Recap And Reviews Kdrama Spy: Episode 5

Recap and reviews korean drama Spy: Episode 5 -

During a spy comes with its own set of responsibilities and risks, it is quite another thing when a whole operation rides on our young shoulders of the secret agent. In all his experience in the field, can Sun-woo that secrets is nothing compared to the difficulties, keep a promise to keep. Thank goodness, then, that there is at least one person who got the back and he can rely on, because the guy could use a few people on his side, the not it have made for him.


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The National Intelligence Service headquarters, Sun-woo is asked about the failed operation in question, while the rest the analytics team looks on from the other side of the two-way mirror. Interestingly, all list of IT companies a report chief songs is hands that provided for the Ministry of National defense in their contract bids a cryptanalysis program failed. Hmm , is undertaking Dad listed among them?

Sun-woo is then ordered his whereabouts after their informants Soo-yeon to explain death, recalled that he resigned his post. Yikes. But Sun-woo is still smothered by the whole situation, his eyes on the verge of tears.

We rewind to that fateful day when Sun-woo in a stun reminds Soo-yeon the last moments, followed by their death. Eun-ah offers him a towel to the left is wipe the blood, but that's when chef stormed song comes demanding to know where the suspect is.

head song could not care less about an accident in the face of losing their suspects. He towed by Hyun-tae the length before tearing in Sun-woo more about their failures. Sun-woo rises from his seat, not responding when Eun-ah asks where he is going. He goes out in his frozen state of mind.

Aha, so Papas company Technet hedge is one of the companies on this Ministry of National Defence report, which we have already seen. He is still very much worried about Mom, we go see Looking for Ki-Chul.

your statement that it is then filled with a hard slap on the face to report Ki-Chul had meant when their excuse follow-up, that she thought it had nothing to do with it , His eyes fearlessly, Ki-Chul claims the real reason for their presence at the drop-off know today.

"I was worried about the Sun-woo," Mom causes. "Worried that he would run in her. Because he could get hurt if something went wrong." She says Ki-Chul is smart enough to make a trip, but Ki-Chul throws back to him probably at the hands wanted the NIS die would.

There is an air of contempt, as he adds that she would probably return to this beautiful family life hope that she would live if he were from out of the picture. When Mom defense that can not Sun-woo afford Ki-Chul, to let her die, Ki-Chul explained that Sun-woo is not that he needs, but a means to infiltrate the NIS. A mere tool ... just like it used to be.

Sun-woo is his words now that Mom has to fall to his knees. She asks him for a second chance, who are willing to do something. Ki-Chul grinning amused, then throws a pocket knife on the floor. He is ready to test their obedience and asks if she would die at his command.

asks if Ki-Chul left alone Sun-woo when she dies. Ki-Chul true, so Mama knife and aims throat grabs, but Ki-Chul grabs her wrist to stop the knife just in time. happens a tense moment, then Ki-Chul takes the knife out of his hand. He seems both amused and impressed and gives her a photo of Chef song encouraged them not to forget how it feels now.

Sun-woo wanders the streets alone, hardly aware bloodied appearance until a little girl, she pointed out. His futile attempt to wipe the dried blood on his hand is sad to see. He does his best not to sound affected when Yunjin lists, are that all has gone well, and that they caught the bad guy.

Yunjin will hear relieved and Sun-woo insists that he is fine. He runs to her house on the blood from his hands and clothes in an almost angry to clean manner.

Meanwhile, Ki Chul talking to his superiors in the north, to ask more time, because he knows that neither torture nor threats are methods that work on Mom. We do not get to hear, which is at the other end, but Ki-Chul, the terms are enough to fathom for us, that one who is not happy. leave Watching Mom, Ki-Chul assures them that he would take responsibility if their plans south.

Dad Mom rushes over at an overpass to take to pull her into his arms. Aw. The handover boss songs Photo believes Mom that this Ki-Chul true goal and wanted to Sun-woo to use to get access to his boss. Dad wonders how they will be able to plant a bug on an NIS employee phone, but Mom says they must.

Speaking of bugs, Mom and starts searching the rented car for a planted error, convinced that's how Ki-chul knew she him tried to cheat. He, perhaps he is (rightly) suspicious like that? You are his target the mother, after all.

But nothing turns up, and Dad has some of Ki-Chul an informant had his own. If that were true, then Ki-Chul'd never been Sun-woo even desperate enough to have approached to win, to do his bidding, arguing Mom. And then it comes to you that there is a different place, of their enemy might have listened.

This place is Yunjin apartment where Sun-woo with Hyun-tae says, who tells him that it is better to turn up sooner rather than later, because all responsibility on Sun-woo fall anyway. Hyun-tae tells him to vote in the news, because they need to know how the higher-ups, handle the situation.

So Sun-woo turns on the TV, the. Over Soo-yeon's death as a young woman glosses that caught in a financial conflict Seeing that wrestle with himself about his promise to rescue Soo-yeon family Sun-woo has should go wrong mission.

He is surprised when Yunjin early from work, but slaps on a smile so not about worry them. Just as he is to head out, Yunjin sticks to him and told him not to do dangerous. Sun-woo assures her that he will do nothing of the sort-he is just again goes to the office.

Little does Sun-woo know that his parents catch him leave Yunjin place. Mom looks like she is on the verge of tears, while dad holds her hand. Determined to keep his promise, Sun-woo is a contact and asked him how much it will cost to smuggle three people from North Korea on the phone.

Back at the café, Chef song tries to appease his boss on the phone while Eun-ah examined the CCTV recordings. Hyun-tae covers for Sun-woo absence and said that he sent away him recover from the shock. That's not the answer boss wants to hear us, and demands that Sun-woo are back now called.

This song boss calls Hyun-tae aside for a chat, although this his eyes narrowed suspicion. Hyun-tae Nevertheless followed him to the stairwell, song tries in the head, his anger, it can not be justified, because he hates Sun-woo, but someone has to take responsibility for what happened today.

Hyun-tae know the protocol well enough, but no one could foresee that their enemy would kill an unarmed woman in broad daylight. He thinks that shift all the blame on the young agent goes too far, but Chef song says that their superiors for someone look guilty. When Sun-woo not know who it will be-Hyun-tae? Or him then?

finally helps him help Sun-woo, chief argued song. He pursue tasks Hyun-tae, the bad guys down and just tell him. If that was not suspicious enough, Chef song asks this of Hyun-tae as an old friend. Hyun-tae nods, although he felt that something can shake not.

Sun-woo contact is a middle man when it comes to smuggle people from the north. Crawl from a family whose daughter was in the news makes the work much more difficult, who knows, maybe the family members are already being held in prison camps, how they speak.

But Sun-woo knows that his contact reach extends to those detention centers, which calls for an even higher price. Sun-woo writes an amount down to tell him it's his savings the whole life. Can they of the three persons Sun-woo looking out that amount do not understand, can consist of anything?

Unfortunately, hardly save to smuggle two. His contact is disappointed that the once crisp agent has gone soft now, wondered if his fellow agent's death has something to do with it.

This is where Sun-woo patience ends, throwing the food at the window. He does not have to play the games more time and dangling the threat of carrot that he would expose illegal practice its contact the use of North Korean refugees used cars and trucks for sale. Its contact scoffs in disbelief that Sun-woo has so much power, but Sun-woo not back down. He stares through his contact, which matches only reluctantly to the task.

Over in the National Intelligence Service headquarters, located boss Song approaches a code breaker that has not been able to crack a code it automatically excludes after five attempts. Neither we nor the hackers are secret to know why this is important, because it is classified information.

Bringing up the subject of how the Ministry of National Defense, a government put out looking contract offer for IT companies which could crack the code they put out, mentioned the hackers that only one of these organizations quite close with her unfinished product was delivered.

He suggests that they take the company's help, and chief song agrees to look at them. Uh oh, so is Dad in other types of suspicious activities to get involved, too?

head song is approached by Sun-woo soon, and are Sun-woo heads-up play that he would be questioned. Sun-woo mentions that he made a promise to rescue Soo-yeon family but Chef song is hardly fazed.

Sun-woo is willing to accept the consequences and begs his boss for some financial support. As chief song is said that Soo-yeon family will surely die if they do nothing, boss Song matter-of-factly hurls back: ". Everyone dies"

He is not the point wasting hardware provides taxpayers working on an operation "dollars so, but Sun-woo expresses that Soo-yeon died at her watch. Chef song tells him about himself with the additional memory to provide a blind eye to turn this idea.

Mom is waiting to greet outside a tired Sun-woo when he finally comes home. She takes a moment lovingly send the look on the face of her son in front of him to his room to rest. Sun-woo sitting in the dark, finally a moment of his very busy day.

Mom, on the other side scrubs blood still on Sun-woo shirt. she rushes over towards Sun-woo room when she heard him scream in his sleep. she puts her hand on the handle, but do not go inside where Sun-woo in a cold sweat wakes.

Dad still stuck at work when Mom called, still the software program to find out he is working on. She asks for a listening device that has made his company, and added that this is the only way they can protect Sun-woo.

Sun-woo runs in Hyun-tae, if he shows for work the next morning. Hyun-tae advises him to keep his head when questioned, and he will do his best to take care of the rest.

So that brings us back to the cold open as Sun-woo of questioned is an agent in the inspection department. Sun-woo recognizes that the chances of success in this mission were low, and the question of why he later do on his own left, Sun-woo replies that there was nothing left for him.

asked what other companies he had to visit, Sun-woo answers, "I ... had a promise to keep." Chef song chuckles knowingly to this answer, then looks at the report with hedge Technet as the leading candidate to bottom. He recalled that Sun-woo's father works there as an IT executive.

Elsewhere, Mom heads out and sneaks into Yunjin apartment while she's gone. With the device from dad's company Mom studied the place from top to bottom, trying to sniff out an error. Back in the interrogation room, Hyun-tae scoffs when he hears that Sun-woo is likely to provide a suspension or worse, burned.

He mutters that this whole thing is a set-up was to accept Sun-woo of the case, and then releases the control means for the never step out on to the pitch. Hyun-tae not fazed by the taunt that he was still with the assessment team, the Inspector to say that he remembers his face, too.

head song the inspector draws aside, as the diplomat trying to act and say there is no need to make this a big deal. The sudden change of heart leaves Eun-ah confused and Hyun-tae more suspicious. On the other side of the mirror, Sun-woo is an urgent call-contact, perhaps?

to Yunjin place back, Mom finds that Yoon-jin has some personal items on a girl who lives alone. But then she discovered a cell phone in a drawer hidden with a listed contact: ". Mom" ​​Note how Yunjin had told her that both her parents had died, Mo tries to call the number. It rings a few times, but then Mom heard approaching steps.

We removed to Sun-woo again, who said that this family of smuggling is more difficult than expected, means more money. He has given a last chance to save, but Sun-woo gives green light to proceed.

Spotting Yunjin just outside, Mom quickly deletes the call history and puts the phone back. Mom seeks to hide, as the sound of footsteps grows louder for a place.


As we begin more of the higher-level secret in Spy to see, I love that this show to keep us grounded in our family unit on. The love, the support and the extent to which they will provide protection to another is what these characters drives, and while they have not worked the peaceful and happy family life they so hard to build more (although right now Mom, Dad, and Sun-woo do to do their best, as if it still is) one can say that they are damn good take care to ensure that no harm comes another.

, it is implicitly in the way that mom looks lovingly at her son, the way that Dad worry about Mom and how Sun-woo is a loving son to his parents. Of course there are all the lies by omission between them is going on, and although things are left unsaid sure they come back later to bite again, there is so much danger looming over them that another day of happiness seems like a small price to numbers . Talk

costs, it was sad, Soo-yeon go to see, and I appreciated that we were able to see how much sun-woo was affected by her death. Even if he were not made to be made the scapegoat has failed for this operation, he has a sense of responsibility that I find admirable (although Hyun-tae is yell at him when this needle makes him sound like a fair fool, ha) , Up to this point, Sun-woo character has more like a ragdoll to cast from the others and specifically, well, everyone, so I'm glad we could spend some time processing see him this result. I also wanted to see with Sun-woo more emotional range in Jaejoong spectacle and was thrilled to see the subtlety of his sadness in his expressive eyes. Bravo.

But what I love more is how Hyun-tae is slowly added to the young agent warming. He is sharp enough to notice when a young'un is thrown under the bus in order to cover up a mess, and I can not wait to see how he will react when he discovers that his old buddy boss song, that had a hand. Chef song intentions have always been a little suspicious when it came to Sun-woo, as I do not understand why he would want Sun-woo to join his team and he was able to get him to throw away the first chance.

I take the key lies in him this super-secret classified code out it with that look Hacker. I like the idea not that Papa is tamed into this mess get, because I kind of like him partner Mom spy and her that everything will be insured in order. But when he put behind a desk, to crack a code that is somehow in terms of a larger political conspiracy lowers his chances of death, then I'm all for it. The first reason is that we have seen so many good fathers in drama country die early, and the second because maybe Dad could then bring the whole conspiracy with a few keystrokes or a hero in all this. Super Dad: IT exec by day, super hacker at night. Has a nice ring to it, it is not

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tags: Bae Jong-ok in, Go Sung hee, Jaejoong, Spy

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