Recap And Reviews Kdrama Trot Lovers: Episode 7

Recap and reviews korean drama Trot Lovers: Episode 7 -

Everyone puts her emotional the Cards on the table, as our love triangle is in full swing. One of our leaders seem more than willing to admit he likes Chun-hee, while the other is still trying to figure out what feelings are actually, and Chun-hee is in the enviable position of having to make a choice. What's a girl to do?


Chun-hee gets a SMS message as they go in front of the camera to be, warns that when it comes to the designated location immediately, they will never see their father. They only hesitated a moment before it runs out of the studio. Fortunately follows Joon-hyun, to control them, as they frantically hailing a taxi. He tells her that if she does not make this TV appearance it's all over, but she's too scared to look after her father.

They end in an abandoned building, but of course there is no one. Chun-hee's father is, of course, absolutely sure when he sees for sale at a roadside stand album and smiling proudly.

The police called the abandoned building where they, that the threat to determine correctly, was just a prank. They promise in the sender of the threatening text to see, but that's all they can do.

Chun-hee is still not convinced that Dad is sure and Joon-hyun tries to reassure her - but what really calms them is an unexpected phone call from her father. He tells her that he saw her album and her TV appearance, and how surprised he had to see them to be a singer like her mother.

You are to overcome both with emotions, such as Chun-hee to say it to her, asking where he is, but he promises to come home only later, and says that he is about them and Byul looking. He says he'll call back and hangs up. Chun-hee cries in relief that her father is in order, and Joon-hyun just grins, happy for her that she has finally been able to speak with him.

The KBC station leader has a seat on Chun-hee Disappearing Act, but is relieved that Soo-in was to take their place (as convenient) , He swears Chun-hee permanently ban of broadcasting, and Joo-hee "humiliating" apologizes and takes responsibility, since they recommended Chun-hee for the show.

Soo-in is not stupid, and on the drive home she asks her mother if she does not appear something with Chun-hee had to do for the mission. Joo-hee told only her daughter to stay calm and feign innocence. It delivers the message of Chun-hee banishment from broadcasting to Geon-woo and to his credit, Geon-woo looks skeptical of their version of events.

Joon-hyun and Chun-hee apologize to the assistant director, the unwilling seems to cut margins. He mutters that Chun-hee is already arrogant after their album release which annoys Joon-hyun. He takes offense at the way the man on trot music speaks and they act according insulted until the wizard finally swears that no one at the station to help them, and stomps off.

Later, Chun-hee sits at home in the dark, echoing the Assistant to the ugly words in her head. Joon-hyun Natters on the price of products on and tried to get out of their own head, but she says dejectedly, that they blew a great opportunity and they do not know what will they do now. Adorably, he has only to poke pokes with his toes and gives her a soft "Choi Chun-hee, fight!"

The next day she spoke with Geon -Woo who exhorts argued for their unprofessional behavior and Joon-hyun that no one could be expected to ignore a text so , Geon-woo softens a bit and makes it possible that for a trot singer, stage performance is more important than television, he will see if he can find her some stage events.

Joo-hee and director Kim have a meeting of the evil spirits, and develop a plan, Chun-hee to stage in terms of sabotage events, also. Actor begin on the same stage as the girl who was standing on the live broadcast to refuse.

Joon-hyun and Chun-hee drink at Coach Bang Restaurant and coach remembers Chun-hee, that they are not always successful was on track either true - sometimes let you down, But that's ok. Simple but wise words.

She calls Tae-song, the (hidden) working in the kitchen to get food. Tae-Song girded his loins, and brings the food to the table, but Joon-hyun refused to eat food that he has touched and begins to leave. When Coach urging Tae-song itself latches on purpose and asks not to leave him.

He gets brave and says Joon-hyun to beat him until he is no longer angry, but cowers when Joon-hyun actually increased his left hand in a fist , He holds Joon-hyun hand, only to hear: "I'm right-handed," and a right hook to catch square on the jaw.

you sit outside where Tae-Song admits that he was crazy to go with the plan together to ruin Joon-hyun. He asks for forgiveness, offering Chun-hee manage, ready to do anything to be back with Joon-hyun. AWW.

Soon Joon-hyun gets a call provides Chun-hee a consignment, the gap is that there is not a big broadcasting station. The details are not clear, but it is a cable station and they film tomorrow.

The loan sharks to lend them a car for the drive to the location, and enter Chun-hee some really sweet encouragement. Joon-hyun her the keys with mild hands: "I do not know how to drive." She points out that he drove the car when they first met, but he remembers them with a beaming smile that he never left the parking lot. Hee.

Soo-in is mooning caught by her mother about her headband souvenir, but denies that she went to an amusement park. When she leaves the room, Joo-hee goes through her phone and sees the photos she has with Geon-woo, and gets a devious glint in her eyes.

Later she calls Geon-woo invite him to a party, her own debut birthday. You Soo-in about liking confronted the president, and says that she thinks he is good enough for her daughter. Ugh, that has a sort-of friend Soo-in, and Mama is going to ruin it, is not she?

After driving in circles until dark, Joon-hyun and Chun-hee finally come to the home, where they spend the night. The house is dark and spooky, and the ajumma owner keeps a memorial to her late husband, even to talk to him as if he is still alive. It passes into her room and said it is the only available and they will have to share. Oh darn?

Joon-hyun as a cat from the strange ajumma is jumpy and her creepy house and Chun-hee has a little fun with him, intentionally frighten him only to see him flail. She takes a bath while Joon-hyun guarded the door, although I doubt that it would help a lot, if anything has been done given that he looks like he's crying.

she fusses him to leave the door open, and they argue about whether it has to see anything anyway. Joon-hyun insists is nothing there to see, but still tries to take a look. Cheeky boy. Suddenly the wind takes and blowing a gown from the clothes line and over the head, and he runs to the bathroom crying, screaming again Chun-hee in all its glory bathing to see.

The ajumma offers them food from her husband's memorial and the ajumma is wistful as she recalls how he never said he loved her, but she loved to hear him sing. Chun-hee offers to sing for them, and sings a gorgeous a cappella version of "Because of being a man" by Jo Hang-jo, her strong voice the story of a man tells of hiding his feelings:

Whether the world smiling, living in
Or hiding a history, they can not in front of you
one day say
I keep my sadnesses close and appreciate them
Standing, my heart opens and a sound
make a sound and cry
all this time spent
human things inside buried because these days were so long


Something in Joon-hyun face if the texts seem to sing with him in response, and he watches Chun-hee with a yearning expression that speaks volumes.

When she was that night in their room, Joon-hyun is quiet and thoughtful. It checks whether Chun-hee sleeping, and it rolls along the ground, throwing a leg over him and nestled his face against her breast (the position that she sleeps with Byul in). It is more maternal than anything else, and it is sweet as Joon-hyun closes his eyes and relaxes in the maternal consolation for a moment, go before he unravel gently and sleep outside.

In the morning he complained of insect bites, and Chun-hee asks why he slept outside. He accused asleep to be easy with a man in the room, and it's all " PFFT , you're a man?" Injured pride, Joon-hyun is on to prove it, its clamping arms .. to get on both sides of Chun-hee head and in her face RAWR

he inch even closer when he asks, "Then I'm a girl? See, you're nervous. I am a man, right? "He smiles and leaves, so that Chun-hee deal with some new, confusing emotions.

Joo-hee debut anniversary party is underway, and it is obvious that Joo hee Geon-woo and Soo-in compresses. Geon-woo looks uncomfortable, but remain polite. Joo-hee speaks with a sunbae of her, the one who refuses to share a stage with Chun-hee, and rule them as they spread the word to avoid under their Actor friends Chun-hee. Geon-woo overhears, and angrily leaves the party without a word.

Joon-hyun and Chun-hee arrive on the set, only to find, that their audience ... will be a herd of goats. the show wants to find out what is happening with their digestion when they listen to music. EWW, they try to find out the goat poop more when they listen to music, do not you?

Chun-hee gamely singing for goats and Joon-hyun becomes more and more frustrated as the director in the shooting, as it shows interesting goats more to stop many times and start the order. Finally Joon-hyun complained that it is sung for hours, and the director says they ruin the mood.

, take a break, and Joon-hyun misdirects his anger at Chun-hee, they cry for leave are badly treated. She says that there is still a stage, and she wants to see this through. Joon-hyun goes to get water and Chun-hee for the goat sings again, but this time they rush her, and she falls, she cut her arm badly.

Geon-woo arrives, and looking shocked and embarrassed Chun-hee, who see in a paddock singing for livestock. They film wrap and Chun-hee smiles to see him, but Geon-woo makes a beeline for Joon-hyun and demands to know if this is what he is, if he his guitar bet on Chun- hee.

Joon-hyun agrees that the situation terrible, but takes offense to verbal assault of Geon-woo. At least he attempted while he has not seen Geon-woo do everything for her as president. Chun-hee apologizes to Geon-woo and Joon-hyun turns his wrath on them, to ask them if they sing for the goats like. He says that if they will only do what she wants, then he stopped as her manager and producer, and walks away. Chun-hee tries to follow him, but Geon-woo detain them and insisted on their section doctoring arm.

It starts to rain and Joon-hyun runs back to the set where the director tells him that Chun-hee went to the hospital. He panics, it is not just a cut on her arm to know and asks a drive from Soo-in, which appeared on the lookout for Geon-woo. You go to the hospital and the house, where they spent the night, but she is nowhere to be found.

Meanwhile, Chun-hee and Geon-woo are in mud and stranded in the car stuck. It proposes a game to pass the time in which she laughs silly faces and the first one to lose. Hence the funniest dorkface I have ever seen from Geon-woo and Chun-hee lose (as I have * giggle * ) to earn a hard film on the forehead.

They end sleep in the car, and when the stopped to go out rain the next morning. He apologizes for her call unprofessional, and she asks if he came all this way just to say that. It is not, and he blurts out: "I came because I missed you." Chun-hee thinks he kidding, but he says again that he really came because he misses it.

She changes the subject nervous, and they get on the road just in time Joon-hyun and Soo-in to see who searched all night for them. Chun-hee is lit like a Christmas tree, Joon-hyun to see, but he stalks right past her and cold faucets Geon-woo.

He wants to know what Geon-woo has done to Chun-hee, and throws another punch which Geon-woo blocks easily. Chun-hee is shocked and apologizes to Geon-woo, but both men are locked them in their alpha male confrontation to notice.

Joon-hyun says that they were all night unreachable so of course he was concerned, but Geon-woo counters that what he really worried about is, is the fact that he was with her. He says he is more got to be with a manager who does not notice, even if it is violated. This takes the wind out of the sails of Joon-hyun, and he goes away. Chun-hee apologizes again and follows him.

Joon-hyun is still, as it goes with Chun-hee behind him, wanted to know why he punched Geon-woo. He finally stops to ask why it. About the president worry so much He asks if she even cares how worried he was, escalated his voice to a shout as he asks if they ever know what he was thinking all night. He notes that it bears Geon-woo jacket and pulls him jealous of her, throwing them to the ground.

Chun-hee asks what's wrong with him that he and now to destroy Geon Woo punching his clothes. He drags her only in and kisses her, hard. She pushes him away and hits him, then calls him crazy and runs away. To his credit, he looks like he knows exactly how he foolishly just behaved.

Chun-hee is back as the house of ajumma first, who says that Joon-hyun was frantic search all night for her, and she now looks they thought it feels bad. It shows just goes quietly past her into her room. Once alone, he reflected a few times, told himself to get it together. back

Soo-in drives Geon-woo to Seoul and tried to explain that "misunderstanding" in the party. She says that her mother is doing things for them, but Geon-woo numbers astutely that there is no problem between her and her mother, it is between him and her mother.

Joon-hyun pretends to sleep on the way back home, but ravishingly sneaking peeks at Chun-hee, if they do not see. Chun-hee can not sleep that night, Play Geon-woo almost commitment and Joon-hyun kiss over and over again in her head.

Joon-hyun is also restless and they run into each other in the living room, and Chun-hee says that she does not want to be uncomfortable between them things. He blows the kiss just like it was no big deal, said he has always been crazy as this kind of. Chun-hee sees to think a little disappointed that it did mean nothing to him - but it does mean something, and Joon-hyun it feels as if he is in his room holding his palpitations.

Back in the studio, Chun-hee practices as Joon-hyun watched them, his heart in his eyes. He meets to ask for his help, lift the broadcasting ban with President Jo. President Jo says cryptically, that when you are firmly seated in a corner, the only thing head-on is to do attack.

Joon-hyun includes this with enthusiasm and starts all happened KBC station manager to be unraveling. He brings him energy drinks, begins jjajangmyun delivery and even shows up in the men's room with embossed thumbs up for the uh, "little director." PWAHAHA.

He asks again and again for the director to lift the ban against Chun-hee, and if it produces and burned the hot coffee Director, if he pushes him away, he finally is. Later Geon-woo, the station manager KBC calls, but as soon as he mentioned, Chun-hee, the poor man harassed encounters a half-crazed wailing and screaming that he has already lifted the ban.

Tae-song singing merrily and dancing as he cleans the restaurant and Coach Bang catches him with a rose in his teeth. She asks how long he been able, so good to sing, and tells him that he should be a singer. Tae-song looks for the compliment pathetically grateful as it has always been because someone was nice to him, and falling on one knee to gallantly offer coach the mop ... oops, the Rose. They accepted, and Tae-song she sees literally sparkles surrounded, haha.

Later Tae-song chats with a friend online, both on the perfect person waxes made of them poetically it. He does not know that he actually is with Pil-nyeo chatting, who talks about him , and none of them realizes that they sit directly across from each other in the same Internet cafe.

Joon-hyun is in fantastic mood as he is Chun-hee on the prohibition is lifted to say, but Geon-woo knocking him seconds. Joon-hyun's face falls, but he strikes a happy expression, only to fall again when Chun-hee tells him that the President was lifted the ban. He smiles bravely at her and thinks that as long as it is he happy will be satisfied. Awww.

Chun-hee remake of "Hot Pepper" is a big hit with all ages, with copies of their album fly to be off the shelves. Chun-hee and Joon-hyun even a group of small children give to sing it, which seems to tickle Joon-hyun pink.

The whole ragtag group including Tae-song and the loan sharks, meet for dinner at the restaurant Coach album to celebrate the success, and Chun-hee goes out gifts they got for each. All but Joon-hyun, looking sad be omitted.

You've been so busy that the house is a wreck, and Joon-hyun, Chun-hee and Byul act like a real family as they bicker about who what confusion. Joon-hyun literally kicks Byul and Chun-hee from school and practice and stays clean home. I Swoon.

It is impressive, as the spoiled previously rotten idol throws himself enthusiastically into the housework, washing clothes and scrubbing toilets and washing even the shoes that he bought for Byul. If Byul comes home, he invites her to help him, and they both sing "Hot Pepper", while the floors do. Playing air guitar and dance and are super-cute together.

Geon-woo takes Chun-hee to eat and asks if she has thought about it, said about them what he lacks to say clearly that it was his confession in case they missed it. He asks officially to date him, but she stammers that she had just as much to do lately, with singing and taking care of Byul and her father has disappeared, and has no time for dating.

When he falls Chun-hee home, Geon-woo half jokes that it was rejected, and ask if there is someone else she likes. She denies it, but he says it's because the heart so easily change not matter. He sends them with a smile, to be a good sport about the whole thing, but, as he drives away, he finds her cell phone, which she left in his car.

Joon-hyun jumps at Chun-hee, from where he is hiding waiting for her, and she fusses for the delay. Geon-woo rounded the corner in time Joon-hyun to hear you say that she has no manners towards the people they live with, and they come together in the apartment upstairs, joking and laughing.

Geon-woo is left outside, stunned by the realization that Chun-hee and Joon-hyun live together.


Once again Trot Lovers provides much plot and character development within a short hour, and I love it.

initially Geon-woo confession ... I think it's interesting, as he is from the two guys who steps and makes his feelings known first. He could easily explain his presence at the goat farm as for Chun-hee career is concerned, but he gets only characteristic to the point, and admits that he misses her. Then he takes them out to make it crystal clear that he likes her, and wants to date. I really like to be this character for an open and honest, and do not the typical second line cause of his interest so nice and vague that he gets a friend-zoned before it also only get one chance with the girl. By declaring on early, he lies rather in the race for their feelings, even if he has to take a step, to get back out of respect when she says that she has not yet been prepared.

The problem with the approach that, while he says the right words, Geon-woo is not much to show Chun-hee to do that he has feelings for her. I can understand their confusion when he confesses, because he has done nothing absolutely to clue in her that he feels towards her something different responsibilities as their boss, has much less trying to get to know you as a person. In fact, he has made more efforts in this direction towards Soo-in and toward Chun-hee. Even if he is flirting, it's always with this feeling that he might just pull her leg ... and while his sense of humor quirky and endearing is that ambiguity is built not do him any favors when he starts to really like they.

And then we Joon-hyun at the other end of the spectrum, which actually go both professionally and personally taking care of Chun-hee of daily effort. For a man who previously not lift a finger unless it was something in it for him, he has a large corner turned and is now ready to do anything for Chun-hee, no matter how humiliating or embarrassing it is him personally. If that is not proof that you care for someone, I do not know what is. can

But the catch is that he does not admit seem that he got feelings for Chun-hee is. I think that this is a strong feelings for him completely new thing, so it is understandable that he has a difficult time to identify the his feelings to himself, much less to her. It's scary, is vulnerable in that way to make it is spent to avoid especially if you hurt build your time walls.

One of the most effective moments about Joon-hyun stunted emotional growth was when Joon-hyun his jealousy could govern his actions and kissed Chun-hee. As much as I want these two together happily kiss and to be, that was several not the way to go about it. He deserves this impact, because this kiss over his feelings for her was not - it is about jealousy and possessiveness was. I think that his actions showed in that moment that Joon-hyun has to do a lot of maturation before it to have any kind of romantic relationship can hope. He needs to stop getting angry and like a child, every time things stomps away do not go their way. When he learns to stand still and to use his words, then he would have a real deserved kiss.

The other moment of my heart for Joon-hyun, and a really dragged, made me think that he still deserves a second chance, was, as Chun- hee pulled him to her in her sleep. The longing on his face as she held and comforted him just broke my heart. There was nothing in his expression about attraction to her - it was completely the face of a little boy who never got much, if at all, maternal affection. He's probably never had anyone, not even his mother, to show him that he is worthy of love, as it is. This moment of vulnerability explains so much, and is the main reason why I am willing to give him time to work through his mature themes, especially as he really seems to bother - even if he trespassed against nearly so often does when he taking steps forward.

I also appreciate how the show is another drama trope excavation that Chun-hee actually valid, understandably charges both suitors has removed. It is not only dense or wishy-washy. Each of the things she has to do it - father went to increase young sister and try to be successful in a very difficult music business - would be sufficient, too busy to every girl and make confused to even consider dating. Now she has a man to declare his feelings openly and honestly, and another one that has to live with her and kiss her and do everything that a partner is doing, but to deny that it means something. No wonder that it is too confused to even begin to think about what it is that they wants. On the one hand it must be terribly frustrating, but really on the other side, they can not make a wrong decision in this case, because both guys are pretty big and really care for them. I just hope that they make a decision soon, because I'm ready for some real, mutual kissing here happens to start.

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tags: featured, Ji Hyun-woo, Jung Eun-ji, Trot Lovers

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