Recap And Reviews Kdrama Heart to Heart: Episode 4

Recap and reviews korean drama Heart to Heart: Episode 4 -

This show is over of "slow and pull a little" to "hilarious yet heart-breaking" in the space of a short week, and I'm loving every second of it. It's a long time since I laughed this hard, and the humor is so offbeat and quirky that I am always surprised. But that's not the whole show gives us, and there are many tears and emotional confessions in the store as well. Some pretty big cats can be obtained in this sequence from the bag, and at least one green-eyed monster is to throw a wrench into things. Some wrenches are not bad but in fact they can damn amazing ...


Now this is my kind of cold open - Yi-seok and Hong-do in bed, with a sense of wonder, looking at each other and tentatively touching approach. Then we see a simple assembly of still images, all of them snuggle by Yi-seok and Hong-do in bed. They are very definitely unclothed, and very happy anyway.

Back where we left off, Yi-seok urges Hong-do Door to Doo-soo good morning to say, but when she sees him finally and her nerves get up, what she says instead: "Detective Jang, I like you. "Smiling, Doo-soo takes a step toward her, but she runs there as her hair is on fire, laughing with Yi-seok after her.

Hong-do not stop until she's safe at home, and she gets a call from Yi-seok call their breakfast so they dissect what just happened. She does, but calls him from outside the bakery, too shy to go and he has to go and coax them into (and out of "coax" I mean "pull through the helmet").

Hong-do insists in a ficus tree half hidden in seats, and Yi-seok told her he found that her fear is actually created by her blush, rather than vice versa. He points out that they can speak to the people when they want badly enough that it takes over their initial fear is of a woman was created.

When he chatters softly Hong-do desperate, they then take Yi Seok lashes responsibility for the fact that they said the wrong thing. He shocked but amused that she Doo-soo actually said that she likes him. They shift to Yi-seok office where he Hong-do instructs them to say it again, he can so see how Doo-soo must have felt.

Hong-do re-enacts what happened and Yi-seok is a bit nervous about how it affects him, but he makes them repeat the words: "I like you" over and over again. Hee. He says he feels nothing (sure you keep saying that, honey), as Hong-do takes Doo-soo has felt nothing.

But he calls then right, and Yi-seok wrestles the phone from her Doo-soo to say morning to do today so, never happened. Doo-soo asks why he Hong-do phone always answered and how he knows what has happened, said that he feels like they are with him in disarray.

Yi-seok told him to think of it as is contained in some experiments, and on, Hong-do takes him for her cell phone. Doo-soo they can fight for the phone to hear, but Yi-seok babbles just that she's just embarrassed this morning.

Detective Yang sitting with Doo-soo after Yi-seok hangs up on him, noting his somber expression and assuming he had a dispute with its redesigned fiancee. You have two different conversations as Doo-soo ponders Hong-do strange behavior and Yang talks about the fiancée until Doo-soo finally barks at him and chases him.

Shielded from his ear ringing symptoms of Hong-do present, Yi-seok has launched a consultation with the little old lady talking on and on about her son , The problem is, it seems he has there to think in the room and only twelve years old right and even feeds on a bottle of juice in the empty seat next to her, she spilled on the floor.

Yi-seok tells gently there are less than twelve years old boy in the room with them, and the confused look on the woman's face is staggering. He tells her that she's a delusional disorder was, and asks if she has stopped taking their medicine.

Later storms Dr. Uhm in the office, angry that Yi-seok made the patient cry. He replies that it should have known the woman was not taking their medication, and that it irresponsible to let them just keep their deception, because it is not dangerous. Dr. Uhm says he as follows to be unsolved because of his feelings about his own mother, and he shoots back that she is the mother with problems, not a has himself. Ouch .

Yi-seok takes Hong-do in a fancy restaurant, but gripes when she refuses to remove her helmet. He gets a bottle of wine to celebrate their commitment, and he promised will not drink itself. Hong-do, on the other hand, downs her glass in a train and pouring another. Yi-seok told her to stride and says that he did not they go home.

Hong-do grumbles about the way he treated his grandmother and said he has no love in his heart, and Yi-seok snarks that they must be positive crowded with the love the way they confessed so easy to Doo-soo. He asks why she so much like him, but she swallows her second glass of wine.

Hong-do is that they absolutely love everything about Doo-soo, and that it is getting the treatment, because without him if her life is meaningless. Yi-seok anger in their response reveals his jealousy, although he. His own wine glass resists Downing

Aw, Hong-do's such a cute, happy drunk as Yi-seok, it leads to her scooter after eating. Your helmet is too heavy and holds them upset, but she insists she can drive yourself home. Yi-seok depends on them until the designated driver arrives who complains that he can not control a scooter and a drunken passenger, but Yi-seok merry she turns to him and drives away

section to. : Yi-seok drive Hong-do at home. HAHA. He does not know where she lives, but she's too drunk to tell him before she passes out. She stops him on sagging and he holds her back to her side of the car sliding, whining about what is an ugly drunk.

Hong-do wake up the next morning in a strange bed, completely disoriented until they wear them a few vague memories of Yi-seok to his seat and dumping it reminds on his bed. Oh no, she even vomited on his white carpet in the process. Horrified, she packs her things quickly and high-tails it from there.

He calls them as they tell her, leaves, where to find her scooter, which she chiding for their vulgar drunken behavior (although it behind his complaints no heat is). He is with his family at home and Hong-do him listening to Butler Ahn persuade her that she reminded too late to work.

Hong-do quickly passes in her disguise clothes and work, her cat curse headache. It runs in Yi-seok outside the house and quickly hides her face, and overheard him say that he would take her to the nursing home later to talk back to the older woman Dr. Uhm.

, with a projection on the type, the office burst into Yi-seok, Doo-soo and Yang go to his house to talk to him, Doo-soo goes off to get back the man's head as he tries to sneak out. The idiot makes a jump for them, in the fall infringing thirty feet.

Doo-soo a call from Se-Ro takes, is upset that he was responsible deleted in its complaint, but they are interrupted by Yang screaming about getting dog feces on his shoe. Se-Ro mishears and thinks Doo-soo they called "dog feces", but he denies it and apologizes. It is not to appease the mood, and says that she is another complaint against him submission.

Hong-do gets a dressing-down from the housekeeper for the delay and smells like alcohol, and spending time with the chairman over his mouth to hide the smell. He takes her reluctance to speak, because it is uninterested in his book, and when they are sprayed with perfume, he takes offense, provided she thinks he smells bad, and he fires them.

Yi-seok finds out that the thief was caught, but that all his gold heart collection was sold with one exception. He is angry, but he is more interested in finding out what Doo-soo thinks of Hong-do confession. Doo-soo wonders if the exam is real in this way helps her and Yi-seok tells him that it mean, is it like to hold him to let.

Se-Ro is on the set of a sageuk Drama, where she plays a starving beggar. In her scene, she gets a bowl of food from a wealthy home owners, but if they sit to eat it, the Pampe reminds them of Doo-soo say "dog feces", and she hesitates. Suddenly she imagined his voice repeated, "dog poop, dog feces, DOG POOOOOP!" Eat tried but spits out the food, their scene again ruined by Doo-soo.

on his way home, Doo-soo called his fiancee plans to discuss for their honeymoon, but it is obviously much more excited than he is. He can not even think of an answer when she asks what he wants from her. He is disappointed that Hong-do has not brought him any snacks today, looking up and down the street for a look at them. Awww.

Hong-do like going home, disappointed to be fired if Yi-seok calls. She does not notice Doo-soo right behind her on foot, headed to her place, but not to recognize them in the Oma trim. It makes almost a big mistake by going Yi-seok on the home of the care they heard dressed while disguised, but she spared that explain how they knew when Doo-soo she exclaims.

He takes an elderly lady Hong-do visit, which makes it even funnier if it breaks in a pretty spritely run out get away from him (and cute , Yi-seok grouches as it depends on him, because he did not want to have dinner alone). Doo-soo catches Hong-do if her wig flies off, and she writhes as he recognizes.

Yi-seok takes claims to eat a store, that this kind of lowbrow appointments are part of the break-up process Yeon-woo. She tells him that she married, but he is too busy to dissect why they marry someone who is to feel different, really a disappointment. Yeon-woo is fed up with his behavior kpl and leaves him there.

Hong-do and Doo-soo sitting in the park to talk, back-to-back, so he can not see her face. He amused and fascinated by her disguise, and asks what is their purpose. It is wonderful how he compares it to your child believe play makeup, and knows that it is why they can now talk to him.

Hong-do tells Doo-soo that her grandmother raised and was her only friend and that she lived alone, after she died. She says she was always alone in this house until she met him, made him smile. Dressing the solution they came was in this way to go out and learn more about him after he caught her before Raiders 7 years.

Doo-soo is touched that he is the reason why they started to run out, and tells it to her. He asks if her confession means that she loves him as a man who gives them. He thanks her but says he afraid they will hurt because he has something to tell her ... She apologizes and tells him that are not burdened by her confession, but he tells her that he married.

home later stuffs Hong-do her face and talks back to a quiz show, but it's harder now that everything to pretend everything is fine.

go Chairman and Yi-seok father have a disagreement about the bike company, with Dad bikes and the Chairman him to branch to say, to do more than just talk, and work out an actual proposal. He says Papa to show to work every day, and he will listen to his ideas because he appreciates commitment and consistency in its employees.

Dad agrees to show in the office, but does not seem that anyone interested in real work, nor is he interested in the fact that been his family prepare the throughout the day a monument to Yi-seok hyung died. He seems really confused why they would go so far.

Yi-seok brings a huge bouquet of flowers to the house for the memorial, and asks Butler Ahn on the grandmotherly lady whom he saw in the house the day before. Butler Ahn says to leave them, and give him a heads-up that his father is here.

inside, Yi-seok is the sight of his father his mother berating greeted to let go of her dead son not able. I think I see why they can not stand him. Mom looks so different now that their manic phase is over, with muted clothes and tame hair that it seems like a completely different person, and not a single word.

Se-Ro, she says to an audition goes and for you, without you to go memorial to her brother, pinching that Mama nothing but her dead child thinks and that she is tired every year to do this because they do not even know her brother. Yi-seok told her with them to silence and just go, and turns to Papa to say that he is, since he speak never recalls the commemoration.

Dad asks if he bring sunflowers to his brother grave every year, and Yi-seok has been shocked to learn that they are Papas favorite flower, and it was much Mom by him to be present in some small , the manner.

although Yi-seok master for his mother, he to complain slumps in later Office Dr. Uhm about his mother fixation on his brother. He is just like his father lack of emotion frustrated and wondered how the two together, a child could have lost and so have different reactions.

Yi-seok prost find a little on Hong-do, and asks her to follow him. Visit the elderly lady who refuses to speak now, but they can be heard, because her lip trembles when Yi-seok asks if she remembers her son's death. Hong-do noticed the woman does not wear socks, and she covers her feet gently with a blanket against the cold. This seems to solve anything in the lady, and she begins to speak.

She says that she never told anyone, but the day her son died, she had back home to sew bags socks from a factory and make extra money brought. My son was hungry, but she was distracted, so she sent him off to get something to eat. While out, he was hit by a truck and killed. Despite Yi-seok to tell her it's not her fault, she says that a mother who loses her son is a sinner, and that to this day it has not wear socks because their feet never cold.

When they go, taking Hong-do offense to the fact that Yi-seok women prescribed and tells him to abort more drugs. They argued that the woman is depressed because they no longer her son hallucinate not to ask if it's so terrible, they can think their son is and be happy.

It is no wonder that it is so emotional about this, as they explained that they are not her grave could go because of their fear of her grandmother's funeral or see. She cries when she says that she forget her grandmother's face, voice, and smile. She raises her voice and screamed that she would do anything to see her grandmother again, and leaves Yi-seok standing there. But after she left, a nurse from Yi-seok comes to ask if he meant only simple vitamins to prescribe the lady.

Se-Ro-storms in the police station and dumps a whole bag of dog excrement on Doo-soo desk. Okay, coarse and HAHAHA. She says she him for ruining shoot them, as for as the repayment. I love kind of her, and the way they. Swans there like a queen

Hong-do is place to Doo-soo and witness him and his fiancee for a date, the girl invites basically himself in. Poor Super literal Doo-soo is confused, and I see why he is still single, if he does not choose not to have their application on Ramyun is just an excuse to get inside.

It starts pouring, but Hong-do not realize. She stands outside Doo-soo apartment to tell yourself it's just this one last time, and it will never come back. She says goodbye to all known locations outside of his body that she knows so well, and even the driving rain, the tears ran down her face can not hide.

Yi-seok calls to tell her soon to come to his house, or he is drinking, and they soaked and miserable by the time it occurs. You take a shower without coming out her helmet, and it's nice how he fascinated by how they wrapped her hair in a towel and her face.

Yi-seok grill some food and teases Hong-do around their trust to him, and I love that she gives it right back to him , And HA, has he specified two whole packs of beer, probably hoping they get drunk again. In his first sincere compliment her acquaintance, Yi-seok told Hong-do that it was really good earlier this elderly patients.

Hong-do says that it is has over ruled with Doo-soo, and there is a certain hopeful glint in Yi-seok eyes when he asks if she's happy, he called to her. She asks if he ever broken previously, and he says he is in the process of it now. He tells her that his first reunion with his brother, who died at the age of twelve 14 years ago in a fire.

He muses that he knows a person who has forgotten fear, and another who is afraid to remember, clearly on his parents to talk. He sighs that even with their different reactions, they all have one thing in common: the loneliness.

Yi-seok snapped out of his own head and says that he needs a beer, but Hong-do, it tries to take from him, reminding him that he did not drink it, asked help. Yi-seok stops for a moment, then pulls the beer (and Hong-do) closer. He says, almost dreamy, her face is really red, then goes out of her lips touching.

When Hong-do the contact, Yi-seok Mugs allowed her cheek and kissing her forehead lightly. Again she allowed it, his eyes see in her for permission before she leaned for a real kiss in. And another. He sets the beer aside and is Hong-do for a long, deep kiss, and soon she's back and forth with excitement as they take off any clothes other and fall into bed.


What an interesting turn of events, to say the least, and how refreshing to see adults in a drama, act as adults. Unfortunately, as great as those kisses (and more!) Goods, I do not believe that at this point Yi-seok and Hong-do together something to do with love has to sleep, but the theme of this episode ... loneliness.

Obviously, Hong-do lived a very lonely life, if it is true that they only ever had paralyzed her grandmother as a friend, and that she was so out of fear that they left literally never the house as an adult without either a trim or her helmet. It is amazing that it is with Yi-seok as comfortable as it is to get enough in his face and him back and say, talking about when he's wrong. It is not love, or even emotional awareness still for them. She is tired of being lonely, and feel tired and rejected by judges - and although this man is making fun of them and even laughs out, he makes a very special thing: He takes them as it is.

And in his way, Yi-seok is so lonely, or maybe even more than Hong-do. At least her loneliness has an internal reason that they can overcome, if they work hard enough. But Yi-seok is lonely in his own family, and it sounds like things have been that way since died his Hyung. Mom is locked in the past, virtually ignored their children in their grief over the lost of survival. And Dad so afraid something really feel that he hardly even thinks of his firstborn son at all. No wonder everyone in the family alienated and hostile to each other, except for Yi-seok and his mother, who appear to have a good relationship, when she is in a bipolar upswing. His family is as dysfunctional as it gets, which only goes to show that a family does not mean you are not alone in the world. Approximately

So I can imagine that someone to meet that need it simultaneously, even tells him that if he be a colossal ass, is a whole new experience for Yi -seok. He is so used to be responsible for ensuring that with Hong-do to get in his face and tell him he is wrong has got so frustrating as it is fascinating. That's what I love, as he sees it - as it is this amazing, amusing, amazing creature that so fascinated him, he does not even mind that he did not understand. They can be observed as much fun for him and interact, that he now only situations in which the establishment to see them, and pout and act if he can not.

So, while I do not think either Yi-seok or Hong-do at this point are romantically interested in each other, I think they feel an unconscious attraction, enough to come together in order to facilitate their person Lonliness. I'm worried about Hong-do morning-after reaction, because apart from the fact that this is certainly their first time, I do not think they ever thought Yi-seok, the way until that moment when he pulled her to him and saw them that way. I think it is obvious that Yi-seok for a while some attraction now has the feeling that he actually realized, because it is issued several clear signs of jealousy for her feelings for Doo-soo. Not to mention, it blocks any call from Doo-soo and does its best to keep them apart. But since that last night because of loneliness happened more than anything else, I think there will be some over and awkwardness on both sides, as they try to reconcile what they really feel. I am perfectly happy if it takes them a while to work, as long as it is much, much includes (and many!) More sexy kisses.

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tags: Choi Kang hee, Chun Jung-myung, in Heart to Heart

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