Recap And Reviews Kdrama Hyde, Jekyll, Me: Episode 9

Recap and reviews korean drama Hyde, Jekyll, Me: Episode 9 -

There is always keep you in balancing these twin cover story, especially when our baddie closure appears to be fast in the truth, as you want. Meanwhile Hana discovered another point of connection to Seo-jin, and Robin gets a crash course on what it takes to reach the jammed Bossypants to be here. , Note: a lot of hair product


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Now that Dr. Tae-joo has revealed the creepy mastermind to be Dr Kang. kidnapping, we see him adjust his expression before his door to Hana open. he is plastered on the usual friendly smile got, until he looks up and sees Robin directly behind her.

Tae-joo haltingly greeted him as Seo-jin, noting how different it looks today, and Hana quickly explained that this Seo-jin twin brother Robin is. Uh-oh, the face of the views of Tae-joo says that he do not buy.

he excuses for a few minutes, and Robin is a little envious, pointing out that Hana to come here alone, used to meet the stately individual doctor, and tonight he saw disappointed when they brought a friend. "Or because the friend is a friend cutely? "He asks.

is not not not agree, and decides that they have to deal with a friend or something on Tae-joo. Notices Robin a photograph of Tae-joo with Dr. Kang, and it makes him quiet. Hana asks if he knew, but he says nothing.

Tae-joo is quite certain that Seo-jin no double he might know as it, which means the real Lee Soo-hyun that he grew up with Seo-jin (although it operates weird to their advantage, how credible a chaebol twin birth secret). he sees Robin and Hana interact occur, and then it dawns on him :. Robin is the guy who ran on the hospital roof on that day Hana rescue

Hm, I do not like that extra evil glint in your eye. it is a video camera, to the meeting record and Hana goes down as Robin watches. Tae-joo leads them back to the hospital roof, where she panics when she is there. a man who finds behind her impending prisoner

We see that there Tae-joo, but she's too scared to turn around and him. With the face After a few tries, Tae-joo is one to three, and has opened the door for her and wake up only when she does, she is still stuck in a trance and starts gasping as she would suffocate.

Robin moves on them in alarm, but Tae-joo holds him back, quiet, trying to wake her. He can finally Robin run over to her, then counts down. This time Hana wakes up for real and Tae-joo watches closely as Robin wipes the tears away.

While Hana accumulates in the bathroom, Robin asks Tae-joo, if this kind of trance state is normal, surprisingly Tae -joo with his knowledge of hypnosis. Tae-joo says she is at the moment again they experience over almost died and over again, pointedly added that it for their own benefit does not even have this pain inventory.

Tae-joo importance is not lost on Robin, and now both raised hackles boys. Once Hana steps out of the bath, steps Robin between them like a watchdog in and refused to let them come close. Hana is worried about their slow progress and what it means for Dr. Kang and Tae-joo adds that the case has become more complicated now, Dr. Kang is a suspect.

Outside Robin grabs Hana in an embrace, surprised that it is for weeks already do on their own this. He does not like any of it to be from the pain she has experienced to the looks of Tae-joo, and she calls him nice for jealous. He hates that he could do nothing to help her do it, but she embraces him and says that he is on their side, and that's enough.

When she and her head out, she worries about how Seo-jin does and suggests that they go to him to check, and Robin comes quickly with an excuse that he's probably in shock takes time to process everything themselves.

After finding the session recording check Tae-joo not something strange about Robin in his behavior. Cousin Seung-yeon then comes to visit on his assumption to follow that dissociative many Seo-jin could explain strange inconsistencies.

Tae-joo demonstrates the use of images to implant new memories and said that the human mind is a very eager participant, because people remember what they want to remember and forget what they want to forget ,

Up to this point, Seung-yeon voluntarily together, but Tae-joo seized the chance to play to snap his fingers and put him under hypnosis. He asks Seung-yeon, if this kidnapping story he was his own the last time, said he does not say, as expected. Tae-joo asks if Seo-jin has a twin, and Seung-yeon says no again. Tae-joo smiles because this is only a recent theory can ... confirm

After Hana coaxing back to work, Robin continues storyboards for their angels bridge circus presentation, and says that he will go with her to the hypnotherapy sessions from now. She sees right through his concern that this over Tae-joo, he did not really deny. In fact, if she calls him on his jealousy, he adds a request while he is at it:

He knows that it is the only SEO now "About Seo-jin worries stop." helping jin and that they put only worried, but what they do is through him is worrying. He holds a yellow pencil case on yellow card her a warning, and she agrees with a laugh.

She leafs through his latest sketches of the bridge history and to the boy's downcast walking along the bridge, asks Robin why he came every night so leave look like this. This is a message to Robin and Hana explained that she was there for a year before the actual first session, and every evening he came with the same sad expression on his face and almost jumped.

Robin can act their words, and wonders aloud: "You have to, that long, worried, watching ... Seo-jin?" It is just as surprised and Robin explains-the boy who came every night to jump was Seo-jin, and the boy, who was caught on the bridge Robin.

There she meets now that those with fits what they know about both, "So that I was saved Seo-jin, and the one who had saved me Robin," she Takes the drawing the above sad little boy and muses, "No wonder ... It was Seo-jin ..."

Robin turns them into their eyes to see, and reminds them that Seo-jin is fine, he this is long survive and continue. She knows and says that it must be because of the Robin that Seo-jin survived that puts a smile on his face. If you knew how true that was.

He inches closer to her lips, like he wants to kiss her ... but bring the circus members at the moment to crash. You can say that they stopped threatening smoochies, and Eun-chang asked cutely an official statement. So Robin holds the hand on the Hana and officially declared that they are now together.

Robin is a drink with Editor min to have the instead spends all his time on his data to pushing back to webtoon work. The way he cares about Robin "keeping secrets" of Hana makes me think that he really does not know the true story. Robin is at the mention of it quietly.

Hana comes home and can not stop thinking about Seo-jin that suicidal boy on the bridge to be. When she looks back in the drawings, says Robin Editor Min in voiceover that the reason that Seo-jin was the reason that Robin was born ... wanted to die, but he does not know what that reason is. He wonders, "I do not even know the reason I exist. So, I could say Hana on the person I am?"

in the morning, Seo-jin as excited as ever wakes up, because out that Dr. Kang could be the perpetrator and not the victim in this case. Detective Na briefs his team on the latest possibility that Dr. Kang has some sort of connection to Seo-jin childhood abduction, and secretary Kwon reported Seo-jin that they are looking into possible reasons that Dr. Kang wanted it out for him ,

Seo-jin barely holding back his anger, and secretary Kwon feels terrible for even suggesting that this is a possibility. But now they need to explore any compound that would be their motive, Ahn Sung-Geun think brainwashing that he Lee Soo-hyun. The only thing they found out, does not look good: Dr. Kang Sung-Geun as a patient for three years treated

Seo-jin is an implacable wall when Hana comes down, and she holds him to say , with certainty that Dr. Kang is not guilty. She swears to the fact that she saw Dr. Kang lying in a pool of blood in her office that day, but Seo-jin remains cold and distant, and tells her to work on her own head.


Seo-jin visited Tae-joo, what he knows about Dr. Kang exploration mental hacking and Tae-joo finds Seo-jin fear. What he offers for Dr. Kang makes things not do better, of course he says that she is the only person in the country that he knows to draw the kind of brainwashing on the capabilities of that has been done.

Tae-joo focuses on Seo-jin kidnapping, and he asks for the insistence of the suspects who was Seo-jin of the events. He asks if Dr. Kang knew all about the kidnapping, and how they could be implanted memories that Seo-jin insists on not knowing.

Seo-jin leaves look and secretary Kwon ignored nervous insistence that they have to do a lot of work the meeting with a list of Dr. Kang research. He wants to go home, and pressed his eyes closed when he Hana earlier statement over and over again in his mind: "Trust me, it can not be Dr. Kang Trust me..."

Hana calls Tae-joo to plan another meeting the next night, but he urges them to take it slow and not overwhelm. She takes his advice, and after hanging up, he blames them for the show that day endures in the hospital and in this. Huh, maybe that's caring behavior is not all an act, when it comes to Hana?

But then he sees on his screen, where he has moved on video by Robin and Seo-jin side-by-side, and ominously, he says, they will soon see.

Hana comes home, Seo-jin knee-deep in Dr. Kang Research, excited even more than usual and enter to find yourself paper cuts as. Through the pages in mindless rage Flips She grabs a patch and put it only on his finger, already with its brand of stubborn refusal.

He lets them, and then pulls his hand away and goes to turn pages back right. She asks why he does this when he knows Dr. Kang has not done it. He was ten years her patients, and he knows that he can their trust-er wants to trust her.

But Seo-jin spits angry that his own father did not come to him, so why should he ever trust a single soul? He denies that he ever trusted Dr. Kang: ". I never have trusted someone" Hana with sympathetic eyes looks at him and tells him the story of a little boy who used every night on a bridge to get to jump intend [

asks if he remembers, and she says that she watched him every night because he seemed sad and to be in danger. She was there because she fell while a wire trick to learn, and for a while she was afraid to go back because she was afraid of wires.

Her father told her that it was her anxiety not the wire had but herself She shares what her father told her. "Himself trust. Then everything you fear in the world goes away. "you Seo-jin says to trust, if he can not trust anyone else, and leaves him deep in thought. start

He considers her words, and even Robin offer to help him to live. But Seo-jin clutches his head to stop the whirling thoughts of kidnapping and declared, in defeat, "It's too late." He sleeps directly on the floor with exhaustion.

This is exactly like Robin awakened that night, and he gets a call from Woo-jung reminds him back to get on his work webtoon. It ensures that Hana warn that Robin times have to work that night, so he joins to pull in his room. Hana asks him to check on Seo-jin, as he did not too well.

Morning Seo-jin wakes up in bed ... only it is not seo-jin. It is still Robin. Ruh-ROH. He calls secretary Kwon, who heard from Robin flips in the daytime. He runs into the house and found Robin in the mirror at his reflection staring, and continue to unravel a little more.

None of them know how this is done, as this is the first time, and Robin went to bed as it actually. But he points to the pile of books, and notes that this behavior is not normal Seo-jin, and he wonders if maybe what happened with Dr. Kang is scary enough that he does not want to face it.

Omg, has he retired indefinitely? Can he do that? Secretary Kwon asks the same thing, Robin eyeing suspiciously just in case he did something to keep Seo-jin comes out. Robin makes it clear that he does not have this kind of control, and this is just as frightening to him.

Of course it has to be the one day that Seo-jin can not call sick, there is a board meeting today, where he inevitably to a question and answer session of the vulture to be suspended on the board. Seo-jin for months on it prepared, and now he's nowhere to be found and Robin stands there looking confused.

Chairman Dad asks them to check, and if Secretary Kwon begins his words stumble, Robin hisses at him to say that they'll be there. Secretary Kwon breaks down within a glitch, but Robin says he can not just leave Seo-jin he lose everything worked and plans to play the role. That will be funny.

Robin passes into the bathroom and puts on a pair of glasses with determination and asks how that looks. Secretary Kwon yells: "You look like Robin with glasses!" But then he comes to his hair: "It's okay, it's okay, we-have the part." HAHAHA


Secretary Kwon attempts Seo-jin signature severe side part, just confused to get through if she goes to the right or vice versa to the left. Ha. Robin ineptly that it is left to right, and Secretary Kwon shakes his pomade and comb as a weapon, they both watch suspiciously as Robin begins his hair work alongside over.

First as Seo-jin dressed part is the simple and secretary Kwon trained Robin to see over the people, and ice-daggers glare. Robin tries to make ice with his eyeballs, and looks just like he is confused, scared, and a little constipated.

Secretary Kwon tells him he can not smile at all today, and its default mode should dismiss everyone and everything. Robin tries his best to save all faces and names and set all Seo-jin prepared answers to anticipated questions, not the least Secretary Kwon well with his brow furrowed.

Seung-yeon ensures with a few of the board members gang up on Seo-jin to meet during the session, and looks triumphantly, as Robin-as-Seo jin arrives late. To Secretary Kwon horror goes Robin around the room people shaking hands in greeting, the already so un-Seo-jin-like.

Robin will smoothly through the presentation, but it is the question that tripped him. When he asked Dr. Kang to be his doctor and if that means that he is being treated for psychological problems, Robin does not back down and says he experienced since the kidnapping Dr. Kang for some time, in an effort to to be as healthy and well adjusted as possible. When asked if he can prove his sanity, he agrees immediately, although he adds that Dr. Kang not so can do at the moment because she misses. Phew.

ask for Hana and why the circus was extended contract instead be completed as planned, and this time to defend Chairman Dad steps in the decision and add that it then terminate if the case Dr. Kang resolved is.

Robin begins agree, but then cuts to say that the contract will remain in force, so that it remembers the circus of the long history of Wonder. He says that Hana's passion for the circus of the mind to hold that he wants, how he leads Wonderland, a place to be, the people and touched it stimulates.

The meeting ends successfully, but the talk is enough for the chairman Dad to know that this is not Seo-jin, and he faced Robin and secretary Kwon about. Robin hangs his head and confesses the truth. Dad is ready to call it relies on Seo-jin and have him hospitalized, but Robin says Seo-jin behind him hiding right now, and that he wants Seo-jin to help out again.

not trust Dad Robin when he was allowed to proceed only with Seo-jin body for good. But Robin countered that he could have done if that is what he really wanted. It's a good point, and Papa no smartass remark it.

Secretary Kwon how he looks about ten years in a day in age, and as they take the elevator down, he admits that Robin with people is better when he realized impressed explodes keep Chairman Dad with the temporary plan. Robin says that they help not just empty words, he had really intended Seo-jin.

He admits that he does not know for sure whether or to help Seo-jin himself, and says that the most honest answer is that he is curious. He wants to know why Seo-jin hidden because it is the same reason why Robin available-the only thing he's never known.

He lights up when he sees go to Wonderland Hana, and it's messing with my head that he looks like Seo-jin, but she smiles so far. She has not noticed him before she passes to the circus office, and he is just like a goof grin.

Robin jumps nearly out of his skin when Woo-jung appears and acts friendly, but he soon realizes that she thinks he Seo-jin, and wrinkles forehead when she tells them allies split Hana-and-Robin-apart allies. It assumes that he is here to see Hana and runs into her to get so Robin turned about completely.

Hana comes from Seo-jin to meet and see him off already on foot, so that it follows. Earlier, Robin gets a call from a blocked number and the distorted voice on the other end tells him it's time ... to do justice and to do exactly what he says, or Dr. Kang dies.

Robin starts at the search, but we see that Tae-joo there in the background and watched him as he gives instructions over the phone. Tae-joo tells him to put his hand in his pocket, and go ahead, and Hana follows from afar.

Tae-joo takes him to the haunted house where the abduction began first, and says over the phone. "I am, Lee Soo-hyun Let's meet. "But ... Robin does not know who you are, right? , Eeek

Hana reached the foot of the haunted house, and she looks up, alarmed Seo-jin heading inside to see ...

Closing Caption: What I need now is the courage to look directly at my scar.


I can not decide whether it is good or bad for Robin in da , On the one hand, he does not have any of Seo-jin phobias or traumatic memories, he can go directly and confront Tae-joo head-on, and we know that he will not have a panic attack meltdown. On the other hand he has no idea what happened during the abduction to Seo-jin, so everything he is able to say the wrong thing. Not to mention the horror if anything should happen to Seo-jin retinue form inside , haunts the house.

I have to say, Tae-joo obsession with what has happened as children with them, makes me curious about the abduction, whereas before, I mostly just thought the situation was terrible, and he was crazy. Do not get me wrong, I still think he's crazy. It's just interesting that what it most is Seo-jin not remember what really happened, as if a child blocking out a traumatic memory is not quite normal seems to anger. Is not this kind of his professional specialty? But it makes sense that his only obsession is faced with making Seo-jin the past, because he feels justified in his anger, but no one is to make sure that he is right. If a crazy person stomps his feet in the forest and nobody is around to hear it, it really happened?

I'm pretty sure that Tae-joo already suspected that Robin Seo-jin split personality, which is the part that empty ransom is much more dangerous than making threats over the phone. I really do not think he'll kill Dr. Kang, because there is not much reason to keep her locked in a secret closet when he wanted from her. He even seems sympathetic to Hana, me crawling out more than if it only with her an annoying thorn in his side. If anything, it kills would keep his secret safe, but he is hypnotized they do not remember his face, and a bond with her as a patient forms, so they trusted him. THAT creeps from me.

I would have been today Schmoll have about the lack of Seo-jin, if it were not for the reverse undercover hijinks we got (although he is tomorrow, Riiiight ?). I have for Robin's turn to wait Seo-jin to play, and only the hair jokes were worth it alone. I wish his day was, however, not be issued in the board meeting, I get the motivation for him to dress the part and play, but what I want is to see the reaction with Seo-jin to Hana relationship Robin. I found his jealousy nice, but I want to take kind of each of them, the other more seriously as a competitor.

Is that funny? It's just not a whole lot of conflict in this drama, crazy kidnapping doc regardless, and I think he underestimated Hana concern for Seo-jin. He did not help with security when that suicide boy was said on the bridge her Seo-jin-now it is that the two "twins" know Seo-jin one makes it for a full year watching about. Her feelings for Seo-jin are still very much concern and sympathy, but I can see how Seo-jin the wounded puppy her heart ache in a way makes the happy, well-adjusted Robin not.

And because of the growing love triangle, I find that I am relieved that we are playing the double angle, when it comes to Hana because I feel it is important for them, they separated as completely to see. Is it wrong to hope that she finds out, never the truth? I know that can not happen, but a part of me wants the version where they Seo-jin face his fears helps so that it is strong enough to stand on their own, and she falls in love with him in the process and never know the truth about Robin. I do not know, maybe I'm splitting hairs, but their choice one over the other with me sitting better than they love both, but I think we will later cross the bridge inevitable. Until then, more Seo-jin-as-Robin and vice versa please. We barely cracked the surface with the hair jokes. And we did not even get to the flower pants.

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tags: featured, Han Ji-min, Hyde Jekyll Me, Hyun Bin, Sung Joon

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