Recap And Reviews Kdrama Trot Lovers: Episode 11

Recap and reviews korean drama Trot Lovers: Episode 11 -

Well, it is, as we feared: the most dreaded and troublesome drama clichés has come to plague our new lovebirds, threw Joon-hyun and Chun-hee relationship right back to the beginning. And rather than learn from her near-fatal error, Soo-in somehow manages to sink even lower levels of terrible behavior, officially making them worse of a villain than her mother. Congratulations, I guess?


an injured Joon-hyun is gone with Soo-in with him in an ambulance taken for the person who was with him was wrong, when the accident occurred while Chun-hee tried in vain to follow on her injured leg. She finally breaks, sobbing his name.

Joon-hyun is in the surgery on wheels, and Soo-in washing her bloody hands in the bathroom to repeat itself over and over again: "It's not my fault I did not kill him." Suddenly, a terrible thought comes to her. Joon-hyun saw them just before they secure the rope released a free-kick. When he wakes up, he knows is what she did.

Chun-hee finally arrives at the hospital and sees on the monitor, which is Joon-hyun is currently in surgery. She stands outside the surgery room door and called to him, "Jang Joon-hyun Can you hear my voice I'll be here!?!" She tells him not to be afraid, as they fought their own terror.

Director Wang informed Soo-in the mother of the accident and assured her that her daughter is fine. But he has recordings of the CCTV in the theater, which clearly shows Soo-in untie the rope and caused the accident. Uh oh.

Chun-hee is desperate to get space after his operation in Joon-hyun, but two burly security guards there to ensure that he is not disturbed. Barred from seeing him, Chun-hee can only sit in the hospital hallway and pray wake for Joon-hyun soon.

Soo-in is has been inwardly appointed Joon-hyun guardian, and the doctors tell her that he would soon recover, as he obtained excellent first aid (thanks Chun-hee). As she waits by Joon-hyun on bed, Soo-in watches, the news of his accident, the report that he was injured, Soo-in to save while in the case set piece.

Soo-in falls asleep and when she wakes up, Joon-hyun is not in bed. She is startled him behind her to see, and he grabs her and shakes it, wanted to know why she did it. She asks him for forgiveness and said she hates Chun-hee and did not want to hurt him. Because that makes it better? She falls to her knees and begs him to keep it secret

She jerks awake and sees Joon-hyun still in bed unconscious -. It was just a nightmare. comes Soo-in mother, and they go into the hall to talk. Joo-hee asks if Soo-in is afraid that people know what they did and said her daughter that she saw her on the CCTV. Soo-in asks if she should turn in, but her mother says that the situation is not so bad (seriously?).

Mom says she and director Wang already got rid of Video CCTV and turned to the press to make history as a victim Soo-in sound. When Joon-hyun wakes up, he will not be able to tell someone the truth, because it would mean his relationship with Chun-hee reveal that he can not do with the assemblyman in light of their scandal.

loan sharks Yoo-Shik and Chul-Man manage the guards at Joon-hyun room distract long enough for Chun-hee in sneak. She holds Joon-hyun hand and apologizes for not coming sooner, and advocates to raise with him, so that they can go home.

Still unconscious, Joon-hyun thinks he is in a beautiful area with a faceless girl to sing the song he wrote for MJ, "Remember Me". He hears a voice asking him to wake up, and in the real world, the fingers on one hand you start to move the least bit.

The guard Fang Chun-hee and accompany them out of the ward, and Soo-in goes back in with him to sit. He wakes up, immediately complained that his head hurts, and Soo-in apologized wild. He interrupts her to ask where the reporter went and asks where the "Medal Meddler" went and said that he was hurt because of her. Joon-hyun asks if the scandal had leaked and asked the newspaper to see, and is shocked when he sees the date.

A doctor says Soo-in and Joo-hee that Joon-hyun has dissociative amnesia, and has all the memories lost after a certain point in time. He could regain his memories, but Joo-hee tells her daughter doing nothing, that happen to help. Soo-in says that everything he will do in order to get on the Internet and find out everything, but Joo-hee, she says ordered has any news concerning him will be deleted, so that he will not be able to learn something. It has Soo-in to see Tae-song and to keep it's mouth, but she does not seem to think Chun-hee will be much of a threat because of its scandal.

Chun-hee hears that Joon-hyun has woken up and is trying to get back to his room, but the guards substantiate. Soo-in opens the door to leave to tell her and Chun-hee pushes its way into random urge Soo-in down. Joon-hyun approaches Soo-in, around and roars Chun-hee, gets her medal Meddler. He treats them as cold as he did when they first met, and when she tried to tell him that they like each other, he calls her crazy and says he likes Soo-in.

He has the guards take from it, and reporters snapping pictures of her are roughly removed from his room. Geon-woo arrives and gets the guards of her, and accompanied her outside. Chun-hee is stunned and kept saying that Joon-hyun was like a different person, and Geon-woo tries to reassure her that it's just a side effect of his accident.

Joon-hyun and Soo-in to speak, and he says that he is afraid of this medal Meddler. A fan asks for an autograph and says how much she his new song "Remember Me" that Joon-hyun loves frowning in confusion has. Tae-Song visits and surprise is when Joon-hyun greets him with a happy "Hyung!"

Joon-hyun asks Tae-song about the song "Remember Me", and Tae-Song thinks he is upset because he uploaded it online without his permission. He says that Joon-hyun Song is a hit and that he will soon rise again, but Joon-hyun is confused, not remember that he ever fell. When Tae-Song tries to explain, Soo-in interrupts and sends him to a contract.

takes Tae-song aside and explained about Joon-hyun amnesia, and that he remembers to strike only to his head on the car door after the sex scandal broke. She tells Tae-song not Joon-hyun to tell about his career refueling, or that he pretend from Chun-hee to be concerned that Joon-hyun can upset to betray him and Chun-hee scandal over Tae-Song.

Joo-hee phones other reporters, to ensure the accident history is weaved their way, and is shocked to find himself face to with Chun-hee's father against , They talk in a cafe, and they clearly have a long history together since they address each other very familiar, and Joo-Hee even seems like to see them "Myung-Shik Oppa."

But they immediately begin the lies and pretended not to know that he is Chun-hee's father. Their conversation sheds little light on Chun-hee mother how she became ill after an accident and it took her voice. Joo-hee feigns innocence when she asks if he ever found the person who caused the accident. Chun-hee's father says he has not, but he is still determined to find and punish that person.

He says that he is one of Chun-hee scandal and asks if she's okay, and Joo-hee says that she's fine, it's just how the business is. She promises, Chun-hee, but to help later, when she is alone, she worries what might happen if he talks to President Jo. Director Wang tells her that Chun-hee concert has been permanently canceled, and Joo-hee tells him to spread the rumor that is assemblyman Chun-hee of the sponsor, determined to ruin it for good.

Geon-woo corners hospitalized Soo-in and asks her to say exactly him how the accident happened. She says that Chun-hee was to meet on stage Joon-hyun, and that the rate fell, but Geon-woo thinks there's more to the story. He confronts them with the news that was Joon-hyun injured to save her and that they originate. Soo-in is that they are not, but that they saw an opportunity to help her career.

Later Soo-in shows Joon-hyun describes an article, Chun-hee scandal with the assemblyman, and they laugh together to be claiming that she is dating him Singer about Chun-hee trot. Tae-song comes Joon-hyun to say that he will be released within the week, and Joon-hyun asks him to ensure that Medal Meddler stays away from him. Tae-song right but raises uncomfortable glances in Soo-in direction, uncomfortable with to Joon-hyun are but afraid that they that Tae-song Lose say betray him.

Chun-hee begins Tae-Song in the hall and asks if Joon-hyun reminds him, and wilt, to find out that he his manager and Soo - recalls in, but they do not. Soo-in draws to tell it to the side of Joon-hyun to stay away when his song is good, and it is under a scandal. How the tables have.

Chun-hee asks why Soo-in is doing now, if you just recently they helped get them together. Soo-in says she was confused, but as Joon-hyun was hurt, she realized that she cares for him. She says that Chun-hee temporarily took her place, but it's time to go back where it came from.

Chun-hee does not believe that, and calls Soo-in to their lies - they both know that Joon-hyun was injured rescue Chun-hee, they do not. Soo-in just grins that that's what Chun-hee wants to believe, and walks away.

Byul walking down the hall at school down, and the same villains that their winning the cooking contest against them pushes and leads her ukelele damage. Bratty says Byul was already consists of lies and Byul that the Ahjussi is her family. Bratty growls that her mother said Byul is a liar, and that her sister is a liar and worse, and gets all her Mean Girls Posse gang on Byul.

Coach Bang calls Chun-hee crying that Byul missing, and they search both the school and the neighborhood, but Byul is nowhere to be found. Finally, they found her crying and alone, and Chun-hee is so relieved that it made at Byul over roars how worried her.

Byul screams that she is sad, and coach noticed that she's cuts and bruises got on her face and asks if anyone beat them. Byul, always the Spitfire, fires back all Yes well, you should see the other guys! She says the other children Chun-hee offended, so they beat them, but begins to cry again, because the other mothers might come to complain to Chun-hee. OMG, this child. Love them so much.

Chun-hee hugs her sister and says it's okay, even if Byul met the other children really hard, which is so sweet. Both call their frustrations glad today to have at least.

That night at home, asks Byul when people Chun-hee not like now, and listen to their songs stops. Chun-hee assures her with this Big Sister "all great" smile that all this will be over soon. She says that she has paid debt Byul Dad, and he will be home soon, and they give each other their brand finger guns. So cute.

Joon-hyun is discharged from the hospital, and Tae-Song has arranged to somehow go for him in his old apartment back because he is not always aware that his scandal had expelled him. He gives him a new phone with his same number, saying that his old one was destroyed in the accident - I suppose with Chun-hee all images and text to obscure stories. Joon-hyun looks immediately for his guitar, which now is of course place at Chun-hee and Tae-Song pretends to know nothing about it.

meet the next day, Joon-hyun and Soo-in with Joo-hee, who that the company tells adjusted all the problems and that they only their vocal focus. Do not warn Joon-hyun, someone to say of his memory loss, because his song is good.

Joon-hyun and Soo-in run in Chun-hee in the hall, and it is deeply Joon-hyun afraid to see, as if Chun-hee could attack him any moment. He is surprised to hear that Chun-hee is a singer at Shine Star, and he shoos them away cold when her sad expression bothers him.

Joon-hyun goes to meet with Geon-woo, which is cumbersome, since it is their first encounter thinks. It assumes that Geon-woo astonishment is because he such a big star that just Geon-woo laugh.

Geon-woo is amused when he fills Joon-hyun in why he is here, rather than his father, but his face falls when Joon-hyun mokiert that he signed, "the girl" should, because he knows nothing about music. He thinks Chun-hee stepped gloss star to stalk him and says things about it mean to Geon-woo cuts him and says that he'll take care of them. It's a funny meta moment when Joon-hyun leaves the office and complains that the guy looks like a psychopath, HA.

Chun-hee thinks of Joon-hyun, as they tend to and Byul Byul salad, and later, when she reads her dating Treaty. At the same time, Joon-hyun shows evidence that he has lost not quite everything that he picked up while living with Chun-hee, surprisingly Tae-song, if he knows how to do laundry and asked him a fan to buy.

to keep their dating Treaty, a question whether Joon-hyun it or not, Chun-hee leaves some Balloon Flower Tea for Joon-hyun in his exercise room recalls. It is both sweet and heartbreaking, as it always does the way Joon-hyun when he proudly, her own forehead stroking them.

She says a picture of him, that this is all she can do, and it will bring tea every day for him and stroking his forehead Photography. She goes along to their practice room, unfortunately thought the time played when she and Joon-hyun piano.

Later Joon-hyun finds the tea and assumes that Soo-in, it left there, which it denies. She takes it from him and poured it out to say that they do not know who they are brought there to the left or what they could. Joon-hyun seems confused but ready to follow-Soo in the lead.

Chun-hee is distracted talking to the coach at the restaurant, about their coach worry. A few customers notice Chun-hee and gossip about the rumor of her attempts between Joon-hyun and Soo-in, and get her scandal with the assemblyman. Coach she jumps to give a piece of their mind, but by a loud "Hey!" Interrupted by Pil-nyeo.

Pil-nyeo aggressively confronted the chattering customers, ask what evidence they have any scandal - they actually see it? Take the customer and Pil-nyeo apologized coach who just says it has large.

Pil-nyeo brings Chun-hee an energy drink and sit outside, moaning about their bad luck. They do not talk about anything important, but it is so nice to see someone get Chun-hee back when she needs it most. I'd never thought it would Pil-nyeo, but I think they could both use a friend.

Chun-hee sitting on the bench in front of her house and singing while President Jo hears, and he says that he knows that she has been having a hard time has. He tells her that he will work in the music business, used (I forget that they do not know exactly who he is!), And reminds them that he once her trot he told often used singers. He says that when things got hard, he had to quit their music, and that he always regretted.

Chun-hee asks if the singer also singing regretted giving, and he suspected that she was doing well. Chun-hee says that her mother regretted the task that President Jo sees only thoughtfully.

The next morning, Chun-hee meets with Geon-woo and says that she wants to work also, if it means a small stage. She smiles like a champ, but finds himself singing for a group of unappreciative listeners who throw things at her and jeer as Geon-woo in frustration watches. is

He finds Chun-hee after the show and they are both at a smile, as if everything is fine, and Chun-hee, she says another show then got , He tells her that it had been stopped, and asks her place to hang out with him. Ride a swan boat in which he can do it all the pedal, claiming it is because exercise is good stress for the discharge. HA.

you go to a club for sundaes and Geon-woo, it proposes to play the dagger game before they played. He wins again and Chun-hee laughs, but it will change soon to tears, though she makes a heartbreaking trouble, keep, also smiling while how much hurts her heart to tell him. Oh my dear.

At a loss, Geon-woo is only on his knees and hugs her, comforted her as best he can. Only then he sees Joon-hyun and Soo-in sitting at a table nearby, and when Joon-hyun curious clocks, Geon-woo gives a dirty look to him who fear me that he after Joon-hyun the asking health goes.

Geon-woo goes on stage and announces that anyone, he wants to cheer up, and sings "Boiling", a song that both is ridiculously stupid and thinly- veiled admission, complete with embarrassing dance moves. It's the sweetest thing ever. Chun-hee watches and tries to cheer up without knowing that Joon-hyun is and can not take his eyes off her.

He muses that the medal Meddler finally managed to seduce a man, but the guy would probably dating someone that Soo-in and upset she goes. Chun-hee finally sees Joon-hyun there, and he gets nervous and suddenly follows Soo-in from.

Geon-woo takes Chun-hee home early to rest, but immediately gets a call from Soo-in. It is in the same bar where they drank together again, and he is already on its way back to drunkenness. She says she makes him responsible for everything, because if he liked her then she would not have felt like she had to do all these horrible things. Because your ability to make good decisions, depends on whether a guy you like. What are you, twelve?

Soo-in screams that she does not know what to do now, or how to get out of this situation. She feels trapped by their actions and know that they are to keep them close to Geon-woo, and assumes that they will be punished is. Geon-woo only drinks and says nothing.

If Geon-woo comes home, he startled his father is seen already in the house. President Jo asks Chun-hee scandal and Geon-woo assures him that she would not do such a thing. President Jo asks why Joon-hyun is nothing to do and is shocked, he has to hear amnesia, and Geon-woo just throws his hands up and making a face like: "I do not even know," just like me at the beginning of this episode.

The next day, Chun-hee more balloon flower tea falls in Joon-hyun practice room from, only this time he enters, and sees that the departing tea already. It only reinforces his belief that she stalks him, and he leans close to ask what they have done in the tea. Chun-hee takes to prove a mouthful, it is safe, but Joon-hyun is not convinced.

He says cruel that this and can work assemblyman on Geon-woo, but it is not for him, and the tea is poured. Chun-hee looks wounded and leaves, and Joon-hyun seems confused by her reaction.

accepts a call and goes to the jewelry store, where he ordered the medal necklace that he wanted to use to negotiate Chun-hee. He takes the necklace and sees a "MJ" woven into the chain, which takes over the seller must be his nickname for Soo-in. Joon-hyun is in confusion, sensing that something is wrong, but make it possible to remember the truth.


So my instinct on a long hiking rant go just lazy writing, tired old drama cliché and a large premise and an amazing cast to waste. But I think it's safe to assume that we are all thinking the same thing, so I'm going to do us all a favor, and do not do. I'll keep it to waste a short rant about lazy writing, tired old drama cliches, and a great premise and an amazing cast.

Primarily ... AMNESIA? ARE YOU KIDDING Me Now ?! I think we all saw coming when Joon-hyun was transported in an ambulance with a head wound at the end of episode 10, but I'd be lying to admit if I did not, that I keep hoping that the show would attract a twist on us and not do. Sort of like odilettante 's excellent example of Dream High when Sam-dong was hit in the head and instead get amnesia, lost his hearing. That would have been great ... that take Trope and turn it into something clever and supports our history. But no, we have a general amnesia that just feels like a cop-out, as if the writer ran out of ideas and just wrote the first thing she could think. I admit that it Art interesting Joon-hyun actually remember Chun-hee to have, but only as that crazy girl who is trying to steal his Marathon medal. It makes their interactions after he recovered a bit more frustrating that he does not really know who she is, but he only remembers hating.

But still, I'm mostly just disappointed that this was the best could do the show. And I admit that many of my disappointment, because I was so, as looking forward to this show before it started. I counted Ji Hyun-woo and Jung Eun-ji of my favorite actors, for the first time since I saw them Queen In-hyun Man and Answer me 1997 . I was so excited to see a role completely opposite to play murderous Jae-Kyung Shin Sung-rok. I was thrilled to see these fantastic interesting actor in a drama about music, one of my favorite things in the world.

But instead of a drama to navigate all about quirky characters of getting the music industry, what I got was the same old show on the candy and the arrogant rich guy who today hate, then like everyone else, then torn apart, and so on. The whole music business overarching action could be anything, and it would not matter, because the things do the characters and experience done and could be experienced at all in any subject. And while I still appreciate that the show fast and not too long turned into a trope down, it's frustrating, because every time we get out of a drama cliché, it only leads to another. There is simply nothing new, and it makes me sad.

I know the show is not over yet. I can not help but be the optimist that I am, and hope against hope that the author has a plan and is actually all worth it to do it. And I must make it clear that I still do not think that's a bad show is - in fact, I still enjoy it for what it is, which is a nice drama with mostly cute characters and OTP that I can cheer as they try to find their way to (and back to) each other. I enjoy still the fast pace and the music of the show does give us. It only could have been so much more if it had tried just a little harder. It has all the right ingredients, but failed to use them. But we still have five more episodes, and who knows the show could surprise us.

But in the meantime I'm going to lower my expectations and trying to enjoy the show I have held wish for the show I was hoping I would. And maybe later, when everything is over, I'll Boong-do and Shi-won reminisce let the good old days.

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Tags: featured, Ji Hyun-woo, Jung Eun-ji, Trot Lovers

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