Recap And Reviews Kdrama Full sun: Episode 11

Recap and reviews korean drama Full sun: Episode 11 -

It is sad as put a ruin place in all types of relationships, including the new and old small seeds of revenge can. This last job turns into a dangerous game, because more people know the truth surrounding Se-ro identity. There is more at stake than just a bunch of money, although for some that's all they eyeing.

Se-Ro learns that a tower built simply on the basis of lies can not withstand the consequences if the truth rears its ugly head. Sometimes these serious words can fall flat, as the ratings for the show has with 3.0%.


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After a long retread of Se-Ro gate crash the not so secret meetings between Papa Han and President Shin, the latter cooked in his car. Se-ro is not far behind, however, and Kang-jae is dongsaeng be sold to confront.

Although Se-ro is beyond angry, he still urges Kang jae to change his mind working for the enemy, is a line they can not cross but Kang-jae remains steadfast in his decision. "? Do not you know I know that crossed the line"

Se-ro-counter, that would make them enemies, and Kang-jae stated that he Woo-jin, the e-mail fraudsters' key bargaining chip. Se-ro replied that the disclosure with the right hook and officially declared war against Kang deleted jae, warn him that the day will come when Kang-jae will return bowed his head in shameful defeat.

suggested disbelief Nevertheless rotates Se-ro, how much of an ass to bite back from Kang -jae is also thinking about it, joins hands with their enemy. Kang-jae does his best to keep his poker face, and it is only when Se-Ro leaves he tears flashing back.

Outside the Han residence, Young-won her father swears that she will not return to this house, and added that they do not ever stop fighting him Belle la Messe protect. She has nothing to lose and her father's words they no longer touch.

Papi Han their choice accepted and resigned says be not deceived her again. After the conversation heard around the corner, Se-Ro follows at a distance-Young won.

So when he calls, his concern shakes Young-won determination, and she wonders how much misery he would put her through. His answer brings tears to my eyes. "I wish you fool"

Someone like him is not worth her tears, Se-Ro tells her, and he will do everything he can to put things right. He assures her that he has not the slightest interest to take something from her and now he would not even accept it if offered. If anything he told her before was a lie, so much is true, Se-Ro is.

It does not matter what she thinks he's negotiations with his own life. This depends Se-Ro-up, and even though Young-Won as pretending they did not care on the phone, she whimpers in the dead line "Hello? Eun-soo?"

After Se-ro for the fight matches, his first task Daddy Han is to appeal that no is very pleased to see him. Papa Han initially does not seem convinced, with Se-ro argument to divulge more information about FL Gemstones, but Se-Ro either not give him much of a choice.

Kang-jae is not pleased to learn about it by Papa Han; He is angry when Se-Ro a minute later and further annoyed called nonchalant of Se-Ro setting of the meeting. Nothing good comes out of it for Kang-jae if he shows up, Se-Ro warns him, then adds: ". I do not want to betray you"

President Shin is practically giddy when he hands over to Kang-jae of his gifts: money ... and a gun. He laughs that firearms are added an additional protective layer, but the gun is only Kang-jae rim.

It seems President Shin also a grudge against Se-Ro also harbors the failed money laundering deal still fresh in your mind, maybe they should "take care of him." As in, away from him? Damn it.

Speaking, Se-Ro a video camera pen from Hama will be given their supposedly throwaway line about how the world is getting scary, but they are becoming weaker makes me nervous , There is something else, Hama prepared, but we do not get to see. Yikes, do not tell me you ready a weapon, too!

Your last bloody meeting on Papa Han mind is still fresh, and Se-Ro, the chairman asks not Belle la Messe for sale. Not that Young-won yet her brother has the power to overturn this decision when Papa Han precedes and the company is sold. It does not matter whether they are a scammer either because Papa Han is still the largest shareholder; so he gets to make the calls. But Young-Won is determined to change her father's opinion, no matter what

Se-Ro calmly explained Papa Han, what might happen if he goes through with FL Gemstones' proposal. It is a considerable stock profits, but he will be able to get companies to license?

Well then, Kang-jae joins them, but awakened Se-ro words have the interest of the Chairman. The calls Papa Han to ask why Se-Ro is to tell him everything. Is he by Young-won wealth? No, Se-ro answers-there is worrying as the Chairman Young-won's father.

Se-Ro asks if the Chairman is not curious about who was to be exposed after his money laundering activities in the media. A side eye towards Kang-jae enough for Papa Han to suspect him, putting Kang-jae in the hotseat.

But that's when Kang-jae Camera heel tips and displays Papa Han. Ruh ROH. This suggests suspect back to Se-Ro ... which keeps their conversation recording with other hidden camera. Aha, that's clever.

Se-Ro keeps playing the sacrificial lamb act at the suggestion that he forcibly relocated overseas. He agrees to leave the country, although he still would like to ask something Papa Han :? If the chairman is planning to incorporate even more Belle la Messe in his own scheme

Se-Ro expresses that he wants to know how far the chairman assume its original fraud and how guilty he feel Young-won. Se-Ro continued to demand an answer, as he dragged himself is, until he gets the verbal confirmation he was recorded on the lookout for ... all at his watch. Muhahaha, I love it when the bad guys in the little things are tricked.

Young-won in the underground comes Kang-jae and Se-Ro two seconds to see before the fists go flying. It points out that Se-Ro is meeting with her father a lot lately, and flares at Kang-jae the warning that they should stay away Se-ro from the likes of.


they start in a moral lecture they both begin by saying that people like Kang-jae and Se-ro should show a little remorse for their actions, then to say on that they should not keep lying to the people who have hurt them.

You should not others try again to set up already high expectations of the Trust or, Young-Won yells, and then adds: ". If you disappoint just"

She refuses Se to follow -ro, but he insists that it's somewhere he wants to see them. This place is Scammers HQ where Se-Ro comes clean as their con team strategizes and lives here.

Hama can almost slip from Se-Ro real identity, but both men are eager to be assigned to a task, so they do not give rise to awkward excuses left behind , Once they are Hong marbles out that he wants to help Se-Ro, even if he is now thrown caution to the wind.

Hong admits that Se-Ro the kindest man to, apart from Hama, ie. D'aww, I really love their bickering adoring relationship.

Papi Han tried for more dirt on Se-Ro by Kang-jae digging (likewise not court) and tells him "to take care" Se-ro, and then they will talk about whether he will sell Belle la Messe.

the reason Se-ro to HQ won Young brought his desire to be transparent about its actions in the past to her. However this all pales in comparison to the truth that they will have to face in the future.

She asks if he is concerned for them right now, and if he thinks he doing all this for her sake. that makes him a little more humane in their eyes to learn, but it is not so long ago that she (yes, a kind of na), has found his true identity. Did he expect them to accept all that he shows and now as a reality to say?

It is not easy for them because they took out together as a reality the times. But if that was not true, then what it was until now? A dream? A misunderstanding? "Was there anything?" she shrieks. Trying his best to keep his composure, Se-Ro grabs her and says that while he used think of ideas on how to use them. But the reason why he is now brought her here to show her that he is going to use this space to think how to protect them from now on.

Young-won refuses his help, but Se-Ro tells her that she is better off than swimming sea of ​​sharks to trust him to her. She says that she can cope with it alone and turns away, but Se-Ro grabs her wrist and puts her hand on his chest. Uh, someone else get Lovers in Paris flashbacks?

"That's can not be falsified," he says, his voice trembling. Tears stream down his face when he asks: "Was I ... such a bad person to you?"

Overwhelmed asks Young-won believe here-she'll him to stop, that he was to her. But Se-Ro says his feelings real to him that he hoped that the times they spent together a dream ", but they were real and reality."

"I ... you can not trust." Young-won answers, falling from her eyes tears.

Our comedic duo tried their best to avoid leaving Jae-in HQ penetrate, but they amused expression falls when Young-won and Se-ro sees building. relocate to chat he and Jae-in to a cafe, and Jae-in, she says that Jung Se-Ro she feels even has all knew virtually disappeared.

She is shocked to learn that Kang-jae all Woo-jin deleted the emails, so leave Se-ro without cards against Papa Han to use , His days of Conning are over and it is to his affairs, but Jae-in interrupts him to counter that it is only the beginning.

Both Se-Ro and Young-won spend their evening hatch separately. Manager Min swings settle by headlines about FL Gemstones per their request, including one where Kang-jae stated that the public in the pink diamond investing.

Jae-in was not kidding when she said she 'd to take matters into their own hands, and waltzes in Belle la Mass the next day. You beelines for Young-joon office, making it perfectly clear that she's here to talk to him

And Jae-in has come armed with a powerful card .: "Gong Woo-jin ... your father killed him." Whoa, whoa, I know that we knew that already, but much to suddenly drop the bomb.

Young-joon tense, so Jae -in starts in the truth about how an innocent man named Jung Se-ro for his murder and thrown in jail was framed without due process. Young-joon, he does not say for another trick fall, but Jae-in told him about why think else would a bunch of fraudsters Belle la Messe specifically address?

It's her friend, Jae-in clarifies everything because Jung Se-ro, and then leans in to whisper, "Lee Eun-soo is Jung Se-ro".

at the same time Young-Won is informed by Jae-in sudden onset and it breaks to confront. It is a good (?), What then that Young-won breaks in the office only a few seconds after discloses Jae-in this truth, and Young-joon barks Jae-in out, visibly shaken.

Young- recovered to know requirements, but Jae-sighs that it is too cumbersome to repeat. Young-joon chases after her to ask why she told him, and Jae-in sighs that they tell the truth about little bro.

Se-Ro has enough evidence to temporarily stop Papa Han will go, but the problem is that Kang-jae is was also detected on the screen. Se-Ro mutters: "I'll tell him to leave the country then." Oh, you still care to do.

Unbeknownst to him, however, Se-ro house a dick takes on its way. As for Young-joon, he enters his father's office to confront him myself, but then it freezes in the presence of his father, recalled Jae-in allegations that his father is an assassin.


when Papa Han rambles about how he was almost fooled today and that his children do not care what happens to her father, Young-joon this question back to it applies: "What your children and your family mean you?"

must, Young-won the things that woman said today have been true muses. He used to be envious of noona, but it turns out that it was also neglected. He warned his father not Belle la Fair to sell these fraudsters: "You can not do to Noona!"

After hearing the tail end of the conversation, Ms. Baek assures her son that she would protect Belle la Fair for their interests. Young-joon is not convinced that his mother can get up to Papa Han, but she says that his father did not beat her, what she knows.

Madam Baek adheres to the arms of her son, but Young-joon gently pulls out of her grasp. Tears in his eyes when he realizes, "You knew everything? About Gong Woo-jin ... so it was really Father."

Se-Ro tail follows him to his meeting with Kang-jae and Updates secretary Ahn. It seems Jae-in had arranged for Se-Ro and Kang-jae meet, and this is for the one who claim that Se-Ro should pack his bags.

Se-Ro wants nothing to do on the type, because it does not matter whether Papa Han finds out his true identity or not. Kang-jae should the packaging, Se-Ro says, because he is going to stop, whatever much he talks to Papa Han.

Jae-in connects only and corrects them-they both should be prepared to leave soon, because it tells the truth in its entirety Young-joon. This revelation surprised both men and Jae-in says it will not be long before the pint-sized tells the public and bully his sister.

This was the only way she could think them to stop Jae -in argued; that has nothing to do with jealousy, now, but to love the enemy's daughter talking crazy. Kang-jae is not sure either once Papa Han learns of his belonging to Se-Ro.

The joining hands with Papa Han was doing the wrong thing, Jae-in porridge, and he should not tormented Se-ro by doing it. "You're the one who has tormented me most" Se-Ro says.

Jae-in acts as if this statement was not a hard blow, and says that they tried to prevent the story that to repeat itself. There is no such thing in this world as "one last job," she says.

Kang-jae tells her that savvy brain to use her to find out why he decided to work with Papa Han after much to give it thought the brakes on this process now matter can not draw how hard they tried

"I'll try to like you," Jae-in answers. she knows that his unrequited feelings are partly to blame for it, why things ended this way. But these words are too little too late, and Kang-jae says: "I can not do I do not need your pity.."

Se-ro calls Young-joon and asks him not to reveal the truth either Young-won Han or dad. He says little bro, that there is a way, is to stop from Belle la Messe, pass and Young-Won is in no condition to hear the truth.

Young-joon points out that Se-Ro, who went into this state, and he does not believe that Se-ro on its sister site. "How can I trust you, Jung Se-Ro?" He asks.

So Young-joon calls his sister to tell her that he is on the way and ignore Se-Ro calls. Something tells me that she is going it does not stop.

Se-Ro currently caught by Lakai Secretary Ahn, he pushes aside with a sharp blow. But then the footman recognizes Se-Ro-face from the photo album and reports back to the secretary Ahn.

Se-Ro bursting into the studio Young-Won to collect the be dragged again denied. I love a bit of Se-Ro impatient outburst: "Why a person like this hard and complicated?"

Young-won voluntarily to follow it Preach

under the condition agrees that Se-Ro tell her where. 'Re going and why.

Se-ro-answers "that can eat together, watch movies together, go for a walk while holding hands. Let's have fun together, as other . do Let's go to buy together food, and talk about our day while we cook together delicious meals, talk about whether we like the mountains or the sea, and share our first thoughts of our day breakfast. Let us be together while we talk about these things. "

" Can not we do what as others do? "Se-ro asks. She dismisses all these worldly things he advocates as nonsense desires and Se-Ro ". Let us be together"

Young-joon comes at this moment, and Young-Won admits that she once these things wanted him, but he screwed it all up.

Se-ro keeps leaving and breathing, "they do not go." But Young-won tells him that he should at least think how hard it is to do it in front of her brother. "Do you know how hard it was for me to forget you ..."

But then Se-Ro she pulls into a tight hug before she can finish. She struggles against his grip, but do not be Se-Ro go. falling tears from his eyes, he asks one last time:

COMMENTARY "I know that it will be difficult, but be by my side."

Now that Young-joon knows everything, and I mean everything , it is only a matter of time until Young-won finds out the truth. And that, as I do that Young-joon a degree of choice in the matter has: He can either shed to noona the beans or to keep them in the dark. We have seen him in this series as long used as a puppet that it is nice to give him some control. Not when the lackey it can help because I'm sure Papa Han white (yes, even in his drunken state) that the guy he is alive and well framed, trying to defeat him.

Speaking of the great plan, I can not say if Kang-jae was to tell the truth, if he had the emails or not deleted Woo-jin. See All we is reaction of all others for this delicacy, but when Kang-jae finally wants to take down Papa Han, I can not imagine that he got rid of a valuable bargaining chip would be so easy. In addition, I get this nagging feeling that Kang-jae these agreed to perform one last job for Se-Ro's sake to a certain degree. to think about His words Jae-in to her why he is working with the enemy makes me think it is a measure of self-sacrifice in his actions; that, and we have seen how deep his debt goes. And if we look at the contradictory feelings of guilt and bitterness over, we see that Kang-jae is still concerned for Se-Ro, who feels the same, although they are now technically in conflict with one another.

Then there Jae-in, I'm grateful that she cuts through all the BS and see how ridiculous and petty this fight between the two boys; but at the same time, their method to stop their crazy and dangerous behavior, is even more risky by revealing the truth. We knew that the truth would sooner come to the fore, or later, but now she's come dangerous waters, also. Considering that Young-won knows and where Scammers HQ and that its own mystery blown wide open, there is no point in hiding.

Which brings us to Se-Ro, the fall to decide the lies and put his emotions bare because hell, what does he do now to lose? There is something freeing to see a hero come clean and do the everyday mundane things in life that we often take for granted. He longs for this normal relationship with Young-won, that he knows that he can not have because of Misunderstanding, and it is then terribly ironic how she does not believe, even now trust him that he has been (almost) unmasked.

His vulnerability is what at the end of the day grabs me, making him we see a humanoid melodramatic hero than most of the ciphers in drama country. His intentions are written for them, and I love how he brought Young recovered to Scammers HQ and told her that he would the place he wanted to even try to turn that to deceive them into a fortress that protect them , Wait a minute, I would suggest, in the early stages of a relationship are tolerated. He, I, well ... I have nuthin '.

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tags: in full Sun, Han Ji-hye, Jo Jin-Woong Kim Yuri, song Jong-ho, Yoon Kye-sang

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