I think Soo in today earned her the spotlight, right? It is a jam-packed episode full of revelations and character development, all of them in welcome directions. Some people are pushed to their breaking points, while others find a way back from the bar and to a sense of peace. What I find more compelling, however, to note is that more characters directions have changed in their personal journeys, which prepares us for an unforeseeable future. And unpredictable is something I look forward to.
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Soo-in from the researchers, and Yoon-kang can only helplessly watching. He orders Sang-chu, to consider this while with a curious Kanemaru vague. (one of these days, man, I just want to learn that Kanemaru was magical fluent in Korean and was in on the whole thing.) [1945009[
to clarify what is going on: These officials work for the high court and separate from the local police, you are acting on the king's orders Minister to investigate songs murder, although Gojong had officer moon given secret instructions to . find the perpetrators to justice investigation. Looks like they were not fast enough.
grumble Sugu Minister that the new office space, are the king's followers grows . they were looking at the interpreter Jung background digging dirt, but have been unable to find anything-because, as we know, the guy is clean as a whistle.
... until they get word of specialist explosives arrested in connection with the murder, happens to be the young daughter. Oh no! Soo-in is to be a liability for her father, she is not? Protect threaten her husband or her father?
brought Both Soo-in and the lead expert in for questioning, and the expert testifies that he saw under gunpowder from the main shops Soo-in, authorized by Hanjo. Soo-in confirmed that she took it, but insists that Hanjo had nothing to do with it-it used all on its own.
Yoon-kang hears investigating officer Jung-hoon, the fears that Soo-in could lose their lives if this goes wrong. He assumes that they will be deleted in no time, going as it can not be connected to the murder, but Yoon-kang knows better and is not reassured.
Sang-chu reported that Soo-in the torture began, she screams from outside the premises to be heard. Minister Kim has taken the lead in their interrogation, and he wants to know where it is used the explosives, not accepting their response that they carried out their own experiments. Your statement explains the lack of evidence, she experiments alone in the forest and buried the tracks, but it is also in a bind, because no one can substantiate them.
insinuates So Minister Kim that it bombs on her father's orders. She is outraged by the accusation that her father would draw to kill a minister and defends him, but Minister Kim Jung orders interpreter dragged in as well, to her horror.
Yoon-kang can not leave, Soo-in alone suffer and testify heads over the high court on their behalf, despite Jung-hoon warnings that he might endanger his own life. It runs in Hye-won and Choi Won-shin in the street, but apologizes cold, Jung-hoon so they fill on the situation.
Hye-won informing them that they are on the road, even in court, was called in to provide testimony. They go in together.
Minister Kim Jung eviscerated interpreters charging him to be the mastermind who hired the shooter to assassinate Minister song. Interpreter Jung is confused and outraged by the charges, but understands that Minister Kim use this incident the entire Kaehwa fraction of being murderous traitors to blame. He says Minister Kim to let his daughter go because his fight is with him, but Minister Kim is not to let go about this golden opportunity; he crows that it is much more painful to make his daughter suffer watching Jung than to suffer yourself.
is thus Soo-in tortured when Yoon-kang in the air their cries ringing comes with the dealers. He enters to imagine and notes that Soo-in of a crime is innocent: you took gunpowder under his command, and he used them on his own.
But he has two strikes against him: determined one, he is a stranger, whose word carries little weight, and two, is Minister Kim to capitalize on its own goals to promote . Kim dismisses him and became his testimony as Soo-in a valuable political pawn.
Yoon-kang urges Soo-in to admit that they acted on his instructions, but she keeps her mouth. Even if it grows more insistent, Soo-in sticks, only to her lie: "I have the gunpowder is used alone."
When he pushed off, Yoon-kang searched for any way to alleviate the situation and to ask first interrogated. Then he asks Kim to do a proper job, the only annoys him more. He is half done by the guards, and Jung-hoon takes the lead pull him in before he does more damage to yourself.
Yoon-kang watches in horror as Soo-in the torture again, and he cries to let go, to no avail. Watch Through it all, with great interest Hye-won and Choi Won-shin.
Ho Kyung a Minister asks for help Soo-in interrogation curb, to know that she is just used Minister Kim hopes to extract a false confession of her father, all compromise in their group would. The minister is sympathetic, but knows that his hands are tied.
Minister Kim Jung tortures interpreter next thing Soo-in the opportunity to give a confession incriminating. He gets a sadistic thrill from a fire hot iron over the face of her father as Soo-in exercising sobs, and then dangle it over Soo-in while her father watches.
It is to be only stigmatized when Ho Kyung things to a halt, thundering at Minister Kim for his methods calls. He cites Joseon law to him and ordered him to find evidence when accusing people of crimes go.
Ho Kyung is carried off, and then set aside Minister Kim takes him privately to rage at him. Ho Kyung is clear and demands that his father let go of innocent people, then swears torture, no matter what to stop. His father turns that again to reveal to him, in this case Ho Kyung witness stand and his identity. It's a pretty big conflict for men because neither wants to reveal their binding this secret is the greatest power that they exercise over the other, but also that they fear the most.
that night, Yoon-kang decks itself out in his gunman gear, ready to burst into the High Court and rescue Soo-in. I am quite relieved that he blocked Sang-chu search of his interests and his way, arguing that he would be in his own death walk. Yoon-kang him because the thought of Soo-in not die can not stand, but Sang-chu says if he had to choose one, it would save Yoon-kang.
anyway Putting the rescue plans in the background increases when Yoon-kang a visitor receives and forced him to change his suit back in Hanjo. His visitor is Ho-Kyung, who reports his resemblance to Yoon-kang with some surprise. When Yoon-kang confirmed that Soo-in acted on his instructions, Ho Kyung grabs him angry and he go to court, insists to say so, rather than sit around complacently.
But he emptied to hear that Hanjo did exactly be ignored only by the Minister Kim. Yoon-kang says Ho-Kyung to go home; he would be rescuing Soo-in. Ho Kyung replied: ".. If you really that mean, come with me I have a way"
He brings him to the palace with the sympathetic officials (Min Young-ik, nephew of the Queen) and the three men develop to fulfill a plan, the details of which we are not told. Everything we see is Yoon-kang to make an application, and then Soo-in (secretly) in her prison cell is allowed to see. He takes in her battered state and may his turbulent emotions not hide, feeling guilty for his part in putting her here and upset that he can not do anything.
And so it is with frustration and despair that he asks why she not only has to give his name, her choice a stupid a call. He urges to save their lives and speak the truth tomorrow, but Soo-in shakes his head. He can not understand why she would refuse for their safety and asks why she be so stubborn. She reaches into his hand to take, saying: ".. Do not say anything if you do, you will be in danger"
He insists that he used to his own purposes, that he is not their Help not deserve, try to change their minds. This is a futile effort, because it is determined quietly to keep his secret, and all he can do before he is pulled away to grab her hands in his and vows to save her.
Soo-in sees him and thinks: ".. Young Master, I'm alright Just to have you alive, is something that I am grateful when I can protect you, I fear nothing."
The next day, Soo-in and her father are returned to continue the interrogation. Interpreter Jung can not bear to see his daughter under more torture and breaks, has to do with how Minister Kim wants in exchange for Soo-in release. The Sugu officials grin in triumph, and Minister Kim Jung instructs to "confess" to his crimes.
Gojong arrives, and Minister Kim gloats that he own just in time criminals to hear about his land to. However Gojong stuns him by the heat on Kim turning instead, he dares be before the court, forcing false testimony, and ignore valid witnesses, all for the purpose of promoting the agenda he has decided to pursue.
Hanjo is brought, and informed the king, he was the one to direct Soo-in. They had bought more than necessary, he explained, and had returned only the surplus. Minister Kim had not even bothered to ask him what he intends to do with the gunpowder, because he had already decided what he wanted to hear.
Minister Kim rages that he always did his duty and served the king faithfully. But Gojong is none of it, and thunders that Minister Kim "work" has to thwart him over the years and cover up misdeeds. In this case, he was so determined to attack interpreter Jung that he intentionally neglected truths that were not convenient for his cause.
Gojong he says no more be manipulated by Minister Kim, and released orders interpreter and Jung Soo-in ... and locked Minister Kim. Whoa. Finally Looks like our weak King grew a pair. better late than never
Gojong thanks Hanjo for his intervention? ". If not for you, I would have lost another subject" This is a great praise-not unjustified, but enough Yoon-kang to surprise, and perhaps move him.
Battered and bruised, the father-daughter pair is pointed out, and there are many excuses and thanks to go. Frankly I'm not sure who most tormented here, Yoon-kang or Ho Kyung-one feels guilty for his role in the chaos, while others feel guilty for his father to him, and both are fairly weighty burdens. Interpreter Jung says consolingly that he knows Ho Kyung feels worse about it than he himself does, and does not tell him to beat it.
The Sugu Group collects Minister Kim fate, to discuss, to be sent into exile. Lemme tell ya, after this wizened old man cackle sadistically seen for so long, it is satisfying Mr. Kim lose to watch his temper, not looking unlike a furious toad.
Mr. Kim calls in Choi Won-shin a new hit to issue: Kill interpreter Jung. This time, Choi has to make an application: all of peddler groups in the nation to consolidate. He assures Kim that he means that only its reach to expand a dealer, and that his superiors may be responsible for the rest.
But he's beating on too shaky ground a deal with the boss, as he finds when Mr. Kim asks why Choi Hanjo knew and yet did nothing to stop it, and lost as a result they Minister Kim. Choi Won-shin stutters nervously and said that he had not had the time to do something.
Mr. Kim does not warn Choi more requests or offers to make, "Just do what you have ordered, and take what is thrown at you This is your duty.. . The duty of a hound "
Choi Won-shin belongs rebuke with head meekly bowed, but stiffened at the mention of" Hound dog "Mr. Kim adds:".. you are not at a word from me, will you for being a runaway slave back. and your daughter is to be a slave, go back raped and sold. "
Mr. Kim him with the order sent interpreter young to kill and stay calm until he is called. Choi went home fuming, perhaps a break point of his own approaching as he in his mind replays. Kim's mocking words
He smashes a cup in his bare hands, and Hye-won tends his bleeding hand in concern. She asks him to share with her his own expense, now that she has grown up, and promises to help him with anything. The view of Choi face-guh, it's amazing. Cracked.
Choi comes to the decision: "I think I'm going on with Yamamoto team." Once he has mastered the trade of the country, he will be able to command all of Joseon, including their armies. "Will soon, a world arrive in the power of money," he says. "When that happens, no one will be able to do something for both of us."
broods That night, Yoon-kang, remember Soo-in victims. It makes also, Play, his promise to rescue them. (Ha, she has the compass stolen from his closet? I love it that she did, if only because it means he can figure it out sooner rather than later.)
There is already at niggling him, the strange feeling that the responses do not do not add up. He he decides'll have to pay her a visit for a few answers.
Choi Won-shin falls by artist Jung, inquired after his health, and has a collection of drugs to see, to support his healing. This is the official apology, but he is really to plan his next move, to ask when Jung wants to work back into the office, and the answer-three days Cue clock ticks filing away.
at the same time, with Soo-in Hye-won visitors over not told her to apologize about Yeon-ha. She explains that right when she learned that the slave was Yeon-ha it away from her minister had to send songs: ". It was something I could not do anything to stop"
This is somehow a weak response and Soo-in calls this out: "there are such things you are not the kind of person if you decide to do something, do it, but you have not for Yeon-ha.."
encountered on the way out, Hye-won Yoon-kang on his way in. Soo-in will hear his voice and hurried to greet him, and Hye- won watches they the third wheel here and apologizes is.
Yoon-kang asks why Soo-in is not the truth, the court said, and she countered with the question of whether he would have treated the consequences. If she had told them that they designed certain bombs not brought him to explode, what would he have said to the court? He repeated the answer he gave about returning, and she asks: "What is then used with the gunpowder at Home on the Minister?"
He says that the smoke bombs need someone else to do have been. Do not press too hard, only to say that the court would have been much more difficult to convince, and that he might have been tortured as it was. She tells him that she had to jump through the memory of him struck her was the day of the explosives to rescue demonstration, and wanted to return the favor and block it from danger. Now is their debt is repaid, she says.
I do not know if he fully buys their argument, but he admits that now, apologized once again for their implementation at risk. Soo-in thanks him for keeping his promise to rescue them.
As planned interpreter Jung conducts its work in a few days time to continue. At least an officer and Moon Jung-hoon have sent him to watch while he makes the trip ... but Choi Won-shin is to be thwarted by restless. He sent Sung-gil from, as a common peddler, dressed in the right moment to strike.
Choi Won-shin meets with Yoon-kang to apologize again for the misunderstanding, and frames his fixation on Hanjo identity as a matter of self-interest to prove. As Yoon-kang is a criminal, with him on Choi backfire could do business, so he had to prove that Hanjo was really who he said he was.
Yoon-kang scoffs that Choi let a prime opportunity slip through his fingers, instead of taking them. Choi Won-shin accepts the criticism and apologized earnestly asking for a second chance.
Yoon-kang says that in order for the apology to be right, he should be on his knees in front of him. Choi met easily and fell to his knees and promised to kneel many times in the future, if needed. Hye-won enters the room, taking in the scene with surprise and ended quietly.
I daresay Yoon-kang was not expected of Choi, and he ponders over it on the way home. Upon arrival, he finds Soo-in at the front gate waiting, and invites them to tea. Today they are in his private room are because Kanemaru is in office, he explains what raises my hopes for a frank discussion. (! Or I'll Kisses Kisses take)
She gives her reason for dropping: for mistaking him to apologize for Yoon-kang. Ah, it goes rather withdraw than to move forward? She says that she thinks Yoon-kang, has life-he be, be the gunman who saved Yeon-ha, the Soo-in was encountered on a separate occasion.
"Young Master Yoon-kang can be life somewhere on," she says. "Just the thought that he is alive, makes me happy. It brings me comfort."
"Is this such a happy thing?" He asks. "Only that he is still alive?"
She replies, "Yes For me, that's enough I'm grateful for that..."
more to himself than anything else, Yoon-kang says: "Congratulations Young Masters. Yoon-kang. So he was alive. "
Then she asks him to bring them more tea, to wait until it aside steps had to take the compass out they taken from him, perhaps it. back into place
I have enjoyed this episode very much, and for a number of different reasons, all in a beautifully came together emotional package. First of all, almost every main character was facing a huge emotional turning point, and the actor, he really stepped deliver those moments. The whole episode was full of ups full with tension and anxiety, and as a spectator, it was just a feast for the eyes, even if it is a bit tacky feel that much pain to enjoy. Pain, pain gloooorious!
At the beginning of the show, it was not clear whether Choi Won-shin would go the way of Sugu rogues or carve its own niche in torment pledge, and I am SO satisfy these have to be there. Yoo Oh Sung is an amazing actor, but it would be a shame to bury his talent with a bunch of cartoonish evil beats. This scene looking with him and Hye-won, where he does little more than just with her-he brought me to tears, with this a look, charged with a whole world of meaning.
I wonder if Choi is pushed to break ranks by Mr Kim, and find myself hoping that he finds the courage. Find out about his backstory really completes his character, and explains how it can be as steely alternately and clever, and then fearful and anxious. If he owes everything to Mr. Kim, he has essentially signed on its autonomy, and he is tense and well of that debt. But I love that he is a not a happy assassins, or even an indifferent; He is motivated by self-preservation, but it seems right from wrong to know and feel sorry if his actions that transgress Code. It is not enough to prevent him, but it was a moving moment when he said Hye-won, that he wants to make as much money that no one ever mess with the two of them again driven at the root of everything, he is love. This is such a deeply human thing that I can not help but feel the pathos of his character and want to root to find the light for him, so to speak.
Maybe he can not earn given a perfect salvation that he has (including the father of our hero), but there is nothing to indicate that he looks taken numerous lives as he is unhappy? Meaning "I kill, but only against my will" for count something? Anything?
Ho Kyung is also for me seems despite all show a mere smattering of starring. I do to have want his character to do more given on a plot level (since he and interpreter Jung only there to keep the noble justice quotient, it seems), but on an emotional level, he really brings the character of the conflict forth. All his charged scenes have been great with his father, so far, but now he does not have a step by his blood flies by actively against his work Father not for himself, not even for love of Soo-in, but because his moral code demanded it.
I love this kind of wrought internal conflict, and it is a way to bring a little more structure to his character. Granted, if you have a man who is as perfect as it is, the Ultimate Good Guy, it tends to come up with the reality a little out of touch, from. At least bears the burden of guilt and a mystery, a little more man makes him feel, at least until he does his next completely idealistic and noble good deed.
I do think Hye-won a step in the shadows in this episode took, especially with its statement on Soo-in. It seems like the kind of woman who would have their shortcomings and mistakes, so I can see Soo-in disillusionment and agree. It is not an indictment of Hye-won character, because I know that I think when it will decide to shove it comes her father about everything, just as he would for her, so that she throws in some sense in the larger conflict. (And in conflict sign is always a good thing for the action voltage.)
But as she takes a step in this direction, Soo-in takes a big step forward in the active region, huzzah! There are certain elements of the noble idiot about their actions, but I think that they actually stop of noble idiocy shy, that's what you get when idiocy really the primary result. If there is an honest-to-goodness necessary sacrifice, really what you have is an act of nobility, and I can not hate on that. Because excursion Hanjo actions could jeopardize all his secret identity, I can see, and their decision to respect, to keep her mouth shut, especially since none of them were Kim's endgame anyway. When he was just out to nail its farmers to use young and the king, he would be only Yoon-kang used in the same way.
Plus, I kind of really enjoy the perversion of Soo-in knowing that Yoon-kang but Yoon-kang not knowing that she knows. First of all, it's nice, the tables to turn on him and wrestle him with this nagging uncertainty while she sticks her story. And when it stops insisting that he her lost love, well, then they might have to escape from him and leave him frustrated to find them out of reach. Muahaha. I know it's sad. ! Entertaining sad
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