Recap And Reviews Kdrama School King of Savvy: Episode 10

Recap and reviews korean drama School King of Savvy: Episode 10 -

This episode could start nice, but it is certainly not remain so. The simmering conflict between Min-seok and Jin-woo finally comes to a boil, and the lies Min-seok piling up was starting to collapse coming. Public opinion, which has been divided over the controversial issue of Jin-woo, is sure to be now shared even more. Is he a misguided puppy just needs a hug, or a complete and irredeemable Jerkface? The jury is still out, but after this episode our second guide has a to go a long way.


Jin- woo is to click around on the enticing email from Hyung-seok, when the bumbling team leader Kim goes to the office. Jin-woo raises suspicions by claiming in office earlier have to leave his mobile director Lee. He has to leave no choice as team leader Kim, who over the moon is still to be around with Jin-woo in a friendlier relationship. Jin-woo not look exactly thrilled, but he agrees that she can talk comfortably when it's just the two of them. He pushes her coffee date, however, so that it go back inside and read Min-seok email.

are now Min-seok and Soo-young, yet another nauseatingly cute date. Then email Hyung-Seok arrives, the Min-seok extinguished immediately after reading. Hyung-Seok apologizes for so much of his little brother to ask, but asking him to keep a little longer, because the end is in sight.

Jin-woo to slump goes, only to find that the message has disappeared. The restaurant is Min-seok Soo-young, that the news of his younger brother sent porn was. Really, Min-seok! This is the explanation that just come to mind, right?

hand in hand, our lovebirds strolling a tree-lined street. It is the longest time they have spent together so far, and they laugh, that there to explain to others, is going to be difficult. Soo-young in particular is a hard time to convince Yoo-ah that everything she was up all night with her handsome director did skate.

Soo-young drags Min-seok on a fortune teller despite his lack of enthusiasm. The tarot reader says her love as the beautiful days of spring ... but that's not all. The wall map is an obstacle for their love. One of them has a secret, she warns, or a difficult situation, cause trouble for them. Who could that be, I wonder? should have

Min-seok gripes about Soo-young, that they just listened to him, instead of going to this Quack fortuneteller and ruin her mood. Then, as fate (or interfere writers) would have it, they run in Tae-seok and Duk-hwan walk in the opposite direction. "Min-seok!" Tae-seok calls before Duk-hwan smacks him upside the head. Min-seok welcomed his "younger" friends with a strained smile and a whispered warning to Duk-hwan.

time the friend imagine at the best friends! Min-seok tries to keep his deception in transition, while Duk-hwan and Tae-seok stay at their best. The lies pile up, as Min-seok has to explain how he met this boy, when he so recently arrived from Germany. "You are my brother and friends," he begins, when backtracking Tae-seok him the danger signs flashing. "You are my friends younger brothers", it changes.

Min-seok putting it on thick and said that Duk-hwan and Tae-seok idolize him and want to be exactly like him. He tried to wrap the session before it can go too far, and Duk-hwan asks "hyungsoonim" (the name given to a woman older brother) to take good care of Min-seok. "He can not see it," he says, patting Min-seok face, "but he has a young and innocent side." He asks also to be understanding and stick with it through all the obstacles, try (and not to) to keep a straight face.

When Min-seok comes for him home after his long date, Duk-hwan and Tae-seok runs on the waiting steps. Tease him as he was so adamant that it is not that type of flight if the first thing he does is spend the night. Duk-hwan invites him unpack. Instead accumulated Min-seok some rocks and pelted his dirty-minded friends.

on the steps Relax, they talk about Min-seok, the new relationship. Duk-hwan notes that Soo-young as any woman he has ever seen, almost like it came from outer space. Min-seok laughs that this is "my secretary Jung charm", and his endearment are the other boys goosebumps. But as Tae-seok indicates there are problems about the nausea-inducing cuteness. First, what happens if Soo-young to find out the truth - it will really hurt. Second, Yoo-ah, who still has no idea that her husband Lee to see someone else.

Min-seok father comes outside with the rubbish and frightened the boy. He scolds Min-seok for the night stay outside, and throws it with Hyung-Seok of scheming and keep him in the dark. Min-seok claimed to be asleep at a friend's home after playing video games, apologizes and laughs awkwardly. Stop Dad worry seok Min-making!

Soo-young can not talk about Director Lee to stop, even though at first they Yoo-ah, nothing to convince has done inappropriately overnight. She brags about how their director is so popular with his friends guy, and his eyes seem to light up when he smiles. Yoo-ah notes that her husband Lee these properties divided ... yes, I bet he does. Yoo-ah soon, so Soo-jung to ask tires gushing her sister: "Did not you hear about my day?" "No," Yoo-ah answers, but begins Soo-jung share anyway.

Min-seok takes Soo-jung from a secret lunch. As team leader Kim asks where he is going, he scolds the team leader forever nagging at him. It cracks me up when Min-seok advantage of his fake identity takes to give a hard time team leader Kim. Min-seok typed Soo-jung desk not so subtle in the way.

Dae-han tried for lunch Yoon-ju to ask, but it derives instead from the other office ladies. Dae-han ending on a man-date with Assistant Manager Park. Team Leader Kim watches all eating from the office of submission and asks forlornly why nobody asks him to lunch. Aww, poor dude.

Min-seok and Soo-jung eat lunch at a noodle restaurant, but it turns out to be the same Dae-han and assistant manager Park choose. You duck quickly, and Min-seok attracts a pretty smooth move to pay with his credit card around the corner.

Assistant Manager Park familiar that he on Go Yoon-ju, make a move think that is the last thing want to hear Dae-han. He begins a litany of Yoon-ju disorders, including their lanky long limbs, they look like a giraffe. He explains that, even if it were together on a desert island, he would not be seen as a woman. It seems to me the lady doth protest too much ...

Min-seok and Soo-jung giggle about the close call. They push each other affectionately, to Soo-jung their own strength ignores and knocks Min-Seok over.

After lunch, Min-seok runs in a tattered team leader Kim in the bathroom. "Where did you go? Who has you eating lunch with?" He asks, after Min-seok, to protest that they do not have lovers or anything, so why did he know? Team leader Kim admits that he goes crazy with all this subterfuge to blur the line between keeping control and always had. He says Min-seok of the upcoming meeting, to take in Suwon.

The retail team met with Jin-woo-Crew Briefing. Team leader Kim comes too late and tried to laugh it, convinced that his new relationship with Jin-woo will buy him some slack. Jin-woo chides him politely, but it is not the faith-team leader that they are dim dizzy secretly BFFs.

Jin-woo seems destined to its ace has to set for this session. He asks Soo-jung to bring for all iced coffee, demonstratively their offers to get the coffee out his credit card and giving another remote location. Min-seok can only watch, getting angrier by the moment. It gets worse when Jin-woo asks Soo-jung the meeting to bring coffee to leave, saying that they be useful voicemail phones. Min-seok protests, but Soo-jung leaves as requested in order to avoid a scene.

Min-seok from tears after Jin-woo once the session ends. He grabs him and wants to know what he thinks he does. Jin-woo is cold and deliberately offensive, he says that while Min-seok could have a "special relationship" with Soo-jung, to him, it is only a secretary. Min-seok is ready to throw to, but Soo-jung comes around the corner, before he embarked on the first beat. She manages to push him away, saying that Jin-woo is not worth getting mad about.

Jin-woo slumps exhausted in his chair in his office, looking. Min-seok is on his office and beats his desk, his frustration venting. A text comes from Tae-seok to inform him of a required course for the hockey team. He informed team manager Kim (who shouts "Again!" Late to the polite attachment ends), then leaves the office early.

Assistant Manager Park starts his office seduction strategy, scooting his chair to Yoon- ju with a puppy video to watch together. Dae-han can not stand the two of them to see cozying so that it jumps between them, a good laugh at a video which has not yet begun. Pfft.

It's time to leave work, and Soo-jung receives a text from Min-seok ask to meet later. Assistant Manager Park ups his game with a pair of movie tickets, ask Yoon-ju, if they want to see him. Dae-han is not having any of it and pushes rudely Yoon-ju in her seat and raises his hand eagerly and demanded the film with Assistant Manager Park instead to watch. He pulls it off, looking with Yoon-ju indeed very confused.

leaves Soo-jung, when the managing flags her and asks her to take over some documents in the office of the President. Once again, he gets her name wrong (he can remember Robert Pattinson name, sure, but not its own employees).

Jin-woo goes to his father's office as the president of one of his golf club cleaning. I am thought he should wait until Papa sets down on the golf club, but Jin-woo calls immediately that in the middle Jin-woo he visit mother. He even gets to his knees, the President just begging to go again because his son is asked of him. Of course, this is when Soo-jung arrives with the documents. She leaves her and gets out of there at full speed.

Just like Soo-young exits the building, a car comes to accelerating and is in an accident. Jin-woo is the driver, and the man whose car he starts behind ended yelled at him. The broken glass from the brake light catches Jin-woo eye and triggers a panic attack. His vision faded to black.

When he comes back to his senses, he sees Soo-jung, who has remained, to make sure he's alright. He staggers when he gets up and Soo-jung tries to stop him from driving. It provides a driver to call, interfering with his efforts to start the car until he shouts: "Do not worry about me and just GO" But Soo-jung one who ends ride while Jin-woo asleep, completely worn out in the back seat.

(Min-seok has been especially lately a bit of a "dummy" in class ...) Meanwhile, Min-seok and the hockey team do squats punishment for poor academic performance. Once he's finished, he runs Soo-jung in the park to meet, but she's not there. He checked his cell phone and wondered if she would leave just because he is a little late.

Soo-young drops Jin-woo in the car park of his apartment. She's about to go, but Jin-woo wants to know why they appear again and again in front of him. He asks her to stay with him, even if it is only for a moment. "I'm sorry," she replies, "but I have an appointment."

Jin-woo suggested that it is with director Lee and Soo-jung starts to leave. Jin-woo steps for her to turn her and kiss her forcefully on the mouth. She pushes him away, tearing the strap on her purse in the process. Then she slaps him across the face and leaves without another word. Jin-woo is in the parking lot, a hand on his cheek.

Soo-young meets Min-seok in the park. He is worried about her and asks where she has been to the Soo-jung is that they met a friend, and that her purse strap ripped on the bus.

Dae -han and Assistant Manager Park finish the movie and left the theater. The assistant manager said that Dae-han crush on him what and everything with his youngest clinginess. Dae-han denies it and then denies the wise follow-up charge that he instead must Yoon-ju.

his disinterest Dae-han To prove further recorded Yoon-ju's shortcomings, although it exactly he shows how closely he was watching them. He proposes all other women in the office as alternatives, and Soo-jung. Interestingly, Assistant Manager Park more violently than not to like Han Sang-hee as the others, as it was earlier in the noodle restaurant.

Min-seok Soo-jung goes home until he gets a text saying Tae-seok that Duk-hwan has a bad fever. He opens his arms for cheesiest farewell hug ever, then running to check on his friend.

The emergency turns out to be a surprise party by Yoo- orchestrated be Ah. You and the boy wearing party hats, and Yoo-ah has a solid addition to the skates she prepared with the money bought from her part-time job.

When they the guys explain everything Min-seok a call from her sister takes. He learns of Yoo-ahs misconceptions about his family situation, and how hard they so buy him a nice gift. He looks at the skates, marveling that they look very expensive.

Min-seok tries to give back to Yoo-ah after the party the skates. He tells her even that he has someone he likes, but Yoo-ah thinks he's lying because he feels bad about accepting the gift. She says that he should hold the skates, because it gave them as a friend and a fan, and wear them whenever the old couple outputs. He can only sigh when she goes away. Min-seok looks like he's really starting to feel the weight of all his lies.

is Soo-jung to drive via the lift to her office when Jin-woo appears. They stand awkwardly next to each other, then Soo-jung leaves as Jin-woo begins to say her name.

Yoon-ju corners Dae-han in the stairwell to him. For talking about her behind her back scolding She is everything heard from Assistant Manager Park, and takes the opportunity to confront Dae-han at his words. She calls him on all his insults, including comments about their body shape and lingerie. "Did you see it? Did you?" She demanded, as a gangster in curves to collect him a debt.

You start how important the layout of the status quo maintained in the workplace when Dae-han applying his courage and kisses her. "I like you!" He says breathlessly. "? Would you shut up," she asks, then kisses him, to push him against the wall - rawr! Hooray for Office Romance # 2!

team leader Kim shows to take on the project meeting at Min-seok school his fake Director Suwon. He starts scolding Min-seok in his usual harried, frantic style, only to pause when two women walking by. "I am his uncle," he said with a fake laugh. "I bring him a lesson. He took some money from his classmates. Can not you tell him how that's just with him from the search?" Pfft.

Soo-young receives a call from Min-seok on the roof. It is about as good for Suwon exit meeting, although they silenced when Jin-woo comes to roof. "It's nothing," she says on the phone, walking past Jin-woo, as if it does not exist.

Jin-woo is waiting for them with his car and offers to drive them to Suwon and said he would offer a ride to every employee. She refuses and tries to go away. "If you do not give me a chance to apologize?" He Prompts. But Soo-jung replied quietly that he did not have something done, should repent. "It's because it's you that I was not in the car."

Min-seok and Soo-young are like two kids in a candy factory reception, scurrying around all foods to try. In the background, Jin-woo knocks a glass back to the champagne. The Comfo President is a business partner to Min-seok told introduce and Soo-young that it does a good job. She gets a call from Yoo-ah and crashes into the hall in private to talk.

Min-seok goes after her to bring her back, where the food is, but Jin-woo comes out and blocked their way back into the main hall. He asks for her purse, intentionally discloses that it broke when she was with him. He apologizes for his actions further and said that he thought girls liked "bad boys", but now he knows that she. Not that kind of girl With each new insult gets Min-seok angrier until he can no longer strikes and Jin-woo in the face. Yeah ... Jin-woo had definitely come to the.

Jin-woo pauses for a second to Min-seok and Soo-young return to the main hall. Then he breaks inside, goes to Min-seok, and catches him flush in the jaw. The fight is on, as the assembled businessmen and the president of the brawls directors see. It takes quite a lot of hands to pull apart, but the damage has already been done.

Soo-young Patches Min-seok after the battle. He wants to know why she lied about meeting Jin-woo, wondered if it was because they thought he would not understand. But the real reason was that Soo-jung feared that Min-seok would be angry, and then in a way harsh criticism, which could hurt his career. She lied to protect him, and to know Min-seok fiery temperament like us, they have a point.

But the day's events have convinced Soo-young that she was wrong. She remembers what the fortune teller told about secrets, and she feels bad about the secret she kept. She promises, Min-seok anything to say from now on, no exceptions, because strong relationships are built on trust. This is an indication, Min-seok - take it

Jin-woo drowned his sorrows in a bar, throwing back, something a little stronger than champagne .. He knocks in another customer when he stumbles, and provoked almost a fight. He bows drunk and slurs out, "I'm sorry", but then screams the man who is trying to establish him out of the bar.

Min seok stares into space, plagued by guilt or lying about Soo-jung. Meanwhile, Yoo-ah asks her sister if she is in school the next day to the parent-teacher conference going on, they for thinking of her new boyfriend over her only sister scolding. Soo-young promises some time off to take time off work. Then Min-seok calls and asked them to see immediately.

They meet outside a convenience store, where Min-seok buys her a few beers and popcorn. He tries to tell her the truth, but by the time it already musters the courage to Soo-jung already plastered. You have enough before he can say anything, and Min-seok sighs that he can tell them later. Yes ... as is going out to work.

The next morning, Min-seok eats breakfast with Dad and Grandpa. Dad is adorably anxious to ask about the meeting at school, whether he wear a suit. He does not look shabby when it appears so rarely in school. Gramps says Min-seok a good day at work to have called him "Director" and Min-seok is out the door. Dad remembers Gramps that Min-seok goes to school, not for work, but Gramps insists he stubbornly work precedes.

Poor Team Leader Kim Cover for Min-seok again when he say, he calls in the morning in the school to be. Then Soo-young requests to go out some time for their sister school. He can leave, muttering that everyone in the school is today.

He goes to get a coffee, interrupting only Dae-han and Yoon-ju in the middle of some serious smooching. Pull apart just before he sees it, and Dae-han uses his paper coffee cup to hide the lipstick on his face. "You have to eat something delicious, is not it?", Team leader Kim says. Oh, team leader Kim ...

Min-seok calls to Soo-jung on the phone, not aware that they are at the same school, separated only by the window. They miss each other by seconds as Soo-young goes to meet Yoo-ah and the teachers.

After a meeting with Yoo-ah teachers, Soo-young lamentations that they do not bring a gift. She heard that the teachers do not accept drinks these days, but after I see the other guards with gifts, she regrets nothing bring. Yoo-ah tells her not worry about, and asks if she wants to meet husband Lee. Fortunately Soo-young, she says again to go to work, and leaves after Yoo-ah to study diligently admonishing.

Duk-hwan and Tae-seok run in Soo-jung, who recognizes the young and handsome friends by its Director Lee. They turn to buy them food on their offer, then accompany them politely - and very quickly -. At the front gate

They report on the close call to Min-seok, without knowing that Soo Young has returned to school. Duk-hwan, Tae-seok, Min-seok, and Soo-young all reach the front entrance at the same time, from three different directions on foot. Soo-jung and Min-seok lock eyes, freezing. Yoo-ahs cheerful voice is heard: "!. Husband Lee" She rushes to embrace playfully Min-seok his arm, then stops when she sees her sister "Unni ... why did you come back," she asks Min. seok can only Soo-young stare, shocked.


Huch, which is not good . end we had a few close before calls, but I do not see how min-seok will get out of this without telling the truth. Well ... we have our cuteness (and quite a lot of them, before especially last episode) had, and now we have our share of heartache. Finish with a so, I can imagine that the betrayal Soo-young and Yoo-ah disappear to feel, do not go as fast or easily. min-seok has lied to both of them, if not passed even in fact, than at least by omission, and he has plenty of opportunities to tell the truth, that the damage will be even worse.

Jin-woo also this episode devastated. He humbled himself in the dust before his father without success. Then Soo-jung tries to help him, and he repays their kindness with anger and sexual harassment. I feel for Jin-woo, I really do - he is as alone as it humanly possible to be, and it will be recognized only now, what kind of person he threw away when he rejected Soo-jung. That is, takes his misdirected anger at Soo-young and Min-seok is not to deal with things the way, and no amount of personal suffering makes it acceptable, the way he did to act.

considering what this episode I was saying happened to be there would be nowhere left to go to Jin-woo, but, but Jin-woo made me very enthusiastic with his ability to yourself and everyone around him more unhappy do. Then again, they say that misery loves company, and it seems to me, as Min-seok and Jin-woo, both would be quite unhappy for a while. Maybe they will have a chance to clear the air a little, come to an understanding that does not involve physical fights or displays of dominance before Soo-jung.

The end of the episode really frustrated me. I suppose it had to happen there someday, but Min-seok really has it worse than it needed to be. Does he think it's honestly a good idea was drunk Soo-jung to get before attempting to profess her? That's the kind of conversation that should happen sober, and he has seen drunk Soo-jung often enough to know that. His desire to clarify any misunderstandings "later" has led directly to the current disaster that I, that he hoped that in time realized the forgiveness of people earn, the familiar and loved him. Prepare to crawl, Min-seok - and even might not be enough.

Even with the prominence of the main pair and Jin-woo this episode, the show was still time for the tertiary character to shine. Team leader Kim running gag with Jin-woo this episode was moving strangely, even as it was hilarious. His obvious joy was a close, his personal terms with Jin-woo actually quite heartbreaking, because the audience is so clear that Jin-woo only been using it for its own purposes. Team leader Kim could be a neurotic goofball, but he deserves to have a friend that really interested him.

And last but not least, this episode budding romance nestled between Dae-han and Yoon-ju in the plot in a way that, for me, felt very natural. The rest of the world does not freeze when the main pair approaches a crisis, even though many dramas make it appear to be so. Life goes on, and there are other loves, other crises, even if they do not necessarily in the spotlight. but Dae-han misguided serious efforts from hitting on Yoon-ju Assistant Manager Park hold were both funny and moving, which is a balance that Savvy managed so well. I rejoiced with all my heart, as Yoon-ju Dae-han pushed into a corner (literally and figuratively), where he had no choice but to declare his love.

My only concern now is that the retail team wins more incestuous than at band camp a bunch of teenagers. We have two official office romances so far, with (I think) potential for further between Assistant Manager Park and Han Sang-hee. All it would take now, is a stormy affair between Assistant Manager Yoon and team leader Kim, and no one would be done on the team get any work again. ! Retail team, fight

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