Recap And Reviews Kdrama Gap-dong: Episode 17

Recap and reviews korean drama Gap-dong: Episode 17 -

So what happens if your bad guys are good to go with four episodes still left, identified and captured? Time to crack the code, of course, not that. Of the thing, but the reason is complicated by the appearance of a cipher on the scene Is this symbology important, or is it a distraction? What does it mean if it means anything at all? Are serial killers to be reformed? And is our potentially reformable Killer the key for you to understand, looking far away to? The psychology of the case turns out to be much more rotations to have, and then as the murder mystery itself.


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Section Chief Cha is released after his 48-hour hold has expired, but before it can go a free man from the prosecutor and prosecutor come the successful suspension of Gap-dong barred. Mu-Yeom takes over the investigation to announce and implement a commitment on their hands and a no-fly boss Cha, it looks for the to be good guys.

Ji-wool are at the news surprised but accepted it (lighter than they Tae-oh participation, the Mu-Yeom recalls accepted). Mu-Yeom gives her a tracker to maintain at all times with it, so it can safely of their whereabouts. what happens, asks Tae-oh now, and if he is the death penalty against.

There is a question to be a mother working with her crackerjack legal department who are looking for new perspectives in their defense. right now to avoid their priority the death penalty, in the least not comforting his innocence arguing , I would be able to not accept. They express their relief at Tae-oh to finally find the will to live, which will make their case easier.

Tae-oh, now is seriously considering about Maria proposed to his life from the death penalty to spare, by tearing out the neck of his "hero." When he accompanied a visitor to meet, he crosses paths with Poopy in the hallway ... and is formed in the side with a Shiv stabbed a toothbrush handle. Poopy muttering madly "you phony bastard. I am real Gap-dong!"

The police brass offer his old position Chul-gon, and to come back despite his reluctance, agrees he end his career out by wrapping up the Gap-dong case.

Mu-Yeom waits while Chef Cha grabs his office and outside approaches him to ask a question that is tormenting him already: Why not kill him? Why let him alone all the time? Chef Cha replies that did not think Mu Yeom would recognize him one, the Eiffel Tower can not see them clearly from the bottom right.

boss Cha has to ask a question in return, why Gap-dong is so important for Mu-Yeom if he could drop dead at any moment when his ball domestic brain state. Grinning, he says he is Mu-Yeom closest Hyung and should know that much about him, then leaves him with a casual "look, if the evidence comes to light."

Mu-Yeom goes for a brain scan, and I do not like the way the camera pans over the name, which is doctor's code for "this guy going to be angry, right?" Whatchoo thinking to do, Dr. Noh?

after scan reports Dr. Noh results for Chief Cha Mu Yeom the prospects are not good, and he has a subdural hemorrhage suffering that requires immediate surgery , Chef Cha first question: "What if he does not happen get surgery?" Then he goes home and hears from his worried wife that the police arrived and more things seized from his home


The Eiffel Tower is to say enough to ask to get our cops, about its meaning, boss Cha reference on them as well as the figure on his desk considering that housed a letter opener. Chul-gon speculated whether it might be a kind of trophy for Cha, and the results of an analysis of his paintings to ask him promptly, whether it might be a kind of code, similar to the cryptograms Zodiac Killer.

Tae-oh right team calls the prosecution to say that his mother wants him returned to its original state. Aside from the fact that this is an impossible order, I wonder if I should be concerned that the prosecution is in their midst, though for now he is not acting shady.

The lawyers, on the other hand, are full of shady. They approach the various inmates in the psychiatric hospital their certificates for outrageous sums to buy.

Mu-Yeom visited Tae-oh in his luxurious hospital ward and represents the hunting dog to work, he shows a photo of the Eiffel Tower, and to ask whether it could be a kind of memento. Tae-oh says maybe, and that it will probably be something that would go unnoticed by the average person, but could carry the killer sense to hinting details of which he killed and how.

Tae-oh is hardly the photos a second look, customs agents, by doing it but extremely boring. He noted only that Maria by not been able to see him, and Mu-Yeom barks when he wants more attention, he had best treat these seriousness with more.

Tae-oh calls Maria to ask if they see in the hospital to get rid of him, and she is so brusque with him as before. But she seems to soften a little when Tae-oh asks haltingly if she had asked him Poopy up to the task of stabbing, although he withdraws the question in haste.

Ji-wool is to work on their new webtoon "cohabitation", the. A detective killer The editor asks whether psychopaths are reformable, and they do not have the answer. But that is apparently their new challenge, and it manifests itself in Tae-oh hospital room with their materials in hand, ( the protagonist of Crime and Punishment ) to call him Raskolnikov. It is not his Sonja she informed him, but she declares that it intends to make a person of him still, it is an act of noblesse oblige call.

Declare this the beginning of a "journey of emotions" Ji-wool puts her materials and hands Tae-oh a pen, to tell him to draw what he feels. So Tae-oh relies on paper chalk and scribbles a dirty face on the pillow showing Ji-wool quickly noticed no emotion. The basics of emotions in most barebones way it cartoon characters of people in happy moments-mother shows stripes down with baby, children playing, and the like.

While he suspected about his still "confession" Profiler is Han keeps well in jail or at least, puts on a happy face for his anxious woman visited daily. He says the strict diet and exercise do wonders for his health, and seems optimistic about the prospects of the investigation.

Mu-Yeom to looking at the Eiffel Tower as a reference point on and speculating about his own story with a limitation (a kind) -if first built, hated citizen so that ugly structure that they made plans to tear it within twenty years downward. Chul-gon wonders if that's why Chef Cha it set as its symbol. The photo they have is from Gustave Eiffel office analysis, is at the top of the tower itself.

Maria meets with female top Cha again, and asks if she saw Eve him strangely agitated or angry act, perhaps. Mrs Cha begins to say: "Actually ...", but cuts off and bursts that nothing like that happened. When Mary continues to try to explore and suggest that the woman was able to convince him to ask for forgiveness, the woman gets angry and bursts that he hates the word "forgiveness" before everyone else.

But this is a trick, because they then reported to the Chief Cha to that mentioned something about forgiveness in his classes.

Ji-wool looks over Tae-oh drawings on each side to the wild scribbled drawings noticing. She takes a block of wood, nails and a hammer and pointed out that he is clearly angry ( "But I'm still angry," he says matter-of-fasted). Well, if he feels angry, she has him banging on a nail in the block.

for the defense lawyer ire manages the tracking of the Gap-dong cases for Back-to-back studies with Profiler Han trial, line-up up first and Tae oh is to follow. Tae-oh listen to the message (is that it is not set up, basically) and tried to channel his anger as Ji-wool instructed. First he types ineffectually on the nails, but grows increasingly angry and hits her in the wooden block.

Mu-Yeom we hear from Ji-wool interference and blames that her attempt to make a person Tae-oh is wrong: "You can not just give him another chance," you "can really? a murderer forgive you "acknowledges that he is right, but asks

Mu-Yeom faced boss Cha on the statements in his case. Chef Cha is set to testify all to refuse, but Mu-Yeom Recalls that, while he has the right, it looks suspiciously and only to the appearance that he is guilty.

Maria passed through a shop window, as Chief Cha is visited for a haircut in a barbershop. This makes to remind them Mu Yeom story about the Spanish woman who attacked her daughter rapist in a hair salon, and set him on fire. Burning with anger, Maria imagines itself to storm into the building and doused him with gasoline, a lighter aloft and keep ready to blow.

It is a scary thought, and Maria it shakes aside. This is precisely the line of thinking that the monk worried they'll be traveling to have sensed a thread of instability in her after boss Cha was revealed to be Gap-dong. The monk urges Mu Yeom pay attention to it, and for good reason, as we see, Maria confiding in Profiler Han, when she visited him in prison. She wonders how he could have lived without betraying any hint of conflict or upset.

boss Cha studied Maria in her trailer out to take issue, they examined his wife from. Maria says that the encounter made them reconsider their position, because it is rare to see a psychopath who is able to carry on a marital relationship without its slipping might facades had wrong hang him, she suggests , She invites him in for coffee and fascinated, he joins her.

Maria keeps a watchful eye on Cha when she stated that she had doubts about her daughter Gap-dong snake with their impressions of Cha. It seems that it is testing a theory of any kind, based on the careful way in which it addresses this line of entertainment and Cha insists he is innocent, looking every bit the kind, thoughtful person, he seemed to be at the beginning.

And then, Mary cares, the picture of herself with her dead best friend slapped down and turned hard her voice. Recalling comment his wife about the word "forgiveness", Maria provoked him deliberately with this word to tell him to throw off his mask and ask for forgiveness.

It works, and something stirred out in Cha and bubbles, and he suddenly pushed her against the wall and her, his face contorted in rage strangled.

But then, almost as quickly as the anger set in, it ebbs and Cha backs away in shock, looking at his own reactions really shocked. Meek again, he apologizes profusely and asks what he did, said he may have been overly stressed by recent events. In a daze of regret and alarm, Cha apologizes.

The leads Maria to locate their suspected dissociative disorder, wondered if perhaps Cha suffer from multiple personalities. It operates the theory of a colleague, a few high-profile cases of criminals relying on it used as a defense for committing crimes. says your doctor friend that there are cases in which the diagnosis performed in an acquittal, suggesting that it could happen here.

Despite his initial indifference, Tae-oh found increasingly with the mystery of the Eiffel Tower absorbed, starting at this photo for hours, looking for clues. He closed his eyes and immerse yourself in the matter, Tae-oh thinks hard for what kind could consider it important for a killer, but it eludes him, to his eternal frustration.

Tae-oh thinks of Chief Cha's offer of freedom, and how he had told him that Mary would bring him the death penalty, no matter what they promised him in the Gift. He wonders if this freedom is an illusion to have stopped, believe the world would make you stop if you had not. "Is that it? Do you just want it to boast?" He asks himself.

The detective team arrives on its own in the multiple personality conclusion, as the specialist theorized that the shot of the Eiffel Tower, the perspectives of many people together. What if the criminals from multiple perspectives is also owned? The idea is rooted in Mu-Yeom spirit that goes with it.

Maria takes their concerns into the office of the District Attorney, suggesting that Chief Cha review must undergo, to see whether he is fit to testify. She is not sure her suspicions and torments himself about it, and once Mu Yeom hear about their line of thinking, he asks to see them.

He asks what her shift prompts, and why they tried to understand the criminal now. Is she afraid that the prosecutor lose, and that if he is going to go free, it is better off forgiving? Is this their idea of ​​compromise?

Mu-Yeom barks that she's gone for Chief Cha case, and that he. Her maneuvering according to his wishes Maria argued that it may be something they are missing, they will understand Gap-dong motivations: "Because I have to do it to leave behind."

But Mu-Yeom she looks in disappointment and said that he thought she. On the same side But now he sees that they can not work, and calls for them to fall out of the housing. His voice has a hard edge to him and he says, insisting on teaching Tae-oh he's tired of his two wives-one human emotions and the other suggesting that Gap-dong has multiple personality disorder.

"Both Gap-dong and Kim Jae-hee-I'm done with them. Do you understand?" To his point hammer, Maria flashes to his earlier comment to get back into her a message, not to compromise. I suppose he now sees them as reneging on that promise.

Mu-Yeom gets up to leave, and Maria stops him. A little scared, she asks him to explain how he means to end all this. But he tells her just bluntly that their goal to catch Gap-dong was the only thing they had in common, and now they are gone.

Maria says that she has not quite understood: "But you do what you have to do I'll do what I have to do.." You can go his arm, and he storms out.

boss Cha confirms what everyone suspects: He confided to his wife that he hosts several personalities that include Chef Cha and Gap-dong. Others include an elderly ex-fighter and a seven year old child.

Chul-gon for Cha behavior in the multiple personalities as real explanation does not believe, but includes rather that this Cha is literal get-out-of-jail card , He had strangely unimpressed his crime seemed to be accused and banned from leaving the country, and now Chul-gon speculated that it's because he had known Cha still had an ace in the pocket. He must have prepared this defense for a while, in readiness for the day when he could be caught.

The problem for the authorities is that, if the diagnosis really is when it has to be legitimate proclaimed, they lose their ability to nail him with his statement. Mu-Yeom most worried for Maria, and that they. In their studies, which is used by the two gap Dongs

Tae-oh invokes Mary, before answering steels. He thinks of Cha words when he asks her if she would let him go free when he helped dismantle Cha, and the assessment of their hesitation, he suspects that Cha was right-Maria will not let him go when they first victim is doctor second. But Maria surprised him to say something.

Mu-Yeom tells Chul-gon, that they get something to have to do a good Gap-dong, and protect Maria. But we left hanging on these two fronts, as the question hangs in the air and subsequent cuts for the day.


I left at the end of this sequence a number of things to ask and eventually run all my questions on the central concept of motivation. Is Cha motivation a real case of multiple personality disorder, or it is a carefully thought out defense strategy, he had to perfect just for the occasion 20 years? Is his wife entirely on his side, or has his confession scare them? We do not see them to be afraid of its introduction, but any reasonable person would be in the revelation that her husband harbored a split personality that contain a serial killer.

Is Maria acting out of a desire to understand, or this is another defense mechanism for them, as Mu-Yeom proposes? Recall that only one episode before she was with anger full and begging Mu Yeom to disregard the law and fabricate to nail false evidence Cha on the wall because it was more important to catch it than to do it to the law pristine manner.

[1945010WiefürMu-Yeom], it is at the end of his rope and really through with Maria, or it is the road of noble idiots because of his brain scan / death sentence walk? The words he speaks perfect logical sense to me, but the separation still felt terribly abrupt and makes me suspect that he is working to be sacrificing a new angle either a trick, noble, or stop Cha. I need not tell you that I hope it's the latter, because noble idiocy is as 190s. The strategically cut this week (n) our episode ends indicate that greater, possibly secret plans in the works, in which case I that it slightly upwards really hope has up his sleeve.

If I have a complaint, it is that this drama always ruined his own dramatic punch through voltage deflate before they have a chance to build ever has properly. I appreciated the phrase give Cha split personalities, and the ambiguity of not knowing whether it is a real scenario or just another trick, but we were not given much of a chance that we sink in before the show then revealed Cha to explain his personalities to his wife. It's the equivalent of telling a joke, and dissolving into giggles before you say your punchline- you you think come with the wit are clever, but all the other measures the effects of it, because you do not leave they land properly.

I'm not sure how I feel about Tae-oh-search feel humanity to find, or rather, Ji-wool attempt to find it for him. On the one hand, it is entirely consistent with her character, but on the other hand, can we please stop trying to humanize the killers? I think this is just this heritage of the show be

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tags: featured, Gap-dong Kim Ji Won, Kim min-jung, Lee Joon, Sung Dong-il, Yoon Sang-hyun

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