Recap And Reviews Kdrama Fated To Love You: Episode 8

Recap and reviews korean drama Fated To Love You: Episode 8 -

fated to Love You a fairy tale to life, one that big romantic gestures, the kind of magic we are that we had so far been lacking not even realize will come. Watch Gun and Mi-young navigate the ups and downs of their relationship never ceases to surprise yourself when a blast from the past comes shake things up. Who says romance was dead, is clearly never seen this show.

As for ratings, Fated finally broke into the double digits at 10.6%, almost an entire point higher than in the last episode. Joseon Gunman remained with 11.9% at the top, while new kid on the block It's okay, it's love clocked at 9.1%.


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Gun draws Mi-young back into his arms, as they leave, move, and a long time elapses where Gun looks tortured, physically hurt as any urge to kiss resist All the while we hear the sound of her heart race .: Ba-boom, ba -BAM, ba -bum.

Then finally Gun grabs in a tighter embrace that deal him her lips can, as he says through his teeth that this is a breach of their contract, and that they only sleep.

course he one who like a convulsing inchworm looks as he fights on his side of stay bed. a little later, he leans over Mi-young, surprised to find them happy in dreamland snoring.

"you carefree worm," he says with a small smile before snuggling next to her. They remain dormant and unaware of how Gun massaged gently over their clocks with one hand her shoulder. AWW.

After turning the finger at the wedding band grinning Gun soon he finds is not the only one to take a jog one morning when Daniel goes him on the track. to be none exceeded, Gun attempts to prove his alpha status by out-running Daniel, ... only to end up trying to keep puffing.

"Why ... are you ... in my neighborhood?" Gun asks accusingly, all pumping like a marathon runner while his arms. Daniel repellent says this is his neighborhood too, but that does not mean he takes the high road they take their competition off-road, jumping over bushes and other obstacles as gazelles.

When Gun begins to lag, he asks them to give up. Daniel: "There is no such thing as 'giving up' in my dictionary." Gun :. "I'll buy a new dictionary" Hahaha

They both stop at the end of contact for leg cramps what Gun agree Daniel concerning their cooperation in business, while Daniel apologized thing for the entire not-a-priest. One might think that this would mean a truce, but Gun proves the fight is not over when he literally Daniel tricks up instead of helping him. Hah. Boys Will Be Boys.

Daniel invites Mi-young to to excuse his art exhibition forgiveness and to win, but judging by their happy expression as she looks over all installations , they do not hold that against him.

But if the paparazzi the stairs filing up start to take his picture, Daniel pulls hurry Mi-young in his arms, so he turned his back on them to keep. In order to preserve their identity, he asks her with him to crab walk to the nearest hiding place.

Waltz music accompanies their awkward dance as Daniel initiating the nearest exit and promised to follow her soon. When she asks if he be the mob of themselves in order against, he replies that it is the least he can do for his new dongsaeng than her honor oppa. Aw.

Mama Yong and son do not get older, when they try to make light of the possibility of the Gun could lose its position in Jangin Chemicals, as the older is tired of dealing a warm welcome from the head their dung-enough to warn them that if they do not clean up their act, it will disappear.

We find Gun and Mi-young leave other prenatal class, this time on the production of baby food, and it is particularly endearing as Gun knows when Mi-young stomach to growl expected. He promises to take them wherever they want to eat ...

... Which turns out to be an articulation of fermented skate fish. Hah. Gun Toughs the stench while Mi-young chomps happy, her smile still brightened further down, as she realizes that Gun wears his wedding ring.

Having tried and failed to feed him some of the potent court, she asks him if he has thought of a nickname for the baby. it suggests something very off the wall: "Keddongie", the other hand somehow-sorta be translated "Poop Dog", but without such a negative connotation

Gun, is of course completely , Nickname matter reasoning of Mi-young, the old-fashioned and countrified nickname would mean happiness, but the idea warms up as soon as they mentioned that they do the same thing growing up and see how well they turned out! was


He thinks back when they chase him while the dog outran and agrees the baby Keddongie for now nickname. It's nice, like himself, if he is sent to work the baby addresses: "Keddongie, I leave" So. Cute.

Gun seems loathe for office Mi-young to leave, so he decides to take it easy with him. And he's so happy to show them off. Gun takes stock of all the eyes on her and ignored her request to remain by gentle take on the wrist, "Kim Mi-jung, you're not a post-it more Do not hide behind me, and proudly walk beside me.."

took her hand correctly this time Gun pride leads them all the way to his office, just someone sitting at his desk to find ...

" Surprise!" Se-ra says as she turns around to face him. Before Gun can react, Se-ra jumps to her feet, to engulf him into a hug. "I missed you, Gun!"

If turns to leave Mi-jung, Gun keeps them. Se-ra looks confused as she asks who she is, and Gun expression is serious, as he says, "Se-ra ... The person- ..."

"... I am [Grandma] Wang secretary. " Mi -Young selectively interrupts that probably the first time that I ever wanted to shake her by the shoulders in this series. Let him speak!

Gun face falls as Mi-young to lie on, the Se-ra completely buys. When he outside gets a private moment with Mi-young, he asks her the same question we are all asking: Why quit she has him

But Mi-young thinks of Se-ra-perspective, and doesn 't want Gun Se-ra to offend by telling her the truth. About Gun, from his face to his voice when he asks: "What is you ", is so incredibly tragic. It is to be so selfless that he with her to remember, think about how her not just about how Se-ra might feel.

After Mi-young leaves, Gun spending a long time outside his office to collect himself before he can laugh with his trademark. Se-ra pulls him in a choke hold when she asks if he soooo happy to see her that he die of happiness.

"Yes, I'm going to die of happiness," Gun parrots back, with a smile that did not quite reach his eyes. After the education as their Gun has been as dedicated as he is normally, Se-ra tells him that she is here for five days on vacation.

She does not seem to notice how his smile disappears as she kisses him on the cheek, and instead insists that he does not work as long as you visited.

Watch by Mi-young from the office building zombie their way, we Se-ra give Gun a tour of her hotel room found. Just as she begins to tell him how hard it was to be away from him, Gun takes them through the hands as he about it, to tell the truth, but Se-ra keeps talking about how much she noticed that she him needs.

Mi-young tries to hide her grief, as she reads from the children's book Keddongie. It is not as obsessive about checking her cell phone was a gun, but she sighs still find no missed calls or messages.

Gun remains with Se-ra until she fell asleep (no funny business) falls, but before she falls asleep away, she says, "You know that the only person that I can lean on in this world is, you, is not it? Let's get married. I'll marry you. "

His expression pained as he takes in these words, if only they said she had earlier. But he leaves a note on her bed to tell her that they need to meet tomorrow because he has something to tell her. Good for you, Gun.

The next morning, Mama Yong finds Mi-young man chopping onions for a supplement alone, and does not hide the fact that she knows Gun not last night came home. "Do you think that he is cheating on you?" Mama Yong asks clearly to get some good gossip hope.

was, but Mi-young, of course, covers for Gun by claiming it in the office. Mama Yong this chance increases with its prey pretending to pity on Mi-young by a fellow mistress-after all, they are both "the other woman", is not it? And "other women" always have to be ready to leave, because that is their fate.

Unbeknownst to Mi-young, spreading news of gun affair in this passive-aggressive manner, the most loved by the Korean media, where they give every detail of the story without specific names. But Mi-young, also known as an Employer "B" is represented as a woman who deliberately CEO "A" with the intention approached pregnant.

When it comes to make out for a walk, she has the photos hounded by members of the press and ask invasive questions grab based on rumor spreading has been. Follow an increasingly nervous Mi-young down the road until Daniel stains over them. By the cafe and yells at them to leave her alone

Of course, they are fascinated by the handsome man who start the steps in protectively against Mi-young, and him rushing with questions. They do not seem to buy it when he tells them that he Mi-young neighborhood Oppa, and he speaks it out for them: "! Neighborhood PLUS Oppa Neighborhood Oppa"

after Daniel escorts Mi-young inside the cafe, he gets the good to make like a tree about anything media junkies, after he threatens to take against oooone step on its property.

During Gun ready for Se-ra to end their interview so that he can talk to her, inevitably propel his thoughts to Mi-young when he finds a stray Post - it note on the floor.

But he must leave early if Doctor moon calls him with urgent messages (his mother?), So he leaves Se-ra, a text saying that they talk for later.

Mi-young apologizes to Daniel for him trouble, but he strips off it, saying that he always wants to go are available at any time for a walk in the future. He will protect them. (AWW).

Gun rushes through a hospital and burst through the doors, "Mom" to find aka Mi-Young's mother, in an examination room. Awwwwww , that's who he was so worried? What a perfect son-in-law.

Even if they need to work on Mums kidney stones, Doctor Moon and Mom have Gun to assure that everything will be okay if he has almost a panic attack. Mi-young, the last hospital room party, even if Mom her she was not to know because-she wanted unni Mi-sook, who had spilled the beans.

Gun drives Mi-young from the hospital, and an attempt to ease the awkward silence with the radio fails when literally every station he turns over bad relations happened to speak.

he attempts a CD next and freaks out when the song "Que Sera Sera" comes on (because of Se-ra, get it?) So much, that he beat the console has to get the darn thing off.

Finally, Mi-young breaks the tension by thanking sincerely Gun for today. He's a little confused on the left, and more than a little guilty, the Se-ra issue hanging over their heads still.

It's sad when Mi-young says goodbye to him outside Lee Manor, knowing that he is going to take Se-ra ... but they are both surprised when they Se-ra outside the house meets with gifts for him and grandma Wang.

but when Mi-young tries out of the situation, to duck, Gun keeps them. Se-ra white to something like Gun holds Mi-young on the spot, and he sees in Mi-young eyes all but pleading not do what he about him .

"Se -ra" Gun begins. "This person ... is not secretary of my grandmother. The truth is ..." Mi-young desperate whispers for him not to say all, but in fear trembling

Despite Mi-young protests , Gun turns back Se-ra. "I married. This woman ... This woman is my wife." Yiiiiiiiiiiiikes. Here we go ...

Se-ra roles in shock and disbelief, and it is only when Mi-young excused themselves, that the truth really sinks in. she lets her umbrella and almost fainted is in place, but Gun grabs before it can fall.

"Tell me that it is a lie," Se -ra choked by her tears. "Please ... please tell me it's a lie. You were the person who would do anything I wanted, were not you?"

Gun can just tell her he's sorry, and can not help but to follow her when she runs in the rain. When he gets to her, she tears into him, so as deceptive-it has to see her face to feel again, after he had secretly married? Was he always cruel that?

But before proceeding, Gun interrupts: "I'm a Baby This woman ... she's the mother of my child.." Se-ra holds, completely stunned into silence.

Later left at night, Gun watching his home movies with Se ra and opens the gifts that they fall outside the house. He starts laughing as he reads the note that accompanies the cufflinks she bought especially for him before his laughter falls in miserable sobs of grief.

Mi-young, left all alone, curls in the corner of their bedroom and cries.

lustful Mama Yong next morning fields for more gossip, Mi-young put a smile on her face when she applied to the gate follows Gun to see him for the work from. He wears the costume that they set for him, along with the cufflinks Se-ra gave him. Oh no.

Her smile faded immediately, not only at the cuff, but because Gun completely ignored. It's like they can not be as good as possible, which makes it all the more tragic when Mi-young waves after the car anyway.

grandmother Wang about yesterday's events seem to know how to sit invite Mi-young about her to an upcoming party, where it will be represented as Gun woman. "In this household, you are the one and only daughter-in-law," says Grandma.

She apologizes to Mi-young as she is treated in the budget since marriage was because she knows that it hasn 't been easy for them. But Mi-young claims that it under no such stress that it is only concerned about not being able to help more Gun.


After a long look at a picture of him to call and he Se-ra years on his desk, decides Gun to hide it in a drawer. He seems to have forgotten that he put Mi-Young's heart-shaped lollipops there, and flashes back to the moment when she gave it in Macau him. been


Manager Tak with all the papers comes that his publication hateful rumors about how Mi-young forced their way into the family / company and appears to a loss when Gun requires him to block the objects.

grandmother Wang takes Mi-young to the formal gala, proudly introducing them. As Gun Woman and the new wife of Jangin Chemicals Things start downhill moment to go Mi-young is left alone, not only because they know that their douchey ex boyfriend Lawyer Min unaware in the presence, but because all the well-to-do ladies about her are spewing vitriol on the basis of rumors.

Poor Mi-young their insults hears everything and swallows her pain, but to break seems to be dangerously close. To make matters worse, to leave their attempt is thwarted when she runs into this friend of Se-ra is and Gun looked outside the prenatal class. The one who treats them like dirt.

media is not different now because the girl her drink feed in Mi-young face as she calls her an embarrassment to their gender. Lawyer Min's right, rub it all in, whining and boast the same time.

But as tough-as-nails Mi-young doesn 't crease under his harsh words, Lawyer Min takes to the podium public in the presence of her in front of all bringing other in embarrassment, she shows like the woman of all the rumors. You unthinkable shower . I can not even.

He is hated relentless, and only if you would like Mi-young just turn tail and run, we hear a familiar slow clap ...

... It is Gun! I never thought I would be so happy to see him. And Lawyer Min could not see any un happy to see him. Serves him right

Gun takes the microphone to address what. On everyone's mind His relationship with Mi-young. He loudly proclaimed that the amount is marry right over them because of the baby, along with Mi-young entrepreneur at a law firm have been, and sets to rest those rumors, as he sarcastically audiences praised for to be so smart

"There is one thing that all of them do not know, but this woman is ... a very strange woman". Gun says. After living together, there is this peculiar reversal of her. The more you look at it, the more beautiful it is. It would be boring if they only beautiful, but on top of that, she is cute, adorable and very friendly. Because I'm so sad as a strange woman not to know for myself, I will here personally to tell. "

he snapped his fingers, and the musician begins a tune on a traditional Haegeum to play familiar to anyone who has ever seen Chuno . I'll never get to Jang Hyuk past tired of these setbacks. Keep 'em coming

while the song is playing, Gun strolls towards Mi-young, while all say the same thing her mother proudly declared when all factory workers were in the marriage under pressure. Mi-young is not the smartest, it was not good at her studies, and she was especially terrible in math

Gun .: "But this woman ... she really knows how to be sincere, others. And this woman takes good care of someone who is injured and knows how to sympathize with them. So it could be smooth, but it is very special and precious my beautiful wife, Kim Mi-young. Everyone, I ask you that Kim Mi-jung. "

After this mic drop moment, the audience applauds while rifle leans in to say Wed, -Young that a diamond as it does not as this part with stones. then he winks at her. (Quick, bring me my smelling salts!)

he has the devil gets outta there and takes her to a picturesque place, where he plays a classical melody when he asks for a dance, because, as they are with nothingness dressed to go all.

Mi-young finally smiles as she puts her hand in his outstretched one. he gets dressed for her dance, and uses his fingers to count of 3 ... 2 ... 1 ...

Then lights with a snap of his fingers, the sky around them suddenly with fireworks on. Both are smiling and laughing as they dance while Manager Tak happy, relieved sigh near balanced. (I do not cry ... it's just raining on my face.)

Gun asks if things were difficult for them to clarify lately, before that he did not avoid, because it does not liked her, he was sad, because he was not yet ready to go to her.

"Thank you for waiting for me," he adds, as he looks into her eyes. "And now to be at my side." It is this last line in tears has Mi-young, and Gun reaction is, simply with the fingers, as he tips her face wipe to him to kiss her ...

so ... as we told to Mi-young Daniel retaliate. "the better he treats me, the more I fear the better he treated me, the more he was I efforts my sake ... the more afraid that I too much of it. ... could depend that he might be mistaken in like me. that in the day that we promised, I could not be able to send him away. "


to the integrity recap this, I made a conscious decision every fangirling incoherent I omit at any given time could experience have because it past taken like a cancer would have. But now that we have achieved the comments section, I can finally say :. THIS SHOW AT ALL WINS

I'm so thrilled that at this point is not funny, especially since this episode of their relationship many as took extremes and all that without us emotional whiplash to with gun and Mi-young romance give. I had feared the day Se-ra returned because I was worried that whatever Gun felt for Mi-jung was so fragile and new that it would certainly break when his six-year flame appeared. And as much as I Gun love, I was a nervous wreck to think the show was as much of a jerk make him while getting away with it, even if this would fly in the face of the man, we saw him to be so , far.

and the reason why this show is such a worthwhile watch is as Gun and Mi-jung are so fully realized that they not is only to act and behave the way , other dramas have us, they would believe conditioned. It's like magic, the way interact these two. Whether it is just a view from Gun ask Mi-young, thinking about to once, or the way she cares for him so much that they would rather suffer and be miserable, just so he happy be, they share a connection, which of us is palpable on the other side of the screen on. This is the stuff that true romances are made, and proved this result, Fated is destined to be one of the greats, the kind of drama we find ourselves revisiting when we need to remember what this being in love with a story and its characters as felt.

But what I say anything for now ? We are still living the good fortune to be so, as it happens, that's a blessing and a curse, if the future it is still an unknown. Although drama country laws mandate that happiness like this may not last for twelve more episodes, I can still love Gun and Mi-young as they are, or at this moment. I do not have enough superlatives for the way Gun remained true to himself and said Se-ra everything, even though we know how hard that was for him. All he wanted was the words Se-ra said to him in this episode, but it was too late, and the fact that Gun knew, mourned for him and moved to hear past is what the coherence impossible is endearing him so incredibly powerful, when he describes

This was also a wonderful episode for Mi-young, and even if it has already been mentioned, it is worthwhile to repeat itself. Jang Nara is absolutely killing it in this role. My heart broke for her, if she so desperately trying Gun to prevent tell Se-ra about them, and again when she was in the middle of all these people refuse can be broken, even if it is hard to imagine even how alone she felt must've. And that's what made Gun save more poignant and perfect, but it was not enough to topple on him and carry them away from all the vultures. No, he made sure that they knew , particularly as Mi-young.

Then came the slow dance by the river, Gun apology, and these fireworks. I'm sure we've all seen a lot of romantic gestures on the screen in our time, regardless of where we come from. And well-timed fireworks were probably not invent the romantic wheel at this point again ... or so I thought. That was B.G. (Against Gun). Now future heroes will have to this act up, to which I say :. Fortunately try

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tags: Choi Jin-Hyuk, Fated To Love You, in Jang Hyuk Jang Nara

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