Recap And Reviews Kdrama Doctor Away: Episode 9

Recap and reviews korean drama Doctor Away: Episode 9 -

There is a cheerful round go by fast-talking at this moment as a sign to tell each other that they will talk about later, but never really a chance, because the condition a surgical contest of the century. The good news is that we get to finally know what Hoon relating to his first love in question, but the bad news is few episodes was to think in the past that it leaves us with more questions than answers again ,

There are many living on the dump was every day in a hospital with many patients to deal with, but it is only now that I know I should be worrying also about the doctors, also, because you never never know when you might find a gun pointed at his head.

Doctor Stranger saw another boom in ratings with 13.2% as Big Man remained at 10.0% which is executed.


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After hearing that Seung-hee kill Hoon goes from the scrub room . It's Soo-hyun, who forced him back into wrestling but it could be more important on the table-nothing to look at the tiny infant as the frail to save the lives right now.

We removed the other life on the line where Agent Cha asks the burning question on all our minds: Why the heart the sudden change Jae-joon as operator instead to choose the only answer we get is that Seung- hee ignored new contracts with the original plan Jae-joon team to join by gluing and stepped Hoon. Why any surgical team, is has to join anyone's guess, really.

Since this essentially leads to the loss of their own mission, Seung-hee the gun at her heart and directed grabs aimed at her head. it asks whether the North have agreed to these changes, to the nightshade family, she says do as matter please, what the North thinks. With Agent Cha aid, Seung-hee turns the tables and points the gun in the night vision, which pulled to guns from both sides.

While everyone waits for the unique competition on OP begin Director Choi describes the evaluation criterion, each which works the fastest (without her child to kill) be declared the winner. Hoon scrubs again for surgery in, and even though they are running out of time, he is convinced that Seung-hee will make it.

The tense stalemate of Prime Minister Jang is interrupted input. He claims again changed his mind now that he has seen Seung-hee in person. In addition, he needs to know if it's someone he can trust, so he asks, "Are you Song Jae-hee and Han Seung-hee" Get in line, old man. We want to know the answer to that too.

Everyone lowers their weapons and says goodbye to Seung-hee and Jang are alone. Outside has a lollipop chat with agent-Cha about how it would be pretty easy for Seung-hee to acquire another kidney, although the existence of a scar would be a telltale sign of their true identity overnight. Agent-Cha replies that he never see her bare skin.

But Prime Minister Jang has, and it gives a satisfied smile as Seung-hee is tightened again. "Hoon is really pathetic," he answers cryptically. He agrees Hoon even give a chance, but he tells her to keep in mind that it only needs a surgeon.

Agent-Cha stops them before they can warn them that they when Hoon loses dead end. A sputtering engine noise from the truck near alarmed him by Chang-yi presence, and she panics when he marched on them, but to their happiness, Prime Minister Jang holds him for a quick chat about the competition.

Jang is largely indifferent to claim Agent-Cha that Hoon will win out that Hoon must prevent it from Agent Cha dying hands. In addition, Seung-hee would get upset when she discovers Hoon corpse and Agent-Cha assures him that he can not have a body trace behind. Once Jang leaves, looks Agent Cha toward the truck, but it's already gone.

It is difficult to say what Chang-yi to previous look perplexed, but she calls Hoon repeated the phone. Somehow the phone ended again in the waiting room, so it's Chi Gyu, which receives (and hangs up) in anger before surgery observed position.

to wait as Hoon team continues for Seung-hee, Jae-joon team is added to start anesthesia green light. Hoon and his team are happy when the doors open twice, disappointed only by Chi Gyu appearance both times. The third time is the charm, though, and Seung-hee finally comes to Hoon relief.

Soo-hyun is concerned that they will lose so late to start at the end, but Hoon tells her that setting to leave. This is like any other surgery, he says-their goal is to treat a sick child.

Although Seung-hee anesthesia later than the other team manages both Hoon and Jae-joon end up making their first cuts at about the same time. Until the observation deck, Director Choi says proudly that they are the future best cardiothoracic surgeon at work witnesses.

Even Seung-hee superb skills are a mention given as Doctor Yang says Min-se was best anesthesiologist Myungwoo hospital to Seung-hee arrived

While Doctor go Yang steps out of a call, Chairman and Director Oh Choi to take .: to get a better look at the highlight of the process the crucial 45 minutes window to the baby's heart.

Both teams go in step as the timer ticks down, the fear grows to repair with each passing minute. Hoon roars Soo-hyun to concentrate when it begins a nervous glance at the clock sneak with just over ten minutes to go, and that leads to a small but crucial mistake.

Soo-hyun starts to panic, but they are running out of time, and they need to repair the crack, to move. Among her shaking hand, Hoon tells her to look at the baby and sew them up. Feeling of insecurity, Soo-hyun apologized, and Hoon she recalled that she practiced earlier: ".? Tu es Become a quack for the rest of your life are called"

Seung-hee looks at the viewing platform sitting on Agent-Cha with the other doctors to see (grah that serious lack of security at the hospital), then requests that Hoon do it instead. But Hoon awaiting Soo-hyun, which passes through all the negative comments about their surgeon skills and then Hoon encouragement.

And just when Hoon to do it decides, Soo-hyun steps up to the plate. But how they work, Jae-joon team finishes first on to give his team the winner. Seung-hee cast a worried glance toward agents Cha before their eyes with the same concerned expression on Hoon fall.

Prime Minister Jang is informed the result, and we see outside prepare Agent Cha his gun in his car.

luckily Hoon team ends with a minute and 20 seconds to spare. Soo-hyun nervously apologizes and starts to make itself responsible, but Hoon cuts her off, saying that she saved a life. Watching the heart beat true to the baby, he says it does not matter to him that she lost.

As the twins from their respective premises conducted Hoon Jae sends -joon a look of recognition. He tried to take Seung-hee for a word, but she says she can talk later.

When Doctor moon conveyed his timid congratulations to the Chairman Oh, he has said that there will be something for him near to celebrate future. Then explains Chairman Oh that these Hoon was last operation, and despite efforts to Director Choi to dissuade him, Chairman Oh remains determined his decision. With Jae-joon alone enough Myungwoo is to make in the best hospital in Korea, he argues.

Doctor Moon is worked when Chi Gyu congratulated him in advance for his soon-to-be transfer to the branch hospital, because that is not what he had in mind. He hunts Chi Gyu around, none of them noticing "water bottle" (filled with brandy, perhaps?) Fall on the ground.

Because Doctor Moon is easily influenced type, it calls to convince her father of it not to send him away with Soo-hyun. She has no idea what he is talking, and he on her hand to release it encourages him to speak to the chairman to squirm out of his grasp.

Hoon responded to Doctor Moon hysterically with the usual dismissal, all, you will be just fine . In the midst of his dramatic "We are all dead!", Gets, we see Agent-Cha past him go casually. Sigh, no wonder there is no one that the security man room.

Hoon finding comes after Seung-hee, only said that he just missed. He runs over to Chang-yi on his way, and their first question is: "Hyung, was that Ms. Jae-hee?" Well, now

Hoon her draws. aside and she has to listen carefully. He makes Chang-yi promise not want anyone to tell what she saw. She agreed and then asked again: "Is it really Jae-hee?" Hoon nods. Finally, a definitive confirmation of our heroes!

When Chang-yi admits that she is afraid, as Jae-hee is also a spy, Hoon says, so they must remain tight-lipped. She gives him the keys to the truck and asks one last time to make sure everything will be fine. He gives her another reassuring nod.

As for Seung-hee, she is busy looking for agents Cha, who recalled that they have failed their mission and Hoon is now his goal. He looks after Hoon Jae-hee run by the hospital to keep themselves invisible to ensure.

Seung-hee argues that they still have a chance and if their mission is a success or a failure is not to decide for Agent Cha. Meanwhile Agent-Cha has with her mysteriously in OP-he caught apparently thinks differently and asks if she has to die scared.

He admits that they have the ability to act, but the bastard Hoon ruined everything. Seung-hee sees Hoon arrive in the operating room and sees on the sidewalk in the direction of Agent to Cha ... only that there is no one there.

panic washes over her face as her eyes Search Agent Cha whereabouts. It is still a minute before looking to meet Hoon Looking Down. At this moment we see a shadow behind Hoon, and sure enough, there are agents Cha with a pistol on Hoon head formed.

The tension builds up with every second that passed, but can shoot before the Agent-Cha, come Chi Gyu and his latest fling barge to Chaos in. It does not matter that an operating room is a sterile environment, of course. Anyway, to get a good look at the two stop Agent-Cha as they go, but take on a doctor's coat makes you a at this location.

So when Agent Cha rotate the job to finish back, both Hoon and Seung-hee are long gone.

Soo-hyun meets with her father, who is complaining about how they could help through Jae-joon Hoon. Everything worked out the best, she says, and she asks if her father worried about their relationship. Chairman Oh says he is worried about a potentially great son-in-law to lose.

take your calls lately to an endearing quality than Soo-hyun her father assured that she likes Jae-joon second best after her father, the latter the smile makes. He is surprised to hear that Soo-hyun to move and live on their own will (oh, so the apartment was for himself?), And their spirit is already in this matter from.

you after a short run in Jae -joon outside as he was also called in to see the chairman. He asks if it is free, but you clips that aside and congratulated him on winning.

Chang-yi is considering whether a spy to the authorities to report that floats her finger on her cell phone. She is briefly interrupted when Soo-hyun appears, looking for Hoon. After she leaves, Chang-yi calls it in. Uh oh.

Soo-hyun, a look at Seung-hee walking past begins with her telephone to her ear. She continues her search for Hoon, short Min-se progress toward a nervous doctor Geum is interrupted.

They eventually runs into him in the hallway, to tell him that there's something she wants to tell him. But Hoon says she can chat later, and runs looking for Seung-hee.

Somehow Agent-Cha nor goes unnoticed in this hospital, noting the presence of the Director Choi. Seung-hee is still trying to get ahold of him by phone without success. She then calls Hoon to tell him to immediately get out of the hospital, but he keeps demanding to know where she is now.

each other belongs After voices nearby, both of them to stop each other and walk. Hoon has no idea that Agent Cha appeared behind him, and when he sees Seung-hee's face, he speaks softly, "Jae-hee."

"Stop!" Gets them out. Hoon holds in his tracks and Agent-Cha keeps his eyes trained on Seung-hee and shook his head. "It can not end like this," she whispers as she goes down the stairs.

Hoon begins to her again, but Seung-hee screams "Stop!" Once again. Hoon believes them to talk to him, but we know that it is talking behind him Agent-Cha, pleading, "We still have a chance."

Hoon is a quick learner and follows her line of sight behind him. He turns slowly raises his head just as Agent Cha his weapon. When he pulls the trigger, Seung-hee Hoon out of harm's way draws, then you are looking in the eyes of others to hold on to each other.

A code blue announced, and while all the other doctors in the direction of hurry ICU, Seung-hee leads Hoon in the opposite direction. Interestingly, we see night outside the ICU hanging, and he realizes Agent Cha in frustration in the aftermath of his failed attempt stalk out.

Aw, scolds Chairman Oh Jae-joon for at Soo-hyun is so hard that it would join the opposing team. He says Jae-joon to take good care of it. Jae-joon rushes over to NICU, as soon as he hears the blue code. It turned out her baby has shocked and requires additional surgery.

The primary blame falls on Doctor Geum aka Jae-joon first mate in the operation, and Doctor Moon seems terrible too excited about this turn of events. Oh puh, Hoon and Seung-hee file in moments later, but if Hoon for surgery requires prep immediately, Jae-joon grows angry.

hardly control his anger, Jae-joon grits out that this child is be patients, therefore he is of perform an operation. Seung-hee disappears in the crowd and Hoon takes after her off.

Director Choi Doctor Moon aside draws to instruct him on his inappropriate behavior. Doctor Moon is a terrible doctor who would rather win this ridiculous competition and save his own skin than save a life, and says that they need to go and re-determine the winner with the chairman immediately.

Jae-joon has successfully completed the procedure and dismisses his first mate, determined to see that this process from start to finish is flawless. His blood still boils, Soo-hyun comes barging into the operating room, want answers. He barks her to get. Aw, I love you Soo-hyun, and I know your heart in the right place, but I am with Jae-joon here is now not a good time.

for him but unfortunately Chairman Oh saw the outbreak of the observation deck above him, and he gets up, disappointed by his seat. Chairman Oh do not get far before the Director Choi and Dr. Moon runs, he goes without a word past.

And then Doctor moon breaks into a victory dance right then and there. He is a ridiculous figure, but that's still not cool. If anything, there is a doctor at moon Chi Gyu punish by commanded him to do reverse push-ups.

Prime Minister Jang is informed in his sky-blue pajamas Teddy (and furry cat slippers) that Jae-joon has lost. He wonders if he Hoon again in the same casual tone, as if deciding what type of juice is a good nightcap to bed before would should decide. Oddly enough, it is as if night is Jang to read for a reaction, but says nothing.

Seung-hee finally bring in an empty clearing to Agent Cha and says smugly that Hoon won. Agent-Cha already knows, and when she whips out that his rash conduct of its mission almost compromised and that Hoon almost died, he presses it against the pillar.

"You try daring and run away with it!" He angrily spits back. He warns Seung-hee against their own impulsive behavior, and added that he always watches. "I decide whether [Hoon] lives or dies," Agent Cha reminds. "The same goes for you, Han Seung-hee."

At the same time, Hoon is still looking for Seung-hee. He catches a glimpse of it is drawn off at the wrist, and follows them out of the hospital. Ignoring doctor moon Glad he drags behind Seung-hee car in the truck.

he end up back at his small clinic and heads on the inside ... a sight Agent Cha looks of his own car. Hoon opens the doors with great anticipation, but his face falls in disappointment with the same video of Jae-hee plays on his laptop.

But he then met revolves around Seung-hee / Jae-hee stood there with the same big smile Jae-hee used to wear to see , "Hoon-ah," she says, her eyes in tears.

She runs into him and wrapped her arms tightly around him. It takes a few seconds until the first shock wore off before he holds onto her fingers through her hair.

Embedded to look to the shoulder, Hoon hugs and then pulls away her eyes. Weigh his face in her hands as he surveys her face. He finally breaks into a smile, and then rushes in to kiss her.

Hoon on the image staring ragged Jae-hee on his computer in the morning, then they appear from behind him: "Listen to observe that I'm right here! " Omo, you two spent the night together. Bow Chicka Wow Wow.

Their pleasant morning after plays like in Hoon fantasy back in Episode 3, as they giggle and make faces at each other. Hoon prepares curry for both of them and observed them with the same goofy grin eat happy.

But then that happy image faded as Hoon wakes up alone in his bed. He runs out, Jae-hee names on call and time again.


And we are back to Seung-hee secret. It is not be just as easy, right? I'll be the first to get out of the way: It depends less on me , which is Seung-hee just that when learning why it accepts this identity in this covert mission / conspiracy. I know that there is one very much to our lovesick hero, still flying around with the countless conspiracies, I find that the importance of this detail keeps coming shortly instead of pressing issues. For example, I'd rather know who is in the north, in alliance with the Prime Minister and the issuing of orders to Agent Cha and Seung-hee. And why all three of them including Hoon are as good as dead if no protocol Hoon follow him are not even aware of himself is.

Since the show but will continue to provide Seung-hee identity in question, we will start there. I wish I could say that Hoon firm conviction (and verbal confirmation of his faith) helps all of us, but unfortunately not. To the credit of the show, I can see an attempt to make a difference between what Hoon believes opposite, what does the rest of the drama verse. Unfortunately, what happens is that I find myself suspicious of a character of subjective opinion, especially Hoon. He should be our best barometer since he knows best Jae-hee, but his reactions and nonverbal behavior ultimately can not say what he thinks us. Sometimes a verbal confirmation is not necessary, but as soon as your hero holds a crucial secret or any kind of integral information of its viewers, is writing dangerous area, the narrative gap and / or a writing error could reveal at the end. In this case we Hoon verbal confirmation of his thoughts and Chang-yi evidence in the center of art. But until we see final visual evidence, we still occur speculation water.

Thus, while much mysterious Seung-hee identity is still in the air, what we know to do, that it was important to think for Hoon that standing Jae-hee in his clinic was that it was Jae-hee, he kissed and spent the night with. To this end was Hoon reunification observed heartbreaking, regardless of who she really was. Agent-Cha consider sitting outside makes me suspicious (so many things in this show do), especially in the previous scene he had with Seung-hee so angry. I'm sure there is more than what at first glance, because it just could not be that simple, right?

I know that there is one person in this drama verse that comes closest when it comes to the solution of Seung comes hee conspiracy. I speak about our teddy bear pajama Prime Minister Jang course, would arrive at a faster decision on who rather work on it with a coin toss any surgical competition as a holding company he did not even seem to care. His watchful eye over Hoon seemed to show that he had a specific plan, which involved our genius hero, but he spends more of this hour is still frivolous about the future of his health. Apparently know who Seung-hee all, but helps him decide what kind of coffee in the morning he wants. But I digress.

Although there is not much to know one hour to run through all these confusing and nonsensical conspiracy in this hospital, I am at least grateful that their existence Hoon to keep alive. Now it might keep alive everywhere else next to , the hospital, because for some damn reason Hospital Safety keeps an armed North Korean secret agent giving free rein free, ready Myungwoo Hospital best takedown (and charming) cardiothoracic ophthalmic surgeons.

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