Recap And Reviews Kdrama You're all surrounded: Episode 3

Recap and reviews korean drama You're all surrounded: Episode 3 -

It's time , for our young locusts to learn some hard truths about protecting and serving. Perhaps there is no such thing as beginner detectives because you have to bear the same consequences if two days or two decades were at work. While unhappiness seems our team than most to succeed more, but it is the use-no matter what you do, they are always life and death.


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EPISODE 3: "There is no novice detectives"

Eun Dae-gu is about his ass to get fried fish if team leader Pan-seok noticed a strange pattern with the phone in Dae-gu pocket that his seems to chime in lockstep.

he rises above Dae-gu, which could no longer look suspicious now. he sweats balls for whatever, as the longest pause seems suddenly Gook phone even rings, and he he answers his mom to say, to call later.

Phew, it's enough to break Pan-Seok from the paranoid reverie and Dae-gu sigh of relief when he in his room.

the next morning, the rookies on team 3 press their ears against the given door of the conference room, while the final verdict expected: they screw enough to be trimmed up or will they live on another day to see

inside boss Toad is to make evident pay favor them for their egregious? Error. But luckily police chief Kang is the boss, and she defers to Pan-seok, to make the decision to join-if he wants them even give a chance, that's enough for them.

You practically they are a free pass by do that, and then all eyes will focus on Pan-seok. He gets all fired up and declared (with swing, no less) that these fish brains rookies need to be fired at once. See, everyone likes fish jokes! (Technically, he calls them Carp heads). He snorts that he hardly knows how to be passed the exam Bulls in first place, and that allows them to continue as detectives is an affront to taxpayers. Ha.

This is definitely not the way to go Chef Kang. The Rookies faces fall as they listen, and Dae-gu is to start the first walk. But then rant of the Pan-seok winds, and it can be as a silent "But ..."

"... Give me a couple of months." His partner Eung-do finally cracks an adorable smile, and Pan-seok says that since they have been given under his care, he will at least get their umbilical cord off and teach them before they go to a decision.

The rookies jumping for joy out in the hallway, and Soo-Sun runs on a high-five to Dae-gu on. He walks away and leaves them hanging.

Pan-seok lines it outside and can tell by their faces that they already heard the message for themselves. Soo-Sun asks eagerly if this means that they are his children now, but Pan-seok tells them the only thing he them in the next three months teaching will:

"You will never Detectives be."

He decided that the only purpose of it with its incomparable awesomeness gracing this statement to prove as a fact. He encourages any time, but then adds that the violent crimes unit is a team, and when you go to release the rest.

Dae-gu pipes for the first time, arguing that it is unfair-there is no official rule that they assume responsibility to this extent for the other error. Pan-seok interrupts him: "Unfair You can go then?" He looks right in Dae-gu of the laser look ". And why is that so do your eyeballs again look" Dae-gu lowers begrudgingly his eyes, and everyone is in the ordered Cart ?. Woohoo, training installation time?

hold in the middle of a neighborhood in their district and Pan-seok pulls their phones. He enters in the middle of the road with nothing but a number and there to catch the hypothetical criminals.

split the rookies and everyone goes about it differently. Dae-gu examined his brain for the giant map of Gangnam back at the station, such as a live GPS. Soo-sun goes straight for the estate agency, which is intelligent, but they are caught in a crazy conversation with the old man who asks if she is looking for a rental.

Tae-il travels over until a woman to ask in a sports car, stops him when he needed directions. Heh. Life is so different for pretty. And Gook waving around until he discovers a deliveryman on a scooter and chases him.

Pan-seok strolls to the address waiting on and Dae-gu is to run the first, with the rest of this behind only seconds teammate. I'm impressed that they all made it, but Pan-seok frowns and says he carried them to say only got as they claimed to be a team, and they all came separately. He gets in the car and makes them follow on foot.

The next lesson is staking 101: He says that a raccoon to catch, either you go in after it, or wait patiently until the raccoon comes out on its own. Basically, they have to stay in the car, and when one of them comes from to twelve hours, they go directly to the next lesson without rest.

Gook already his choice is regretting to be a detective, while Tae -il proposes remember such a long flight to Paris. Dae-gu snatches the water bottle from Soo-Sun's hand and reminded them severely, that they go 12 hours.

Four hours later, they try another distracted with small talk. Seven hours later, they are desperately trying not to pee their pants, and a silent but deadly smell makes any pinch the nose and accusing turn towards Dae-gu.

Eleven hours later, everyone has a screw got loose. Gook asks if he has peed his pants because he can not say, and the others have to hold it with one hour of just, go left. If he does not get in the past, Soo-Sun, he tries to Dae-gu door.

opens, and HA Dae-gu is the first out. Pan-seok thoroughly enjoying the moment and does not hide the Häme.

As promised, they go directly to their next mission, where Pan-seok them CCTV footage of a man showing of a dwelling house come and discarding in a wrapper chewed-up bundle of chewing gum.

He says that this is the last piece of DNA evidence they have left in this fake case, they have to find the gum. They all look at him like he's crazy. If you knew how many cigarette butts once this man collected voluntarily.

The four faces of the hill of garbage, pink gloves in readiness. Gook and Tae-il complain immediately that it is not worth sighs Soo-Sun that it is the worst, because it has sense of smell of a dog, but again Dae-gu is to give the first and walk. Soo-Sun passes point out to him that this is his fault early to leave the stakeout van.

He tells them it is useless anyway, since Pan-seok can not fire it as easily as he admits. He reminds them that they heard Chef Kang them during the session-it up back means that it has a vested interest in their survival.

The guys are quick to take Dae-gu side, arguing that they could go easily back home right now and back to the station later and lie that they wanted each piece of junk and came up empty.

Soo-sun on it slides to accommodate the path of the weasel, and all it takes is a whip cracking And you call yourselves men ?! mix for Tae-il and Gook back trash duty. Haha, she is the boss of them. Even Dae-gu is a little amazed at how fast they fold it, but he just turns around and walks away.

you seething at his perfidy, and grabs the next garbage bag and just starts him in the back of the head pounding, lol.

Hilariously, the thing that they on, calls him: "Did you think I would not know that you're the one who farted?" They all argue back and forth about the stakeout fart, and they just keep hitting him until it finally bursts the bag and garbage flies everywhere.

But under the shower of debris is a gum wrapper, the very one, they are looking for. The whole group comes to a stop, and then dives for them, resulting in a total war over who the gum wad claim.

There is a hair-pulling, trash-spun chaos a dogpile, and the gum wrapper changes like a hot potato, until finally Soo-Sun gets a hold of it and plugged it into her bra before the boys can reach them. Their victory smile is priceless.

You slo-mo walk in the pedestrian area, covered in garbage and make everyone cringe at its stench. Pan-seok is speechless as Soo-sun keeps the gum wad and says with full on crazy eyes that she found it.

Pan-seok tries not to choke and tells them to clean because they "will go back to pack the night club event. Yay, they passed!

the team busts in on the ringleader who actually an academy-style class teaching how full of girls to a room Sugar Daddies con. During the arrest takes Soo-sun on a peculiar smell upwards of one of girl, and Pan-seok found marijuana in her purse.

your teammates acknowledge Soo-sun's self-proclaimed dog's nose, and she recited robotically the Miranda girl rights, as she finds her cuffs. Pan-seok more drugs in their possession, and Dae-gu a picture of her friend on her phone remembers.

he thinks back to the club, and it dawns on him that he was the friend-probably their drug supplier-conversation with the stitch victims saw just before he was found bleeding to death. He decides not to say anything.

to call at another district, Pan-seok hands over the girlfriend of drug traffickers to the force narcotics task and asks them even now. The other detective is not impressed, but then Dae-gu gives him the phone and the friend says the dealer should be, he seeks.

This is the guy they tried to catch up in the club, before all hell broke loose, and the detective says Dae-gu is better than Pan-seok. Eep.

Pan-seok flips his lid and asks why Dae-gu has not said about earlier, and he spits defiantly that Pan-seok not ask: "And I thought you would not trust the word of infantile carp-for-brains anyway. "

Each cling for impact, but Pan-seok barks at them to return their own station. When he arrives there, sees Pan-seok Sa Kyung walking by and follows her.

He looks at the blinds through a little skulky, especially when she takes off her shirt to try and put a patch on the back.

This is when he sees in her back covered Giant bruises, and he reaches for the door, but can not bring himself to open. Instead he watches just heartbroken from the window until she finally noticed him and tells him to help when he goes to watch.

His voice changes so gentle when he is with her. He asks how she got so bruised, and they do not give much of an answer, but the two-second touch is pretty much all that needs to be said.

He hesitates, as if the three square inch area of ​​menthol patch his only safe zone is to touch on. It is so unexpectedly shy and tender. He asks if she will have dinner with him, but she turns to him and says that she would not be with him to be able to digest their food.

Soo-sun coming through the evidence room and her jaw drops to see them so together. Pan-seok she starts snooping, and tells her that she's dead, if he catches them again.

Gook wakes up in the middle of the night and comes in Dae-gu room because he hears on the TV. He comes to turn off the projector, which plays a drama on his blanket and almost loses a hand when Dae-gu wakes up with a start. He growls out Gook and leaves it to the TV, as he can not sleep without it. D'awww, watching him in the fetal position curled up breaking my heart.

Soo-Sun heads home, and she says that they are a full in this gosiwon village in the last three years living with the simple goal is already -fledged member of society. You do not know if this is your dream, but she feels proud of a hard day.

But when she gets to her gosiwon, there is a riot outside, she learns that the building was a sold new owners, and their deposits have disappeared with the previous owner together. Her face falls, they paid three months in advance and has nowhere to go. Heyyyyyy knows that I get someone to a bunk bed!

Dae-gu comes to the district early the next morning, and take the chance to dig in Pan to -seok desk. He does not notice Soo-sun comes around the corner (you must sleep here), and she looks at him curiously.

Once people filing in the office he start stop and noticed too late, there has all the time.

Pan-seok lines it and hands each set of partners their first official cases where they are the lead investigators. Dae-gu and Soo-sun to get a Stalker case, and Tae-il and Gook get a plastic surgery office theft. Pan-seok will be on duty away for two nights, and warns them not to always act alone.

Dae-gu nags Soo-sun all the time she drives (they like a grandma does not drive) and takes away her cell phone when it received a call from lost answered gosiwon deposit. When she needs to insist that it's okay, because they are stopped at a traffic light, he honks the horn and tattles to them about the traffic cops at the intersection are. Pfft.

It ends with a ticket for receiving on her cell phone while driving talk, and smoke in silent indignation. They meet with their stalking victims they about the man she says on a blind date made the call and not stop following her.

It escalated when she met a new man on a blind date, and the stalkers began to steal things and making death threats. Dae-gu asks if she has any evidence because they can not go anywhere else because stalking is a crime. He says cold, that's all they can do, and gets up to leave.

But Soo-sun can see how the woman is scared and has to obtain the evidence, so that they can catch the guy. Dae-gu drags after first instructing outside her on thinking, or at least they keep their mouths shut if they can not fire her brain.

She just wants to help people and do the right thing, but he does not want to lift a finger and do something beyond the very minimum, by-the-book call of duty, and says her, he is not a backup dancer overzealous in their one-woman show.

He tells her to do anything even if it is so eager and starts to walk away. But Soo-Sun stops him in his tracks with a very familiar set of insults-the exact childish words she spat on him when they were tweens and he made them miss their idol audition.

added you added that they also tell Pan-seok on Dae-gu snooping in his desk this morning, and one to three with her phone dangling out could. He scoffs: "Do you think that earn to work?" To cut. Dae-gu retrieving CCTV footage of the Stalker

you. To work, and Dae-gu halfheartedly accompanied by Soo-Sun plans Stalker indeed to try and catch

Meanwhile, Tae-il and Gook head on the plastic surgery office and Gook will face initiated by the reception to advice line. Ha. As they walk away, a man comes to the desk to ask if Tae-il, a patient is here because he wants this guy look like.

The case propofol includes theft, the hospital believes has been committed by a patient. Gook watch live CCTV feed of multiple exam rooms and says this patient is suspect because she goes from room to room and change their clothes so on.

The receptionist points out that they are different women. Gook: "But they look the same!" HA. Okay, that made me laugh out loud.

On their way out, a young doctor and takes surprised Tae-il with a kiss on the cheek. Gook watches slackjawed as Tae-il the man brusquely pushes away and tells him to stay away from him. There is an edge to his voice that it seems she does, as is not only overly affectionate friends.

Dae-gu and Soo-Sun a meeting with the stage Stalker waits the second he gets violent overthrow. But despite highly delusional be (he is talking about when he's friend of the woman he is clearly not the case), he shows no outward signs of being aggressive.

The woman tells the stalker very clearly that they were never together, and it is with someone different now. The Stalker wringing his hands nervously, but do not give the reaction they had expected. So Soo-Sun texts Dae-gu to go to play the friend to try and get a reaction from him.

He rolls his eyes, but met and even as he leads the woman away, stews stalker just silent. If it is not so hard as they think, or simply build only a frightening amount of inner rage?

Outside, insured Soo-Sun's wife not to worry, because they watch over their 24 hours a day will hold. Now it's quiet smoke to Dae-gu's turn.

Pan-seok work trip turns out to be a lecture at the Police Academy, where he was invited as the sunbae students, want to meet the most. After an uncharacteristically encouraging lecture he opens it for questions, and a young man asks what was his first unsolved case and why it remains unresolved.

face Pan-seok dims when he talks about the unsolved murder of an eyewitness to a murder, and the disappearance of their fifteen year old son. Chef Kang comes through after the lecture and wonders if he feels nostalgic, and he admits, asked before of 11 years this case.

She worries that he is still so full of a case, the old story, and asks if he does not forget and move on. He sighs that he has been the limitation period, have especially going on it winds down soon.

Soo-Sun and Dae-gu during their stakeout bickering, and it has pretty much him speak in blackmail her. But she is surprised when he shows that he is the stalker to read the entire story online, while sitting here.

She falls asleep while reading further, and at first glance he seems annoyed at her snoring, but then when he sees her trembling from the cold, he sighs and takes off his jacket. Oh, you wimp.

He swings the jacket on her side ... and negligent chuck it. Over the head Pfft. His alarm goes off at midnight, and he takes back his jacket and opened her window, until her face slides out of it, and she jerks awake.

Its analysis is that the stalker is careful OCD type that never a misspelled word or ever posts after 1am. He is a thorough and consistent, which Dae-gu concludes, is a very important thing. Now go home

Soo-Sun it to go a night of calling gently but Dae-gu swears that it is a fact that the stalker will not show it too late, and packs his bags. Soo-Sun hesitates but can not really say because it sounds so safe and gets ready to leave for the night.

She pauses when she gets a call about their gosiwon deposit that is correct if the stalker moves past her. Ack. The woman looks out the window to make sure that the detectives are still there. Convinced that they are, she agrees to take the stalker that she meet him one last time, asks.

takes you out armed with a tape recorder, and sends Soo-Sun a text about the stalker at a meeting café to secure the evidence they need. This is a terrible idea. She is nervous when she gets the Stalker car, but looks Soo-sun the car waiting just ahead.

What she does not know is that Soo-Sun has seen nothing of it, and a wave of panic overtakes them when they do not even pass her car and Soo-Sun a glance their way. Craaaap.

Meanwhile, Dae-gu has the convenience store was, and he makes a break for a few thoughtless milk cartons straighten, who will sit diagonally. It triggers an idea and he stops to check just in case the Stalker Posts by tonight.

He finds a series of messages, all the same as before, with the exception of one crucial detail-words misspelled. He has changed his routine, and that can only mean bad things.

He runs back into the house of the victim and bangs on the door, and Soo-sun runs after him. It is then that she checked her phone and sees the message, and we will draw from there to the coffee shop to get.

They are not there and Soo-Sun panics, that this is all her fault. Pan-seok calls that they made even more freaks and Dae-gu tells her not to answer. He barks to hold for a second quiet while he finds out, and he begins his brain scan for the messages of the Stalker, sweat gathering on his face.

He is the Stalker creepy threats one by one recited in rapid-fire succession, and then to those who need them. he keeps the place to mention where they first met, and in a post he on the Park

Dae gu whipped name the steering wheel so fast that Soo -Sun against her window because it is pressed U-Turn. They run through the park, and then stop when they see a small amount around a tree gathered. Oh no.

push past the people ... and find the woman they promised at the foot of the tree to protect lying, a knife wound in her stomach. She's dead, is not it?


Damn, what to learn a hard lesson on the first case. I can not believe that she died at her watch, just after it on, as bait, they incited set Stalker, and then promised to protect them. Augh. I do not mind not as though history turn, because it is what Dae-gu to knock him off his high horse needs and make it less complacent. He could have made this work for other nefarious reasons, but as long as it works properly as a policeman, he can not keep people's lives at risk, only the minimum amount of work to be done by getting required by.

opens a crucial parallel between Dae-gu and Pan-seok, and perhaps now that Dae-gu has experienced how crucial may be a misstep, it will consider the possibility into consideration, the Pan -seok was just a rookie detective who made a terrible mistake that cost a life. I do not expect a quick disclosure to be (and certainly not to be welcomed because it surviving seems to hate), but we are setting the stage for him in Pan-seok shoes walking until he is forced to consider it from the perspective of the detective. I like the poetry that-that he will catch Pan-seok a detective, but in all probability will come to understand him because of work.

The clock on the statute of limitations Mom murder set, not to frighten Pan-seok self-imposed period of three months of detective dreams of our rookies to mention, we have a good setup for our overarching secret got the Rookies earn their stripes together. I like all the different personalities in the team really, and I hope that there is more training Torture has been in business.

Dae-gu and Soo-sun together fantastic (Is it wrong that I love the most when they are today to hate?) And I can not wait for them to be bunkmates. Because that happened, right? I mean, we are not potential roommates monkey business to be let go just there unused, are we? Now that would be a crime.

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