Recap And Reviews Kdrama Secret Door: Episode 4

Recap and reviews korean drama Secret Door: Episode 4 -

Ooh, we are warming , The good guys begin to mount, and things really interesting for our hero, who can no longer remain innocent in the face of such blatant corruption. It accepts the loss of his own conviction in his best friend idealistic prince to shake from its core, but he's lucky, some honest and doggedly, to meet people who might just be his trusted inner circle. Thank God, because if he had a share in a corner curled up more days trying not to fall apart, of loneliness, I do not know what I would do.


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We finally have our first guide in the investigation of Heung-bok murder or least uncovered the first witness, which is not part of the political cover-up. Heung-bok artist colleague Jung-Woon expected interrogation, and Crown Prince sun comes to put the question to be aware.

sun demands that Jung-Woon unbound and, being a chair, but his advisers protests that he their prime suspect when Heung-bok was actually murdered technically and committed suicide, not. Nevertheless the prince that the man is a suspect, not guilty, and has untied him .

Sun nudges gently Jung-Woon for the truth, what he knows about Heung-bok, his death and the allegation that he was a traitor who just screams the royal family, but Jung-Woon slandered. " Kill me, Your Majesty! "sunspots on that and wondered if it's a murder confession.

Jung-Woon that's not it says and reaches into his shirt for a pile of letters, shaking like a leaf. Sun opens a hasty, and his face contorts as he scans filled with slander against him the page. He wants to know what that is, and Jung-Woon admits that they are letters that Heung-bok who sent him.

Aw nooo, they also to you? Jung-Woon changed his statement completely and said that Heung-bok cursed the royal family on a daily basis. Only the Prince and his eunuchs are flat on the indictment and Sun asks desperately, "N-no, that's not true. They should not be answered in this way. They should say that Heung-bok never had treacherous intent that he never slandered, he was someone who the royal family "

would never slandered! But Jung-Woon sticks to his story dream, and says that he ran away because he was afraid that he was not reporting a would be punished traitor if he had known of Heung-bok all the time. Sun face falls, and he grabs a letter after, pored over their hated content as the sky behind it darkens.

Ugh, they're horrible letters paint Heung-bok as two faces fraud to be the only pretended friends with the prince, because he wanted to be Power. That's not what our Heung-bokie was like! Must we stomp on the bromance to the grave, is not it?

Sun eyes with angry hot tears fill, and he plunges the entire stack of so-called evidence against his friend before stalking off. Jung-Woon looks after him, and then landing his eyes on the prince's bodyguards. Oh no, say it is not so! In a flashback to last night, Jung-Woon is in a shed and screaming for mercy as our mysterious assassin in black holding a sword to his brother around the neck.

He only cuts the hair knots, but warns that it will be next time ... the neck and then he raises his head and smiles, and damn it, it's the bodyguard of Prince. Is there anybody good in this world to leave?

It's been him the whole time the primary station of Prince, Kang Pil-jae who has his orders takes directly from Prime Minister Kim. He is the one who killed the Heung-bok, and he made sure that Jung-Woon would produce this false statement last night.

King Yeongjo and Prime Minister Kim explained averted the current crisis and, as usual, return business, although the status quo between them is best, always poor. Meanwhile the prince teachers Park Mun-su runs until Jung-Woon on his way out of the palace, asking why he would tell these lies. But he is too late, and Jung-Woon has had already in the silence of fear.

The advisor of Prince Chae Je-gong is either insensitive or Sun tries to teach a lesson, because he constantly Heung-bok slanderous letters presented one by one, noting that they will return to such lengths are two years old. There is even a will, which seals it as suicide.

Sun asks him repeatedly to stop and leave him, but Chae pushes for his royal signature on the final judgment in the case. Mrmph, the way Sun's voice creaks and trembles as he pleads for him to go away, breaks my heart.

Chae says that it was the prince himself, who declared this belief is the source of false judgment and says that his conviction blinded him to the truth in Heung-bok friendship. For what it's worth, Chae seems like he is trying to protect the prince and teach him, even though at this point it would be a miracle if any of Sun page was not secretly evil.

He worries that if Sun is seen with a traitor than indulgent, it will threaten its status as a Crown Prince. But Sun asks tears in his eyes, "status? What is it that you think I lost? Is not it happen to you that I might have lost a little over my status?"

Sun leaves Chae speechless and rides off on his horse and thought back to his days as a young boy, through the courtyard holding hands with little Heung-bok runs. That's how they were always, even to days until shortly before, when they ran through the streets, trying to borrow not caught on illegal books.

He remembers about his aspirations to ask Heung-bok, who were humble and serious. But now everything feels like a cruel lie, and Sun assumes Heung-bok recent letter to him and crumpled it up. No, do not do it!

He laughs bitterly through his tears and throws the letter into a lake, and sitting like a statue until nightfall.

When he was waiting for him back to the palace late at night, is the king. Yeongjo is uncharacteristically lenient with his son in a performance of fear, although it is him that once reminded enough for this type of behavior.

Yeongjo: ". It is a luxury that is not allowed, which is determined to be king Friends" Gah, there is something sad? He adds: "No matter how deathly lonely you feel, you never open your heart." When he goes, he never warns his son to trust a single soul and sun casts a tear.

He spends night huddled in a corner, looked on his throne and looked more alone than he had ever before.

In the morning he kneels in front of his father, in the presence of the Court Minister. He presented with the Royal Decree of Heung-bok debt as a traitor, and this time he takes the brush to sign with the royal seal stamp.

In a very short time Heung-bok sister and ailing mother get away considered as slaves, and our young mystery novelist and truth seekers Ji-dam watches in shock. Your friend gisaeng Woon-Shim decided the prince Sheet (request for a meeting with Ji-dam) to burn now that the case is over, but Ji-dam arrives just in time to catch them.

You can not believe Woon-Shim would hide something like this in front of her, and argues that it is far from over because Heung-bok family be removed is dragged unjustly, how they speak. Perennial Story Spinner that is, Ji-dam says they need a twist, and asks Woon-Shim, imagine if had The Story of Chun-hyang ended with a knife to her throat.

Woon-Shim points out that real life is not fiction, but Ji-dam says that it is because it is the real life, that they, characters do rotate more desperate as the need in books. She decides that it is too pathetic to give up without even trying, and says she'll make her own twist then.

Three days later, it looks like Ji-dam is her wish: Woon-Shim signaled a group of men as they carry a large chest in the palace, with Ji-dam inside. (Are they people in boxes set to make aware us shudder? Thanks show it worked.)

sun spends the evening swordplay that his teachers concern is be a nocturnal activity. It is not so much training, as is the attack of a furious bull, and Sun requires them the wood with real swords to fight ditch.

Ji dam waiting to come to nightfall from their hiding place, but a hiccup in running when the only things that are in the laundry room royal robes can. So she sneaks around the palace dressed in princess Hyegyeong clothing that makes it particularly frightening, as it runs in the princess to the right. Ack.

Hyegyeong demands to know who she is and what to do in these clothes, and the only thing that can Ji-dam do is run. We have seen them outrun cops, so it does not take much effort for them a few ladies-in-law to lose, although the problem is that they lose, as it approaches to the palace of the Prince.

Hyegyeong storms within intent on looking for her, and when the eunuch Fürstenhof lady her from that stop in a room, it is fired to think that her husband hid the girl. They ignored their protests and flings the doors open ... to find sunbathing. Oops. (Also rawr. How much do I love that army abs are a sacred thing in drama country?)

You can not hide her embarrassment, but he hardly blinks and asks only cool it him either connect or close the door. She decides to close the door. (Clearly, she's not in her right eye.)

The servant eye each other nervously, but once it's gone, put sun just steps casually out of the bathroom and takes his sweet time on his robe. We see that Ji-dam located in that space behind the screen after all hidden

He says that they had been trapped to death, would have faced. "This is a place filled with strict laws and cold- hearted people, this is the kind of dangerous place is the castle." But then he softened to wonder what it is that they wanted to give him that her face such a made risk.

you get behind the screen and says: "The truth." She gives him book lending tag Heung-bok, who discovered the site of his assassination. He turns around and finds that it really Heung-bok's flashback shows us that it read Sun changed the figure in his day, "painter", insisting that the font to paint pun was very clever. That explains why Heung-bok the pun on the book, he repeated changes for the prince.

Sun sighs grateful to realize that Heung-bok did pick up the book at night, and says he would've-he was someone who did what he promised. Once alone in his room, falling sun on his knees and crying out for his friend.

Lady Hyegyeong is still angry fuming, but it's even more confusing when her court lady returns with the robes borrowed Ji-dam, left as they were in the laundry room. You wonder how a girl escape without a trace, if they do not get help.

Ji-dam is still with the prince, and after all they know, told him he turns into civil and she goes towards the palace wall. He begins to tell her that it is dangerous to use doors, in and out of this place, but before he can finish the sentence, she is already hopped the wall. He grins and jumps to follow. (Was the Ji-dam known by his fear motivated that he might be next to die)

the artist dorm head Jung-Woon about his false statement to confront you. But they open the door to find him leaning against the wall, covered in blood.

He's already dead, and they found a suicide note, which seem it does, how it does not bear the guilt known about Heung-bok the treacherous intentions could live. But Sun discovered a dying message left Jung-Woon in his own blood. You do not know what it means, but you write it down, and Sun wonders if there is a message meant the murder weapon to display.

Ji-dam takes the knife, which is lying on the floor, and her voice begins to tremble, "I know the owner of this knife."

the next thing we know, Sun breaks through and connect each to beat on his way. Ji-dam routes to him and asks a henchman for the chef-ruh-ROH, "Boss" is what she calls Chul-joo.

Sure enough, the sun fights its way through the lackeys to Chul-joo to obtain, confirming that he is the boss of this gang. Without a word, the sun just jumps on to attack and Chul-joo defends itself handily without much effort.

He thinks it's quite rude attack people, without explaining why, but Sun is just red and seeing screams, "Why did you kill Heung-bok!" He throws Chul-joo of Heung-bok killed and Jung-Woon kills then to cover up the first murder, and Chul-joo not even raise his voice to say that he has done such a thing.

Ji-dam finally catches up with the boy and asks Chul -joo on the bloody knife that time and carries a labeling his band, found next to the body. He finally realizes what's the ruckus about, and they sit down for a chat.

Chul-joo presented one of his men, the original owner knife, who lost his gun recently, then cut off his own ear as a self-inflicted punishment. Yikes. Ji-dam suspects that someone planted the gun to engage his gang at the scene, and asks who would do that. Chul-joo says that there are too many reasons to count, and that, as the band north-south east-west divide, this sort of thing is fairly common.

You ask if he of a knife called white hwabutado (the dying message left by Jung-Woon), but he does not know. So the murder weapon and heads resumes, and Chul-joo blocks Ji-mother way to insist on some answers, now who is the man, and how close he could have been on Heung-bok, that he such havoc in the wreaking middle of the night? Ji-dam, "Well, you see ..."

Chul-joo comes with hands folded and head bowed, and apologized to the prince for him not to recognize. Sun says that he should be the one for breaking in here, but Chul-joo brings him well and adds to apologize if he had lost one of his precious men, he would have shed blood over them.

as much Chul-joo white surprised, but he says it's the force behind his obvious shock-he has lost someone dear. Chul-joo asks if he wants to visit Heung-bok grave, which is a surprise. It turns out that he at Ji-dam buried Heung-bok persistent desire and Sun wonders how to thank him.

Chul-joo him and a bottle of hand says that the monument wine has not yet been cast, so sun pours wine over the stones and cries softly.

Back in the palace, King Yeongjo looking through old drawings of the prince. He finds a portrait of Heung-bok and remembers exactly when the sun was drawn. It was when he threatened to time in the dead of winter to abdicate if Sun spent in the yard had days in the snow.

had he returned to his room in the post, still half frozen, and sat a portrait of Heung-bok to pull down. Yeongjo remembers the curious smile on his face, as if it is a source of comfort to, was that no matter what happened, it was all right, because he had a friend in the world. been

Yeongjo wonders what would've happened if the sun, the son of a painter, and says with a sigh that he had from his father were taught to paint what he liked and enjoy life born was. He adds soberly: "But a king teaches his son to throw away his friends."

He looks at the throne back to doing the same way Sun, and breaks into a conflict, bitter laugh at the role he plays, because of his position.

, so that the killer is gone

Sun and Ji-dam return the knife to the scene and delete Jung-woon's dying message take everything according to plan. Ji-dam has to attest to go, what they do, but this time Sun keeps them, knowing that it would only make her next target.

He says he learned this much about the first two tests in Heung -bok of murder, that if they show what they know they purchase only the bad guys more time to stay one step to stay ahead. He says that this time, they will move in secret. That's what I want to hear. for the good guys to learn Yay a trick or two.

The Noron inner circle meets to ensure that this second killing without problems went, and the bodyguard of the prince swears that this time he made no mistakes. The other ministers think it is not necessary Ji-dam on the hunt for chuckling to herself: "What harm could a girl do" I can not wait until it crushes you all. But Prime Minister Kim not underestimate the damage could do a loose end, and orders her found.

Ji-dam sun increases their secret writing room where it looks a bit like it has a creepy serial killer wall. But upon closer examination, he finds that it research for the characters, including the hero of the mystery novel he likes so much.

He too slow for her turns: "It is not might be ... You're Bingae?" She just smiles and produced his fan letter asking to meet, and says that she was so curious to meet the person who identified the killer before part 2 was even out that she went to book delivery on the night itself.

Sun realized that's how they Heung-bok saw the last moments. She asks if the book was recovered at the scene, and he says it is missing, along with his sketchbook / journal. He asks her to go all know about it in detail, but it is far ahead of him and provides him with a book detailing what they so far from the case white. I like the way they surprise him again, and the funny expression on his face when she does.

He reads through their account, which contains the name of an officer Min, the policeman who took her statement. She is convinced that the police captain Hong suggested in on the cover-up, and now Sun suspected radar pings to teachers Park Mun-su, the police to conduct the investigation, claiming that he trusted. He runs out to return later promising.

Park Mun-su has another visitor that night it is Chul-Joo, who has come to ask questions about Heung-bok, despite Park's insistence that he should not show here, or even know, who Heung-bok is.

We are back to the night of Heung-bok death when Park Mun-su comes to Ji-dam runs away to find the police. He takes the bag of books on the bridge up and then climbs down to where the body is, together with Chul-Joo. OH, Chul-Joo is the one all the way to the fountain on Park Mun-su moved the body from the river order. They fall into him and closed well to close. I think the park was not lying about that part.

Chul-joo starts Park to tell him to watch over the prince to come, but only Sun knocks on his door and teacher in storms. Chul- Joo hidden from the eyes and Sun is to the point to ask what Park Mun-su, the motives for nominating police captain Hong had or participated in the investigation.

Park do not seem to be interested, to defend itself, but it is Sun, who says that his teachers not the kind of person is to be involved in a treacherous action as follows. He pleads for an explanation, and the truth, which is that Heung-bok discovered that he had to die?

His teacher asks if he can handle the truth. Sun:. "I am the crown prince of Joseon I can in the unjust death of my people are not silent moment when I'm quiet, I lose the right to be the crown prince, and the right to be their king 22! "I do not know, maybe it's just me, but I read pride in his teacher's eyes.

He has not yet been sun tell the truth however, and says only his Yoda-like manner, that the truth is something that he has to look for. He does not warn Sun that someone to trust in this endeavor, not even the teachers in front of him sits now.

It's morning by the time Park Mun-su Prince walk with heavy shoulders watches, and Chul-joo comes to ask why he has Sun not told the truth, and threatens it for him to do. Park erupting in frustration and insisted that he is the one who wants the truth, reveals more than any other, that's why he had moved the body, even though he knew it was wrong to do so.

He had hoped to learn something from the enemy with this maneuver, but it was a fruitless again, and he lost only Jung Woon-in process. He tells Chul-joo, that this is not mere murder case, but something that could shake the royal family. He asks to think of his next step after time. be

But Chul-joo tells him about his gang knife in Jung-woon Tatort planted and points it is that, if not just a scapegoat, then doing someone so because they know about his relationship with Park Mun-su, in which case they are the ones who have to act first.

Jung-woon's body is found the next morning, and the police rule out a clear suicide, and his body is when his family wails carried away. Park Mun-su watches from afar, tears in his eyes pooling, as he bows ceremoniously.

Ji-dam and her father are usually the heartbroken gisaeng the Jung-Woon loved and take their medicine. Ji-dam says everything she could do to cover with a blanket, and begins to cry when she asks, " 'Father, what are the people What does it mean, as a man to live," Does she, that it must be something more they could do for a friend who lost the man she loves, but can not figure out what.

Sun tells his trusted advisor Chae Je-gong that Jung-Woon was murdered and that they are going both cases to investigate secretly again, and Chae seems really shocked that someone would dare to go so boldly against the Prince. Sun knows that at least someone with enough power to control the captain of the police, but of course none of them would guess in a million years that it could be his father.

Prime Minister Kim comes Yeongjo seen again pronounce the case closed, no one will ever speak of their secret document. Yeongjo thanked him sarcastically, and Prime Minister Kim not a moment to waste a claim on behalf of the police to make captain Hong.

In a very short time, the King Sun for a meeting with the captain Hong calls, who plays the part of the contrite servant, to offer his resignation here now that the special investigation is conducted. Yeongjo tells Sun that they should promote him instead, and tells him to go ahead and make the Minister of War Hong.

Sun's eyes widen, and his father pushes him only congenial Hong to pour a drink, and Sun does not try to boil over his blood. But all he can think of is the chain of lies, the captain Hong to his face rightly said.

His father handed the bottle to him, and Sun takes it obediently. But then he throws the pitcher and rolls over the table in a fit of raaaage and steps to Hong throat as he screams: "THE"

Sun yells at the top of his lungs that he will take Hong life, people crushed, and Yeongjo watch this unfold powerless with a laugh ... that turns into a terrifying rage. He shakes with anger when he rises slowly, and says, "You would dare ... I'll kill you" Oh. Crap.


I was not for this kind of father-son confrontation expected so early in the game. It is shocking (in a good way, because they are historically known this unhinged and then to be some), and I love added the tension, adds it to all minor conflicts, because at the end of the day, it is the ratio of all will come on. It's just an extra layer their motivations lead to any combustible encounter to see, because it is the actor drives descriptions.

Lee Je-hoon Sun anger than pure plays like freshly fallen snow-there is no less scary, just because he is one of the good guys, because I know that he actually think Snap neck someone could, if too far driven. It is three-emotions-at-a-time unrecognizable topped only by Han Seok-kyu reactions to everything that always leaves me unsettled. His laughter-sadness-rage combo at the end was damn scary, but so was his moment of reflection about how beautiful his son's life would have been, he had born the son of a painter. It is the self-confidence that makes the terrifying anger so surprising because it seems like he is fully in control and even sorry ... but if Sun defying him, there is no justification with the man.

This was my favorite episode so far, because we already get so much change in the sun over the course of an episode to see. He goes from the political scapegoat inconsolable friend; he hits rock bottom and are hopeful that his friendship with Heung-bok was real; he has his Godfather Moment of the Royal Decree signing and hollowing the very political pressure he thought that he would rise up; and then he meets Ji-dam, and even lets hope again. It's great how it affects him in a day, and already he seems like he recovered some of his old self before losing Heung-bok. []; _taboola.push ({mode: "Thumbnails-a 'container' taboola Down Item Thumbnails" placement "Below Article Thumbnails" target_type, "Mix"});

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