Recap And Reviews Kdrama Full sun: Episode 9

Recap and reviews korean drama Full sun: Episode 9 -

It is time , our heroine grew a back against Papa Han and those whom it considers best might compromise. But while their sharp tongue provides some icy words, her heart still remains susceptible to persuasion. Emotions are laid bare in this hour for cheaters and non-cheaters alike-good for character development, bad for conning.


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When Se-Ro lay on the floor bleeding, Secretary Han Papa Han leans message to deliver: stay away from Young-won and Belle la Messe. left behind with an envelope of money, Se-ro consciousness slips into.

in other countries, Jae-in in Kang-jae lack of urgency in Se-ro capture angry and stunned that he did not go loving dongsaeng save his.


storms in Young-joon office Young, calling the current state of things to know. with the imminent threat Daddy Han corrupt dealings exposed cuts it to the point and is little bro choice: either continue in other words Papa Dearest behest or protect Belle la do Messe: .. Papa Han or her

There are a newly discovered ring of confidence in voice Young-won as she says, they have the means to have to help him, and the (including Ms. Baek) can bring together down Papa Han three of them.

your provision does Young -joon short stagger from, but another prod to how he has the place does not deserve as president, has mocked him in response. Before discussing the matter further, angry Hong bursts into the office Young-won over Se-ro kidnapping. to confront

Speaking, Jae-in takes the reins to follow in this operation and orders Third Wheel Lackey Secretary Ahn phone. (It is also sweet that the agents makes her promise Kang-jae to apologize on his behalf.) You expires with Hama once they access a common location.

At the same time, Young-won an overview of the safety belts and recognizes the license plate.

Papi Han is busy pacifying one of his business partners in his office assured him with a smile that everything is under control. And I could respect not an expert on all things crooks, but maybe you not want your shady dealings to label documents "Secret contract," Just Sayin.

The fake smile drops when later won barges in moments-Young, wanted to know what her father has done with Se-ro. It is immediately dragged out of the office, screaming at the top of their lungs, and then asks for responses on the doorstep.

Secretary Ahn car pulls to build only as Young-won outside accompanied. You take the car to look, and if Secretary Ahn plays dumb about everything, she swears never to forget what happened today.

Young-won her promise to her stepmother holding back at home, more than we see them refusing Woman Baek to tolerate the more nagging. Now bear their words an icy tone, as she says, she knows how disappointed her stepmother is that it again so soon.

Ms. Baek have to work hard, how much she hates her family and how far they are ready to leave and give up, keep them in their fight against your feint act like a mother to her won-Young bitter noticed-because Young-won is busy viewing.

these words really surprise Madame Baek, but I'm loving this new spitfire turn in Young-won.

Once finally Se-ro hours later he wakes beelines demand for Han Residenz an audience with Papa Han. Shocked by his bloody state, Young-Won rushes outside him despite Se-Ro weary insistence to do justice, that he was not here, they can be seen.

seconds ro insists that he's fine and Young-won asks tears in her eyes when her father ordered the beating. He tells her not to apologize because he has decided Young-won, and her father as two separate entities to consider.

"No matter what your father did to me, or what I do with him, I would not have to worry about for you," Se-ro says, struggling to stay upright. He refuses to go to the hospital and tried to usher inside

But that's when Papa Han home and masks his annoyance comes in surprise to see Se-Ro. "What I see before me" Se-ro replies:

However throws Papa Han to hit his hand when Se-ro says he is here, "a man." to the apology of chairman. He is like any other man, bleeding and bruising and is angry when struck Se-Ro continued, and there is a measure of disbelief in his voice how someone could do this to another human being.

Papi Han 'doesn t even flinch at the words, as Se-ro filled with money raises the hideous jacket. Young-Won is disgusted that her father would beat almost anyone to death and then pay, but go ignored her words.

Papi Han says Se-Ro should be happy that Young-won here, but Se -ro cuts him off, "otherwise you would have killed me?" slightly mad eyes, he wonders if the hitman would have been more rewarded by his death.

Se-ro stops Papa Han within step most honest question to ask in their conversation so far: "Why did you make me into this"

in tears pooling, he begs, "Apologize [to me]. that you I have done wrong. Then I'll try again to forgive." Oh, you talk about everything, not just the final blows , not true?

But if Papa all but laughed in his face, secondary ro says: ". I will not forgive you" And then wipes his bloody lip with Young-won sweater before away wobbling.

Disappointed by her father more than ever, grabs Young-Won a suitcase, ready to leave for a good time. She makes two requests: that Se-Ro remain intact, because there is nothing between them is wrong, and that her father puts his money laundering so that it revealed in the media

, it is not the slightest fear. their threats of the father to cut connections when the door goes out; he can do it not, and they would have done it years ago when they could. Papa Han is hurt by her betrayal, and Young-won, said she wanted to be a kind of daughter, but that she would be a horrible person, have had the consequence.

Nor do they trust their own father nor can it continue to ask their lives in this way, and Young-won, whether it every day is the foreign for his confused countless times. It all comes down to her disappointment in her father down, so why must they endure this life? Papa Han is not responding.

When Young-joon tries to stop them, but Young-Won reminded him of their former range thinking.

Young-won heads Se-ro apartment that are holding his pipe. Kang-jae she spots outside linger and makes them believe that he is thinking, here it is to see her boyfriend and hands away from his bag of groceries, for which they enjoy together. Aw, those were for Se-Ro? Although, chips and fruit

Ha, I love how Young-Won pushes through Hong (the nurse Zilch Se-Ro does have) to be inwardly. Hong barely heaved a sigh before he is handed his things and essentially thrown out of the apartment.

Young-won apologizes to a sleeping Se-Ro, as it tends to explain to him that they leave their homes to live their own lives , She has to thank him for the realization of how fragile and terribly she has been. Se-Ro turns in his bed, making her wonder if he heard them. A hand on his cheek, she pitied him on his hard knock life.

When Se-Ro wakes up later in the night, he strokes her hair gently, and Young-won opens his eyes, still awake.

on the ceiling, Se-ro thinks of himself: "Why can not I be strong Your father made me this way, but why can not refuse me, your caring hands me all night? suckled long? "

Se-ro finds himself alone in the morning, waiting breakfast for him. When he eats, he asks himself: "When I made you eat me, I want to ask your forgiveness the broth?"

Young-joon is not to come in a hurry despite his mother afraid to work as execs react about the company as soon as they hear word about their failed contract with FL Gemstones.

Ms. Baek wants to prove her son that he is qualified for the job, but Young-joon sighs that now that she got him to this position afraid it is that they are taken away from her becomes.

Kang-jae and Jae-in on the way to the same meeting, and rugged apologize today. He mentioned that Young-won swung by and it is their job to separate the budding lovebirds. Jae-in matches.

you run into Madam Baek and her son together with the Board of Directors who are not too pleased to hear that an alliance with FL Gemstones has not been finally made.

The employees celebrate Young-won return to work, and it's nice how they shower them with gifts and words of encouragement. Young-joon observed the feast at the door before going to have a word with his sister, interrupts.

Young-won intends the design team, whether little head bro likes it or not, and the company run again, finally. Young-joon asks how it intends to do that without the help of her father, and she says she has set aside a small sum and propose a deal with FL Gemstones.

This makes Young-joon wonders if his sister doesn 't it either believe. He believes that the FL Gemstones fraudsters were Affairs digging in her father and that the paper company documents came from them.

counter-Young won that not everyone is as suspicious as Young-joon is, and it is possible that they were instead looking into the company. The realization that he can not get anywhere with this argument leaves Young-joon the matter drop.

After Hong grabs Se-ro stuff in his office, he returns to inform secondary ro that work Young-won has returned. In addition, she wants to expose her father's misdeeds and now, it is with Jae-in.

Se-Ro drives gone to meet at their meeting place, only to be stopped in order of Kang-jae. Se-Ro asks him to leave this Young-won, because they still have to take the Han family down. But Kang-jae, it does not matter where the money comes from, because they are the ones to benefit from it.

Se-Ro not see why they all act in this way because he here Daddy Han fight, not mess with a completely innocent woman like Young-won. But Kang-jae stands his ground and asks if his vengeance to the chairman get all because they are fraudsters at the end of the day.

yet they can not put a finger on Young-won, remains Se-ro. Kang-jae grabs him when he tries to step in, and warns: "The moment you walk there ... it's the end for us."

inside, Young-Won told from a larger investment than they have previously discussed. Jae-in can not miss the opportunity to ask her if she is dating Se-Ro, which denies Young-Won. Jae-in is that they glad to hear it, and warns her to be with him on their toes because "Lee ... a cheater is Eun-soo."

And it looks like Young-won it, because it believes moves from the touch of the Se-ro in rejection to its range of home to take her back.

to register both their response and Se-ro declares that he heard, she's back to work her brother and to help you. He asks why they try out the hard way, to save Belle la Messe instead would choose step, but she interrupts him to ask him: "Is there something you are hiding from me"

He doesn 'understand where this is coming from a sudden t. passes a moment before Young-Won admits that she currently suspected and goes away

But then he calls Se-Ro for her. "They that say! Just listen [to me]. "Omo is that the first time you talk to her in banmal?

We return to the rest of Jae-in and Young- wons conversation while riding in a taxi. Jae-in told her that Se-ro is a section for striking wanted a deal with Belle la Mass. he also had to shake free you should feel the rich family for money, and that he would do work to convince Young-Won to agree.


Young-won asked why she will now be informed and it is said that it is appropriate now, given the recent events with a new president and all.

these words leads Young-Won to believe the feeling that FL gems are the cheats and stops Se-ro this theory to say face to face. you can not believe that secondary ro fool would only her to wring out of money and asks if he have done something in the past to ruffle their feathers.

Se-ro listened in silence to all this, and then does not respond. Go In proposing to Kang-jae and Jae-in front, to resolve the matter, Se-Ro asks what would Young-Won do if they happen to be right, and he was an impostor.

He sighs at her naivete, and then answers her tears, Se-ro to remember that it is not true. Young-Won believes him and Se-Ro she pulls into a tight hug.

Then Se-Ro meets with Kang-jae on the roof, the latter of which is already waiting. Se-Ro admits that he was reckless to Young-won, as he thought she was his target. Even when he found out that Papa Han was responsible, he still crouched in fear of the Chairperson and thought won an easy target-Young.

"But it is not petty pick on the weak and simple?" Se-ro asks. "Let's not quibble to lead life."

Kang-jae wants to continue his life to live, and Se-ro argument that cared Young-Won for his grandmother, Kang-jae replies, Jae-in took care of him while he was in prison.

Se-ro-know how it feels to be stepped on, if no mistake of your own, and it's the same for Young-won. He also knows it sounds strange ", but when I see them, I have kept the memory of how it was to live as Jung Se-Ro."

Now Kang -jae puts his bitterness blank before Se-ro, like how he was abandoned by his own father when he was young, and robbed, to impress Se-ro father. "They were always embarrassed I wanted from the things. So you feel miserable."

Thus, while the Se-Ro would have to love the luxury of his enemy's daughter, that is not the case it all Kang see -jae is money they can plunder in this job.

Growing desperate, Se-ro says he feels sad as Young-won know nothing, but still chooses to love him. Kang-jae asks if Se-Ro thinks she'll be grateful to him if she learns later down the road. What is Se-Ro say if he will take with bitterness met?

They both know that Se-Ro has no answer. Se-Ro admits tearfully: "I have tried my best to hate them, but instead of hating them, it was easier to love it!"

Therefore he can not go wrong more of her, and asks that they put an end to mess with her. Kang-jae eyes were several times wavered in this exciting week, but the last request advice to him and he agrees to put down Young-Won.

Instead, this is where she says separate ways, Kang jae. "And if we were like brothers, we will meet again someday, even if we separate like that."

In order to announce Kang-jae storms down the rest of the team, the Se-ro is no longer part of this task. Kang-jae shouts out to Se-Ro and then drags him out if he does not, pinning him to the wall.

"Do you think that we were born different, is not it? That you're a good person, and I have no choice [but to be awful], is not it?" Kang-jae roars out before stalking.

Se-Ro admits in Hong, who is then told by Kang-jae, not to speak a word Se-ro about their future dealings with Belle la fair, even if it includes Young-Won. Why do I find it so funny that people keep their secrets with the biggest blabbermouth in this drama verse?

Kang-jae meets President Shin Pil-do return the blue diamond necklace. He confirmed that Papa Han seemed to be shaken by their interference and growing slightly uneasy as President Shin giggles that Papa Han could come crawling to him.

for signs of an investment deal with FL Gemstones Young-Won from, Kang -jae drops the bomb to Jae-in that Se-ro stopped working with them.

Granny falls through with homemade food for Young-Won, which they used as a segue to bring secondary ro. She is touched to hear that Se-Ro all the special things listed them her house pleased to supply, and asks what relationship Young-Won with him.

Young-won describes Se-ro as a warm person that she is grateful to that is extremely good even to her. Grandma is happy to hear that and squeezes Young-won hand and said that she does not know what kind of relationship they had in their previous lives.

Young-won answers that it must have been unfortunate and that they have in this life, met again need to reconcile their relationship. Aww, I love these two together.

Jae-in faced Se-Ro to admit to his house, that she thought the sky had fallen when he was captured. Just because he pulled out this work, nothing changes, Jae-in presses, because Young-won signed on their fake contract mainly.

This is a message to Se -ro, and neither he nor Jae-in are aware that Young-won to the House on foot, is as they speak, the homemade food carries in his hand.

Jae-in, she says Korea now should leave, and when Se-ro shut down this idea, she screams: "I'm invisible?"

your eyes with tears, she says Se-ro of the time to think that they have spent together. Se-Ro tells her to give him a break, to which Jae-in counter, "How much do they like you to Kang-jae and I would leave?"


Se-ro yells back: "I did not want to con I did not want the woman con."

Jae-in asks whether this helped the fact that it deletes her bring Young-won downward, and how hard he. out of it, that the money cheat "How much she has already lost because of you?"

Se-Ro: "So I want now to stop things Da Han Young-Won is innocent.." And not too far away, Young-won eyes widen in everything she's just heard.


And now white-well, you know that Lee is Eun-soo a cheater at least , As if the two do not have enough trouble a trust to another, as it is. Oy.

The terrible truth of this disclosure (which would inevitably happened earlier or later) is that currently the Se-Ro guilt and tried to stop the con is not change the fact that he. In the cheated beginning She has even said it, that they do not rely on the trust in people has twice, and I see a lot of trouble and propose to trust to in Se-Ro to such an intimate level. And at this point are the people who can trust are few and far between. When I step back were to assess their current situation, I would be surprised that someone like Young-won has not burst into itself given how their confidence implodes circle so fast and quick.

Of which set it apart was a joy Young-won take action to see in this episode and break out of this shell wallflower. Your newfound determination made me want to scream, "You go, girl!" Several times in this episode, as we saw, to stand Papa Han to protect and things that keeps them prefer men. I love the new fieriness in them and their Spitfire tongue you speak your mind and show their own attack cards. This turn in Young-won has not change overnight, as, as we have seen, their naivety you still fall victim in FL to believe at the end of rock (which was their confidence in Se-Ro connected indirectly, methinks). Neither this change is either warm welcome from her family, but these things take time and are a pretty horrible family.

In contrast, it was our hero, the helpless one was in this hour led to his confession that he liked 'd fall in love with the lamb. While Se-Ro is not an angel in this series, I love how much truth it to Kang-jae about his feelings, his vulnerability and his inner conflict. We looked at straws Se-Ro attack trying to stop his own revenge scheme in Papa Han presence to humanity Chairman responsive feel at least give repentance to him in order to try to forgive the man the least bit. Then we saw him plead with Kang-jae, and at the end he was unable Kang-jae and other swindlers to stop Conning Young-won anyway.

Speaking, Kang-jae continue to be a fascinating character to watch. Just like how we see the depth of his guilt in the previous episode, we are now beginning to see more of the bitterness that he harbors toward Se-Ro. Although Kang-jae, the external behavior and the words are hard, we see the contradictory feelings towards Se-Ro clearly written on his face, which makes the separation that much more painful. Say it is not so, because Bromances ripped my heart break

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tags: featured, full sun, Han Ji-hye, Jo Jin -Woong Kim Yuri, song Jong-ho, Yoon Kye-sang

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