Recap And Reviews Kdrama Sly and Single Again: Episode 9

Recap and reviews korean drama Sly and Single Again: Episode 9 -

remembers this show us how much fun a Rom-com, as Jung-woo with his jealousy fighting to finally together the evidence attaching that the woman Seung-Hyun may actually be the same person as his ex-wife. Ae-ra discovered the Yeo-jin, the tie, the start for, but Yeo-jin (and Seung-hyun) to realize that maybe you need more than just a fancy gimmick to let be taken seriously your love confession.


Soon after her ex- father-in -law versa funeral, Ae-ra to work. a brief ceremonial welcome with Jung-woo and his entourage, she overheard a few office workers gossiping that Jung-woo and Yeo-jin from supposedly share after. The rumor is the way his family treated her like a daughter-in-law apparently fueled at the funeral of his father, which scored to sting when you consider how Ae-ra as the ex-daughter-in-law was treated.

She meets with Seung-hyun (which a snazzy new hairstyle sporty) on the roof, where he her a soda and then pinches courage to ask her just enough forward, "Do you like the CEO?" With can handling the rider on the soda, evades answering Ae-ra from him instead of asking why he wants to know. Seung-hyun admits he has to ask the same question, and repeated his question. After some hesitation, answers-Ae finally ra: "No." Then once they know demanded why he is so curious, and since the funeral like a child excited acting

As he himself defended, Ae-ra, the beverage can tab discovered on her finger stuck (probably from the soda he gave her, even if the projection on which is still clearly, it can hold - but what are errors continuity when there is an excuse for skinship). Seung-hyun, it helps to cut the way it teases about putting on her finger because she wished for a proposal. Your nice moment is interrupted by team leader Wang, the Ae-ra has an extra project to work and insisted that Ae-ra Go-getter attitude of the funeral means that they could do both projects.

Later, team leader Wang invites Yeo-jin to the mobile workshop shopping team this weekend, assuming that they will refuse. But Yeo-jin surprises to accept the invitation, it as an excuse couching the employees to come closer. At dinner Yeo-jin Jung-woo invites them to participate in the workshop, too. He leans, joking that employees would to him be uncomfortable - and only if I am relieved that they do not just press the question, she pulls the gift box with the tie


he thanks her, saying that he had to buy a new tie planned but Secretary Gil is always too busy. Yeo-jin takes this opportunity that they would be happy to pick out his relationships in the future. Jung-woo ignored the embarrassing admission-is-not-really-a-confession and thank her for her consideration, to tell her that he thinks he saw her in the hospital to care. "In fact," he adds, "when I was going through a tough time, you were always by my side." Oh, if you only knew really was there all night (and who was responsible for picking that tie).

Ae-ra as they run after a late-night snack returns overtime because of their double occupancy, and the office, it runs in Jung-woo. You have what is probably even before they ask their sincere greeting at the same time that the other has eaten dinner. Jung-woo just came from dinner with Yeo-jin not too long ago, and yet cares enough ra Ae-connect for a meal.

They end in his home up in Dontalk building where he gives her grief about the great spread of food they bought only for one person. This reminds them of their preference of eating too much to do when they were first married, and when Ae-ra gets up to get a drink, she finds a packet of coffee mix. There it is reminiscent of its coffee, it seems to her father-in-law, and Jung-woo, where her thoughts had gone.

But the pensive mood is broken when Ae-ra lay the footage of watches when they turned the Dontalk CF and Jung-woo, trying to find any excuse to get close to her laptop, and the way they end up bickering like an old married couple is strangely heartwarming.

After the late-night snack, Jung-woo asleep curled up on the bed like a child. Ae-ra gently covered him with a blanket and pulls his socks, as I am sure that they often did when they were married. Perhaps the evening with her ex-husband ends up as inspiration, because in the morning she presented working all night the project: a voucher for couples who have drawn a favorite memory for them personally. Seung-hyun has proudly indicated that Ae-ra thought of everything of himself, but team leader Wang to give any additional praise, refuses as she has, and reminds them to focus instead on the workshop.

When ae-ra heads to the elevators, she sees Jung-woo already up - and wearing necktie Yeo-jin gave him. Oh no!

On the roof, Ae-ra broods over this revelation, but is captured by Seung-hyun (the adorably mimics her frowny face). She chides him for being too worried, and he admits that he can not help but care because it is bringing frown and smile smooth to roll at home (literally).

then He shows that no for Ae-ra, but, oh, again! Jung-woo happens you are looking for Super cute and happy together, to see, and he returns to his home, shaken by this discovery.

He thinks back when Seung-hyun was description of the woman he loved, and how it can be seen that Seung-Hyun Ae-ra likes leaks everywhere casting the glass he water. Jung-woo hurries to Secretary Gil to ask him about a situation, "a friend" is where a "friend Friend '" the friend of "is dating ex-girlfriend.

Secretary Gil sees no problem with this, because it's not like consanguineous friends. This is not the answer, Jung-woo searches, and changes it so that the two friends are "virtually" brothers. Secretary Gil: "How do you and Kook Seung-hyun Why are Na Ae-ra and Kook Seung-Hyun dating?"

Jung-woo tries laughing his complaints and insisted that this is not the case is at all, but secretary Gil proves that he is the most attentive person in this show by insisting he knew that was something as Ae-ra and Seung-hyun held together to spend so much time to be "only" colleagues spite. He begins to immediately that Jung-woo is jealous (despite Jung-woo protestations to the contrary), and reminds him cheerfully that jealousy is not attractive.

When Jung-woo could see Ae-ra and Seung-hyun on their leisurely day on this evening, he would probably with jealousy (or so hideous as Joo Sang-wook might be) be hideous. Of course, it is not a "date" date when Seung-hyun used the excuse that they finally get their first paycheck as a reason for going out, and if Ae-ra increased in expensive menu, he explained the fee for the live jazz -To listen to music.

They are good in their date-that-isn't-a-date and Seung-hyun has it amicably with tales of his travels, as he hops to use the stage piano. He plays a simple, childlike melody, and just pretends as Ae-ra as his boldness, knowing amusement, how to play the piano, he launches into a beautiful rendition of Yiruma of "River Flows In You". Ae-ra looks pretty Charmed by his skill.

Jung-woo is stalking, er, for Ae-ra wait to return home when the two of them looks happy from their not-a-arrive. He later clumsily calls Seung-hyun to only ask him to get together for a drink sometime, but is shocked to hear him say Seung-hyun that he confess to that person, it goes like. (And is Seung-hyun, a painting "Couple image" of him and Ae-ra, with whom he selca took from the police station as a reference? Pffft.)

workshop time!

buses of Dontalk employees move into the Villa upward - so also in his car Jung-woo. He stated that he wanted to take part in discussions on the mobile shopping plans for growth, but we know it is, so that he. An eye on Seung-hyun and Ae-ra True to his word, he leads the meeting the way users discuss with the mobile shopping site interact and ask how it can be improved. should instead the team focused on smaller - team leader Wang throws subtle Ae-ra under the bus, but Ae-ra honest indicates that they do not win by item only with luxurious more user loyalty, buy the people in their lives once , articles of daily use.

Everyone is either shocked or Ae-ra honesty before the CEO and the Director of crawling, but Seung-hyun tubes, as Ae-ra cheerleader to say that he approved of their idea, and although no one connects with him in when he applauded, Yeo-jin says she'll think about it.

After the meeting, it's all fun and games, although Jung-woo and Yeo-jin see only from afar. But Jung-woo looks alarmed as he along Watches Ae-ra and Seung-hyun, the fun - and if Seung-Hyun Ae-ra catches them from falling down the slope, he is ready to jump over from his seat at the sight of their skinship. Manager Kam invites him to join, and he politely refuses.

But then he has to beat leading the charge in a game of "red light, green light," intention to be suddenly Seung-hyun, the first to reach Ae-ra. What he does, and when she chases him on the premises, he eludes her arrest until she has driven him from recklessly him cornered tagging out. Your happy face to the CEO of the announcement is faced from the game of Yeo-jin, now alone and away from the fun games everyone sits else plays.

Meanwhile, Min-young, on the pretext that Ae-ra away a date with Soo-Cheol Oppa is to have, and it's pretty nice how nervous the both of them are sharing a meal at a restaurant just Mom. Mom and (especially) Dad seem it is quite nice to think as they watch from the kitchen

The Dontalk employees are prepping for dinner, which is made by anyone who. Not the CEO himself - And to make the adorkable manager Kam, who adds the special ingredient better every meal taste: Ramyun soup powder.

Jung-woo about manager learns Kam family in the United States live, even though it's hard to be away from them, he still loyal money to send for that is what the family is doing as the head. Jung-woo seems affected by this, and suggests that they should go for a friendly drink sometime. Aw.

team leader Wang shows that she has the ability to tell fortune through tarot cards, so after dinner, everyone gathers to get to read her fortune. Seung-hyun goes first and chooses "the Star" card. She reveals that his secret to be exposed: to declare that goes to the map, his unrequited love could two-timing him, and it would be better "if you are a one-sided love with, you will be caught." only they gone off from the beginning.

Next is Ae-ra, the "moon" card selects. Team Manager Wang finds it odd when Ae-ra protests that they are not a two-timer like the fortune says, and interpreted the card as two wolves competing and betray one another to win the tired and tortured sun in middle stuck with no escape. Ae-ra: "What shall I do?" Team Manager Wang: "What else is there to do seduce one of the two, you can get rid of the remaining Wolf get?.." Well, one way to handle the situation.

team manager Wang invites then Yeo-jin and Jung-woo to have their ability to read, but they fall, was with Jung-woo it, he does not believe in superstitions such assets. Except he privately Team Manager Wang seeks out later, have to read his fortune, anyway. Ha!

When he shows her distressed look on his card, that it is not a gamble, he laughs it off and said he does not believe in fortune and it is easy to fun (even if he dies knowing what it says, obviously). So she lets him know that a huge disaster is headed his way, and that he would face enormous change that wander caused him crazy and lost. As they tell him about it, is how it will end, Yeo-jin interrupts. Nooooo! Could not you wait a minute?

Ae-ra and Seung-hyun are washing up, and he tells her to come in an hour at the backyard. When she asks why he is answered cryptically they then find out. She scolds him and thought that he wants to stay up all night, but she's too old for that. He insists that it is important, and she says that if it is so important, he should say right now. He refuses.

Outside Yeo-jin asks Jung-woo why he did not mention the rumors originate about them. He apologized because he does not want to be hurt by them. She reminded him how grateful he was always to be at his side for them, and says that as long as he protects her there she'll be fine. But Jung-woo is distracted by the sight of Ae-ra and Seung-hyun left the kitchen, and he thinks that the only reasonable excuse away until Seung-hyun scored: Send the intern to buy from makgulli. Of course, the CEO has her on this journey to connect brands to ensure they buy their favorite brand.

So while Seung-hyun a romantic mood for his confession manages, Ae-ra and Jung-woo arguing over from makgulli as Jung-woo Stands for the period. Ae-ra has finally had enough and leaves him behind in the supermarket. not only to have him remember that he originally injured his shoulder, his leg - he chases after her, a leg injury faking when he saved during the CF photoshoot. Ha!

He continues to stall, insisted that he be outside enjoying. Finally, he asks why Ae-ra is so impatient to get back: "Did you have an appointment" When he pushes to know who it is, they snarks that she's with her boyfriend. He calls bluff, so they changed it to a colleague who is also a really good friend.

Jung-woo then pulls the CEO card and insists that office romances are forbidden, and Ae-ra threatens to leave him out. He keeps them on the sound to tell hear the rain of her. Except it turns out to be his Cell. Lol.

Ae-ra goes to get the snacks that he ordered, and as returns, she finds Yeo-jin there with him, having spotted Jung-woo, as she was returning from a walk. Ae-ra quietly slips away. Jung-woo is not too pleased that his companion was outsourced, and although Yeo-jin tries to make pleasant small talk, he quickly excuses.

Ae-ra finally meets Seung hyun - only he's just finish packing all the cake, candles, flowers and wine he had set for his great confession. He wonders about their timing - it is not going out to put it all out, but as she has seen enough, he can not take it back.

Nevertheless, they pretty clueless on his intention as he begins:

"I'll tell you honestly how I feel about a particular person I thought about it a lot and worked the courage to listen so attentively it is someone I find pulled my eyes - I, I think to remember what it does I'm eager to see where it goes, and... .. analyze each expression when she smiles, I feel happy when she is sad, I am very worried I want to make them laugh -. and when they I chuckle say I feel happy I fall thinking sleeping over. it and when I open my eyes in the morning, she is the first person I think. Are not you want to ask, who is this person? It is you, Ae-ra. that person is you. "


Ae-ra fights Seung-hyun confession to accept, and tells him not to pity because she is a divorcee. She says that he does not need to care about them, playful slugging him in the arm, but when they leave, leaves, he pulls her into a hug back.

Jung-woo is walking by at that moment and she looks ...

... and Ae-ra sees Jung-woo.


I really enjoyed this episode - primarily because it feels like the show itself finally found its footing. Yes, the script is still rather loosely (and I try my best way, continuity errors to wave, I really do), but the characters are much more fun to take care about now than they were a couple of episodes. In fact, as much as I a champion of Jung-woo and Ae-ra were today and move on to forgive, only to learn, I've actually reached a point where I would not complain if they got back together.

sure there is a lot of work to be done, especially on something that we call a little respect "honesty". Finally, there will be quite a violent reaction when he finds out that she had a miscarriage. Or at least I'll be there. I hope is -. How I hope that is a good reason why they did not tell about them in the first place it

But I loved the chemistry between Jung-woo and ae-ra this episode. My favorite moment between them was when your late-night snacks were to share. Yes, there was to tease and banter, that's what I want much my rom-coms in all. But I could to see the intimacy between them, which reminds me that they had been married for a few years and had, at one time, really loved each other. There were also vulnerable - from the mistakes of their pride of only a few episodes prior learning and to each other again, even if it is only to share a meal. No doubt that the tender action made Ae-ra Jung-woo take off socks and a blanket stuck to him largely by the fact that he was inspired as a helpless child looked so soon after his father's death. But I truly believe these actions to her are not foreign - I could see her caring for her husband as a new bride slightly, after spending a long day trying to go with the product on the market (at least as much as they had against him to leave his secure job, she has to support him for years, so they had to have initially had a little hope that he would succeed).

is my only real regret about the result that I have to accept now that Yeo-jin is the classic second line, apart determines Jung-woo and Ae-ra to keep. I have been to their rooting, because it seemed a clear head on their shoulders to have, and it really seemed like Ae-ra (and their respect as an employee) - but now it is increasingly clear that they are passive-aggressive manipulation perhaps cruel than any outright move to stake a claim for Jung-woo. Honestly, that really bothers me tie. Jung-woo holds honesty is one of Yeo-jin best moves to be, but it is kept a secret, that they Ae-ra really is and uses this information for their own purposes knows. She also has not told him about her prosthetic leg, the confused, because they make me still there in this huge deal, would that I still think its a big deal, just because Jung-woo would be disturbed she felt she had of him (and not because of the leg itself) hide. I used to think of her as a rather blunt person, but now that they keep all those secrets for unfathomable reasons, I do not know anymore.

Honestly, I had to make a little chart to remind me, who knows what and who knows, who knows what, and who does not know what, because trying all the mysteries and secrets to remember that-is-not-quite-secrets-more, was always confusing.

But thank God for some really honest people! Seung-hyun finally confessed! And while the failed overly dramatic confession "event" was a bust (which completely cemented him as hopelessly second line, if there was any doubt ... sigh ...), I really did appreciate that he refused to wait more Ae-ra, as much to say - and why - he likes. I just hope he does not completely become a jerk after they refused him (as their body language that would embrace again mean) - or, even worse, they do not try to use it to ensure that Jung-woo make doesn 't fall in love with her again. Because if it was the noble idiot instigating the divorce in the first place (which we do not know why she did it, but it seems to be hinting), then I can see that it would be once the noble idiot again, for him the best person now, and find him an excuse to push away would think Yeo-jin.

For this reason, we have more Secretary Gil have the basics and drops immediately cut truth bombs as every ten minutes.

I love the fact that the show seemed to remember that it is a supporting cast that move more than just the act to do along. I was so happy to see that they had not forgotten that little time between Min-Jung and Soo-Cheol from Episode 5 - I still think that will be a whimsical and fun couple to watch (not to mention, it Ae -ra go crazy). Team Manager Wang is still a whole pill, but I've got a big laugh out of their divination skills.

My favorite throw support moment, though, was with Manager Kam and Jung-woo. I will have no problem if the show makes them friends, because I could see a bit of the old Jung-woo in Manager Kam - and I think the fact that the two men are so seriously and always want to do the right , meaning that they could be a good support for each other. I just want more people in Jung-woo's life, which will not be intimidated by his CEO status, because I like best when he is not playing at the hot-shot CEO, and is instead the guy who his passions follows.

And if this passion turns out to win Ae-ra back, well, I think I actually use that might be in order. She was the one who most severely persecuted him when she married for the first time, so it's only fitting seems that this time he should be the one to work harder to trace it.

Game on.

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tags: featured, Joo Sang-wook, Lee min -jung, Sly and Single again

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