Recap And Reviews Kdrama Kill Me, Heal Me: Episode 14

Recap and reviews korean drama Kill Me, Heal Me: Episode 14 -

This was a result of the things I missed happen for a long, long time. It starts light (and bromantic!) For the Lunar New Year, but we gain momentum as the show gets ready to enter its last quarter. The puzzle pieces fit together, one after another, and the mystery of the basement is unlocked once and for all. I think. But that only leaves us with a whole new set of questions, which is pressing it: How are we going to wait for Wednesday


Ri-one comes to Do-hyun to seek, and overheard him Ri-jin and asked him to see a man. She cites the contract for Do-hyun, they fall in love with him or one of the altars bans. He replies that he pay for the infringement.

He steps closer and reaches for her hand when he noticed the charred photo of Min Seo-yeon in the trash. In surprise, he says Ri-jin, that the woman who is his mother in the family register. Why is it here? Ri-on announces thus, the picture is his.

not find Do-hyun mother on her investigator calls the child yet. He says they have found that taking the child in the night of the fire.

Oma Seo rotates Do-hyun statement the secrets of his past to learn. Mom finds them in their study, and Granny tells her to go and live as they want in the USA with Do-hyun.

Mom says that it would have been nice if Grandma Do-hyun had shown even a little heat as her grandson; then he would not become a person who threatens his parents. She says that thanks to the grandmother her - it is thanks to her that Do-hyun father lives. It points out that, no matter how much grandmother does not like it, Do-hyun his father is only bloodline. increasingly worked up first, they demanded that Grandma Do-hyun immediately bring back.

Do-hyun asks to Ri-why he had the image. Ri-one tells him he was planning a secret to write a novel on the Seungjin family based, but abandoned it after being caught by Ri-jin. Do-hyun is not convinced by the glib explanation, and they start to talk privately. Ri-on warns his sister not to follow, so of course, it does.

in a car hidden, Do-hyun asks with silent anger which is Ri-on interest in his family history. Ri-one he says investigate what happened with Do-hyun father, Min Seo-yeon, and Do-hyun biological mother. Since he already stopped, although he says to have Do-hyun drop it. Apologetic, he gets out.

Do-hyun chases him to end their conversation, but Dad captures both. Seizing each from one ear, it makes it easy to work because the restaurant is so much to do, and sends Ri-jin help within Mom.

While they do Papas tasks do hyun told Ri-on over his own fear of basements. He knows that Ri-jin has the same fear, and asks if "the child in the basement," based on the story of the siblings. Ri-on there, even though he does not explain whether there is a link to Seungjin. Note that the reason for the fear of the boys was because he loved the girl, Do-hyun suggested that they need not be the biological siblings.

Dad is so exasperated by the intense look-offs "boy every time he comes through that he slams their heads together, they act out their own melo accuse and they cry out in pain.

Undeterred, Do-hyun wants to know if Ri -one found the reason for Ri-jin fear. But at this point, Ri-one can not deal with more Do -hyun when he is scarred more by Yo-na in his face.

the family and Do-hyun enjoy festive drinks together, to see in the new year. They even break the fourth wall for a moment and wish us a happy new year, aww.

Dad, thank you, "Perry" for his hard work and gives him pocket money. Do-hyun is startled and turns it down, but Dad and Ri-on encourage him to, so he accepted.

Next, it is selca time, and Dad and Ri bicker. Do-hyun watches, part confused and maintain a part of this display, the family, so different from his own. Take lots of pictures and Do-hyun - who needs to be reminded to smile -. At the center of all of them

The worse for drink now urging Dad Do-hyun / Perry more enjoying his brew, but Do-hyun makes the excuse that he is not a good drinker. Mom and Ri add-on to the pressure, and all of a sudden, drunk jumps Ri-jin and she screams (with her eyes closed, lol) to leave him alone: ​​"My husband does not drink wants" She calls freedom and democracy and girl you will be humiliated in the morning, ha.

Mom and Dad are shocked by her confession, and Ri -one begins a fraternal reprimand , Just leaning directly over him Do-hyun and declared that they (spare drinkers) will be his black knight. But she gets only about halfway through the glass before she passes out and rattling on the floor, squishing Ri-on.

Both boys dive to help her. Each of them grab an arm and dragged the limp Ri-jin back and forth, arguing about who you get in tuck until Mama cries that it would tear her in half. Dad adds the observation that they were so all day to film her own little drama. Haha.

Ri-one wins and piggybacking her to her room, but is quickly superseded by Do-hyun superfast punching in skills made. Do-hyun grinning like crazy thinking of you, call him her husband, and Ri-only watched him limp chin.

Mom made a bed for Do hyun in Ri-rooms, and they settled down to sleep. Do-hyun thanks Ri-on to be a good friend, and let him to meet good people. Ri-one contradicts him - he is not a good friend. But if Do-hyun fine with a bad friend, he will give it a shot. Seriously, aww. My feels. That's enough for Do-hyun, and he grins in the dark.

Ri-jin drops her bed and wake up at the memory of her last words before she fainted. She whines with shame and Ri-on takes her outside with the family dog ​​dialogue. He gives her a hangover relief and says it drink for trying to keep up with Papas.


Do-hyun wakes to find Ri-on is their own fault. He found the two sisters on the porch, with his back to him. He listens to Ri-on Parse to play her dream with a little boy, and then approached by a dark shadow.

Ri-one tells her that the boy was his, and as for the shadows, he mimes a courting dance balloon. There used to be one in the supermarket when they were children, and they used to be afraid, he recalls. She takes his explanation, happy that things from talking to him, is so comfortable.

Mom finds Do-hyun to watch them, and quietly took him in for soup. Do-hyun rounds both soup and heat to Mamas. You talk about how he quit his job in a fit of anger, and Mama asks his opinion Ri-jin from the man's point of view. She's cute, he admits shyly. Mom is thrilled by the assessment, and rattle more of their virtues.

He is envious of the close relationship between the twins, and Mama says she had a hard time, increase the small hotheads because they were always so full of fight and energy. She has to show, Do-hyun her childhood photos.

Ri-jin wonders why Ri-on so has clear memories of childhood, when she has so little, despite their peers. Ri-one reminds them of Mom's statement that while a large house fire, when they were children, only they inhaled the toxic fumes that affected their memories.

makes it understand her more Do-hyun, she tells him. Because her family every day filled the empty parts of her memory, she could heal. , But Do-hyun family, the past covered up and hidden it that with unhealed wounds Do-hyun left

But she remembers some things, she says Ri-on: "The day you and I was twin brother and sister. "He looks at her in surprise. We return to the memory of the day little Ri-one pushed her when he told him to hit back - he wants a sister with courage, not a wimp.

"You ... would have thought?" Available Ri-on in shock asks. She sniffs back tears, then catches the scent of mums soup. Breaking the moment, she follows in her nose.

Mom and Do-hyun look through their old photo albums and she shows him a birthday photo. She gets a little nervous when Do-hyun noted that of course are twins, she had the same birthday. Do-hyun head rings in response to a photo - the day they occupied one of Ri-jin and Ri-on has been siblings. In his memory, asks a child's voice to him: "What is your name?"

Mom asks him his Korean name, but fortunately, Ri-jin arrival and requirements for the soup alarm. Ri-jin stops short when she sees Do-hyun, ha, and hiding behind Ri-one in mortification. When she peeks around him, Do-hyun grins at them. Hahaha.

The siblings Mom for soup, playfully flatter and follow behind her like baby ducks. While they are gone, Do-hyun silent picture pockets.

Do-hyun says Chef Ahn on the phone that he is in Ri-jin. The boss is concerned (especially when he hears about Yo-na), but Do-hyun assures him that he is as comfortable longer, and tells him, proud that he even received money. But chief Ahn has news - they found a witness to the fire, a catering staff. Do-hyun tells him to investigate further.

Do-hyun calls Ri-jin out for lurking. He begins the hand and leads her to the basement, the door this time wedged open so they do not get locked up. She apologizes for her earlier drunken behavior, but he interrupts gently. He asks her if he can not be the first person she goes to when she has a hard time, or want to talk.

He tells her that he also afraid of cellars and has two bad memories of them -. From his childhood, and the other, more recent Their embarrassment over the aborted kiss the last time they were here makes him smile.

He continues: "Whatever it is, I want everything to overcome with you I want my bad memories to erase, also, with good memories with you ... So.."

"So ..." Ri-jin answers, "I'll do it with you." do-hyun closes the distance between them, to kiss them. They break to smile at each other, and Ri-jin passes the second kiss.

But it raises another childhood memory for Do-hyun upwards. In the basement of fate, proposes a watch. A hand holding small Do-hyun and adults Do-hyun realizes it's a girl.

"Do not go. Play with me," she says, her face still in shadow. She shows him a locket with a picture of her mother and adult Do-hyun is surprised Min Seo-yeon to recognize. Little Do-hyun it breaks her that her mother is dead.

Do-hyun wakes in the wine cellar of Grandma's house with a teddy bear in his arms. Confused and disoriented, he is drawn into a vision of the little girl who takes the bear and hiding in the corner. The name of the bear is Nana, she tells him, and shows him her drawing.

The vision gives way to a store. Evil Dad discovered Do-hyun secret visits to the girl, and he walks on it. Little Do-hyun asks Dad to hit him instead. Both children and adults sob Do-hyun sob with them.

Ri-jin goes the boys wake up and finds Do-hyun gone. breakfast But Dr. Seok joins party, and is surprised that "Perry" there. The mood is cheerful, but Ri-on notes, is how calm his sister.

Granny takes her New Year alone breakfast. Do-hyun mother drops by with the observation that their usual visitors have their respect somewhere worth paying more. She says again grandmother that bring Do-hyun back to their only option if they want to keep the company safe.

Ki-joon family including Chae-yeon visit, ostensibly to pay their relationship with Grandma, but Mom calls out on their real intention. Ki-joon Mom wants to put her bridal showcased, while his father is to verify that Do-hyun is really cut off properly. She apologizes to get them wine, and raises a jibe at Ki-joon Mom. You do not want to lose good wine on a dirty face, yo.

She is dismayed to find Do-hyun slumped in the basement. Coming up to her, he wonders if the child that it is for the search daughter Min Seo-yeon. Tears, Do-hyun asks, "Was the child is not abused me, but the child?" Rattled by his insistent questioning, Mom yells it absurd to be, but he yells back that Mama seen and used the knowledge to their advantage. Why did she lie?

"My father and my mother, the attacker bystander made me an attacker and bystander. I can no longer be a victim," he calls. He promises to find the child for the first time, and pay by any means necessary, even if he Seungjin whole sell. "I will not trust your words," he vows. "I want to believe the truth, which I would find itself, and the memories I remember."

He leaves them there, and she falls to her knees.

True Mamas words, Ki-Joon Papa is the feeling where Do-hyun is with grandma. It confirms that it is in the United States returning, and says that it was a mistake to have brought him in now.

Do-hyun occurs suddenly and without preamble grandmother asks her if she was aware of the goings-on in this house 21 years ago. The family watched intently as grandmother, anxious, trying to silence him. Ignore her, he tells her he will find out everything that has happened to her and her role, and then he will reveal everything.

speculate on the ride home, Ki-joon parents Omas ineffable mystery. Mama wonders if it is to do with the fire or Min Seo-yeon of the child, and Dad chuckles, that either way, it will be be interesting.

Do-hyun Mom numbly Replays Do-hyun threat Seungjin for sale, to compensate for this child. She decides that she can not afford to do it all undone, she has suffered. She calls her accountant and he tells her that they have found the child, and to check their phone for the photo.

you open the file and her jaw drops, because of course, it's Ri-jin. Now sees their presence next Do-hyun and their requests in his childhood in a menacing light. She is beaten, that Ri-jin has already received her teeth in her son, and called her husband back with the order to capture them and bring them to use all necessary force.

Ri-jin says Dr. Seok about the strange flashback she experienced in the cellar Seungjin and describes the feeling as they used to meet in a basement wall. But she wonders if it is mixed with their Do-hyun memories. Dr. Seok asks if the shock was what caused them to faint, and Ri-jin explains their fear of basements.

She also tells him that her childhood memories were always incomplete, but this is the first time appeared something like this is. Dr. Seok thinks that there must be a reason why it is now up. The plight of these memories is a symptom of something unresolved, he tells her -. Perhaps the time is past to examine wounds

She comes from from Dr. Seok to see and he recommends that she and Do-hyun his office together for a to attend meeting. He makes his escape from their mother can give him more food.

Another car pulls up and several men out. One of them calls Ri-jin by name and tells her, someone wants to see it. She asks who it is, but his silence sets off alarm bells. When she attempts to back away, they take her.

Ri-on takes the dog to walk out and see how they cram into their car. Frantic, he jumps into his car and peels after them. You notice the tail and dammit Ri-on, this is the time to stop at the lights ?!

Do-hyun stares from his reflection, and his bathroom looks different in daylight. Ri-on phones and tells him that Ri-jin was kidnapped - do not know Do-hyun something? He has no idea, but he's so hectic with concern as Ri-on. Fortunately installed chief Ahn previously a tracker on her cell phone, and Do-hyun follows the signal.

Meanwhile, the kidnappers talk about their successful detection and to confirm that they have not been followed. Ri-jin lies unconscious in what like another Keller looks.


Do-hyun car barrels directly from its scope guard and men out of the way. The kidnappers try to block him, three on one, but he strikes back. He takes a few hits, and it was not long, he held his head at the telltale ringing that signaled a shift.

His attackers are back and a new battle begins. Se-gi tattoo crawling the neck, and in his mind, Se-gi tells him to move to the side - he can not handle it. Do-hyun resists and shouts that he it will do, it is be fight. The tattoo fades, but a thug clocked him a blow on the head, which brings him to his knees

It seems to have something broken -. The memorial wall between him and Se-gi. And now, Se-gi memories pour in Do-hyun spirit to mix with his own. Se-gi says Ri-jin she called him long ago. The little girl asks him to stay with her and play

in the game room of remembrance Transported, he hears Ri-jin about Se-gi. Is it the lack of memories that Do-hyun can not remember? For the first time he sees the little girl's face unshadowed and recognition hits him: The girl is Ri-jin.

The scenario plays out again - the clock strikes, and she asks him not to go. She's afraid of basements, but if it is there, it feels better. Adults Ri-jin her younger self Echo mixed into the memory. Little Do-hyun promises to come again, every night at 10 pm. Se-gi says similar words about 10am for Ri-jin falls. Evil Dad goes to the children. He plucks away little Do-hyun, the Ri Jin's shield and the memory fades to black as Do-hyun versa, screaming, into the present.

But the memory spill from Se-gi continues with more recent encounters: Se-gi kiss Ri-jin. The confrontation with the grandmother and his call to Papas bed. "I was a monster because of you," he had said, Dad. Se-gi to tell him that he on the pain took Do-hyun could not.

And at the end of it all, Ri-jin to Do-hyun pleading, "Do not go".


Finally. I've been waiting for all that this episode happened, but two things especially :. Do-hyun, the girl in the basement was out Ri-jin, and to smash the wall between him and Se-gi

I would almost not have any of this to talk, because I like to feel that fine line of fear and disbursement made just right. When I talk about the magic so Awwwww could disappear

let's start light and bromance and talk all together now.! Ri -one was a decent guy (and an excellent brother) along, and I love that he likes and respects Do-hyun despite itself. Unlike some interpretations, I do not think he docu- hyun as a romantic rival sees nor has romantic intentions towards Ri-jin. I think he is struggling especially with the sense of displacement, which is why he is jealous of Do-hyun. He is used to - and cherishes - the "first person" in Ri-jin life. Therefore, Do-hyun desire it makes sense in their basement-date, and formulated in this way. But it is to make practically a rite of passage to have a close sibling or friends space for this other person, and it is normal to experience a sense of loss of mourning as it passes. But they adapt to the new reality -. Or in Ri-on case, friends with the enemy and give him your favorite gear

Let rewind (possible in heartwarmingest way) me for one second to the last week premonition to when Do-hyun said, "You will be me soon", and deliberately she merges with, "I want to be soon." it was initially a striking, when he took full ownership of Se-gi as part of themselves, not an impostor. But the signs of their essential similarity steadily for a while. atone His confrontation with his mother in the basement, where he swears Seungjin to this child and give is virtually verbatim what Se-gi predicted to grandma. So this is the backdrop for their fight at the end of this episode. This time, when Se-gi tries to take control, we experience the exchange. Is Se-gi respect new? There is a sense that they finally meet as equal, and that Se-gi to assume the motivation for really is to protect Do-hyun.

I have no doubt that Se-gi would make short work of the abduction situation - he is efficient at this sort of thing - but the battle of the will was an important test. Do-hyun can only prove to him that he can their major battles to fight, he can fight Se-gi away first. When Se-gi cedes, it is to stay at one permission and recognition of his ability to handle it - is, in other words, Do-hyun the test. And so it finally judge willing to take on the pain of the past, Se-gi surrenders his memories of him.

That's why I'm afraid that's the end of Se-gi, as we knew him. I know absorb its spin-offs necessary to do-hyun healing, but I can not deny that Se-gi existence brought something special to the show. His edge of wildness really interesting (and hilarious) took him places as a character, especially since he could do things Do-hyun could not, unrestrained by moral, obligation or social convention. But while I will miss his madness, it is also a compelling twist on Do-hyun character. Equipped with the missing memories and knowledge of Ri-jin's true identity, the stakes have changed. He will not dare a little more or a little effacing less self - to know the truth is the last straw, he needs not only to embrace his inner Se-gi, but a major offensive against all perpetrators, as we lead enter the last act of the show.

His announcement before all Seungjin family was large. As not to gain his interest at this point of leverage on the company, it may have (accidentally) created an ally in his uncle. There is more than one way to fight grandma, and if they do not already know, Do-hyun and his uncle are suddenly united by their common aim of its untold secrets reveal. Although their ends are different, it does not really matter as long as the truth comes out.

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Tags: featured, Hwang Jung-eum, Ji Sung, Kill me Heal me, Park SEO joon

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