Recap And Reviews Kdrama Three Musketeers: Episode 2

Recap and reviews korean drama Three Musketeers: Episode 2 -

The setup is complete, and now we begin the journey to initiate Dal-hyang in the group of Musketeers, mostly away from him to throw the deep end and out, he will work there. This episode delivers more action and dry humor and seems to be a light (albeit a small, short one) in the background of the characters, gives us the smallest insight to be how they got where they are now. While it's fun to see how the guys got to be friends, these notes are particularly interesting in terms of our ladies, impatiently do the rest to find out. I'm pretty sure that this show is not just going to give it away, though, so we can expect a gradual reveal during the show. I want to know, but I suppose, a little at a time is better than nothing now.


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EPISODE 2: "The Three Musketeers"

The Crown Princess, Yoon-seo, is eagerly awaiting the news . of the civil service examination, the results are not what they had hoped: Park Dal-hyang caused a commotion, they set to be hurt a horse rampaging caused State, and even in damage to the king's face with a cut cheek out Eep ..

Yoon-seo asks anxiously for the safety of the prince, and is relieved to hear clearly that Sohyeon was intact. It asks for Dal-hyang next, and learns that because his mistakes was so severe, discussions are under way, as if cancel be passing the test. (which was to determine final test last respects, but all participants have been deleted at this point the public service. enter)

King Injo hear arguments regarding Dal-hyang status, with little consideration that he is not trusted to send his advice in the battle and to be cut. The king agrees, but Sohyeon she remembers how Dal-hyang excelled to the previous test, and that it exaggerated withdraw its results. It also makes a political argument to keep him (in that it is always shut out criticism of the examination for applicants from the outer provinces and keep Dal-hyang would that counter) and Injo is sputtery and indecisive enough that he by his fluctuated is son persuasive words.

Dal-hyang awaits word of his fate, glumly at the test site sitting under the rubble. He believes grudgingly to Sohyeon the "Deal", in which he had Dal-hyang forced to undergo the examination, while his love letter to hold hostage. Finally, the king's decision is delivered: Dal-hyang be special pardon in operating errors and allows the current to be given ... in last place. He will not have a title or pay now be given, but it is welcome news otherwise, and Dal-hyang gratefully accepts. He is puzzled to hear that he owes his gratitude to Prince Sohyeon but that in its defense the word.

That night a letter to Dal-hyang of accommodation is provided. The landlord is amusing, more polite Dal-hyang now that it is official and respectfully calls him Lord, and I enjoy out that Dal-hyang clear that the speech of the type has changed. Dal-hyang finds a letter from the Three Musketeers, in Seung-po voice tells what congratulated him at the transition and provides an excuse for a contribution from him take to knock the first place. He is now their real names and asks Dal-hyang to meet the next night.

And then, he has an unexpected visitor. An elderly lady approaches court first, and then a young woman steps forward and shows her face-Yoon-seo. Dal-hyang attempt on his feet, startled to see her there, and loads it into. Yoon-seo warily keeps its distance, but to say that she heard, he was still waiting for them and could not ignore it. With frustration (or debt), she wonders how he could be so naive (to keep still), and he answers only that this is the kind of person he always was.

, the exchange is charged with emotions, both when the princess and Dal-hyang them hold under wraps. Yoon-seo apologizes for her promise not hold, say it to enter your choice in the selection process was not Princess (if eligible brides for the Prince were explored). Although it hurts clearly heard him that she burned the letter, he tells her that she did the right thing.

She insists that he must now forget and he agrees readily. Aw. I'm not sure how I feel about the princess yet, but their longing is clearly visible, and they clearly still share the same feelings; it's just that there's nothing they can do but to accept their fate.

Yoon-seo leaves and Dal-hyang watches her. He sticks to his stoic façade when he wrote a letter about his good news his parents, and added that he did not Yoon-seo marry, have after all, there are so many beautiful women in the capital, changed his feelings , It's bittersweet tell his voice to hear what should be happy customer, just almost sarcastic sounding, as he says: "I'm so happy, I do not think I can sleep tonight a message today Today really was the best day. . "

time still introduce a few characters. In the northern district of Uiju (now North Korea), a Manchu general Ingguldai ( Kim Sung-min ), is replaced by a messenger with suspicion. The Lead messenger is a mysterious looking woman (we later MI-Ryung called learning, played by Yoo In-young ), which is along a message of Joseon politicians past (and future Prime Minister) Kim Ja-jeom , However, it makes clear that it is not his subordinates.

In a gibang (where the fusion Gugak K-pop song of the day is Hyuna of "Red"), cheerful Seung -po revels in some gambling, while the gloomy maknae, Min-seo, waiting upstairs , Dal-hyang comes to meet them, as required, and cuts to the chase. He does not want their congratulations or a drink, he just wants an explanation for the other night and why she lied about her identity

Min-seo tells him she'd slipped secretly in the night from the palace, and it is not that the crown prince could be known, wandered the city at night. Then she helped Dal-hyang because he liked it, and thought that was the end of that-until they found the letter, which had to examine them further.

Kiefer Dal-hyang falling when Min-seo tells him that Seung-po the son of a famous general, and we see in flashbacks to childhood, that it is through this connection that Seung-po and Sohyeon grew up together were to have adjacent trained and educated. That explains her brother-like camaraderie of the friendly jabs to the annoying needling and how Seung-po is the Prince with talking away as inquisitive as he.

Next Min-seo his own background revealed that Dal-hyang has again gaping: He was raised a young monk and trained in the martial arts, because the head monk forth on them. So when the first Manchu invasion occurred (9 years before 1627), he followed the monk in a war where his duty, the Crown Prince was to protect. When the war ended, young Sohyeon sought him out in the temple, and that's how he came to be his bodyguard.

A drunken Seung-po unites them and announces they are now friends, free to rattle, like everything was his idea to pull the string with the letter, thought it might be a little jealousy in the Prince regarding his wife stir, only that the prince held in Dal-hyang was interested to find more. Dal-hyang read between the lines and asks why the prince and princess, who have a distant relationship, and Seung-po realizes that perhaps be a bit too personal and changes the subject.

So he has a history tells about himself, and we see in flashback, how would he all through his wedding cried (to be fair, he was a child). His bride was not exactly known for their appearance, and he adds that their twelve-year marriage continues, his wife is uglier and uglier. Which is why he prefers instead to hang out with his buddies, he laughs.

Sohyeon about is eagerly poring cards at night, when the princess falls through unannounced. He is polite but distant with Yoon-seo, eyeing the nerve to ask why he had shown her the letter, she had given Dal-hyang, and why he went out of his way to advocate Dal-hyang passing the test ,

Sohyeon friendly smiles and says he suspicious it's not and merely underestimated skills of Dal-hyang, and when she insists that this is an unnatural reaction, he says: "I'm not a small person like. "

Yoon-seo blurts out that his lack of anger shows a complete lack of interest. Sohyeon giggles and proposes an alternative: He could Dal-hyang have jailed and robbed the princess of her crown if she wants a "natural" reaction, in which case it should return the letter so that it is used as evidence can be.

His smiling face frustrates only continue, and she exclaims that she's sick of his jokes, the truth skirt and finally meets a nerve, as she screams that she knows that chosen for his wife, but that it was not her fault that she was taken wanted Princess other girls.

In a flashback, we ask to see a young Yoon-seo, why they should be the bride of the prince, when the daughter had been chosen ministers. But the daughter died suddenly, she hanged herself in her house. Yoon-seo crying to herself and said in vain that someone has already promised.

indignant tears crying, now Yoon-seo says that it is not their fault, the girl had died, and that she has tried her best to make the best of this marriage that neither wanted. Sohyeon tells her that she is wrong, and that he cold never treated, and while it's sad when they felt so, he says, that they have the things is quite sensitive to be. Oh my God. I love him, but I want to be nice to beat him now.

Yoon-seo collects and says (rather sarcastically) that they are the actors is immature, and he sees her only that shit-eating grin and says yes, that's right. She apologizes, and his smile is on his face only until it is out the door. Once in their private quarters, she bursts into tears down.

But this story about the dead girl must be true enough, because it is the same story that Seung-po Dal-hyang tells. No one understands why she killed herself, especially since she and the prince were happily in love.

An arrival arouse curiosity, as yes-jeom to see Kim to one of the private rooms headline. He should not be in Joseon, so that his mere presence she meets as suspicious. We see that he take a meeting with several nobles, and he's here to inform his paladins, what's going on with the Manchu envoys, with whom he has met in secret, while the north will be stationed.

Seung-po listening outside the door when Kim Ja-jeom explains that the king has demanded of Later Jin a status change for Joseon who had been previously, a "fraternal" one, as in a younger brother older. Now the Manchu want to establish themselves as Qing and assert sovereignty over Joseon (a vassal / Tribute state). This is heavy stuff, almost certainly a lead-up to war, and Kim Ja-jeom states that he has these men gathered to figure out how to use this information, even before King Injo gets wind.

Outside alone Dal-hyang left while the two musketeers give, and while he does not understand what's going on, he clocked the mood and sees that something serious on foot. Min-seo asks Dal-hyang help as a lookout act for Seung-po, he must report it to the prince. He gives him a sword under the table and making his exit, while Dal-hyang stock of his surroundings takes while to cover drunk acting his loitering.

Min-seo will use this information to Sohyeon who understands its meaning, but do not want to take it to the King, without evidence because Injo make them vulnerable to over-reaction and could make matters worse. He decides that Kim Ja-jeom figure out what is up to the priority, and passes immediately.

King Injo meanwhile in a nightmare night, where he finds himself in the woods hiking alone stews and asks for help. He comes to a small army of Manchu invaders, led by General Ingguldai who raises his bow and arrow and shoot him in the heart. Injo jerks awake with a strangled cry and recognizes it was just a dream, but can not shake his unease about what the Messenger of Manchu come ask next. He is bubbling to be some left alone to die without anyone to help, hard of shattered dream he is, quite frankly, a nervous wreck.

of the king's eunuchs begins Sohyeon up as he is about to leave the palace and urges him to see the king. Sohyeon the eunuch has the king to calm and says that he comes back as soon as he can, then rides with Min-seo.

The mysterious messenger, Mi-ryung, comes next at gibang. With their wild looks and her scary looking, eyepatch-wearing guard, give her people automatically a wide berth. Dal-hyang locks eyes briefly with eye patch, but pretends to cover up drunkenness. The new arrivals head in Kim Ja-jeom secret meetings where Kim is a course of action: Fearing that King Injo will lead to another futile war, he wants Manchu general Ingguldai to say that there are Government in Joseon, which are on his side. Treasonous!

Mi-ryung and eyepatch in brought their message to Ingguldai to take back. But only then, Seung-po touched a creaking board and eyepatch gets suspicious. He throws Kim Ja-jeom either a pull on them over or not be aware of, to an eavesdropper, and kicks in the wooden boards. Seung-po is taken by surprise, but recovers quickly to draw his sword.

Dal-hyang connects him and eyepatch she remains as nobles confront scattering. But they need to confirm who was in the meeting, so Seung-po Dal-hyang leaves to take on alone eyepatch, then forwards to follow the traitor. He is caught in a tangle with Kim Ja-jeom bodyguards, and engages in a sword fight. It is compared to many, but hey, Seung-po type badass.

There is a bit different from colliding for Dal-hyang, the swords with eyepatch, clearly the more mature and ruthless Veterans. But Dal-hyang is quick and resourceful, to throw in a couple of chairs and bottles, to smooth the fight.

Sohyeon and Min-seo come when both fights in full swing, and join the fray. Not a second too early, because Sohyeon sword falls to be eviscerated, resulting in a lopsided exchange where Dal-hyang is all, I would be totally fine were without your help in Dal-hyang to stop at a point and Sohyeon recalls Unfortunately, I always in the way, unnecessary tests help to pass and not killed. Heh. I love their reluctant bromance, especially as I think it is at one end is reluctant.

With the situation well in hand, can Sohyeon to follow the nobles who flee in panic, because they recognized Seung-po as the bodyguard of the prince and fear that they'll all be dead meat by morning. Sohyeon creates a good look at their faces to get, recalling their names and offices. Then he sees Mi-ryung, remember Dal-hyang warning that there was a woman among them.

Sohyeon take Mi-ryung from behind and throws her Around- and then they both freeze in astonishment. And recognition?

Dal-hyang gets a warning, cuts only seconds before the eyepatch him from behind in the arm. The sight brings Mi-ryung into shock while Sohyeon tumbles to the ground. But his shock seems his arm to be totally independent, he barely registered, and more about this strange encounter.

The other musketeers come, and Dal-hyang makes the decision by Mi-ryung and eyepatch to hunt, the on horseback are on the run. Mi-ryung calls eyepatch crazy, and even he looks stunned when she says that he stabbed the prince only.

The King has insisted that the prince be brought to him, the eunuch emphasized so much that he goes to the princess to ask how to deal with this. The things worse, she received word that the king is on his way over right this moment, on each either for racing was him or to bring properly otherwise the prince.

Yoon-seo hastens to catch him lying (bad) that the prince now has a drink after and only in deep sleep woke up. But the king is now suspicious and barges in to see if Sohyeon indoors is actually

he -and, of course, in the nick of time returned , He repeated the lie of the princess and is concerned appropriately for his father, whose anger dissipated when he shares his fears. Injo asks his son to not let him feel so uncomfortable, then to his quarters it comes back again, because now appeased.

Yoon-seo responsive to see blood dripping Sohyeon arm in alarm, but he rejects her concern and asks them to leave. She does, hurt his lasting feeling cold

His eunuch also is at the sight of blood shocked but Sohyeon is still fixed on the other concern, and only says:.. "Mi-ryung I saw them. What in the world is earlier on? "

Dal-hyang his pursuit on horseback on, keep Mi-ryung in their sights when they the recharge mountain. Finally, they interrupt in a clearing, and Dal-hyang draws his sword to end the here and now.

But then they are by an army-Manchu, led by Ingguldai connected, taking their positions. Suddenly Dal-hyang is found at the point end dozens (hundreds?) Of bows and arrows, only to wait for the order to fire. Gulp.

Ingguldai asks who he is and why he attack on one of its ambassadors. Dal-hyang has no idea what is being said, but, as said in Manchu.

The narrator takes us now that today marks inform about the fourth meeting of Dal-hyang and the Three Musketeers, and it is now that he get idea captures the problem will become an integral part of his life. Ha, I'll say.

Mi-ryung informs that he is one of the prince's people, and that the prince has caught wind of their plot.

Ingguldai are his men to fire the job. A flood of arrows flying at Dal-hyang, and our narrator informs us that we have now met all the key players, and so does the history of seriously. Dal-hyang looking at the sky, only a few moments before the rain ends of arrows.


The cast is gelling well together, and the story to be pretty, proves useful as well in the time-Id, if it would be surprised difficulty that major beats of preserving both the original story and the current history, but so far I think the writer a thorough job has done work in the time frame of the first and second Manchu invasions and the political machinations that came with it. So while Joseon in a difficult (impossible, really) to throw dilemma between the disappearance Ming and surging Qing empires, exerting caught with the state of the Manchu-Jin printing his loyalties Qing, we have plenty of space with conspiracies to play spies, and impending war. I'm sure a Three Musketeers could have been adapted to fit other periods, but that is an interesting crossroads of history that works really well, I think.

But what I like not only the involvement of the story, because without a connection to our character means that there is very little. You can also crack open a history book instead, if you will not tell a story and be entertaining, right? It is the way the drama in the characters in this larger plot pulls that gives it its power, and I think it's done intelligently.

For example, a princess in a love triangle is fairly common stuff for a drama, but once we have recognized that it was an old love in Sohyeon past her strained relationship took on a new dimension. I knew Sohyeon had previously been messing with her, but could not understand why; Now it is quite clear that he is harboring a certain latent resentment, and it feels almost as if he swings his politeness as a weapon. It is so absurd smile and awesome that we all know that he would not be honest, but you can not argue with a man who is to be solicitous of by always movement going. He will give you not even recognize the privilege that he has any feelings about that and hurting a fairly effective way may be the princess.

I felt much sympathy for Yoon-seo in this episode after are not sure which way I would swing on the basis of the Premiere. I loved her farewell scene with Dal-hyang, where you saw exactly how she felt, despite the words she spoke, and I'm the actress, Seo Hyun-jin, for a truly winning take on the privileged nature, they can be beautiful anxious and maybe even childish (I found her teary outburst with Sohyeon in the scene really cute when he told her she had presented its cold), and to be tough, is not her passion, but I suspect they will find their courage and are stronger than men expect from it. Both the actress and the character have a beautiful vulnerability and Yoon-seo has been put in this impossible situation where the only thing she's sitting there to do and endure. Nobody mean to her, sure, but no one is on their side got either. You get the feeling that they might love capable or at least care for the prince if he would let them, either in a romantic sense, or friends in the arms of sense, but the fact that he does not allow that only keeps them isolated and injured.

Mi-ryung, on the other hand, is an interesting twist. On the one hand, you're meant it is to think Manchu until we told her name is Mi-ryung and that the Prince knows. When his dead first love, how the hell was faking a death? We saw them hanging from the ceiling, so it's not even like they jumped off a cliff and their bodies not recovered; somehow someone sneaked them out of this life and into another, and now she is colluding with the enemy. Or is the enemy.

Mostly I enjoy the fast pace and the humorous tone that strike the balance managed to be affected by a little, without being cheesy or embarrassing. The narrator is one of those things that can go either way, but I remember how Return of Iljimae narrator in one of the comic highlights of the show has gradually developed, so I keep an open Spirit. It is to draw a delicate balance, and I hope the drama that can keep up, because I'm in the mood for a joyful warhorse. And bromancey action heroes. , And Lee Jin-wook

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tags: featured, Jung Yong-hwa Lee Jin -wook, The three Musketeers, Yang Dong-Geun, Yoo In-young

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