Recap And Reviews Kdrama Three Musketeers: Episode 6

Recap and reviews korean drama Three Musketeers: Episode 6 -

Dal-hyang and Sohyeon to be obtained in order finally, brought good on their bet, even if one of them has no idea the game fine, good intentions be damned-or not, as these intentions might have saved a life. Or yes, unless the injustice is set to put things right canceled? Either way, Dal-hyang has some soul-searching to do, as the secular Sohyeon since both are faced with some interesting revelations this hour. Some truths hurt just a little (or in this case a lot) more than others.


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EPISODE 6: "Commander Kim Ja-jeom"

Yoon-seo will not budge an inch from their space between the two dueling men, although Sohyeon told to step aside her. she is certain she Seung-po and min-seo told to get from the sidelines and to protect the prince, as they actually are.

they go reluctant Dal-hyang, while Yoon-seo her husband in the eye and asks does it for him enough to stop is not it bleeds already? Sohyeon slowly lowers his sword, unable, they refuse.

Dal-hyang gagged and bound in the same library where Ingguldai is kept up to date, and it is definitely not happy to see the enemy general.

Seung-po tends wound Sohyeon arm and TSKS , that the Prince of Dal-hyang was just jealous. Sohyeon of "Jealous? Me? " expression is really invaluable.

course Seung-po takes this as a positive experience because it means at least Sohyeon is not total loons without human emotion. And then he tried to turn it, so he put them all on for Sohyeon to be envious of Dal-hyang and appreciate his wife more that, hah.

Sohyeon attempts Yoon-seo to bend them at the door away when it comes to call, but you will not, pushing their way be denied inside to take care of him , Seung-po could not be happier to step aside, even if his efforts to the Princess to say that her husband feels right male today are quickly cut off by Sohyeon.

Although Minister Choi is of the same mind as Sohyeon and did not want another output war because Ingguldai the beheading, he acts like a chicken, cut off his head, when Seung-po tells him that they keep Ingguldai safe in the library of the Prince. He angry pleased!

Min-seo bad does not feel for having to Dal-hyang to tie, but he did not exactly other options. At least he fashions suffered a bandage for the wound Dal-hyang in combat.

not Dal-hyang back to Yoon-seo can stop intervention think and how they only had eyes and thoughts for the Prince (well, what he expected ?). It is enough to put him behind his gag cry that Ingguldai can not help but notice.

When he gag Dal-hyang of removed from pity, Dal-hyang all, but damn him to do so when he should dead. But instead, the enemy is usually a guarded guest of the palace is captured during Dal-hyang. Maybe it's because Ingguldai can not understand him, but at least he has seem understanding when he again gags Dal-hyang.

Sohyeon is taciturn when it comes to answer a Yoon-seo questions about Dal-hyang, but he looks just a little more concerned when Yoon-seo asks who the nameless mystery woman.

promises Sohyeon that he, if he can say a mistress, as they do not to too jealous ... but in the time it takes him somehow-not-really-say, it tightens the unconscious bandage around his arm to the point where it ejects a Oww.

instead of answering her, Sohyeon ask instead what kind of stimuli they moved to Dal-hyang during this tiny amount time it was in his village for him, you have all the time in memory. Yoon-seo shrugs that they are not done out of the ordinary nothing Sohyeon to scoff when he asks her if she is the only human so attractive.

Yoon-seo, a little shrug her "is I suppose" that makes Sohyeon laugh. He does not know what's wrong with her-especially as attractive as it is never seen. It is a means to say that, but he at least frame jokingly as Yoon-seo can again quip: ". It is because you have not looked"

So Sohyeon toy with her in his classic way by pretending suddenly serious turn, as he, to show him asking what about them so attractive is. At least if Yoon-seo, he does not mention the topic specifically, Sohyeon praises her more standing to him. It is not as gullible as they are used.

But he will not answer to her about "that woman", and it is firmly. Nevertheless, it pays to ask her attention, what would they be comfortable with when it comes to dealing with Dal-hyang.

Her eyes suddenly goes away as she says that she wants to be kept away from them Dal-hyang, so he and Sohyeon will no longer have any reason to be at each other's throats. Above all, they want Dal-hyang his dreams to be free ... to pursue only elsewhere.

Sohyeon and Ingguldai Converse freely in Dal-hyang presence, with Dal-hyang of ignorance when it comes to talk specifically about Manchu about him. Ingguldai respect for Dal-hyang comes from him before having fought, and both he and Sohyeon agreed that his skills are good not the best in the area, but pretty good.

Ingguldai interrupts to tell the Bro Code of Sohyeon that Dal -hyang cried like a girl earlier on Sohyeon an application himself: to tame the wild horse that is Dal-hyang, he has it in a struggle to hit first ... but since he is injured, he is not at its best. He asks him the general weaknesses of the Dal-hyang to tell, so that he can gain the upper hand.

Then Sohyeon a sword takes Dal-hyang free to cut, but on condition that they with their bet continues right here, right now. "Draw your sword," Sohyeon challenges.

Seung-po is not surprised by this turn of events so that Min-seo as just one of the loop and very confused. But he is the first person to make a bet on Sohyeon insistence, even though he be putting money on Dal-hyang because Sohyeon wound. For reasons of diversity, Min-seo has to rely on the Prince.

Sohyeon not really give Dal Hyang an option and turns and promised that if he spins around on the count of three and Dal -hyang not attack, he will attack first , One ... two ...

Three. He turns around, and Dal-hyang at the ready with his sword. He throws himself at first, and the prince parried. As Ingguldai watches, Sohyeon remembers his words of advice :. Dal-hyang is simple and true, and begin not as fast, if he cheated is

as follows Sohyeon in pretending to lose his lead at first, so that Dal-hyang think that he has the upper hand hand ~~ POS = HEADCOMP. Then he will turn the tables and use Dal-hyang the momentary confusion a few critical strike before landing with a finishing move to strike the sword out of his hands.

The fight goes like Ingguldai said it would and ends with Dal-hyang on the ground without a weapon. Min-seo takes Seung-po money because he bet on the right man while Sohyeon Dal-hyang the conditions of the bet is reminiscent made them. He is now released from his meager title and duties and must go home

also, because he is no longer a military officer, he can not use the excuse to use the King's orders following Sohyeon challenge more, nor can it talk about what transpired between them.

He takes a moment to school Dal-hyang to his folly although the bet to accept, especially since he had Ingguldai face, I would, if it ' d won and when that happens, he would have been killed.

"be thankful that you are alive," adds Sohyeon. "Do you have anything to say?" Dal-hyang defeated looking, simply says no. Although Sohyeon command to leave the palace must be devastating, Dal-hyang dignity remains intact, while he accepts his loss.

He pauses at the door for a moment, but no one says a word to Dal-hyang has disappeared. And of course it's Seung-po, who breaks the silence, because he knows Sohyeon well enough to know that he is not skilled enough to best Dal-hyang in a fight and knows he must somehow cheated.

If Ingguldai expresses concern about only Dal-hyang whether the release like him come to bite again, risking Sohyeon does not worry-Dal-hyang would not the woman he in a widow for revenge loves to roll.

after sending one last, longing look towards Yoon-seo Quartier, Dal-hyang is in the stables in civil. Pan-swe is confused when Dal-hyang paid him for his services and tells him he can return Seung-po, because he has learned his place now. And this place is not allowed to have a servant for him.

predicted Like Sohyeon, Dal-hyang won insight and perspective, losing the battle, he now stupidly realizes that he acted as he lowered " might three Musketeers have taken and her boyfriend. he just got his old-as-dirt horse. (Ha.)

While Ingguldai Sohyeon waits for his word to come through to try and to convince his father his execution to retire (with the help of Minister Choi), he has to hide when he hears someone groped. with the lock on the door and although they do not join, they do replace lock

min-seo claims the perpetrators: Yoon-seo lady-in-waiting, claiming the princess instructed it is to find out what has happened with Dal-hyang least min-seo is suspicious after she goes, and. more than surprised that his key no longer opens the door. Uh oh.

While the two Musketeers try sigh lock changing maid on the track, Dal-hyang and his horse, as they leave the palace ...

... Only to see the suspect court lady sneaked into the night. Remember that it follow a spy in Yoon-seo center, Dal-hyang-up on her.

hands you the keys to No-soo, we have not seen in a while, although they admit, might have found. Yes, that is exactly what you say to a man in an eyepatch, because it's not like he would just turn around and Ki ...

Dal-hyang on the scene under the law happens court lady's throat has been cut, but loses sight of no-soo when it's over they will (not dead yet?) body.

Seung-po says Sohyeon over the castle, and as the act of locking Ingguldai in instead it under from was meant to send a message that Sohyeon is not the only control over Ingguldai fate.

Cut to: Minister Kim Ja-jeom we also have not seen in a while, back to court. Well, we know who was behind the castle and the message, but also when he was pinned against the throne of conspiracy, he bows before the king, as he was a loyal servant all the time.

But it is above all that he has at last a bit of dirt on someone who is not, as he proclaimed him king Injo and the whole court that someone in the palace was with Ingguldai consorting and swore their loyalty to the later Jin (soon to be Qing), also exactly what Kim is yes jeom guilty.

Kim Ja-jeom claims that he exterminate as a spy to the other traitors inserted throne, so that from the part where all this is not true. Of course, it is also that his memory is foggy when it comes to the knowledge of the identity of the other traitors Minister Choi calls him.

While his co-conspirators angry that he would from them, Kim Ja-jeom presents his "evidence" to the king, claiming that whoever was involved with Ingguldai the day he disappeared got into a fight and was injured. He looks pointedly over at Sohyeon when he mentioned that everything that's his way to carry out the king and to involve the Crown Prince as a traitor to the court.

It turned out that court lady was not dead, as Dal -hyang tripped over it, because it will flash at their last shudder words back, as they reveal the princess because she is by Mi-ryung was blackmailed.

We go into a flashback within a flashback to the day of the ceremony for Dal-hyang and colleagues newly-minted officers Mi-ryung the celebrations in disguise visited and had even pushed into Yoon-seo.

the court lady had then recognized Mi-ryung and approached her. She says Dal-hyang that Mi-ryung was be five years before the Prince bride selected, and as in the recent ceremony, Mi-ryung had her asked sardonically, as it was Yoon-seo, to serve the girl, which they replaced.

It is situated at the ceremony was the Mi-ryung had their vendetta declared against Sohyeon to the court lady, her blood at the thought of him boiling so happy with his new wife lives after what he did to her Has.

The court lady relay that was on Dal-hyang, but with the addition that Sohyeon love with Mi-ryung, so much so that the court lady was willing do what asked Mi-ryung so long to figure out how they promised away from the palace, because the court lady would not stay Sohyeon, Mi-ryung was living in fear on that he would leave for them Yoon-seo. She dies after being told they could be that in thought were wrong.

Then it goes back to the present with Dal-Hyang (in the sun for a change), as he speaks to the merchant, the hanbok treated Mi-Young in order for the ceremony. Luckily for him, it is only a recent order of the substance that has to supply.

After a secret letter to Ingguldai sending him to be patient, to ask and wait Sohyeon and visit his Musketeers Kim Ja-jeom at his lavish residence. Once, Kim Ja-jeom alone is not afraid even to ask, "How is your wound"

Because the fight happened on the night Sohyeon Kim yes-jeom and his co-conspirators caught on gibang, both of them speak clearly about the incident-though no one else saw or recognized Sohyeon, Kim did indeed-jeom. And that's all that matters.

He submits the key to Ingguldai library prison back, claiming he was not there, he does not need anyone says about Ingguldai either, because that is against its interests would of working with him. Sohyeon tells him to get to the point when he holds the key, because this is a whole lot like the sounds on a bribe ahead.

Kim Ja-jeom know Sohyeon tried to prevent the impending war, and tells him how vain are his efforts. Maybe he can delay it for a few months, a year at most, but he can not stop happening. "What will happen to happen," Kim Ja-jeom adds ominously. "That's how history repeats itself."

His interests are not going to war or to influence other way because he just wants to live through whatever happens. "Do you know what I regret the most in this life? (King Injo to sit on the throne. Then he led the coup against Gwanghae)

Sohyeon expression goes dark at this insult, but Kim Ja-jeom is not fazed to do whatever your father, the king. "and keeps rubbing it in. But maybe he crossed the line when he adds that all he could think of is that Gwanghae was not so bad, compared to Injo.

But it was through this song and dance before knowing enough that only useless if Injo would otherwise be replaced by Sohyeon or someone would pull another coup, they would all lead to the same conclusion. It has therefore to take the benefit of later Jin, because he has lost faith in the ability of his country to govern themselves.

And for a hot second, Kim Ja-jeom talks Sohyeon that night how that could see who changed his mind about the future of their country ... but it did not. He just thinks that Sohyeon could see his argument as to lose the impending war, bound (but true that would turn out), and that it will be later Jin / Qing, which will usher in a new world. [Insert maniacal laugh here.]

After all this crazy talk, Kim Ja-jeom finally gets to the point, hopefully he will Sohyeon to connect with his father in deposing, so he can take the throne. It's what their future invading overlords want. He is uncomfortably close to Sohyeon to mouth breathe the rest of his illusions on the face of the prince.

Meanwhile, Dal-hyang has to follow the substance deliveryman, where he hoped to find Mi-ryung, only to find, rather than a storage room. Instead of giving up, he drags on a tiny piece of rope from the wall peeking out, and ends to open a secret door.

He goes down the stairs and into the room at the end of what has only the super secret Soil be (the window flow natural light, so it is not Keller) and finds Mi-ryung sit in a room, all dolled garment in a traditional Manchu and hairstyle.

Far be it for the femme fatale are taken by surprise, but neither is Dal-hyang as No-soo it comes with a sword. Mi-ryung has only to nod for No-soo to disappear, whatever corner he turned out.

Oh, I could see looking forward Sohyeon, the verbal smackdown on Kim Ja-jeom was after he got to just talk to as long as him, but we just again Get with the three musketeers as they drive by the Minister house.

But Sohyeon has a lot to think about, because he gave the ultimatum Kim Ja-jeom him flash back: If Sohyeon not agree to join with his forces, he is king Injo tell about Ingguldai and make sure that all of the heat falling on it.

Seung-po, looked as he rides a horse on a lurching rowboat advises Sohyeon ball to do than to play with Kim Ja-jeom until they can figure out how to deal with it properly. This is not what will Sohyeon do, even though he does not yet have a different solution. He has to find by tonight.

The Three Musketeers are surprised Dal-hyang wait outside one of their favorite places to find, and if Sohyeon brings the obvious (he should be gone), Dal-hyang bows his head when he says, that he has a mission to fulfill.

Dal-hyang says Sohyeon want to meet that Mi-ryung with him, and we will find out why in a flashback, in which they claimed that they of help to Sohyeon against Kim could jeom Yes-be because they had documents that the minister would ruin.

But the condition is that Sohyeon would have to go alone. Although they tried Dal-hyang to convince them that they and Sohyeon is fiiine after they told the problems between them, Dal-hyang Sohyeon govern in the present, that he should not go in any case. "It's too dangerous," he argues.

Sohyeon that grins, all, Wait, now you're worried about me? Well, that's embarrassing. Haha. Dal-hyang argued that he nevertheless is still the crown prince, but Sohyeon does not care about this-he had to believe when Dal-hyang were concerned about the Princess to be a widow, which he knows to be true.

Thus Sohyeon feels safe enough to ask Dal-hyang, to go with him to be Mi-ryung justice since they last existence a secret the two of them the all the time has been between just. (AWW, trust!) But Dal-hyang to follow only on the secret door Sohyeon allowed where no-soo holds him back.

Dal-hyang is so concerned that Sohyeon actually to pry his hand from his sleeve before he can go down the stairs. For good measure, he does not command Dal-hyang to follow him.

Mi-ryung waiting for him, looking nothing like it did all those death stares before-now, the face for the first time to face in five years, she looks almost fear .

shine your eyes with unshed tears as she stares him straight, and Sohyeon is the first to break the silence. "It's been a long time "

an already antsy Dal-hyang running down the stairs the second he hears a crash, but sees itself in a difficult position when the Prince and Mi-ryung are engaged in an embrace.

He thinks he's found something he should not have ... until he sees that Mi-ryung hand a knife she keeps in Sohyeon chest stabbed.

Nevertheless Sohyeon orders Dal-hyang back, and Dal-hyang obeys to remain reluctant.


Well, the result was inevitable, even if it does little all burning questions still to calm surrounding Sohyeon and Mi-ryung. Apart, they both make for fascinating characters we can by no means a full understanding to receive and if this is what we got from her first moment together , then well spent, it's time. More please.

There is no way to know if the doe-eyed look Mi-ryung wore at all was really to know, because can while I can put on a femme fatale act in front of everyone else believe it's not so inconceivable that she would find herself back returns who she was when she was with Sohyeon. At the same time though we saw they lock eyes during this ceremony back a few episodes, and if looks could kill, then this show would have been a lot shorter.

The thing is, I do not feel like I know Mi-Ryung good enough to say that she was definitely fake it or definitely case not (or maybe it was not, and then woke up, nobody is perfect), which is something I observed they like. It is predictable in some ways and not in others, a characteristic it shares with the similarly fascinating Sohyeon. His reactions are easier to guess a bit and read, even if it still is so disturbing just to watch him carry himself as a man of great principle, as his past raises so many questions, the least of which might be: Who are you?

So on the one hand, I have to respect a character who want so bad to make us forget how morally repugnant he were once perhaps (or had, or was being forced to ), but on the other hand, this is exactly much more difficult than to know how you feel at odds feeling. Sohyeon seems like the kind of hero you would clearly want our fingers crossed, and I love that this show we do not want to simply allow. Part of the mystique of the show ability to lie, is to tease us with no way to give them all halfway through the course, which I'm not too worried, if that's where we ended for now show is not perfect means, but it seems to have on which side his bread is buttered well in hand.

Unless Dal-hyang the heart Change is if it is true that he had no idea what trick Sohyeon moved (and I think he did not do it), then it makes Sohyeon cheating type of terrible from him, right? Sohyeon may have had his reasons and Dal-hyang's best interest at heart, but he instigated basically a great personality shift that would not have happened if he had not resorted to unapologetic list even if the results were good. Far it to complain to me if puppy eyes bromance suddenly my path is thrown, but if I see between the two of them based on moral integrity alone, the only way Sohyeon, one cent, had to make a bet when it happens . him on his way to Dal-hyang

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tags: featured, Jung Yong-hwa, Lee Jin-wook, The three Musketeers, Yang Dong-Geun

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