Recap And Reviews Kdrama Gap-dong: Episode 12

Recap and reviews korean drama Gap-dong: Episode 12 -

We get a great breakthrough in this episode, and it is so great that it asked me where we might keep you from here to the mystery could go. Give us you really the truth at this point or this is another red herring in a sea of ​​red herrings? I suspect that we are in some distortion of the situation, but even so, we are in a new direction with the truth and hopefully the next phase of the case leads us somewhere made interesting.


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not hold back on his flight to Switzerland, Tae-oh can his murderous impulse and strikes again in subsequently, he looks angry for the course, and its reaction goes, taken at the passenger to the attention of an eye on was keeping Tae-oh through the course of the flight.

Mu-Yeom hear that the bloody police badge in Profiler Han office was Chul-gon, his shock. Chul-gon overheard the telephone conversation and need to feel that the truth is about to come because he thinks he is interrogated by Mu-Yeom, professing Gap-dong -or at least to be one of them. Mu-Yeom is stunned, knowing Chul-gon doggedness to pursue the case, but Chul-gon stated that its belief that Gap-dong was several people came from personal experience being one of them.

Profiler Han is concerned that badge is missing from his bookcase to find. Mu-Yeom comes with it in his possession and asks for an explanation.

to jump over Chul-gon, we get the statement at the points of alternating the View first Profiler Han says that he believed to be Chul-gon been caught in a trap, while the flashback about Chul- gon see memory. Chul-gon carries with it a shredded document that he has rendered to him in the last twenty years that his affidavit contains his experiences from the day of the seventh murder detailing when he had the neighborhood stakeout.

We see Chul-gon on this day in his stakeout position when. A figure spots by walking in the rain The figure at the sight screws Chul-gon, and he chases along the rain-soaked street. This person slips in the mud and tumbles down a hill, but when catches him Chul-gon, he finds that it is not Gap-dong, but the female victim-she had him mistaken for Gap-dong and run in fear.

Chul-gon showing his badge to appease her her fears, but she is too badly injured and died of their wounds. In this Declaration allegations Chul-gon for the victim's death does help, willing to accept whatever punishment comes his way. But he had never turned it in.

Tae-oh departure suggests that İltan will not see more copycat murders, but police on murder No. 7 informed just in case. The victim was found where Chul-Gon had last seen her, but their hands were tied and a gag stuffed in his mouth, per Gap-dong other victims.

Profiler Han explains Mu Yeom a difference in this case, which was found near the victim's body, the police badge. He had covered for Chul-gon to believe that it was placed there intentionally targeted Chul-gon, as he had been, Gap-dong zealous followers.

Mu-Yeom argues that he only said, should have the truth, but Profiler Han says that the situation reached a critical point, and even get the President involved-each would have had clung shred of evidence, as a reason to catch a suspect, and Chul-gon have the death penalty could be confronted. But even now, Profiler Han wonders if he made the right decision.

Mu-Yeom meets with Chul-gon next and tells him that Profiler Han had believed him to be established. Chul-gon says he never turned in his statement because he had recognized later left his ID behind. It would be only a matter of time before he was caught anyway, or at least, that is what is, ifs Profiler Han had intervened not happened.

Mu-Yeom can not understand how Chul-Gon history of a fall in line with the fact that the victim was with Gap-dong signature brands found. Chul-gon concludes that Gap-dong was watching the whole thing with amusement, and after the fact acted its brands to rely on the body.

Chul-gon had worn around his testimony for years, with the intention to submit it as soon as he had caught Gap-dong. Chul-gon has him to turn it right now, that it the truth of Murder No. not to turn 7, warning Mu Yeom in him-not know, let his obsession with catching Gap-dong to ruin his life.

Instead Mu Yeom takes to eat Chul-gon boiled chicken, now ready to reveal the story of his father, the chickens would steal to feed him. That was the secret of bloodstained jacket, and because Dad was a simpleton, he was not the source of the blood showed that he knew that stealing was a crime. Mu-Yeom admits his father, is suspected and to cover up burning the jacket for him, and in an ironic twist, his very actions made it impossible to clear his father's name.

Therefore, they have the same, Mu-Yeom are told Chul-gon-they are both attached to the case by their own self-accusations that they by themselves moving on with their lives prevented.

Both Maria and Ji-wool breed that night. Maria had only heard one side of the telephone conversation, but knows that the stepfather name was mentioned in connection with the new discovery. Ji-wool, can go on the other side, head to the discovery that Maria the old Gap-dong witness.

Ji-wool texts Maria, check to make sure that she's okay, and said that she felt about their concerns. They have a sweet exchange, especially in the back and forth chat, ask each to come to her, if they have any problems.

Mu-Yeom ends rotate Chul-gon statement to the police brass, so that officials deliberates over what to do. Chul-gon actions are legally problematic, but the limitation period has elapsed to make it moot. Profiler Han argued that they all believe Chul-gon was acting with the best intentions, and it sounds like they would return all rather under the carpet.

Chul-gon clarified that Mu-Yeom him at his own request-when turned in arguing he had to be (the elapsed period of limitation) the hook on a mold vent, he would not be able to argue , elapsed Gap-dong case for the prosecution.

Poopy Ho-suk is brought back to the prison hospital, where he openly declared that he is the true Gap-dong, only to have the other laugh in his face, or patronizing humor his delusion. Oh, I think this case, it actually broke; He definitely looks out of touch with reality.

Chul-Gon is fired, and Mu-Yeom finds him brooding over his dead daughter, beat yourself up for not having spent more time with her while she was still was alive. Mu-Yeom sympathizes with his obsession, the criminals when they were in a race with the clock to get before their time expires. Thinking is cold comfort now that Chul-Gon has already lost his daughter, but Mu-Yeom argues that he has to find Gap-dong anyway and let you know who he is, the world.

Chul-gon tell him now quit, and not the player at the table who loses everything. The wisest man is not the one that wins, but the one who goes away. That does not mean Mu Yeom least convincing in, however, and he explains that he lose anyone or anything

And then they get the call. discovered the seventh murder. The police treat the aircraft as premeditated murder No killing 7 and the team draws from Tae-oh welcomed when the plane touched down again in Korea. Most of the passengers on the flight are outraged at their interrupted journey, but Tae-oh sits back dull, barely reacting to something.

Mu-Yeom team transports Tae-oh in custody, and Mu-Yeom wonders why Tae-oh would do it, knowing he would be caught , Tae-oh thinking: "I do not know."

Ji-wool rattled the messages and calls Mary, who hastens to meet at the police station heard. Ji-wool familiar to Tae-oh asked her to be his brakes themselves to blame him for turning down. I can is shaken to understand, but it seems annoyingly naive about Tae-oh ( "But he seemed so normal!") Given that he already suspected of being a serial killer ... but I think annoying naivete is the brand of Ji-wool.

Maria hugs her and says reassuringly that the seventh murder was not her fault. It makes Ji-wool promise to make himself not responsible for them.

Reporter mob the police van when it arrives with Tae-oh, and Mu-Yeom shoves past them together during ushered Tae-oh. He keeps asking to look for Ji-wool to the ladies Maria, then passes inside for interrogation.

Profiler Han leaves the psychiatric evaluation to Maria, her warning that Tae-oh try Authorized claim, to withdraw mental illness as a way responsibility. She is determined to prevent this.

The immediate problem police faced, as always, a lack of evidence. I suppose it ridiculous seems obvious to everyone that Tae-oh is the killer, but he was not captured on camera and they have no definitive proof, they are a delicate situation. A possible breakthrough occurs when the police the call from someone who says that he has evidence, but it is only available at Mu-Yeom.

Mu-Yeom Tae-oh observed interrogation and wonders why he committed murder in such obvious ways. Maria says that you can not understand a psychopath by normal logic, but Mu-Yeom believes there must be a reason, Tae-oh had to come back, something that drove him.

The query is not getting anywhere despite hours of questioning, but Tae-oh shows particular curiosity when he asks why Profiler Han do not have a bathroom break. Here Profiler Han shoots Mu Yeom a glance and to take steps aside Mu Yeom. He uses this as a little leverage and says that if Tae-oh, explains why he killed a companion flight, he will explain why investigators not bathroom breaks.

Mu-Yeom suspected that this murder was not planned, and that it should not be the seventh case. Tae-oh replies that a seventh case, the sixth follows, but Mu-Yeom contradicts him: ".. I do not see it so this time, what I see in your eyes, is despair"

the Tae-oh gets the attention, and Mu-Yeom says that in the past Tae-oh looked upset after his murder. Not so this time.

Mu-Yeom is interrupted by news of the informant, and to take the steps of the plane with the passenger, who Tae-oh had recognized. The man, a professor explains, growing curious if Tae-oh stepped aside and shot on his mobile phone a video clip that shows Tae-oh in the cabin of the flight attendants.

When asked why he asked specifically for Mu-Yeom the witness replied that he thought he was trustworthy, considering that he went so far as to confess to a murder to falsely Gap-dong capture. There is something about the attitude of the professor that my suspicions pings, but currently we have no explicit reason to doubt him. For now.

The Professor witness adds that after the murder, Tae-oh returned to his seat and swore under his breath, apparently angry at himself. Mu-Yeom files this removed as a valuable insight.

Maria in question was Tae-oh next to the question of whether he in anger traded through a fake Gap-dong-he was deceived by itself upset the fool for feeling? Tae-oh says only dully, "You try not to think, to understand me. They can not understand anyway."

The prosecutor, Tae-oh attorney waits only for the first 48-hour holding period is on and complains that the police are going to need him to let go, finally due to a lack of reasons. They are from a few hours after the deadline, but the prosecutor lights take the call: Evidence has turned.

Maria gets the call while in the interrogation room and Comments on Tae-oh, "evidence has come to light. This is not like you."

Section Chief Cha with video evidence is pleased, but Mu-Yeom says that there is something even more valuable to the testimony of the coming-comments that might Tae-oh made a mistake this time, instead of killing the planning.

Maria Monk boy watches over while their rooms tidy, but the momentum turns compulsively as she cleans and purifies again and again purifies the same places. The monk pulls aside to ask what bothers them, and Maria admits that she's worried what will happen if things end up like this: "If the old Gap-dong is buried because Ryu Tae-oh was caught .. . "

, the monk says that the truth is no decay has; even if someone tries to bury it, it comes out at a certain time. He adds that it is strong, and Mu-Yeom will help because it he probably is now the same feeling.

In the police station library, an officer has a stack of books Mu Yeom back requested a while, but have not yet picked up. Ji-wool ends for him take the books, mostly criminal psychology references, although included in the bundle is a copy of Crime and Punishment -and if it falls and falls the books, a note fluttered out of it. It is not noticed and is there in the hallway.

Tae-oh brought back to the prison hospital, where his lawyer to ask out how he wants him to explain the video clip. Tae-oh wonders if it is tight this time, and from the disturbed behavior lawyer, I would say it is safe as it looks. The lawyer sighs that he does not know how to solve this situation ... but then he leans forward and adds: ". Without extremes"

Tae-oh asks: "Extremes You mean to disappear me?"

Mu-Yeom meets with Chul-gon, to discuss the case, and can not help feeling that there is something else about Murder No. 7-both this time and the case of twenty years earlier. "Could it be the turning point?" He asks.

he describes his theory (the station does not shares the case) to be unintentional on both seventh murder. To his surprise, Chul-gon sees him with a hint of a smile and said: ".?. Now finally you like a detective, seems to me What do you do if you have a theory, you should move better" I can not say that with his track record Chul-gon approval much this means to me, but on an emotional level, I take it a certain degree of satisfaction brings.

Tae-oh by guards the hallway of the hospital accompanied down and sees a group of inmates in the next room. Poopy there to the other that he Gap-dong, a free look in the eyes and a note of despair in his voice. As Tae-oh voice rings in his ears, his excited discovery of his "God" and "heroes" in this hospital remembers, takes his face on a desolate expression.

The segment fell is all day until Detective Ki-ri stumbles ignored about them and takes a look. He sees the beautiful reporter standing near to record notes and on the assumption that you, he hands it to bear the operating her on his face a silly-smug look. Oh, he thinks so, she loves him, does not he? She just shoots him a puzzled look.

So moments later when Ki-ri to his desk returns, he's wearing a thunderous expression, was to have taught by its adoption of a better. He writes a memo ( "To the owner: To withdraw it !!!") on the board, then guesses / accused Young-ae of the letter to Mu-Yeom to write and bands. Or maybe it was Ji-wool, he suspects.

Ji-wool takes the letter and reads it-it is a timid confession of love. It begins: "You probably do not know, but I like you ..."

Mu-Yeom Mary Chain falls this evening, and comments on their downcast expression. He can not charm them take his eyes from her fear, and they will not, so he takes her face gently in his hands until she sees him. He asks if she's okay, then his head dips down slowly to achieve a kiss.

As he does so, continue reading Ji-wool the note: "But how could you determine if you are absorbed in the Gap-dong investigation so During this time, the love is a luxury, but?. even so, the love helps me through this difficult time to get. Only love. "

Mu-Yeom kisses her again, and then on again.

The reference mark with the name "crybaby." Ji-wool has probably a very good idea of ​​the source of the note, and it starts Mu Yeom in text but winds around the message to clear up.

The Kiss gets more heated, going from vertical to horizontal, as they fall on the bed, only to have Maria Phone Start Ring. Argh! They sit briefly but Mu-Yeom does not ask to answer, and vertical goes back to horizontal ... and we turn to see that the source of the call is ignored the prison hospital. Aw man, we can not even enjoy our sexy times at rest?

Mu-Yeom lifts the handset and tried to fob the caller, but the prison officer is persistent. Tae-oh created a disturbance and insists on Maria to speak, saying that he wants to confess.

Sure enough, Tae-oh looks in his cell out of control, wild screaming and throwing things and rattling the bars of its cage. He suggests the metal bars with his bare fist, blood, screaming all the time for Mary.

When she arrives, he is crouched on the floor and looks up to shoot her a threatening glow. Despite the protest of the police station, she asks to be left in the cell, even if before the bars settles at the end directly to the seats. She tells him to talk when he is ready and waiting.

Mu-Yeom waiting in attacks outside the prison, deeply insecure. Before he goes, he had to visit their promise Tae-oh as his doctor and not had as victims Jae-hee, and agreed to it, but that does not prevent him to make of thoughts.

Tae-oh regret fighting with himself, saying that he would probably confess with her today. They assured him that on the contrary, he will feel better to unload everything that is on it with a weight. She reminds him that he had called here, because it is the filling inside made him mad, he wants to tell someone. It leads the conversation and asked him to start with his hero, Gap-dong. Tae-oh replies that he was happy when he met him.

We cut to a field of reeds. A shadowy figure steps out of a car and go in the reeds. To confirm that this is the true Gap-dong, it starts that familiar tune to whistle.

wait Before the hospital, Mu-Yeom reaches for his cell phone and makes a call. And then ... Gap-dong of the phone starts ring and the caller in his phone as "Mu-Yeom-yi." Someone close saved, and friendly. Finally, our whistler looks up, revealing his face. It is Section Chief Cha.


At one level, it is a shocker Section Chief to see Cha in the role the Gap-dong, he was there in general, the level-headed voice of reason, always argue on the side of logic and reason, and with the gentle hand of authority of each treatment. On another level, it's not a shocker, because (1) show has to be suspicious trained us from each, and (2) we suggest to open run from people.

It is one of the disadvantages of a secret in this way that writing go down the list of red herrings down until you're plumb only options. Either make a new culprit in this case we will assume it immediately, or you go through your occupation of existing characters, in this case, the pool is shrinking, to the great revelation is more or less taken for granted. It is the thing that godsend-14 days plagued that burned through so many potential perpetrators that I care stopped on each of them. The drama has us in the circle of misdirection spiders that I just wanted the emotional to sit whirligig until she could decide, and the side effect was a give damn to stop on the outcome. In fact, if I ended up God's Gift article with headlines such as "What Gap-dong should the gift of God do fate to avoid", and I hoped that it made a note or two this experience to pick up.

We have left enough episodes that I hope this drama in a manner throws surprises in our way will keep because it is still early to reveal the ultimate culprit. I believe that the way this has been portrayed disclose makes it difficult to withdraw (without looking like a total over apparently), but maybe there are extenuating circumstances or misunderstandings more down the line.

One thing that bugs me about the execution of the show (the concept is great, but keep them felt the follow-through) is that it gives us the answer in front, and so when we stumble, the protagonists their watch path to truth, our omniscience undermines all tension from the process. It has for us to kill one-two punch of the mystery and make the hero stupid not seem to figure out what we already know. It's what we ran into when the show revealed Tae-oh to be imitators of us, right off the bat, the most important so obvious that I think our reactions hilarious Timpani we were a couple of really awesome potential of declarations that wove think certainly there was to the story more. Surely they could not have told us only the offender in Episode 2. Surely they were dragging our chain. Certainly ... they were not so easy?

And so, in this episode, we see immediately that Tae-oh control over its steel version loses, and that he committed the murder in a fit of anger instead deliberate calm. First of all, we see him do it at the moment, and then in the following period we see his reaction. So if you have Mu-Yeom think these notes and ask them to ask why the cops are still five steps behind the truth. Why is Mu-Yeom setting this theory, if we already know that it be true? There were a few cases in which Mu-Yeom Tae-oh wondered motivation, I was confused because I thought he had already knew the answer, only said that he did not quite have worked. So watching the detectives stumble to what we already know, this exercise in disillusionment is, and that's a bummer. You never want to let your drama appear your hero slowly.

The other quibble I have, playing with semantics is to fuck with us . Chul-gon talks about how he was one of the Gap-Dongs, but what he really means is that was his mistake Action Gap-dong attributed , which is totally not the same . "You could Gap-dong" is therefore not comparable with "you could get suspected accidentally Gap-dong of being." I that it serves to throw us for a loop, but this is the kind of twist that artificial and manipulative and I do not like it a bit. I want the drama to keep me on my toes because it's smart, not because you intentionally show me a way down throw by bad notes!

That is, Section Chief Cha? Okay, I'm curious. You'd better not screw this up, Drama

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tags: featured, Gap-dong, Kim Ji-won, Kim min-jung, Lee Joon, Sung Dong-il, Yoon Sang-hyun

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