Recap And Reviews Kdrama Trot Lovers: Episode 13

Recap and reviews korean drama Trot Lovers: Episode 13 -

It's time for our leads only to react to stop everything that happens to them, and they start to take the reins and make things happen. The secret, if Joon-hyun got back his memory is achieved, which creates to fight only a whole new set of problems for him. But he manages to find a pretty smart way to confront his enemies, while still keeping his newfound family safe, and I really see us on the epic smackdown that certainly is for everyone who in his trying to get way.


On the pier, Joon -Hyung says Chun-hee, he remembers how the little mermaid story ends: the moment the mermaid bubbles rotates, the memory returns the prince.

From the corner of my eye, Joon-hyun noted Geon-woo and Soo-in is approaching, and his tone turns more casual as he says, of course, that's how it ends because fairytale happy endings have. He says Soo-in he is ready to go, and they leave Chun-hee and Geon-woo looking shocked.

alone on the ferry, Soo-in is an encouragement to remember that it is not over. She invites Geon-woo and Chun-hee to dinner with her and Joon-hyun, saying she something important to say, it has. They all rely on the most uncomfortable lunch at all, and Geon-woo breaks the silence by asking what they have lost Chun-hee when found. Joon-hyun scolds him for it as a cheap hairpin purchase and Chun-hee realizes that he has not thought of them or their relationship.

Out of nowhere, Soo-in makes its announcement - marry her and Joon-hyun. Geon-woo congratulates them, but Chun-hee is stunned and Joon-hyun looks at her guiltily. He may not remember it, but he knows that something is very wrong.

Later, Chun-hee asks Geon-woo to practice their driving to the studio, and he says that she does not need to be brave in front of him. He tells her not to hold it in, but Chun-hee looks like she hardly has to keep their emotions under control. At home, she remembers Soo-in the announcement, and sets the hairpin away.

But when they let Gos, Joon-hyun starts lightning memories have come as the set piece on him, and seeing Chun-hee's face in his Dream. He directs the theater to pick up his cell phone, which was broken during the accident and takes it to be repaired.

Soo-in can be in Joon-hyun exercise room and found his cell phone, and goes through his messages (they obviously takes after her mother). She finds a text message from the workshop to have promising fixed his phone soon. She goes into the workshop common ground that Joon-hyun has already picked up the phone, and it scares them so badly that her knees buckling.

Soo-in-freaks to her mother that he will see all the pictures of himself and Chun-hee in his mobile phone. Mom says she would pick up the phone (I guess if you can delete the Internet, you can use a small mobile phone deal) and has Soo-in only proceed with the engagement plans.

Geon-woo takes Chun-hee to a kind of shine Star Hall of Fame to show her all the albums they have produced, and asks her to choose as their model. She finds her mother Album (aww, it's a cassette! I feel old), but Geon-woo says it has not adhered to music on the go, and specifically mentions the possibility to do a ballad album next time. Chun-hee looks thoughtful as she keeps her options.

Soo-in and Joon-hyun Engagement Party Invitations have arrived, and they discuss the invite of Shine Star. They run in Chun-hee and Soo-in not miss the opportunity to give her an invitation and to ask them to sing a song at the party. It's so bitchy that Joon-hyun tells her name with a warning, but Chun-hee decreases.

Joon-hyun finds Chun-hee and apologizes for Soo -in to sing her to ask, and they are not looking carefully to each other in the elevator. It is shocking when Chun-hee asks quietly if he is happy, and he asks what reason he would not be, but his face looks downright miserable. He leaves the elevator and Chun-hee says to himself: ". It is enough"

Later Joon-hyun asks Soo-in, if it can move the engagement ceremony, because he needs to be confirmed some time before then. Her face takes a panicked look, and asks if there is another woman. He denies it, and she says she knows that he is confused after the accident, but asks him to try harder. She thanks him for her life in the theater to save, the more it just confused.

Joon-hyun comes home to find his mother's US-flown in, and he does not look happy to see them. She says Soo-in mother to her for the engagement party and kids all called him. It is completely wrong and I already do not like them.

sit Soo-in and Joon-hyun and their mothers for lunch and the mothers immediately passive-aggressive spines begin to talk. Joon-hyun mother gets straight to the point and asks who is going to pay for their first home, wondering why mom Soo-in not started planning that is not, and Joon-hyun embarrassing his mother does. He drinks alone in a bar at night, ignoring calls from Soo-in and thinking of Chun-hee.

Joon-hyun pulls the chain he had made for "MJ", and regarded it thoughtfully. He is finally unpack to his suitcase and found the small wooden guitar with a score of Chun-hee written on it, and promised to get his real guitar. In her home, Chun-hee hugs his guitar case and tells him that it's time to go home. She knocks it and tells him that they miss him. It is so sad to see, choose to make bubbles so that her prince can be happy.

President Jo learns of the engagement of his assistant and takes a dossier on-Soo in the mother that he asked the assistant to put together. He finds them in Shinestar and confronts them. About Chun-hee scandal with the politicians He says that he confided to train her Chun-hee, but she tried instead to ruin them, and he wonders why. Joon-hyun sees them to speak (and can I mention how good he wears that tux, RAWR), and hides to hear in a doorway.

Soo-in mother denies any wrongdoing, but President Jo interrupts to ask if she is Chun-hee knows Sung-joo daughter. He says he owes a debt to Sung-joo and warns mother Soo-in is that he will take care of them until her father will return, and he will not tolerate, as they tried to re-injuring Chun-hee.

After he leaves, in Soo-mother makes a call and tells the other person that President Jo claims to know everything, and says that if everything what they ruin rises from are Chun-hee permanently. Fortunately, Joon-hyun has it all belongs.

Before he can meet her, a man brings his guitar case and he said that a woman asked him to deliver it. He runs to catch Chun-hee, but only glimpses it before in the lobby, they lose again. He follows and on the road, but tucked her while he calls frantically for them to her.

happened A motorcyclist too close to Joon-hyun and Chun-hee takes him out of the way, and they both beat their heads and beaten unconscious. Joon-hyun wakes up in the hospital, and a nurse shows him that Chun-hee is fine, but still unconscious.

He kneels beside her bed and touching her face, as all his memories of their relationship flood one by one back to him. Tears fill his eyes as he whispers to Chun-hee: "Are you okay I was a little late, is not it?" He takes the MJ necklace and puts it around his neck, through his tears with a smile as he her says. "It's yours"

His mother, Soo-in, her mother and Tae-song all run in the sickroom and Joon-hyun quickly draws the chain and pulls the curtain around Chun-hee ( his mother shrilly as much noise as possible to make my goodness). He assures them that he is doing well and making a story about the accident, apologized for the engagement party to ruin, to do so, that he has not yet regained his memory.

Joon-hyun now remembers what happened in the theater, as Soo-in caused the accident, and it was actually Chun-hee, he saved. He knows that Soo-in and their mother lying on the commitment and that Soo-in mother plant Chun-hee to harm, and a dark expression crossing his face.

He calls Chun-hee, but she is still in the hospital where the nurse tells her that Joon-hyun is fine and was released. She sees the missed call by Joon-hyun, although he did not leave any message.

Geon-woo visited Byul to bring their candy, but Byul is smart and knows that it is a bribe. She is strict when she tells him that they have a fixed boundary between him and Ahjussi is keeping, and she will not allow him to cross it. Geon-woo reasons that if they also accepted gifts from Joon-hyun, then that is fair, and that's all it takes to get them to take the candy, ha.

Geon-woo looks less happy when he speaks with his father complained that the "competition" is still on (for Chun-hee affection), but it feels like the other competitors withdrawn Has. President Jo tells him about the engagement was postponed, and encourages him try harder. Geon-woo smiles a sly grin as he offers his father a chance to act like "a real father."

President Jo finds Chun-hee outside her apartment and commented on how sad it looks. He offers her a take "fan meeting", which pretty much just him and Geon-woo at a fine restaurant, ha. You are adorable as they show that they to enjoy Father and son their reaction, and now because they know who he is Chun-hee peppers President Jo with questions.

He tells her that her mother was his first trainee at Shine Star, and confirmed that he spoke of it when he mentioned the person above had given singing. He says that her mother was a great singer, and that he sees in her daughter when she performs, makes Chun-hee smile her first genuine smile in days.

But later she told her mother photo that she wants to be a great singer, and she asks for help. She is unaware that Joon-hyun is outside, remember all the times they interacted on the stairs right there. He finally gets to ring up his nerves, and is in exactly the same place as he did he for the first time came here, with the same expression.

He goes straight as she opens the door, touched when she brings him water in his heart mug. He asks why she left from his fall guitar, and they FIBS that he confided as he manage it. He begins to correct it, he gave it to Geon-woo, but stops himself and denies only that he always she would have given.

he fusses at her for running and him chasing their production and they get in an accident, say they have not beautiful, but a scar much would have been worse. He turns on "his" fan and complains if it's broken, but if he uses the toilet, he smiles to see that the bathroom rules mark still there.

Chun-hee asks why he called her earlier, and he says he just wanted her to him to thank for rescuing and leaves before he emotionally get. But if he gets outside, he thinks to himself: ".. Thank you, Choi Chun-hee saved for me, and to find my guitar"

When Coach Bang Restaurant, sue the loan sharks that Soo-in Chun- hee has instructed to execute in a homeless man event. But Chun-hee wants to do it in honor of her father, so that the loan sharks adorably offer to be her backup dancer while Pil-nyeo volunteers themselves and Tae-song to be her choir. That will be so awesome.

Pil-nyeo and Tae-song go to a Noraebang where it comes close and very personally until he yells, and she claps that he figured out how to project his voice. I think a man Jewels is threatening a way to get him to motivate! She sings songs some toes to teach him the musical style but bad Tae-song looks like he is more interested in how sexy he just realized Pil-nyeo may be.

go all to the event, but the people shouting for her there, just let them eat in peace. Chun-hee treats it like a pro and said that she knows how hard it is to try to make a living and asked them to let be a source of power for your music.

She "My Way" is singing and I was right, the loan sharks in their sequined jackets is dancing behind her pretty much the best thing ever. At first, people ignore her but slowly they begin to pay attention, and even stir the texts, many of them to tears. ( "We can all once fall / We can not sit down and give now / In this way, we have to travel, until the day we collapse in fatigue / We are again and honest with head")

And of course, her father in the back there, proud to burst his daughter. (I'm not crying, it only rains here.) Dad takes a call from a nurse to ask if he wants to plan his operation again. He says he will not be able to obtain the operation and hangs up - I swear, if it cancer, I'm going to my computer defenestrate.

Tae-Song Joon-hyun visited at home and almost dancing with joy when he realizes that he fits the video of him and Chun-hee, on, meaning he got his memory back. Hooray, Tae-song knows! Joon-hyun says dryly to get him to his knees, which he does immediately and begins to stammer an apology. it not the truth about themselves and Chun- hands him over to the police, or:

Joon-hyun grabs him and wants to know what he is sorry for say hee. He asks Tae-song to keep it a secret that he has regained his memory, because if Soo-in mother finds out that it could for Chun-hee be very bad.

Soo-in is Joon-hyun in his studio later, and he pulls her aside to talk. He asks her about the day of the accident and wanted to know why she was on the stage, as it was Chun-hee concert. They improvised fast that she was there to support Chun-hee sunbae than her. He says he has a strange feeling that there is to the story more that someone in danger was from someone else, and asks Soo-in, if Chun-hee was taken, the person targeted.

Soo-in tries to redirect him, saying that all they can remember that day is, how much danger he was in and how worried she was, but he can not go. Joon-hyun sees her dead in the eye and says that if he was someone deliberately loves that he would hunt them down. He says it as if Soo-in is the one he loves, but the threat is crystal clear.

Next he visited Soo-in mother and tells her that he was curious, so he visited the theater office, only to find that the CCTV cameras easily were not on the time of the accident. He notes that his cell phone was also lost, and that he will continue to look into things. It provides in it to search for him, but he refuses and said firmly that he is going to hunt for themselves. Gauntlet thrown.

Mom finds Soo-in, the memory is returned when Joon-hyun asks but he did not do it so (Bingo!). Mom brush this aside and says that they think methodically about what to do next.

Joon-hyun sits in his car for Byul outside their school to wait and witness her bullied by Bratty, which has brought in its earlier scare sister and a friend Byul. The sister grabs Byul and shakes it, but suddenly they attacked by Joon-hyun that their threats back to them parrots.

The girls her cool and tell the "ahjussi" to push out again, and when he tells them, the chewing gum to bring them spit, get them all: "Oh well, who do you think you are? "He takes off his sunglasses and suddenly" ahjussi "is" OPPA !!! ", as they are all over him Fangirl.

Joon-hyun told the girls, is the Byul his family, and fawn over them and swear her a hard time not giving. Bratty gets sour face that her revenge has backfired and her sister now she says with Byul get along. Byul looks triumphantly and gives Joon-hyun his usual "good job" slap on the ass.

The two ice cream and get Joon-hyun starts asking Byul to keep this secret, but says she knows already do that. They make their adorable finger guns at each other, and I could not be happier that my favorite duo is back together.

Joon-hyun goes for Chun-hee and Byul Father seeks and finds him in a gosiwon, on the ground writhing in pain are. He piggybacked him to the emergency room and when Dad wakes later, talk to them. Dad admits he have loan from another loan shark our loan sharks to pay back, and that if he could not repay beat him badly. When he woke up in the hospital, the doctors told him that he and has cancer to live only six months. (I ... I can not ...)

Joon-hyun says his father died when he was young, while he was at school, and that he that day in school go regrets. He tells Dad that Chun-hee is because of the scandals a hard time, and asks him to go home and take care of them until Joon-hyun can come to her again.

Chun-hee finds Geon-woo and tells him that she enjoyed the concert volunteers. She says she learned that she is happiest when she sings trot, because it can help people in every situation, so she wants her next album will also trot.

Joon-hyun furtively itself leaves in Chun-hee and Byul the house, and later, when they return home, things are not quite as they leave. The shaky cabinet door is secured, the fan is working again, and Byul broken Ukulele strings were replaced. Awww. Byul the secret finds, but keeps it to himself, and leaves Chun-hee mystified.

Soo-in can be in Joon-hyun and goes wild with his stuff, and he goes into her sitting on his bed to find that MJ Necklace carry . She chirps that they found it and know that he made it for them, but it takes a while to fix his face and asks her what is wrong. It extends faked from her that he was angry because he wanted to give it to her right.

Chun-hee leaves more balloon flower tea in Joon-hyun Studio, and he finds it and regarded it thoughtfully. He says to himself: "I will drink well", and we see that Chun-hee is still in the room, hidden behind the door. He drinks the tea, and they can not hold back any longer, and they backhugs him crying.

Joon-hyun is frozen for a long moment, then gently removes his hands from his waist. He turns around and looks into her eyes, then smiles and says softly. "I'm back"


okay, I'm ready to take some of the nasty things back I on the show in the last week. I can admit I was (a little) is wrong, and that I had a knee-jerk reaction to the use of amnesia. I still feel that amnesia was a bit of a letter over, because it is easy to imagine too much of a simple Paint by Numbers path conflicts in a show that frankly, it does not need. We already had more drama than we needed in what is said to be a rom-com about music what. With the rejected lover, her ambitious mother, of attempted murder and the missing father I'd much rather have more time to explore Chun-hee rise output in the music industry (already forgotten?) As Joon-hyun look confused watching spend 3 episodes, but it is what it is, and I can accept that and move past ,

Where do I enter my reaction was a little strong in my assumption is that the amnesia served no narrative purpose. I can not pretend to know why the show threw it there, but I can at least see in retrospect that the way they use it is quite interesting and fits into the flow of history. to have lost through his memory and was smart enough to hide it when he made it back, Joon-hyun is now in a perfect position to take down Soo-in and her mother (and director Wang by extension) for their lies and scheming and attempted murder.

This time last week I was excited because I was like the audience to feel the three villains manipulated by artificial means in hate, because until then declared their machinations could be away from their musical ambitions. But you introduce attempted murder and then they are suddenly the bad guys, and all else The Good Guys, and it leaves no room to be a sign, you know, people. At this time we have no choice but to hate that me as I am told, feel what to feel. Which is not cool. And I still think that in part that was the intention, so I make the show not off the hook for rental. Bad show, bad! ~ smacks show in the nose with a newspaper rolled up ~

The difference is that this week I myself find estimate that Joon-hyun has now to stop the tools Soo-in and Mom in their own lies that he has already begun to do with it, to ask questions and actually listen, with his own ears, their lies. Until know everything he knows has been obtained from hearsay and listening, but now he starts after going a goal. I enjoyed it, to see him look Soo-in and her mother in the eye, and they wind on the wall pinning and watching them. I hope that we get a lot more of it, because disgruntled Joon-hyun is to be pretty smart (and let's be honest, a bit hot).

But unfortunately, I am just saying that if she got me a drama than necessary Trope to accept the story, they threw us another almost certainly useless one. I for one hopeful moment thought that if Dad, he said, after he was beaten to the hospital, that the aforesaid operation was to repair some internal damage. You would have done that, and it would have been just as dramatic, without the parents to play with Cancer Card. I honestly do not understand what's going on ... I know that many have asked us why Dad has come not home because its debt has been paid, and I can see that the show tries to give us an acceptable reason why this plot point was withdrawn so long. I really think it's just not necessary cancer.

Again, I'm left feeling like my feelings are manipulated, so I'm disappointed again in the show. It's still sweet, and still having fun, and I'm still looking forward to vengeful Joon-hyun and his big plan, the Big Bad takedown. But in the end, I think I'll always in conflict feel that this show that had so much promise and to offer and have been about a great show on music and the music industry, decided instead to make it all about the Anxiety.

I want to say before I wrap this, and because they have, because the last few episodes have been all about Joon-hyun has not been much mention lately that I think Jung Eun-ji do a fantastic job. I feel like her performance in the show is very emotional and real, and her singing is not of this world. I loved them both Answer Me 1997 and The Winter, The Wind Blows , and it is an actor by far one of my favorite idol. I think it. A lot of still-untapped talent, and I see them getting better with each role It is the absolute best anyone could do expect the role of Chun-hee, and more than any other actor in the show, I found myself in their power most drawn. Jung Eun-ji fights

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Tags : featured, Ji Hyun-woo, Jung Eun-ji, Trot Lovers

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