Recap And Reviews Kdrama God's Gift - 14 days: Episode 16 (Final)

Recap and reviews korean drama God's Gift - 14 days: Episode 16 (Final) -

I was not sure if we would make it, but here we are in the final stages. Believe it or not, we have more twists and turns in our last day, was enough to discredit me if someone to go, it was make alive. It's one hell of a ride, and we are kept on our toes until the very end. All rotations make us a little rushed at the end, but we have come full circle filled with gaps to complete our original schedule. And while we get the answers, still the show can provide us with the question, what could have been what was and what will be. But as always, it is only up to our old friend, fate.


First Son Kim Joon-seo, provoked Dong-chan, which reacts by him on the hospital bed chocking. Soo-hyun takes only Dong-Chan to stop as we roll over our last day.

Now from Dong-chan tight grip, Kim Joon-seo laughs in their attempt to kill him. Soo-hyun threatened him with the pictures, but he grins. The pictures are not enough evidence to prove that he has done everything. He tells them to try, but in the time given the evidence collected, Saet-byul already be dead.

Thereupon Dong-chan pulls him into another chokehold, but rush the bodyguards at this time. Dong-chan fights from the bodyguards' get a grip, but Soo-hyun tells him to stop. This guy is not worth their time

Outside the hospital, Soo-hyun says Dong-Chan, Kim Joon-seo is correct. But the pictures are not enough evidence to prove anything. What are you doing now?

Dong-Chan gets a call and brightens when he sees that it is Grandpa Chu; But on the phone, it's not Grandpa, but a wizard that Dong-chan says, to come to the hospital. He realizes that today is the day that Grandpa died of a heart attack.

In his hospital bed, Grandpa ended his will a signature as Dong-Chan and Soo-hyun. Dong-chan scolds Opa not of his health and drinking all that coffee (aw) care, but Grandpa responds with an envelope and said that this should help him with his investigation.

inside is a written suicide note from grandpas son (Chu Do-jin) who retold 10 years before the events in Moojin. In a flashback, are Chief of Staff Lee Myung-han the guys two ways: (1) accomplices of the crime and cover it up; be (2), charged with murder and spend the rest of her life in prison.

Chu Do-jin acts first and makes the decision by the blade receiving and pungent Soo-jung. Chief of Staff Lee then takes pictures of the three boys with Soo-young blood to seal on their hands as blackmail to the deal.

Finally the truth, Dong-Chan in Opa looks with treason. Grandpa knew all that was Dong-ho been innocent, but he did not have enough courage to tell the truth. must have offered

Dong-Chan reasons Opa the money to pay off Dong-ho prison and tells him that he will not take his money. He told Grandpa to stay alive and live with regret.

from Dong-Chan has a fantastic, and Grandpa keeps Soo-hyun before she goes. He apologizes for acting so late with her and tells her that he has his people looking for Saet-byul. Thus Soo-hyun leaves and Opa gasps when he keeps his weak heart.

Chief of Staff Lee relaxed in his home, when suddenly Ji-hoon appears demanding in his living room of his daughter back. Lee seems unaware, but Ji-hoon calls him out. He took the jewelry evidence, let go so Saet-byul.

Another retrospect, but this time to five years, as Ji-hoon was still working as a prosecutor. Yoon Jae-han, Te-oh of Hyung and one of the accomplices has to testify and asks Ji-hoon to investigate the case Moojin again.

Soon after this meeting, Yoon Jae-han dies in a car accident, and Ji-hoon storms in Lee Myung-han office, throwing him to stage his death. But of course, Ji-hoon have no evidence.

This is where the jewelry comes evidence. When Ji-hoon found the evidence recently, he threatened to use it against Chief of Staff Lee, but he also had some ulterior motive. In its negotiations, says Ji-hoon, that he come to ask how much he can do to change the world than a mere lawyer and asks Chief of Staff Lee be a springboard for him.

But at this point, Ji-hoon does not care about the deal. He falls to his knees and apologizes for everything. He asks Lee Myung-han to save his daughter and calls himself a dog and said he would do whatever he is asked.

then calls Lee for the drop-off of Saet-byul in a nearby hospital and tells Ji-hoon to his daughter go. How nice but very unlike him ... That was too easy.

Morning has arrived, and Grandma reads the headline newspaper article about the death penalty process. Suddenly the corrupt police force to come into the house and arrested both Granny and Young-Gyu for Saet-byul kidnapping.

Dong-Chan and Soo-hyun will meet to execute their next action plan with Jenny and Byung-tae. Dong-chan calls Lee Myung-han with the truth and asks to be taken. He then gives Jenny and Byung-tae the file for safekeeping.

Soo-hyun then gets a call from Ji-hoon with Saet-byul whereabouts. Dong-chan has to go with her, but she tells him to go save his brother. Soo-hyun leaves from their mission, as well as Dong-chan on his.

Dong-Chan occurs Lee Myung-han room, sarcastically commenting how criminals live in great luxury. He kicks the board game from the table and sits down Chu Do-jin letter. Lee Myung-han reads the letter, but says nothing.

Then he turns on his TV, showing a live feed of grandma Young-Gyu, and now Ho Kook, who is unconscious knocked. He says that there is sufficient evidence - prove that grandma of the kidnappers is - surveillance cameras, Saet-byul DNA on Moojin hiding. Dong-chan does not express worry too much, but knowing that his mother is not the real kidnapper.

But Lee Myung-han does not end there. Granny and Young-Gyu will be taken to the police station, but on the way they will be allowed to escape. to escape with the criminals, the police will then shoot at them, not with their guns, but with Ho Kook weapon. He tells Dong-Chan to bring the original letter, or the three of them will die.

Ji-hoon in the hospital runs Saet-byul to find, but it is not in sight. He calls Lee Myung-han, who tells him that Saet-byul ran away. Soo-hyun arrives and falls to the ground when she hears that Saet-byul has disappeared.

They are running out of time, and Soo-hyun decides to meet to go to the President. She holds again to the Phoenix Tail think Saet-byul pulled in Moojin hut, the same on the ring of the President. Frustrated, Ji-hoon tells her that the President has nothing to do with this program - it's all Lee Myung-han.

Ji-hoon sure the president does not know anything, because as the President of the Adjutant was in Switzerland at the time. He sounds really convincing, but Soo-hyun can not trust him and will have to check for yourself.

Dong-Chan returns to Lee Myung-han wrote the original letter, and the three are free. Lee Myung-han tears the letter, and we see that Saet-byul is still trapped in his basement. Oh, he plays very dirty.

When Ho Kook wakes up, Dong-chan is that he met him, thought Ho Kook was a thief. Then Ho Kook drops the message: Dong-ho on the list for the death penalty method of tomorrow. Dong-chan knew this was coming, but the original date was one month later, not the next day. Uh-oh.

Dong-Chan goes home and asks grandma for food, to shock them by as it has been over the years less hostile. He feels unique for his attitude regret on them over the years, and Grandma warms quickly rushing to his arrival to feed him. Young-Gyu excitedly commented on how this is the first time Uncle Dong-Chan has a meal with grandma and eaten him.

Dong-Chan turns to Young-Gyu and asks if he wants to see his father go. Oma protests, saying that Dong-ho will be shocked at Young-Gyu State, but Dong-Chan insists that he promised his brother.

He takes out Young-Gyu him a bowl haircut to give a literal bowl on her head. And with Young-Gyu freshly prepared, he suggests that they take a picture. Grandmother looks Dong-chan, confused and worried back while forcing a smile for the picture. It's a bittersweet moment.

Meanwhile, Soo-hyun is making room in their own investigation of the president. Looking at a video of the President, which was recorded at the same time that the Moojin incident took place, she sees that he never went Offscreen - he had no time to answer a call or to do anything else, which means that he really did not know. Soo-hyun is on a different recording of the inauguration of the president and sees that there are two rings. One of the President, one of the first lady

The first lady was behind this all, trying to protect her own son. She was looking for Saet-byul during her abduction and first she wants to let her go, but when she realizes that the release would endanger of her son, she decides, the girl has to be maintained.

But why Lee Myung-han has help cover up their crime? He says he now to respect President Kim Nam-joon too much as a person and as a politician made him his son to go for error. He wanted him to make the president.

Lee Myung-han goes down in his basement and orders Tattoo Hand rid Saet-byul. Tattoo Hand protests, saying that this. Against his promise

But Lee Myung-han reminds him that his son's killer to hang his wife need to stop their suicide attempts, and the list of criminals on the death penalty may choose to change at any time.

visit to the prison, Dong-chan greeted his brother hiding under the table while Young-Gyu. Once he sits, Dong-ho asks if the noose is injured for his hanging. He weeps and says that he is afraid and does not want to hurt.

Then Young-Gyu appear below this table shocking Dong-ho. Young-Gyu is disappointed at first, his father forgot him think, but Dong-ho calls Young-Gyu name and apologizes to him.

Once Young- Gyu is asking out of the room, Dong-ho, why Young-Gyu differently (as a child, as Young-Gyu was clever, as he knew him for the last), fearful that he for the boy is somehow always mentally slow blame. Dong-Chan claimed that Young-Gyu was just happy to see him, but Dong-ho knows something has happened. Then he asks to be Dong-Chan Young-Gyu father when he dies.

Dong-Chan refuses to say that Dong-ho should be his father and live happily together when he gets out. Then, Dong-ho's face lights up and he asks when he can get. But Dong-chan looks sadly at his brother, unsure himself.

Dong-Chan Woo-jin goes to visit, which is still unconscious in hospital. He says Woo-jin, if it ensures by Dong-ho and Young-Gyu, when he's gone and his mother dies, then he'll forgive him. Oh no, what is he doing ?!

First son Kim Joon-seo is discharged from the hospital and swarmed by reporters when Dong-Chan proceeds to give him a few punches. Then he goes all reporters to say that he is the real killer in the Moojin cases and framed his brother for fun.

He sets an act claims that he is the real culprit and that it is not funny when all stupid police and investigators can not find out.

He has the pictures got to prove it, and throws it to the reporters. Soo-hyun tries Dong-Chan achieve, but looks at the news that he was arrested as the Moojin killer is.

In prison, Dong-Chan looks on the news that Grandpa Chu has passed, just like in the original timeline. Then Ho Kook runs to him, knowing that Dong-chan did everything to save Dong-ho. Dong-chan keeps the action and insists that all was fooled.

grandmother comes to the station and asks why Dong-chan is doing this. She throws Soo-hyun, a mistake to think that she reported her for kidnapping Saet-byul and now she's ruining Dong-chan. She regrets not having held on Saet-byul, dead or alive.

Well then, Soo-hyun runs into the station, and Grandma accesses them and urged them to save their sons. Grandma has moved the length, and Soo-hyun faced Dong-chan. What the hell is he here?

Dong-Chan apologizes and says that he did what may. Soo-hyun gets him to not give up, but it seems that he has already. He tells her that Dong-ho death penalty date tomorrow, and that was the only thing he could do for his brother.

But Soo-hyun is not ready to give up. She still has time, and it is to use it Saet-byul, Dong-ho, and now to save Dong-chan.

Soo-hyun passes to the blue house over, claiming it needs to talk to the president directly, but the guards will not let in.

Ji-hoon has either not given up, and he's back with Lee Myung-han home. Lee Myung-han denies any knowledge of Saet-byul and Ji-hoon runs at him with a knife, a crazed look in his eyes. But the bodyguard demolish him and beat him to a pulp.

Back at the station, Dong-chan is released. Obviously, the absence of evidence that they can not hold in custody him, so he is free to go. It comes with the phone as well as a text message with a meet-up location receives Saet-byul.

He comes to save to the location, which happens to be the same club from the night he can not remember. Dong-chan commented familiarity of the association and rejects any alcohol.

It could not get an audience with the president, forcing Soo-hyun his hand to speak to the Blue House to reporters. Post your public statement live, the absence of the President in question of action. The President sees her from his TV.

And so do two men in the club. They complain about Soo-hyun perseverance to meet the president and the guilt of losing her child. Dong-chan, now somehow thoroughly drunk, confronted the two men and throws them at his drink.

have made their statement, Soo-hyun will eventually meet in the accompanied the President. She tells him that he left is to save the Saet-byul the only person and gives him her evidence photos. She explains the truth, pointing out that her son has a scar on his collar from that night. It is clear that the President of his son was not aware of actions.

Tattoo Hand taking Saet-byul in his car, and it assumes that the first lady has to go give her that. She also sees that they passed Moojin and assumes that Mom and Dong-chan is to pick them up. She takes out a small wrapped bag and takes out her hair clip.

In a quick flashback we see that Saet-byul received two clips in Young-Gyu gift. Dong-chan was thrown into the river, and Saet-byul has the other. The clip has not only gone ...

Dong-Chan is always beat as in the original timeline, and he gets a call. No one seems to be the end, so he gets up to leave at the other. He grabs his jacket leaves a but.

When he gets into the taxi, Dong-Chan drops his cell phone on the street and ask the driver to take him to the Moojin reservoir.

Saet-byul begins suspicious to grow as a tattoo hand pulls along by Moojin fields. If it falls, he puts his hands around her throat, choking her, but he can not.

to understand that he will not be able to run Lee's command, he apologizes Saet-byul and promises to take home. But in the distance, a group of men coming and Tattoo hand runs away with Saet-byul in his arms.

Lee Myung-han is notified, but he seems to have a back-up plan, predicted tattoo with hand actions. He ordered for the preparation of the plan while Ji-hoon lies on the floor, bloody and helpless.

Tattoo Hand Hands Saet-byul his cell phone (with the Angel Foundation bell keychain) and tells her to run. After some hesitation, she is running out and it remains to fight the men. But they get dirty, and he stabbed in his side.

Soo-hyun is back from her meeting with the President in her car and gets a call from Saet -byul. She tells Mama that she is in Moojin, but the group of men, to catch them before they can no longer say. As Saet-byul is taken away, her hair pin falls to the ground.

Saet-byul is taken to a church, was the same place where killed Soo-jung. She sits down and empties her bag, looking for her pen, but only the snake puzzle piece and the bell keyring fall. She finds a chalk on the ground and begins to draw on the wall -. The same drawings from the Moojin hut

Soo-hyun runs into Moojin hut Saet-byul expect to be there, but she's nowhere to be found. Dong-chan, it also has to Moojin, and he takes drunken Saet-byul fallen hair clip and places it in his pocket.

And then a little further along are in the fields, Dong-chan finds Saet-byul on the floor. Unconscious or dead? Suddenly he remembered the call from the drunken night it was his mother, who claimed that they mistakenly killed Saet-byul.

In denial, Dong-Chan satisfied that it was not his mother; it was all him. He killed Saet-byul. In a voice-over we hear Lee Myung-han plot and the reason for Dong-chan brain scan.

He knew about Dong-Chan drunk blackouts, so he manipulated this weakness and ensured that he in his system had alcohol all the time. In the club his drink was spiked, and in the cabin, more alcohol was injected into his blood.

Then Saet-byul made to look like she was dead, and a woman with a similar voice to the grandmother called Dong-chan. Lee Myung-han predicts that Dong-chan, to take the blame for his mother, as Dong-ho did for him.

But that's not all. As proof, the pictures of Dong-chan are measures will be taken and will be sent at an appropriate time to Ji-hoon. Lee Myung-han trusts that Ji-hoon care of things take when he sees that Dong-chan's daughter and killed in the original timeline, we see that he had done just that. He is the one who Dong-Chan ordered to be thrown to the concrete block into the container.

Just like Lee Myung-han finished his training with the first lady in her son's hospital room, the president goes. He checks the scar on his neck and steps his son apostates confirmed his doubts.

Dong-chan is on the water with Saet-byul in his arms, all the apologetic way. Soo-hyun is looking for Saet-byul in the fields, when suddenly a call from the president gets. He tells her to go to the reservoir and stop Dong-chan, who thinks Saet-byul died.

Dong-chan wearing Saet-byul to the water and begins to believe his worst nightmare. He convinced himself that he was the killing Saet-byul in the original schedule.

Soo-hyun screams at him from afar, and he apologizes to her as well. Just as we roll on D-Day, Soo-hyun reached the edge of the reservoir.

in the morning makes the President a public announcement of his resignation, saying that he will face the consequences of his family unforgivable act.

Dong-ho is released from prison and returns in three blurry silhouettes, while Soo-hyun the Moojin waters Saet-byul and her mother (no Ji-hoon) overlooking. Please use to tell me what happened.

Just like Dong-chan was Saet-byul in the water, grabs her hand to throw one of his buttons. He realizes she is not dead, and think back to the prophecy. The two people in the prophecy were not Saet-byul and Dong-ho; they were Saet-byul and Dong-chan.

For this reason, Soo-hyun and Dong-chan were sent before back to fourteen days. A great wave of relief passes Dong-Chan, and he smiles as he says he'll protect Saet-byul. He goes forward into the water.

Since our story ends, Soo-hyun and Saet-byul views over the water, and we are also the end of Dong-chan version shown the story of a mother when he tells about Saet-byul. "The knight rescued the child and returned them to the mother and the child and her great mother lived happily ever after.."

Then Saet-byul asks: "What's with the knight Did he live? "


And yes, that is the end. We are getting no answer to the question of Saet-byul, and the fate of the Dong-chan life left open to decide for us. ALKSDJFOIENCZK. In my mind there are two ways that makes sense: either Dong-Chan realizes that he needs to sacrifice for this fight to be over, or he fights fate and stay alive. But really show? Do you really have to stop on a cliffhanger? Given the nature of the show, I realize that this is something to be of an open end, but the end does not really give us anything. I mean, it's the end, no more, nothing, nada. They have to give us more

doing the event, Dong-Chan die than that.

(I know, annoying to think about it), we know his reasoning and the steps he took in the entire result, showed this choice as a possibility. He was willing to take the blame for the Moojin cases his brother to sit down, and he even went to Woojin to ask him to take care of his family. And if Dong-ho is released from prison, we are shown only targeted without their faces the silhouettes of three people. It could be, Dong-Chan is, it could be Woojin, it might be Ho Kook. Who are we to know? But again, who are we to know whether all these little hints are just red herrings?

I personally find the second option more convincing. When Dong-Chan is alive (as I want to believe), he has shown that the whole trip through the 14 days meant something and had to change the destiny enough power. During the 14 days we have seen change in Fate and change the course of certain events, our dynamic duo things. Why not this time? This time, Dong-Chan knows the truth and knows what he's up against. He most certainly had the power, no craps give about the prophecy and end the struggle with fate.

Overall, it was a bit of a confusing episode. Not that I do not get confused every episode, with all these false alarms and complicated turns, but I expected a little more clarity. The show never failed to fool me again with their red herrings and anticlimactic moments in the final installment. I was legitimately scared when Dong-Chan the call from the grandmother recalled, admitted killing the Saet-byul. I definitely saw that as an opportunity, thinking, "Holy shit, Grandma really Saet-byul kill?" But nee false alarm. Even when turned the tide and Soo-hyun had the whole burden Saet-byul, Dong-ho, and store Dong-chan. I was like "Hell yes! Full circle with maternity and baddass Soo-hyun!" And about two scenes later, Dong-chan was released, and we have to lose the potential great moment anticlimactic one.

I was getting antsy when it was abandoned by the show for about ten minutes, and it was still going in the wrong direction. I had no idea how it was going to turn around and give me the happy ending I needed. I wanted some enlightenment about how everything unfolds as the villains were punished, and how our baddass mother and Captain Awesome their well-deserved resolution. But we were giving so little, so I'm going to let my imagination run wild, that the end to create.

But despite the end, I enjoyed this drama. It has been enjoying his task in preparing afraid of me every second and me the right dose OhMyGod give me just keep making. It also showed me a new side of drama country and a new twist on the time travel element that was running quite well. And of course we can not miss the spectacle. Lee Bo-young and Jo Seung-woo gave great performances individually and as a duo, and I really hope we get the chance to ship it right in the future. And Kim Yoo-bin, charming and beautiful as ever.

A big thank you to JavaBeans and girlfriday for me through the Boot Camp get and let me write for this great drama Beans community! This was a great first drama recap experience, and I thank all Beanies as well as for my fights wear. Until next time!

JavaBeans' REPLY

What. A let down of a final Apart from the Dong-chan question (which I get in a moment), it was beaten badly together, his live-shoot process significantly in virtually every transition. There were cuts that had felt like a commercial break, was cut out, I could have dealt with when they just do not also feel whole scenes were hacked to out.

Twists are fine and everything, and by the stimulation of this story all the way, it seemed likely that, we wanted to be thrown more curve balls. Where the drama, drop the ball left, but to explain the phrase in an appropriate manner or the voltage at this point arrive structure, so that our main reaction is "Oh my God, I totally did not expect, but it makes sense!" _taboola.push ({mode: "Thumbnails-a 'container' taboola Down Item Thumbnails" placement "Below Article Thumbnails" target_type, "Mix"});

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