Recap And Reviews Kdrama Joseon Gunman: Episode 15

Recap and reviews korean drama Joseon Gunman: Episode 15 -

A hero is born! It is a consequence of the turning points, like some people to turn on the lights and other conduct of the darkness. Our hero is facing a moment of truth and questions the way he was walking, discovering that perhaps there is another way to get things done. It is a truth that is staring him in the face for a while; He just needed a loving nudge in the right direction, and perhaps a rude awakening or two.


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Yoon-kang tracking Choi Won-shin and corners him on this clifftop, willing his ascribe revenge. He shoots Choi three times, once in the leg (after his father), once in the arm (for his sister) and one last time in the chest (for themselves). Choi goes flying off the cliff away in the water falling down.

Yoon-kang watches occurred to him then break out in tears of rage.

He drags himself in a depressed mood in the temple back, and Soo-in the sense that something is amiss. They pry not know how he turns her for comfort, to doubt whether he is doing the right: ". But I can not think otherwise" Soo-in keeps him comfortingly and replies that this is the kind of revenge- it is meaningless.

Choi henchman survives shot by Yoon-kang to be making it back home, where he reported a Hye-won stunned that her father and Yoon -kang disappeared together. She orders a team of men out on a search party out of fear for the worst. When her father's bloodstained shoe is discovered in the water, she refuses to believe that he died, lifting her chin up and declared vehemently that he would not die so easily.

Soo-in comes back to the city and finds Hye-won with nervous nervous, waiting for Yoon-kang front of the house. She pushes know where he is, grows increasingly heated, while it bursts, "He is my father killed." In desperation, she asks to know so that they can find their father ", even if it's just his body."

Soo-in says that she does not know where he is, and Hye-won proposes full in the face. "If you see him again, tell him that-I will kill him."

Minister Kim Mr. Kim informed of these developments and is noticeably upset that it should be, considering that his alliance with Choi a secret. Mr. Kim is very worried and said that a target is not too close to any of the animals and Minister Kim has to cover for his frustration, saying he just worried that Choi is losing cause problems for them. ". It will all end soon"

prepares Even with its concerns, Yoon-kang his gun and his father assured back in his remote hideaway, he outlined his plan with Sang-chu: He is Mr. beat Kim tonight. His original plan was to lie in wait until Mr. Kim ventured out of the heavily guarded house, but now he feels the pressure to end this. Sang-chu asks him this or take to rethink reinforcements, but Yoon-kang is determined to wrap this as quickly as possible.

The members of Suhogye treated some setbacks of King recent progress toward modernization of its army and the government, but it's time to hit these nobles back. They note that with the king's modern military establishment, the older style armies are pushed to the side, which give to dissatisfaction. This is something that they can use.

In addition, they will have the social class hierarchy to strengthen before the commoners get it into his head that they are all the same or something happens nonsense like that. They will have to make an example of some to human and kill two birds with one stone, they can use Yeon-ha as bait to draw in Yoon-kang.

Classism is not just for the old guard, either as Ho Kyung finds out if a large number of its ranks refuse to participate training. Serving the government has long been the jurisdiction of the high-born, with the lower classes and the born denied from the marriage from the public service. So many of the soldiers are finding it to be offensive commanded by a bastard, pitifully sparse to leave his remaining figures.

For what it's worth, it is possible seems that the rigidity Minister Kim softened towards Ho-Kyung. In the Suhogye meeting he had shot a sharp look at a Minister of denigrating bastards, and now it falls out of the training ground and in terms plight of his son with a pity and urged him to stop him to say that he does not belong here. He fearing speak more than shame this time, urging him to his student life to go back or even to Japan.

It is enough for Ho Kyung suspicious why to be, he is suddenly worried? Minister Kim tells him to consider only his words before he comes greater harm.

in the temple, Yeon-ha sees the arrival of the soldiers and senses danger. She runs into the woods to attract only a small lead before seen and hunted. She nestles in coverage, while the search party is spreading, and it looks like it will be only a matter of minutes before being caught.

has disappeared Soo-in drops through the temple for a visit and hears from the troubled monk Yeon-ha. They tried to look for them in the forest, but realizes that she had and is asking to Sang-chu, where he found better reputation in Yoon-kang. Sang-chu is torn, but ultimately gives in and takes Soo-in to Yoon-kang, just before he, Mr. Kim embarks on his mission to eliminate. Because of him I am relieved at the interruption.

to go into the woods near the temple continue searching, finally found in their hiding slumped. You need their recent horrors in their dreams will experience again as she begs for mercy before being woken by her brother. The memory of their suffering cuts Yoon-kang deeply, and he holds it and apologizes for being so late.

makes this close Looking up Yoon-kang realize that Yeon-ha has more endured when they leave it, and he admits that his revenge crusade his loved ones laid in pain. Soo-in urging him to quit because losing him too much would be for them or Yeon-ha to live through again. "Killing someone with a weapon to change anything," she says. All it does is pointless to leave him feeling and keeps a fugitive him. "If only for Yeon-ha will to find another way," she asks. She promises him another way to help find to be free, and maybe he is now ready to agree, for he thanks her with a smile.

But the mood suddenly darkens when they realize that someone arrived-Hye-won, who. With respect to the tender exchange with bitterness Flash bitchy, she asks Yoon-kang if he shot her father.

He says "I'm sorry" is the only thing he can offer her, but hardened their voice as she him not as an excuse -after all told, killed his father her father. And now he has brought them in the same position and to the anger to know that she feels. So he should know what it is willing to do next, and warns him to be ready. It's a death threat, an eye for an eye.

Today's events will weigh heavily on Yoon-kang mind when he considers the way he is chosen and what it cost. Hye-Won, on the other hand, armed with a pistol and swears by their own hands to kill Yoon-kang. She orders Sung-gil to keep watch over Soo-in, which will lead Yoon-kang.

Yoon-kang decide on a course of action, and calls for a meeting with the officer Moon, who hit him in his hiding place. He confirmed that he was still his father's name without killing can delete Mr Kim when looking instead to eradicate and destroy Suhogye. Officer moon gives him Gojong promise but Yoon-kang makes it clear that he does not mean to join the king's plans. Everything he proposes is an alliance, can be taken to Mr. Kim down.

It is good enough for an officer Moon, to give him a chance, thanks to him, be watching his promise to his father to watch over children it had shamed him to be incapable of that through, to see, he says. He promises to do everything in its power to help restore his father's honor.

interpreter Jung and Ho Kyung employ step in a disturbing matter with the officers of the Old Guard, the bags came with tainted rice and are angry. Ho Kyung appearance makes even angrier, because they are already full of resentment about the new troops, and the sol-diers hurl the bad rice away and down in disgruntlement storm. Obviously someone busy sowing has been seed of discontent.

impressive in her new capacity as interlocutor of the queen at court, Soo-in looks over the new camera that was purchased, and explained its properties, the queen with their knowledge. The question of what prompted in the device, their interest, Soo-in stated that there memories that she did not want to forget, memories that would fade in the minds, which could be supported by a photograph. It certainly explains their fixation with a camera to find the following Yoon-kang alleged death, and the queen guesses like to ask if these memories have to do with their loved ones.

Soo-in crosses paths with Ho-Kyung in the yard, and is in earshot when he is approached by several of his subordinate officers. Unlike the other day when they sneered at his bastardy, today they are full of regret and said that it would have been more respect they had known that he was the son of Minister Kim. Ho Kyung is being treated better, not satisfied because of this to prove a difference and instructs his men their words with deeds. He is not alarmed by her mention of his paternity, at least until he sees Soo-in there, asking if it's true.

Ho Kyung confirmed the truth with great restraint, and may have to tell her anything reminder that his father tried to kill her. Soo-in may head not embrace them all, as he was a scholar Kaehwa and their teacher-student, and the truth is such a shock that she apologized in tears.

After finding out that Sang-chu log to be on the gunmen, Je-mi him the cold shoulder, to his chagrin was to give. She snorts him no longer to succeed, and he sulks in this treatment after their admiration for a while to enjoy. But then she is approached by a gang of roughnecks, and he goes after them, to save them.

Yoon-kang and officer moon decide as they arrive a steady stream of dealers to see a little more control over the goings on do Lord Kim residence, collecting information with gifts. Mr. Kim must plan be something big, and they suppose everyone is eager to follow the line of power.

Then shall take an idea if Kanemaru reported that Yamamoto will arrive shortly in Joseon. Yoon-kang asks Kanemaru for his help, to tell him, this is may be his chance, the debt he owes to report back.

Just then, Sang-chu comes in a phased manner, badly beaten up by his encounter with Je-mi of the kidnappers. He is to be beaten overwrought at the launch of Je-mi to death, because they have finally caught a runaway slaves and their owners to her. He is in no condition to go to her, however, and so it is Yoon-kang, who has to go to her and to save.

The slaveholders turns out to be a familiar face from our Suhogye meetings, a senior Sugu Minister. be left beaten Je-mi and some other captive slaves and ordered bound and given no food or water as punishment. They are like the left all day and burn a hot iron from coals in the night, where her sadistic grins master point and calls them. To her face

Yoon-kang his train then makes, and the Minister's private army is no match for his superior fighting skills. They rush him with swords drawn, but Yoon-kang ducks and turbulences and get imaginative with his attack strategy, a cloth dipped in water and swings as a makeshift whip.

The Minister plunges his weapon to engage with trembling hands and fires a shot at Yoon-kang, but it's his henchmen, who takes the ball. Yoon-kang fires his weapon back to him, calling him. On the shoulder with a shot down He arranges the Minster to bring him every slave document in the house, and soon, the positions are reversed, as the slaves are freed and the Minister attached. The Minister thunders him go to him or are to leave dire consequences ... and Yoon-kang sees him only straight in the eye and falls a slave documents into the fire. Badass.

It has the Minister sputtering and negotiations immediately, but to him, because it is as large burn pile of money. He says that the shooter certainly do not want anything ungrateful do for only slaves, animals that they are, but that just annoyed Yoon-kang more. He growled: "The fact that you, the people as mere things and animals, are an official of this nation considered a shameful thing." It turns the entire stack of papers into the fire.

to see the slaves in awe, and Yoon-kang she announces free the owners of their own lives to be. Let with a grateful bows in his direction while the Minister impotent smoke, and then Yoon-kang escorted Je-mi away.

The story circulated quickly in the city, and the children gather around, as the bookseller the story of the mysterious hero tells of the people freed. Soo-in is in the audience, and it ends with a full heart, to have a good idea of ​​how that could be the hero.

Yoon-kang shares with her how he felt, as Yeon-ha could very well Je-mi have suffered fate. He could not make sense of the idea of ​​a person to another person order, be from one person to another so cruel. Soo-in tells him that this is what their teacher Hyun Am advocated so hard to change the world, and she praises Yoon-kang:

"This time, your gun people saved."

It makes Yoon-kang in Japan years ago to three think back, and we see at the moment, as his patron, scholar Kim Ok-kyun, his sword takes and puts the weapon in front of him. "Just promise me one thing," says Kim. "Even if you take the weapon, are not like them. They may not recklessly to kill. The reason why I this will give you is not to kill people, it is to save them. How do you decide to use your power, will change your future. "

Ho Kyung grabs and pulls from the Soo-in at home to tell her that he would rather live barracks in the training, do not want to be a source of stress to her. He apologizes for the pain she promises to his or felt his father's hands, and to do his best to stop by his father to do something that her father might hurt.

Yoon-kang suggests his plan in motion, starting off by a forged letter from Yamamoto to Mr. Kim Send, which is a way for him to close to its prey. It works because Mr. Kim Yamamoto recognizes as powerful figure and decides to take a meeting with him.

And so, our (pseudo-) Japanese trio arrives for her meeting as the hokiest fools dressed routine from a Marx Brothers. I'm sorry, but not to make a bowler hat and a Chaplin mustache a disguise! It is unintentionally funny.

At least Yoon-kang acknowledges that the cladding is quite thin, but since they have all the documents supporting the feint, he should get some valuable information in the location. It is up to size Mr. Kim personally, and also the common case.

Meanwhile, inside the house, is a sleeping Choi Won-shin-not dead after all, thanks to the bulletproof vest he was wearing. And somehow it was Mr. Kim who found him first, and is now home to him under his roof.

Mr. Kim knows enough to be suspicious of Yamamoto letter because there were recently no incoming ships from Japan. But Yoon-kang comes with papers his input on China to document (and a plot full of hauteur that takes in offense will be treated as a common hawker).

The trio must with Mr. Kim, and Yoon-kang declared its intention to come here to meet: He wanted to expand long business Joseon, but made by different rules naught. Hearing of Mr Kim called "the king outside the palace," he wants to these limitations the way to work, so he can go, and promises Mr. Kim is a section of its immense profits. Yoon-kang flatters his vanity only so and fats some wheels, and by the end of the meeting the mood feels more in his favor.

When they walk, Mr. Kim asks for Hanjo be Park Yoon-kang, to ask whether it is possible that Yamamoto ignorant that might be. Yoon-kang says that he knew Hanjo of Joseon was, and felt that he would practically come someday. He had no interest in his criminal history and said that he is only concerned about whether it will benefit anything or not.

And when Mr. Kim chuckles with "Yamamoto" outside, Choi Won-shin stirred at last from his sleep, to hear the voices and views of visitors catching as they pass. Even without him but, it seems, by Mr Kim reaction after the party leaves that he knows to be wary of them.

Yoon-kang returns to his hideout where Soo-in finds him ... unaware to here followed by Sung-gil. He reports to Hye-won, the right of heads. Oh, that will not go well, it is

Hye-won comes and confronts her, she recalled that she had promised to kill Yoon-kang. "I think that would be now."

Thereupon Sung-gil appears and raises a gun to Yoon-kang temple. Hye-won calls this payback for her father's life, as well as their final farewell to the man who moved her heart. You are to shoot the signal as Yoon-kang acts, knocking Sung-gil down and take his weapon, it is turn it over.

What if Hye-won takes her gun and puts it on Soo-in head, Yoon-kang order to lay down his weapon. Do not biases the hammer ...


Hye-won arrives at the series as surprise, but to appreciate how it is in the last few weeks already unfolding to develop organically, both sympathetic and of course to lose its character. If we have come as Hye-won versus Yoon-kang face-off pitting then there is no question that I am on Yoon-kang side, and I want to take Hye-won argument (that their revenge is a natural extension of Yoon-kang revenge) and they try their error, see to get that, especially since, as unsatisfactory finally Yoon-kang has his revenge found. But their position is completely understandable, and it is what one makes her character so a structured and interesting.

I like that Hye-won betraying Soo-in extended, if only because that makes Soo-in under a farmer or object, what we if Soo-in, just as a way hurting Yoon-kang were threatened, would have. I would be happy for the two ladies of friendship more, explored, in fact, because the splitting of their bond could also have been quite interesting. Imagine, for example, when Hye-won had ever been vulnerable with Soo-in-the fallout still could have been more cut up. But I guess now I'm just as is demanding I am happy with where we have come; it's just that I want this drama to be still better, only that tiny smidge more complex, because I really would feel the world that support it. But I think I should now not too greedy ...

In fact, I would almost they would only Choi Won-shin dice for good, to see where that would take Hye-won, because it is the type villain (or at least antagonist) that would not fall into a marks opposition. Your reaction her father's death had a really nice complexity to it, shift between denial and fear and anger, and I do not want to have that resolved too early, before we explore something more to learn. Of course there is always the possibility to leave the show, yet they think their father is dead for a long time before they just set, that can happen. And I expect that the father-daughter bond in precarious predicament with Choi in Lord Kims couplings, falling as Kim either or both of them manipulated for his own benefit.

I've been waiting for Yoon-kang get to his hero groove, so I am very happy in this second phase of its development, to finally move. I'm not sure whether the two subsequent enlargement is why they waited until this point, but they would get here earlier and much narrative territory had to me, so I hope that the future episodes get enough of a chance , his transformation of the personal revenge to explore national hero. If you have all this power in his hands, it is a real shame to limit yourself to a personal injustice, not someone will always meet, and I am relieved Yoon-kang to finally accept. Why a Badass for the good be one, if you could be a Badass for the benefit of thousands or millions?

I appreciate that the transition was Yoon-kang the opportunity to realize the difference in both head and heart, because he had seen for the first time the futility of his mission. Maybe he could formerly opened on these different path have his eyes, but we know Yoon-kang hotheaded and rash is, so it makes sense that he RockBottom would beat, so to speak, before it upwards again , another way is.

I'll be honest and admit that I his heroic turn white the mechanism to slightly cooler show how to hit their mark and get to his emotional beats competently wanted, but as I said, it is a little mechanical feel. It achieved things well enough that I still swollen with tears as he stood up for the slaves, but I hope that the story will be told from here to show him more than the hero, who in swoops and everything Good and light and solves problems of everyone. Because I think we can all agree that Yoon-kang interesting and assigned with a strip of darkness running through it still is.

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tags: featured, Joseon Gunman, Lee Jun-ki Nam Sang-mi

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