Recap And Reviews Kdrama Sly and Single Again: Episode 8

Recap and reviews korean drama Sly and Single Again: Episode 8 -

Sly stepped his game up a notch or three in this week, the halfway mark with a full steam rounds. The antics of our results in the first part of the episode are lovable while the heartache - and there was a considerable amount of it in this chapter - true rings. Jung-woo family make their first appearance, while Ae-ra family will make me happy still takes less screen time. Secrets come and reveals more of the image, to the public no less than the characters. We also see a lot of progress from our two second lines as the circumstances they incite in acting on their previously hidden feelings.


Ae-ra and Jung prepare woo for the CF shoot, neither to work overjoyed over the other. Jung-woo is concerned about rumors start about their relationship, but Ae-ra says it's gonna be alright if they just quickly shoot the CF and with twist.

You are the once over his costume and he says should act with confidence. He snorts that they speak one, and the implicit jab at her costume (and lack of cup size) causes them to cover up with outraged modesty.

If they actually start shooting they do surprisingly well, prompting the director to comment that they look like they have acted together before ~~ POS = TRUNC. Secretary Gil example observed that a situation such as this would increase their affection for each other, if it did not exist in the first place. He says then grumpy, acne-ridden song-hee, who is sitting in his seat.

Jung-woo calls Yeo-jin during a break on the complaining CF. She has to stop, later with some food by, he answers with a clear negative. Yeo-jin has also heard about the last-minute change in actresses, and we look after it hangs, that they not happy. She scolds her secretary for not to choose her reporting before Ae-ra as a song-hee successor.

In the makeup room, Ae-ra at Jung-woo in the mirror scowls and remarks that she looks just fine. Jung-woo wonders why she looked at him again, then hilarious swirls his cape to hide his tight spandex pants.

Song hee reports to the rest of the advertising team, complaining about how Ae-ra to comfortably is to CEO. Seung-hyun responds that it is only the concept of CF, but he is going to ask Ae-ra in text, if it is still working. She answers immediately that it worked to death, and she has not even had a chance to eat.

Jung-woo, the next task as DonTalk superhero is holding an inflatable model of the Earth. Ae-ra is busy SMS with Seung-hyun, so they do not notice when the wind of an oversized fan snaps to secure the line around the earth model and threatens more heavy props overturn.

Jung-woo throwing herself between Ae-ra and a falling column. It may be only a prop, but it's hard enough to leave a nasty gash on the side of his head and knock him cold. It looks like a serious injury and a distressed Ae-ra accompanied to the hospital Jung-woo.

Yeo-jin wakes up from a nightmare. This can be a recurring problem for her because she swallows a pill from a bottle, she stops near the commode. The camera lingers out on a shot of her prosthetic leg poking under the blanket.

to bring

Seung-hyun swings of the place where the CF was shot, hoping Ae-ra something to eat. He hears that the CEO had an accident and rushed to the hospital. He calls his sister immediately, but they can be heard in the grips of a deep sleep medicine and not their phone.

At the hospital Ae-ra Secretary Gil says that it was her fault Jung-woo, injured, and she will stay with him. He leaves to bring promising Jung-woo clothes the next morning. Seung-hyun reached Jung-woo hospital room to see only Ae-ra tend Jung-woo with obvious concern. He will not go.

watches over Jung-woo solves Ae-ra memories of the day when she became ill while clothing sale outside. How many of us feared, she did have a miscarriage, and Jung-woo slept through the phone call from best friend Min-jung. Ae-ra cried that day in hospital waiting room as she cries now that Jung-woo's injured.

The next morning, Yeo-jin hears of Jung-woo accident and rushed to the hospital. Ae-ra has spent the night there, still in her costume and makeup. Yeo-jin thanks Ae-ra with the CEO of the stay, but says that they should leave now. She even offers her car and driver to ensure that Ae-ra safe to come home.

Jung-woo wakes up shortly after Ae-ra leaves and Yeo-jin is the first person he sees. Yeo-jin tells him it is a relief, he woke up.

The next day at work, gathers to see every message Interview with Jung-woo, where it is announced that the new software functionality to increase share prices even more, is expected. Jung-woo answers to confident, not at all, as if he spent the night in hospital after a girl to rescue in distress.

Yeo-jin and Jung-woo argue over the future direction of the company, and Yeo-jin reflects that they never agree where the work goes. Jung-woo claims that they are still good partners, "because you can protect myself, and I can trust you." The argument for the moment is set aside, and Yeo-jin asks if Jung-woo later has some free time.

Sunbae Song hee a sleepy Ae-ra faced at her desk, her she has some tissue to wipe drool. Ae-ra asks if she can say something impertinent, then scolds Song hee to be too many tissues for lavish offers (HA!), As well as printing documents in color. Song-hee has no chance to respond, as Yeo-jin just for a meeting came up with Ae-ra and team leader Wang.

Yeo-jin compliments Ae-ra in their work and asks her to help with a new product launch go, effectively on team leader Wang head. Ae-ra is one stroke back in her step to her desk and Seung-Hyun notes that she seems very happy supplemented by the director. would melt butter not in Ae-ra in her mouth as she answers that they just to have just glad met anyone who thinks about the company in the same caring way that she does.

Ae-ra and Yeo-jin to plan a marketing strategy for the company, and Ae-ra offers some useful advice about the target audience. they go tie shopping after work and Yeo-jin admits that to tie a gift for the man she likes. Ae-ra remembers exactly how Yeo-jin described him, so she recommends a tie, give the mystery man a softer image. Yeo-jin claims that a woman is a man to give a tie: "I want you to have", and admits that she goes to confess when she gives him the tie. Ae-ra cheering them on, no idea that the intended recipient of the tie is her ex.

After Tie shopping Yeo-jin treated at a fancy restaurant for dinner Ae-ra. They talk about Ae-ra compares many jobs and how DonTalk and Yeo-jin reflects that Ae-ra seems to have been deeply hurt by her divorce. "Is there a distinction that does not leave scars?" Ae-ra asks rhetorically. "I can see how I laugh, but inside I'm crying."

Jung-woo approaches their table - oh, so planned Yeo-jin their dinner so that Ae-ra they would be seen together - in time something to eavesdrop on the conversation. Ae-ra says that although she detested her ex, she saw him recently injured and it made her feel terrible. She admits: "I am not sure what is this feeling ..."

Yeo-jin immediately responds that it is probably only sympathy and Ae-ra should not read too much into it. Yes, and you're a completely objective outside observer, Yeo-jin ...

Jung-woo a call from his mother gets that leads him to cancel dinner with Yeo-jin. He waits for Ae-ra outside, however, and asks her to go with him to visit his parents - his father is in critical condition

The drive fills. in a few blanks for us in terms of Jung-woo of the family. His father was influenced by the failure of Jung-woo business and Jung-woo feels guilty about his father current poor health. In a flashback, we see that Jung-woo father a sweet man who often helped Ae-ra from difficulties such as he to make to cover up an old-fashioned rice pot in a makeshift bowl Ae-ra disastrous attempt rice without an electric cooker ,

Jung-woo shows that his father before a stroke three years, and the few times that he regained consciousness and recognized his son, he asked Ae-ra to see. They come to the house, but they are too late. Jung-woo's father is deceased.

When Jung-woo mourns his father's death, he remembers how his father supported him through all his troubles. He encouraged his son to look to the future and pursue his dreams and said that the hard times Jung-woo suffered would soon be distant memories.

The moment is even more heartbreaking because Jung-woo thinks it's his fault that the stroke of his father would be avoided suffered could, if he had only previously managed or made different decisions. Ae-ra a shoulder softly provides Jung-woo crying, bickering temporarily forgotten.

Yeo-jin eats breakfast with her father, and they discuss the news of Jung-woo of the father's death. Yeo-jin tells her father to try away, they (the punk who got a well-deserved slap in the face of Jung-woo last episode) set up with Robert Kim. President Kook, he says his daughter does not want to suffer for someone else's happiness.

Yeo-jin replied: "But that's fortunate ... even if you do not know."

After Yeo-jin leaves the table, President Kook examined a picture of his wife and children. He sighs, that he is the loggers from the fairy tale, and he does not want the Fairy - his ex-wife -. He left his children and take

Ae-ra calls to work in a personal day to take for the funeral, after which song-hee and team leader Wang about their ruthlessness to complain. Then the message from the father of the CEO's death is coming out, and team leader Wang take the whole team a day off and go to the funeral. She insists that people come before business, although her colleague's worried that it would be inappropriate to show that the CEO said that he will not accept gifts or visits from employees.

Meanwhile Ae-ra helps out during the funeral, though it receives little thanks for their efforts. Jung-woo mother and older sister remark Ae-ra is really shameless now to show if they never visited during the three years, the father was bedridden.

Ae-ra overheard the worst of their spiteful comments - specifically, that there is a relief, Ae-ra and Jung-woo is bankrupt before they could have children , wounding Jung-woo family words better not have chosen calculated Ae-ra, if they had tried, but on they march to a proper scolding treat (as I had hoped, she held would do), Ae-ra just stands there. was

Add the rice soup restaurant, family Ae-ra whines as Ae-ra of Jung-woo family treated - her mother-in-law always looked down on her for her poor family. Ae-ra mother and father disagree about whether it is appropriate to participate for Ae-ra's funeral or not, while Soo-Cheol Oppa reflected that these types of problems are what make divorce so difficult.

team leader Wang comes with the marketing team in tow, only to find Ae-ra hard at work. They think they have a personal day took the favor of the CEO Curry, by helping with the funeral, which, if true, would be a pretty presumptuous movement on their part. Instead their real relationship with Jung-woo admit Ae-ra says that's why she's here -. You want points with her boss points

Song hee and team leader Wang about Ae-ra talking behind her back, at her side torn shocked that annoys Seung-hyun. He says if Ae-ra's Ass CEO he kisses is the same thing to do, and leave the table Ae-ra wash dishes to help.

Song hee, surprised, wonders if they just dissed (the answer is yes, dear). Manager Kam reasons that Seung-hyun has Ae-ra like, and team leader Wang makes the whole team by following on Aprons Ae-ra management and lending a hand.

Jung-woo sister overheard Ae-ra colleagues so that they faced Ae-ra about going to work for Jung-woo of the company. She tells Ae-ra, who is disgusted by her sly intentions while Ae-ra stands there and takes it. Fortunately, Jung-woo comes around to say in the time of his sister, shout Ae-ra to stop.

When Jung-woo goes away with Ae-ra, his sister cries that Ae-ra fault that her father collapsed. Jung-woo explained that his father did collapse on divorce after hearing, but he insists that it is his own fault not Ae-ra is.

Yeo-jin arrives at the funeral, and overheard speculating that ae-ra intends late at the funeral to stay Song hee. Then Yeo-jin sees Jung-woo and Ae-ra along with Jung-woo comforting Ae-ra, while she cries.

Yeo-jin, a flower leaves in the Memorial Shrine, but they do not perform the traditional bow. She tells Jung-woo it for religious reasons, but more than likely it is because the movement would be difficult, if not impossible, because of their prosthesis.

Jung-woo mother in charge, furious at the news that Ae-ra operates at Jung-woo of the company. She is all smiles, but when she has introduced to Yeo-jin and finds out that this is the rich, single daughter of the family, which invests in Jung-woo product.

While Jung-woo mother sucks to Yeo-jin, Ae-ra passes and intercepts Jung-woo eye. His expression soft, as he sees it, and they still stand for a long moment. Seung-hyun sees them looking at each other, however, and draws Ae-ra gone to talk to her alone.

Seung-hyun asks Ae-ra, if they like the CEO, and why she does things that people pointing fingers at them and cursed them lead is , He's not crazy that Ae-ra came early to help with the funeral, but he hates saw her swallow when you try to keep everyone happy pride. It's more like it to be confident. His own frustration leads him to say why he hates to see her act in this way, but Manager Kam interrupts, saying that they go all set more.

There is an awkward car ride back home, hee with Song and team leader Wang make derogatory comments about Ae-ra to success at work to be so engaged. Seung-hyun holds a brooding silence as he stares out the window.

After all the guests have left, Jung-woo remains next to his father memorial shrine. He remembers range of Ae-ra from earlier that day, when she placed a cup of coffee from the shrine and fall, tears started, apologized to her father-in-law that it is only instant coffee. Next time, when it comes, to make them waiting, it is the special "daughter-in-law coffee" her father-in-law like to do so much.

In the presence of Jung-woo with bittersweet memories struggling while the vehicle with the marketing team to Seoul makes his way back slowly.


I think these episodes week may still have been the strongest. Part of it comes, I think, to give the decision much less screen time Ae-ra family and Yeo-Jin's father. They deserve some credit because the few times she showed up this episode, they were actually pretty sweet - though I not President Gook decision to approve a man willing to "disregard" physical disability of his daughter to buy certainly, no matter how pure his intentions were. Shame on you, Dad!

away the limelight relocation of many of the tertiary characters allows our lines shine to truly in this episode. The section with the DonTalk Superman CF was hilarious, and the transition in the hospital scene shows a great job the second leads the growing awareness of the connection between Ae-ra and Jung-woo. We also see how deep their relationship is still when Ae-ra is so reluctant to leave Jung-woo page. She has in at least as much reason to tease him when he does, but if he's hurt, she puts that aside and take care of him.

Jung-woo family certainly came as a surprise, but - I believe - a welcome. In the span of a single, relatively short flashback, the relationship between Ae-ra and her father-in-law My melted blunted, frozen heart. For the short time this car driving my imagination ran away with me - I was envisioning an episode or two, in the Ae-ra and Jung-woo must pretend happy to be married to keep a recovering father-in -law from relapsing (remember at this point because we had not said that his collapse occurred after the announcement of the divorce). And of course, father-in-law would figure things, and then to get closer to manipulate his convalescence milk Ae-ra and Young-woo together. As you can see, I have episodes 9 and 10, all written in my head, and I was sold ... but it should not be. The fact that the writing team killed the father, even before we. Really a chance was to see him, to me, the great tragedy of this episode Nevertheless, even if I have the way to go not quite hoped the inclusion of Jung-woo family was an excellent decision. I just wonder why it was not the case earlier.

Somehow the meanness of Jung-woo female relatives pulled me deeper into the story, as compared to previous episodes with the actions of Ae-ra family, the most damaged my involvement with the plot. Adding Jung-woo family into the mix was the episode of the show some needed depth, and more importantly, it allows us to see a clearer picture of the relationship between Ae-ra and Jung-woo. When one of them suffers, they put their bickering aside and support each other - first in the hospital, and then during the funeral

So far, there had only been Æ-. ra crucial to support, but I am confident that will change. When Jung-woo ever knowing what we had confirmed for us in this sequence - that Ae-ra miscarriage near the end of her marriage suffered - about not being there for them to go his fault certainly come a long way to help him, move past their own pain.

While I'm glad Jung-woo not his sister does not share the belief that Ae-ra his father Stroke is to blame, I'm less than thrilled that he on the idea of ​​guilt still clings. It's almost selfish for him all to shoulder the blame alone. Of course, this is better than Jung-woo Ae-ra fault, but I would like it even more when Jung-woo believed that his father wants to forgive him and continue to live life best as he can.

And now Yeo-jin, the back quickly despite the slightly makjang one of my favorite rom-com second lead to be. She goes a little further in this episode with their plans in the way of Ae-ra and Jung-woo to get unification, but somehow I do not mind it too much stratagems. Most second leads draw to the idea that all fair in love and war, but Yeo-jin has none of the lines intersect the second odious usually leads to do if they are for their men to fight. She Ae-ra or done anything not fired, to discredit them; they tried to make just to make sure that the divorced remain divorced. I can forgive the restaurant moments like Yeo-jin escape the hospital or their plan because they did not seem to spring from hatred or jealousy to show only a wish, Jung-woo, how she feels.

as Yeo-jin told her father at one point during the episode, they are doing everything they can make another person happy to - and that is their own definition of happiness. I say good for Yeo-jin, and I can only hope that they will accept their possible disappointment - because at this point I do not see how things good for their end - with a good grace. She has already risen over the loss of her leg with admirable attitude, and it may be that they show similar composure when faced with a broken heart.

I really find myself already looking to the next episodes. Once Jung-woo gets a better grip on his grief, he will be forced to revise his opinion Ae-ra, and that will change their dynamic dramatically in the workplace. Meanwhile, Seung-hyun has trouble keeping his cool when he sees Ae-ra struggle with their feelings for Jung-woo, and I can get a satisfactory conflict shaping up look when he finally discovers the truth about her relationship with his Hyung.

Keep up the good work, Sly up - you've aroused my expectations, and I hope that you really do not let me down

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tags: featured, Joo Sang-wook, Lee min-jung, Sly and Single again

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