Recap And Reviews Kdrama My Secret Hotel: Episode 3

Recap and reviews korean drama My Secret Hotel: Episode 3 -

Now that we have to the point where the body turns up, the murder mystery begins some important focus caught back to get. As the investigation begins to deepen, it looks like the dead body an important role in all our leads played live - now just a matter to find it out, which would be more desperate to kill in order to preserve from a secret revealed will. Our investigation detective is much sharper than it looks, so everyone goes a little effort to his penetrating look, uh, to avoid wink.


Sang-Hyo quickly gathers her mind to body Assistant Manager Hwang falls to the ground. You delegated tasks to the rest of the shocked wedding coordination team to assist the panicked guests until everything is left in the wedding hall with the dead bodies, only them and Hae-young. He's still in shock, but she urges him to go to see his bride Soo-ah.

Sung gyum rages the chaos to help monitor, but general manager Lee stops him. He believes that it is important to learn for Sang-Hyo how to remedy this situation, on their own, as a good test of their management skills. Sung gyum not seem particularly convinced of this, but it is lying, yet.

as they deal with that all guests escorted safely out of the hotel, Detective KIM GEON-BO ( Ahn Gil-kang ) depends on the Scene. His cowboy boots and casual unbuttoned shirt have the diligent security team ready to scare him as curious spectator, but allows for a wave of his identity card, he has to wedding hall.

amazement at Sang-Hyo ability to take care of smooth to the wedding guests to examine Detective Kim steps cheerfully into the room, the corpse. Sang-Hyo is ready to fall in exhausted relief that it's all over and all safely taken care of, but Eun-joo radios with a cry for help.


PR Manager is busy reassuring the press that the death of a hotel employee is nothing to be overly concerned about - and all could happen at any time. But one of the reporters at the press conference is Jung-eun, who has smugly point out that the body falling from the sky, are not just a normal process. Not to mention all the other crises that have happened at the hotel, leave as all previous manager last year, the value drop of the hotel on the stock market, and, of course, the three-month wedding curse.

But come soon Sang-Hyo eludes the rest of the press debriefing, Jung-eun to hide around the corner to do. She is shocked "that woman" and the person is to recognize who Hae-Young wedding planned.

Detective Kim and his CSI crew are busy investigating the area around Hwang of the body. It is determined that the murder weapon of the ice pick was - a jab to the heart and instant death. The detective also found something else surprising: a second purse which was found near the corpse. He opens it to reveal that it Hae-Young-wallet, and he realizes that this is part of the groom.

Speaking of whom, he sits with a sob Soo-ah who can not believe that her wedding was ruined. She is also upset that Hae-Young is not upset or angry, but he tells her that he's sober as excited as she is, really. Your hysterical shrieks can be heard all the way down the hall, and Sang-Hyo steels herself as she prepares to enter the room and face the unhappy couple.

Soo-ah greeting is a literal slap in the face, as they know what demands Sang-Hyo is going to do about the troubled marriage. Sang-Hyo deep bows in apology, but Soo-ah is still angry. You kneel orders Sang-Hyo and apologize. Finally they Soo-ah is not promise the perfect wedding?

they reached to give out another hefty punch when it looks like Sang-Hyo would not kneel, but Hae-young reach in to stop them. Sung gyum also suddenly comes and sits between the two women, the protection Sang-Hyo.

Sung gyum insists Sang-Hyo left, and Hae-jung before recognizes him from the night, when the man. The gentle way Sung gyum soothingly not affect Sang-Hyo shoulder does not go unnoticed, either.

Sung gyum charming calmed Soo-ah frustration (not to mention all the time that a member of his staff propose is no- no). Hae-young is more focused on the protection path Sung gyum Sang-Hyo defended. When Sung gyum offers instead of Sang-Hyo to apologize, he refused and said that Sung gyum had better do nothing for them. Cue intense alpha male staring down.

When they go home in their elaborately decorated newlywed car, Soo-ah is over the moon, how beautiful and cool Sang-gyum was when he explained Sang-Hyo to be "his own person." When it points out that must be the same person Sang-Hyo proposed Hae-young to reach its limit and pulls the car over.

he acts out his frustration by ruthlessly all the flowers, balloons and other frou-frou "just married" decorations car tearing. Soo-ah takes everything, although in step assuming that he does it because he loves her (as they, he is jealous over their high opinion of Sung gyum thinks), which proves that the wedding was not just idea of ​​his parents.

Sang-Hyo with Detective Kim meets that puts her in question by Hwang work habits. She is surprised, when he says that they have to be happy, unreliable gone their assistant manager to see, but he assures her he is just kidding. When he begins to Hae-young, to ask occurs Sung gyum office.

He is once again play the saving hero as he excuses Sang-Hyo they claim needs a break to rest and the shock of the day let settle. the interrogation can continue tomorrow, and he grabs her wrist a stunned Sang-Hyo to lead them out of the office. Ha, and Detective Kim wins totally a permanent place in my heart by the idea of ​​a wrist grab snubbed, with a sigh, that women like not really that kind of stuff.

But Sung gyum further pull-Sang-Hyo through the hotel until it reaches an empty guest room (much to the surprise and disappointment of Eun-joo, who sees them from down the hall). They freed at last from his grasp, and insists that there is still a lot of work for them to do. But he convinces her that she needs to rest, sweet added that she did today, and it looks very nice.

How can it be finally the shock of the day they overwhelm reaches Sung gyum through her tears gently wipe. Your tender moment is interrupted by the arrival of room service cart, and he leaves her alone to eat dinner and get some sleep.

A restrained Hae-young drops Soo-ah in her house from, and it does a nice pout small if it does not provide immediately for her to open her door. It assumes that his surly attitude is to talk about her how handsome was Sung gyum. mentioning Promising not other guys in front of him again, she swears that he is the number one in their eyes. Just like Sung gyum probably eyes number one guy in Sang-Hyo is -. A fact that Hae-Young is not just find reassuring

Sang-Hyo tried to relax in the hotel room, but she keeps playing the moment Assistant Manager Hwang from the skylight fell. They stopped asking his voice in her head, if she is happy that he ruined the wedding. The shadows in the corners of the room they make you nervous (and I also thanks to the creepy horror music). When she gets ready for bed, she turns around before they see Hwang are scary, and she screams.

But it's just a dream, and she tries a hold of yourself ... to sit him in the corner of the room looks; but it was only a dream. Now fully awake, she crawls all the lights to turn in the hotel room to pray that the Spirit keep far away from her.

something tugging at the ceiling she feels tucked under him, and she whispers that it ... until the duvet is completely torn from their grasp just a dream. Then she screams as she spun out of bed, only to cause Eun-joo, yelling themselves. It is there innocent to ensure Sang-Hyo is awake, because it's late-morning

Sung gyum assistant has done some research into old personnel files, and reports its findings. The only employees from 1984 that still work at the hotel, the now deceased Hwang and Lee GM. Even if the GM is aware that the wizard in the old files was snooping, neither manager mention them together when they happen to meet in the hallway.

Sung gyum takes a moment away his father's death the mysterious letter about ponder. He received the same day Hwang was murdered, and Hwang is the only employee who was there when Sung gyum father died. Could it possibly be a connection?

Detective Kim comes (in his imagination boots!) At the wedding planning department continue questioning Sang-Hyo. She takes him to the garden, so that they can have some privacy, and he wonders in his "ah what" fashion, how beautiful it is, before they immediately ask if she knows Hae-young.

She stutters surprised before simply that he had to answer on the day of the incident the groom. The detective pretends that this new information to him, but asks if it really all is Hae-young, because he heard that they gave him special attention. Sang-Hyo quickly explained that it was for their promotional event, one that focuses on profiling the elite couples.

As he writes this information to his notebook, he goes on to ask, in what kind of person is Hae-young, and added (with a little wink ) that the groom must have made a kind of impression on them. Sang-Hyo is saved by a call from her team on the answer, and she apologizes. And ha! It turns out, the only thing that Detective Kim wrote in his little notebook was that Sang-Hyo is pretty and "his way easy." He is also surprised, because they are the first one to withstand the power of his wink. Pfft.

In his architectural firm, Hae-young defends his employees Shi-chan constant barrage of questions about the failed marriage from, and whether he actually went to the woman go, meet the night before the wedding (as Shi -chan had recommended, as they were at the bar). Hae-young finally admits that he did not meet with her. Because their relationship is long gone, what is the point of the meeting, anyway.

He collects the rest of his staff together to start the session, and Jung-eun barges in and shouted: "You met not with her did you?" Hae-young is surprised that she knew that he met with "Las Vegas" (aw, and Shi-chan is totally offended that he has just lied).

Hustling Jung-eun to a place where they can have a conversation about the prying ears of its employees, Hae-young tells her that what her business happened is not. But to her something in connection with Hae-young is her business, and she feels it her duty is to warn him to stay away from Sang-Hyo -., Because it is a dangerous killer

threatened by Jung-eun logic, Sang-Hyo must have killed Hwang because he had found out about her previous marriage, and would show that they had gone through the "divorce curse" that her career ruin and reputation as a wedding planner. Which meant that Sang-Hyo would have been desperate to keep him saying something from someone. So, of course, they killed him.

Hae-jung laughing at him, calling their theory crazy. But it suggests that, if the police find marriage about his past, they will want to investigate it. Hae-Young says her confidence Sang-Hyo not kill Hwang. Jung-eun "? Then who When Sang-Hyo, it was not then you"

Back at the hotel, Detective Kim ponders the bloodstain in the wedding hall left the other detective filled him in on all the information they found on Hae-young, which is not much more than the basics. If the rookie detective wonders why they investigate as much time someone who seems to have nothing to do with this case, Detective Kim pulls out the wallet that he found. are

The other detective takes fallen out, have pocket Hae-young, while walking down the aisle, but on the unsuspecting detective, the only way to prove Detective Kim a little martial arts action that order, is under the body was would have been if it had been a physical fight.


part of the conversation after the detectives, Sang-Hyo is so focused on why they might Hae-young that she almost jumps out of her skin when discussing failure of one of its employees for Ghost Hwang. But their employees avoid a scolding when a text message from Hae-young has to beg her sweet Kyung-hee for another umbrella.

In addition, it has only a rain coat and Sang-Hyo the hood as far pulls down as it can go, as she bustles about Hae-young car waiting. You go to a secluded spot on the river. Oh, this can not be good.

It requires that he just tell them quickly, whatever it is, he needs to say. But his silence, she continues talking, saying that it is okay if he came, Soo-ah excuse beating, or to say for his bride that they have nothing to do with "women like it." Or if he only worried about her ...

Hae-young finally speaks, to ask if she told anyone about their marriage. That was not what she expected, and she informed annoyed him that she never told anyone at all about their past relationship, not the detective.

He alerted the police know examine him and asks her not to tell anyone about their marriage. She agrees angrily before storming out of their own way back to the hotel to find, fuming that he only wasting their time, over the past paranoid. It starts to rain, but Hae-jung continues beside the river, deep to stand in thought. Finally, he calls Shi-Chan: "I need an alibi."

A flashback shows the moment when Hae-jung back to the hotel after looking for Sang-Hyo Sung and gyum to sit outside. We learned that Hwang admitted that he knew the two of them before had been married. Hae-jung warned that if he did something to Sang-Hyo, he would not let it go.

But Hwang cackled just manic and waved his trusty ice ax, asking what he would do, "Kill me or what?" Hae-young-defense against the ice pick was a fight between the two men, to he managed to turn it around, it shows on Hwang directly to the heart of the assistant manager.

Sang-Hyo is the last that night the office, and with all the lights off, it is to leave a little creepy. She is ready to swing her purse at every little noise, but the image of Ghost Hwang lying dead on the floor makes them in terror screaming. Then she faints.

She wakes in the hotel's clinic, and the first thing she sees is Sung gyum worried face. He accompanied in the hotel room last night back to her and said, it's late and traffic will be bad because of the weather. But the first thing she sees the image of Hwang is standing in the middle of the room.

Despite attempts to stay cool, it lands clutching Sung gyum arm and admitted she's too scared to sleep alone. He asks ironically if she seduced him, and lets them immediately, they insisted that do not like, and manages to enter to psych up to his side and the space.

When she goes nervously awaits spirits Hwang in every little corner, to see her phone rings - it's Sung gyum. He proceeds to his suite when he friendly their tips, offers as not to be afraid, you also go through all the places where something could be hidden scary.

diligent and careful checks each location, but there are to find any ghostly Hwang. When he suggests that she take off to take a shower, they increased for a second, and he chuckles, because he can not enter for the step-by-step instruction. In addition, she has not really done everything he has said to do, she has? Sang-Hyo: "Of course not, I'm not stupid!." Hee!

But most importantly, she is no longer afraid. Even so, Sung gyum keeps them on the phone for a bit longer. The two get on each other to hear life as they speak happily over the phone until Sang-Hyo asleep with the phone to her ear. Aw.

The next morning, a much happier and rested Sang-Hyo is willing ghosts Hwang bid farewell to when she leaves a memorial flower at his desk.

Detective Kim makes a visit to Hae-young architecture office. But before he could say a word, Shi-chan practically throws herself the detective, from a trumpet that Hae-Young has an alibi - it is him, he has an alibi, they spent the night drinking together, honestly

[1945010DerDetektiv] is here for another reason, though - he Hae-young-wallet back. Hae-young can not remember where he lost it, and Detective Kim is happy to inform him that it was found under Hwang's body.

What is Hae-jung the most likely murder suspect.


I'm so glad we finally get in the murder case. And as sweet as any rom-com stuff last week I was, how I felt was a little whiplash as tonality of the show bounced between the zaniness of Hae-Jung Sang-Hyo and more melodramatic get severity of Sung gyum and his secret about his father. That's not to say that the rom-com element has completely disappeared - far from it. But it feels like it is better integrated into the show always.

Hwang body really helps everyone to bond together, and I'm really looking forward to seeing how the secrets are revealed slowly as soon as the detective begins to investigate. This is probably another reason why the show feels a little more cohesion to me, Detective Kim. Or, more accurately, to be Ahn Gil-kang. He's such a perfect choice to bridge this gap between eerie mystery and rom-com, because he is so honored to play for both types. I especially love that it is not something clumsy detective, but actually buried some excellent and intelligent observation skills under his goofy stance. As a Korean Columbo, but with cowboy boots instead of a trench coat.

Of course I do not believe that Hae-Young Hwang killed. Not only because he is one of the lines (or because I prefer him to Sung gyum when it comes to the love triangle). No, mainly because it is the third episode and it have much settled early on the killer. Which means all these notes are red herrings, of course; but I'm still deeply interested in the truth behind these false trails to know!

I think in wish Hwang was actually sincere "good luck", and have not perceived Hae-jung in the threatening manner. Hwang to have appeared for genuine affection had, Sang-Hyo, for reasons that are perhaps revealed in the show later. Maybe for less sinister reasons - right now my Spidey-drama feeling on a birth secret tingling because Sang-Hyo birth parents are a mystery. It would be easy to write off as a plot device, they come to America, but that's drama Country - there are always secrets birth, and at least this would be legitimate

Although, if it turns out to Sung. -gyum is her blood brother (or half brother) and the reason why they in so are good at what they do is because they both inherited the hotelier gene (which would also explain why GM Lee is so eagerly about the fact praise, he has his own shadow secret hidden on Hwang) - well, I'll call shenanigans because only I have to admit just begun, that I love him anyway as a viable love interest. For the record, it was the ghost hunt by telephone, which began to attract me.

What the supporting characters, I love them, and I will give this show hoping them a little more depth. I am particularly excited Jung-eun and her obsessed love for Hae-young - they me is suspicious, and I can not wait until Detective Kim his sight rotates, uh, winking at her because I want to know what is their business. As I do with Soo-ah, because even though I really want to hate, their incessant cheerfulness (well, unless their wedding ruined) fascinates me. There's got to be more to this bubbly personality of her. I'm still amazed that her reaction to him the car decorations tearing was his enthusiasm, take it as a display of affection.

Perhaps this show I give too much credit.

least At least ~~ POS = HEADCOMP there are enough characters to interest me - not to mention a lot of secrets that make for a fun and interesting ride, as they will eventually unraveled (and our life takes more and more entangled).

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