Recap And Reviews Kdrama Gap-dong: Episode 1

Recap and reviews korean drama Gap-dong: Episode 1 -

I'm up to his neck in premieres! Today Gap-dong turn, and we get a packed hour tension and mystery. Or rather 70 minutes of it, since TVN can not practice for the life of him holding back or edit the beauty of a tight. (Enjoy Seriously, I tend to really TVN programming, but find his bloated lengths frustrating.)

Nevertheless, I found to be as sharp and well drawn, as I Gap-dong ' d expect, with the letter, which inspires confidence that the show knows what it is doing with its intricate puzzles and how it plans to unravel. The show is perhaps not as dark as I had fear that both a relief (I'm such a wimp with terror) and disappointment (really well done macabre stories deterrent stimulus have). Not that we in the murder have not much time to deepen, of course, so they do not write successfully darkness angle yet.

Especially attracts me, what with the awesomely intense acting of the leads, namely Yoon Sang-hyun and Sung Dong-il , which are like bulls butting heads every opportunity, virtually any other in every scene spits fire. It is tense and with sparks flying, and I love


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1996 Gyeonggi province, İltan. a girl walks along a dark street, pulling a suitcase behind her. Oh God. (I saw webtoon that, so I just freaked out.) Someone starts whistling.

, the girl goes faster, but if they checked behind her, there is nothing. We see the man behind her go into the shadows, but you can not.

Then out of the reeds, a black shadow will start to turn. she cries.

not far away, we see two children from the neighborhood on their own, and they must pass near the abduction site, because the kidnappers the girl's screams muffles. Then we see the kidnappers a game of rock-scissors-paper play, and I m guessing the price is not a cookie. Shudders.

It is not until the region is a crime scene, with police officers dead at the girl body swarmed. A detective joins the process-YANG CHUL-Gon ( Sung Dong-il ) - and sees a young girl from her mother comforted her eyes wide in shock. Ah, it is the neighborhood girl who wandered too close and must've been traumatized by what they saw. Chul-gon taking in the scene with deep sadness.

The boy runs to the scene and charges behind the police tape, for any reason at Detective glaring Chul-gon. The boy is HA MU Yeom (our future hero) and the detective's odd mocking to ask him if he found this scene sniff through the blood.

Mu-Yeom says in a voice that has not left completely covered, " I am would catch it-Gap-dong . "Chul-gon sneers" is an animal child goes to catch the animal? "he laughs in the face of the boy.

Seventeen years later.

The serial killer is the subject of a presentation given by a profiler who worked the original case. He tells the class about Gap-dong (a nickname given by the police), who began his killing spree in 1993, after nine murders within twelve kilometers radius of total. A student asks how a psychopath could his impulses suppress twenty years since he had been so long inactive and intercepted. The profiler is not on this response.

is given a promotion at the police station, Chul-gon and where he asked might want appointed-the Blue House, are? But shocks everyone by İltan Post, a clear step backwards requesting Chul-gon. But Chul-gon said the Superintendent, "I want to finish my career by to capture this bastard."

come in a dingy alley, a man catches a petty thief just before two detectives. Here our hero is ( Yoon Sang-hyun ), adult-Mu-Yeom, who goes to the station to argue with the station chief. Not in his own name, he is a private detective, but on behalf of the child, whose crimes are misdemeanors and not worth to send him to Juvie.

But Section Chief Cha has other worries and shows him a newspaper article with Chul-gon ( "Detective even murderers fear"). Mu-Yeom is upset to hear that Chul-gon the new detective squad was appointed chief.

Section Chief Cha numbers that Chul-gon is back to get Gap-dong once and for all, and the sets Mu Yeom from. The statute of limitations has expired, why now?

A girl in uniform high school creeps on the grounds of a Buddhist temple, where it is clearly on close terms with the young monks in training (who they call noona) and the sullen face old monk (the it assumes for playing hooky again to object). The girl insists only that they do not play hooky; she has just decided her career early. The monk mocks.

The girl, named MA JI wool ( Kim Ji-won ), smiles Mu Yeom there to see with praying eyes closed. She has him begins drawing, and judging from the sketches she's already got in their book, this is a common occurrence.

Mu-Yeom takes the sketchbook from Ji-wool hands and blames them to ask if it is to steal again. Oh, he has to help a habit delinquents? She snorts that only once was and says she'll pay him a fee model, once they make it big.

Then Mu-Yeom gets a call from "woman" ... who his police proves partners. Heh. I know it is common parlance but it still makes me laugh. Wife partner informed him of something he should see, and while Mu-Yeom finds a small graffiti case, there is something special there that has made him anyway.

directed to a combined prison and psychiatric clinic, where we see a group of inmate-patients in the yard He. We remain particularly in a patient, which we will come as RYU TAE OH ( Lee Joon ), who interrupts a bullying session. Tae-oh makes it an error from ( Whoops, that basketball totally just slipped out of my hands ), but its presence has the bat sitting in voltage. Then, as Mu-Yeom goes to the plant on the other side of the fence, Tae-oh takes.

Mu-Yeom shown with the graffiti and one look is enough to raise his hackles: (? or is ) Scrawled in red are the words "I am the true GAP dong. "

His face hardened, and he seems confused, but he told the workers, the words to go ahead and delete, as the graffiti bears little significance. When the workers to remove the ink, Tae-oh presses the find its way, special interest in the Mu-Yeom reaction from the crowd of patients. He smiles.

Mu-Yeom returns to the station and overlooks the old Gap-dong case with Profiler Han. Mu-Yeom asks not quite a joke if they are certain that Gap-dong is a human and not, say, a monster or alien. He then asks how Profiler Han knew Mu Yeom father was not the criminals.

Profiler Han explains that Gap-dong a brand node is used when its victims-a bind fact that he deliberately left out of the official reports, so that it does not leak. He points out that Mu-Yeom does not know how to tie his sneakers, and never learned how (a view confirmed down that the laces are drawn together in an unconventional arrangement), as his father was unable his own precious son to tie shoes for him. It's not just hardcore evidence, but I suppose that's why it was only premonition Profiler Han, evidence not legally submitted.

Mu-Yeom wonders if Gap-dong is really returned, and Profiler Han muses, suspect that the speed transmitted to the Chul-Gon leaves that he so believes. He warns Yeom Mu to be on guard.

And so, rides reclaim his old turf in the city Chul-gon. Mu-Yeom wonder, "Why now, it can not be ... that he wants to confirm that?"

Review. A young Mu Yeom goes, after his father and heard the talk that he splashed blood clothing was found. Mu-Yeom just comes Chul-gon interrogated as a man, all spiritual is not there Mu Yeom father told him to surrender.

The man's face is bloody, but to answer questions, he sings only one song. Furious, Chul-gon kicks him in the gut and sends him to the ground. Mu-Yeom watches from the door, angry but powerless.

Chul-gon revolutions Mu Yeom instead of asking, want to know where Dad went jacket. Mu-Yeom cries when he found no evidence he is going to let Dad, take a swing at the detective.

Dad jumps between them and blurts out: "It was Gap dongie" This is a name no one has heard before, but Chul-gon practically rolls his eyes when Dad is bubbling on the Gap-dong spirit who lives in the area.

In the present, Chul-gon his squad presented and welcomed İltan back. Mu-Yeom barges end and gives a sarcastic salute to Chul-Gon, the air crackles with tension between them immediately. The question of what assignment kept him so late, Mu-Yeom from declared: "I am the true Gap-dong."

Everyone stiffened in shock, and he adds: "... is what someone has popped up to say." Chul-gon laughs mockingly, and Mu-Yeom joins him in an intense battle of garish. I'm digging how aggressive these two avoid each other right from the get-go, even if it has the rest of the squad on the edge.

Mu-Yeom booing, the Gap-dong is certain that the new head of arrival to greet, and wipes the smile from the face of Chul-gon of the jab added: "They then drew a lot of stupid stunts. " Since Chul-gon several people of Gap-dong accused of being, it is probably one of them, the graffiti drawn match.

Thereafter gossip the other officers about the bad blood between the two men. It is rumored that Chul-Gon father Mu Yeom is forced to make a false confession, he bribed with the promise of his son to send to college. An officer argued that one would not commit wrong on that.

Chul-gon reviews the old Gap-dong files and Section Chief Cha asks if he wrote Mu Yeom believed that graffiti itself to mock just about him. Section Chief Cha says he understands how Mu-Yeom-he now believes could feel Chul-Gon killed his father, then forced to work together, is a nightmare. Chul-gon stubbornly insists: "Whether he is or not, the first Gap-dong was believed that his father, Ha Il-Shik." He makes the inadequate forensic technology responsible for him not back, then nail, but says that these days he would have been caught hundredfold.

Cha urges him to let it go, because the man is dead, but Chul-gon fire back, His plan: "I have to catch him now." The tracks go through Gap-dong behind allowed to.

Mu-Yeom takes his partner and to do some forensic experts back to the hospital graffiti scene, but says they are only looking for evidence like this. His partner protests, but Mu-Yeom seems to be working on another plan. His attention is caught by an unusual scene in the station deployment: A doctor is to wash the patient's feet. Apparently Dr. MARIA OH ( Kim Min-jung ) has made a splash with her attentive care for the patient. The male inmates love it, of course, and try to go on pretty doctor to make.

When Tae-oh turn, Mu-Yeom usurped his place and requires a footbath. He grabs Dr. Maria close and whispered a warning about what their patients really thinking. It is unflappably calm, however, and simply washes his feet. Tae-oh finds this amusing.

Then Mu-Yeom chair patient takes a therapy session with Dr. Mary, to say of a person he has not been able to forget the 20 years past. He was pursued by the person himself in his dreams and wanted them still were alive, so he could find them. But one day he decided that the person to remove from his mind, on 18 January 2011

Maria realizes that date and starts in surprise, during a retrospective shows us that that the day the Gap-dong statute ran restrictions. "What shall I do?" He asks.

Maria says that he seems to have already decided. Mu-Yeom she says to sit through his cliched first love story is very patient and provides her lunch to buy for them to make, but when he gets up to go, she asks: "Is this person Gap-dong?"

He grabs for attention, and she rattles the specifications of İltan notorious rapist killers, including its presumed size, age and physical properties. She tells him of the usual two reactions people have in fulfilling their first loves again: forced indifference, or go after them honest. He does the former, diagnosed it and said that, when he speaks of Gap-dong, his expression that someone is looking for a reason to live. "You've never really forgotten him, have you?" She asks.

In the kitchen working on patients with cake boxes and Tae-oh is one of them. But his attention fixed on his partner, he relates with growing excitement. Tae-oh asks: "Have Gap-dong?" We did not see the other man's face, but Tae-oh face brightens and he asks: "They really were here all the time" He smiles broadly. Creepily. "Great to see you, Gap-dong-ah," he says.

Then he changes reverently: ".. No, my God My Hero"

The other man is just that cake on packaging ... it bind with an interesting node. And Tae-oh goes this evening to bed everything harboring newfound joy.

The next day be strung patients and instructed spray paint the words "I am the true Gap-dong." Looks like a futile exercise, and on the ride back to the station, Mu-Yeom wonders how likely it is that Gap-dong is still out there. His wife-partner suspected to have that the most likely reason for the Gap-dong activities so completely stopped, is that he was locked up.

Wife partner (named Hyung-Nyun) admits to have attempted the only witnesses who locate little girl traumatized, Kim Jae-hee, but could not find it because it was granted a tracking ban , meaning they are not found, it allows. You're wondering what lead Chul-gon possibly could to get him on the case back.

The answer to this question we move to the forensic archives where Gap-dong DNA is stored. They come from his own dung on one of the scenes left. Chul-gon orders his team's DNA and search to get to a game, the around-it is for encounters protests elicits labor intensive search. expired with the statute of limitations, they could run problems in the civil rights violations, also. Chul-gon orders, they go anyway.

Chul-gon takes one of his subordinates to lunch, Detective Nam Ki-ri, and gives him explicit instructions to the DNA information of all Gap-dong suspects get. By all means. Ki-ri drams is to know this, take some doing, but he filled to go by breaking in a locker after the DNA sample and it take an electric razor.

Mu-Yeom, is on the other side, in the hospital Assembly cheek swab from the patient. One patient worries that his DNA could trigger something else, because he has not been caught for theft, where he left his droppings in the scene. The other inmates to warn that these days, forensics your poop can return back to haunt you, and the occupant is shaking in his boots. (He seems a likely Gap-dong rather too lax and stupid suspicious, but who knows in this drama.)

Dr. Maria has a consultation with Tae-oh, and asked him to start with his father's speech. Tae-oh fidgets and stalls, so they do not press. She noted that it will be published tomorrow, and Tae-oh promises to check out fall through. He grabs her hand for a pinky-swear, but at the contact she winces and breaks contact.

Mu-Yeom barges into her office, another therapy session requests. When Mary tells him to give a date, meets him about Tae-oh, what made him look closer. Tae-oh avoiding the eyes and takes Maria Mu Yeom aside indignantly problem with his high-handedness take. He turns her attention to Tae-oh looks, bumping, "Did he not resemble someone the police sketch?"

Tae-oh, the age (23) makes it impossible for him to be Gap-dong but Mu Yeom can not shake the feeling. He is to have the fleeting thought that Gap-dong was an ageless beings, like a vampire or a monster. Then Mary turned disapprovingly at him as he speaks crazy. Not that I blame her.

you are the patient station and says: "Gap-dong could be inside The is much more realistic than a vampire or a monster.."

Mu-Yeom mocks, they think nothing of Gap-dong clearly knows. But she seems to know more than he gives her credit to ask: "Do you think he would be the same, you could him placed directly in front of a witness and they would not know, not He will want changed to have?. . He is transformed into something quite different from the face the world who knows. "

Tae-oh this exchange closely monitored.

Mu-Yeom takes boxes of evidence to the laboratory where the technician a deep sigh-he is up to his neck in evidence. Mu-Yeom tells the tech that for no reason hurry.

Then Detective Ki-ri comes from Chul-gon special request for the examination to drop off and said that he of "a strong suspect." Mu-Yeom asks who that is, and Ki-ri jumps to see him and try to pass along evidence before Mu Yeom to get it.

He is too slow. Mu-Yeom finds the bag hair chips ... marked with his name. OH NO YOU DI'N'T. I knew I did not like Chul-gon before, but now it's war, old man. I mean, since I fight you from this side of the computer screen.

Chul-gon take a meeting with the prosecutor in the night, saying that he believed that Ha Il-Shik was guilty, but the lost evidence, what are they doing? Chul-gon says coldly: "We are not without methods." Yes, we have seen your methods.


Mu-Yeom storms in the police station, Ki-ri pathetic excuses. He adjourned the meeting, and the prosecutor bears a strange look to the sight of Mu-Yeom. Hm.

Mu-Yeom faced angry for his stunt Chul gon, but Chul-gon has no regrets about it. After all, the Son is within easy reach of the suspect means with that the DNA of the son can prove the guilt of the father. He bets that Mu-Yeom blood for Gap-dong DNA would come an uncontested game.

Mu-Yeom grins in his face and asks what the point of the study is not to say that he put a dead man in jail now? Chul-gon incites Mu Yeom the DNA test done if he so sure. Mu-Yeom says he'll give his arm, if the test results prove his father was Gap-dong: "But if it is not my father, have a finger and cut it off."

Chul-gon laughs that he is no way a finger to a crazy man would give up. "You have no faith?" Mu-Yeom asks. "You've already lost to me and Gap-dong."

Chul-gon growls that even if the test results are negative, "Your father is still Gap-dong. You should know this, that Gap-dong is not a man." And Papa is one of them, he is sure. Then he explains that Mu-Yeom this suspicion was either not entirely free, that his father could be guilty.

A flashback shows us burn young Mu Yeom jacket his father. Dad insists he has not done it, but Mu-Yeom can not understand why he then splattered the blood would hide jacket. That's when Chul-gon arrives too late to save the evidence, practically howling in anger.

So now Chul-gon congratulates Mu Yeom for by finding Gap-dong put on a convincing act and advises him to take a break.

Mu-Yeom tells him to give up on this long dead case. "If he was there, I would have caught him! And when he comes back now, I will to catch him."

Fine, Chul-gon says. If he brings the true gap dong to light, and it is not his father, will he give him that finger and he throws him the bird.

He adds that Mu-Yeom not be able to find the culprit, because you have to be a different breed, you have the fragrance and Mu-Yeom how to catch his father, a mere animal.

with anger burning, Mu-Yeom holding back barely a well deserved kick up from the delivery. Instead, it leverages Chul-gon arm and hits his hand on the desk. A pen, he wrote on his finger: "This is one of Mu-Yeom!"

The chief of police is in deal with the situation: Chul-gon behaved by without taking improperly his knowledge Mu Yeom DNA. Mu-Yeom agrees with the test anyway, but it is to cooperate another concern: The investigation of a policeman İltan will be made public, and that will make a fuss.

advises the police chief, then gives his decision: drop the case. He can not undergo the entire police department to chaos and controversy over an old case. All collected DNA is discarded.

Mu-Yeom swearing in frustration, that's not what he wants. He storms out of his players and calls to work a case need to control with suspect of anything. who have they not something involved crazy frenzied murderer?

An interesting choice, then cut next to Tae-oh, how he is released from prison hospital.

Back to Ji-wool, at work on a webtoon a killer who they called "The Beast-path."
Ji-wool explains the meaning of the title in the mountains, treading the path of animals is sometimes of hikers on a real track, and they go wrong unknowingly along it. She says this about a boy who is much more interested in her than the story, and as it is to explain it lights to see Mu-Yeom walking through. He ignores them and goes through.

But trying to make the boy a train and brush Ji-wool hair from his face, he was interrupted by Mu-Yeom, who turned back to hit his hand away.

Ji-wool loves clear his intervention despite pretending not to, then marvels at Mu-Yeom today curious mood. So intense, sad, miscellaneous. They pelted him with questions why the thought peppered that it might be a woman related problem.

Mu-Yeom is on a sudden case called off, however, and runs away. The incident involves a psycho on the loose in a shopping mall, which is to stabbing spectators. He swings his knife wildly-and-someone close enough to stab to, and pandemonium takes place.

Maria goes through in the same shopping center, much different from the clean face doctor we seek to know. This Mary is wrinkled and leather-clad, sexy and mysterious. She turns to the sound of screams and sees the stabber in the distance, pull a victim in the wells. He sure looks familiar ... Tae-oh?

Mu-Yeom comes on stage, past Maria knocking, and captures the killer as he holds his victim on a ledge. We look at the perp's face-not Tae-oh, after all.

Mu-Yeom locks eyes with the stabber and invites him Soju have a drink together under two evil souls in a damned world. He says he knows how it feels, that he was told he was an animal. He climbs onto the ledge and repeated a famous saying of Bruce Lee ". Do not think of fear"

The stabber takes a few wild stabs at Mu-Yeom. Mu-Yeom challenges him to do it correctly-look in his eyes and forget fear.

Mu-Yeom edges closer and says: "I am unjustly can handle, but not curiosity, tell me this: Were there no other method than that? Did not want to stop you? If you took the knife, did not think you wanted to stop you? If you stabbed the first person and the second did not you think to stop your madness then? "

the stabber keeps the girl closer to the edge, threatening to push them away. Or if not, Mu-Yeom jump instead, he mocked.

Then Mu-Yeom mass turns among themselves. Bluffing, or crazy? He steps closer to the edge ...

And then a voice calls out behind them, boring. "You pathetic loser."

It is Vixen Mary, and she scoffs: "They have no intention at all to die, right?" They vilified the killer to receive his fear of a girl, and not the courage to go against another man. You crook a finger at the stabber and told him to come to her, so that she can prove his loser-ness.

Riled goes, the stabber her and Mu-Yeom at the chance to jump, takes him to tackle in a flying down.

When the police arrive, Mu-Yeom already the stabber out escorted, beaten and bloody. Maria noticed that Mu-Yeom blood trails, and we see that he of carrying a knife wound in the side to show. He mutters: "I can not stop ..." or maybe it's "He says he can not stop" -the pronoun are deliberately ambiguous. And then he breaks pain.

A woman walks on a familiar street at night. Ack, go away, turn back! Is it a coincidence that they our "Gap-dong" packed a cake as the holding? And then begins a known whistle.

She hastens along the road, always nervous. She screams. []; _taboola.push ({mode: "Thumbnails-a 'container' taboola Down Item Thumbnails" placement "Below Article Thumbnails" target_type, "Mix"});

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