Recap And Reviews Kdrama Plus Nine Boys: Episode 4

Recap and reviews korean drama Plus Nine Boys: Episode 4 -

The show continues deliver on the sweet and sad moments, as we learn more about each of our boys and their ladies. More from Kwang-soo and Da-disclosed in the story, leaving us with more questions than answers. Jin-gu struggles with his desire, Se-Young to say about his feelings on the risk, not to lose, but two friends. And Min-gu continues his quest for his mysterious ladylove while Dong-gu adorable relationship a love triangle. Our boys learn about the stony and difficult realities of love, and I love every minute of it

Track 4 :. "When love finds"

Mom and Dong-gu its makjang Drama expressions practice while Min-gu, the fate of the girl's date book for the umpty-jillionth time reading, and Mom complains of bad luck her family this year. She roars Min-gu more study and complains that Kwang-soo never comes out of his room.

Kwang-soo sitting at his computer at the photos of themselves and Da-in rigid, much more strongly affected by this ex-girlfriend run-in than any other. He thinks, as some accidents are not desirable, and sighs that he did not even have enough courage to say hello had.

The tour team sends Jae-Bum and Se-young for drinks while Jin-gu on the "punishment" scowls that they hold hands all the time. The team misinterprets their awkwardness as interest which only makes things worse, but they head out with folded hands. Jin-gu jumps to follow, but the rest, to make him Ramyun, and he can not think to contradict a valid reason.

Se-Jung and Jae-Bum go hand in hand, but soon another fall on the hands (Jae-Bum leaves mainly go first). Jae-Bum has something to say, but Se-Young asks if they go first, and they speak attentive although we do not hear what is being said.

Everyone is from the time they return, still eat hand in hand Ramyun as ordered. Everyone teases, assuming they have to some hanky-panky while out, although Se-Young insists it was only the punishment. The banter is detailed and Jin-gu looks injured when Se-Young hits people and Jae-bum just smiles. Jin-gu thinks about how these two people are so precious to him, and that he needs to Se-jung, to confess before he missed his chance.

The next morning, Kwang-soo is waiting for an elevator, but when the doors open, since-in and her daughter are inside. The ride is horrifically tense down, and Kwang-soo tries something, but begins to say Da-in to discuss her daughter and interrupts him. Having observed his daily allotment of courage, Kwang-soo only up as they exit the elevator and head out to their day.

He sees them going away and thinking back to happier times when he and Da-in were dating. Awww, he smiled so much then, it breaks my heart. In a memory he slips a soda on her finger instead of a engagement ring above, and in another they smile at each other under the sheets, happy and in love.

Min-gu shares fate of the girl notebook with his buddies (age, that is so not in order), and they show that her name HAN SOO AH is ( Park Cho-rong ). After a commercial short McDonalds, they ask, when he wrote the date book, but there is no address inside (you clever girl, otherwise some creepy teenager could find your book and try to get the track ... oh can see wait).

Min-gu friends tell him not worry, because if it, he would see them again really fate. They suggest that he wait at the bus stop, where they got out the last time, but then they are with the current date circled in her notebook with the name Blue peppers and Min-gu friend says that there is a cafe in the neighborhood. Bingo.

The tour team met for more romantic holiday Scouting, and Jin-gu today announced that they will work again with partners. But this time they are out trying to "telepathic Dating", where the girls and boys will each secretly select a location from a list, and are discovering their partners. The team leader shows that whichever winning pair with the most romantic couple selca prices comes back.

The boys and girls split and Go-eun asks Se-Young, where she thinks go Jin-gu, at the same time that Jae-Bum asks Jin-gu, where Se-Young go. Se-Young selects the Ridge of the wind, and Jae-Bum (unknowingly) selects it frustrating Jin-gu, as that is where he intended to go.

They are all in the local attractions take alone, and finally Se-Young makes his way to the beautiful view waiting for her "date". Jin gu and Jae-bum said each head for their destination, and Jin-gu, if they are to be meant, they will attract like magnets.

Kwang-soo will work and is satisfied with some stupid Trivia ideas of the sponge writers, and pretty much immediately bails. He has coffee with Young-hoon, of that something exciting is immediately susses out happened to his friend. Kwang-soo tells him that Da-in moves to the top, but as Young-hoon excited, he tells him that she is married (he assumes because of the daughter).

Young-hoon wonders what happened to Da-in after they unloaded Kwang-soo, and how they could have gotten married so quickly. Kwang-soo breezes that she's happy, and he is perfectly fine with living upstairs, and that it not funny, nee not a bit. Young-hoon wants to know if he maintains on this issue "incident", but Kwang-soo that he did not even remember that, as there are more than ten years.

Thinking of the thing he back total does not remember, Kwang-soo, remembers how he and Da-in sat in a had live television audience full of couples and Kwang-soo had written a love letter publicly read Da-in. said his letter, that they had been 500 days together, but he did not, the days not to count, and just wanted to be with her without beginning or end. Awww .

Kwang-soo kneels showcase Da-in with flowers and a ring, without noticing that her face is stony remained his whole proposal. He remains there on his knees for a long moment, a hopeful and happy smile on his face, but suddenly Da-in vicious whacks him over the head repeatedly with the flowers and leaves without a word. His look of shock is just heartbreaking.

Back to the present, asks Young-hoon, what happened, because it was gone after, and Kwang-soo never knew why she nor her again looked left.

Se-Young lyrics Da-in their selcas to show from the Ridge of the wind, and they talk on the phone while Se Young waits one of the guys. She tells Da-in on the telepathic dating idea, everything on Girl Crazy Jin-gu debt. Da-in required, as is telepathic, the Se-young would come desires - Se-Young says only that Da-in already knows who. Iiiin interesting.

Se-Young hangs up and looks up to see a guy they approach ... and it's Jin-gu. He found it first! We see that 30 minutes before, Jae-Bum Jin-gu had found and asked to change locations, sure Se-Young would go eat at the market. Jin-gu are Se-Young a cheerful smile and a wave, and it does this adorable "Damn, why did it have to be you " thing. They're so cute.

Jin-gu grabs Se-young in a headlock and whispers in her ear, asking if her heart beats (if it is not, it's made of stronger stuff than most), and gets an elbow in the ribs. She walks away and he followed, like an idiot, grinning as he thinks he needs to be honest with her in the interests of all three of them.

on the market, Jae-Bum takes his partner - he is again stuck with the noisy Handsy employees. Even the face of his expert poker is not poker enough to hide his dismay. She babbles that Se-Young almost came here, and it shows that she went to the Ridge of the wind, and Jae-Bum looks ill that he sent Jin-gu right to her. Loudmouth Blabbers that she thinks something going on, there are between Jin-gu and Se-Young. They always have to fight, but also getting together at the end.

Jin-gu and Se Young game on the mountain, and then he takes pictures of her constantly. He can not take his eyes off her, to her mooning whenever she looks away, and they do not even seem to notice. She fusses him to play and not work, but he enjoys his day with her too much to worry about. He has a moment of seriousness, as he recalled his conversation with his friend, who had assured him that it age happened before, and he could not help, and Se-Young has gotten over it. Gotten over what?

The following is a nice place over a stream and Jin-gu propose them to take a picture, it reminds of the competition for the most romantic photo. The mention of the beef price fluctuates, and she agrees. Set for the shot, but grab the image, Jin-gu gets serious and asks her to hear him.

He plays a slideshow with pictures that he took of her on his cell phone, which, AWWWW , and it seems to move, when she looks in the photos. Jin-gu watches Se-Young View the slide show, with all his love directly on his face, and he draws in a breath to tell her his feelings ... and tourists interrupt Se-Young to ask to make your recording. Dammit .

Back in Seoul, Don-gu friend Baek-ji whines that he promised her a bike ride, but he is depressed and says she'll do it another time. She pouts, but immediately perks up to its rivals look Min-joon approaches. She asks why he has not been to acting class, and he is a little snot as he boasts that he was too busy shooting.

Baek-ji thinks it's great when they hear that the guys together to kick a CF, think they can all be friends, but Dong-gu refuses and walks away. Baek-ji follow him and Dong-gu plays his "Do not make a scene, I'm a celebrity" card, and she had enough and breaks with him. Min-joon follows her, but not before the Dong-gu a superior look. These children are in their own little love triangle, it's so awesome.

Se-Jung and Jin-gu its landscape not-a-date on, and they are adorable as she talks about how sweet are the sheep and he's all "Yes, sheep, cute" * snapped more pictures of Se-young * . They work a bit on the sheep farm then rest and Jin-gu trying to sneak his head on Se-Young lap, but it is smacked.

He says the place is not very romantic, and it argues that the couple could work together, but he says most of the girls are too busy to want pretty to look at events and not their makeup mess up . Se-Young says she prefers down-to-earth places and good people. He pulls her for wanting to be a writer, to earn a few more punches. wanted

Se-young muses that she came only for a travel company to work because it is a book, but the real life a clerk to travel and write and he joked playfully, that at least it gets him to this day. This time he gets rip Poked, hee. Se-Young beats the romantic selca take here, and they provide for a series of adorable couple of shots.

Min-gu to get motorcycles like a man possessed in the Blue Paprika Café, in the fate of the girl notebook she said would be. He waits for a long time, but she never shows, and an employee tells him that's one of two cafes called Blue peppers.

Min-gu is exhausted when he gets to the other location, and wilts if he did not not see the girls there. But he smiles when he sees know a girl with her back hair sat to him, and he gathers his courage and knocks her shoulder. But it's not her, and he leaves disappointed. Min-gu takes an outside moment to tweet a dramatic selca and the phrase, "Soo-ah, my destiny, where are you?"

In the apartment parking lot because-in drives to a foot Kwang-soo, without looking only at him. He looks resigned, but turns when he hears a loud CRUNCH . A man has secured in Da-in car, and he gets out angry and holding his neck, immediately on the offensive.

The man hollers at Da-in to be

a terrible driver and not know where it goes, but it has quietly indicated that he backed into her, not vice versa. You keep it cool until it make a plan, as it should be in the kitchen and not screw around in the car of her husband, and she resists, although it's gorgeous weak as stammers that he in the kitchen itself should be. And by the way, that is they car.

The man actually raises his hand to her and Da-in gets brave in his face and dares him to do something, but Kwang-soo stub to be on time in just that he witnessed the accident. The man assumes he is because-in the man who denies vehemently, and Kwang-soo creates almost as much the stitches to hide.

rallies He enough to say they can check the CCTV to see who was at fault, and the man suddenly backtracked, offering a settlement. Kwang-soo begins to say something about Da-in, but she interrupts him again, thanked him with a bow, and drives away before he can speak.

Min-gu reads back date book Soo-ah, if Kwang-soo comes in on the phone, and he cheers his uncle to hear the words "Blue Paprika." Mentioning he finds out that Blue Chilli is a name indie band concert is tonight, right now, and roars Kwang-soo, not knowing where the concert is when he runs out the door.

mom calls Kwang-soo and to have mentioned that they took up a little, as an excuse for accused Da-in to take advantage of all the noise some dumplings. She says that since-in told her that she is a divorced single mother, and that she runs a coffee shop which takes Kwang-soo in with interest.

Kwang-soo will be in a tank top and boxer when it rings on the couch. Mom leaves Da-in and her daughter, and he tries hilarious to hide under a pillow, but mom yells at him to put pants and he sneaks past them in his room. He has a vast freakout in his room, then dies even more his sister told his ex to hear how he is in his underwear around all day.

Mom and Da-in smile as she introduced to Dong-gu, to listen as "Dong-gu Oppa" to tiny Eun-seo, and tell her all about how he is a celebrity. Mom asks Da-at her age (33) and calls out how young she is to be divorced, and gripes about how their guys are all still single.

Kwang-soo hear (he pushed into the ground, ha from where) and flops embarrassed when mom asks Da-in through his bedroom door when they does not have any single friends. She says Da-in that Kwang-soo is a TV producer, but he never goes back, and that he claims to be too busy, but that's just an excuse, as Kwang-soo dies a thousand deaths and winds , completely humiliated on the pitch. exhausted

Se-young of the time it is and Jin-gu find a sunflower field to take more pair selcas in and says that she gives up on beef sentence. She is hungry and wants to find a restaurant, but it starts to rain, and they hold hands and run until they find an old building for shelter.

Jin-gu tries Se Young's hair with his sleeve to dry, but she meets him and calls him a player. He has not deterred and offers hugs when it is cold, and is again denied. He makes another broad hint about what happens always in these situations, in the movies, and she shoots him a third time down. Ouch.

Min-gu searches the Internet to find the location of Blue Chilli concert, and when there he gets goes through the crowd, looking all the faces of the girls, but not finding the one he is looking for. Defeated, he leaves the place, and the road moves down, but if he in the corner he gets on looks and sees his fate girl standing on the other side.

The light turns green and Min-gu takes a deep breath, and goes to his fate. The girl is on her cell phone and makes him not even notice, and they pass each other in the middle of the road. But at the last second, Min-gu she snags her wrist and pulled her back to him - they are there, right in the middle of the street, face to face for the first time.

As they wait for the rain, Se-Young whines about how she is so hungry and should have gone to the market, and she asks Jin-gu which were of the guys there. He mutters that Jae-Bum and Se Young sighs that she should have gone, so that Jin-gu take on a guarded expression. But he smiles again, if everything she talks about all the food she could eat now.

Se-Young says this place reminds of their hometown, and suggests that the three of them would one day go there, but Jin-gu does not stop as he stares before only in awe how beautiful it looks in the light. She holds out her hand to catch the rain, and he keeps his out beside her. He slowly moves his hand on her and wraps her fingers, and Se-Young sees him with an unreadable expression.

Jin-gu seizes his moment and leans for a gentle kiss in, and at the same time we see Min-gu and Soo-ah position in the crosswalk, and Kwang -Soo and Da-in today at the elevator opposite.

When Jin-gu kisses Se-jung, he thinks how love comes unexpectedly. And when it comes, there is no turning back. He ended the kiss and secures, expectantly waiting for their response ... that is a slap in the face. She calls him a crazy bastard, stalking, and he follows, calling her name.


Things are getting serious for all four of our lovelorn young men, although I do not believe any of they enjoy the ride only half as much as I am. I knew to appreciate that with Da-in to got much more out of Kwang-soo and his relationship to see because it answered a lot of questions. Firstly, it is now clear that their daughter not be, that's something I bet we all contemplated as it is only four years old and their relationship ended a decade ago. I'm kind of glad, because I am not really a fan of the whole secret-child Trope. I think there are very few situations where it's okay, the existence of a whole entire to keep child by his / her father, and I do not like when innocent children in the conflicts of their parents are drawn. So I'm glad for this reason at least, that the little girl is easy, since-in the child from her failed marriage.

I'm curious to know, to do with Kwang-soo that they publicly with a bouquet of roses, while his proposal for heaven's sake'd hit him it then without what happens Da-in so unhappy a word, are never seen again. I rack my brain, but I can not think of a single thing that would be so terrible to let how they react in this way, that he would turn completely in the dark. While it does explain a lot about Kwang-soo, and why it is so long not dated after what sounds like a very, uh ... healthy dating life before Da-in. Fill in the blanks, so it seems as if a lot of college dated by his service in the army to take up Da-in, and he decided it was the one he wanted to marry. To so publicly rejected, then never get any explanation or closure, would be in an extreme traumatic. It would certainly give him adequate cause to swear dating, and even depressed. He is in such obvious pain that it is always difficult to see, and I hope there is a light at the end of his tunnel soon.

I liked Jin-gu struggle with whether or not to profess Se-young, because he is aware that this, he risks losing his two closest friends , It is to be a terrible position, but it is clear from the way he looks Se-young that he can not go on hiding it or it will destroy him. Either way, professing or not, he risks losing the people he loves most - he can also confess and have the chance to keep at least one of them. It is to make the worst kind of choice, and one that, in that they can not no choice at all be avoided.

and Se-young has obviously a secret of their own, based on the information they were asked as Da-in which one of the guys she wanted would show their location and they said that Da-in already knew , I thought, well, it can not Jae-Bum because she rejected him, but then there was the talk they had on the way to get the drinks that we did not get to hear. But when Jin-gu, why then beat Jin-gu, as he kissed her? And what happens in the world "at the time" that was so terrible that Se-Young had to forgive him for that? So many questions!

Let's talk about how cute are Dong-gu and his little love triangle. So cute! Baek-ji is just the loveliest thing ever, and I love it as their supplies its very adult-sounding complaints about Dong-gu and his treatment whiny without sounding. Do Min-joon input in their relationship is unexpected, but hilarious, and I look forward to watching the three mini-lovers' play romance.

What Min-gu ... I must admit that I am happy that Min-gu finally found his destiny and girls begin their real interactions with, because I was a bit uncomfortable with the ever so followed he to read and above all their private date book. I know we are there to think about is romantic, that he wants everyone to know about them, but to read a woman's private thoughts and study, where it has been and where it goes, is more than a little creepy and stalkerish for my taste. Then you grody teenage friends will fall to leave the book and read all about them - not only. There is nothing fine about it. So yes, I'm glad he finally found Soo-ah and begin not to see them as a real live person and an object obsess over, because life is not a drama, even if it is a drama. I still hope that Soo-ah turns out to be, for lack of a better word, a real ball-buster, as Min-gu needs a big wake-up call about love and what it means to be a girl as a person to treat. to find the girl of your dreams, is not the end of history; That's just the beginning.

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