Recap And Reviews Kdrama Gap-dong: Episode 10

Recap and reviews korean drama Gap-dong: Episode 10 -

We take a total step forward in the who's Gap-dong secret, but also, perhaps a step back? I dont know. It's not conclusions-arrive with ten episodes of left way too early in the show so I'm still taking our current case development another turn and not our objective, which means that the answer to a question, usher in the we a bunch of new. I think that's why they call it a myestery


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we secure something open it with the conversation in Tae-oh apartment. he considers Maria unclaimed coffee card, used nine times, and says that he is curious to know more about what happened in Gap-dong ninth murder. "I feel like there something interesting about it, "he says." something else than what the world knows. "Maria says that the secret of the ninth murder to know he is the one it would have to be to commit." I'll never tell you, "says it. [1945009[

Tae-oh says he is glad to get the chance to see her before he dies, the course attracts Maria attention. he says his mother "gift" to him and tells her that it is up to her to decide whether to live 'll or die. he swallows the pill.

Mu-Yeom answered the ringing pay phone, all nervous anticipation, only to find that officer Young -ae on the line (they had helped him to wage locate phone). He would put to the task of tracking Maria, and Young-ae reported that Maria with Tae-oh Place. Mu-Yeom heads over immediately.

Maria scoffs at Tae-oh charge for their decision, then leaves him to die alone. But the moment she steps out, her hands trembling as she calls Mu Yeom, shakily to ask, "Is it okay ... to kill him" She screams that she wants, Tae-oh dying, but the conflict she tears up.

Mu-Yeom calls in both ambulances and police officers who bring in the hospital Tae-oh. The curious reporter trying to get a look at the suspect and pushes around her nose, although it is kept so far away for them.

Then Mu-Yeom Maria says she did the right thing calling him. She is shocked at her own thoughts, but he assures her that it is a normal human reaction-it is the psychopath who without feeling any conflict would be at this moment. Maria asks anxiously how can they stop Tae-oh, but now he has no good answer.

The story makes front-headlines in the newspapers, with a large photo of Tae-oh him to identify as a gap-dong suspects. This is not only a great development in the case, it is also noteworthy, given the prominence of the Ryu family. We had that his father president of a company had been told, and could see that Tae-oh came from wealth, but now it seems he is actually near chaebol to level. Well, that explains why his mother had wanted to keep a low profile all for them.

The media is all over the story, which only adds to the authorities on the headache. First of all, Tae-oh right reps retaliate hard asserted with action, defamation and emotional stress, and the prosecutor is worried that he has been pushed into a corner.

Detective Ki-ri faced the inquisitive reporter for the story leaking because it was a look so keen on getting as Tae-oh was taken away. But she insists that she did not do it argues that this Tae-oh page was orchestrated a calculated move. She advises Ki-ri on a good look, who benefits from this latest twist that makes much craftier Tae-oh family when someone give them credit for had given. But why is the reporter on the outside smarter than the team of police officers who have been working this case for months?

The Ryu family high-powered lawyer reported Tae-oh mother that they were fortunate in as dissolved things because Tae-oh could have lost his life, when things went wrong. Hm, so Mom had not ordered him to die?

In a flashback, we see how the scene had actually played out when Mom Tae-oh, gave the pills. She tells him to take these pills in an angry suicide gesture (to be angry about accused unjustly, she says), but in a situation where he would be saved at the last minute. So he gains credibility by attempting to go through, but gets to keep his life.

Therefore, the lawyer says Tae-oh had to call happiness to Mary, because it was no guarantee that she would call for help. You'd meant for Tae-oh to call someone a little more friendly, but in the end it all works out in their favor. Mom leaves the rest lawyer Kwon regulate, and he assures her that he would make sure Tae-oh is declared innocent.

in the prison hospital, the occupants gossip about Tae-oh to be a psychopath, all share how they felt totally that about him, while Tae-oh was here, but simply said, not so for one or the other reason. Everyone is a genius in hindsight, is not it?

Tae-oh is in his own luxurious private wing of the hospital where Mu-Yeom visits him up (while reading Crime and Punishment , Speaking ). Mu-Yeom revisits the polygraph question to ask if Tae-oh really wants to stop his behavior, but Tae-oh says he does not know himself.

Mu-Yeom then asks if he began to Tae-oh all those years ago to plant in the head by Tae-oh father was killed on the wrong track with the idea of ​​Gap-dong. He stated that he had spent time in his youth on fixed Gap-dong, to think that Gap-dong has an impressive person grasp to defeat, with extraordinary skills or intelligence. But now he realized that Gap-dong is just a son of a bitch, the detection is dodged.

Tae-oh replies: "You are right first, it was you and you've been my hero and my God..." For a while, Tae oh had entertained the theory that Mu-Yeom had his father was copycatting and wanted to meet him and find out something. Mu-Yeom leans forward, eager to hear this question, only to Tae-oh tell him that he does not know the answer only for Gap-dong and Maria does not know.

Mu-Yeom curiosity spikes when he asks what Gap-dong was like, and Tae-oh replies that he "had an unexpected appearance." this is the only clue he provides, however, and called the visit to an end.

to put

Tae-oh lawyer visits him next to him of recent events in knowledge that are looking for cheap Tae-oh-there is a growing belief that he has been wrongly accused, and it becomes more difficult for the authorities to arrest him.

Ji-wool makes a delivery for chicken restaurant her mother (product placement in this show is seriously amusing that it is so random and out of place) not realizing that Tae-oh is the object until it is in front of him. She tries to apologize immediately, but he plays on their sympathies and asks her to stay because he hates to eat alone, and get it down to sit back.

you are still around to confusion around him, because it considers it not to think guilty. But at least his head still problems some warnings, because they know they should keep their distance, and she goes.

Mu-Yeom continues his stakeout of the phone booth, and as the last time he is ready to call it a day on which the cell phone begins to ring. Heart pounding, he takes on the handset and is greeted with Gap-dong whistle. Bingo.

Gap-dong begins by saying that this will probably be the last call, and asks if he is listening. Mu-Yeom is not responding, and Gap-dong hangs up the phone. Finally, we see the face on the other end, and not surprisingly, it is Poopy, also known as Park Ho-seok. After the call hangs up, he takes his meek attitude (and speaks in a deliberately higher-pitched voice) when he released his stuff, he is collecting.

Poopy / Park Ho-seok steps out of prison a free man leave as Mu-Yeom drives to prison. But Mu-Yeom does not see him, and Park Ho-seok makes his way to the bus stop, where he borrows a phone of another passenger name Tae-oh. Just to make things absolutely clear, Park Ho-seok says the words "Ha Mu Yeom know I'm Gap-dong", but interestingly, he sounds panicked about to be discovered, while Tae-oh remains prudent. It almost sounds like Tae-oh bossing Gap-dong to, and not vice versa.

Tae-oh told Park Ho-seok that his limitation he is got nothing to worry about is to end, and sighs that the only thing he over disappointed not about the ninth murder to learn secret get. But he can hear that from Park later Ho-seok, he says, and hangs up.

We see that the ninth case of Maria perspective as they flash back to that day, after playing rock paper scissors and her best friend had died instead of them. She had her life Gap-dong bat and tried to negotiate by offering to remain silent when he let her go. She asked was, "was should not win the game, to me live?" Maria shakes that memory out of his head.

Mu-Yeom comes in the hospital to check on his call history, and flips out to hear that Park Ho-suk has just been published. Ah, she had received a sudden order from above, suggesting that Tae-oh had his lawyer draw strings.

Park Ho-seok followed Maria downward while it is on a jog out and calls them out of the taxi he drives. As she recognizes him from the hospital, it gives us the low-down on his statistics: 43 years old, from social phobia and deceptions, imprisoned for repeated thefts. He insists they go home and they usher in the car ... what dragged Tae-oh marks, behind Maria in the park. He sees this sad-is not part of the plan?

Mu-Yeom Reviews Park Ho-seok of the file, and frankly nobody is all that worried about his release but him. Park cover was so thorough that they all know him to be the prison losers, and are skeptical of Mu-Yeom demands. But as Mu-Yeom realizes that Park was assigned doctor Maria, he asks himself: "Was that it?"

In the taxi, noted Maria that the name on the poster is not Park Ho-seok, although forcing them to casually sound as they congratulated him on looking for a job so quickly. Park Ho-seok only says he was lucky, then sheepish sounds when he "accidentally" the wrong road takes.

Mu-Yeom calls while she is in the car, and warns them that Park Ho-seok Gap-dong. He has as natural as they can to get out without drawing his suspicions, and she manages to without betraying him to draw their knowledge of. Park face twists angry to be frustrated, but he sticks to his persona docile and lets it go.

Maria asks him to explain why he came to look for her, but Park just apologized and said he'll tell you next time. Maria rushes home to their followers in an almost panic, peering from her window when she calms down. But then Park Ho-seok comes into view in their front yard, and not trying to duck out of sight and times when she keeps on her locked doorknob to shake.

But then swells trouble and they come to a different decision, the door to throw open and stomp the yard Park Ho-seok face. She winces when he pulls something out of his pocket, but it's only her cell phone, which he holds out to her. It goes without further ado.

Mu-Yeom speeds right over and found them in her garden, looking confused. Also it does not have to be convinced that he has to be about him Gap-dong after him. Never once suspected, while in the hospital right Mu-Yeom is safe, however, and reminds them earlier in their words, that Gap-dong is sure to have changed.

Now we flash back to Tae-oh discovery of Gap-dong in the prison kitchen, seen this time by Park Ho-seok perspective. He had the fishing knot Tae-oh shown and called it his signature, while an awed Tae-oh had asked how he managed to stop killing before he is caught-he was the only one who has to do it in a position , The other held only because they have been caught, but Gap-dong paused.

There Mr. Choi, who had stepped in front of the Park was able to answer, which may explain how he found out about Gap-dong.

Park Ho-seok steps out of his car, and when he comes back, there is a surprise visitor in his backseat: Tae-oh. The air is tense, and they do not seem excited to see each other. Ooh, this story is not to take more friends on a different turn with our buddy killer?

Tae-oh asks why Park Ho-seok Maria sought, and reminds him that he is actually telling him the secret of the ninth murder. Park secures nervous and said that he had promised to tell him when it was time for the ninth murder, and Tae-oh retorts: "Then I should be preceded by the ninth case?" Park eyes widen in alarm this guy is way too afraid to be the real Gap-dong, it is not

Tae-oh narrowed his eyes, the same guessing, "you do not know, you do" Park Ho-seok clings to the story and said that he knew about the node, and Tae-oh asks him to demonstrate his things personally. Park sips, and Tae-oh laughs.

So now Park sweats over his dilemma, overlooking a bridge in the water under, and try to flag a police car in an outburst of despair down.

There are twelve days until the anniversary of the sixth murder leave, but Profiler Han has a brainstorm and calls Mu Yeom to draw his attention. count Twenty years ago, when they are on the lunar calendar occurred sixth murder the day before Budday birthday. In other words, today.

Mu-Yeom reviewing his notes, and sure enough, there it is May 17 by the solar calendar, the lunar was 7 April.

Meanwhile, the investigation unit shall be informed on the key points of the sixth case: Middle-aged victims this time, their hands tied with a scarf, with rolls of wallpaper in the vicinity and a taxi somehow involved ... faith itself 12 days to have, they are not working at full urgency, but Mu-Yeom joins the briefing to explain that it could happen today.

Maria has made before a hypnotherapist mention of vision, but today is the first time that we see them in one sitting. You will be instructed to think back, and describes in the reeds to be at the scene of the ninth killing. They tried to glean more details from her memory, and the therapist pushes her courage to resist to look up at the ajusshi face.

, it is not able to come up with all new and Profiler Han worried then that it would again plagued with nightmares, as they used to be. But it needs more evidence their sense of their confusion about the new suspects to help, because it keeps him, it is unthinkable. "I'm afraid I'm going crazy," she said to him worried. "I'm sorry that I can not do anything, and it drives me crazy."


Ji-wool mother heads out of their chicken shop, and the next door you realize fairly new scarf. And who should be on hand to offer his taxi services, but to watch Park Ho-seok, who is outside her shop for just this opening, it seems.

Mom calls for a trip to the temple, which gives him the chance that there is to be observed tomorrow, Buddha's birthday. Mom says she's gone a wish for her annoying daughter to make, and Park Ho-seok hands over some money and asks her to make a wish for him, too. His request? "To get back to me my twenty years old self." Why is that all serial murders enter backache, old man?

Mom tells him to give her his name and address, so that they can fulfill the desire, but he refuses.

Am Mu Yeom station pore over CCTV footage of the city to watch the movements of the cab. The police ask where he heads, and Mu-Yeom draws its course on the map ... and the path to take him to the temple.

Ji-wool is busy at work in the temple, to accept templegoers' payments in exchange for their wishes. Or rather, I should say hectic in the temple, because she sure knows how to manipulate anxious mothers that they make more dough cough up for premium wish Update Locations. After all, what is an additional hundred dollars when the Second Chance university are your child's hopes at stake? ( "Ah, you want to update thirty US dollars? But the number three seems rather unfortunate how third for a attempt heading ... Ah, would you like one hundred US dollars then?")

Mu-Yeom shows in the temple to ask for some strange taxis to make an appearance. But on a busy day like today, there were more than a few taxis doing the rounds that offers little help.

Ji-wool pulls him aside to tell him of her encounter, can not be so terrible with Tae-oh in the hospital and it has pretty much he decided. She sighs sympathetically about him to be rich but lonely, with no one to visit him, and then says that she thinks that Tae-oh she called it specifically because he likes them. PSH. You know, if they were the victim of the day I would be pretty upset, but at this point their deceptions are kinda cute. She says that there is such a concern that his feelings go to her and asks, "Are not you jealous Angry?" Cuddles she to him, and he Grumps: "You want me to hit you?"

Chul-gon can be found in the hot seat with the special investigators who turn their icy cynicism on him in the interrogation room. Now a new rumor circulating that Chul-Gon working to help Tae-oh, that is so absurd that bursts out laughing Chul-gon. But it is not just grilled, dip the investigators on issues that they were to contact him unable, before he was taken in the case, because of his position of authority. Now they wonder why Mu Yeom up ended shot instead of Tae-oh, as if that was his plan all along.

Ji-wool mentioned to Mu-Yeom that her mother is on the way to meet them, and should arrive any minute. But Mama takes longer than expected, and Ji-wool calls to check on her, so that a voice mail asking if they drunk or asleep. She is not worried-still. But it should be.

Park Ho-seok has called for his next victim, and drags nut body along a dirt road in a remote area.

Mu-Yeom goes along, as it has a sudden flash of insight, thinking back to the taxi he had previously seen on the CCTV cameras. He pulls over next to the empty parked taxi, and sees the mobile phone in the passenger seat, as it lights up with a new message. Mu-Yeom reads the text (of "daughter Matilda" -Matilda is Ji-wool pseudonym) and it is an anxious message asking why Mom is not responding. Nearby he finds a discarded purse.

Chul-gon presented with bank records, noted with a certain (very large) deposit of a Mr. Kwon. This is Tae-oh lawyer and Chul-gon both recognize what happened and realizes that he is screwed through them. He told his interrogators that an investigation is understandable given the deposit: "But is caught after the Gap-dong I habs I'll then see.?."

But he surprised by the declaration that has already been found Gap-dong. Chul-gon beelines for unity "Detectives and asks for the arrest and Park Ho-seok of the file transferred.

You mean Gap-dong has been identified, but it has not yet been arrested. Currently, Park Ho-suk is still at large, and hovering over Ji-wool mother, as he prepares to do the deed. Remarkably, his hands tremble. do this even just to prove? Park begins Mom with her scarf to strangle, but that arouses them on, and they hit back to bite him and run away.

Mu-Yeom racing along the road try to look Mom, and will show the track marks where it was drawn. He follows the trail, while mom struggling to escape their pursuers.

Back in the city, Tae-oh puts in an appearance at a nightclub, scanning the crowd of partiers, until he sees what he wants. Maria, sitting alone at the bar Today it is a cross between its normal appearance and her Vixen Maria getup make a show, dressed much bolder than usual, but the wig and extravagant makeup missing.

His smile drops when its "suicide performance," comments, saying that they should ensure that he died. "It can not be that pathetic Gap-dong Your hero is," she says with disdain. "You must go further-you should accomplish what he did not." Her tone bordering mockingly when she asks if he wants to move to this reed field, and Tae-oh, suddenly furious, grabs her arm and pulls it aside a dark corner of the club.

He pushes down on the couch, then hovering over her, brushing his fingers the hair from her face. "I do not know if I'll strangle the neck", he says. "So do not provoke me. I do not want the woman who dies tonight for you. "

Out in the field of reeds, Park Ho-seok has Ji-wool mother caught and control of the situation again, dragging along, as she screams for mercy. He stares at her when he was in a gun his hand gripping a hammer.

He raises it with a trembling arm, as Mu-Yeom hurtling at him through the field. Mu-Yeom starts in the Park ...


Hm, so Poopy's our man-or is it? The show like definitely to mess with misdirects and red herrings, and he to be his way in terrified the real Gap-dong, but there is enough evidence built us now to keep. How to return him to his youth, and the proposal, the Gap-dong has changed. I do not suppose an unscrupulous rates killer had changed to a fear losers over the years, but you know, I suppose happened to strangers things. Until the show this frees us, we can not reasonably conclude whether Park Ho-seok is our man or just another copycat ,

My stomach is going with copycat, though, considering how anxious he seemed Tae-oh thought he was lying. And if he were the true Gap-dong, what the hell did he have to fear? So the question in my mind is why he decided to take on this shape, and what he might benefit from it.

Oh, and who is the real gap dong if it's just another wannabe. It is quite possible that he learned the fishing knot from the real criminal, but we've kind of exhausted from the prison for suspects family, right? I wonder where the show to go from here, because at this point no new character is to appear blatantly as they advise continue to keep us? Not that the show has done a stellar job that-I think we are all sorta looked Poopy a mile away, it was from day 1 or more recently. Anyway it was not a stunner, and I still hold hope that the show in the sleeve will have something to offer, otherwise the way to the final in fact, could be boring.

But on his head, even if the secret of Gap-dong identity has not been to make the most enigmatic mystery drama land, well, at all, at least I can enjoy the characterizations. I do not really care about me as a person or Poopy his backstory, but I find it interesting to watch his bravado clash with his scaredy-pants flashes. The show has also not made me curious about the circumstances of the case (we will receive these details, as they are necessary, but there is no sense of clock ticks or urgency of the case itself), but I find on motivations ask our characters, and try to analyze their psychological foundations.

, for example, is an actual emotion than we Maria-say, worry or anger or care or is it just the detached possessiveness of someone Tae-oh feeling that has marked his territory, and someone else does not want his property claim? Is he the only one who gets with their toys? Or he is motivated by something deeper?

I find it interesting that he took the pill for true despite the possibility of Maria not to call for help. Granted, she has someone calls at the end, even if they at Emergency services directly not have directly the request, but he miscalculated with her and I think that was a risk he took. There was no certainty that she would do as he wished, and things might have ended very badly for him. He has a need to prove something to her, in addition to the world is deceptive? What really drives him?

is to give our heroes Not too short, but I do to find the psychology of villains much more compelling in this drama that is so bad. The thing is, I love Yoon Sang-hyun in this role and I am thrilled that he is finally aligned with a role to show him so much of his reach, allowing as it can handle is (unlike some earlier rolls over which I felt he was wasting). In a spectacle plane, I enjoy pretty much all performances across the board, the Kim Min-jung, Kim Ji-won, Sung Dong-il, Kang Nam-gil, and so on contains. It's just that on a character level Mu Yeom and Maria are fairly straightforward boring, and so Tae-oh ends up being the only one I speculate on, and whose inner life I'm really curious about. I suppose there are worse problems to have (you know, like finding nobody convincingly), but you know I like to be greedy.

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