Recap And Reviews Kdrama It's okay, it's love: Episode 8

Recap and reviews korean drama It's okay, it's love: Episode 8 -

The fixation on our heroine aversion to physical intimacy goes into overdrive in an hour with as much of a one-track mind when his straight shooting hero. I think it is not that much will come of a surprise when the weeks have devoted to this a reasonable amount of energy that leads to the idea of ​​getting to the business, so in this sense it is always a question of "less was, they will or they will not? ", and more of a" will and when? "

There has been this cycle a close race for ratings, and although okay, it's slipped into last place with 10.2%, I would not be surprised if the continue to come to change in the next few weeks.

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Wheesung - "For You" from the OST [ download]

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It turns out that Jae-yeol and Hae-soo did it is not to travel to take because she asks him if he is angry that they pulled out. he is perfectly fine with him when he tells her that she another time just go what Hae soo to smile when she says: "You are my really are kind."

So instead of a holiday, Jae-yeol takes to see her flowers ... in his mother's house already parents. visit? it's fast.

Mama Ok-ja sympathy for Hae-soo caught not be aware, but it is surprised at just how much Hae-soo knows about her son. Then again, Hae has soo the first girl Jae-yeol home ever brought.

While Hae-soo for a walk going around the neighborhood, Mama Ok-ja admits Jaeger yeol, that it is much to think about already lately about the past. one incident in particular is how we see the flashback :. Jae-bum eating Mama Ok-ja was enraged "his brother" from her kitchen to find food after they are released from a juvenile detention center

Although Jae-bum remembered it was her birthday and her new blue eye noticed Mama Ok-ja treated him like an unwelcome threat. In the presence of Jae-yeol TSKS with his mother too hard, it is the mood was right then.

She did not deny it, as the flashback again where they with Jae-bum greatly escalated screaming ~~ POS = TRUNC, as she had just said Jae-bum to go, , the , on the Jae-bum fired back that he would not give them the satisfaction of his death.

Then she'd noticed a container with oil and in his anger, Jae-bum claimed he had brought it down to burn the house. In the presence of Mama Ok-ja admits that she only after remembering how she had told Jae-Bum not food could make it a few weeks ago it without. The oil was his birthday present to her.

asks Jae-yeol, if he knows that Jae-Bum is not as bad as everyone makes it to be what he is doing. Mama Ok-ja sighs then that Jae-Bum in this way turned out because they did not testify for him in court, although Jae-yeol counter cryptic that they are not for him had testified, however, because they saw what is really happened.

Jae-yeol told his mother to keep her chin so that way they can unite as one happy family again when Jae-bum finally comes home. For him imprisonment Jae-Bum, the last of her family will mark the disaster. It will soon be for the three of them blue sky.

Mama Ok-ja approved by Hae-soo and tells her son with her long for the stick ~~ POS = TRUNC, and he giggles a little when he wonders if he would eventually get sick of Hae-soo, but it is clear that he is not really looking to argue. If anything, it is as if he considered the idea of ​​a future with her pretty positive seems.

During the car ride home, Hae-soo initially wipes proposal Jae-yeol is that they go on a journey together as it only fooling around. But when he reminds them that they are always on her passport holds and is therefore always ready to travel, she begins to wonder if he is really serious.

He is, and suggests they go to Okinawa, and indeed to the place, it has a picture in her room. "Let's go," he says, and she laughs at the ridiculousness of it all until she makes a sudden spontaneous decision and agrees. But he hastens better before she changes her mind.

Instead of seeing his next patient, Sunbae Jo is held with Doctor Lee hit wearing a stone-faced expression, as she explains that she only gives his advice for her to seek brother-in-law, who suffer from a delusional form of jealousy, when it comes to her sister.

Jae -yeol is euphoric as he pulls Hae-soo to the airport, even if they try to keep it dissuaded by calling the various practical problems of their sudden departure, all of which he easily refuted. I love how he is on Christmas as a child less than enthusiastic.

distract In attempting, Hae-soo to follow him trips and breaks her arm, forcing her and Jae-yeol hospitalized for an occupation. (This is probably the way was the drama of the cover for the real accident Gong Hyo-jin in.)

Although Jae-yeol is ready to cancel the trip because her arm, Hae-soo has freakin committed now on the case, and says that they go absolutely. And yes, maybe its determination, something with the card is not returned to do, but that's beside the point.

Jae-yeol is not only amused by Hae-soo pragmatic approach, as are the split equally the cost of their travel, but how her face lights up in a smile as she admits that she for the journey is excited. She slips her arm in his with a grin, so Jae-yeol to ask: "Do you know how strange it you?" Hah.

It's funny how Hae-soo is much less disturbed by her arm as Jae-yeol, but knows to play the victim card when he tried to ignore, so he get something done in writing on the flight. His face grows only more annoyed when she tells him stories about her life and how she's always dreamed of traveling, but all she has wiggle do their cast arm is pathetic for him to close his laptop and present through the second that they won.

tells the Doctor Lee Sunbae Jo about her sister marital situation, he wonders if she her sister perspective as a method of countertransference (when a doctor projects their own feelings on a patient) only considering.

they flatly denies these allegations, though he prove it, insists that while her brother-in-law may be actions on the line, with a delusional jealousy fault of his wife (her sister) tied is, is also on the line. She reluctantly agrees to look at it, only to light up when Sunbae Jo asks her to eat.

"Just the two?" They discussed carefully. But was when PD Choi is also invited Doctor Lee storms out. They seemed to Sunbae Jo when he follows after her, why they can not always go alone-he is afraid that she is going to eat him alive? Did he her so much hate?

Sunbae Jo barks back that this is not the case, and admits that he feels the same way she does. There are days on which he misses and needs it, but then there is the reality. Did she expect him his wife and children to divorce for an earlier marriage that did not work? "Even if we fit lingering feelings, then it is too late."

Soo-Kwang finds out about Jae-yeol and Hae-soo sudden trip abroad when he calls to ask why Jae-yeol told him that night to light their Hae-soo candle. He flips when Jae-yeol confirmed that only the two of them in Okinawa, but what can he do?

Nevertheless, he calls Jae-yeol back for some advice on it So-nyeo-should give up on them or waiting for them when she has someone else? Jae-yeol answer is simple: Give up. Soo-Kwang not much to So-nyeo joy. She has no problem dating two men at a time when Soo-Kwang's interested.

Once it is clear that they will, if they will sleep in two separate rooms, Hae-soo follows Jae-yeol their multi-room, extravagant suite and immediately calls at the reception for two separate (and cheaper) Room.

she explains that she can not keep the cost of what must be this area, and reiterates its past with other women when they this would spend lavishly when he asks when it came to them. He answers only that he gets a discount, but is related to the head as she demanded to know how much it is still far above what would they deem appropriate.

So they move in a slightly smaller suite that Jaeger yeol claims is cheap. Hae-soo does not believe him and called the front desk to ask how much the room, surprised to find that there is twice the price, he told her. Jae-yeol stomps away, caught

section :. Jae-yeol and Hae-soo in a much smaller room with two single beds. Again, this is not for Hae-soo's taste, because it includes two separate rooms will and nothing Jae-yeol says, is to convince them otherwise they.

Under Hae-soo order, they are forced to leave their snazzy resort left in to go the rain, so Jae-yeol to ask the locals where to find cheap rooms , Hae-soo does not seem to think this is any trouble for him and yourself on the back for such a knock to his good friend to save her friend money. Jae-yeol nods silently what Hae-soo takes a positive sign. "You're just my type," she repeated.

Finally, in front of a dilapidated room with breakfast at the end, which is exactly budget Hae-soo wanted and that has exactly two rooms as they wanted. But at least Hae-soo able to detect the sarcasm in his words, to ask their request if he is angry with her.

Not surprisingly, he is. He wanted them to stay together in a nice place for their first vacation, even if it would cost a bit more, have ... but Hae-soo interjects to say that it not only be be money as they voted Halfsies to go. And before he can try to defend themselves, it raises again to say that they women who abhors dependent financially men.

When Jae-yeol he says not that kind of women like either, Hae-soo all but swells in pride: "Then you should like me Why are you angry!" Jae-yeol: "Because you think of nothing but money. Why are you on this trip? was it to go on a vacation or counting pennies? From the beginning of this trip, save money, once you think about my opinions, my feelings, or that this our first trip as a couple is? "

He believes Hae-soo mean to go back to Korea path" Let's go ", but she tried defiantly back that she says another hotel you can find. He, in turn, suppressed a surprised smile.

Both Dr. Lee and Sunbae Jo superimposed complain to different people, although Sunbae Jo his anger at PD passes Choi to tell him to give up, when it comes to Hae-soo, as it is moved to this.

Think it, Sang-sook, the girl out of the window? Tae-yong reading a note she wrote about to Jae-yeol as to stop him unable to think about, since she saw a man who saw as pebbles on throwing her window.

Apparently she was his first love, and now returns love letters he once wrote him with his letter to help her. But then Tae-yong gets a call from the police about, looking for Jae-yeol.

Jae-yeol gets some essentials from the convenience store, as they packed nothing, only a temporary respite on a shelf of condoms to stare. But he returns to the picturesque place he and Hae-soo finally settled on armed himself with only a new patch for their end. For now.

He jokes that he might have swim helped her with her cast (wearing of five weeks, it is no Picnic), for them only that they answer it would not even allow when they had both legs broken.

, it is a bit more cuddly after they start drinking, but noted finger twitching of Jae-yeol / stiffener problem. He touches them off, than just to be his nervousness with her, but goes wide-eyed when she he proposed to take a shower, so that they can go to sleep. In their separate rooms.

Jae-yeol asks if they are really diverge to sleep, what comforting to Hae-soo pat his thigh when she asks whether it is not enough that they get be together like this. But then she decides to give him only honest question: Why so much fuss have men about sleeping with women make

He tells her that it is because of the instinct and the love to which she asks if that means that men confuse sex with love. He asks her if she knows a better way, the love between a man and a woman who does not have sex to prove and they do not have the answer. She tells him, only instead of going to bed

But because they are honest, Jae-yeol decides to tell her the truth. If they were to peek inside his head, she would see that most of his thoughts are to sleep over with her. She is surprised that he would be that honest, only he does not see it as a bad thing, if it only human.

but he adds that, while they do not understand his state of mind, she has at least should realize that it with these thoughts is natural and harmless. It's completely different when he would act on them and force them against their will, so the least they can do is, it does not tease for ordinary thoughts.

Hae-soo asks what he would do if they didn 't want to sleep with him, then. He says it is very simple: He would only go to sleep in his room. Even if he were disappointed in what he would do otherwise if they? Denied

"Then just go to sleep. Because I refuse," she replies. By way of apology, she plants a light kiss on the mouth, and while Jae-yeol tries to keep his cool, he can not help a get into it small . But he came to accept if she pulls him to give a chaste goodnight hug away. I hope he likes his showers cold.

you spend taking the next day sightseeing and pictures of each other at the most popular viewing points, including the cliff where she'd wanted to take her father. (You Darn, Okinawa PPL!) It's cute how Hae-soo noted that he wants to play in the water, and as he tries to act as such it out of consideration for their hatred of water, if he really really wants.

while running with a silly grin on his face away to go waterskiing after Hae-soo permission to win, Sunbae Jo at the root Jae-bum anger to get subjects tried during her detention therapy session. Jae-Bum just says it's because he really, really his mother hates.

But he challenges Sunbae Jo on his preconceptions regarding prisoners when he asks if every person who commit stolen or forcibly killing end. "Not always," Sunbae Jo admits. "Then there is a way that I do not," Jae-Bum returns.

His solution to this problem? He wants to manage Sunbae Jo either truth serum to face him, to prove his story, or never return.

Soo-Kwang by So-nyeo house all junk her father hoard compulsively clean working sweats (because, of course), and gives her an outfit, although he knows that they will use it to go clubbing with her boyfriend , It ensures to stress that it has now considered a legal adult, also.

But Soo-Kwang is there not because he tells her that the reason he came was his lingering feelings for her in the same way to clean, he cleaned her house. Nevertheless, he will not help ridiculously handsome friend, but ask if he is happy because he is a young girl gets him with money to take clubbing it deserves .

Your friend balks at Soo kwang boldness, then looks so-nyeo when he asks if this is the man with Tourette's, she had talked about. OUCH. Ouuuuch . Poor Soo-Kwang holds in his embarrassment and anger in good he revolves around him-nyeo thank that you get rid of any remaining feelings he had for her.

After Hae-soo tears in it for her by so ruthlessly (and admits how much she likes him in the process) worrying, they share their thoughts about their chosen professions. He explains how he would have no reason to live if he could not write as she explained that a doctor is her reason for living, and a way for them to understand others, her mother, and, above all, themselves .

as they but why he asks such cruelty filled writes novels, he replies that he is writing about the human condition, which God gives people terrible situations can not handle. He then mentions how he likes these serious discussions with Hae-soo has to fall back on them at the same refrain: "Why can not things like this with other women?" Talk Lordy, Hae-soo. You have more of a spirit, a track he.

Coincidentally (or not), Jae-yeol has tried luck had nothing to write on this trip, and answers a phone that Hae-soo doesn 't hear Ding because Kang-woo, and it is not real. Kang-woo's just call, though to check on him, and does his best to hide the symptoms of its current vague illness, while claiming that his fingers stiffening problem is to write for him always.

While Jae-yeol enjoying a fun day with Hae-soo, Kang-woo's all alone as he fights tears fight. Jae-yeol believes Kang-woo lies and says Hae-soo, he was cleared by the doctors, they made a relief considers as Kang-woo symptoms initially you think of Lou Gehrig's disease. Eek. That can not be good for Jae-yeol.

At least we get a little more information about Kang-woo, and specifically how Jae-yeol "met" him for the first time by Jae-Bum stabbed him with a fork. Hae-soo smiles when he explains that he is so protective of Kang-woo, because it reminds him of himself as a boy, and adds: ". I like you," Jae-yeol. "I love you too like"

course she warns him against letting his hands anywhere below shoulder level drift, causing him to have this long out, sexually frustrated sigh. You, on the other hand, is fine when she starts in a story about Soo-Kwang catches first kiss as the food shaved ice reminds Dukes ...

Jae -yeol swoops in, mid-sentence, to kiss her and the shaved ice to drink out of her mouth. He smacks his lips to keep everyone happy to get up, only for Hae-soo and furious from Stomp. not , the reaction he expected.

Oh, Dad is so happy to see pictures of Hae-soo at the place that she always wanted to take him, apparently Mom of Jae-yeol purchased directly behind Hae-soo back. Sneaky.

When Hae-soo asks if Jae-yeol upset about how they responded to his kiss, he assures her that he isn't- but , it is to start the application to give his golden rule as good as he gets. When she touched him, he touched back because it it unfair that they can lay their hands wherever they want, while he does not do the same.

Hae-soo tries to argue that he does not have the same limitations, as it does, but it is useless if Jae-yeol is to say, they just keep an equal distance from each other. Unless they can return him whatever they are, they might also have a nun a ruler between them. ( "Make room for Jesus!")

Hae-soo finally gets a taste of the frustration it was Jae-yeol to give, if he converts his rule into practice. You will get no sympathy from now on for free, and I have to admit, it's kind of fun to watch how she reacts when the tables are turned.

you tried to imagine every conceivable card of deliberately violated food to rely on her face for him to remove them. He cites the limits it as a reason he brought can not under its logic, which could result in a grain of rice from the face to jump him their bones. He is not what hah .

Hae-soo is in shock when Jae-yeol she prepares to leave to go for a night swim, especially if all their attempts, get him to remain satisfied with his mercenaries as conciseness. "You're mean," she pouts

Jae-yeol .: "That's right. I mean, and you're cruel. After such a place, overlooking a beautiful woman like you all night, without you being able to touch very cruel in my view. "

after an unsuccessful attempt to sleep, Hae-soo applies, the courage to Jae-yeol to go, which is swimming in the sea as he said he would. She beckons him back to shore and smiles at him to leave the moment ripe for him for a kiss to blow in. She returns it gladly.

to move on a blanket on the sand, where Jae-yeol slowly stripped Hae-soo, smiling despite covered in beads of nervous sweat. Once they are free from their clothes and lying both with him at the helm, gently Jae-yeol asks, "Are you okay?"

"I'm okay," she said reassured him. They kiss.


... And probably to do some other things. As you probably my masterful handling of business time wordsmithery up there could see, I have to admit no future in the romance business, which I am using I pretty decent. I'm really sorry for all those who hoped Hae-soo and Jae-yeol to experience the central love scene in printed form, but. I would say that I was wrong on the side of caution, so as not to make the scene sound corny, but c'mon sex on the beach under the light of the full moon? I am a Recapper, not a magician.

I'm not sure if knowing that this was the final game would have helped the overall pace of the episode to the felt heavily weighted when so much time has been dedicated to Hae-soo and Jae-yeol of cerebral foreplay (brought to you by Okinawa, the perfect resort weekend). Even if they are not the kind of spark is to put our screens on fire, there is value two people in the observation that have easy to actually selected, get to be together, especially when the only obstacles faced she was. And, perhaps on the road, a severe neurodegenerative disorder.

To the extent that had to overcome the most mental hurdles, I would say, Hae-soo definitely win, although I do not quite sold on this case sexual healing (brought to you by Okinawa, the perfect resort weekend) , It is difficult because I definitely without get their because their behavior to be the most puzzling of all, tends to mark-and that includes a madman who stabbed his brother with a fork. But it's nice that we can always predict not know where to go when it forces more or less, in situations of spontaneity, and especially when a psychiatrist who himself right down peg can not even.

So on the one hand, hand ~~ POS = HEADCOMP I could Jae-yeol understand frustration with Hae-soo ask in why they went on the journey, when she wanted to stay close, but not too close. He defended his thought processes clear and explained pretty, but do not have much to gloss over the fact that he with Hae-soo and-though she wanted to sleep at its best as an honest gentleman feeling that you are going to travel with it was some form of acquiescence on their part. Otherwise, as he asked what she was?

The thing that exactly , the kind of thinking that Hae-soo made so reluctant to go with him on a vacation in the first place. She declined the offer at first, because they knew what was going to mean, or at least that which would open avenues, and was completely justified these concerns because Jae-yeol their right. But if he wanted her with him sleeping in basically tricking, I wish we could have seen a little more things from their perspective, especially as they changed a method of thinking it is held all her adult life. Or maybe it was as simple as it Jae-yeol to be perceived, and he taught Hae-soo a valuable (?) Lesson about the dangers of moderation by all withheld until they all wanted him to do. ? So ... Mazel Tov

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tags: featured, Gong Hyo-jin, it's okay, it's love, Jo In-sung

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