Recap And Reviews Kdrama Ho-gu Love: Episode 4

Recap and reviews korean drama Ho-gu Love: Episode 4 -

There is Christmas, and what better way to celebrate than with the birth? Okay, I could think of a few ways that could have been better. Or a few hundred.

The Do-hee through the pain of labor disputes, Ho-gu is also struggling to figure out how it fits into their lives if it fits at all. But he's so got a mushy puppy there is a way to make it fit, especially when it comes wearing the only real gift that matters. Friendship

Fourth Fool Errand: Let's spend Christmas with the family

After the Do-hee water breaks, Ho-gu plunges into the street grab a taxi. Ho-gu roars for the taxi driver to drive faster, and both he and the driver start to panic that Do-hee will have the baby right there in the car. But Do-hee is the only one who holds the head and asks Ho-gu to get to her pregnancy book, so they can find out how much the contractions are. Nevertheless, she screams at the driver gooooooo when the light finally turns green.

Once they reach the hospital, she thanked him for the support they settle into her room. Ho-gu starts leaving worried wondering when her husband be there, and she says he'll be there soon. When Ho-gu goes down dazedly the hospital corridor, the nurse takes it guardian Do-hee, but he tells her that Do-hee husband will come instead.

, the nurse will be confused by this, because Do-hee had told her that her husband was abroad, and that it was a Korean expat and only in the country for a short time. The nurse added that "the patient" she recalls, "that swimmers" and Ho-gu slowly begins to realize something is not right. When the nurse hooking ended Do-hee to the machines to their vital organs to monitor, Do-hee, her husband confirmed not come - in fact, no one will. You will do everything on your own. Ho-gu colleagues around the corner and noticed that the name is on her bed "Elise Do".

He pondering what it means when it receives an urgent call from Tae-hee. He rushes to meet his friends, where they try to convince their editor, do not cancel their webtoon but Ho-gu by the interest in do-hee story distracted. Tae-hee tries to get him to focus, as this is an important meeting (added that if Ho Kyung knew that he was a "little" relationship with a pregnant woman, they would kill him. Hee).

When he hears watches and semi Chung-jae and Tae-hee begging her editor for another chance, Ho-gu realizes that even if he is stupid, he can not behave in a foolish way - it was not his thing, whether Do-hee has her child alone or if her husband be there. He recalls the words of the editor, as he says, that it must be fate, not to engage him to say with Do-hee, and he is not to give in to go.

The stressed-out editor a pack of cigarettes and pulls Ho-gu remembers how Drunken Do-hee had asked him to smoke on the beach, because it could harm "the thing" in her. Tae-hee and Chung-jae get on his knees to plead their Christmas wish - that recalls only Ho-gu of Do-hee desperate lashes desire

no longer bear it, "taking away this thing." stands on it and rushes out of the coffee shop, all the way through to the hospital. "My name is Ho-gu. Kang Ho-gu."

He points out all the things that he in for the Do-hee working set per list bought her book, and she asks why he there. Reluctantly, he admits that he heard that she would have the baby alone. He wants to ask why it is a false name and wearing strange glasses with, and if they really married, and how they got in this state, and-

Do-hee interrupting him yelling that he was not has a right to ask such questions to them, and he admits quietly that he did not. Instead, he will only stay at her side until the baby comes. "Is not it scary? If you alone?"

But Do-hee wants to know why he sticking around will for their trouble, if it does not concern him, and tried to scare him by ordering it the stuff he bought it back. Ho-gu instead answers her question: As a friend, he can not stay at her side when she has a child, the

[1945010"Theysaidthatwewerefriends"] the nurse comes, happy greeting "friend" that he came back and impressed by the work kit together. She offers him as a blanket to obtain as a guard, he will remain through the night. He refuses politely but Do-hee turns his head away, and without looking at him, the nurse told to get two blankets because her boyfriend is slightly cold. Awwww.

Ho-gu returns from buying maternity pads and a few snacks, but when the nurse tells him that Do-hee must fast until the baby is born, he has the snacks instead of the nurse, much to her delight. She thinks that he will be a really close friend of Do-hee must, but Ho-gu admits sheepishly that in high school Do-hee was popular, but it was only the snack runner.

to high school looking back, and his arms are full of goodies for the Bully Young-bae and his cronies. Oh, he is currently wonderstruck when he goes Do-hee, but she ignored him completely. He shrugs it off and whistles his way back to the classroom. Young-bae pulls him to tell him a sexy dream about he had Do-hee, and forcefully in order Ho-gu to draw him a comic in this dream base. Obviously uncomfortable naked on drawing Do-hee, he stays late, on a blank sheet of paper and stared down.

Tae-hee is busy, the classroom cleaning and worry that if Ho-gu not the comic not draw Young-bae, they will kill both. If it were just about him, Ho-gu sees "only dying," but for his friend, he begins to draw the comic. Like a scene from medical drama, Tae-hee hands him pencils, as if they were scalpels, and Ho-gu hand flies over the paper.

When he delivers the finished comic Young-bae, all the boys gather to gawk at, jaw agape, and Young-bae tears of joy weeps. In an epic slow-motion chase through the school that evoke scenes from classical painting, fight the guys on the comic ...

... until it is caught by the wind and lands on the Do-hee feet. Oops. Everyone scatters, as it appears in the classroom, wanted to know who drew the comic. Poor Ho-gu tried to avoid her gaze, but it is obvious that he is the artist.

Enraged, she asks if he is in charge, and then she slams it on his desk. When he goes to draw them, at least do it right - it is not an A-cup! You crushed threatening a soda can to warn him what will happen if he dares her breasts that small to draw again. HAHAHA

In the present, Ho-gu reads through pregnancy book, remember that Do-hee was always arrogant, powerful, elegant and impressive - they never wavered in any situation. Just then, Do-hee screams in pain, and a startled Ho-gu is pushed, so the nurse can their patients to participate, merry her that Do-hee cervix still needs expand to say a little more, ask them to calm down a little. Do-hee takes nurse call to have a cesarean section instead.

Ho-gu hastened by the nurse to ask if Do-hee always an operation, but the nurse just smiles and says that Do-hee already expanded. She sends him away to try and calm Do-hee down, and all his efforts are in vain, as Do-hee crying in agony. He tried to figure out how much it hurts, but his guesses are wayyyyy off ( "How stabbed with a knife? Menstrual cramps? To poop The urge?") And Do-hee just yells at him.

to a man in a working device strapped pain cutting, in his own agony screaming as he overcomes in a chair. Ho Kyung tells the audience to observe that only he experience the pain of a severed finger or toe, and at birth least three pain level higher than that. The purpose of this presentation is to warn about unwanted pregnancy and Ho Kyung shows that they are there to actually give free condoms out. Ha, when she asks if any other type wants the labor pain unit to try all the ladies volunteered their friends.

Ho-Kyung Professor is impressed with the way she is handling the project, and when they are Ho-Kyung their fee, she asks casually when Ho Kyung is someone comes. In a fantasy sequence, defends literally itself from the probing questions of the professor as a kung fu student-turned-master (with the weapon of choice is sugar cubes and a teapot) and finally the professor to the point: she wants Ho -kyung her son until today.

The professor is concerned that her son is busy with work too much so, and his social skills are lacking. She wants to "some" Ho-Kyung professional expertise with types of relationships to help him. But when she passes on his business card, it's nothing more than Byun Kang-chul.

Ho Kyung calls Gong mi to confirm that the crazy lawyer Gong -mi always talks about is really Byun Kang-chul. Although Gong mi trying discreetly to confirm that it is, she gets frustrated and starts yelling that she's crazy lawyer Kang Chul - as he goes back to the office. Pfffft. Verification is complete, Ho Kyung giggles with delight. That bodes ill for Kang-chul.

With his newfound knowledge of Do-hee pregnancy book, Ho-gu tried the Lamaze calm to help her. He tries to get them from the calm ocean thinking, with the waves back and forth, and the seagulls flying by. When he flutters his hands like a bird weaves Do-hee her fingers with his - only with your fingers back to twist as another contraction hit. This time it's Ho-gu, screaming pain, the nurse begging to come quickly and give Do-hee a PDA.

After Kang Chul-parks his fancy car, he puts a financial magazine to the bumper and awkwardly leaning over the hood for another selfie. But no amount of struggling is to get the right angle, and to secure to make no one checked, he pulls out a selfie stick from his briefcase to get the perfect image. OMG hilarious.

His apartment is carefully organized, and he spends a few minutes setting picture frames and other trinkets one or two millimeters, until he is satisfied. After he pulls a bottle of water out of his super organized refrigerator, it does take a literal spit when he sees his mother in his kitchen are. It seems like family visits are not very common, but it has been found that they at least together Christmas dinner.

to the casual and festive Kang family Christmas dinner of comparison kimchi pancakes and makgeolli homemade (delicious!), Kang-chul formal family dinner is so embarrassing it is painful. Mom tries to make small talk, but Kang-chul's father is more concerned with the game on his cell phone, and Kang-chul is busy to see how many likes getting his selfies.

Mom says Kang-chul, that she wants to put him with one of her students (and Dad is more concerned about whether or not she is pretty), but practically Kang-chul does not consider it the right time for him think about getting married. However, his father treated it like a business, and promises a hefty sum (about $ 100,000), when Kang-chul is married next year. Kang Chul-changes his tune and agrees to try.

Back at the hospital, Do-hee is still screaming for an epidural, and as Ho-gu tries Lamaze do to breathe again, she tears the book from his hands and chucks it at him. The always cheerful nurse adheres to answer steps before his phone for a check-up and Ho-gu.

There is Dad him he warns about the dream, and to tell him to be careful not to touch all kinds of strings, but Ho-gu interrupts to ask him first how he managed to calm his wife as she gave birth to Ho-gu and Ho-Kyung. Dad tells him that two times when a woman turns into a wild animal and can not be relieved -., If a man is cheating on her, and when she gives birth to

Instead, he encouraged Ho-gu, something to find that appeal instinct of women. In his case, he offered the one thing to do for the rest of his life that his wife hated to do - the dishes. Awww. When Ho-gu Do-hee observed thrash about pain, he tried to think what he could turn her in pain.


to high school looking back, and a sad Ho-gu to feel guilty for not apologizing to do for the comic. He follows her to the sports center and quietly watched as she swims lap after lap. On this day, he realized that a person could fight without a sound - he could not tell whether her opponent the water or the air was, but as she swam, Do-hee was struggling definitely someone. She is easily angered to see him standing there, trying to ignore him, but he keeps it with the question what she thinks, as she swims.

Back to the present Ho-gu tells Do-hee, which is dangerous, a C-section, and it can not have another epidural. She tearfully tells him that every few minutes, it's like a glass exploded in her stomach feels and the glass shards tearing up her insides. What it is supposed to do

Ho-gu? ". They do nothing and just stand" He reminds them that they once said that swimming is something endures, and now she needs that do so, it is at the Olympics. Instead of a silver medal - he pulls the one they gave him out of the pocket - they can now gold. But if they do not consider it not in, then it is only with silver at the end.

Do-hee turns his head away, but now it is quiet. Ho-gu smiles to himself. "Success" as it is provided in the delivery room with wheels, she asks Ho-gu for her glasses. When she goes to swim, they need her glasses, right? It adds quietly that when she dies she Ho-gu wants to have their silver medal.

to the pool looking back and Do-hee tells him that she does not think about anything when it floats. She stares at the pelvic floor for seven hours a day - swimming is not something they do, it is something that endures. She does it for the gold medal, and if she does not get a gold medal, she would rather die.

In the present, Ho-gu waiting outside the delivery room, Do-hee silver medal in hand. When he looked at the corridor down, he is to remember that this world Do-hee is a pool lane - it's either first place or no place. be either successful or you fail. No in between. The glasses falling from Do-hee close enough to touch, and the nurse calls Ho-gu to enter the room

At home Dad explained his dream in detail :. Ho-gu climbed a large tree and spread to a long elastic rope that snapped in two. Then dream Ho-gu in a shower of pepper fell to the ground. something about his sexuality Ho Kyung wonders if that means there is (because the word for pepper is the same as the penis). But supposedly represents a rope life, so ...

A concerned Ho-gu (full hospital gown) occurs in the delivery room, gently call Do-hee name , It is passed to the display table, but open their eyes slowly and she whispers: The sound of a baby's cry catches his attention, and Ho-gu hesitates when the midwife to cut his scissor hands the "I have a gold medal." Umbilical cord. Snip! Well, I think we can guess what long stretchy rope in Papas dream was broken.


After her baby passed, Do-hee exhausted smiles relieved that the baby has all his fingers and toes. She says Ho-gu to welcome the baby, too, and if the baby's little fingers wrap around Ho-gu finger, he breaks down crying. Pffft that nurses only assume he be super emotional needs - and super-religious - there Christmas

Kang-chul sends a message to Ho Kyung, to inform them that his mother wants to introduce. . it is literally kick and scream their joy, but the way she calls him an insensitive bastard makes you think it is wrong to pay for some past.

He goes to sleep (in a sleep mask gold lamé, of course) but immediately springs back when his phone with an anonymous text message dings: "if you spend with the family ? Christmas should not have a new member of your family about now born "

the Do-hee tries both her crying newborn and sobbing to comfort Ho-gu, we hear the famous slogan:". My name is Ho -.. gu Kang Ho-gu "


This show puts me to the fashion please them so deftly handles absurd humor with serious, heartwarming (or heartbreaking) Drama.

I'm such a sucker for fantasy sequences and all ridiculous winks at other shows (the plan for the second season webtoon Set in Jordan has me literally LOL and I may or may not re-imagined the last twenty minutes Misaeng ) may have. I love the flights of fancy that keep the show cheerful and happy, these little moments that a simple scene so much more than it really should be making. It does not seem like it should work, but there is a fine and perfect blend of low-end and high end, which considers it from turning completely slapstick (like the guys fighting over a crude comic while the poses of classical paintings imitating , on the soundtrack of "Ave Maria." Yes, I have more than once observed the scene).

more than anything else, I really appreciate that a core center there is something of real to the whole drama grounding. Everyone seems juuuust on the verge of to exist in total make-believe, but then within a few sentences or a look, I'm reminded that these characters are more than what they appear - they are not just comedic fodder on a page (or screen). They feel humans and respond in a way that can be assigned.

I was head-over-heels for Ho-gu since the first few minutes of the first episode, but with each episode I grow more and more like Do-hee to the point where I feel that I somehow'm her friend and they want to defend from the rest of the world. Although about them so much is still a mystery (considering all the talk of family, where is it? Does she have a mother? A father? Who has kimchi pancakes for Christmas? Power), I love the fact that we deeply to go get every week deeper into their personalities

it is "arrogant, powerful, elegant and impressive." - But it is also a human being. It does not work in the way to act as we expect a drama heroine, and I love it. The show seems almost calm to take pleasure in not only undermines our expectations after many years of drama cliches, but also gender roles and stereotypes undermining. Ho-gu parents are the most obvious example, but I see it in Ho-gu and Do-hee, also. (And Ho-Kyung, of course.)

Whenever Drama Country gives us a male lead who is a "jerk with a heart of gold" (even if it may take a few episodes to convince us it in fact, a heart at all) and a female lead that enters his life, it is upside down with the sheer force of her presence and personality, and they live somehow today. This time it is the female lead, which comes about as rugged, sophisticated, and defective male Standard main role, and it is the male lead who willingly emotional support and hope to be selected.

Which means I'm 100% on board with this pair, even though I really do not even need it to be romantic (although I assume it is because, hey, it is Drama country). I'm really happy with where they are now - as friends. Ho-gu is the kind of man who would stay by a friend and expect nothing in return, and I would like to see him stay that way. Greater At least for a little while. Considering how much to push Do-hee people tried out their lives (if they can start in), the most important relationship that she needs is friendship. True friendship.

and family.

Although I have wild but-totally-realistic hope that they are adopted, will in the Kang family, I have the little "new family" text received from Kang-chul at the end of the episode briefly to address. Except, no, I will not. Even though I know "who the father is?", Is a great question, it is not so important for me, surprisingly enough. I do not really care who the father is, as long as Ho-gu is to help the baby to increase Do-hee.

In addition, I assume only Kang-chul is a red-herring, anyway. Or at least I hope he is, because I am already cluck like Ho-Kyung at the thought of their pairing. Besides, my heart and mind are so on Ho-gu sold that even my usual second line entertain no place for Kang-chul make me syndrome, and as of right now, it would take heckava much a convincing me that he would be the right man for do-hee.

Although it would be fun to think about what he would do if suddenly moved a baby in his immaculate apartment. Probably have a complete mental break down. Okay, red herring or not, that might be worth it for at least one episode or two.

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tags: Choi Woo-Shik, in Ho-Gu love, UEE

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