Recap And Reviews Kdrama A new leaf: Episode 12

Recap and reviews korean drama A new leaf: Episode 12 -

you can try out ... but they only hold you back in the train! That's the problem that Seok-ju faced this episode when he gets his fiancée released on bail and finally goes away by CEO Cha poisonous clutches, only to realize that to live comfortably, is not easy when you have opened around your eyes to the injustice around you. Ji-won intervenes exactly where Seok-ju has ceased at the company, and CEO Cha plans begin to fall into place. There is only one factor he did not, but can control, and that's Seok-ju. It's time to pick sides as lost our memory attorney acknowledges that there are some battles, you simply can not avoid.


While Seok-ju decision for him comes as a relief to finish, for Ji-Yoon it is not so cheerful. She drags herself with a long face back to work when her neighbor and mentor leaves the Cha Young Woo company behind.

CEO Cha moves on quickly, it seems, as he says his right hand that if people are going down different paths, it is best not to pull things in the length. If a representative of the Association of Banks of the hope to hear about Seok-ju decision to take their case bluntly the CEO notes that Seok-ju has resigned.

Meanwhile delivers the elevator Ji-won as CEO soil. plays Jaunty music while he goes and takes on the sights along the corridor. I would say there is a new sheriff in town, but I do not think that Ji-won is to be a force for justice.

When Ji Won enters, nor the staff of Seok-ju abrupt departure is reeling. His secretary told Sang-tae sad that Seok-ju never said a word to her, and they did not even get a farewell party to throw. Ji-won arrival is a welcome distraction, and Sang-tae wonders what a judge to a law firm brings "in broad daylight." Ji-won is in the office of the CEO, before he can explain, and when one of the trainees said that the company was courting a judge lately, Sang-tae scoffs that it can not be him.

CEO Cha welcomed Ji-won, who now want to receive any special treatment, he returned his left old position. He also mentions that he saw Seok-ju to leave with his belongings, and is informed that the former ace more the company quickly left than expected. The CEO calls in Sang-tae, who went as Ji-won in the same high school, around him to show and help him to get acquainted with the partners.

After Ji-won and Sang-tae, CEO Cha leave second-in-command notes that Ji-won adapts quickly. The CEO agrees, saying that the former judge himself is eager to prove by taking on a big case.

Sang-tae is the basic overview of the company Ji-won, although he falls silent for a moment, when he sees that employees Seok-ju pack belongings. Ji-won acknowledges that they were close friends. Sang-tae is a choice of offices Ji-won, but the former judge says he will adapt what he has given

Ji-Yoon Seok-ju a box of belongings sees that includes its disk -. The hiding them from prosecution if they were looking for the detection of insider trading. It acts quickly by volunteering the box to Seok-ju to deliver personally.

Ji-won recognizes Ji-Yoon and says that they'll often run into each other. Sang-tae they knew did not know, and says that since Ji-won as many people here know he is perfect to join them on the 36th floor. Ji-Yoon goes back to her desk, while the other trainees wonder about their identity. First Seok-ju and Ji-won now ... it may be the daughter of a senior judge or lawyer?

Sang-tae takes Ji-won by a catalog of interior decoration choices for his office. Ji-won flips by only a few, before deciding impressing Sang-tae with how he casually for an ex-judge.

CEO Cha a call from another bank president gets that has heard that Seok-ju has left the company. Unimpressed by the news, says the bank president, that they must be easy ", working together with another company", assuming that Seok-ju goes to work elsewhere. CEO Cha asking for a meeting with the heads of all participating banks, thus giving them to explain the situation.

Finally free from the clutches of dastardly Cha Yeong Woo company, Seok-ju to Seoul moves with the window and the wind through your hair open. He looks happy and carefree ... until one of his stress-induced headache strikes, thereby to pull the car to the side of the road.

Chairman Gwon has reject a brief review of the Malicious Minds with his sons, the Jung-Seon is now with Seok-ju marriage. They say they can not trust him after he stabbed in the back.

"How can we Jung Seon-a man we give can not trust?" An uncle requirements. I hope that someone will point out to him that he was willing to give for 10-15 years Young-Seon to a prison that was his ability to negate "give" to Jung Seon anyone. The other uncle is worried that Jung Seon family will betray for love, just like her mother, while chairman Gwon says Jung Seon alone can commit adultery.

In his apartment Seok-ju relaxing on the couch with Khan at his feet and a fishing rod in hand. It's a beautiful moment when he brings his desire for a simpler life while expressing the difficulties still shows between him and this desire. Announce brought him momentary relief, but it is still misplaced, incomplete -. As a fishing rod without place

The next day at Jung-Seon-process, she admits that she made a false confession to protect fish

her sick grandfather , In light of their obvious repentance and the steps taken by the company efforts to partially repay the victims, the judge decided to set bail, which means Young-Seon are free.

get your grandfather to his feet, and Seok-ju breathed relief. He even wearing a new hairstyle for the opportunity to show! The only people who do not look happy the victims are present in court, under which is Ji-Yoon aunt.

Jung Seon changes from their inmate uniform and heads out into the hallway. Your family is waiting for them, with Seok-ju a few steps behind them. Jung-Seon welcomed her grandfather and sends the family before, so that they can have a few words in private with Seok-ju. With poker face intact, Jung Seon thanks Seok-ju and says that it could have been a difficult decision for him. He apologizes for dragging in something that he was partly responsible, and tells her to go home and rest. It goes without, in other words to give us any insight into what she feels after her ordeal.

Not everyone is happy that Jung-Seon was allowed on bail. throwing the victim of fraud CP eggs on Chairman Gwon family on the way, and ask them to go to jail. As Seok-ju remotely observed, he overheard a few reflected that it must be nice to have enough money, won a 500 million deposit ($ 500,000s) not so simple.

Am Cha Yeong Woo paying law firm, it is clear that the looming bank case is the next huge hurdle, and the battlefield where Ji-won to prove his courage. It provides the details of the case to the CEO and his second-in-command. Substantially more than a hundred companies are suffering from bankruptcy and hundreds more through loans that went bad. Banks try to keep the victims of the coordination together, but despite their efforts for a civil case worth 3000000000000 ₩ (about 3 billion US dollars) is on the horizon. It is the largest civil case in history be that of whichever law firm represents the banks too much money translated

Ji-won an overview of the main objectives at this point: 1) Make sure that Cha Yeong Woo company is solely responsible for the case; 2) Get the judge to dismiss the claims out of court, or in the absence thereof; 3) Reduce the amount of compensation which is payable by the banks as much as possible. He says humbly, that he should not be in charge of such a large event, the responses to the CEO Cha that the only requirement was the banks that Seok-ju responsible. Now that he is gone, the risk and reward are both winning.

Seok-ju visited his father, who more and more signs showing his Alzheimer. He is surprised to hear that Seok-ju leave after they forget that Seok-ju told him that he intended. He is preparing to visit someone in the hospital, but he did the buttons on his shirt wrong. Seok-ju helping him straighten out, and leaves with him to the hospital.

The patient turns out to be damaged one of the entrepreneurs of the banks, and Seok-ju's father is afraid to say that he can 't help with the suit. The extent of the case is too large, requiring more research and financial experts. They are joined by more small businesses that bought because an option, all pending ruinous losses they are.

Outside in the waiting room, Seok-ju checks the details for the entrepreneur. With the exchange rate soaring, they pay lose the amount of money loan skyrockets also made so that the losses are common on the scale of millions to billions of dollars. Seok-ju asks why she bought all this particular option if none of the larger companies have.

shows a series of flashbacks of what happened, as the representative of the company's major banks are pushing the victims as snake oil salesmen. They urge them in the purchase of three years options on exchange rates, assuring them that the exchange rate will never be greater. Some of the smarter business owners tried to cancel, but they were then told that the fee to cancel is about $ 0,000. At this point, Seok-ju informs, it would have been cheaper to pay the cancellation fee.

It seems that these entrepreneurs were together with all the others, caught in a Catch-22nd You should shake together in their favor public opinion have banded, when they found out, they were taken advantage of, but it is not so simple. All of them were cheated by their major banks, and she could antagonize means to jeopardize the loans they needed to stay in business. But now the victims have lost ground, instead of coming together as a cohesive force, and it is possible that the courts are biased against them.

Seok-ju promises his father that he would continue to help, but it will be no easy task. When his father said before, requires a case this big a big company, and Seok-ju's just a man.

unaware that Seok-ju is slowly involved with the opposition, Slips CEO Cha gathered CEOs of influential banks in the forthcoming civil action to rule them all. Its strategy should choose the banks his company to hire, is to influence public opinion through the media and present a unified argument to the judges. There is so much information about so many companies that do not judge track of everything, so a well-coordinated defense can keep presenting information to the judges in the direction to guide them want.

The next task of the CEO to sell instead of Seok-ju's ex-judge Ji-won. He makes a strong argument, but to declare that the civil action certainly will the Supreme Court. If the candidate does not actually become Chief Justice, then Ji-won is the law most likely to convince CEO Cha feverish him. Despite the loss of Seok-ju, so it seems that CEO Cha bank leader has exactly where he wants them.

The last point of discussion is the opposition, and finally we see a friendly face: it is attorney Lee, which was connected to the finance department! We learn that she has a degree in accounting, and is so intelligent that it has been sent to study abroad twice. "It will not be an easy opponent," CEO Cha warns its customers soon-to-be.

speak of devilishly stylish prosecutor, and it will appear. Attorney Lee grills a bank representative, determined to find out why all the major banks selling these high-risk options. You want to know if the sellers understood in the banks and the terms of the options they sold, and if correct, the small to medium sized businesses warned of the risks.

When she reported to her boss, she is sure that the banks, which did constitutes fraud. Only small and medium-sized enterprises were targeted, and when she points out that had bought the options, if the risks had been declared correctly?

At the hospital Seok-ju recommends that entrepreneurs join together and hire a large law firm, so the battlefield may be as uniform as possible. But the camera cuts directly to CEO Cha in the boardroom as he declares that he has taken precautions, the next five largest firms rent on small parts of the case to work. By setting insignificant work to do of them, he makes it impossible for them to represent the victim to stick without dual representation. Curse you, you evil genius!

Seok-ju takes entrepreneurs through its somewhat limited options. You can take their businesses into bankruptcy, but that is exactly what they want to avoid. You need someone to represent them, but if they ask Seok-ju, why he do not do it, he says he. Just a sole practitioner who has not even set up his practice

Seok-ju at home, and Dad muses fall from his father after he is that something to his son must have happened.

in the park with Khan, Seok-ju stops for a moment to sit down. He wonders why there are so many naive people in the world, clearly still employed by the plight of entrepreneurs.

Ji-Yoon Mi-ri friend drops from the apartment, and when Seok-ju returns with Khan, the two meet in the hall. Mi-ri not Seok-ju first recognize, but if she does, she crouches at the door and hilarious attempts to hide her face.

Seok-ju thinks that they need to be frightened of dogs, and usher Khan at his residence. Mi-ri remembers that Ji-Yoon told her that she was living with memory loss to a lawyer next and recovered her composure as she puts the pieces together.

Ji-Yoon arrives just in time, and provides Seok-ju the last field with his belongings. Lets you know that his hard disk is also there, and he heads inside him. Now that they are alone, Mi-ri calls to Ji-Yoon, it is amazing that Seok-ju is the lawyer she said.

does hardly get Seok-ju in his apartment when he gets a call from his father. Lawyer Seo In-ho, currently to represent the best choice cheaters victim is a short visit, and Seok-ju is the best person to explain the details. Seok-ju promises right to come. After he hangs up, he asks Khan that all unemployed are those employed.

A flat above, Mi-ri and Ji-Yoon with a few beers and relax. Mi-ri laughing at Seok-ju of attorney to be with amnesia, and evades Ji-Yoon again when she asks what is their relationship. Brings Ji-Yoon before ceasing and asks if she intends to follow Seok-ju. "Do it!" I cry, but Ji-Yoon ignored me and points out that Seok-ju not even have a company.

The conversation turns to leave at judges for firms, that's when Ji Yoon divides to work the news about Ji-won come at their company. Mi-ri urging them to "get something going", but Ji-Yoon reflects that she does not know if it is to leave either going.

Seok ju welcomes Lawyer Seo in his father's house, and learns that he has often risen against lawyers from his firm in the past. Seok-ju turns down an offer of employment, and said that he wants to rest for a while.

The two lawyers talk about the details of the case for a while. Seok-ju wants to do more research to find out exactly how much you favored the chances of the big banks when they sold high-risk options to small businesses. It is clear that he has a good handle on what's going on, and lawyer Seo asks the obvious question, why Seok-ju, the guide does not take not this case. Seok-ju says he only as a favor to his father to help, and that his condition is not so good.

After Lawyer Seo leaves, Seok-ju has another of his headaches. His father asks what is wrong, and learns that the doctor says the attacks are due to overwork and stress. The conversation revolves around Seok-ju postponed marriage, and from there to what Seok-ju's mother was like. His father says that she hated the kind of person the injustice and wanted her husband to stand for their principles, even if it meant to live a difficult life.

CEO Cha gets the word Lawyer Seo was hired, and his reaction shows that this is a bold counter-attack from the entrepreneur. believed due to the lawyer Seo in the past as the head lawyer of the Central Investigation Unit, the case ensures that there is a lot of control it may be appropriate. CEO Cha convenes an emergency meeting with his team and his customers.

Ji-won is recorded evidence that the bank employees knew they were cheating the entrepreneur. Many senior staff made a lot of money from the system, and that the evidence is hiding his paramount if the law enforcement search and seizure issues guarantees. It's depressing, but probably very realistic about how quickly new scumbag lawyers have the Scumbag throne filled vacant Seok-ju.

We have a strange interlude with a new face I shall refer as evil Chairman until it is remotely relevant. He rubs his staff, with, out, be tasked where the money went in the bank case. He scolded for not so smart as to be the thieves, which is done with the money in the first place. He also seems very interested to hear that Seok-ju has left his old company, said it to get him right from its lofty perch.

Sang serves -Tae comes at Seok-ju apartment for a bromantic steak dinner. It's not all fun and games, however, as Sang-tae Seok-ju has offered to help, you can find a bank employee can rely on to calculate how much was to be gained from selling their currency options the banks.

There are not many banks remain after the, subtraction, employed in the system, but they create a find with an employee that Seok-ju familiar perform the calculations. He informed the employees of its intentions, the done injustice to help entrepreneurs, and promises to keep his name out of it.

The two lawyer buddies sprawl on the couch for some therapeutic games and Sang-tae asks if Seok-ju reminds Jeon Ji-won. Seok-ju does, but only because of this, when Ji-won dissed a run in the length of his court statements. Sang-tae him that Ji-won, the company is just as he left, and that he took over the case that Seok-ju can know dismissed. Seok-ju had thought that the company difficulties would without him, but it seems to be good to one another truck. Sang-tae is true to say that he recognized this truth long ago, which is why he happily ever live that to eat well, and not to kill with the work. It is a beautiful philosophy in the abstract, although he also paid alimony admits twice. Finally, the call is coming from their bank informant who says that the hidden benefits of the transaction were humongous and that banks certainly committed fraud.

Ji-Yoon CEO Cha goes to see, to let him know that she wants to move out of the apartment. She feels embarrassed stay there now that the original reason for the upgrade - Seok-ju - has resigned. He tells her she can stay there until the lease has expired, but it promises the CEO to report when they undressed.

Ji-won with CEO Cha and his team for the bank case applies, it passes through the various moves and countermoves that will likely once the case goes to trial happen. He impressed the boss with his attention to detail, and warns him of briefing by the representative of the bank are deducted. CEO Cha also brings the issue of search and seizure guaranteed, which may be brought by the prosecution.

This is exactly what attorney Lee to is how she meets with her supervisor to one of the suspects the search warrants to request banks of fraud. She hopes that sufficient evidence existed to reveal, to find the extent of their crimes to the public. Her boss reminded of the need to be extra careful now that the former head lawyer of the Central Investigation Unit is involved in the case.

Ji-won speaks privately with CEO Cha to warn him that the biggest problem, she is currently the risk of search warrants against. The proof that it could appear to end in court. In this sense, it offers its relations with different judges to use in order to a warrant, make sure the application is denied. CEO Cha says that the warrant blocking can be very difficult, but Ji-won is confident that he can do it.

attorney Lee applications for search warrants for coroners office takes calls, as Ji-won begins making. He knows the judges, which the requests are received, and asks him to check the warrants, "very carefully." The judge notes that he left the courthouse recently, and already he is acting like a professional lawyer.

The papers go on detours to the judge and back again, through many pairs of hands until they at with Prosecutor Lee end. Each request was been refused led to lack of evidence as the reason. Attorney Lee and her boss are dismayed and astonished, but there is nothing they can do except reinforce the evidence, and later request a warrant.

Unfortunately for the prosecution to ban visits attorney general, expressly from trying to get another warrant. He asks if she has not been humiliated enough already, but his participation smells fishy. know attorney Lee and her boss that you have to go behind the scenes, and they remain determined to find a way to get these guarantees.

A call comes from Seok-ju, and prosecutor Lee is understandably pissed. The Options requests were denied within two hours, which is hard to explain, unless that Cha Yeong Woo company had a hand in it. Seok-ju is unsurprised to hear it, because there are only two judges responsible for Options applications difficult to block the back door deals, makes. Provoked, Attorney Lee wants to know why he calls the opposition.

"I left the company" Seok-ju says. She was denied warrant request, and he has a few things he wants to confirm, he suggests that they help each other. He asks when they should meet, responding to the prosecutor Lee:


[1945010"Rightnow"] Avengers Assemble ...! That's the mood I'm getting lately. Lawyer Lee Seok-ju and is making a hell of a team, like Wonder Woman and Superman (DC? Marvel? Oh, whatever). Or maybe Wonder Woman and Lex Luthor, except Lex has lost his memory and now wants to preserve his mind to use justice and defend the weak. And maybe Ji-Yoon Sang-tae will join our growing team of civilian superheroes so that they give enough intellectual firepower Cha Yeong Woo Law Firm and the Seven dark banks of evil to fight in the largest civil action ever. Now the forces of Mordor are mobilizing, and Seok-ju not even have a magic ring.

Enough of this. This episode, like many of the last episodes, was impressive in terms of its careful design. Everything fits together well, by Ji-won as Seok-ju leaves after Ji-won reputation to the judge entering only as prosecutor Lee you warrant submitting applications. The building conflict was worked with a satisfactory amount of detail, and I loved the way that Seok-ju was gradually drawn into the case to help because of his simple wish of his father.

Everything he wanted, when he finally stop rest was, but it was hardly a day before he was sucked into the case he wanted to avoid just on the opposite side in the first place. The story about his mother was very beautiful placed, as it made clear how much Seok-ju has changed. He used his father for choosing to annoy a way that his mother made to suffer. Now Seok-ju itself is the choice that the same path for the love of his father and his newfound moral principles, even if he suffers headaches for them in the form of its stress. With such powerful, institutionalized enemies are to the choice of its own principles live almost certainly lose money. But for Seok-ju, there is no other choice, he and still live with himself can make.

So that's what I like this time around. What I did not like was the continuation of (relative) absence of Ji-Yoon and Jung Seon. Jung-Seon perhaps four lines, for example. I that they hold at this point their cards close to their chest, but with only four episodes I left wondering how much development of their relations (with Seok-ju and her family) may be able to get, especially since they have to compete will with the lawsuit them all for airtime rule.

I have a similar problem with Ji-won. His character seems so interesting, with motivations that hinted at, but never fully revealed. I have to wait for almost the entire show, to see how he and Seok-ju butt heads, but I always thought that it would be within the company before they actually collided in the courtroom. CEO Cha told us some episodes before that Ji-won has been set specifically for this case - I'm starting to actually believe that Ji-won of characters was created just for this case also. []; _taboola.push ({mode: "Thumbnails-a 'container' taboola Down Item Thumbnails" placement "Below Article Thumbnails" target_type, "Mix"});

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