the real enmity and the truth in their backstory, now that I interested and actually find the villain scary on both sides.

It is also great to see Robin, bridging the gap between him and seo-jin in Hana request. I wonder if keeping his positive feelings, even if Hana concern for Seo-jin goes platonic, but now he and Hana urge Seo-jin in the right ways. It is true that Seo-jin Robin, created to survive, but he has to live one a shell of a life, to deny yourself attachments, happiness and warmth. And the longer that Hana is around him, then that is more clearly how much he wants to let hope and achieve and have a normal life with real connections. Obviously, he has found it easier to live, free-standing, alone, could never again and never abandoned by everyone someone. Since the pain he felt for the first time broke. But I am a Robin to this, what is the point, then live? Glad Hana around to beat that in him, if necessary.

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Tags: featured, Han Ji-min, Hyde Jekyll Me, Hyun Bin, Sung Joon

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