Recap And Reviews Kdrama Marriage is not dating: Episode 12

Recap and reviews korean drama Marriage is not dating: Episode 12 -

There are no hiding more now that everyone knows, the engagement was a farce - but not ask the question to rest, the revelation occurs only more pain and misunderstanding than it solves. The fallout is feared so much worse than Jang-mi and Ki-tae, and they do not even have to lean on each other this time. Looks like some more teamwork can mend their broken families be required, and more importantly, their own hearts.

Episode 12: "Will get through sincerity?"

In a nice outdoor party, Ki-tae follows Jang-mi, as she walks away from him, but she listens to when he calls her name. They stand for a long moment, every time they try to speak stalled. Finally, Ki-tae Jang-mi told to go first, and cling expectantly for their words ...

We go back to Ki-tae of the abducted proposal as Se-ah tells him that she his mother everything about the forgery tells commitment. She says it was the only way to stop him, and says: ". Let us go back in time" She asks why he did not tell her three years ago, why he wanted alone and hated marriage.

Ki-tae argued that they agreed that the marriage was stressful, but Se-ah says it was only to protect themselves, so they could stay close to him, even if only as friends. She says that he can tell now, and it will comfort him, but Ki-tae just sighs in frustration. Se-ah tried one last time, and steps in the tea light Heart with him, saying: ". Get married Let"

Ki-tae laughs derisively, and says that things were good when it reach between them. Se-ah says she also has feelings but Ki-tae replies that they can do not only what she wants. Se-ah finally breaks and cries that she told his mother, because no matter what she did, all he thinks about is Jang-mi. Ki-tae, whispers that he wants to see them ever again, so she leaves, humiliated.

On the road, Jang-mi finally breaks free from Yeo-Reum embrace of Ki-tae mother to stare horrified to see. Mom whirls and goes away, and Jang-mi accused Yeo-Reum do it intentionally. He did not deny it, and if they know why demanded he says simply: "I like you."

Ki-tae calls Jang-mi, who unfortunately only apologizes to ruin everything. She throws herself for his mother to find, but Ki-tae says it's not their fault, and asks if they can talk in person. She says that she can not stand him now, and they are later and Ki-tae runs to speak out of his house. Jang-mi place in the restaurant Papa and says she wants to talk to their parents about Ki-tae, but he says Mom went to her future in-laws' house. Yikes.

Jang-mi running Dad in mid-sentence, shortly before Ki-tae finding emerges for her. Dad may say something is out and asks if they fought, and says Ki-tae that her mother a gift to his house was on the way. Ki-tae passes quickly there.

Jang-mi Mom delivers a wedding gift from ceiling to Ki-tae family where grandma and Aunt mi-jung really are delighted they to see. Ki-tae Mom comes to her that again firmly to talk ice queen on her throne, and says that she feels sorry for Jang-mi Mom.

Jang-mi is even blown up in time, and her mother, asks her what she did wrong. Ki-tae Mom asks Jang-mi, if she wants to tell her, or whether they prefer to say it himself. Jang-mi Mama is treated so badly insulted to be when the wedding date is set, but Ki-tae mother says, there will be no wedding.

They announced that Ki-tae and Jang-mi commitment was never really that she faked her give married form on Ki-tae, it is always. Jang-mi's mother is shocked and thought Ki-tae would never do something like that, and says Jang-mi to set them straight. Wordlessly Jang-mi falls only on his knees apology and begins to cry.

Her mother finally accepts the truth and asks why, but can speak in front of Jang-mi, grandmother comes to their defense, and says that she knows that it was an act, but it was never malicious. Ki-tae Mom is upset to hear that Grandma knew and says it must have been fun, watch them begin to worry for Jang-mi.

grandmother points out that Jang-mi always treated Ki-tae Mom well, but you should be excited to hear it when she saw Jang-mi with another man. This is new for all, and Jang-mi give Mother legs when she asks if it's true Jang-mi another man. Jang-mi face pour tears and she can ever again say, "I'm sorry I'm sorry.."

Ki-tae Mom calls Jang-mi a pro deceives the people one is too many insults for her mother, and she is packing to leave her daughter. She wears the gift ceilings with Jang-mi behind her like a naughty child tow until they run into Ki-tae. Mama shouts at him you for calling "mother", and tells him never go near Jang-mi. He tried to explain, but the two women let him stand helpless in the street.

When Ki-tae come home, Grandma tells him just to kneel and beg, but he ignored it and wants to know what did his mother Jang-mi Mom. When his mother accused him to act, he tells her that he really likes Jang-mi, but she thinks simply of her he deceived been.

He insists that Yeo-Reum's just a fling, and says that he did not get why it matters if it's a two-timer living right in this house. Whoa, that's brave. Mom kicks him hard, and tells him to get out. She tells him not to marry, and to live alone forever - it is no longer does not care.

Jang-mi mother is crying in bed when her father at Jang-mi yells angry at how Ki-tae drunk with him and behaved like a good son -before the law. Ki-tae stands outside the closed chicken shop and calls Jang-mi, but her father screaming answers for the game with his daughter to him. Ki-tae has come to call, but Dad says he does not want him in his house, and screams that he is there to beat Ki-tae black and blue. Dad throws her phone down and takes a baseball bat, but Jang-mi takes away the blame for the charade and stop him with a backhug.

She cries, she did it because he and Mama loved Ki-tae as much, and they got along so well when they were happy about the wedding. She had never seen her, and she wanted it to go as long as possible. This air loses Dad anger, and it falls the bats to embrace his baby. ~ ~ sniffle

Hoon-dong takes Hyun-hee to the doctor to get an abortion and lets them go in alone, although it is clearly contrary. Hyun-hee heard the baby's heartbeat for the first time, while Hoon-dong is more nervous, and finally begins to bolt. Just then, Hyun-hee asks the volume to have turned, and Hoon-dong stops in amazement the heartbeat of his child to hear.

Hoon-dong grabs Hyun-hee, pull them out of the lobby. He reminds them of their words in the temple, that they wanted to keep the child. Hyun-hee admits that she did not want an abortion, but she heard that a conflict father of the baby listening heartbeat that could get him to change his mind. Hoon-dong says that it is not like them, so to do something, but she says that actually, it is. She confesses that she did what she could to keep him, but tells him it is his choice what to do now.

He makes his choice, and this time Hoon-dong mother kicks him in his eagle boxer from - even sonogram images of the baby can not soften her heart. She says she does not talk to him until he gets a paternity test, but he screams that he is his baby and he marries Hyun-hee. At least this time he was prepared, and Hyun-hee is ready to ha.

Jang-mi and her father gape with some clothes when Mom a family breakfast makes that seems awfully nice of her until she snapped when they try to talk to her. Jang-mi apologizes and says it's all her fault, but mom tells her to silence, that she was right, and it is their parents fault. She agrees that they bad parents, and says she wants to split. She takes off her prepared divorce papers, but this time it is not a bluff, as it stamps and gives it Dad.

The restaurant Yeo-Reum told Hoon-dong that he left because he wants to make more money, but Hoon-dong tells him to ask for an increase only. Yeo-Reum cryptically says he does not want to work around someone who is unpleasant to him, and leaves despite Hoon-dong protests. Hoon-dong screams that he can not leave because he fired, but his mother is in the right and then Hoon-dong to say that he fired if he insists on marrying, Hyun-hee.

He is not the only, and Jang-mi is fired for fighting with a customer (Jang-mi: "But it was only once ... "). See Mopes to the store to Hoon-dong there in a good mood with everyone. Hyun-hee announced that they marry is abandoned, and Jang-mi pastes a smile long enough to congratulate. But Hoon-dong not miss, as the smile her face slips the moment she turns away.

He finds Jang-mi outside and come back to her, assuming upset because they want him to marry used. She tells him she's crying because everyone found out about them and Ki-tae and he guesses Ki-tae has really upset because he likes it. Jang-mi says she knows he does not because he treats her badly, but Hoon-dong says he is like a child that the girl tortures he likes.

Jang-mi begins to cry harder knowing that Ki-tae she likes, and meets Hoon-dong to say for her, and makes it harder to go to get over him. Hoon song is shocked that Jang-mi like Ki-tae also, and says there is no problem if they both like each other. Jang-mi sobs that it is too late, because his mother saw something she should not have, and she does not even want to drive a wedge between Ki-tae and his mother. It makes Hoon-dong promise not Ki-tae to say about their feelings, because it's just everything is more complicated.

Hoon song sighs that everything is screwed up, and tells her that finish Yeo-Reum. He says he's worried about everyone and whines that are so pathetic their lives, but Jang-mi threatens to dare him not say that he is unhappy. Hoon-dong says his mother interrupted him and even fired him, and he has not yet said Hyun-hee. Jang-mi told him that she was fired and that their parents divorce. Both sob about how their lives fall apart, and do not hit each other to be happy, then fall into each other's arms, to shout it. AWW, their friendship is so sweet.

Ki-tae unsuccessfully tried to call Jang-mi, to say goodbye to the store spends its last day and vowed to discover what is their purpose. He goes to find her way home, she was waiting outside his house, and smiles to see her, but tucked her as she looks upward. He Grumps that they wait outside if they are generally in leaves, and invites them inside, but she refuses.

Jang-mi says she should never have started, and that they should have listened when he tried to set limits. It regrets that their actions hurt their parents, but Ki-tae, he does not take care of it. He begins to tell her that he likes her, but she interrupts him to blow up for no more than feelings of his mother to worry. She says that his mother has been hurt by a cheating husband for years, and that she saw how she asks Yeo-Reum, and if he gets it now. Ki-tae tries again to go inside to talk, but she says this is the end, and it will not be him again, and goes away.

Jang-mi arrives home to find the house in a shambles and their parents today about screaming that gets the house and chicken shop. Finally Mom says they get it only in alimony from dad, and takes her suitcase and go. Jang-mi with dad asks to stop them, but he says he will remain in the restaurant and also goes. Jang-mi is left alone, the same as she was when she was a child. Instinctively, she begins to call Ki-tae, but considers himself and simply goes to bed and cried herself to sleep.

A week later, grandmother and Mi-jung whine synchronously about how lonely and the house is to get boring without Jang-mi over. Mom says things are exactly as they should be. Mi-Jung noticed Ki-tae's father deep in thought, and he says he wonders if rumors have spread about the department store brawl.

Grandma and Mi-jung, these so angry that they can not even speak and growl-stomp out, and clueless Dad's all, "What have I done" Mom says he should sleep at home from now, when he suddenly so worried about rumors. Well, that backfired on ya, eh pal? Maybe just go again closed to shut up ... or you know, no cheating bastard works to be.

Ki-tae stands in his empty quiet house, not looking happy to be alone. He listens to the door and complains that Jang-mi can be again, but we saw all that smile. He Wilts, when he realizes that he imagined. His evening further tease in this way, as he sees Jang-mi Nemo or steal bites Ramyun his.

Every time he complains with a big smile on his face, but is disappointed when it fades. He runs a bath and Jang-mi runs to embrace in him, and his arms wrapped around them before he realizes that he holds empty air. That night he can not sleep, and decides that the house is inconvenient.

He runs a Jjimjilbang, but do not sleep more luck there, even though it runs in Hoon-dong, which is to stay there. Ki-tae asks if he has been cut off, and what he plans to do. Hoon-dong says its emergency fund, does not know his mother cover their newlywed home. He invites Ki-tae the wedding, asking tentatively whether Jang-mi be there. So cute.

Hyun-hee shows off her sonogram photos of Jang-mi and invites them to the wedding. Jang-mi asks if the parents come, but Hyun-hee promises has everything under control. Jang-mi also asks timidly if Ki-tae be there.

Jang-mi comes at the wedding, but decides that they are not brave enough is Ki-tae, to see and tried to leave. It runs in Hyun-hee mother who literally pulls her wrist, ha. Meanwhile, Ki-tae mistaken try not to see how he is looking for Jang-mi, and runs into Se-ah. She is polite, but he is not interested in small talk and just walks away.

finally he sees Jang-mi rights when she discovers him, and they both stand for a long moment, staring at each other on the wedding party. Ki-tae starts against Jang-mi and she tried to stay calm, but they freeze as Hoon-dong and Hyun-hee step between them to begin the ceremony.

The ceremony goes without problems, both Hyun-hee and Hoon-Doong looking gloriously happy from. Hoon-dong gets all shy when it's time to kiss the bride, give her a chaste kiss on the forehead - but Hyun-hee is not satisfied and grabs his face for a real kiss.

The cook-as-MC is the time to introduce the parents, but Hoon-dong throwing him to skip it a wild signal. In the back of Jang-mi noted a newcomer to the wedding, and asks that the groom's mother came. Whatever the mother's boy, Hoon-dong whines and runs to his mother, hug, sobbing. Hyun-hee her demurely Thanks for coming, but Mama says only that it would be better never nag him or else. I think that job is already taken.

Jang-mi goes for a walk and runs into Se-ah. She says she is known, Ki-tae for twenty years, and that it was not her who mingled, but Jang-mi. It points out that it is in all its memories while Jang-mi not even know his past. She says that she to was considerate in their way by, since they could not have even Ki-tae of the Child, Ki-tae. Always heard that sincerity would otherwise get by someone, so they do not know why their sincerity is not recognized. Jang-mi says that a lie - that's why it hurts when someone does not understand, your sincerity.

Jang-mi goes away, followed by Ki-tae, who witnessed the entire conversation. He called her name and she keeps thinking to himself that it would happen had desperately hoped and wonders whether she should say she missed him. At the same time Ki-tae thinks he wondered what to tell her a million times, but he is now unsure of what to say.

Both begin at the same time and Ki-tae tells her to talk to go first, and Jang-mi can only think, "I missed you I missed you." She finally found her voice, only for him to blurt Se-ah treat well. She says Se-ah still loves him, but Ki-tae counters that he does not love, and if he can not love her then it is to cut the best connections.

Jang-mi him he says, should not ignore someone love and responsibility in should take it for his role, and Ki-tae asks whether that means that you take responsibility for Yeo-Reum feelings then. Jang-mi says she is trying to do that for all the things that they caused to happen lately, and Ki-tae asks angrily if it really wants Se-ah to go. Your eyes with tears in Jang-mi pauses for a long moment, then said a quiet, "Yes."

Devastated, Ki-tae storms Se-ah and grabs her wrist and walks right past her Jang-mi. He pulls Se-ah all the way to the river and stops without ever looking at her. Se-ah says Ki-tae, that they know search his true feelings only on the back. She tells him only: "Go," and walks away before she starts to sob. Ki-tae seems numb from a grab and turbulence, then runs back in the direction where he Jang-mi left.

Jang-mi is a distance in the vicinity of water, and remind words Ki-tae is that it is best to cut off someone if you do not love can. She thinks he was right, and says quietly: "Goodbye, Ki-tae." She throws the phone he bought into the river, only at the last second hearing it ring and see Ki-tae name on the caller ID. But it is too late, and she sees the phone as it sails through the air and still ringing in the water.

run its fastest, Ki-tae tries Jang-mi always and call again, but gets no answer. Jang-mi realized late that she does not want him to go, and begins to run. Both run, desperate to seek each after another.


WHAT ?! You'll leave us there for a whole week? That is so unfair.

Well, I certainly appreciate how much forward movement this episode gave us, in almost all areas. The most obvious, of course, is that Jang-mi and Ki-tae have finally realized their feelings and at the point where they are ready to stop worrying about what everyone else thinks, and just go for their own happiness. Definitely Jang-mi had to go further in this area, because all their lives they other is set in front of themselves at their peril, so I appreciate how hard it was for them that their own needs are to important to find out. I think she needed to see her parents devastated, to understand that not only do not help them have a good relationship, if they are not willing to do the work yourself, but , it is not their job . Whoever she marries, or even if she marries, she could never hold together on the basis of long-term, when they want it for themselves. How they see apart was covered important for Jang-mi, because she needed that giant metaphorical blow to understand the face that no matter what she does, her parents' relationship their task is to manage, you do not. to move the and seeing Hoon-dong and Hyun-hee on with their own lives and even losing their jobs, she frees herself of all worry stop else and focus on what they want for themselves.

[1945010I] actually think Ki-tae made this episode also a pretty big jump, because although he has been known for some time that he has feelings for Jang-mi, I do not think he really understood what that meant , He thought only say: "I love you, we get hitched!" Would be enough to solve everything, but it is not. His parents would still be a mess, her parents would still be strange, and nothing would really change. He has some great work got to do with Jang-mi in his family relationships for a marriage to be accepted, especially with mom. This confrontation was with her at the top of the result that even after all that has happened, he has no more respect or consideration for his mother, as he did when the show started. He needs to do some serious change how he interacts with his mother, and also to do with it some major damage control before they ever be ready after Jang-mi was burned to accept.

and that's a whole other hurdle to have the Ki-tae and Jang-mi address go - that their parents as good partners no longer trust. While we know the audience that no one was forced into the engagement farce that, I can see how the parents could not see in this way. Ki-tae mother and Jang-mi parents have valid reason to believe that their child has been used by others, especially Jang-mi parents because they had nothing really to gain from the situation (because they decided not revenge needed to Hoon-dong long ago). As at the thought he lose her poor father's version that the man he had trusted with his daughter's heart hurt was painful to watch. There is nothing like Papa subsidiary to obtain conflict me right in the gut, and I love Papas relationship with Ki-tae as much, so I'm hoping they find a way to drink friends again soon.

I'm a little skeptical about Se-ah and Yeo-Reum and how they both secured, and I'm not sure how long it will take. I have a feeling that they are both still with an eleventh hour Scheme pop-up was the newfound pair (assuming that Jang-mi and Ki-tae, recognize their feelings soon) to break and a last wrench into things throwing. I am particularly concerned that Yeo-Reum could desperately do something because he seemingly disappeared without ever get closure with Jang-mi. But I am pleased to see that Se-ah finally seems to have received the message, the Ki-tae is not an option for them, no matter how much she wants him. I think that listening to Jang-mi acknowledge that yes, it sucks when someone does not return your feelings, a long way towards Se-ah feeling went as at least one person you see. I hope that it really sticks.

But above all, I only hope that our lines to find happiness and love sooner rather than later, and are able to overcome their problems and build a strong relationship together. You have a thing for them to go, that if you want to start, it is best to start with a clean slate. The fact that everything around them crumbled down will hopefully allow them to start fresh in all their relationships, and build something that is real and solid this time.

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